s- t ..-Vi. r--vW CITIZEN. Citizen Want Ads Bring Results, THE WEATHER ; SHOWERS H ; ASHEVIIXE, N.O, TUESDAY MOR PECEMBEK 12,1911 PRICE FIVE CENTS VOL. XXVUX, NO. 51 BODSEVELT HASHX SI HEWDUHT TAKE riOMirJATlDfJ For Tlils Reason Advocates of Ex-President Are Cham pioning Him Openly OPEN HOSTIUTY - 4 AGAINST H. s. new Hitchcock Says ;There is no Friction Between Htm and! i . ; Secretary of President 1 iiX-'iV-' .WASHINGTON", Dec.. l,Hofill tieaVof 'an' onexpepte"-teharaeter and rnim u unlooke lor -quarter devel oped today among .members of the republican . national committee . nl 5 other, prominent, party , leader ,ho are nf in. couneorioii wm i""" In tomorrow to iHli;Um nd place for the prealdehtkU nominating convention next aummer. f opposition to Colonel Harry ,8. New, of Indiana, - administration candidate ' for - ' chairman . of th .powerful- sub-corn ' irittt on ' contention . arrangemsnta. was responsible tor tha lll-feellng n- gendered. - No eettlement ' had been reached late tonight but , some of President Taft' closest ',, frlsnda iaa ' nounced that they would not only in ' aiat upon tbs election of ,,Mr, Naw, but upon "naming a majority of -th .' commlttes, v' PSCR" '.Ouly leea mtereetlni than to un looked for controversy over the "cbn- ' trol' of the sub-commltee- In "charge of the convention, wear the exploit? tlon" throughout today . o Colonel Theodore Roosevelt a, the: possible candidate for the presidential nomina tion. TM advocacy of Colonel Rooae vrt. but thinly veiled yeatarday, wa openry and promlaoaoualy 'proclaimed today.. . TUia . advocatea of Colonel Roosevelt' ,. ' nomination . apparently based their arguments Id bta behalf upon the- fact that at no time had the former "president annosnosd that ha would "not accept ttbs nomination if It jrer tendered him. . 'It waa reeog-J-, '-r Wed Soat he would not openly be h''aom a. nandtdaU. ths aaldi but the f -" mmrm a..." ooswcMm members of the ,-- national aommlttea and other preml ' " nent republican in thi city as to their sentiment tn retard to ""forcing" the nomination upon the cftloneL Want Action Postponed There" were 'many who connected the open advocacy of Colonel Roose velt'a nomination wiftn the opposi tion to' naming a eommlttaa of ,r- rangeAtenta dominated by adminis tration men. It waa apparent throught the day that friend of Colonel Rooae velt were ndavoHn7 In every way to postpone action by the national com mittee wMch would definitely commit anybody to any man' candidacy. The Rooaevelt enthusiasts frankly stated that their hop lay In. worklnr up a demand for Colonel Rpoaerelt to be expressed In the convention It' ' M. Friends , of Colonel Rooaevelt also , declared today that they were making; (Continued oa Ja Five) ' TO APPEAL FRGFJ DEGREE Supreme Court Renders De cision, Bill May be Intro duced in Congress CTTMMINS' MEASURE WASHINGTON, Dec. 11 Refusing today the request of the leaf tobacco board of trade of New "Sork to re view the decree of the United States circuit court for southern New York which approved the reorganisation plan of the "tobacco ' trust,"" three reasons ware issigned by the suprems oourt of the United State.- These reason which wera set forth by Chief Justice White 'were: One who la not a party to a rec ord and Judgment Is not entitled' to appeal therefrom. Tha action of the court below In refusing to permit . the movers to i become parties to the record is not j susseptlbla of being reviewed by , this court on appeal, or Indirectly, under tha circumstances hers dis closed by the writ of mandamua ."Ths merely general nature and character of ths Interest which ths movers allege thay have In the pa pers her filed Is not in any event of a character as to authorise them In this proceeding to assail the ac tion of the court below." A bill waa Introduced , today by . Senator Cummina granting to tha In dependent tobacco companies the right to appeal to the supreme court from the New Tork decree approv ing 'the tobacco company re-or-ganlsatlon. . The bill give a the reason for review a desire to ascertain whe ther the circuit court's decree 1 In conformity with the suprama court"; deole'on lp the ftabacce - r. Mr.. Cummins will speak on bis V.'A ftext HOPE REVIVED BY FINDING FIVE MEN ALIVE IN THE MINE Had Escaped Death by Erecting Brattice i Cutting fof f Deadly A iter :DampA W in Good Condition and WH) Live. BRICEVIIXB. Tena.. Dec. 11.