THE ASHE'ILLE CITIZ'SM, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1911 ft Society and Personals - Mis Caroline Reynolds gives a golf ptrty this afternoon at the Country tluh; at which there will he number of iumU. A mid Iron foursome ' will b played. After the : match tea will be erved at the club .. house; -1 . jt . Tha following flipping 1 from the Wilmington, N. C Morning glar and '. will b of Interest' to the friends of f Miss Janle Jones and several of the debutante of Wilmington, who made their Initial bow to society on that , occasion, and hav friend in Ashe vlllt: November rmas Of 1 Arioso Hub w danced last, night In the ball room of th MsMmte Tempi and wa 1 quit a Charming- affair for the large number of young peopl who partic ipated.;?;:. The music was by Hollow. t buh'S orchestra" and t fleehrtitloM t Were In keeping wtrh the sesson. Among those present were: miss .ei He ftaraft. Mr. Milton raider: 'Mia Psrab Mmtt, Mr. Oeorge F. Meare; Mis Marlon Halgh. Mr. U 3. Hols- o; Ml Margaret Smith, Mr. Lnul T. -Koora; Ml AJmerta Stevenson, Mr, tH. ,C. t'slder; Ml Charlotte Pleasants, Mr. K. P. Ralley! Miss D- rald Borden, Mr I-ee Pender; Ml Alio Bordea, Mr. T. Tl. Wright: Mis Margaret ' Brtdger, Mr. A. C, Chal mers; Ml Elisabeth Hrlrtgars, Mr. H, R. Calder, Ml rnthia Roiintre. Mr. If. M. Cha; Ml HLu Prince, Mr. R H. flrMger; .'Ml Janle ; Jones, AlhevWr, Mr. John, R. Mrircti i Ison! Ml' BHsa Klddee, Mr. A. P. J William; Mr. and Mm toyman tHtla i not Mr. nd Mr. K. A. Metts ' tagsMr. B. F. Iw! Mr. C. McD. tivt of fhvannsh. Os. .":. . Chjwrone-MM. P. " T Brtdger. Mr. Jlrt , K. Wis. Mr. " R. H. ' Northup Mr. M,. F. M, GoHvaneor, Mr. OH. W. Kidder, Mr. WIHIam Latimerv- f' v ' ' y '. J : ' Mr. J, A. Allport ha Issued In vtotlona for an afternoon and even ing party, ah will, glva Saturday at her residence on Oak street, tar her daughter, Mir flussnae , Allport. Jn the afternoon Bvo: hundred, will be ' played and among the number of . girl friend of Mia Allport Invited, are many, of Jier fellow students at St, Genevieve' convent In Victoria. The ' college color, red and while, will be ' used to decorate th 'tealden. ' Jn the evening both young women and ' men will b tiked. Th party, la one of. the largeit glvn rcntly In the counter get y '.' J i The Hunthlna Book club of Beaver- dam wjil give an entertainment thl evrnlfif at half pat eltht o'clpek 4n the ttrac School hmiaei to which their friend ar tnoat cordially In vited. Th club 1 purely torlaMti It aim and lnc It organisation aev ral month' ' ago, ha prospered, Ther win b an In terming program of mude and Teeltationa. 'Which will opened by an addreaa tiy Key. Jr. R. William. Mle Orar fborn will rive the elufe greatlng from th T, W. C A Mia. Elisabeth- Henwr wtH 'glva a reading, and Mr. Jack Weatall will play a violin nil accompanied T Ml Minnie Weitall. Th Bea ver dam Mala quartette win alng ev- v arai number. jl jl .' . ' Th wedding of Mia Shirley Tulne CurtU, daughter of Mr. and Mr. J. l'. CuMI of Turlke, and Mr,. W. C. Jtrltt, a'on ft Mr. and Mr. J. J. Brltt, wet. rulUy married yeaterday morning at 1 o'clock at th horn of lha hrlde'a brother, Mr, Kebulon Cortla and Mr, furtl. An Chtnut tract. Dr. Tt, Campbell of the Mrat PrbyhHla chnrch performed tha ceremony, which w wltneaaed t a fw mar relative and Intimate ' friend of the Intareated partlea ' Ml , Cartl waa given marriage hr tier brother, end wore a travailing grown of brown cioth with ht of the same abide. Rha carried yellow chryaanthemum.' 