2 THE ARHEVILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1911 ."Ef.IORIAL OF ELKS - IMPRESSIVE EVENT LAHOB AtTHEJKW -AT" Al'lHTO RTTM Y ESTKUDA . Eulogy by Robert B. Reynolds, Mo- tnotial Address by Fred W. Thoowi HptcwdJd Music. A large su-dlenre gathered at the Auditorium yesterday afternoon for tha memorial ceremonies of the Be nevolent Protective) Order of Bike Ml Hit greatly.. Impressed with the music' the speeches and the order of the ercts. The. stiige was beautifully deco rated with ferns and potted plaits and the officers of the order and the members of the gra-ivd . lodge occu pied seats on the stag. A large Klk's head en which were mounted fifteen barnlnc candles was elevated fat tha rear of the stags and as the r names of the departed members of j the order were called, the randies ; were snuffed out. Th front seals in the Auditorium .were reserved for the members of the Aeheville lodge. . The musical program consisted of Violin . solo by James Westell, a ; piano solo by Miss Minnie Westell, vocal solo by Mrs. O. C. Hamilton and section by a quartet composed of J. "Q. Bllkelesther, Mrs. O. C. Hamilton, Mrs. Julia Burdlck and Thomas A. Jones. f , The Eulogy, ', Tha eulogy to tha members of tha order who have died since the Ashe will lodge wag founded was delivered r Robert R, Reynolds and ws a ipleaslnt address, being similar to his splendid effort at the memorial ex arrises of the Eagle, in which were held during, tha early part of . last winter. Mr. Reynold declared' that It was with difficulty' that ,ha re strained his emotions and stated that 1h eulogy Was but tha lamentation for departed. Elks. Purlng' the past year, he remarked, God has not re moved from earth a member of the rder and for this the Ellt of Ashe villa are gratefuL , ' ' Tha speaker said that the day was being v observed by Elk lodges throughout the country, which had assembled for the purpose of giving an hour together in prayer and thought for the members of the or Set who are still alive and whether they are remembered by tha departed brothers Is a question which will never be solved. However, those who d live well remember their depsrted 'brothers and think kindly of them, If Immortality Is a splendid and tn give dream, he who dreads to die should fear to live, for lira Is mora unaxplalneble than death. At the time of the eserolses, Mr.' Reynolds declared, .."'those t of the t order who hnve died gather with those who are alive and those who have gathered for tha memorial ekarclms are gath ered with tha dead. Tha speaker culled over, the names 4 th fifteen Elks who have died since tha foun dation of tha order hera and paid ft feriing tribute to thm i Th day was art side, It ; was stated, for tha. purpose f thinking of, the dead. However, tha Kike think not only of those of tha order who have died but . their thoughts and prayers are with tba widows and families of . the departed Klka,' who feel tha loss of father, brother, hus band and kinsman as keenly as the members of the order. Orief Is not all, for In the dead tombs of tha de parted brothers, on can see tha sun shine of tha future. Memorial 'Address, ' The memorial addreaa was deliv ered by Fred W. Thomas. . lis re marked that, tha services weYe held throughout the lend and declared that tha Idea of setting aside a day for this purpose, was an excellent one, as It brings the wombats of tha order together and .attracts their attention to tha more serious ;: things of life; i The principles of tha order ara char-; Ity.'Justice. brotherly love and fldel-. Ity. The charity aa carried out by tha Elks'js not that, kind which adver tise itself, but is charity in the tru- i est sense of the word a charity of thoughts and worda ... .. ! The justice, which is embodied In tha principles of tha order, does not Imply a justice which la only appli cable where wrong haa been done, for it has a wider meaning and pre-; vails to make men allow no act or in justice which springs from selfish-, ness. The plan of carrying