THE AHUEV1LLE CITIZEN, AY tWYEUM fittlfi liEYFlRE ESCAPES TO BE TESTED TODAY tiraum and High School Hoys Will Have Great Time on (he 'V- vV tO-ChuMS," AMUSEMENTS JOHN PEN I AND GIVEN PRELIMINARY HEARING AMUSEMENTS. m OKE NIGDT Cuk Walker, Negro riously Komc Time To He Out. lie Alio, Cut Ne ts Able SCMU56 TrfgA'.HE OHCWT ,. ' , iL .... ' 1 , fWi7MlT Uj. tbe weather man doe not con tinue pn bl rrouch, ther la torn a .. treat fun In (tore for the memi'cr of the Aahevllle fire department, the 'tudent of the high achool and other Interested person thli after- ; neon, i when the new fire ecape which waa recently Installed at tlio 'mdltorlum will be irlven a thorough teat The, escape Is Pf the "chue-the-( ehute' variety and It la said that the ; sport experienced as one goes down ft la vastly more exciting and rnjny , able than any to be found tin Coney Island. X Hum her of the mtir.berg of . the board of aldermen have already totted the new ppatu and they have announced that It la all right; however, the declare that they do t wlrh to accept It until It has !een 'given hard 'test. There are lome risplolous folks, vfra believe I ha. ' their Idee, In trying It attain li lm .fly to set the opportunity t like , another 'rid and to let the tilth , achool children In on the fun prop- ealtlon. It has been suggested that the en rape be need by the city ae a mean Of obtaining revenue with v-'hlch to v meet current expanse. An admission fee, might be charged. It ha been . suggested, for a ride through the ; ehute and It la believed that thein person who1 enjoy euch fun .-auM pttrenlsa tt ''day In and day nut." CIVIL CASES WILL ; V BE TWEDiTHIS WEEK Sorweier Onoit Oonvenwi Today for font Weeks' Snsskm, Judge Henry I!. Vkw Prraidln. Superior eourt for the trial of civil ' case conve'nea ' thta morning for a . tour weeka' term, with' Judge -Henry P. Iane preiidlng. . Tha- Calendar,' which wgi recently mad out for the firet two weeke of .the - term, contain . twenty-tMght eaaea; four of which are against the Southern Railway company two atainat the Champion Fibre company and 'One against the Aahevllle Eloc. ' trio company. " ..'. A number of. the eaata Invovla mat : iera of great Importance and aoma of them ware ihrtltuted. a. year or mora One at the more, recent caaeg la th t of. Aarrett D. Carter, and wife againat yie' Southern . 'Railway com pany et al,, wlflc waa Instituted for damagea be'eauae Of Injuria received by; Mra. Carter during; the early part or tn year near . SmltA'a bridge. In an attempt taVeroaa the. traoka, Mra, Carter wqi gnoeRed down an drag god, afew (H bx the loeomqtlve, au Ulr.lrtg injuflea , which necejuiltated hr tjolng. taken to the hotpltal. OVTSIPIj; EU SVKtl TOWN OAXTOH. Vav, Nov. tl.A ftre which threatened the destruction of thli town wag checked by the use of fire apparatua brought here by auto mobile: from Harrisonburg. , The Bel- mont hotel, Toyman Carriage wqa-ka, Cootea etore, three dwelling and four other atrwcUtrea war dtroyd entailing a loaa ot tlQ,0OQ. The or igin t the Or haa not, been determined. GLOVES Dress, Street or Driving 'V" ; '-"'l.;,v" - !'''' :'". ''J -; -, ' "' n . '" 1 '". No. article of ladies dress deserves more, T careful consideration, as nothing is a surer in-' ' "djex to her innate refinement and elegance of " taste -The most beautiful costume is marred ""l by ill-fitting, shabby or shoddy gloves. " Our. glove stock includes several makes, li. world famous, for their excellent wearing and ; fitting qualities. . , - Cross imported gloves in tan. black, 'white ; y. and gray . . . . . $1.50 to $2.50 y. Cross auto glovoa , . . . . . .$3.00 ' ' Dent's English gloves, heavy weight for ' , walking or driving, black and tan ... .$2.00 Adler's street gloves and riding gaunt ..,lets,.. $1.00 to $3.00 - i. Cbaunt et Cie dress gloves in one and two clasp, black, w hite and tan glace $1.00. $1.50 and $1.73 . - In black suede $1.75 Twelve and 16 - button length gloves in t'; black, white and tan $3. CO and $3.50 : Chamoise gloves in white and natural eol- OT, l and 16-button . , $.125 and $2.50 Our special lot glace gloves, 12 and 11-buttnn. 