- Three men wera ibrouaiMt out of the Croat Mountain, mine alive at nine 'c4oclt tonicht. They were: William Henderson, aed OBty-flvai Milton Henderson, aid' twenty-two, hla soni Irwin Smith, aed tWrty-flva. r All ot tha men' are married.- They were found, In left -tiroes antry No. 1 and had oscap-ed deats W the explo sion ot Saturday morning by .erecting a brattica cutting oit h deadly, after IdatDJ -,'AU war in good condition and; will live In fart, the alder Hen- decson waa so strong Chat he wanted to -wa& to his Jiora. , Tte' flndlng of these men allva kas teraated new hope In 4he breast of tha raaeuar. - - 'V 5 urn ii , ?.r :r-;: ....-ni -; v TU'fl VflRU FOTJJfDi AUTE ' BRICBVILL.B' Tinn, ,lec. ' "11- iTwo mora man,' making Ova In alt were brought out of .Cross Mountain mine alive shortly .after eleven o' clock - Monday night. " Rescue ; man are now digging for thrae mora men who are reported to be allva. -" The two man ara .Arthur Scott aged - 10,-who has a - wife and two ohlldren and Dore . Irish ,aged 10, who. Is also '; married. Irish 1 badly burned " about . the face and hands but probably "will recover. Scott is practically unhurt. '"' ' ' All the men. rescued wera working in the second . room on left hand side or entry i. . a. insn, agea , who-was bossing the gang, was killed Instantly by the explosion and his body was found tonight,- badly burned. His son Theodore, ; waa tfhe only ether one of the gang's messbera accounted fer ki was Injured., Two members strayed away ' and have not been located. ,."B1U" Hen derson, ths oldest of the rescued men came oat of tl mlnemoklng his pipe and resisted when"' efforts were made to aarry btvn bnM on a strstch . "Oh, let m walk," he protested, but wltfhout avail. Mr. Henderson- mad the foltowfngf statement of hJa experlenca la the ' 'Vn&or my direction, we b rati iced up the entire entrance , to the mine floor. "With .our coats we fought back th after - damp that came through ttes cracks in .the. brattice and 'then stack our coats and Other article COUNSEL- FOR L0R1MER EO OF PRETEXTS II More Witnesses, Introduced to Discredit Testimony of Rep. White NOT NEAR THROUGH WASHINGTON. Deo. 11 Whether ths senats Lortmar tnvsstlgejtioa com. mtttee will so Into, the aUeged raasoas by the International Harvester oora ewuigr and tba - McOortnick family were opposed to him, may not ba de cided for several days. Chairman D11- Una-ham said today that an examina tion of thv record was necessary to decide ths point Judge J, Hanecy, counsel for ttr. Dorlmer, has indi cated that he will flght hard to show what he claima la Dhs lnaplratlon of ths charges against tha Illinois sena tor. It became evident today that no senator on the oommsttse entertained bops tfest She first of ths year would sea ths and of the Inquiry. It Is gen erally expected that libs esse wilt be carried well ovr into the spring. Counsel for Lortmer ara being accused of using every jaratesjt for delay of any sort, ' ' More witnesses were introduced by ths defense today to discredit the tes timony of Charles A. White, tha for mer Illinois legislator, who mada an alleged confession that e had Jeen bribed to vote for Lortmer. Homer V. Shaw, a banker of Be ment Ilia, and a demooratlo repre sentative at the assembly whidh sleet sl Lorlmer, testified that Whits had told Mm ba. would vole for Lortmor If be get tbs chance." Shaw said he and all tbs country democrat had vpted against Lortmer but tha Chi cago delegation was swung 6ver. "I wasn't surprised at anything ths Chi cago democrats did," said Shaw. . James W. Doyle. -one of tha laibor lobby at Springfield, who said ha waa there seeking certain legislation, de clared White had Intimated to him that "he wasn't living on wind," but Doyle gavs no testimony of having been asked directly; for a bribe. ; ' MOXUMEJTT TO HOMES ; CH A RLESTON, a C-, Dec. " 11. Colonel A. 8. Horns, a prominent resi dent, of Clayton, N. - C, has given $10,000 for the erection-of a monu ment te tha women of ths Confeder acy at Raleigh, N. C, according to a telegram received here from General Tuliaa 8.,-Carr. by Generei C Irvine