out Jus- 1 tlra, . Mr. Thomas stated, is merely tha application of the Golden rule. The occasion of the memorial exer- ' Tailored Suits at Clearance Prices Broadcloth, men's wear worsteds, cheviots, zibelines, velvets, corduroys every thing there is left of our ex tensive stock of Winter 'Suits is included in this re- duction. Xo thing reserved. We are df teiniined to carry nothing over, and won't if prie con y ce ssions together w i t h Moore quality mean any thing to you." . Suits Wore $15.00 to $65.00 -' -k f Now ;'; $10.00 to $45.co : ,M. V. MQ0RE & CO. . lZ UPMTON AVENUE BnectallMa hi Women's Ready-tn-Wrar Garments, Caret at Attention , Give n tn Mall Orders. , Ask for a Fall Catalogue. LOST CONTROL OF HIS WHEEL, WAS INJURED WHA t.ARRKX . . fcl STAINS HOME SKIUOrS IITHTK. Taken to Mission Htopluil Where Ho Was ()Tu-d I' (Km and Will likriy Rrwm. Will Garren, an employe of the J. R. ltltth Dumbing company, waa the victim of a rather serious accident yesterday afternoon at about I o'clock, when the bicycle which ha whs rldlpg collided with a stone wall at the corner of Flint and Cherry street, and the young man waa thrown to the ground, ilia akull was fractured, bis lips and chin wars cut, his right arm and hand wore badly bruised and ha received a number of bruises about tha body. Ha was taken Immediately to 'the Mission hopltaI. where Dr. M. 11. Fletcher operated on him, and while hla In juries ara very painful and are quite aerlous, hopea are entertained, ,or his recovery. , . . . '" 7 " According to -reports, Mr." Garren Was riding the blnycln down the in cline on Flint street from Haywood street, when ho lost control of tha wheel near the Intersection of -flint with Cherry. In am effort to stop the Bicycle, he turned tt Into Cherry but the momentum was so great that It was thrown against a ton wall, which surrounds the fiondley prop erty at tha corner of tha two streets. The bicycle wss prcUeally destroyed and the rider was picked up by pasr-by unconscious. He wss rush ad to the Mission hospital and was given medical attention.. The scene of tha accident Is near the bottom of tha long hill on Flint street, which la a popular coasting place for bicycle and automobile rid ers. It' It presumed that Mr. Garren was coasting' down the Incline, whan his brakes failed to work and Ml cotrol over th nloyete' was lost. ' The victim of the accident ha ten a resident of this city for some time and Is well known her. BWAMNANOA XOTKS. j .The Mount Mitchell Rebecca lodge of Bwannanoa gave an oyster supper Thanksgiving evening for v the benefit of Ooldeboro orphanage, and quits a large sum was realised.' Misses Bertha and Maud Uonon, students of St. 6enevleve's Convent, are spending the Thankaglvlng holt days with their parents. Mr, Chsa, Folson, af Weave rville. Is spending a few days with his par ent .V Mils Evelyn Morris, of Ashevllle, I one of the week fid guests at Bwannanoa this week. , , Mr. and Mrs, H. W. Collett enter tained the. young people of the vil lage very delighttully on Saturday evening at their home, at te state farm.;.- - -, : ' v, - The Bwannanoa iJimher company, who 'recently bought, -craggy ,Mua-. tain lumber Company Company, are making many Improvements on the road to the mountain, and .work will soon be begun. CfVNFTXSIOX SATin $1,009,000. BAU8BURT, N, C. Dec. I. TTpon hearing of the confesainn of tha McNsmaras. accused of blowing up the Times budding In California, well known labor leader here re marked that the . confession haa saved drganlsed labor more than one million dollars. It is stated that an amount In exeeas of Jt. 000,900 had been raised by the labor organlaa tlona throughout the country to as sist In the defense. The confenslon of the orlme of McNamara meana that the money will be returned ' to the vraloua .channel through which H was TaJsed. cles Is one which moves the Elk to serious and solemn thought. , , Th Journey ! through ' life, the speaker remarked, Is a short one and the destiny of the human eoul haa been a