THE AfSUEVILUi Ull EN, MONDAY, XOVEMBK K J, 19U BOOSTERS EXECUTIVE RESUME OPERATION !DR. BUCKHEIT MADE Bowels are. Basis itetf the "Christmas Store COMMITTEE MEETS AFTER SIX MONTHS ADDRESS AT Y.M.C.A, 1 Af Child Health Financial Side Will Be Given Special I Attention M Mooting Here This : Afternoon, j ' Th executive commutes of the "Greater Western North Carolina s sedation." which was permanently organized In Hendersonvlll lat Thursday, will meet fn the hoard of trad rooms In Aehevllle thla after noon at 1:10 o'clock. 'This -committee la composed of M. , W, Plummer, chairman, of Aahevll.c; B. J. Sloan, of Waynesvllla; Hon. VV. B. Moors, of Jackson county; J MPh 8. Sllvoratcln. cf Transylv mla county; Hon. M. 1.. Shlpman. of Hendersnnvllle. and T. T. Bellinger, . of Polk county. Th committee at tha meetljg to- , day will consider matlera pertaining mostly to the financial aide of the . organisation, It having bean' decided at tha meeting at Hendersonvllle to rats llt.SOO at an early date for the, purpose of financing the mission of the association. As the organisation la In Its In fancy and covers great deal of ter - rliorjr, Involving tnattr of wide Im portance, a number of Important subjects will come before the meat . Jng today. ..-'' - Officers of the organisation ar i desirous of making It a useful facjor ,ln (ha boosting and developing of Western North Carolina at an early dat ";.-:.. , In connection with the advertising 'Hid developing of thla section It will 'tbe of Interest to know that Jackson ounty has been thoroughly worked up to the necessity of such a move ment Judging from the following Ittllabor correspondence In the . Jackson County Journal. ' "In accordance with the general plan of advertising Western North Carolina's resources the cltisens of XMlsboro met on the , 1 1th and or ganised a board of trade. Mr. . R. F. Jarrett was elected president, and Mr. Holmes Bryaon, secretary. ; "It was Agreed by the board to co. operate, with all such organisations in Jackson county and with the gen eral, organisation. Th piiuboro del ,egata to the general meeting was In ktrurted to pledge the financial aid Of the Dlllaboro board of trade In tht advertising campaign to be Instituted ty the business Interests of Western North Carolina. " "Plan were discussed for securing and entertaining ' a' greater number of tourist during the coming season. In fact, many peutons who were de alroue of spending the hot season In tr town- were unable to secure ac commodation The board will .en deavor to rem tdy these conditions nd famish greater ' facilities for handling the summer tourists," ' i; OOtTrriDB CABINET INBTAIXED 7 The American Hotel Supply com pany of Chicago has Insulted at the JUttery Park hotel. handsome coun ter cabinet. wftiJch bear tha adver 'fosstmnta of a number of local mer chants, business and professional bran and snhloh la rery convenient for h guest of th hotel aa well as the clerks on dirty. It 1a Welt gotten tip;' aterctlrvejy dieeoraUd and la a handsome piece of furniture. I Oat a Durham Duplex siafaty dem onstrator, asci blades, 80c. Rayaor's Drug Store.' THANKSGIVING SPECIAL To-Day, To-Morrow and Wednesday ;." ;' Only " We nrnke special prices ou Tailored Suits, Coats, Street, Calling and A Evening Dresses. These are all seasonable goods the very things you need now at out-of-season prices. Street and Calling Dresses Of Cloths, Serge, Velvet, Silk Serge. Taffeta, Messaline, Chiffon-Cloth and Crepe-Meteor. In all the fash ionable . shapes and most artistio models. Handsomely trimmed with ; ball fringe, embroidered net, fancy braids, etc. $16.50 to $85.00 Dress . , , Tailored Saits t Some of the very best models, de- veloped in Imported Novelty Cloths, '"Worsteds and homespuns, etc. Colors and blacks. Only a few suits in this lot and they are very unusual val ues..; ..;. . Prices were. . . . $15.00 to $95.00 . Reduced to .. .. $10.00 to $65.00 V nrcvnrd tlm Mill Again Running fin lull Tinic, Giving Knijiloynient lo 75 People BRRVARD. X. " . Nov. 2. The Drevnrd .