'fcr. Watoif la- , ther waa tha matron ft honor and 'the beat man waa Mr. William RMer 'oik Mr. and Mr. Brltt departed in h"' tha afternoon for an eaatern trip and . wilt ta at home at 4 Charlotte .street after December 10th. Mr, and ;Mr. Brltt have many friend In the City who wll wlah them avery hap f Pin . Apropos of tha forthcoming p g pearanoe of lime. Frlttal ft heff at M the Auditorium, many Aehevllle peo M pla will remember with pleaaur the V; lecture and reading given by her U noted tiuaband. Mr. John Po. Jr.. aevara! winter aro. at the T. M. C. I A. auditorium. Mr fox wa reeted ENGLISH Walking For Women Hark Cross and Dent Tnnmrted Gloves. Made with exacting thoroughness. Well cut and sewn. . ,Cro8! walking gloves in tan, black, white and gray . . . .... $1.50 to $2.50 Cross auto gloves $3.00 Dent's heavy walking or driving gloves, black and tan . . . . .... . . $2.C0 Ahso a full lino of Adleir'a gloves, the best dramatic glove wa hav been able to find, street glove and riding gauntleta .. .. .. .. .. ..Sl.00 to S3.(H M. V.M00PE & CO. V ' ." It PATT0N AVENUE Ppeclalbtr' In Womrn' Mead y-t. Wear, Gnrmcnt. Carrftil Attention Given to Mail Orders. Ask for a Fall Catalogue. by a lartK and very enthuelaatlc aud ience, to which he read several chap ters of fine i.f hi moat popular hooks "The Trull of th I)neome Pine." Mr. Ko arid Mm. Rchuff were Itiar rlci ehortly aft-r his visit to Ashe vlllc and their happy union Is ample refutation of the ofl repealed state rr.i'iit that tcnliiars are iemperamen tally unfilled for matrimony. J J The usual Friday evening buwling tournament wilt take place this even ing nt the Albemarle Club at the Manor. Much Interest la being tHken In the tournament and the club house If filled with specnior each week for the event, J , Ml Annie In and Mlas Myrtle rfKan entertained with a Thsnk gh'lng dinner t their homr? In West Ashevllle yestf-rdtty. The house was attractively decorated. Tho guest werp, Miss Klora Iwl of Ulatesvllle, Mix Mary McKlroy, Mlas Rue Mc Klroy, Mi Mamie Whlttlngton. Miss Minnie Jones, Mis ftadie MrHrsyer, Miss Ada Baity. Mia Cora Hlty, Mis Mry ligan, Mr, Clay PlUger ald and Mr. t'aii I.niran. p gp The French h later Club post poned th meeting which wa to have been held this afternoon f t the resi dence of Mrs. W. T. Dunn, until a weak from today. rrrtso i, mfmiox Mr. Arthur lllghy of- Indlanaseil, Tnd., who has been In town for a brief stay, left yesterday for Teter- burg, Kla. Mr. Jllghy Is a newapa per man and will be connected with a Florida paper. Congressman and Mr. J. M. Oudgee, ir ; , hav', returned from Washington 'and' are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Thorns Rollins on Chest nut street.; ''. ' . ' -T ,.... Mrs. r. W, 3irel h gona to .At lanta,1 rta.! to" spend the Week end with relatives., -j, . ; . Mi Mary Watson ha returned from a several day visit to friends In Spartanburg, 8. C, ' -ri Mr. O j C. Hamilton, of Chicago, I visiting hi family at Ardmlnn Park. " Mis Harriet Boone and Mr. Rog er Boon of Wsynesville are th guests of the Mlssa Kerr on Vane treat for aeveral, day. .: Ml Rachel Panlla, who ha been visiting friend tn th city tot veral week, has returned to her horn In Chattanooga, Tenn. Mr. Earl Clark wa In th olty yesterday spending Thapkaglvlng with Mr. W. H. Clark. M Tim Cock and Mr. Lloyd J3rown attended th, football gam between Carolina and Virginia at Richmond. Vscyeaterdsy.-rr-:-- Mr. ' F. it;' Mler and heo son. Mr." Carl Messier, left for Durham yesterday, where th latter will rep resent the Ashevllle High school, In th Interacholasttc declamation Con test at Trinity college. K Rev, and Mrs.- D. Atkins of Wea- varvllla wilt spend tha winter month with their daughter on South Main treet. Mr. ' Wataoa Luther and daughter of Greenville, 8. C, ar the guest of Mr. and Mr. Zebulon Curtis, on Chestnut street , v Mlsa Mlnnl Kdmond ha returned to Charlotte after a several day visit to friend In 'the city. Ml But Kelley and Mr. U & Jarrett, of tVayneavllle, ' came '"to Ashevllk yeaterday to attend the matlne of the "Girl of tha Ootden West." .-; .....'