THE ASHEVELLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1911 it .. uXS v 4wm i - , - 1 society ana rersonais y " Tha Chrirtmae number of Every 1 tody mag-ealn contain ft very tn tereetlnc story by the late O. Henry, which a never finished by tn well known author. The tory entltleil i"An Unprofitable Servant." and tell Wvidly of the amateur nlht of tho little fiatt aide theatres, where aonK t and danc artists," and vaudeville aspirant are "tried out" Jt waa In ' these Httl theatre and dance halls, that the expre!on "et the hook" -waa coined. -A man armed with the Kbova Implement etood In the wings ' and -when the amateur did not find 5 favor with the critical audience, the Utter demanded "the hook" In loud tone, and (he demand wee literally tarried out. Wf. itentr atory la ion In hia mort .characteristic vein, i it editor of the maitsslns offer a prlie of a hundred dollar for the beet .ending-, to their mind, of the atory. -'which may be merely a aynopaia, or i aunaaatlon or the alory flniahed in i detail. .'V the Garnering Circle of the Flrat ' t)aptl church will meet at the reel " '-dene of Mr. C. M. Dill. 47 Panola . ; -street, thla . afternoon : t .. halt past three, o'clock. AH membera are cor- d,lolly Invited to attend. - (t' ( i, .-. 4 J , j-Qealht.- old-fuhtoned embroidery U the rat nowaday, not only for fancr article, but for dreaa trlm i mlnits a well." .,' .si Over In Pari, the rreai designer , of. women' apparel are ualnf all ' m m t .ll.lnll. A I A A mll r M In Wflnl l .11 . llV. V . ....wi,...,. ... --. Ilk, ,,nd linen embroidery to trim their maatarplece. floral designs worked with wool on r4nv In the newest conceit that i hn Vauitht th fancy of the Krenrh moaist. ints la not at an oimcuit to do,,' and can easily be copied by any one! who can u a needle and I clever with color combination. Pr the oanva can he bought al--rewly damped In color ready to be .worked. These coma In collar (' tuff seta. ":vt patterns, band, and ' revera that' add a moat attractive 'touch to a somber town, especially If 1 th embroidery be don In bright cot- "lf- '..: ' ' - '-..,: ' ..,; Loosely woven canvs la used for th. work, which la don with fine . tapestry wool In th tent stitch. , ,;- This, unlike the ero-tltch, I slm - riv two stitch taken aide by aid and 'rery close together.- Lit th stltrSe follow the design exactly, andMiae enlp of colors, those that -Mend In well with th material used ;n int nmsuis oc in conum. . - If silk or linen b used, get th very coarse thread, If thla 1 not pos- Ible, use severs strands of fines, Km broidery on canvas makes splendid covers for t shies, bureau, end nand.' Edition: bands for our I'tuln are made of It, and cushion venver hv oornT worked In this ?4 v ' " , v- ;"T ,,Th "Asbevill Chapir, Vmt4 l! l!u(iti.S W the- C0nrdacy " wilt i .meet Thursday at half past three - ttiHnulrf ttfc Wsldertc df 'MrH. J.'-p, lawyer, Jit . Montford avenue.. Mem- ners are urged to attend a business ' 'if Importaneeir S fo . be Iransacted and report from delegates to the ; Bjirrsl convention a Hlhmond and - Ith state convention --'at' Winston-Sa-,-Jem'wlll b made...' f :. . I , . , J Th Woman.' i Guild of Trinity Vhurch 'will meet with Mr. C. C, UtchU, I Aston I'lace, this after' Jipun t o'clock. . - '; Th Women Auxiliary of All jPouls churoh, Jaltlmore, meet In th ('parish house' this afternoon at half "jiast three o'clock. A meeting of th "Altar flulld Of the ehurch will be held -at tw o'clock In th parish hotis.,- i Tha AJtar ioclety of fit. Iwrence i Catholic -church will meet thte after noon (Wednesday) at l;ao o'clock. t. Genevlev' colleg. A