unsettled question for ages. Brotherly love demand that mem bers Of the order . follow the dicta tions of their consciences in dealing with their fellow men, and It Is not the belief of the members of the or er that Qod created man to go only ta dust, at the end of life. The fidelity which Is embodied In the principles of the order, he said, demands that the members mttet be faithful to their aense of duty and their publllc and private obligations. Py these four nrlvclple fnlthful Elk govern their lives. An Opportunity Once in a The chance to see the Dante'e Inerno Pictures, at I earn land. They will be axplained tltrouirholjt by an expert lecturer. These pic tures are new, are interesting, they will not bore you. THVX ARK NOT TAKKX FROM A MJSTY SHELF AXI M'T XH WARD AH 1BW - tmt wr shown a nhort whlls ago in Chas, P. Taft's fahlonalle Orand Opera, Cincinnati. The pictures grip snd hold your Interest as you follow Dante and Beatrice In their wonderful descent to the different circles of punishment. Show Opens DREAMLAND Aslie ville's Great Show Place PREMIUM LIST OUT FOR POULTRY SHOW FROMI8KS TO BtS MOHT PCCe!l FVI, KVERjHEliD 1IKRK. ; Prl.cs CnuNiially IJberal and rrua. Iiecta for iJ-rge Kutrf WhI Are Brlgtit; The premium list for the fifth an nual exhibition of the Aahevllle Poultry and Pet Stock association ha been Issued and is being distributed by the secretary of the organisation. The show wilt be held for four days, be ginning the twelfth at this month, and promises to be an unusually suc cessful ns. The urenihim Hat Is well gotton up, contains sixty page and Indicate that the premiums which will be offered this year will be the moot valuable tbat have ever been offered at art AstievtUe poultry show. ffpeclal silver cups -are offered by the Rhode Island Hed club, the Part ridge Wyandotte clu)t, the Whlte jUg. horn club and the Barred Plymouth. Rock club, The special prize which are offered lire plentiful and 5n thts list are Included some very handsome oops ami premiums. Seventeen sliver cups ate offered for various birds and eash prises are put up by many poul- hry,incier. xJ,J'rv-u juwynante viehfSnvWrs'lls year In tff ferlng-trlses for good poultry and ths professlonat men have donated lanje amount to the club te be distributed in -many different' ways, which are fit plained In the premium list. r. 3. Marshall, of 'College Park, (in., who la generally rerogntred as one o the best Judge of poultry In the South, will peas upon the fowls which will be eKhrhlted at the Aehe ville shew end the association feel that it ha been very fortunate in se curing his services, as it is believed tha the fact that he 1 s to Judge will ibe the means of no small number of twesder entering their bird In the show Which is to be held here. He has had a great deal of experience in this line, 'having Judged the birds at a number of expoartlons and fairs. All awards will be made by comparison, although an arrangement- ha been made with the Judge whereby the owner of birds can have their ex hlhlta Judd on "he score card bsl If they desire It. ' The score will, however, have no effect on the Judg ing by cumpwison. A feature which will doubtless prove Interesting l the decision of the promoters of the show to place at the center of the building four sin gle eoops and a pen coop, which will be handsomely docorarted and In which 'will fee placed the champion blrda of the show, when the Judge haa completed his work. The association has . determined thet thla year's exhibition shall be the "quality s'.ow af the South" and i making a -trenuous effort to make It unequaled in the history df the or tsinlatlon. The secretary has received a, numher of requests for premium Hats and they are being mailed to a large number of prospective entrants. MISSION FOR SICK PROVING SUCCESS Chaplain of Ilwion Answers Many Calls of "StTHiiKcrs In a S( range land." Rev. J. S. Williams, Who has been engaged as chaplain of the mission for the aicW, which was started Satur day under te auipices of the