UNBAY CITIZEN THE . AO 0 TCDAY - THE WEATHER FAIR PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVIII., NO. 42 ASHEVILLE, X. C., SUNDAY MORNING. DECEMBER 3, 1911. LABOH UHIDNS ALL OVER THE con DEMANOJXECUTIOR i Spokane, wash.. Labor Coun cil Urges Concerted Action ; by organized Labor DEFENSE FUND FOR VICTIMS' FAMILIES) Suggestion Made by Labor Leaders That Money go to Widows and Orphans (SPOKANE Wuh-.i Dc. i. The citii labor council of Spokane, re-:n-antf.ng 4.600 union mu la shap- -.-.. a, Mtiattv.wldjk ?mrt mailt tC detain tb maximum punlah rrmat lot the Lo Ancalae dynatniurn. Tha program to har every jaoor ' organisation In the United State tele graph tha California auehorltie be fore next - Tuesday moraine., urging that ffli ,Mmit sentence allowed by h law of Jjne'itat be imposed up tn J McNamara orothwt or me crime they have confessed. "HtHflT JUGHTKOfS CAUSE" SEATTLE, Wah Dec. 2. Prank FarringtJon, of Strearto-. . Ilia., member of h International executive board Of the United Mine Worker of Am, ertoa, avid -today after reading nc-; oonnta of the McNamara broHherC oonteeskm . -, ."' . "Though not condoned by the men of ganled. labor, the often against ootety eormnttted toy th McNamara brother will act as a bllsOrting uraa ' on (he organized, 4aibor movement for jbu; yearn to come. They have dona , Irreparable wrong to a : rtghteou omasa and Una hand of tabor win not fe raised to stay : the punishment Wbtoh tbeb- orime tw Justly .deserves.? WO AOTTDrf BI TKMOO BAN FANCISCO.. Dc I.-r"Labor orgatsaA.'on In : San Francisco, as representee by tha central body, the ' labor council, will take no official ac tion concerning tha. McNamara case until next , Friday,, said Andrew X Gallagher, aeafetary of tha organise - tlam tonia-ftt . "Organised labor in 8a Francisco and In' all . California as well," be Continued, "Is stunned by the unex pected outcome of the McNamara trial.' W have had 'to bear the brunt of flhla affair, our confidence has been betrayed but w are going t be patient and we shall not rush into, publicity by the perfervld resolu tion route. - "I am opposed to oubliahed inten- tlbns -4V" Tnaugurato r movement to i glv to the families .' those whose lives wexe lost In the 'Log Angeles Timet disaster the money left from' (Continued1 on passe mrttrnt DETECTIVE BURNS' VISIT MAY BRING FORTH SOME Within Week Two More Ar rests May be Made in Dynamiting Case BURNS COMMENDED CHICAGO, Deo. 2. Detective William Burns, who gaDhwed the evl- ;i,mu against the McNamara brothers in connection with tbe Los Angeles ; dynamittlng, tonight announced that arrests of Milton A Smith and David ST. Kaplan, alleged accomplices of J. B. T.lcNaTuara, would be made not long after his forthcoming visit to : Los Angeles. He added that sensa tional disclosures undoubtedly would follow this vlplt whir'-' he will make In about a week, or after he has made a tup to New 1'ork on anotner ciie. Just what future prosecutions) or al dltiona! arrests would be made he d icllned to Intimate, but he wotilld not ' deny that th trail "went beyond In Idlanapolls." Where Kapan and Smith are at preenf"TC not known. Burns saying ti.ie McNamaras knew where the two were living, and added that "you won't have to wait long now before -they are taken In." He In timated that the men were not as reported under surveillance by his ' operatives on the Pacific coast. Telegrams continued to come to 1 Burns today and from these he gave, out one from "Battling" Nelson, which read:- "To the master of all sleuths: "Congratulations, your vindication, and McNamara brothers confession to 'dynamiting la nothing short of unique. I figured you was right from tbe time you made arrests. Again congratulations. Tou are a credit to ' America. Slgned) "BATTLING NELSON." Mr. Burns said he would leave to morrow or Monday far New Tork, re turn here in three or four day, and go Immediately to Loa AngeKs. The future of th dynamiting esse, he jsald, toting on the desire of. District Attorney Fredericks after the detec tive had summed up tlrs outstanding evidence to him. ; "WELFARE OF MEN ACCUSED ALL THAT FIGURED 'IN CASE" Defense's Chief Counsel Sums up Celebrated CaseJudge Bordwel) Refuses to Commit Himself Len iency Will he Recommended LOS