fJIE ASHEVILLE CTTTZEK, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1L 1911 '2 ' Mttt your frUnds atfhe Bon Mareh$ r . - . iSociety and Personals r N ' MnlChuwici Sawyer entertained ' Wit a bridge party yesterday after Boon at her residence on Sooth Main street, which proved an unusually pretty party. The color scheme was red.- which eoJor was soM'sted in the salad and lees served. Red ear nattons decorated the entire house, and tha score cards were scarlet au . turaa leaves.-The lights were shsdcd , with ' red which softened the effect agreeably. The ftrat prlia waa won by Mr. F.' L. Hunt and was a cream and sugar sat of crystal and silver filigree, The conaolation wcn( to Mre. .. Martin U Sterens and- wssji ' t , glass, bon ton dish. There 'were about torty-etght trneets who played cards, a number of others coming In later la the afternoon. The party . waa one of the largest given In sev : aral .week. -.' . ' J .11 The fag end of the season at Mountain Meadows Is gayer than susual at this time nt the year, and the -clear weather of yesterday was rexponittble for several driving par ties whir went out for the afternoon and Nor dinjierr Th B '"'We has enjoyed a most prosperous season, will probably close this month, al- . though the date has not been an nounced "and Is dependant upon the weather. .... Jt 'The High School students are go ing to put an minstrel show at Um ' High . Bohopl auditorium, December tth. which avlll be one of the most ambitious performance ;,; of , their school career. The rehearsals which . have been In progress for some time ara going well and half dose a more will- permit the young men to pro duce their show with every hope of : success. About . twenty-five ' will be In the show, end the Interlocutor will' be Mr, Jameu , Howell. Miss Trultt, who succeeded Hiss May Klm erly as musical instructor in . the lty schools, is directing the music, which tnersdes a -number of op-to-date sonsV Mlsa Frelda Blomberg Is pianist for the occasion, and assist-, Ing at rehearsals. The young men are Indebted to' Mr. iVynch of -tha Ah done, -whs 'baa promised them two wagon ' toads of scenery .for their shew. The "esstaihea ."o be ! gorgeou in ''wtor Veetitrie in cut and although rt Is the season -of cheetnuts, lakes of til-character will hot be perpetrated on ' the 'aympa Ihello and Interested audience which penally tilts the auditorium on these cession. The "east ef characters, program. te.,wttl be published nt a later data, w.i" , 4 ":-,v':-4'.J ' Mlr, Nlnda . Hodges, president of the Fhllathea City Union, will apeak to the First Baptist Fhllathea Class eunrtfty morning, November 11. at 1:10.1 it. is hoped that all members will is preMnt, , $ , The Junior Auxiliary " t " Trinity i cherch held. Its semi-monthly meet ing' at the residence t Miss ',Cetee tine MaTtoeeTI.- about sixteen kef the members being - present. . The young people made f aney pest . cards to be sent eff to- children's hospitals the greater part ef th afternoon, after want'- playing ; games natlt refresh wients were served by the hostess. The Aeaillary will hold It nest meet ing at the noma of Kiss Hatch, on Cumberland! Circle, The "P7om4' scratch tennis tour nament for the eup offered by Mra ' Charles L. i Mtneev Mrs. Oeorge W, Vanderhllt, Mrs. Dunn McKee and Mrs. J). C. Waddell, Jr., will be the feature of n week at the Country club. The i first i tournament was played, last June and was) won by Mra Rebart Joinstoproae TtamaU tha first to be engravrd -o 'the imp which must be won twice before ,lt pastes Into the possesion of the eon-' testa nt Mrs. Thompson Frnser will be N hostess, serving tea to the members who go out ' . 