. ,,, , -.V- . .,.''" Mr, mil Mm. Davlea of Thlcago. TU,, are aninata at Bingham rlelghtd for Thanksgiving, and will' retvirh to thslr horn the latter part of the week. Mis Ilarnicf, dimming, of Mobile. Ala., I spending the winter In Ashe vtll. Mlsa Mary and Miss Rue McElroy and Mlsa Mury Irfan. students at the Normal and Collegiate Institute, spent Thanksgiving tn West Ashevllle, the Glove Ifomvcr Mothers No Tcmno- woman, in tha ior ni coming motherhood, should neglect to prepare her system for the phys ical ordeal aUe s to nndergo. The health of both she and bet comin? j child depends largely upon the care she bestows upon hers. 1 1 durinjf the waiting months. Mother s rnend prepares the expectant mother's sys tem for the coming; event, and its use makes h'T comfortable during; all the term. It works with and for nature, and b gradually expanding all tis sues, muscles and tendons, involved. and keeping the breants in good con dition, bnngrf Ine woman to the crisis in splendid physical condition. The baby too is more apt to be perfect and strong where the mother has thus prpared herself for nature's supreme function. Ko better advice could be given a yountr expectant mother than that she use Mother's Friend ; it is a medicine that has .proven its value in tnousanas 01 esses. Mother's T 4rVv4sU avA Friend is sold at I10lH6rS Writ! forrfree TrfelMl book for expect- ant mothers which contains much valuable information, and many aug gstions of a helpful nature. BRADPIEID KECUUTOK CO., AHmta, Gr. guest of U'lt Myrtle and Miss An nie Jjogan. ? Mlsa Helen Wrljrht ha retursed from a everal week vlu to friends In the easte part of the tate. Mrs. U S. Oatewood of Kenteky I spending several weeks In Ah vHla. Miss Loulan Orover. who ha been visiting the Misses Bowman, ha re turned to her fcome In Birmingham, Ala. Miss Laura Hunter, who ha been pending .Thanksgiving with relatives Jn the city, ha returned to her home In Atlanta, Qe, THANKSGIVING SPIRIT ABROADJNTHE LAND YESTERDAY'S WAS fDEAL, HOU. DAY WKATHKR.. Various Mnea of , Entertainment SoiiKht and Few There Were Who Who Failed to Have Good Time. Tha "ntmnksgtvng spirit ' wa Abroad in til land yesterday, th holiday - having been genta,lly ob served here. In spHof ,tho fact that tha day was very cold, pleaaur aaek- rs wers not dismayed and managed to enjoy he day to tha fullest ex tent. Practically all of tha city merchant closed their door and allowed their employe a holiday and the majority of th otficM of th professional Wen remained c4osed throughout th day. Th mploye of the various firms spent tttiw bolklay in many ways and retired last night thankful for th opportunity which they had tiad to apend the day as dhey thought bet. , In most o,f Hhe chnrcbea, special erioe wro held and exceedingly good music waa arranged by th choir of the city' many houses of worship. There were various forma of amusement foe thou wftto desired to spend the day pursuing Dame Pleas ure. Many huntsmen spent th day 1n the fields and woo its and turned Dhe holiday Into one of brief ifor many famllle of qull and other gnme. Those who remained in th elty and who tar not foml of cold -cher did not bestir themselves a great deal during l.he day, having been content to alt near the fire or radiator and read or talk. When tlhcy went out of door they made It a point to reach their destination by the nearest route Awn the starting .point. It ia said hat Aahevllle etreete wore treversed by fewer automobiles yesterday than during any day for many years. This wa.i probably due to the Tact that eotomohlllets cared lit tle to Joy ride Tui:lmr tlhe day and few people tied bualnesa that could he at tended to on tha national holiday. The competitive shoot at the now I rifle range drew a large number of person Interested In using the pis tola, to that place and "The Htrl