cfturches snd fraternal orders of the city, states thnt the work is progress ing nicely and that 'he Is being re ceived warmly In the home of those who art. here for their health and who are unable to associate with the members (if their churches In the various houses of worship In the city or their brothers in the AshevtHe lodge rdopis. Mr. Williams' parish ioners Include tOiosf of the city who are not enjoying good henlfh arm" ho la receiving calls from various part of town. SENATOR OVKOMAK TO INGTON. WASH. BAUSRl'RT, "N. C, nee. ..Sen ator Lee 8. Overman left his home In Salisbury tonight for Wsshington to be present at the opening of the sen ats tomorrow. He was accompanied That Comes But Lifetime , Today 1 p. nra. by his private secretary, Mr. Jnq. D. Brown, who ties been in Washington with Senator Overman for several years. The senator make rt a point to be on hand at the first roll call at the opening of congress. Mr J. P. Hall, of Bnlisbury, also left today for Washington to aeeept an appoint ment as. page secured through the influence 01 pepreeeiuauvs Doughton. : R. l. RICH MA SUICIDES PARIS, Dec. David Wolfe Bis hop, a wealthy , resident of Paris, wthosa home wa In New York, Shot and killed Wmself yexterday. He had been sufferings 'from a disease of the liver wlilch wapronounced incura ble. He ' left two letters, sddressed to his mother,' Mrs. Parsons of New Tork. 5 V. s Ashevillc School of Musical Art ind Languages Phone tti Auditorium Bide, "The fact that our custom ers stay' with w froiiltiionth to month and from yetir "to year; testifies to the, quality of the laundry work -we are dping for theiii. jSTot a sinftje feature in the trip of your linens through our big air plant but that lias the atten tion of those skilled in that particular Aork.' Whether shirts, collars or cuffs, shirt waists, dresses, underwear, or what not all , get pre cisely the same care in handling, and, the same care ful examination before sending to vou, ? MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone M26 I SEWING MACHINES VARICES MAKES gold, Exchanged, Rented and , i Re)alred CAS3 OR EAST PAYMENT", ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal bids Pack Square. Phone 150? I w ill you try a loaf of our Vienna i Bread? Wo can guarantee Its e- ! cellent quality. j (XUJ:UK STREET BAKKItY Dean & Mowirey, Props. 37-C-liege St. ; Phone 857 FOR SALE ! For Male: Eight-room house on Mont ford uv t m ergaln. 1 Canaday Realty Coi 1 10N. Pack Sq. ; Phoifc 974 i THE BERILNSAMPLE STORE Qrcst value in ladies' Coat Suits and Long Coats, ranging In- prices from $.Y0O to $8.50. - , 8 N. Park Square Wrightsman's MItXIXEKV 10 Church Street "fi t JV? a) . Love coming after a hasty theme I this pretty Amencsa Ule. , These Populapr Novels and 500 pXhtr. Noaf fA j Formerly PubK.hsd at fl-50 3UC j , J Why not enjoy a romance, or mystery or a humorous fcovel when toi book may be had at such a, modest price? . . q These hook ate tha best that the "market affords, and are not to be confuted with, cheap literature in inferior editions. Get a complete list. 1 Domestic life; seen from an unusual point of view. Start. lingly realistic. HACKNEY & MOALE CO STATIONERS West Pack Square : tot us rnre rew aa estlnurte o." Htet Eleccrto Wiring. Our work ejh'M eatlsfactloa. W, A. WAED, IS Ctaaurcli St. . Phone 44t EVERYDAY Will be one of thanks giving to you if you fill your eoal bin with M. & W. Indian CoaL Over 95 ,jer cent, pure carbon. Comes from the choicest mines jn the famoiis Jel lico region. Phone 130. Carolina Coal & Ice : : , Company : e ftO rattoa Ave. Dralunee- DUlg. SBXsBSBSsBSBesBSisssSBBSessaBBSt as essBSsa SB-aBsKaans--sw---l,-H- Dissolution of Partnership .' The partnership heretomore exist ing between II. O. MFarland and A. P. Marble under the flirtn, n me of McFarland A Marble la this day dissolved by mutual consent. Nov. 21. 