3.00 and .6 quality, broken tes. to close at J1.B0 ami St. "5. Iff V. MOORE & CO. ' ' it PATT0N AVENUE ,' RpeoieJIat in Women's Read) -to-Wear Oaruttnia. Uarcful Auentioo tiiven to Mall Orders. Ask for a Fall Catalogue. John Penland. colored, was Riven a hearing by Justice of t:e Peace W. It. Omlg'-r yesterday afternoon. ! a ml iva hound to poller court chatg j ed with rutting Ous Walker, colored, I Ht the hHin n! the ClUzn's Pray com- puny two ivpi-k ng'i. It will be re , celled thnt Walker wiih seriously cut ! and that hi" wound for a v.-hlle was ! considered 'ntremly bad. However, I he reeoverol sufficiently to iippf.j, . venterdey and will duubtlcs be pine d on the stand In city polite court thin morning. j II wan testified In lie court of the! magistrate thai Walker was cursing j rvnlund and that the latter demand ?d' that he top, li'n wife wu a ehort dlrtenre away nnd lie did not care for her to hear the InnmniKe. j However, It was tKctlfled, Walker I continued the ue of Die nliuelve Ian guauge and Penlond promptly draw !hl knife from hie pocket and cut Walker throat. Penlnnd wom not placed on the atand yratnrday. He I In the city. Jail awaiting trial in police court thl morning. EXPRESS RATES WILL BE GIVEN ATTENTION Conferencf In New York for Purpose Of Thoroughly .Threehlng Out ' Question. Aahevllle commercial organlaatlona have been Informed thnt the express rate conference of axaoclated com- merrlttl oj-nnlzntlan of the United fitn tee will meet on 'N'ovember 2! In the aaaambly room of the Merchant' aaaoclatlon of New York for the pur poat of linventiftaUnisf expre rate over the country. The varloue organ ization over the country are re quited, to be repreiMinted at the meeting or preeent thereat any In stance wherein they have knowledge of excos or unaatlafuctory rate. Cltlien of Aahevllle having com plaint to make are, requested to moke them through the ecretary and attorney of the Ahevtlle Mer chant aaeociation. The purpoa of the Invent Igatlon which will be conducted I eeurlng aatlafactory aervlca and equitable-ex-proa rate. . . RARE SOUTHEnX tlVMOIt There are tome care joker in the outh, Some of them are employed by varloli publication, but the bent are governor of various aovernlgn state. Perhapa they do not reallte ' their ftp war but--., . , ,-.. , , Who not maater jokeamlth would In eolemn conclave advlae an organ Iged movement to reduce the produc tion and Increase the price of cotton and In the aame breath advlno that the preaident he 'a.ked to help the gopd work along by enforcing the law prohibiting restraint of trade? The humorUt who perpetuated thl Joke were Governor Mann, of Vir ginia; O Nell, of Alabama: Noet, of Mlaahwlppl; Sander, 'of Louisiana, and Coltjulttt of Texas, aided and abetted by delegate less well known to fame from other state. New York Herald. The tortoise llnves longer than any other known animal. , -...:- f . . . n ' , A :-' b rap ' " ' GRACE CAMrBKLL In "Th Country Boy," Audltorinm Tonlgttt "Tlio t.'onntry Hoy" The fallowing comment was taken from the Charlotte Dally Observer: "The Country Boy," was the at traction at the Academy of Mueic last night and there can be no denial of It extreme oltvernen. The theme deal with a familiar situa tion as anuletn a the prodigal aon himself but a fresh a the last good bye waved by a fond and weeping tnother to her departing boy. A country lad, full of ftre and the right ort of ambition, feela "cramped in his native village and desire to seek h1. fortune amid, the white light whlcf) glimmer around Broadway and tlnd etret-et. He limply know he cannot fall 1 there not a loving girl waiting for, Jilm to prove hlmelf a man before making him the 'Happiest mortal on 'earth-? Could anybody fall with o glorliyii an Incentive 7 Th curtain fall with the two fold ed gently and praise worthily In each otner s arm, Th- line abound with very clever hits, te boarding, house table "scene being twenty-four karat realism and funny as a clrcua bridea, "Joe Weln tetn," a rather spectacular young peraon "attached to the otttaklrta of the threattlcai profasslHn, seldom op ens hie mouth without