Walker, chairman of th U. C. V., oomntltts eo woman's monuments. of wearing apparel In the hole of the brattice. We had lights, our dinner and each of u bad from a half to threa-quarters of a gallon of coffo and water In bur dinner pail. W remained In ttUs room quietly for several hours burning one light and takmg turns at eating, late Sunday evening Arthur Scott and Dore Irtsti left the room and attempted to make their way- back and : reaoh ; th en trance of the mine througft the ,ovtr pa., - This was the test we -aaw of them. t -Ths next- morning- ws made our way,, the air having ben purified by the fan, into the entry- and passed over Into No. It, endeavoring to find 1R way iout; '( ff ran i and ; wera forced to go beek to room 1 in. No. It, where the air 'was pura Ws re matned there until dlaeovsred tonight. We ate the last of our food about ths middle vf Sunday afternoon, but till had some: water left and plenty of light. ,..-', , . .. ; v"Ws wera endeavoring to reach the 'main entrance again WHa discovered oy the mine rescue man about .IS o'clock tonight h RKAWZIXQ IIOFKI,FX8XE8a BR1CBVILLB. Tenn., Dee. 11. Families of the one hundred or mpfa miners antombed in Cross .Mountain mine today began to realise that there was no chance of their ewer seeing their loved ones again live. At night fall twenty-two bodies had been re-oo-vered and mors than twenty cross entries to Ch mtna rmalned to be ex plored. It will be days befora all of vha entries are penetrated. - ( ' ' WaiUnc gonnds ' From the little shacks in whidi wie miners hre came wailing sounds from wpmet) and children, thereby adding to the, general gloom. . For the most part' the women remained in their nomas but a few of ttism eaoad in ths rate ontaid fh mine suu-aoce, wait ing for h sir drad to be brought " Praottcally all of ths men wto ara believed to tiava perlefoed ara Ameri cans, bom and raised In this valley. Many women have been deprived hot only of their husbands,' but also of brothers and some , of sons. Ths (Continpfd on "Pago Threw) ' IIT.TI0N TO PUBLIC TO PROVE GOLLUSIOH AS TO TICKET SCALPINC National Commission Has Already Spent $1,500 in Investigations OTHER BUSINESS NBW TORK, Dec. n. The na tional commisalon Issued to statement tonight Inviting the public to prove it If there waa collusion between the New Tork National Deagu Baseball club, or any of Its offleiala and the ticket scalpers la the world's series last October. So far Chairman Au gust Hermann 'said Kne commission has spent 11,500 looking for evidence and was prepared to apend more. It ilea investigated the scandal, ' he de clared, and would continue to Inves tigate, but real proof 'was hard to get What evidence had already been garnered, hs did not disclose. .An other matter discussed was gambling In baseball pools, . upon which S7i members placed a ban. To correct this evil, the commission adopted a reso lution recommending to tbs National and American leagues that they do all in their power In their respective circuits to end the custom. It asm wa announced that e oonuntsston will consult with "tbs post . office authorities and the proper federal of ficials to secure their cooperation to that end, it Slaving bean reported to ths commission that several nswapa pers. and )ther periodicals carried (Mse pools.' msklng it seem a lot tery." . . . The commission reported that lt had referred to President Lynch of ths National and President Johnson of the American leagues tnr request of ths Eastern and Pacific Coast leagues and American association for higher rating. Bad major lesgus will consider the question at its meet ing tomorrow. The commission will receive their m ports at Its aomial meeting at Cincinnati January . and dispose of the matter then. , Incident ally, while the commission was con sidering hs request ths" Eastern league meeting a few blosks away approve it and voted ur Chiangs Hs nam to tha International league. President Edward O. Barrow wa re elected president secretary and treas urer for a- term of five year. -The slaving season will open April II and; class September It. ,-,y '."::- - . , y Gee, f,,1. f fT"? s N Nv Sbjtn sfry INDIVIDUALS V ;$25.000 'i Wachovia Bahic and Trust Co Declines io Tafct Any of Th Bonds Citizens As ' sert Themselves and