ANGELES, Cat, Dtp. 1 All known1 angles In the unexpected ter mination of the McNamara murder case were summed up tonight by Clarence 8. Darrow, chief counsel for the defense, in a statement dictated to the Associated Press. . . Darrow'g Statement Mr. Darrow' statement is as fol lows: "No motive of any sort entered In to the .disposition of tha McNamara cases exoopt Uie welfare of the men accused of murder. "Believing as I did that the action taken would save the live of the ac cused men, I had no more right to refuse It than a doctor would have to forlbear an operation on a patient to save, his life. "A commKtee of Los Angeles peo ple beginning work November 20 made It possible to accomplish the result. Their suggestions were brougfht to me iiret by Mr. Steffeno on thst day, and every day thereafter as mat ters progressed until the final de termination. "How much their efforts had to do with the state's attorney, I cannot tell, but it was at their Instance that negotiations were -begun by attorneys for the defense. I especied She final action every day after this movement was commenced and It was taken the first inute that an understanding was reached. It was Impossible to delay action beyond the time until an understanding was reached on ac count of the imminent danger we were' to for two weeks of having the matter become public property, and thus making the end . difficult to adhfove. 1 , "(Signed) " " "CLARENCE S. DARROW," ' Requests for an authoritative state ment on the situation rather than In terviews crowded Darrow's ' desk through the day and this one he said, was dictated to answer all of them. - Tbe statement In Itself appeared to indicate tha complexity -of conditions. ttm oc)gJf poWUcat situation, In .which Jo Harriman. of counsel for the de f.sftsslajTinnUig or fhayotroirtne" eiallst . ticket, with she election only three days on, was taken- Into con sideration, though Harrlman's own position iwas that the trial was not a local issue and should make no differ ence. The recent arrest of Bert H. Frank lin, an Investigator employed by She defense, on a ctharge of robbery, was suggested as having possible bearing, but this was repudiated by the de fense whose attorneys pointed out that negotiations were under way be fore the incident occurred. In this particular as to the negotiations they were confirmed by District Attorney John D. Fredericks, who, in a state ment today dated the beginning of hesotilatlons as far back a July. Tbe saaaBansaasaaasB-SEaRSBBssssaeascaaEa ngy TO FRAGMENTS BY Savings of Lifetime May be Past Redemption by Treasury Dept. APPEALS TO TAFT WASHINGTON, Dec. '2. The We saving of Jack Simpson, of Aitkin, Minn., amounting to 12,665 securely hidden from burgtams, were reduced to pulp by hungry rata and mice, and In a letter received by" President Taft today he appealed for the redemption of the pulverised fragments by the federal treasury. His wealffli, accumulated to buy a farm, Simpson explains, was placed tn a box and deposited between the "up stairs floor and celling." .No human being disturbed It, but when he took It irrom its hiding place, he found It reduced to dust by the ravages of ro dents. The president has referred the matter the treasury department for Investigation. The treasury depart ment recently redeemed for a Kan sas farmer a roll ofrflle wthlch slip ped out of his back pocket while he was ploughing his fields and which waa hurled In the soil for a year. The money, subjected to rain and frost, was a sorry sight when he recovered It upon replouglhlng the field the fol lowing season. The treasury experts succeeded In piecing It together and sufficiently establishing Ms identity for redemption. A. C. li. MEN GET INCREASE WILMINGTON, Dec. I It wag an nounced from headquarters of the railroad here tonight that effective Dec. 1, a general Increase of salary will he allowed all clerks, agints, agencies, employes, etc., over the en tire Atlantic Coast Line system. Sev eral thousand employes will be af fscted. 