TIIE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1911 i iT . " - " " $Zd.Q0 Suits for $IZ.50 $Z0Mfuits for W.00 Society and Personals ' Th marriage of Miss Bessie Car . michaal ead Mr. Harold Davis, of Hendersonvllsc, was solemnised at that place last evening at the home of the brides parentg oQ Oak street. The couple left last night for Wash ington City. New York and other ' points where they will spend their honeymoon, after which they wll be at home at Heridersonvllle. ' The bride's home wu taetlly dec orated, la pink and white, for the occasion nd the bride waa attired : Sin a hondsome town of crepe de 'thine. She aa liven away by her brother and Mr. Wlnfred Davis acted U best man. Mia Fannie May Car lulohael wu the maid of honor and : Mica torrte Galloway waa the bride' tuald. Mr. Harry Duffey waa (rooms nan. The fcrids'e atlendanta were attired In pink and wblto gowns. The coremotty waa performed by Mr. Cautholn, paator of the first Baptist church. - After the ceremony a reception waa (Ivan In honor of the young cou 'pla by the brlde'e parenta, which u largely attended, a number of ." AshsviUe people having rone to Hen dereon vllle for the ceremony, v Mr, Pavla la well known In Ashe )! and ha hotta of frlenda In Jlendereonvllle. Mr, Davis la con nected with th Citlsena bank, at Henderoenvllle, and It prominent young business man. 4 - ' Mn. Charlee Taylor Rawls gave a, prsuy oriuae pvr vim? Urnoon at her home In Wooleey In honor of Mra.' Charles Roblnsem . Mrs- James 8. Coleman won the flrat prtie and the aecond waa won ty Mlie Mary Carter, pink chrysan themums deoorated the drawing room, Thar were twenty guests. t J . The bowling , tournament takes place a uaual thli evening at Albe marle Club houee and will eerve as a pleasant diversion to large num ber of young people. With characteristic progressive ties, the women of Chicago have in vented a unique tymbol of "grasa wldownood," which only the cour ageous of their aes will dare flaunt In the face of an occasionally old- fashioned public, The fair divorcees, who have returned, victorious, from Bono, or remained at home com- - fortabjy at their now leas celebrated divorce-ml 11, Chicago, hie them to the Jeweller, where their wedding rlnga are reduced in elae to fit the Irttle finger of the right hand, which henceforth aignlflea, "dl lorcee." ;,';VV:.' :;y ft .- P '..''.,. The Battery Park hotel la to have a beautiful new ball room which In a'l probability, will b opened by the Christina cotillion given 1 by the Country Clutv December, !7Uw The ew ball room will be altuated where th former ball room waa, but will bh. one of tba IsrgMtt and handsom t -In the state. iTha ' walla will be rrmowd and the entire ball room . enclosed In glass similar to the palm riom of the hotel. The glass will form Immenao doora. which may be opened In tha summer, giving per- jvii Tinuiiuon, wtwviiiDi win circle the ball room and will afford . an excellent view of the interior and will aerre a a ' very, pleaaant "altting out' place during the In termissions, The celling with an elab. orate electric light arrangement will be a feature of tfte new ball room, and the illumination will be brilliant. The stage -at the and of the room v hfta t,j,n reRlAiMri . entlN.lv which will enlarge the ball room consid erably. An entirely new floor will be laid and apactal attention la be ing paid to make It one or the fin- ' eat In Aabevtlle, A large force of carpentera la ruining the work through, and It la fully anticipated that the big Country Club cotillion will open the new ball room, In two weeka time. . IT f , - . Invitations were lasued yeaterday for the cotillion- which will be given during Chrlatmai . week, December 27th. by the Country Club and which ""I uir rilace at th Battery Perk Christmas Neckwear Exclusive Ideas An Endless Ranget of Styles Charming pieces of delicate designing and needlework are shown in the new Jabots, Frills and Collars. A great variety of Jabots and Frills from the simplest designs to exquisite , novelties of Irish crochet and combinations of lace and embroidery. Collar and Coat Sets in many beautiful de signs, silk and ribbon novelties, fichus, etc. Prices from 25c to $12.00 Handkerchiefs for Gifts Put