2 " ' The junior memlxi.s f the Touna jTVomen's. Chrtstln assoolatton "" will jtneet as usaal on eaturdog afternoon J at three o'clock t the assodetlon. Wls Foster will conduct ! the phys ical training class. ( ' Mr. and Mrs. James, 1 Alexander ' returned today from Cincinnati, O., after ft brief absence from the city. K ) - ii hi Miss lilllan Weaver, who Has , been visiting her sister. Mrs, Henry Mortimer, In Lumber, B. C. , leaves within a day or so for Petersburg. TRUNKS Bags and Suit Cases We areihowing a spleftdidassortmeht of Bags Suit Cases and Trunks in various leath ers, sizes and qualities. Solid leather suit cases strongly strapped and reinforced with heavy sole leather, catches, lock and trimmings of brass at $5.00 and $6.00 are especially good values. ' Other cases in a variety of leathers at prices up to $27.50, Hand Bags of black leather with black trimmings, black or tan leathers with brass trimmings, $5.00 to $25.00. :-c. Our line of Trunks is the best to be had. Steamer and large sizes. Well made and strapped, reinforced at comers to withstand the roughest usage, linen lined and fitted with extra dress trays, ha boxes, etc. . , Steamer trunks, $7.50 to $22.50. large sizes, $8.50 to $35.00. M. V. M00RE & CO. ' Specialists In Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments. - i , CktrrXUI Atteatiov ttivea to Mail Orders. y.'". ;V . A Ask for a Fall Catalogue Vs., to visit Miss Kan Roper and will probably return the latter part of the month. lllss Lillian Fletcher went to Hen der.nvllle yestorday Ho Mult Mrs. Frank Oudger with whom she will return to Ashevllla today. Mrs GudKcr will spend the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. C. Arbogast. Mrx; Silvio von Ruck haa returned from a trip to New York. Dr. Von Ruck was detained m New Tork on business for several days and Is ex pected today In the city. Miss Rmma Iytll Ass reUsraed from a vltlt to friends In Oreenvllle, Tenn. Mrs. fdwerd C. Dukes and small son leave ffunday for Columbia, 8. C.. which they will In the future make their home. Mr. and Mrs. T, A. Kanlpe, of Ma rlon, N. C, are In the city for a sev- oral days stay. Mr. Kanlpe Is said to be the sole survivor of the Seventh tTnltsd tffates esvelry which was massacred in Custer's charge. Mrs. Charles 3, Allen and Miss Grace Allen have returned from Massachusetts, where they have spent the greater part of the summer and have opened their horns In Victoria. Miss Carolina Morgan has returned to Nashville, Tenn., after' a visit of ten days to her sister, Mrs. W, L. Roberts. . ? Mr. L. O. Penland, who has been la Salisbury on business, has re turned after a several day's absence. Mrs. Robert Boyd, of Raleigh, :K. C, t vlei ting friends and relatives In the city,, after ; wn!eh she will go for a short visit to friends In Her dersonvtlte. , Capt. H. C. fagg, wha has been quite 111 at the Meriwether hospital. Is considerably Improved and It- IS expected that n will shortly be out f Mlsl Helen Miller aas : gone to Chattanooga, Tenn.,' "to spend the winter with relatives., , Dr. and Mrs. Philip I. Moala,' who have been In the east for several weeks, are expected to return to the eity the first of the week. 'Mr. J. T. . Cnsfldoe; has gene te Kewport, Tenn,, on business for sev eral days. : , ' " Si j Ml ' Mr. S. C. Arbogast, who has 'bean. In Philadelphia on business, has re turned to the city. 'Mrs. I Q. Mltler, who has spent the past year at the Battery Park hotel, .has yatttrntd) te Mew Tork, Mr. and Mr W, WalnwrighV of Philadelphia, who ; were recently married In that city, are spending their honeymoon hare. Mr. and Mrs.' Whltner, of Philadel phia, who hv hssn guests at the Battery Park hotel, , during their stay In the olty, have returned home on their private ear. Miss Ruby Wright who has been visiting friends In the olty, has re turned to her home la Knetvuia, Tenn. , . , Miss Bertha Johnson haa returned from a visit to .relatives la Tennessee and Georgia.' i '" ' i ' r " Mr, R, M. Reache. of Atlanta, who spent- the sprint and summer In the olty and who Is at present In Los Vegas, N, K- returns to Aehevllte the latter part of Dscenvbor for the winter. Mr. Keacha's health la great ly Improved. . , . Mlsa Blanton and Mies Anderson, of Marlon,. 