JT' fTlE ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, NO EMBER 15," 1911 - r. . . , - ;f Society and Pergonals The Bingham dsnre at the Bing- ham club hoUM yesterday afternoon wa on of the moat enjoyable of the garlea. The orchestrion rooerilly In talled IB the club house la a very satisfactory substitttU tor an orches tra and plajre with anfalllng vim and . spirit any nambar i of' the latest welt ann""lwo tep." Many of the youngsr girl ware present. i ; ? j -. 4i .. 'The"" Missionary Sewing dub of ntrai Methodist church will meet thla aftornoon with airs. T. C. Rmltli. tf., it htr home on Chesfmit street,' at hall pact three o'clock. I h - ji J ,9 Mr. W iB. M each am haa received considers bis aocla attention durln har aiay In Memphis, Tenn., accounta fef which hare been published In the papers of that city. Mrs, Charles He lot mi a Urge bridge party In honor of Mrs. Meaohaai whloh was a Betable ovtnt of the latter part of j the wees. A recaption and mualcale (fallowed later In the afternoon. Mra. i Jteacham wag a member of Mra. learg W. rooohe'g party Saturday evening at Khe dinner danoe at the Coon try ataa. tleng arawa-out jai.;.4one --acarqely reallaittj that ' fact that Chrtatmas Is iuj glx week off. Perhaps a reallaa tld., hewvar, la responsible for al most a cessation of gocialjactlty. iByoaa few agua tumor f . !nr? rartieg, possible, ane and a ry probabl waddlng W'two, there la nothing of Immediate Inter est. Making; Chrlatmag gift Ig a T fafcelnatlag 'jbogupallon, It n. ,h deft ftngara and nimble bralfl, hut at. tttt lptred fear, to attempt a "hdmgmfdtt gift tot obvlou tea gongv The hep art mora attractive :thla rear than ever before, and offer an onusuel selection of small parti clas especially appreciated as rift". IrlgJi oroehet doUarg and cuffa paiii4 and gpagffted, goarf. fun, and !a!F gortg f rtty odda and enda. An feotiwa gJoti "' Jewelled told lM band for the hair, Utile gold caps, and wlgug .tigad decorations and ornanrantg, r glwayg ocp .bla and not difficult to maky lively miffg and gtola oarf which, are ao much In vogue thlg eeasotvore eaalty made nd wake : handaoma irifu. UlacH trgtvgt may o banded with black marabout ?r fur, purchaRd by thg yard, and gppllad lengthwise. White chiffon and marabout gearfg and gjiuffg are hartnin for evening anJ minis sire ' 'wt4iflUt Jit tr,adetMUi.iak. ehlffoiit.t total jtM v..B.. - p ft! 1ao and velvet or' l gorat tint with bandg f fnt' are becoming and uaaful. Pretty . kimonaa arg gda, with little . thought It takeg thg trouble to bavg tbg wblta oon,"P In- desired ghadeav A den purple Itl mona, th coronation shade, and gprnyg ef, ebgrry embroidered at In tervals rt Hue'. mitalde. pumW'l gam ! lirlUianl ""color with "cotton threat! moit .effective eowtblnation. : jrb''ibt,?' kaiWeWatl and ' Japanese embroidery deaigns . may be attempted according tone'g 'Individual Uata, Touches' W , gold makg the Hmonaa handsomer. The emrroldery la done In cotton thread gnd boldly. It 1g wall to rgmember that yar decoration la not a falling of ,th iapanraa, ... '" It a -i ' f Tbg ipigh -School gtudentg mlnatreli reheamlg ft gflng along gmoothly and t8dIptt5tormgee . Which takes p1aetOA4ha Ith, bf Ogcamber prom-, tseg touh vary amusing. The "plot" gfforda ample opportunity for the youthful funmakerg and la woven ground tbg Journey of the good ghlp "SKlddoO"- to" hg Houh Pole.! which 1a jruarded by Mfiatophalea, Th Jour ney la taken under the ttypnotlo In fluenoe of Uncle Jo, who for pr- . goaa) yeaaong la . conaplrlng