up in Pretty Christmas Boxes A visit to the Handkerchief counter will ' solve the problem for you. Dainty designs, ex quisitely sheer and fine. Colored "bordered and ' embroidered. A p uticularly effective one .has silk embroidered edge in soft colors, 35c. Armenian lace trimmed from 35c to $1.50. Embroidered in all white, 25c to $1.00. Plain and initial, 10c up. Children's Haudkerchiefs, three in fancv- box, per box, 15c. ; " iU K MOORE & CO. 11 PATT0H AVENUE . - Specialists in Women's Ready-to-Wear Onrmrnfj. t Careful Attention Given to Mall Orders. Ask for e Fall Catalogue. ! hotel. The annual cotillion by the Country Club la conildered one at the moat Interesting social event of the year and thla winter tlio cotillion will fbe given on a larger scale than ever begore. It Is expected that the cotillion will open the new bull room, If however by any chance the latter Is not finished owing to bad weather' the spacious dining room of the ho tel will be used. There will bo about three hundred guests present and the cotillion will be led by one of the younger mon of the club who has asked a debutante of the season to lead with him. The favors are un usually pretty and will be presented In a unique manner. The gueeta will be received by several prominent to clety women who are also members Of the Country Club. A supper of several courses will be served, a special caterer having been employed for tho affair. The music will be es pecially tine and the orchestra will be considerably augmontod for the occasion. The cotillion is a subscrip tion affair and already the accept ances are bctnu sent in to the secre tary of the club, In material proof of the Interest the club members have taken for some weeks In the pros pective cotillion. J The directors of the Country Club held a meeting yesterday afternoon in the offices of Dr. C. L. Minor, .il JS Drawings will be made Saturday for a winter mixed doubles tennla tournament, scratch, which will con tinue until March. The trophy a cup, will bo prosented 'by the Country Club, and will go to the couple hold ing the highest score when the tourn ament enda March Mt, The tourna ment will serve to stimulate Interest In tennis during the winter at the club, and as there are many good playera among the membership the tournament will be of special Interest. The Hhrtory Club will meet thle afternoon at half past three o'clock at the residence of Mra. Wiley, on Patton avienue. Jl J The Oanta'Claus wagon la meeting with success and for two day haa re turned to the headquarter In the Oates building on Pack square laden with all manner of contributions which will bring happiness to hun dreds of the poor of Ashevllla thla Christmas. The public haa respond ed liberally to the appeal of the Char ties, and it Is expected the Santa Claus wagon will be more successful thla year than ever before. Not only have there been contributions of clothing, groceries and money, but blankets, mattresses, preserves, and various girts for the sick. The head quarters will be open nearly all day and those i In the shopping district who wish to make various donations of candy, toys, etc., for the children will And someone always there to receive the gifts. The rout for today for the Santa Claae wagon wilt bo aa follows: . North Main ' street to ' Merrlmon avenue; out Merrlmon to Chestnut, Chestnut to Central avenue and back to Liberty) Liberty to Hillside, Hill side to Kast street and back to Mer rlmon; out Merrtson to Woolsey and back to West Chestnut, to North Main, to Btarnes avenue, to Flint and return to Pack square. PKRSOWAI, MENTION Mr. and Mrs. C. I. Crawford, of Boston, Mass., are In Ashevaile for a stay and are guests at the. Bat tery Park hotel. Mr. C. II. Waller, of Chattanooga, Is In tho olty on business for a few days. Mr. C. Q. Swlcegood has return ed from Roaman, N. C, to spend Christmas with his parenta on Wood fin street. Judge J. H. Merrlmon has re turned from Italelgh, N. C. Mr. W; F. Randolph returned yesterday from Atlanta, Oa., where he has been on bualnemi for s wek. David Copperfield This Afternoon and Evening Dickens' Immortal Novel. One of the finest feature films ever shown in mov ing pictures will be shown at the Dreamland Theater Asheville's