in Short Order $12,000 of Bonds Are Taken up by ;'.. . At a meeting of the directors of ths Wachovia Bank and Trust Company yesterday morning; it we decided that that Inatltutfoa win not take any ot ths Ibonds offered s by Dr. EL W. GWova, of St Louts, Rhe proceed of wbloh wHl be uasd bwafda erecting mammoth f SOO.COOftiotel at ths toot of Sunset nvoumtain, pa of the offi cials Of the bank ftatad ysaterday that ths batik bad declined tha prop osition of Dr. drove, elthourjli ha re marked tost h preferred to make Do statement as to why thi deoision iad been reached. . . It was learned yesterday that ths Battery Park bank ha forwarded to Dn Grove Jett 'V-'4ird' - the matter of ths ond (ituet One of the efflceala of tbia,bank was unwilling yesterday afternoon, to aiva'-'Atit Just what th latter contained, although aha opinion waa frequently expressed on Che street that ths contents' 'con sist of a proposition from tha bajik to Dr. Grove. If that la true, M is quite probable that within a few daya, that bank will bs ready to make its deois ion In regard to the rejection r th acceptancs of ths fconda . 4t meeting of the committee, whidh has th sale of ths bonds In oharge, held yesterday morning, . It was decided to dispose of ths bond Issue through sale to private individ ual, and within an hour after the meeting had disbanded til. 000 worth of ths bonds had been ubscrtbed to by business and professional men of AshsvW w&o felt that an opportun ity to. secure another hotel for this section should not bs allowed to pass by.. B1GHESDN TRIAL MAY BE Counsel for Defense Says That More Time is Need ed to Prepare Case BOSTON, Dec, 11. An effort wa mads today by the attorneys for the Rev. Clurenc V. T. Rlcheson, charged with the murder of Mis Avla Unnell, to have the trial pontponad from Jan uary It until later in the winter and OA Wednesday next Judge Sanderson will bear argument on the question. Former State Senator W, A. Mora and Fillip R. Dubar of this city and ohn I Lee of Lynchburg, V., re presenting Rlcheson, conferred with Justice Aiken snd were later closeted for two hours with District Attorney Pslletisr. It was then announced that an agreement had been reacfted to submit the qtKirtlon to Judge Sander son. It Is understood that ' Richeson's lawyers said that they bad not suf ficient time to prepare defense, and would not bs ready for two or three month. ' Gi.tNTS VICTORIOUS HAVANA. Dec. 1 1. .Baseball New Tork National. 10; Havana,' 2, SHOWERS? WASHINGTON, Dec 1 1 Forecast: For- North Carolina, local " rains, Tuesdpy- ssinewhat colder Wednes day fair colder east portion: mod srats winds, mostly northeast Wouldn't it be Great? WILL SUBSCRIBE TO ; WORTH OF HOTEL BONDS Business and Prof 'essiona) The gentlemen who ubeoribsd to thla amount of th Issus declared that fhey did so for two reasons) th Drat that AshevlU must have th hotel) ths second, that ths bond a offered, constitute an rccsllent Investment and should bs taken toy those who deslrs to invest Dheir money in an absolutely safe proposition -which will ' brlngi t)m returna and which will help th town at ths same time, A gontleman who Is ,ln elosu (ouch with Dr.. Grove was seen by a Cltlaen reporter yeatarday afternoon and de clared that th hotel will be ereortod, Hs stated that - ths projwitioa l lhat corporation, hloh own th which f was mad to the bauker 1 Manor, yeeterday Svenlng sttd that by Dr. - Cirov a merely see J was heartily in Aavas at th ero whether or net th people of thi city I H I. Grov" hotel. He de ar ibehind ttti promoter of ths new I lard that h 4ltvd that It Would hoteL ' . - ! ti on of Aahevllle'a mot valuable Individual Snbsnriptlon , Jaswrt and pred th opinion that It was . learned last night that a i th hotel men of thla eity will res numb of th gentlemen who hav j great benefit from fh arseflon of th Biibscribsd to th bend a Individual took only enough to assurs Dr, Orov fiat they are willing to co-operate with him. No amali number orf them declared, that rather than ses th chance for aeotiiing th hotl loat, they would subscribe to mors than the amount whioh they hav already atreed to tak. It 1s , not bellvd, however, that thay will be called up on to add to their amounts, as th general opinion is that whloh wat sxpressed