emitting large order of slang that could not have been born out tt lght of. the. statue of Liberty, much of which 1 brand new and. all of which possesses the gptnese which la so distinguishing a trait of Oothom conversation. But along with thl light stuff there is much that la very sound. There I a whole volume of sermons in Mer kle'a talk to Wilson lust a the latter le about to ahuffle off this mortal and sermons too, delivered so clev erly as never to scare oft the very at. tentlve audience of ono, The cast evidence a very throuogh grasp of the spirit of their vehicle. Stapleton Kent as "Merttlc" being particularly effective. Ticket are gelling at Whltlock's. "Bfiverly" The attraction at the Auditorium on Tuesday. Nov, Itthj will be A. O. Delamatcr and William Norrls, lnc original Studebaker theatre, Chicago, production of Oeorge Barr McCutch choon'a "Beverly," by Robert M. Bak er. Thi Buffalo Commercial has the following to say concerning the at traction. "Goo, Barr McCutcAeon'a 'Bev erly opened a week's engagement au aplcioualy at the Took ttveatre last evening before a crowded hnuse, Tho drnmBtli)tlon promises all of the ele ments that go to make a successful i Play; admirable vharactor. elaborate i settings, clover situations and an in ! tug plot. All the parts are well 1 acted and the company enters Into ! the piny wiih spirit nnd effectlven-as. , Curtsin calls were frequent, the :'ini tnjt. of the thyd net being the slg J nal for I.ihk eoiitlniiod upplatise." Th ketH are selling; nl W.'iltku k s. The Firing l.lne The conilnit f "Tlw FtrltiK l.lne." the first dramatization of any of the celebrated hooka of Robert W. Chuni ber3, which Is to he presented at the Auditorium on Saturdr j-. Nov. IS, Is Uiilnn looked forward to by all who have r ail the works of this noted au thor. The notion of the play closely follows the text of the hook. Ono of fh principal scenes !s laid ut tlm Kcach. u ml no mum distinct, yet delicately tint d nh-tiires of an;nn ivlnt.'r rert. i.l foil Mils-": som of Its brief recurrent glory his! rir been pre;ie:n 1. n Is clrarly: Mr. Cuurliers- purpose to show thutj , t'.ie s:ilMii:.n of socie ty llei In tie con.-tuiit Injection o 'new Iduod Into; Its viciip. j Th? company which .Mr. Oilamalcri l .x .'tc, -Ivr Us production t made up of f;rst class penpK-, who have only been connected with high , el. ins attractions. The sectile equip ment will be particularly elaborate. IIKITAIX'S Toxta i:s. Within the narrow roi:Mi.iK. nf th.. : British Isle no fewer than seven Ian- fringes at e spoken. They aro English ) Welsh, Krse (In Ireland). Manx fin I the Isle of Man, where until recentlv, ' church cervices er eonriueteri In thU teague Uaeiju In 6flBlJandj4 rrenen, in tne cnaunel islands, njid Cornlh In t.v-nwall. Though the to tal for hi own island I seven tongues, yet the Kngllshman la sold to bo, the poorest llnqulst in th world. New York Press. A Play of City Life and Typical Broaaway Char acters From Life TO-NIC5HT . f Henry B. Harris presents THE Comedy Seasons BOY by Edgar Sclwyn With an excellent company of players and elabo rate scenic production ' ' Laughs from First to Last Frices 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Tickets are selling at Whit lock's BELIEF IN ASHEVILLE FOUNDATION OF CLUB New Organization Will Ukdy Prove Power for Good in City' Devel opment. At the orgnnlsatlon of the Ashe vllle Ad-Men', club Saturday, the 'credo" of the "Winston-Salem club i waa rend, which met the general ap proval of the local club. Substituting Ashevill for, 'vyinston-Balom. the credo read a follows: I believe In Ashevllle. In the pre eminence of het location IrT" "the, Land of the Sky." In the TieflUty and ' healthfulnese of her hills. In the undevel oped, unlimited power of her re; sources. In the variety and maryelt oua efficiency of her Industries. . In the skill and InVentlve genius of her workmen, the public spirit of her business men. and the resulting pros perity of her people. I believe in North Carolina and her mission In the glory of her past and the greatnesa of her future and I' believe that rthc same pirlt of Guilford