full at jendanc , urged. - . , ,f Th graduate nurses of th city 1 Will meet at the Henrietta tomorrow .at 4 p. m., to discuss Important busi ness. . more rumors concern- ilnjr Christmas parties and evidently .mia-winter win be the gayest time of 1 the season, socially. A debutant of i th winter I to hav . very large, and beautiful psrty given In her honor, which will be an event of In- terest. The Country club cotillion Is j still the "lode etar" of tHe season, and will surpass all almllnr events' which hav . taken place In several years. The reception snd dsn-e given hy Mrs. Itldgeley I'ennlman to for mally open Rnvensi-rnft will be an ihrr hnllilnv event. There are t" be a number of Informal Unnrrs snd parties given for the Kirls returning from school, end of ourse the big I'hrlntmai Imlls Ml the hotels. The nrnsnect seems bright, for a very festive Chrlnlma. At ihH recent meetlntf of the Teachers' sssembly t Itnlelgh, X. C a dinner wss given at the Yarbor niish hotel to the alumni of the Peu- body Normal school, at which there nra twentv-tfwn aucsts. Prof. A. C. Reynolds, of Ashevlile, was present. fthnv Prof. i. U- Rills, formerly of this city. The convention wss attend ed by ten delegates from rluncombe counts'. 'IT,.' , VERHOSAh MENTION y There sre Mis Emms Morris, who has been at Forest Hill for some lime, has gone to Virginia to visit relative for several weeks. Mr. Kltigsland Van .Winkle, who hs bcejL attending 8uprme court at Raleigh, ha returned to the city. Mr. Jack Phlnney, who Is at the Battery Park hotel for the winter, haa gone on a week's hunting trip. Miss Besle Coombs, who ha been visiting friends and relatives in the city and West Ashevlile, ha re turned to her homo In Haltlgh, X, V. Mr. -Bflrah Belbles, who ha been at Moiitford cottage for some week, ha returned to Charlotte. , Mis Edith Rlcker has returned from Cincinnati, where h ha been visiting herfamlyy for several week and will spend the winter in Ashe vlile. ' Miss Mary Kelly has gone to Char lotte to visit friend for several day. Mr., J. H. Upham and family will occupy Daffodlll cottage, Albbmarle Park, for th on. Mr. C. T. Carr and children hav gone to Mooreavllle and Charlotte for a visit to relative,. Mr. and Mr. Harold Bwope, who hav bean at th horn of Dr. and Mrs, Swop line their recent mar riage, hav gone to Chicago where they will make their home, , Mr, and Mrs, 8. T. Huselton and Mis liuaniton, . of Pittsburgh, are guests at the Manor. Mr, a. Schulse, of the Biltmor Nursery, who wis operated upon re cently t.t th. Biltmor hospital for ppendlcittsyf Ijr, recovering and will shortly b out. Mti. "Mary "Coleman hai gon t-to Whltmlr. 8. ,C, to spend .the wln,ter with her son and daughter,. Mr. Thaddeu Coleman' and Mr Wllllkm Coleman. . ,, Mr. and Mrs. R." F. Kerrof New TOrk, have leased Calmla cottage, Albemarle, for the season. Miss Bertha Hunter has returned from a visit to friends In Greensboro, N. C after a ten day' abbsence. Miss Natlca Safford , snd her brother, Mr, Safford, of New Tork, were In town yeMerday from Hot Springs. Mis Harford leaves In about a fortnight for New York, where ahe will spend the winter with relative. Misa I.dulea Morgan, who has been visiting relatives during Thanksgiv ing In Charlotte has returned to the city. Mrs. Tack left yesterday for New Tork after a etay of some length at her home on Merrlmon avenue. Holiday Sale of; Jewelry and 5ilverwar6 To encourage early buying and lessen the runh nd hurry that always, comes just before CHRIST MAS, we will offer for ten days, beginning Wednes day, December 6, a few unusual values. VVc beg