agatnat the cnlnatrela The young men In the east are: Comedians, Meaara. Carl Pn.. ' T," Jordan, Jr Premier and rhartegRWdh;, Pred Wolf. Wllev Owens, filgmund Blombert. Itendrlck Coachman, Joaeph . Duncan. Ballad singers. Aaron Samuel, Charlei Pradford. Cwrlog , Goldemlth, Wil liam tvda, Oscar Bteele, Robert ' Toung, iUfoy Oares arid Edward Oalert Jama Howell Is Interlocutor. TJncig'o will b jpiayed by jSharlet Tcnnent- i . . . U .t -U 4 J vr1. - -.. Tha.. Ladlcf . Single Championship Tennlg tournament begins thla after noon, for the cup presented by J Vs. .Vanderbllt, Mrs. Minor, Mrs. McKee and MT. Waddell. at the Country r'lttvend will he the nrlnelrtet event M. V.MOORE & CO. "4.;: :.'v Ai pattoh nvmui " Specialism In Women' Rrady-to-Wear Oarroenta. , Careful AttenUon Given to Mall Orders. Ask for a Fall Catalogue. of Interest at the club of the wek. Th drawing will be made this mom; lnr and the contestants notified. The tournament begins at three o'clock this afternoon, lira. Itobert Johnston won tho flint tournament and h the honor of being the first to have her nainer engravod "oil tne cup. The tournment Is played from scratch, nnrt the following are the .entries! Mrs. Clurcme Hoburt, Minn Hugh son. Mrs. Hohert Johnston, Mra. Tench Cftxe,; .Mr. T). . Waddell, Jr., Mrs. .euben Robertson, Mrs. rarl Reynolds, Mlsa Eugenia John son, Mis Murjorle Pearson, Ml Porierfteld, Mlsa Sarah West, Mlas Emily Campbell, Mlas Rleanor Mof rlaon, Miss Thereee Chapman, Mlas Helen Chapman. J ' The rsreer of Mlas Gertrude Wood of Ptatesvllla, the daughter of Dr. W. I a. Wood, of that city, will be fo- lowpd with Interest by North Carp Unions, wito will wish her success in her work. Ml-. Wood haa ilgned a contract with Mra. Antonla Hawyer, well known .ian manager or New Yorlt, to sing Southern gong and Kngllsh ballnds In and around New TorV for a year, ,M(ing. Wood baa studied In" Philadelphia for aeveral year and, jigs an unusually fine con tralto voice, flhii will make her Nw York debut at a concert at the Wnl drf Astorta, grly lij December. Mi W4' -Pnt , several ,,yr .In Aghe v1Je -with; her btwtbgr, MK 3. H, Wood, '; ' i ' ' .N .. The Trinity branr of the -Woman' 'Auxiliary win meet thlg after noon at 4 o'clr.ck at the residence of Mr Thotna W..PatUn, S Charlotte street. ' MSAflON.tli lfc!mON. W.ri, W. L. Luf nd eons. Robert and Louis, have gnne to Jackaonvllle, wHtire they will apehd tho winter. Mr. and Urn. Harold Re and children leave today for New Tork, wberg they will spend the winter. Dr. nd Mr. Philip ' R. Moalg have returned from a everal week' ty ln;Nw Tork, New Haven and other tern points. ' r Mies Edna McCarter, . of Norfolk, V., Ig visiting relatives In the city. Mr, gnd Mr. Walter Brace and daughter, Florence, of Mayvlll, Ky ar ipendlng the winter In Ashgvllle. ' ; I'-. VBr. Nind Mr. John Newton. Who have been visiting friends in the city, have returned to their home In Birmingham; ,Ala. , g vi'..: ? J, Mr. 01 Reivaa and her daughter. Ml' Carman Dl Reivaa of Tampa, "(., rg la.Aaheylllg for a abort May 6n tlxir1 wy frdnt Nw York td their home. f ' "'WUt. -'A'leggnaer-- Waydenv'ana' guest, utay tiermione nenneay, wn hav. ben at the' Manor for a tay, have gone to Norfolk, V., and from there will go to New Tork. 'Mr. William Webb, of Belt Buckle, Tenn., is the guest of Mra Charles A, Webb, on Merrlmon ave nue, - 1- Mra W. M, Chackley has returned from a vlalt to her mother, Mra. F, M,' Tarrh, in 8altbury, Misg Adelaide Porter, of Blltmore, who haa been visiting Mia Adelaide Orr, in Charlotte, haa gone to New Tork for a severe 1 weeka vlatt to her lter, Mr. Coulter Huyler. Mra 8. 