-oHon mill haa resumed op eration nfler a hut-idon (if about six months and la again running on full tlmo nnd giving employment to mm seventy-live operatives. Thla mill la only about two years old and la mod ern!' equipped In every particular. It la operated by electric power, obtain ed from tho Cascade Power company. This mill v.S' formerly the Trans ylvanla fort on Mil!. It fell Into flnnn li difficulties I net spring and was sold under a deed of trust. In Jul." It was purchased by Meaar. W. (U Cleveland and J Hudson Williams, o.' (irennvllle, H. I', and It la theso ien t lemon who are now starting thn'mlll up again under the active auperlnten tloncy of Mr. C. M. Cooke, Jr. The secretary f state recently Is sued a new charter for the mill under tho name of the Hrevard Cotton JHII, Inc., snd yesterday a permanent or ganization was effected wluh the fol lowing directors elected; J. Hudson William. W. C. Williams, both of Oreenvllle, and Welch Oalloway, of Brfvard. The following offlcera were elected: W. C. Cleveland, president and treaaurer, and J. Hudson Wil liams, vlce-preskdent and secretary. The mill Is running on 10 H. skeins, and has order ahead at present be yond the turn of tho year. There Is a rumor' to the effect that the new own era will at an early date enlarge the mill, putting in a sufficient number of lomihs to take care of the yarn made, but this rumor can not be confirmed at the present time. Mr. Cleveland la at present In New York on business connected with fhe mill and upon hta return some definite announcement la expected of tho future plans for the mill. JOHN DRAKE STARTS HIS CLASS TONIGHT Wrestlers1 at V. M. C. A. Ixwldng Forward to Fro Instruction to be Given hf Expert Many wrestling enthusiasts will doubtless gat'Mtr at tha T. M. C. A. this evening at 8.45 o'clock, when J ofha Drake will conduct his first class In wrestling. A number of tbe mem bers of th association have expressed their Intention of taking advantage of the Opportunities which will he of fered them to become mat artists and will .enter into th ring this eve ning with fervor, 1 U f r ' As: recently announced, tha exhibi tions and lessons are open to Bhe members of Vha association and no charge wtll be made for them, since Mr. Drake has consented to conduct th lessons free of charge. Get a Durtiam Duplex Safety dem onstrator, Itc; blade, 50c. Reysor's Drug Btore. ' Evening Costumes Of Chiffon, Net, Marquisette, etc., in white and delicate evening shades. It is almost impossible to describe these exquisitely beautiful creations. Each has a charm of its own. No two alike. The new beaded panels and fringes and hand made flowers are used extensively:. as, trimmrhg. .... $12.50 to $65.00 Street and Auto Coats Heavy mixtures, double-faced Cloths, Cheviots, Zibellines, etc. Many have deep cuffs and collar in sailor or hood style of contrasting color; some are severely tailored anv stvle von want is here. Prices were Reduced to Jf. -ft MOORE & CO, 11. F"atton Avenue Spc!alkt In Women's Itcaily-to-Wes Garment. Careful Attention Given W Moll Orders Ask for a Fall Catalogue. : ; i Catawba College President Hpeaka u "The Ktemal tjurwtlon" Spe- ial Music by Male) Quartette. "The Klernal Question'' If a man die shall he live again.' has con fronted the follower of all creeds and beliefs alnc the creation of man, aocordlng to Dr. J. F. Burhhett. pres ident of Catawba college, who ud dreaaed an appreciative audience at tbe local V. M. C. A. yesterday. Thla 'jtieetion haa been atudled by all clusaes of the human race from lime Immemorial to the present dsy, the works of Robert Jngersoll even giving ground for the belief thst of the possibility of life beyond the grave, said the speaker. Jo be, when sorely afflicted and when he had lost hia earthly goods, cried out: 'if a man die shall he live again?'' Ir. Wurhhelt aald that there are eome thlnga which men are slow to believe, requiring Indisputable proof of a fsct, but there Is a universal be lief thst there Is an eternal life. He said that all the races of tis nstion msy bs examined' but the testimony of them all will be the same -that the belief In a future life ia aa unl veraal aa the Idea of religion Itself. He said that there was never a race of poeple that did not have a re ligion of some kind. They all believ ed In something beyond the grave, let the future he celled what It may. In the most deacriptlve and con vincing language the speaker took his hearers bsck 4 antiquity, de scribing ths habits of different races at different times. Their customs pointed to the belief that there Is a future, life and that the chief 'busi ness of this