io especially mention a few of our mod important ten day sale articles, giving only a very .limited idea of the large variety of our HOLIDAY gTOCK which is now on exhibition in our main store and annex. A FLW OF THE UNUSUAL VALUL5 OFFERED IN THE ANNEX 40 odd pieces of silver-plated butter knives, pickle forks, spoons, etc., at 20c each. IN THE MAIN STORE Folid Silver Thimbles, 12c each; solid silver pic ture frames, 2fc and 36c; solid silver bodkins, 15c, 20c, and 36c each. Solid gold scarf pins, wish bone, horse shoe, and crescent designs, BOc each. - A VISIT to our store not only means' a SAVING TO YOU, but alto an opportunity to make selections from one of the most dependable and up-to-date lines of jewelry and silverware to be fdund.'i ' No telephone or mail orders. December fth to December 16th, only. , ARTHUR M. FIELD GO- m vjm,'.'. a . A r4 Aong Coats for $10.00 up , Juits priced at $12.00 up. (Second Floor.) LIST OF PRIZES HAS JUST BEEN ANNOUNCED . ' ' i 1 ; i ! COlt AMD POIT1TRT OONTESTS ATTRACT ATTENTION. Awarding of Pretnlama Will Be . Small Task, a Hie Are Many Entries. No Mrs. Westreldt New York. left yesterday for Mr. and Mrs. Rex T. Bostlc and their little son, Van Buren, Jr.. ar rived last evening from Portland. Ore., and are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. ttoatlc, on Central av enue. They will also visit Mr. and Mrs. C. ft. Wstklns, on Spruce street, before they njturn to their home af ter Chrlarma. Holiday Redaction Street and Calling Dresses Evening Costames and Dancing Frocks Now that the holiday rush is. fairly begun, :yo uwill especially appreciate this opportunity , to, rid yourself of dress-making trials. "Whatever the function, however preten tious or informal, you will have no difficulty in finding an appropriate costume at end-of-the-t .season prices. V ' Cloths. Serges, Velvets, Silks, Crepe Me teor, Chiffon. Nets, Marquisettes, etc. Every - thing is included at special pre-holiday prices. $16.50 to $85.00 Dresses $12.60 to $65.0C ft V.M00RE & CO. '' ' r" J! PATT0N AVENUE . . . tpedallst In Women'i Rredr-to-Wear Garments, Careful Attention Given to Mall OMter, Ask for a Fall Catalogue. ' The Buncombe county corn contest committee lias completed th list of th prise whiofh will be awarded at th oounty court hous en th flf teenth of this month to th parttnl pant lit th corn and poultry con testa."?'.'' A treat deal of Interest 1 being shown in th contest tills year It la (ated. and it I, believed that th awardntc of the crises will be a dU flcult task, tic no mall number -ferisn. vntr.9&n fm--!'.r, j ... Th prises. whltm will b awarded for poultry,' win be given at th poul try aho-w .0 ,tb AHlmvilka, Poultry and, Pet Btouk jssocUionr whch will ba held .jler fojr.four, ,day Jealnnlng .MeiniMf 2., Is the boy's contest the first prise will be )S0 In cash; atcond, 110 In cash; third, half ton of fertiliser. vulu til. T).. first premium In the men' contest will be fit In cash second, $10 In cash and a two-hor ljnchburf plow; third, half ton of fertiliser, value tit. In the n'ed corn contest $ iO will be given for th best 10 etfraf and IS for the second best. In tha poultry contest, 110 will be awarded for ti-, best pair of fowls; and It SO for th second, Followinc la a list of the firms and Individuals who hav contributed to the fund for prises and who have offered merchandise as premiums: Biltmor farm, 110; B. Sternberg-, 122: W. H. Westell. S; Ottla Green Hardware company, $17; Aahev1lf Orocery company, $17; Burton A Holt, tf: Carolina Coal company. $10; fl. I.lplnaky. 10; T. 8. Morri son. IS; H. Redwood A Co., 110; R. P. Hayes. 