'The increase Is said to av erage four per cent defense added a knot, however, by stating that it made no offer as early as that time. As far as the defense la concerned, yesterday's action in iwhloh J as. B. McNamara pleaded guilty to murder In connection with the Ijou Angeles Times explosion and fire, which cost twenty-one lives, the plea of gultty entered by his brotlher. John J. McNamara to having dyna mited the Llewellyan Iron works, was again declared to have been brought about through the agency of a com-' mKte of influential citizens and to night members of a faction which la denouncing the move ltaekf agreed 'heartily that the result was accom plished In this wajv This fact turn ed out to be part of the grievance, on the ground that bo representative of labor was on tha committee, which In brinrlng to pass an event considered of Infinite moment to Jabor organisa tions ttiroughout the United Btates. Ortis McMa-nlgal, who was to have been a leading witness for the stats and who is indicated jointly with J. J. McNamara for the dynamiting of the Llewellyan Iron -worln. hopes for freedom, It was announced today. 1 MeMa nigral May be Ubrratrd Malcolm McLaren, representative of the special agency that brought about the arrest of flhe trio, said today that District Attorney Bredertcks had promised to try to get him, oft and "would do his best" ' The penslty In California for dynamiting runs from one year to life.- McLaren said hi Information was that Jaa. B. McNa mara declared he harbored no resent ment ajalnet , McManlgal now. .. To McLauren also came a telegram ad dressed to, W. X Burns, his chief, wfto Is in Chicago, and signed with the name of Theodore Roosevelt, decler. Ing that ail good American citlione ooncratulated him (for his "signal ser. vice to American cMlxenahlp.'.' It could not lb learned tonight that any change in tha .local situation nag been effected by resolution, adopted elsewhere, wglng the extreme penalty for Jas,' B,MoNamsa.s'' Thlsi mattar. inder the tawjs l&t tljejnds yU-vlW sd-.TWiret BorwUTwhH'T'n4ed fsvet tne , trial during its sight arduous weeks of life, , The Ju! lhily hear ana tns district attorney may; make rectommendattons as to Khe penalty to be wnposed.. District Attorney Freder 'J icks said tonight that ha had aot de cided whether ha would ask far telem ency but he added: . " --- "When a man pleads gulfty, partic ularly In this case. It saves ths stats a great deal of money and work," The Lstate always is willing to take flhla Inter consideration and Is Inclined to look wHh leniency upon the offender.' Willie Judge Bordwell has refused to commit himself In any way, per sons close to bhn said he was pleased with the manner In which the trial HM terminated. IMP! COPIES OF HOTEL REGISTRATIONS PROSECUTIONS BIG CARD Confessions Made it Un necessary to Introduce This Document WAS' 'TRUMP CARD' NEW YORK, Dec; l.One of flhe trump cards that the prosecution In tended to play In the McNamara case, it la said here, is a volume containing photographic copies of alleged hotel registrations of Ortle MoManlgal and Janws B. McNamara through tha country covering a period of nearly two years. A copy of this volume la In the hands of Albert S. Osborn, a handwriting expert here, who was re tained by the district attorney at Los Angeles to collect this evidence and place it in striking form for the Jury, as -well at to prepare to give expert testimony on the genuineness of the sirneturee. "The elttnatures are taken from ho-, tels all the way from Boston to San Francisco," Mr, Osborn said today, "Titey completely corroborate the confreslon of Ortle McManisraL -. h which he said that he vleMed Certaioi cities and -stopped 'at certain hotel. Detectives found his name or one of his many aliases npon.th hotel reg ister Just a he sald they would. In many cases also had a companion. "According to our photographs of th entries on tie hotel registers this companion registered sometimes as J, B. McNamara, sometime aa F. J. Sul livan, sometimes a J. B. Smith and often as. J. B. Brtee, The handwrit ing Is that of Jas. B. McNamara. It is so' unmistakably his that even a novice couM see it. "So far a we know trie list gives a" pretty good history of the move ment of McJtfamgal and Jaa B. Mc Kamara for th past two years." . I But It's DETAILS OF PLAN FOR HOLDING UP . PRICE OF P an is for Syndicate to Hold ; and Take as its Part One-Quarter of Advance occuredif it Does Not go up. They Get Nothing . ; , . AUaUSTA. Oa., Dee.