of the Oolden West" yesjjsrday after noon draw a number. No amall array of foolbAll enthusiast eaw Blnirham simnk th Marine eeverely at the Riverside gridiron and varloua thlnss caused the streets to be pretty well filled last evenln-n, The oda fountslna of th c-lty en Joyed a good business! durln the day, although not mjch shaved Ice was used in fhelr concoctions. Those with a thlrwt to quench as a rul, chose something hot and were exhilarated with houllllona, liot Chocolstee, coco atvd oehor warm fountain drinks. Dtrr Ing the a'ternoon. many housewives bound turkey reseller Into luteT and small woviltl bo Indians ori a wig of turkey feathers. The Uirby family had nheolwely nothing to to thonk.ful frr yewterday. Cranberries were destroyed in r ent nn-mbcrs and mtnee pie a favorlie. The hotels and cafes of fhe city crve:l special Thanksgiving dinners and luncheon and many AsCievllllans dined at their favorite eating place In order that the servants might enjoy the day. Altotrethec, ttie day wee a pleasant one for thoeo blessed wttt a goodly portion of the world's goods and the J unfortunates were not forgotten hy the Associated Charities and other in stitution', end no small ntunbcr of Individuals tv generous w-Wi their girt to the deserving, poor. READERS SCATTER Bee the Brown-Weaver Hardware Co.' ad. $25 and $30 tailpred '5 s u i t s ? from regular stock, line selection, sty lisHv weaves choice r 'f- $19 $0 a suit 1,1. $20 evening dress es of chiffon and silk, at this sale for $14:50 dress GOOD SCORES MADE AT THE RIFLE RANGE Match Between Militia and Fiollce.' men Failed to Materialise, Latter Not Showing t'p. Th (hooting . ,mtah betwetn the team ot th organised militia and the Ashevllle poltaa. whlch Was to hare beeo pulled off yeattfdhy at th new rwte -rang nr tho. Way. pro perty ta Boaverdam, did not mate Ma lis a wjr-anttctpta, th patrol men having' failed to go q'ut tn suf ficient nvimbers to compose 'a team. However, mllUla team did -some excellent iVprk and (4 numbrr of dtl sens ho went out to aee the match Pepre.t the t&lics fore. Shooting "on the flftwn yard line five shou tn ten seconds, Uhe ifollowlng scores war made- by tha soldiers, the: fig-urea Indicating tha number or per fect shots out of a possible twenty - five, wttjtch is retarded a perfect: Toting, it, 17; Bard. II, 16; Brown, 14. ; Koon, SO, 21; Kesterson. 21. 18; rtlgsbee, 10, II; MeCandteas, 22 20. On 4h twenty-flva yard line shoot ing Ave times in nnx seconds, the core wr a follow: Young 10; Bard. 21; Brown. It; Koon, 18; Keeteraon, It; Rlgbe, ft; MeCan fl ies. 22. On tho same line shooting thie ssm number of shot In twenty seconds, out of a posed bib twenty-flve, the following score were made: Toung, JW; Bard S$; Brown, 2t; Koon, 11; Kesterson, 11; Rlgsbee, 16; McCandlees, 21. from tha fifty yard line, shooting flv shots In thirty seconds, till figures look like this: Young, 18; 'Bard, ' 22; Brown. 21; Koon, 20; Kestreoa 18; Htgsbee, 0; MoCandless, 19. ; WANT r. s. cmzENs' RIGHTS. WAfllllNOTOX. Nov. 20. Momhxra of the lrto Klco commission of la bor have reaohofi Washington to lay before President Taft a pMltlon ask ing that Forto Rtoana .b ipranted the abaohite right of A mart can outsell. See the Bron-tVavor Hardware Cor ad. , ROCKERS Make Fine Gifts 100 Different Styles $4.50 up J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 N. Main St. THE SANITARY CONDITIONS In our big plant are perfect, even- cleanly feature that can be provided being util ized. BUTTER CRUST .Bread is the .perfection of human skill, 'knowledge and pure ingredients. Ask yonr grocer, or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Try our Hotel Bread. Three loaves for a -quarter. Col 1 e ire St reet Ba kerV,. IE.V .i MOWREV, Prop." ' 37 College St. -v Phone 857. J9-2Z-Z3 $18.50, $20 and $22.50 suits this season's best styles will be sold today and to morrow at this price. Don't miss this suit opportunity for SJZ.OQ a suit THE PALACE FEATURING BEST Motion Pictures and Orchestra .THE Daylight Theater fHE , BERLIN , SAMPLE, (.