15; J. 8. Coleman. tlO; Charlea D. Brown. $3; W. Frank Rogers, $1; Ashevlile Ice company tf,; W. W. Rollins, f 10. "THE TRAITOR" SEEN AT THE AUDITORIUM Tom Dixon' mellow, effort 'The Traitor," an alleged taquel to "The Clansman,' waa the attraction at the Auditorium last night. The company was of th mediocre vaMety, not a single member having any apeclal claim to distinction. About the worst of all was Mark Har. rkton. aa "Judge Butler." He did not bother the audience long for he was successfully etabbed In the first act and did not show up again, ss tar as udlance knew.. Ashevlile theatergoers have a iect ifor a really g.iod show iday evening when the clever Srheff, who needs no Introduc- ko the American public, will her first appearance In Aahe- The indications are that on hecasion there will be a good the first f e.'hlah' convened at 8. 10 yesterday afternoon and tfra second at 7,t0 last nig!. A number of matter pertaining to (he welfar of the' district wen dis cussed and several Interesting talk were mad by' ih visitor to the city. FUNERAL KEKVICES Thf funeral service over One re main ot Altort B. White were con ducted yesterday afternoon at I SO o'clock at th fhome of A. L. Robert by Be. W., A.' Newell, pastor of Haywood Btrt (Methodist hurch. Thie remain wirre Interred at th West Ashevlile cemetery . The deceased was four year of age and was thl son of Mr. and Mr. B. P. WiMt. H died at South Bend, Indiana, Friday. THREES BASKpTBAIX GAMES The game of class A of tha Y. M. C. A. basketball league which, will be played at th gymnasium of the asso cfatlon tomorrow nlg-ht are: Hunt against , Wilson, , st 7.11; Tijung against Atkinson st I; Balrd against ."tokaley,.. . s. , ,., , , Christmas Jrade Sn full Qlasi yesterday The "CHRISTMAS STORE" was busy yester day. Not too busy but just enough to make things lively. Shoppers seem to appreciate our efforts to please them. They are shopping earlier this year than any L previous one, with the possible exception of last year. It don't take Asheville People long to find out the best places to shop, ". ' We are showing the largest line of high grade? novelties ever-brought to the city. There are so many new lines that you must come in arid see them all1 "lorrf, yourself. A large shipment of FANCY WORK BAS- - KETS arrived here yesterday. They are priced at 65c '' Don't fail to visit the Doll exhibition on the main! - floor, first aisle. - ' The Handkerchief Booth is another attraction.; It is located in the; rear of the main floor, second aisle. ! i Dissolution ' of Partnership Th Dartpersblp hareAomor xiat- ing between h if;. Of. McFaiiand and A. P. Marble tinder ih ftrtn nsm of MeFarland ft Marble I this day disserved by mutual consent. Nov.' Zt, lttlt"' 5 H O. McFARIAND. . A . p. MARBLE. The business 'will he continued as heretofore by the undersigned under the firm name and :yle of H. Q. Mc Farland Co. , . H. O. McFARUAND. TRIMMED HATS Rednced M. Webb Co. HOLIDAY BREAD. Why worry with baking bread, when you can get full 16-oz. loaves of our justly famous BUTTER CRUST, why it is cheaper than you can bake it at home, and the best that baking skill can produce. Ask 'your gro cer, or phone; 622, ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Asheville School of Musical Art and Languages THQDIST PASTORS AND STEWARDS MEET The meeting of the pastora and auwards of thai Ashevlile district. of; the Methodist Episcopal c.