Popular Play House Every school pupil should see this great play, as well as every lover of Dickens' Works. Mr. "Randolph went to Atlanta, to oonault with Dr. E, W. Grove on matters concerning the proposed building of the new hotel ai the foot of Sunset mountain. Ming Jennie and Miss Minnie Piper want to Hendersonvllle yesterday to. attend the Carmlohaal-Oavia wedding Which occurred In that olty yester day. Miss Hattie McDonald, who has been visiting relatives In tho city, haa returned to her home in Greens boro, N. C. Mr. and Mra. Donald Frost, of Charleston, 8. C, haws leaeed and are occupying) the Herald Reea res idence In BlItmore,.fer tbe season. ' Miss Maude Klndel, of Nashville, Xenn., who has been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Bogsr, at Lex ington, N. C, Is visiting Mr. and Mra. W. Allan Klndel at their home on Chestnut street. Mies Ella Davla haa returned from a visit to friends In Charlotte, N. C. Mra. W. O. Boger and email daughter, Martha, .of Lexington, N. C, la visiting her mother on Flint street until after Chrtstmss and will later be joined by Mr. Boger, who will epend sevwral days here during the . holidays. Miss Elisabeth Clayborne who has been spending the winter In Ashe vllle, has returned to her home In Newport. Ky., tor the holidays af ter which she will return to Ashe vllle. Mr. Powell Tucker, who has been at New Haven, Conn., for the past few months, attending the araduate school of Tale university, returned to the city yesterday afternoon, and will spend Vhe holidays with his parenta, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tuck er. Mr. C. A. Webb, left yesterday for Washington on business and will be away several days. Mr. T. S. Rollins haa returned from a sevral days' business trip. Dr. Frank T. Meriwether has re turned from Washington where ho went to attend a meeting of the Southern Surgical and Gynecological society, which he founded in 188. Mrs. K. E. Lee and daughter. Katie Beatrice, left yesterday for a several weeks' visit In Bar Harbor, Maine. They will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. White while In that city and before returning o .VahavUle will epend several days lit Ttew York City and Boston. Benefit Bataar, Noland A tyro's, Dec. IRth. and lth. Mcln It GRADUATED SCALE OF DUESJS ADOPTED Merchants Association Members WIU Observe Longer Hours Xext Week, Incidental to Holiday. At the all-members' meeting of th Merchants' association of Ashevllle last night, the graduated scale of dues which haa ibeen considered at length during the past tew weeks was adopt ed, and tbe change In the payment of dues will take effect the first of the year. It was decided to name the minimum rate of fifty cenU per month, while those members .at the association who will be called upon to pay the maximum rata will pay ll.SS each month.. This step is re garded by the members aa a progres siva one and has been adopted by a number of associations throughout the United States, all of which report that the new plan Is) an admirable one. The matter of observing longer hours during the Christmas holidays waa brought up and It was decided that all members of the association may keep their stores open In the evenings be tween tomorrow and Christmas. As tomorrow night is Saiturday night, the longer hours will tb observed on that day and as well aa throughout the whole of next week. The association joined the Ameri can association for Highway Improve ment, the secretary having been in structed to forward the application at onoe. A number of other matter of a routine nature were considered and disposed of. E. B. Qaler, Earl and Nelson and E. C. Jarreti were elected to mem bership in the organisation. CONSERVE FISH AND OY9TKR8 WILMINGTON N. C. Dec. 14. Concluding a two days' session at New Bern, N. C, the North Carolina fisheries convention adjourned today with a recommendation that the state legislature pass a strlnawnt law fo conserve the fish and oyster Industry, in all waters within Its Jurisdiction. The resolution recommends the crea tion yf a state fish commission with powers to prescribe rules and regula tions looking to the prevention of taking fin end shell Itoh from the state durlnr certain seasons