-s;-fiTORE''. -' Great value In ladle' .Coat Suit and Long; Coata, ranging in prices from S&.00 to S8.50. V. Pack Square MISS w EXTERT CXRSKTIERB KOOMS tl mo S3 American national Bank Building We are daily hearing praise of the wonderful heating qualities of our justlv famous M. & W. INDIAN COAL. . We get it from the best mines in the Jellico ; District nnd selected this particular coal be- I cause of its high fuel properties. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice : Company : M l'attoa Ave. Prahaoor Bklg. I VIOLINS A large assortment has just arrived from Germany. From $13.00 to $50. Come in and see thm. Folk's Music House 21 South Main St. Let ua gir w at. ostimnt .' that Ktectrlo Wiring. Our wt til's .?lwfactluo. ' W. A. WAED, IS Cliurclt St. Phoc 4 Emanuel Schoal of Shorthand Oldest scltou of tta kind ta the Sonth. OlThe ! ltoom IT Dlirnmor BMc. 1 (Over Iteld a) Miss Sadie KreanaeL Prlttcipal Positions Srcnred tew. n Graduate Dr. R. G. Buckner las changed his residence fron 18 Vance Stwt to 11 Soco Street. Phone 12702 rings. Offiarf Patton An. .1;'' Fresli : Turkeys : Of a Quality iMmttmi 5 M. HYAMS : FRESH MEATS ? Phone 4t-sS. The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen FOR SALE Suburban home of eight rooms. One minute walk from street car Una. lot 150x230. fTJno lvBjd and f trult trees. Unsurpassed vlow. House I has modern, sanitary plumbing; electric Hghts; not and cold water; ce ment collar and upstairs oleeplng porch. Nice garden, chjekan yaAJ and good stable. , , THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO.. 48 Patton Ave. HOOD B Haywood St. SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS KAKE8 Bold, Exchanged, Rented and Repaired CASH OR EAST PATMEVTS ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Liegal Bldg Pack Square. Phone 1.0? 3 For-the Man Tio SMOKES Nassau lighters, make an ideal gift. $1.00 up to f 7.50. CHAS. E. HENDEESON - 52 Patton Ave. TRIMMED HATS - Reduced M. Webb Co. A desirable faim of 34 acres, with 8-room house and outbuildings, running water,-'four-miles from the court house, easy terms. Canaday Realty Co. 10 N. Pack S5. Phone 974 535 and $40 fine tailored suits, be s t models of the Winter Season, for $Z9.00 a suit $25:and$30 chif fon and silk even ing dresses, beauti ful colorings, v choice $19.50 dress Meats & Ducks? that Pleases GROCERIES J Cor. Main Merrimoo 'l ASHEVILLE SCHOOL OF MUSICAL ART AND LANGUAGES Teacher Vocal Mrs. ErfjM. Harkar Mrs. G,P. Westa.1! ' Mrs. J. G. Stlkeleaithar Piano Hiss Minnie Westali Miss Kate Laxton Mt. if. Flaxlngton Harkar, Mr. John W. Starnes Organ and Theory Hr. F. Flaxlngton Harkar ' Language Hi A. J. Lyman Phone S44 Auditorium Bids. MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Haywood St Ladies, you are invited' to call and Inspect my new line Of hair orna- t menta, shell goods and the newest styles Jn hair dressing;. We are show thg the largest line of hair goods ever shown in the city. We do manicuring, chiropody and halrdresstng. The perfect system of handling all garments of whatever nature, and house hold linens which has been devised and put into opera tion in our plant, enables us to handle them with cu.Vi precision and regularity that pointment in the work which we send back to you in bundles precise. Those who wish a service that is proving highly pleasing to the discriminating will do well to send thpir rumloa I here for treatment. MOUNTAIN -TTV STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 426 WrigMsmanf '0 Church Street

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