court 'house and King' Moitntaln-th plrit that lavishly have Its blood; brains' and money to the upbuilding t. the country still Uvea In North Carolina' son and daughters and waJta only 'the word to call all North Carolina to the still greater thing befof e, uai . T believe in the tremendou trans forming power of optlmUm. I believe, that It I lack of faith which cheek the development of individuals, as sociations and section. That skepti cism I the only thing which stands between the Old North Btate and her great destiny. And that when the pessimism Is transformed to optim um North Csrollnii Will again take her rightful place in 1 the vangunrd of Industrial progress. Therefore I am resolved that T will avoid, and hnln other's to avoid nnd escape from the deadening, demor alising rut of rrlriclcm; skepticism and Inertia. That T a booster, not a knocker. And that T will ner leet no opportunity to show 'my faith hi )hf fntO'e nf North Carolina and In Ahevlle and labor unceasingly for Itr fulfillment.' Tt is probable that the "credo" of the Iocs! ors-nnlratlon will be pat terned nfter that of Winston-Salem. The club ns yet Is hardly In smooth runnlna order, but ttte members hnve the spirit which will make It a tell ing power here In a very short time. PttcKKBI-KSS PERSIMMONS, Apparently the scientists cannot be prevented from robbing us of all our cherished traditions and privi leges. After having upset about ev erything else In the world they hnve now discovered n way of taking the pucker out of the persimmon, al thoush why they should have thoiiftht this necessary no one seems to know. The scientists clearly are Interfer- Every woman 'a heart responds to the charm and sttapctucs of a baby's voice, because uatUre InUnded her for motherhood. Ku even the loviujj nature ot a i:!o' shrinks frotu tliq orileal beca.iSL' ,",i:ch a time is regard ed as a period of .viueririrr and danger. Women who .:.: Mother's Friend arc raved di:- in:fortand sufferinrr, nr.d their svrto::v:, bdnjr thoroughly prepared by this grrcat remedy, ara in a healthy condition to meet tho litue with the leant possible sufTcriuj r.:id danger. TJcther's Friend 13 reconmiL :idcd only for the relief and comfort of expectant mothers; it is in no sense a remedy for vaaotts ills, but its f.iaTiv years of success, and the thousands of endorsements re ceived from wotiiin wlio have used it. ore a guarantee -of the benefit to'be derived from it.-, use.: This remedy does cot acniuplish wonders hut sim ply .tasists nature" to perfect its work, other's Fr:c-.l allays nausea, pre- motherhood. Mother a Friend is sold at dmgr stores. Write for our free book for expectant mothers. , KADflELD REGULATOR CO, itrfoata, Cn ! h : Success of Thrco THEATH& OHCUiT A. Ot, Delamater announces Geo. Barr MpOutcheon's Fascinating Romance "BEVERLY ol GrauitorW' Dramatized from the novel bv Robt. M. Baker Direct from 100 nights at the Studebaker Theatre, Chicaeo Prices 50c to $1.00; a lew Seats at $1,50 Tickets go on sale Satur day morning at Whitlock's, Ing with a law of nature and also robbing life of one of its sources of Joy. There are few mure mirth-provoking things In the world than watching the unltlaterf attempting to eat a green persimmon. .The pucker of the peTHim?n come frony tannic aeld and we fall to see 0 wnat ine scientist are going to. accomplish by removing tannin from the per Immon. One m! '.;'t' as well eat a cu cumber and- be Hone, wjth It. . ' The danger iCHHe dhKavery Is th harm It may , do to tt& persimmp.n in the later tage- of it development. How do the scientist know" that na ture did not put the tannic acid. Into the persimmon as one of the ele ments that, when the frost comes, conspires to make the once puckey and tinedlhle persimmon a richer, riper, sweeter morsel than science ever smacked It Hps over. St. Paul Pioneer Press. LOOK FOR THE LABEL And insist on the label, "Asheville Steam Bakery" being on your bread. It is a guarantee of purity, and worth. Use our BUTTER CRUST BREAD, full 16 ozs. to loaf. Ask your grocer or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAK BAKERY M the Honey Habit it