toy - a prominent bualnass man yesterday afternoon to ths effect that when ths public feels that it I Invited to take a part of h iasu. It will do so without hesitancy when it learns that the bonds constitute n excellent Investment and will result GREATEST COTTON COOP ON RECOHDJIS ESTIMATE Country's Total This Tear Million and Half Bales "Larger Than Ever WASHINGTON, Dec. II. Th Area test cotton crop on record, 14, -88 S.000 bales, la th department of agriculture's official estimate of "tn country' total production this year. This Is greater by 1,447,000 bales than ths record rop of 1004. Official of ths department of agri culture were not surprised at ths sla of ths crop, as condition figures throughout the growing season Indl oated that Witt production "would be large. Unofficial estimate mads monthly during th year, using ths department's condition figures as Che basl, were grestly exceeded by the official estimate mads today. Kvery stale In th cotton belt , cept jflsslsnlpi, Louisiana, and Ar- kanxa established new record for production. THIRTEEN TEAMS ARE ETEX NEW TORK, Dsc. ll.-Pedalln steadily something over five mile be hind the record, fifteen teems of bi cycle riders, thirteen of ttiem oa even terms, 'tonight completed ths first twenty-four hours of thslr slx-dsy grind In trie snnual race at Madison Squars Oarden. Two' of ths teams, Ryan and Cavanatigh and Wiley' and Calvin, were lapped during a fore noon sprint ' r Aside from ths exciting dssh which broke the straight out tie among th contestants, ths day was one of com paratively little Incident. Thi eve ning th riders kept steadily at ths srlnd wl5i soly an occssional sprint None of th rear, guard riders mad any attempt to retain hi lost dis tance. Thirteen team wr tied at 47 mile and two lap at 1 o'elook, th end sf ths twenty-second hour with th Calvin-Wiley and Ryn-Ca- vanaufh teams gtlll lap thlnV Men. , In th ainendltur of thousands of dollar in (hi city, which will not ba spent unless th hotel bsdomsl A Mai lt. ' v ,..' Th fact that th erection of h new hotel Is contemplated la. not learned With diasatisfscilop. by th ho tel men of Ashavllla, Thay, a ft tul, ' call that their bualnea will not b injured by th rrtlon of another httry (here. Thomas W, Itaoul, who Is welt known as on of th lamest stockholder of th Albamari Iark company, bsing pvsildent of hotel U aapes that It will b .act ed at an early data and believe that whan It ia completed, a class of visi tor will b awratd to this elty whs do not now com to- AshevlU ta larg nunabsra. :, si---; -, ,-. Pranttrally Aaanrsd ': ' -: Th htuj is practically '. assursd. Uttl doubt la felt but thst It will b rectd and that K will b built with in a short time. Tb who. ar Inter ated In Its' construction: war as op S tknlatld yeatarday as thay wst when ths proposition wa first outlined in Th Ortissn, , Tttey hav th utmoat confidence in Dr. Orov and th cltl aen of this city and bellev that th construction of'th hotel la not a dream. PEHSI03 BILL DAT PASS IN AMENDED FORM TODAY Debate Made Interesting by Dispute Between 'Ad joining" Representatives WASHINGTON', Dae, 11. Sharp Interchange between Representatives Sherwood and : Anderson of Ofhio. who district adjoin, snd who hav rival Wit befor the iboua for the Increase of civil war pension char acterised ths house debate on th ajierwood pension bill toddy. ' General Sherwood declared he would resign hi spat In oongiws If Mr. Anderson kuld find "on of th five thousand soldier in any district that I ever kd to vot for me." Th debet on th Sherwood Mil will snd tomor row afternoon with p etches by form er Speaker - Cannon, . Reprentatlr Pltagerald and otltsr houa leaders. It la ekpectsd that the bill will pas the house . tomorrow ' night In an amtndsd form. TOAOSTI OAMPAIGJf Ilf ILI4XOIS CHICAGO, Dec. . II. Governor Wood row Wilson's presidential cam paign was begun In Illinois today when tils friend announced a com mlttrs on organisation and prepared to open headquarters her in a few days ... - - , - -- - - ' Wm. C. KI black, vies president of a truat company. Is chairman or the organisation . committee, and Prank H. Jones, former assistant postmast er general. Is at ths head of th fi nance commlttss. v ' , DACGHTER FOR SPAXISK QVTT.S