- lyDetalU of the plan of a Mew York ayndlaata to tend Southern rottoaA grower. S0. 000,000 to aid them la holding their cotton until better price than those now prevailing ran bV obtained were made public here tnlgbt by W, H, Buyton, of New Tork who represents ths syndicate. The statement was is sued at tha conclsMoa of eonfer snce between Mr, BUy (on and Pres ident C. 8. Barrett,; ef the National Farmers' Union, E, 3. Watson, of South Carolina, " president at th Southern ' Cotton "congress sV, Whit ney , Rsld, secretary-treasurer of , th South Carolina Farmers' Union and J, -O., Anderson, of Hop HU1,, S. C, The eonfsrrnr ai ft' thr eBsld eMtton Of means far carrying ints executlbn th bias t tha New Tork eysndlfats. In thU statement Mr. fkayton says: i "tn a' geera! way my people, are ready to advanos $60, 000, 000 tn sup port a plan the outlines or which are as follows: Plan OutUnedUv No. 1. The cotton. owaer- will de liver his cotton to the usual' cotton buyer in his lonelily who 4 will buy the cotton and take title to.it Imme diately. No. J. The owner will receive H BETTER THIN AN EVEN CHANCE Of RECOVERY Manager Jennings Suffer ing From Concussion of Brain, Other Injuries BCRANTON, Pa., Dec.. 2. "A lit tle better than an even chance of re-, covery," is an authoritative state ment made tonight of the condition of Hugh Jennlngn, manager of the Detroit baseball team, and the Rev. Peter F. Lynett, wtho with Mr. and Mrs. David Holdn were injured In an automobile accident near Goulds vllle. Pa., late last night The Hold xis were only xtigintly Injured. Jennings Is suffering from con cussion of the brain, a fractured left arm and many gashes and bruises about the head and body. Father Lynett sustained eerlous Internal In juries, thre'J fractured ribs, fractures of the right leg and right arm and a deep gash under t.he chin in addition to many cut and bruises. It will require another day. Dr. D. A. Webb said tonlie'it, "to determine definitely Just how serious the condi tion of the two men Is. Father "Ly nett like Jennlns". Is an athlete and their rugged constitution will weigh heavily in their favor, the doctor said. T'-re immediate cauee of the acci dent is not known yet but It I sup posed it was due to a break In the steering'gear. At 11 o'clocTTK was nounced at th hospltsl that Jennings and Fath er Lvnett wer resting comfortably and that the inope for their recovery was growing brighter. Botn patients, have recovered consciousness but. they ar not yet out of danger. WASHINGTON. Dc t.- Forecast Nort.v Carolina: fair Sunday and Monday; light to (modnf west wind , -?,''.' Not His Last Appearance fill i COTTON. ARE Cotton Till it Coca to Desired Point and Then to Sel) it per bale In oath on account and will also i receive a ' negotiable certificate getting forth the Interest which tha owner has In whaever prfca tnay thereafter be received i for thg cot ton. ;-?;v . : ; i "No. I. 'The cotton owners my at any, time prior .to January lit, 1111, name a data when he . wants to finally fix tns prices he Is to receive and on that date that h so name, settlement wilt be made With him en the bail of tha privilege ouotd price for that date. "No. Oa. tht settlement, the farmer will be allo4 ths rirt his cottton Is worth on the date name and from this sum wilt W deducted the- lt atra4sdaMie(l,to ttlra ,tto (meres rill fee ehargsdf nd Also H as the Cost of grading, storage, insur ance, etc, together with a sunt equal to one quarter of rise in price which will be the gyndleateg eompeneotlon for Its services.". ; . -,iv;.:- In othsr word if the prlfte does not go up. th syndicate gets nothing except 1 for ' grading, storage .In surance, etc, and it the price Is ad vsnted through this movement then ths syndicate gets one-quarter of the vanced through this movement then other three-quarterg. "Of couree It I not pogelble for ARRIVAL OF ASSISTANCE SAVES TEAS' LIFE Was Being Slowly Choked' to Death by Son, Suddenly Gone Mad NEW YORK, Dec I. The timely arrival of assistance saved the life of the Rev, Jamen M. Denton, the en erable pastor of the Presbyterian church at Yaphank, L. I., last eve ning. Mr. Denton wa being slowly choked to death by hi eon, a man of 40 year, who suddenly