will increase vitality. DEAN & MOWREY Phone 857 14 N. Pack Sq. SATjE OP 200 SAMPLE WAISTS VAIjCES. .BO to $.50 Choice $2.48 BERLIN SAMPLE STORE 8 N. Pack Squaro Let ns nre yov ac ecttlmut o.' that Electric Wiring Our work gli'M w.llsfao.tlon. . W. A. WARD, 12 Cliurcls SMl Fboti 441 HOOD'S in,UXEKY S Haywood St. Wriglitsman's MII.LIXEKT 10 Church Street wWebFCo: MLUKERY IMPORTERS. ; Club Bldg. -Haywood Si 'Blankets, QtidComfoti are Before long vou.are ffoing tofeeJ the Ineed of i e i 1 t Ti .. It 1.1. i' i. I gooa, x;omiy Dgaaipg. ,xi is weui;exiwugmn.ojpuif'OJx Ufatil the last moiAent, butdon't letUheflastimomeht ,j catch you unprepared. Our stock is in sple the range of pnees there We sh0Y broad, assortments iri thefnewllindian ' blankets, as well as the Included in our stock of wool and dpwn. filled; quilts. .. Prices ofblankets.range from)?1.25to;SjX50 nail $Z5 Jailored Sttt$iare"PricriM$jm8; These suits are new, Come and see them atlthe Corner. , ' . - : Sealshipt Oysters1 Presh Meats ! tw.b mAA'a Pin.MftTiflv Pir.lclp.s uua, .utiuu 5 These' pickles, ace the nave mem out.. , I nfi ; unersin .. ..... ..:. v.. Groceries M; HYAMS Phone 4I-2IS. V FOR SALE. "v 8-room modern house, two blocks rromsqnare oa half block from car line. For quick; sale,; $2,750. f - : THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO,. 4aPai -v ;' :: : ' ' The Gjriincr 31 Haywood Street We are sure that all who have been using our service are pleased with it We know thl Is true because our customers are staying with us week in and week out, and tbss self same old customers are telling their frlotlds of how we are doing the(r work in othor word,' our friends are our best advertisements. To those who wish better work, we offer our services. A postal or telephone message will bring our wagon to your door. MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY " Phone 624 MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Hayward St. Phone 16 Manicuring, Hairdressing, Facial and Scalp Massage, Superfluous Hair and all fa cial blemishes removed by expert operators without pain. ASHEVILLE SCHOOL OF MUSICAL ; ART AND LANGUAGES Teachers Vocal Mrs. E. M. Harker Mr. O. P. Westal! Mrs. J. Q. Stlkeleather Piano Miss Minnie Westall Miss Kate Laxton . Mr. F.' Flaxlngton Harker Mr. John W. Starne Organ and Theory Mr. F. Flaxlngtoh Harker Language Mr. A. J. Lyman Phone S44 Auditorium Bldg. Don't Wait j Longer to have your coal bin filled. Do it now, and be sure you specify - J M & W Indian Oor 95 per cent car bon. ; Phone 13Q, CarolicaCoal & Ice Company 64 Patton Ave. Dralunor Bldg. J Warm ndidv condition Thronghout ;j are exoellenUvalues. staple wool and cotton ones. comfortables are cotton, A stylish and serviceable. Busy s Store ton-the Busy. , j finest in the world, I : ...... -.35c ner Qt. i k tr? . f j it GROCERIES ; v ' Oor. N. Mgto MEarrtaoa Ae I -.. Sanitarium For Ladies1 And Gentlemen v FOR, SALE. 'A stock 'of merchandise, amounting to between four) and five thousand dollars, ln( good location, with'syaluabl' lease on .the . square. Canaday, Realty Co, 10 N. Pack Sq Phone 974' 1 UttWsUI CORS A GUARAN TEED ONE YEAR The Splrella -.Corset. i guarantee one year against', rust ; or breakage. Fitted to meet your individual re quirements In theeclusion of ; your own home, without extra ebarge. Send card or phone forppolntmnt to suit your convenience, Sptrella Corsets aremadejln toOi front and back lace 'models, accord ing to your individual' ideas1 and re quirements. . Private fitting parlors, and demonstration room SI South Main ' Street MRS. GRUNER x Phone 906 V v 1 Oldest school or Hsiklpd -tavtlieAsoaU. ' Office) . Room IT Dli rumor -Bldg. j ' (Over Fteld'nr- I Miss vSadie EraanaeL . IMnciral -Positions Secured Io " ail ' Grassmsj, -i. -- " ' ' ' 1 SEWING'MAC auras VAIUOC&MAKJBB yU Rxchaimd. ' ' Wi Sold, Ezchaoced, Rented and Repaired '.- CASH OB EASY, TAtaWTB ASHEVILLE'SEWTNG MACHINE CO. Legal Bldg Pack Sauar. " . Phone !() mil Mil . ycojsjzTj r huff 1 ' EXI ERT . CORSETTERB HCOMS t. and SB Aagerlcca National Byifc JrtffffB ' if

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