MADRID, Dec. 31 Queen Victoria of Spam, gavs birth to a daustiter tbia morning, , .,..;, This is tb fifth child of Qusn Vlc toita, the fourth being erill-born. King AVfonao and Queen Mary, a prin ce of JSattenberg, i war , marrtsd May 11. l0f. Thslr- first child, Princs1 Alfonso,-wss . born May 10, 1107. Th other children sr Frlr-ce Jalm anj Prims E'r i, IRON WORKERS TO TELL THEIR STORY AS TO DYNAMITING Officials Surrendering Infor matlon Needed Voluntar- -Hy to dovernment v DETECTIVE BURNS . DECLINES TO TALK Says That Case at Present Is Entirely In Hands of Jus ttce Department INDIANAPOLIS, Ind De. ; tl. - That one or more officials of the In ternational . Aaaoclatlon Jot Brldga ani Struoturat Iron Worker , , are aur- , rendering voluntarily to th govcrn- .ment information needed In Inveati- gatlon of an alleged nation-wide dvn tmltllig coniplrscy agalnt atructural ron contractor who. maintain "th open ehop" waa md known tnntxht la etatimenti io th National KUcttua , fcaioolatlsn, i without mlaianoa ba ing offered letter and rtrpfil Wer conveyed by deiectlve engaged by th Urtrtora' aaaoclatlon from tha head' tllarUra at th Iron ajianclatlon lit thla otty to th offlo of th tf, , district attorney. It waa announceil, No promt of Immunity to men ua ptcted of complicity in th dynamiting conspiracy hav been mad by the government," declared Charle W. Miller, the dfatrict attorney, "but of coura w will accept evldnnra from any direction to b preaented to ti grand ury whan It rumi its aa alon neat Thursday. Will not Tell N "t hvi got th vldnc from tli bfflcr of th Iron- Worker' im. elation," aald Robert router, d(n'iiv Of th Crentora' annoclatlnn, ''but t Will ntiV y Who s turned lt.ovr to me. Certainly If It had been nce aary w nuld hv obtained a wit re ft t wi ant and mad raid but till waa hot necessary." ' . Th member of thr ftrctnr' ' aoolatloo who ftr em piny era of non-, from on hundred enploiion aatnlnxt t union iron wvtrken have ni;,r ll their proiwrty since., tun uiiii'i.i''."ii declared for th "open ahop" In M,iy,' 1004. It he bn th prlnrlpul gent in th search for thoe reT'n slbl for th plonlon( renultlng 1 r th arrest of Juhn J, and James H, McKamara and Ortls . MeManigal. la kh face of th annonncament of tit erectors' association rpresn' Utlv. Herbort S.'Hoflkin, aaeretary of: th Iron Workers" association flatly danled tonight that any ; paper had I been taken from hi office; ; Th Free tor association and th Iron Work re union atood now a antagontatlo a they had for th last flv yr, ri aald. "I v entered no ngo tlationa with th Erector' association or with th federal authprttlea," hj idded, "I am not aecking Immunity and ther would b no reaaon for m to 'com through.' : Th utiiorU ties can gt anyohlng In thla' offi: through legal mean provided, but nothing ba been given out, or iskrn) by fore sine tha raid on hla office j tact April, w.in John J. McNamara) waa arreetsd and a mas of our rso Ord selaed." - Th letter takn from th . Iron Workers headquarter are to b used I It I aald, In the federal grand Jury 'a Inquiry .Into '. ths allegation that: group of mn In mny oltle were; Implicated with John J. and ,J. B.j McNamara - in dynamith-(g depreOa-j tlon. - j Detective Wm. . Hums, who war her today, refuaed to make a atate mnt regarding rf present ' activity in th cave. "It is entirely In th hand of tfh department of 'usticVl he ald. ' BOYS HE SITS : OF SIWS CAPITAL1 A' Success in Corn Raising Re-1 warded Through U. S. Ag- ricultural Dept. ONE OF THIS STATE WASHINGTON. Dee. ll.-Twenty-n boys from th outhrn state' who won priar til year for ralait.H. nanner crop of corn arrived her to-! day and will spend th rent ef the' week taking In tha sights of th na-j tlonal capital, one of th rewards of' their effort. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson to. morrow will present each of the boy a diploma, In recognition of the goodj work' done by them In tr advance--, ment of agriculture. They will also be presented to president Taft. Agri cultural department officials in charge of the farm demonstration -work era, highly pleased with the result of tMa year work by th boya clu'-. fut i In quantlty of corn raw-l " 1 ehsapnes- of production it t- . by far the best ycr i . wa inaugurated t