life Is to prepsre for the life to come. Dr. Buchheit said that a perusal of the funeral address of Robert In gersoll over his brother and over the death of a child would give ground for the belief that Ingarsoll believed In the possibility of something be yond the grave. The speaker said that It la for us to decide where we shall spend the future at a place of eternal bliss or everlsstlng woe, 'Dr. h. B. MeBrayer, C. H. Honess, B. B. Stlmson and R. W. Hammers laugh aald: "Where Bhsll I Spend Bternlty?" and "My Jesus, I Love Thee" "BOHEMIAN GIRL" TO ARRIVE TOMORROW A born' itpewtsjcular production of Balfe's ram o us opera. "The Bohemian (Mrl" appear at the Auditorium to morrow nlgiht, thersj being no matinee. Th seats which ar now on sal ar reported to be going well and a grati fying Sous 1 expected. Private ad vices from Oharleston are to th af fect that j opera. is gorgeously staged with many novel feature: The criticism of both papers In that city were highly favorable. A. W. I MEETS TODAY. The American Woman's league will meet at o'clock today in the Y. M. C. A. auditorium. $16.50 to $50.00 $13.50 to $35.00 Th careful soother, who watches closely tbe physical peculiariUss of her .children, will soon discover that ths I most Important thing In connection with la child's constant good health Is t keep I the bowels regularly open. Sluggish I bowels will be followed by loes of appe I tlte, reatleasnsss during sleep, lrrlta I billty snd a aosen and one similar evi dences of physical disorder. 1 At ths first sign of such disorder give the child a teaspoonful of Dr. Caldwell's i Uvruo Psssln at night on retiring and ' rspeat the doe tbe following night If 1 necessary more than that will scarcely : be needed. You will find that th ohllol will recover Its accustomed good spirits at one and will sat and sleep normally. This remedy Is a vast improvement over salts, cathartics, laxatlva waters and similar thlags, which ar altogether W. ASHEVIILE SCHOOL MAKES GOOD RECORD OIII.OIIKN WIIJj HftlNti IN PEN MIX ON LIBRARY DAY. Each tirade Haa Number of Honor Pupils In Department, Scholar ship sod Attendance. The last monthly report of tho West Ashevllle Graded school, in cluding the names of those on tho honor roll, the attendance and the names of the teachers, !s given be low. ne day In each month has been set apart as "library day," when each pupil depoalts some pennies to the library fund. "The Aiaer School IJbrarv" waa recently added to the school. It will b partially paid for out of the library fund. Following are the reports of the different grade'. High school department,' J. W. Bradley, principal: Miss Minnie Jones, assistant; enrollment, St; per fect attendance, average attend ance. si.L: honor roll: Willie Jones. Clara Davis, , Tie Rich, Gladys Welch, Blanche Welch, upneita rar boro. Bthel Wright, Mary Davis, Fannie Btroup, Charlotte Davis, Doak Fllntom, George Starnes and Conly nich. - . Sixth and seventh grades, Robert B. Edwards', , teacher: Enrolfment, 41; average attendance, 111-4 per cent; perfect attendance; honor roll: Allyn Blackwll, Oscar Cowan, Au brey Sluder, Dewey Wallace, Low Wright, Allen Hall, Albert Bvans, Mack Brown. Clara Holcomb. Thel ma Boyles, Alna Boyles, Mary Rey nolds, Lula Welch, Dellen Burnett, Jessie Davis. Lela Davis and Anna Weatall. Tifth grsd. Mr. J. W. Bradley, teacher: Enrollment, (8; perfect at tendance; average attendance, 17.7 per cent; honor roll: Morris Hamp ton, Roy Creaaman, Astor Welch, Arthur Moore, ' William Reynolds, rhiriu Stanhanaon. Henry SteDhen- son, Vllery Sluder. Lawrenc Teague, Ruth Holilngswarth. Lula Johnson, Helen Jones, J. Moses, Edith Mead ows. Eula Sluder, Elsls Taylor, Har old Talbert. Third, and fourth-, grades, Bessie Morgan, teachsr: , Enrollment, for month, 74; average attendance. 