8. Weatherly haa returned (q her home in Virginia, accom panied by her slater, Mra. 8. W. Ma lone. After a vlalt to her brother,-Mr, 0,,H. Jtenry. Mr Maion. will be away several week. Mlsa Ray Bryant ha returned from week's visit to frlendi In Greensboro, N. C. Mr, end, Mra. A. 8r Walker .and children have returned to their home In- Thomajrvllle, On., after "pending ionie wet'kn (n the. city.- .J Mica Minnie Hughes haa returned from a several weeks' vlelt to frlnnda and relatives In Charlotte and Ralelsh. N. C M". JM A. Miller and dmigh- NEW COATS in Women's and Misses' Sizes Monday "8 express brought us quite a large shipment of women's, miss es' and junior's coats in plain and double-faood ma terials in combinations of tan and brown, gray and blue and various becoming mixtures. These coats are cut in the newest styles with deep cuffs and largo collars and are extremely attrac tive. Sies range from 13 years to 42 in women's coats. Rices, $10 to $35. Thoro tm Only One "Bromo Quinine" That la Laxative Bromo Quinine VMCO THK WORLD OVTH TO OUKg 4 OOLO IH OME PAT. Always remember the full name. for this signature on every box. ter, Mrs. Frederick Arthur Woodcock leave today for Spartanburg, where they will be the guest of Mr. Her man II. Johnson for a week. Mrs. Roy Wagner, who has been visiting her parent, Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Yatea, at Greensboro, for some time, la expected to arrive In the city the latter part Of " the week. Captain J. A. Wagner, who recent ly aold his residence on Woodfln street, will move hla family tomor row to the houaa whloh he ha pur chased at the corner of Peanon' Drive and Waneta street. Mr. and Mra. Roger Lamaon, Jr., left for New Tork yesterday, where they were called by the eudden death of Mr. Lameon' father, who uo cumbd to pneumonia after a' brief Ulnas. WANTS LOCAL BANKS TO PUTUP $100,000 DR. GROVE Drain FK A8HEVHJJE . OAP1TAD IN PROJECT. Bauk HerirwevitaUvce Will Meet Htm la St. Ioul Soon to Dis cuss Hrbeinab . The banks of the city have received a communication from Dr. K. W. Grove In which ha aks them to Have representative meet him at 8t. Doula at an early flat for the purpose of dlscuaefng plana for the erection of the new hotel at the summit of Sun get mountain, and whloh It I planned to connect with this city with an In clined railroad a well the excel lent automobile road which now e- tend from the nd of Charlotte street to thg location of th old tower, which waa torn away during the paat sum mer. It la aatd that Dr. O'rove wlahea the bank of the city to aubcr!be f 100,000 worth if a took to the enter prise. , It has not been decided Just yet when the meeting will be held al though It I presumed that no action will be taken by the Asheville banks until Dr. Orove'a plan have bn ub mlttad , to, tb director of tbg four inaitutlon here, which have received letter outlining ihjs auggestlon. A number of the 'representative of the Asheville banks yesterday afternoon were seen by a Cltlsen reporter In re gard to the matter, although none of them wag In a position to state Juat what action would be taken. Each of them expressed his personal opin ion a being favorable to surh a plan although In each oaae the banker who waa seen stated that it waa a matter clearly within the power and Jurladlctlon of the director and would not be acted upon definitely until the directors rould consider it. W. F; Randolph, who