went Insane, The day of Tlhenk giving had been a pleasant one for the old minister. He had held a service during the day,, and his son had come from his home, several miles distant, to Join his par ent! in the Thanksgiving dinner. He scted queerty during Vh meal, but laughed and talked and told how happy he felt at being atle to get over and e th old folk. When darkness came on he said he would soon be going. A lantern had been lighted, and his father was going out to U.ie yard to fasten the lock on the chicken house. "I'll do that, father," said th son, taking the lantern In his hand. "He acts queerly, doesn't he," said the ifsitfher, when he had gone from the room. A minute later the chickms began t squawk and th old minister went out. He found the son In the hen house with a dub beating them. '-My hoy! My boy!" said the fath-. er. "'What' wrong?" ' Ho you ar one of them, too. are ..ou cr)ll n, Mn, ,nd coming from (h ttenhouee made blow at hi pt with the stick, which missed. and h old man. grasped It. The son with a demoniacal laugh released hie hoM on the club and seised th father by th throat. His cry, and that of his wife, was heard by the neighbors. Among these Is Superintendent Jonathan Baker, of th Yapkvnk county house. , When they reached th oldfnan he had fceen borne to the groundland tbe eon was oho king the IK outjo him. After a gtruggle th song hand were torn from the throat of ;' th father, who' was black in th fee and near death. Dr. C A. Baker wa called. 4 1 The phyrtcian feared that the shock mitht prove fstal. Th eon wa taken to th Stat hospital for the Insane at MA DE PUBLIC my principals to deal direct with very individual farmer and - It ts therefore proposed that in each etate there ehall be a; committee of three of the' leading' cltiscn pf the stats who wilt act ai the trustees for All of the farmers; In their 'stats and will ee , that the farmers. Interests are protected For example It will be the duty ef these trustees to see that th nareassry banking arrangement are mad so that th .unpaid part of th purchase brio ! fully, gtfdured. . 4'A ;th4 present pru! th far mr would ;reclv j All ;er '-.b'sle Jn ;Jcah tie.. Thli money .must be deposited tq.Wst hanks or torn arrangement atlsfaotory tp;' lh tfute. must b mad In each Mat o that thl 111 to 1 10 Is' absolutely secured to the farmer In order that hi certlfieat or receipt may have a real valu,and t something, on which he can borrow money. - -(fi'i :,;;? t'A' '0 "By Monday ( will .. faa ready think., to suggest other plans- which will be satisfactory to u and may better tilt th planter." ' MISS ANNE F1RGAN I'ILL PROVIDE HOME FOR GIRL Will dive 16-Year-Old Girl Who Appeared in Court, an Education NEW YORK, Dee. I. Mia Ann Morgan, daughter , of J. . Pierpont Morgan, accompanist by Miss Bliss beth Marbury, paid a visit to th women's night t court tonight and while sitting on the bench pesid Magistral Barlow offered to glv a 1 -year-old girl prisoner a home and to provide for her education. The girl, Margaret Noonan, was brought to court by, her ifather on a charge of waywardness. Mia Morgan appeared to b much Impressed with the girl' story and after a whlspsrsd convsr- aatlon between th visitor and the magistrate the court announced . to the pretty defendant that a good home .and an education were to be provided for her by a wealthy fam- lly. The girl's . discharge wa or dered by the court and eh was turn cd over to a woman probation, off! cer until her protectress could make arrangement to car for hr MORMONS WIIL RUJI OFF, KAMMAR, la., December I. Two eVders of the Mormon church left tht city afoot with tbs din of many dlehpans echoing in thslr cars. Tha elder were making proselyt ing speeches when crowd of women beating vigorously on kitchen tin we re created such a pandemonium fat th speakers could not be heard. Morman sympathisers sought to ra pe! the assault by throwing water oo th women, but at thl point hus bands and brother took a hand, and after lively fisticuff the meeting wss broken up. - A. few member of th dlshpan bri gade wer out again , beating quick tep time to th departure , of the missionaries, "." r-, -; . " BAPTIST MTJTIBTEB DIES, . GREENSBORO. H." C. Dec. I. Rev. F. H. Jones, a well