91 per cent; perfect attendance: honor roll: Lena Beacham, Agnes Brooks, Maphra McClelllan, Verda Nichols, Evelyn Lashley. Marie Madsen, Mabel Alexander, Alice . Burgess, Susie Moore, Chios Smfcth, Florence Par rls. Bsulah Rhudy. Belle Moody. Harold Duckett, prownson Yarbor-. ough, Lsster Morrison, Heath Bishop, Roy Pinna, Cloyde Stephen son, Albert Hampton, Howard Suf ner. Tom Creaaman, Hubert Hayes. Paul Pltillo, Claud Duckett. Frank Morris, Cortelyou Roberts, Glrdwood Blackwell, Willie; Moore, Gerald Rhudy. x ' Seoond grade, lllle B. Stephenson, teacher: Enrollment, 2; average at tendance, 4 per cent; perfect attend ance for the mopth;-honor roll: Ar thur Duckett. Krnest Holcomb. Wil liam Lashley. Lyman I-anre, Frank Jump, Phillip Johnson, John Welch, Walter M'KHI, Clsrence Mc Kenxle. Fred Searcy. Archie Revls, Luther Ingle. Kenneth. Cowan, Beu lah Stroup. Ruth Jones. Rachel Ball. Edna Walsh. Mamie Wilson. Vera Brown, Alice Falrchlld, lono Ingle. Bertha Hill, Annlei Ie Blahcp. Kubq London, Alva Burpatteri Ear Drake. First i grade, Eleanor G. Hllde brand. lescher: Eltirellment, for the month, 87; attendance M per cent; perfeel attendance; honor roll: Dixie Cole, Kdnaj Sawyer, France Johnson. Gertie Keatsrson, Jack Walah, Jease Coltt, Weldon Creaa man, Robey Wljson. Louts Alex snder. , Grade 1 B., Mhts Jennie Whltson, teacher: Honor nil ' for perfect at tendance. Myrtle Harris, Florence Ingle,' Mary James. Frankle Kemp, IJUlan Plemmons,- Carolyn Paiaaell. Mlnnc Sumner, Bessie Sawyer. Mad eline Towe. Rasl Taylor. Elsie Creas msn. Eunice Talbert. . Alva Tensuo. ! Joe Ruckner, Clyde Cothran. Roy j Cothran, l.nnie Cook, Carl Mllla. i Iula Pinner. Eaton Vaughan. The i percentage of attendance for the '. past month was 9Z.t per cent. j TRINITY CIICRfH BAZAAR j Tuesday and Wednesday, November j 2S-SS. the Rector" Aid society will hoM a Thanksgiving and Ohrlatmae ; Baxaar at the T. M. C. A. audltoriiim. j Fancy articles, turkeys, cakes, mines pies, pumpkin pte esnd candy will be for sale In attract! boothe. Tea will be served Tuesday ster j noon. Tueerlay evening an attrandve protram of musloand recitations will given. Wednesday from IS to 1 a ! turkey lunrh will b. served for 2S cents. SI MONVMENT rNVBILINt; Rhododendron - camp. . No. ISI, Woodmen of fh World, nt Rlsck Mountain, will uhvoll the monument over f'je body of the late SoverMgn C A. Rice, at Mount Pleasant cm ctery, on nest Sunday. Th? service will be conducted at 11 o'clock Got a Duihm Duplex Safety dom onMratcr, sSc: blade, toe. Rsyaor's i Drug Stor . . '"."7-. ' "' i--.-, v-;'' ' too powerful for a child. Th homes of Mrs. VsMs filer. Ksyser. N. C, and Mrs. E. U 111 r, Dalton. Oa., ar always supplied with Dr. Caldwell's Byrup Pep sin, and with them, ss with thousand of others, titers la bo substitute f Otis grand laxative. It is really more than a laxative, for It contains superior tonie properties which help to tons and strengthen the stomach, liver and bowels s thst after a brief use of It an laxa tives can be dispensed with snd nature will do Its own work. Anyone wishing to make a trial of this remedv before buvlns It In the regular way of a druggist at fifty cents or one dollar a large bottle (family aire) can have a ssmple bottle sent to the horn free of charge by simply addressing Dr. W. B. Caldwell, 406 Washington St., Montlcello. 111. Your nam and address on a postal card will do. PRACTICE GAME TO BE PLAYED TONIGHT Ktrat nnd Second Basketball Teams of Y. M. C. A. Will line l'p To. NlgtM Ready for Spartanburg. The first and seconds teams of the Y. M. C. Awlll play a game or bas ketball In she gymnasium of the as sociation building thla evening at 8.45 o'clock. The contest will doubt Weo be a well played one aa the mem bers of both teams are fast getting Into good form for the season. The supporters of the first team believe tWat their favorites will clean up with the younger fellows, although tftose who are looking to tho second team to show their mettle are of the opln ton thst the first team will find itself In a bad position when the game Is called. No admission will be clsirged, tho game 'having been arranged for the purpose of getting the members of tlhe first team Into good live shape, so that they may develop good- form for the gam witlh the team of the Spartanburg Y. M. C. A., which will bo played Wednesday night and wfhdch promises to be a hard fought con test. The Spartanburgers are expect ed to arrive hero Wedneeday morn ing at about 11 o'clock, and 'the member of the team of the South Carolina city are confident that they will take the opening gam of the basketball season here. However, from the line of dope which thie sup porter of th local are handling. there's likely to be some trouble for visitor whn they stack up agalnat the Ashevllllans. PLCMBnVG TRUST" ALERT. WASHINGTON, Nov. M. 