I the mana ger of Dr. Orove'a Asheville property, la out of tho city and could not be communicated with last nlgiht. The move la regarded a a very significant one, for It I believed that Dr. Orove within a abort time will have everything ready for the con etructlon of the hotel and Inclined railroad. However, It la presumed that he desire to get Asheville capl tal in th enttrprise and to tlr up ai much local interest as possible In the hotel when it la completed. The light bearerg of Central Metho dist church will have a cake and candy aale on Saturday at Nolan d and Molntyre'a grocery atore on the square. It TOURNAMENT SCORES AT Y.M.C.A. YESTERDAY The following scores were made In , the handicap bowling tournament at the T. M. O. A. yesterday and last night! f Handicap Total. Askew lot 1J( w 45 .Sit Wtlllama ...14 111 Ml .. .471 Nichols ; . . H5 110 111 It .4TT Res Miller .150 171 111 10 .473 EdB.Iirown 14 to 114 .. .M6 White 142 141 110 10 .111 Itt Brown 140 16t 141 SO .4S Brandt 198 104 11 .. .101 Bean 174 14 lt IS .SIS Suggs ISO 119 141 . . .401 Neeley .... .183 115 19 . . .417 I Oriset 17 181 141 45 .SIS Oraham ....151 117 111 45 .441 GIANTS TO Ct'BA. NEW YORK, Nov. 14. Frank C. Bancroft has completed all arrange ments for the New Tork CJIant'a trip from New Tork to Cuba. Heihaa ar ranged for a apeelsl train to leave1 New York at 11:88 tomorrow, arriv ing at Jacksonville, Thursday after noon at I.S5. The Olants will play In Jackson ville November 17. Miami, November 11 and IS and Key West November 14. They will take the steamer that night, arriving at Havana at I. SO a. m on November It. Mr. Bancroft ba ajprangeaUforiwelv games with leading Cuban teams and the party will return home la time for Chrlst maa " "BKYERXY WAS HERE. About eighty-five people witnessed the presentation of "Beverly of Oraustark" at the 'Auditorium ' last night. The how closed at 10:41. Look 86e. NEW PRESIDENT WILL BE ELECTED TONIGHT A very 'Important meeting of the Merchants' v associatn of AshsvlUe, will be bald 1kJtl rooms of the a oelatlon TSttwalayj'eVenlug t 7:80 o'clock, and-it -lf)etred that there b a full attendance. At thli time a aucresaor- WIH g elected, to Presi dent O. JT.; Btrifly. who resigna tion Waa accepted at the last meeting of the. director f the association.' A number of other matters ar to be considered by lbs organltatlon. . '. '!' .1 " ',' .. ONE-SIDED GAME ' ; " ' l,'f V" 11 jt . I. 11 ' i In cla'C'f6r1b'Y. M. C. A. bas ketball league yesterday afternoon, the team of,8mttli defeated tho ag gregation captained by Davl by the score' of 14 to . l, In a rather one sided game which was featured by the work tut Bourn and Ooldberg.- Farm Bargain No. The farm described below I ab solutely one of the finest farm In east Tennessee, and will appeal to anyone looking for a strictly up-to-date farm. Contains 400 acres, about 100 acres In good timber, balance in grasa and under cultivation.' Dand lay ex ceedingly wall: gnd machinery can be operated over alt' of It. Watered by prlnga, creek. Well and cistern. This year's crop consists of corn, oats, hay; oy bean and alfalfa. . The average production per' acre of tho different crop 1 a follow: Corn 60 bush el, hay 1 ton, wheat 15 bushels, alfalfa S tona, soy beans S to 4 tons of bean' hay and 20 to SO bushels of beans. The IS acres planted In beans last year paid th owner nearly $100 per acre. About ' 35 -acres In bean thl year, which will do about as well. All crop, last year were val ued at mof than 1 5,000 and would have reached 