as may be deemed expedient for upbuilding the rapidly decreasing Industry in these Ijnes. M & W INDIAN COAL And home comfort are synonomous. Phone 130 Carolina Coal : &Ice Company : AO Pnttus Ave. Drahnior ttlug. , Let us gtre jwm Oa estimate that Elecirto Wiring. Our work give tatletactlun. W. A. WARD, AXV-ULMO KUKTMUCaX It Chore, at Phone If you are a stenographer or a bookkeeper desiring a position, and will call at the office of The Emanuel School of Shorthand we may have something of interest for you. Office No. 16 Drhumor Bldg. (over Field's.) SEWING MACmNES VAIUOCS MAKES Sold, Eir banged, Rented aod repaired CAS3 OR KAST FATMEXT3 ASHEVILLE SEWING MACHINE. CO. Legal Bltfg Pak Square.' ' Phone UOt 430 Mts for m.oo MSB CRUISE SHOP 26 Haywood St. I am offering my full line of novelties below cost as t am closing out this line of fancy hair pins, hair orna ments, belt buckles, pins. chains and anything we nave in stock at and below eost. We have a beautiful line of hair ornaments, brilliant barrets and combs we sug gest for Christmas presents. tsxtmtvt oowwrrraui rooms n na JTattoaud Be Dr. R. Q. Buekner has ehanged his residence from 18 Vance Street to 11 Soco Street. Phone 12702 rings. Asheville School oi Musical Art and Languages Phone 144 Auditorium Bldg. TRIMMED HATS Reduced IW. Webb Co. CHRISTMAS FRUIT CAKE Layer Cake and every other kind of Cake. Phone 622 ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY Our Hotel Loaf Is the 'beet Bread in im Price. csnts the loaf, but ne do not deliver. Try it and save the 1 cents. COUuBOn STREET BAKERY Uvan A Mowrey 9T K. Coll Street Holiday washing and iron ing demands more than the usual amount of care and attention to make it come up to the high standards re qtiired by the careful house wives and individuals who wish to look their best dur ing the holiday festivities. If vou will drop us a postal or telephone us our wagon will call promptly, gei your bundle, and return to you in MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 423 Jhe Christmas J'tore is Selling all Jailored Suits at Jtalf Price Bon March j IFresli j Turkeys : 01 a Quality M. HYAlVfS : FRESH MEATS roae 4t-4. ISJU TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium v 81 Haywood Street SILK UMBRELLAS With detachable 14kt. gold filled and Sterling silver hand engraved handles, for both ladies and gentlemen. Just the thing to give. CHAS. E. HENDERSON 62 Patton Avenue FOR RENT UNFURNISHED Desirable house in Grove Park. Hot water heat and all modern conveniences. See THE H. f. GRANT REALTY CO.. 18 Patton Ave CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FOR ALL Toy Drums, Mouth Organs for the little ones; Good Drums and Harmonica s for the larger ones; Gui tars, Banjos, Violins, Mand olins, Pianos and Organs for all. Special prices for Chri stmas. Special premiums ; for ladies who buy Pianos. Guess what it is. Folk's Music House THE SMALL BOY Will appreciate a bicycle or 'velocipede (for Christmas, and better, he will appreci ate it all through the year. Nothing you can give him will afford quite as much in nocent pleasure. Iver Johnsou is hrst choice, made of best mater ial obtainable built by ex perts sold under guaran tee. Make vour selection earlv. J. M. HEARN and Co. 6 Bajttery Park Place, Phone 448 HOOD'S Millinery reduotiou in trim med hats. Wrightsman's ! Ctntrcti Rtrrrt CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS 38.00 Suits for tn.so eeeeeee IVf eats & Ducks that Pleases GROCERIES Oor. jr. Mate Merrlnum Are. For Ladies and Gentlemen ROCKERS Make Fine Gifts I 100 Different Styles $4.50 up J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 N. Main St. FOR SALE For Sale: Eight-room house of Montford ave., at a bargain. . i Canaday Realty Co. ; 10 N. Pack Sq. Phone 971 PICTURE' FRAMES AXD FRAMtSTQ' Save money on picture trashes.) Ready to deliver frames in gold and allver plate, dainty wooden frames' In popular sizes Frames from latest mouldings made quickly. Card board and picture glan for sale. - , HAY'S STUDIO S X. Pat-k Square Emanuel School of Shorthand Oldest scliooj of Its kind in the South. , Office Room 17 Dbrumov Bldg. (Over field's) rJZZTrSsu. J

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