111. H. G. McFARtiAXD, A. P. MARBLE. The business will be continued as heretofore toy the undersigned under the firm naroe and style of H. 0. Mc Farland A Co. , H. O. McFARLAND." MISS CRUISE SHOP Hair Goods of all styles for the latest coiffures. Hair Ornaments, Shell Goods and the newest line of Toilet Ar ticles. ' Manicuring and Hair- drcssing. Phone 16 25 Haywood Street HOOD'S Millinery reduction in trim med hats. Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest yclHui. of it kind la the Sooth. Office Room IV Dhromor nidlf. (Oer Field's) Vir Sedlf Kivauarl, I'rtncipal Position 8e-iiretl fw nil Gradnatcs stnmum!u.,musii;aviitw'HmuniBj BETTER BE SAFE r .And get our prices, be 'oie placing your order ; fall nigs and car nets. Ws have just 3e 'vivea a large shipment of fall goods, . and are offering entire stock at bargain prices. You will find anir prices worth the ask ing. ' , Asheville Carpzl House The Home ol Prvity Carpets 5e. !S-SO.Chtrrrh St. Ptron U9 &l 1 HUNGRY I l I. HEART Gift Umbrellas on Display Sxcei e it Qtaie of J'torm J'erge at a yery Special Price A value offered in the Dress Goods Section this week is the special on Storm Serge. It is a well known fact that-this material stands high in popular favor, possibly more of it being used than any other two fabrics for fall jBuits and skirts. , ' We "purchased a number of r pieces from a manu facturer who didat want to cari'y them over, at a very special price. " These serges sold in our regular stock for $1 and $1.25 yard. The following shades: navy blue, black and brown, 52 inches wide, for 85c yard. Christmas handkerchiefs--p Jam and r t ' Fmcy,r : ; ' ' Handkerchiefs" are always acceptable as Christ-" mas gifts. They make useful presents and if pur chased here, pretty ones. Our showing of the pretty novelties is the broadest ever attempted by us. The Handkerchief booth is in the rear of the store, well lighted and easily accessible to all , who enter. y We invite you to see the display. Ladies', Misses' and Gentlemen's Handker chiefs are priced at 5c up. ... Beautiful corner embroidered, sun spun Hand kerchiefs, for 50c each. Armenian laced Handkerchiefs are priced at 25c, 50c and 75c each. Initial Handkerchiefs for men and women are priced at 25c each. . Small fancy boxed Handkerchiefs for children, at 15c box. Turkeys Of a Quality M. HVAiVIS FRESH MEATS Phone 4a9. ' TURKISH BATIIS The Gruner Sanitarium 31 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemea FOR 8AX.E - Suburban home of eight rooms. One minute walk from street ca: Una. Iot 150x230. Fine shade and f iruit trees. Unsurpassed views. House haa modern, sanitary plum.blng; elec trio lights; hot and cold water; ce ment cellar and upstairs sleeping por ch, , Nice garden, chicken yard and good stable. THE H. IF. GRANT REAL 1Y CO.. 4S Patton Ave, FALK'S MUSIC HOUSE Has a special offer for any lady buying a Piano be tween now and Christmas. Come in and learn par ticulars of this offer. r 21 South Main Street For the Man Who SMOKES Nassau lighters-, make an ideal gift.'. $1.00 up to $7.50. CHAS. E. HENDERSON 52 Patton 'Ave. TRIMMED HATS . -Reduced M. Webb M If you Are a stenographer or a bookkeeper desiring a position, and will call at the office of The Emanuel School of Shorthand we .may Have something of interest for you. Office No. 16 Drluuno , Uldg. (over Field's.) CITIZEN WANT ADS at tha Ckristmos JtorB.. & Ducks : Ilia! Pleases GROCERIES : Cor. N. Main A Merrltnpa Ave. HOLIDAY BREAD. "Why Avorry with baking bread, when'you can get fufl 16-oz. loaves of our justlv famous BUTTER CRUST, why it is cheaper than you can bake it at home, and the best tljat baking skill can produce. Ask ytUr gro cer, or phone 622. 7 ; ASHEVILLE STEAM -;UT '-BAKERY 4 - ROCKEHSS Make Fine Gifts , ' 100 Different Styles V $1.50 up ; J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 1517 N. Main St Dr. R. O. Buckler has Changed his residence from 18 Vance Street to 11 Soco Street. Phone 12702 rings. CdlmnF miss : raJ)-ii!,cfrf HUFF, . EXIERT OOUSETTERE ItOOMS IT and 38- : Ajnerlcan Kattooal Bank Building - .i-V--1---

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