1ST. C were In the city shopping yesterday and ware guests of Miss Harris, on Church street. They return home today. Miss Fanny Buiwhe, of Reanoke, Va., Is spending several weeks In the city. f4 : r Mr. and Mrs. Ell Mustln and Miss Mustln are expected to return tomor row or Monaay, from New Tork, where Mrs. Musttn and her daughter have been for a number of weeks. ' ', f r-" ; ',.r 'I efTt ..'"' tl : bVr; I V' r 1 fj ' " I DAX COIXVWt la "Excuse Me," Auditorium Satur day, November II "Excuse Me" The following criticism of '.'Excuse Me." wliloh plays a matlee and nlgftt performance at the Auditorium today, was made by ths Charlotte Observer: "In 'Excuse Me,' which was pre sented to a convulsed audience at the Acadelfty of Music last ntoht. Rupert Hughes has delved deep Into a hith erto, practically unexplored mine of fun the possibilities of a pnllman oar on a through train across the continent Through three hilarious acta the farce proceeds upon its rapid war, sparkling at all times, simply killing In spits. The-author has not made the mistake of endeavoring to stick too closely to stereotyped char acters, although old friends like the Englishman and the "Jag' are not overlooked. IJaturally Renol ,Kv, and Its principal title to fame play a large part In the story and Its un raveltngs and a downpour of rice appropriately closes each of the three spasms. Perfectly appointed stage settings added Immeasurably to the evening's enjoyment and the train could scarce ly have been mora natural had It ac tually been .under steam. The two sudden stops once because the woe begone near-bride couldn't locate her poedls and again to admit the wo- fully discomfited train robbers were most admirably managed and made almost as much (use a the real- ar- finally, the ahow was clean as a new pin throughout and that in ths fata ef a hundred opportunities to Introduce the suggestive. "Excuse Me' establishes one more goodness knows the point has never lacked establishment- that a Charlotte or any other audience wlls howl with amusement over a ehow which might bar played In a young ladles' semi nary. And the players that merit tints omnvendatlon, though plentiful, can not come too thick and fast as long at the "Oirl in the TTaxlf type abounds and produce swollen box office tally sheets." Tickets are selling at Whltlook's. The Couatry Boy" The lure of the city with its lights and Its seeming opportunities to make great fortunes provided Edgar Bel- wyn with the theme for hie dlstlnc tlva oomedy, 'The Country Boy," Which Henry B. Harris will present at the Auditorium next Monday evening, N6V.I II. But that the pathway of the country youth in the big city Is well Illustrated by the boy who Is the central figure in the story of this play. It took the older man who had sounded the depths of the city's treacbsry and deceit to reveal to this country youth the fact that after all thero mipht be greater opportunities ruht lr. his own huma tom tliun ths big city oould possibly offer. "The l euntrj. Boy" tells the story of many a boy v. lie has gone forth into the great world but unrortunateJIy In many cases they do not And the friend to bring thm home In time and they are lost In the Irl of the big town and become derelicts and wrecks W l" nayalde of life. Tlukvts are selling a: Whitl ck t. "Beveil -' Amy Leslie the famous dramatic critic cf the Chicago Newe In revlcw Ing Oeorge Hnrr Mi-Tutrheon's "Bev erly." writes as follows: " 'Qeorge flarr MoCutrheon's spark- Inlg romance 'Beverly' -has been ex quisitely transformed by the erholar 1 lobet M. Baker Into a delightful play which was Introduced to an at tentive and enthusiastic audience at the Studebaker, The beautiful stage pictures followed one after the other, and the coetnmes sro unique ahd oostly. The scenes are piquant, exciting and full ef romance. In the third act there Is a fine "Anthony Hope" sort of battle scene with three against one which le quite pulsing and genuinely thrilling as anything Soth ern or Harkett ued to do. Every Minute detail of the