17.000 this year had the season been goad. Thla (arm hit. been In , fhe hands of a scientific farmer or Ave years,, and It Is admitted o be In the best state of oultlvstlon'of any' farm -in Knox county. During the paat. Ave year the owner ha spent something like f (,000 for lime, high grade fer tiliser and stable manure, and as a recult 'of his scientific methods of farming, he has every acre of the land In a very high' tate of cultiva tion. The soil 1s s pur limestone with a stiff red clay subsoil, so holds all Improvement. A good farmer can take the plane now .and make, from 18,000 to f 10,000 annually. The pres ent owner has thoroughly demon strated the fact that alfalfa can be profitably grown on this land. He ha two acres In alfalfa which pro duces 1 S-4 tona the first cutting, and for the year will produce about 6 tona per acre. He haa a 100-acre field which he ha planned to put In alfalfa as aoon a the land could be properly prepared. , The Improvement consist of two dwellings, two extra good barns, new ly painted, and plenty of outbuild ings. All building In first class re pair. Fencing th beat in the' coun ty. Situated on macadamised road ene mile from railroad station and ten miles from tha City of Knexvllle. Good schools, churches and market within one mile, making it one of the best located farm in east Tennessee. The owner of thl farm Is about eighty years old, and liveg In Knox vllle. and. owing to the oohdltton of his health, his physicians advise him that It will be impossible for him to Continue to superintend the operation Of his farm. It I therefore neces sary for him to dispose of It, and we hvc keen able t6 list It at an exceedingly low figure, not much more then half what the owner would have taken for it a year ago. While we hsve a great many bargains throughout east ' ' Tennessee, and some thnt may be a good values as this, we do not hesitate to say that this la the most up-to-date farm of Its taa we have ever aeen In east Tenness. Price III, 400, reasonable terms, If Interested advise us promptly. Intersate Land Co. 512 4 State itiwt Bristcn, Va-Tcnn. CHICHESTER S PILLS MM Mk lb V PriccM. Ak frul. gVe-Tta ( uiaVmnb siAita pfi ii ! 5 SOLD BY CKUGGISTS EVERYWHRJF MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Hayward St Phone 16 Manicuring. I lairdressing, Facial and Sfalp Massage, Superfluous. Hair and all fa cial blemishes removed by expert operators without County pain. - . '-,: .'..-- , X 1 ' Why fron . It would suits this fall ln tiaa rilrA1 ot-TriVn'r4'.aTlt line is right. The fotindationif which the tic?css of this department been built is one of exceptional values. The suit' season here is now at its height,- We are showing. more than 250 new suits. The prices range from $17.60 to $65.00. - . Only 9 oj those $Z$ Suits remain to be sold at $J4.15. ffhey are bargains is)e Mow Sell CutQlass Our brices on Cut Glass are very low , considering the quality. The line is guaranteed to be real cut. There are manyTiew designs included in the ItTgetting closer to Thanksgiving every day. Why not prepare foi? the event in advance? . ,tl)M Cut Glass Bowls are priced at $15 and JZ.03.. Cut Glass Tumblers are priced at $2.65, set of six. Cut Glass Water Pitchers are priced at $2.65. Cut Glass Nappies &re priced at 90c. Cut Glass Sugar and Creams are priced at $1.85 set. : j-i&Qtxttitvtf and VetoeRich and Beautiful These two materials are taking the lead in fashion's favor And what : mS. be more' handsome man tnese ncu, easy utu wonder, that we haveVfn forced to re,order tone keep the stock up rni A ff ments number LOOK FOB the;label And insist on the label, "Ashevillo Steam Bakery" being On your bread. It is a ''il!'