-urch.l South, which was hi' Id yesterday was well attenaed, a numoer or out-oi-town delerates ha vine spent the day here In attendance upon the meet- lass, which were preside d over by! Dr. D. Attains, V- presiding elder of! this district. ' The steward met yesterday morn Ins; at 19.J0 o'clock and the pastors and lay delerates h:4d two mee tints. Phone 344 Auditorium Bids. Folk's Music House Has a special offer for any lady buying a Piano be tween now and Christmas. Come in and learn particu lars of this offer. . 1st M-I0V ..w. sstlmwt o.' that Blectrto Wlrta. ;Ow .weTE.sV4 satlstactlua; ..kv.. . W. A. WARD, . Airviiujta vixfftrMiJi U Cttasck M. PbasM If y6u are a stenographer or a bookkeeper desiring a position, and will call at the office of The Fmanuel School of Shorthand we may have something of interest for you. Office No. 16 Drhumor Bldg. (over Field's.) J EVERYDAY ! Will be one of thanks giving to you if you fill your coal bin with M. & W. Indian Ooal. Over 95 tjer cent, pure carbon. Comes from the choicest mines in the famous Jel lico region. Phone 130. ! Meats Turkeys & Ducksj : Oi a Quality that Pleases M.HYAMS"H ..aa...s.W FBESZl MEATS . ,.QROOERIES : r rant s-ia.. ...... --. . ssass v. 1 l-.f The Gruner Sanitarium ; 81 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen; FOB 'SALE ' Suburban home of eight rooms. v One minute walk from,,-, street car Une. Lot 150x230. Fine shade and fmuit trees. Unsurpassed views. Hous I has rnqdern, sanitary plumblns; elec tntc H&h,ta; hot and -cold-water; ce ment cellar and upstairs sleeping por wh. t NlcV garden, hckea yard "and good, stable. ... ;:.' , .;''' : '',;:-'; THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO,. 48 Fatton Ave. A Large and VarieFStock Of Sterling Silver-Toilet Articjes at attractive prices await your inspection here. CHAS. E. HENDERSON 51 Patton Avenue Carolina Coal & Ice Company AO Fattoa Ave. urunmo umg. a FOR SALE For Sale: Eight-room house on Mont ford ave., at a bargain. Canaday Realty Co. 10 N. Pack Sq . Phone 974 THE BERLIN SAMPLE STORE Orest value In ladles' Coat Suits and Long Costa, ranting la prices from M OO to $8.10, X. Pack Sonar HOOD wrightsman s snxxixiair 10 Cbarch Strcet Millinery reductiou in trim m,cd hats. Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest sclwo. of it kind la th Soatli. OIRe) " - Kaoru IT Miramor BMg. (Ow IlcM's) ' , Miss Sadie Kraanncl, Principal ' Posltloaa Eccvrrd fo mil Graduate SEWING MACHINES VARIOUS MAKES Bold, Exc haaged, Kented aod Hepalred CASH OR EASY PATUEXT3 ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE CO. Legal Uldg- -Pack 8Quar. Phon 150 MISS CRUISE SHOP Hair Goods of all ; jstylea for the latest coiffuresi Hairt Ornaments, Shell Goods nd ' 'the newest line of (Toilet Ar ticles. Manicuring and Hair dressing. Phone 16 ' 25 Haywood Street The fact that our custom ers stay with us from month to month and from year to j'ear testifies to the quality of the laundry , work we are dodng for them. Not a single feature in the trip of your linens through our big air plant but that has the atten tion of those skilled in that particular work. Whether shirts, eollnrs or cuffs, shirt waists, dresses, underwear, or what not all get pre cisely the same care in handling, and the same care ful examination before sending to you, MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY , Phone 426 ROCKERS- Make Fine Gifts" 100 Different Styles -$4.50 up r J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 N. Main St. Dr. R. G. Buckner.- has changed his residence- from 18 Vanpe Street t llSdco Street. Phone 1270 2 rings. t miss 7 A CRxnr- HUFF, EXT ERT OORSKTTERB ' '. I ItOOMS T and 28 Awfrtraw Xnflonal Bank Birildm CITIZEN WANT ADS ' BRING RESULTS. I

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