production Is ex act, elegant and gratifying and for those who urge the preservation of Mean sentiment and rugged adventure "Beverly' le bound to dllg-ht. The---original Studebaker theatre cast and production Intact will be presented at the Auditorium on next Tuesday night Nov. 14. Tickets are now selling at Whit-, lock's. ! ... . "The Bohrmlan Girl" Oreat singers, famous songs and I beautiful and maeslve scenic equip ment are a tew of the promises made In connection with the forthcoming engagement of "The Bohemian Girl." whlrh, will be presented here by the Abora Opera company. An Innovation in Oil Heaters The Perfection Smokeless Oil Heater, with its drums enameled in turquoise, is an ornament to any room, whether in the country or city home, : No homo is quite complete without a Perfection Oi Heater. It it. a necessity in the fall and spring, when it is too warm to start the regular heating apparatus, and too cool to b without heat In the midst of winter it is ofteit convenient as an auxiliary heater, as there are always some cold corners in a bouse. -. " ' ' The enameled heater aJvrayi presents a nice appearance, ai ths enamel wiH not taroith or bum oft1. . It ia not an "enamel paint,1 but k is the same at the euunel oi your cooking uteniilk ' The Perfection b the moat reliable aoj convenient, portable hearing device you can find. An auloinanVaJly-ioJuof 'flame spreader prevent, turning the wick high enough to smoke. PERFECTION AGED COITOE'S - THROAT8 CUT. GADSDEN, Ala.. Nov.' IS. With their throats cut the bodies of Jacob l.u ts, aged 76, and. his wife, aged 70. were found lying in pools of their own blood at their home at Gallant, this "county, by neighbors yesterday. The news reached Gadaden today. The aged couple lived, alone and the belief that the old man hoarded a quantity of money Is thought re sponsible for the crime. . Luts was one of the pioneers Of, thjs section of the state In Louisiana, n 1128, a nrm bought a tract of about ls.OOO acres of yellow pine for 11S.000. In 1909 the same tract was sold for f 1,115 000. AMUSEMENTS AUDITORIUM THIS AFTERNOON AND TONIGHT Henry VSavaflc Offers A Pullman Carnival in three sections, ' "Excuse Me" Sic; Bv Rupert Huriiel. Direct from one year in New York city. ' . Night Prices, $0c,to $1.60 Matinee Prices. 50c to $1 Seat sale opens Thursday morning at WhitlocK a. mm u SCrtWM THEATHfi, OHCUtf Tuesday, Nov. lkth A. Delamatkr announces ' Geo. Barr McCJutcheon's Fascinating Romance "BEVERLY OF GRAUSURK" Dramatized from the novel by Robt. M. Baker Direct from 100 nights at the Studebaker Theatre, ChiciieQ Prices 60c to JLOO; a few Seats at $l.oo Tif kpts po on sale Satur day morning at Whitlock's. SALE OF 200 SAMPIE WAISTS VALUES $4.50 to $6.50 Choice $2 8 N. Pack 'Square 2 lt us gi rW- an eetlm-te o.' that Electric Wiling. Our work gtvee eatlafaction. . " ' W. A. WARD, AKvriujsu bXJixmacaX IS Chanh be. rtiosse 1 ( wAiP.rli.Mi mwUiMiit hr ssiirsisis anelM e ear secr f Standard Oil Company cheo Impair Mental FaoulfJ and should not be allowed to bev come chronic. - Whether caused by heat or eold, stomach disorders or narTonsneas Hick.CAPUDINE is the best remedy to take. It's liquid 'effects iramediAte) Tileaa- aat to take. 10c, 25o and 506 a4 flrugatores. - ; - i 'K MISS COJLS&rJ- A TTTT'P'P KXTKRT txyftSBTOBBM HOOMS VI and 8S Amerlosm Katlonal Baak BbOMdsj M. Webb Co. MLUNtRYr IMPORTERS. Club Bldg.,-Haywood 52 I Take Pleasure in informing the public that I have returned to my old stand No. 21 South Mam St. and will be glad to see my old friends and make many new ones. C. FALK Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest school of Its kind In the South. Office Room 17 Dh rumor Bldg. (Oser Field's) Mis Sadie EroannW, Principal Positions Secured to all Graduates MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Hayward St. Phone 16 Manicuring, Hairdressihg, Bacial and Scalp Massage, Superfluous Hair and all ra cial blemishes removed by expert operators, without pam. LOOK