'The plumbing trust," which government officials say controls the sale of plumbers' supplies In most . of the Rocky Mountain and Pacific coast regions, haa capitulated to the de partment of Justice and Is seeking to avoid court 'proceedings. Represen tattves of th "trust," It' became known here today, will present their Ideas of dissolution and compliance wltlk. the Sherman law at a confer ence to be held at the department later In the .week. AMUSEMENTS THE PALACE FEATURING BEST Motion Pictures and Orchestra THE Daylight Theater Dreamland Theatre "Where Every body Goes" THE BERLIN SAMPLE STORE Great values in ladies' Coat Suits and Long Coats, ranging in prices from $5.00 to I860. . . . . 8 N. Pack Sqnarr VIOLINS A large assortment has just arrived from (lermanv. From $13.00 to $50. Come in and see them. Folk's Music House 21 South Main St. Let us sir- ym, at satlmMt '.' thst Electric Wiring. Oar nr-l gi-.- uUsVoctlun. W. A. WARD, AXV.lil.W'.L IS Ctiarcto aa. , Phon U3 HOOD'S UU.UbKl' ...ft Haywood 8t izmmmrmmmmi Jafe of broadcloth and Mens Juitings geqinsjoaay A rare treat for those Vho care for the best. . We are determined to reduce our stock ot dress goods. Understanding force high grade goods, lower than we wonJd Have priced fabrics. $2.50 Chiffon Broadcloth, )2 inches wide, seven leading shades, for $1.59 $2 Men's Suitings, $1.49 yard. Jee Window Display for Sdea of these Values Fresh Turkeys. Of a Quality FRESH MEATS Phone 4-J4. TURKISH BATHS .The Gruner Sanitarium SI Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen FOR SALE. (-room oottage, modern in every respect, two aero of ground, serv ant's houae, and stable. Located In Lee County, Florida, on the- Gulf of Mexico. Will trade for Ashojvllle property. Price, IS, 00, THE H. t. GRANT REAL TY CO., S Patton Avt Ashcville School of Musical Art and Languages Phone 144 Auditorium Bldg. THE SANITARY ' CONDITIONS In our big plant are perfect, every cleanly feature that can be provided being util ized. BUTTER CRUST TtrpjiH in f Vif rwirfdfti An rf human skill, knbwledge and pure ingredients. Ask your .grocer, or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Stop at The COLLEGE ST. BAKERY And look over our baked products. We are taking orders for Thanksgiving wants. DEAN & MOWREY Props. Phone 8.S7 S7 E. College- St. A desirable farm of 34 acres, with 8-room house and outbuildings, running water, four miles from the court house, easy terms. Canaday Re'alty Co. 10 N. Park So. Phonp 074 Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest school of its kind in the South. Office Room 17 Dhmmor BMB. I (Orcr Flrld's) Mlw Sadie F.twinncl, Principal j PoaltlOna Seenrrrt 1m nil MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Haywood St. Ivtdies. yru a r Invlse.t ir. .,.ti .j ! S Zu "gTod'rtnf :hh:,r :; ! styles in hair dresrint. We are show- I ing the largest I n, of hair goods ever shown in tha cl;v. We .mi.i,i..i chlroptvly nnd ha1rdreing. MISS i -wijr, a, s TieyLv, n.TnKt" HUFF, KXIKHT CCRSETIEIIK ROOMS J I and SS American National Bank Building as we do that it is hard to we Have put tne price aown on medium or popular yard. 56 inches wide, are priced at lVIeats & Duck that Pleases GROCERIES Oor. ft. Mate A Merrlmon Ave. l We are daily hearing praise of -the wonderful heating qualities of urj justly famous S M. & W. INDIAN J GOAL. ; We get it from the best mines in the Jellico, J J District and selected I this particular. coal be-- ! cause of its high fuel 2 properties. Phone;130. ; : Carolina Coal & ice j Company : 50 Patton Ave. Dnduisr Bldg. VARIOUS MAKES Sold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EAST VATsnnNrre ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Bldg Park Bquar. Phon is Wrightsman's MTXIilNERr 10 Church Street TRIMMED HATS Reduced M. Webb Co. The perfect system of handling all garments of whatever nature, and house hold linens which has been devisprl aA ..f . . fKl" prio- tlOIl ill Olir plant, enables US A 111 . , .... . i io nana ie tuem with such .precision and regularity that there's never any disap- POintmeilt ill thp wnrlc ?vhirh .r to youi in muiuiea precise. Those " ho wish a sendee that is j rovi n g highly pleasing fo the dis-riminating will do well to send their bundles here for treatment. MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 426

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