knows Bap tist minister, I dead at his horn here, aged seventy-five.' During hi ministerial career ' h . hagKised 4,000 persona, among- them tea own who became Baptist preacher and who are now occupying fruitful flWa tn iota gaW Ml lewhsr. LAW MAKERS ARE ALREADY PUTTIHG By Tonight Complete Strength of Congress Will he In the Capital City r ' LIVELY PROCEEDINGS EXPECTED IN HOUSE Representative Littleton Will Have the Floor. Senate sea; v slon Perfunctory WASHINGTON, ' D3. I. Many, , member of both house of congres: arrived today and by lata tomorrow night practically th ' complete trength of the ixty-fon oongree will be tn th city. At noon Monday, almoet.halt thousand aenatdr and representatives will be assembled tn th capital at th opening of the first , rtgular session ( congres Mat-, bid fair ta, go down In History a en of tha tobrt strenuous on record. Thl the complexion ' at pre. nt of & tlnd ongra: senate . republicans 41; democrat 41, on, . vacancy (Colorado); r house emo.' crata T; republican ISli gociniut li Independent 1; vacancy, l (7th Kane district. . "v Th seHlon Monday In accordanc with , precedent, will ba brleif and largely perfunctory so far a th sn-i at Ig concerned, In the hou. how ever, th proceeding will b enllv. " ived wild gpeecn oy nepreeeniaiive , Martin Wi niunon oi jviw ior, on a auetlon of personal privilege. Mr. LLIttleton. Who- Is a member of the. ' Special commutes or inquiry miu i"'-l United State Steel corporation, will attack Hinnr, B, Martin, secretary of the go-caliedjantt-truet league, charr ing that Martin ha -deceived th committee as to hi purpose lit glint ing th Investigation and I In league! wleti David Lamar,1 a bear broker In, Wal street; to depress United Plates' Btset stock. Both (houses will ap point 'eommlttee td call upon tn president nd notify him .that run. grin Is In aewlntt, - two n-v - kora 'ar to be eworn' In to th n,, i end flv ntm vpj-wiitativc in tn houe. Will Wet Tllglii to Work ' Congress,' after th flret furmul meeting, will plunge right Into work. Monday the N'ttlonal Monetary com mission will begin aerie of hear Ing on former Bmator Aid r toll u gested plan of currency rerarm. pre paratory to It report and n wind ing up o fit exlxtene. The Aldrlch plan is expected to bs adopttd with out material change. j Tuesday rV senate Inveetlgattng com mitts will rrum It probe Into the Lorimer election and th senate committee ; on , Interstate commerc1 will resume Its hearing on trust quex Jon. Jn th house, h commit-' tee on expendltur In the varlou department wit, resume their work immediately. Hi chief purpose being! tn rvommiad oonomie of admin-' titration. '- u i . Vl president Sherman will arrive tf morrow. Speaker Clark hag been la Washington several day and ha an nounced that he enpected a long ses-i Ion and th . busiest In many year.) Th speaker ha conferred with many 'of the democratic house lesder hut; a yet no deflnlt leglilatlv program, has been planned,' but an early cau-l eu of th , house majority will b oalled. . i - Th tariff, trusts, Panama canal.t currency reform and appropriation! bill will be conspicuous factor of th session' legislation. SIX. ARRESTS' MADE OF, SUSPECTS OF GRIME OF ONE NEEnCO T01HT One of Those Charged With ' . Daj A flftAasAMii 4s Hfni , der an Officer SUICID THEORY NEW YORK, Dec I. BIX men were arrested late tonight for jl- leged complicity In the death of Alice Tristram, who died In the Van Cort landt park golf house from carhollo' acid poisoning Ut Sunday nixkit. Tha arrests were mad on a warrant is sued by Coroner Shorgut. . .- i ,j James Tottsn ,a real eatsta dealer, wa charged la . the warrant with homkide and thoss charged with be- Ing accessorle am John J. McCarthy, a police lieutenant; D. 'Archy ,Tottn, ' brother of Thomas; Edward Oallsg-. her, an empjoy of the controllers' ( Office: Jo. ECrlppns. stenograph- er. and Wm. .Lapp. : It was first supposed that Mis Trie-, tram, who i said to have been thej daughter of Canon Tristram of Dirb- J lln, Ireland, committed suicide, but1 Coroner Shorgut was not , atiefled. ' with this conclusion and started an Investigation on the theory be an nounced that she was the vlotlm of a practical Joke and did not know t!u t ah wa takln poison. HftFPEAH