FOR OUR LABEL On 3rour "bread. It is a guarantee of purity and full weight. Try our Butter Crust Bread, 16 oz. loaves, and you'll use no other. Ask your grocer or phone bsZ. ASHEVIT.T.r. STEAM BAKERY FOR SALE. A stock of merchandise, amounting to between four and five thousand dollars, in good location, with valuable lease on the square. Canaday Realty co. 10 N. Pack Sq. Phone 974 1 MOIXKEBX HOOD'S r.'l , V- Jpecial PriconMinfar Underwear The demand for our underwear has been very great this fall. , Our supply has been replenished more than once. The specials offered for' today are very good ones. ' ' $1 and $1.25 wool pants for ladies are priced at 50c pair. ' ;r-' '' 25c to 40c children's vests and pants are priced at 19c pair, 1 v , , ; ; V $25 Tailored Suits for J4.78 This lot of suits is a special purchase; They are from the famous Printzess make for the most part. The fabrics are rough' finished, the. kind of material that' makes such dainty utility suits. The size range runs from 16 to 40. Why not purchase today and save! SJ.5Q Kid and Mocha (jloves for 98c Pr, They were advertised for two days, but only the fact that we put extra ones out today weuld there be any for sale now. The colors are tan and dark brown. a$t Pay of the Press (foods Sale Fair warning. The prices we have been run ning our dress goods at all this week revert back Monday. If you want to take advantage of the specials, be sure to shop today. $2.50 Chiffon Broadcloth, 52 inches wide, for $1.95 yard. $1.25 Broadcloth, all colors, are priced -at 89c yard. , $1.25 lot of Dress Fabrics, 44 to 54 inches wide, for 79c yard. Sdk Jiose at doc Pair These Hose are displayed in the front of our store. They are good values for the money sheer and thin. ' " . " We have a good men's Silk Hose in the Kno tair make, that we sell for 50c pair. They come in flack only and we have all sizes. ". ;A,. Colgate's Ribbon Dental Cream for Z0c Jube Sealshipt 'Oysters e mrs. ajuq s x-ia-io.oney ric iues These pickles are the finest in the world. I have them in bulk. . - f.. .f Mixed .. .. .. .. . , . w: .. .. ..35c per Qt. ; Gherkin .. .. .. .. .i ..35c per Qt. Groceries , , Vegetables s M.HYAMS : FRESH MEATS J Phoae 4S-S4S. FOR s-room modern house, two blocks from square, one half block from car line. For quick sale, $2,750. f " THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ave. TURKISH BATHS The Graner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street , For Ladies and Gentlemen . -aaaaa j Don't Wait t Longer to have your coal bin filled. Do it now, and be Bure you specify ; M & W Indian Oer 95 per cent car- bon. Phone 130. : CarolinaCoal & Ice j Company Seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee es ASHETTliUE SCHOOL OP Mt'SICAL ART AN'O LAXGfAGE8 ..Teach ; .,. . , . Vocal ,- . .. Mrs. E. M. Baricer ' Mrs. O. P. WestaJ! , Mrs. J. O. Stikeleather Piano Men Minnie Westall Mlsa Kate txton - " MavF Flsjilngtoa Harke Mr." John W. Stames Orran and Theory 4 .. Mr. F. Flaxinston Harker . T .. ' LAnguaxea Mr."A. J. larmaa.' PtMsss See AwHtorioaa Bids. ee..t,(tl I Fresh Meats ! GROCERIES " Cor. W. Main Uerrlmon Are. ) br. SALE. ' Wa desire to again express our appreciation of Increased patronage, due, of course, solely te eur efforts la pattiac eat laundry work that is airing sat isfaction to those who are ea- trusting their linens to us tori cleansinr- Oar faculties are so perfect and our help axparUi enced, together with a watch fulness of the small things that eur work cannot be ataerwUe,: thaa good. A service suoh aa. we give lightena the la-bora oXj the good women or the hooaa. and helps to make home ut snest pleajant place i en eajrthit A teiepnqne own r.a,Fn card will bring eux 'wagon, ,4a r yoar door. MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRYL Phone 624 , SEWING MACHINES TABIOCS MAJUES Sold, Eirbanged, Rented and Repaired CASH Oil AST PATMXNTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE. CO. . igal Mg--Pack Bquara. ' V,