-1'v,iiTifit''ft1 worths t&e our BUTTER CEUST BREAD, full ,16 ozs. to loaf. Ask your grocer or phone 622. ASHEVUiLE STEAM BAKERY AKHKVILliE SCHOOli OF MUSICATi ART AND tANGOAGrS Teachers Vocal Mr. E. M. Barker Mr. G. P. Westal! Mr. J. O. Stlkelcather Piano Mia Minnie Wtal! Ml Kate Lnton Mr. F. Flaxlngton Harker Mr. John W. Stamea; Organ and Theory Mr. F, Flaxlngton Harker Languages Mr. A. 3. Ltfman Phone S44 AaUltorlnm Bldg. sauc oi? ioo' SAMPLE WAISTS VAIiCKS $4.BO to $.50 Choice $2.48 BERLIN1 SAMPLE STORE 8 X. Pack Squaw - Not a very large stock, but a very select stock of, First Class Pianos, for sale at his elegant ,store room.--; ; h " ' ' ' . V' ' '. FaWs MasicHoust "' 21 South MaiiTst. ' ?K MrUJNERY 5 Haywood St. Wrightsman's M1LLPTERT ' 10 Church Street M. Webb Co. MLUNERY IMPORTERS. Club Bldg.-H9ywood St mom CITIZEN WANT ADS ; BRING RESULTS : r : --.-. .:. . Marctailorei .v;:: Popular "' not be an exaggeration to state that we have sold twice as tnasy as we did last-fr'Oftftorse. better selluig facilities and larger f u.. a..;........., ................... f fifipJahitit Ovsters ,( Mrs. Kidd's Pin-Money Pickles j; These pickles are the finest in the "world. I have them. in bulk, ........ r r lvrfrpd' .. .. ,v35o-e-Qt. Qherkiff . V- . ' .: ". v. 35c-peir-Qt J Groceries ' 3 ' Vegetables M.HYAMS : ! FRESH MEATS Phona 49-M. FOR SALE. 8-ioom modern house, two blocks 'from square, one half block from car line. For quick sale, $2,750. THE H. f. GRANT REAL TY CO., 48 Pattoa Ave. - TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street For Ladies and Qentleinen : FOR SALE. ' A stock of merchandise, amounting to between four and five thousand dollars, in good location, with valuable lease on the square. Canaday Realty Co. 10 N Pack Sq. Phone 974 Get the Honey Habit it will increase vitality. DEAN & MOWREY Phone 857 71N: PackSq. 'tut u grro atltBMU' 0." that BKectrta Wtrtag. Our -iroelt gts laXlafacUost" ' ' i ' f -' . w. a; ward, v : ' AKXTUIMS tOJtCTKICaX 11 orcs M. PhoM 44 ! Don l Wait Longer to have your coal bin filled. Do it now, and be sure you specify M & W Indian Oer 95 per cent car bon: Phone 130. CarolinaCdal & Ice H Company l M Pattoa At. Drahraor BMg. Z Shop Where the Varieties are " (Jreatestficfe-; I Wits are 5ar; uu... to ana agam, . m ort- rresn Meats . GROCERIES '5 Otor. W. Main A Merrjmori Ay,. We are sure that all . who have been using our service are pleased with It. We know this Is true beeau our 'customer are staying with us -wk In and Weekr out.' and these self samai old oustbmers are tailing their friend of how we are doing their work 4i oth?r words, our friends ar our best, advertisement. To thoea ;V,hV,lK bettef WoTk. 'we offer Vu'sefvlije .' postal or ' telephone metaAgaifni bring our'wagon to your"4low.'. ; ' :-'.' ' ' MOUliTAIN CIT.X ? . K v STEAM LAUNDRY VI Phone Z4 -V'i, Emanuel V i School of Shorthand Oldest Bcbool of Its kind la tho SosjttJ ; ' ' I ' ' Office . v ., j ' ' ' ' Rotm 11 Xiimmae BUg. -f (Over FlelcrB) 4 MLss Sadie Emanawl, PHnetpal Positions Secmwd fo all GnklaHeJi SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS Sold, Exchanged, , Rented and Bepalred y - CASH OB RA8T rATvaam ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bldg Paok-Bquara. r PhoDSJllO KJtlKRT OOK8ETIBRB ROOMS and M nart. But the real reason is tnHOtir- BaOdlnC .:.:'..r ''::