UNBAY THE WEATHEB SHOWERS . CITIZEN 4d3 TODAY VOL. XXVI1X, NO. 63 Will FIX PRICES BY ACTUAL 5M5 ; OF BUTTER BOARD Reformations of Radical Char acter Will be Introduced by The Insurgents ' BOARD WANTS TO DO BUSINESS ON SQUARE Investigation of Legality of . Quotation Committee to be First Official Act , ELGIN, 111. Deo. J J.r-"vestlga. don of the legality of the quotation wmm'ttoe ot t)e .'Ugl" butter bon-d $' reference to the Sherman antl- ftlou of the newly elected ''In irtiat" offices of the board, , according to J. .P. Mason, treasurer, who outlined future plana of the board 4 r 9eoe from the city of Chas. H. P't. tr, who was elected president of the' beard today. Question ot. whutner this price committee was operated in! violation or tine onerman law f was raised by "insurgent" butter men at the annual election o fdirectors last Monday. "Federal laws will be in 1 eulred Into." said Mr. Mason, "and "the question of the legality of the ' quotation , committee , definitely ;- set "lliSd. .There has been considerable speculation on this point. The pre nt board wants to do business on the square. ' l-'.-? -"The majority of the directors ore strongly. In favor , of Retaining the luotatlon committee, but ' If It Is found to be operated In violation of " Wie Bherman law it will be ebolleth .ed." v .' ' v Mr. Mason expressed doubt that the board would be successfully op - era ted without the quotation, com mtttee. We have " got to regulate ur price according to other mar kets," hto satd.v "Without the price eommlttee we would be handicapped .to n extent." "JW , ' eVo Radical Changes Hetaid no other radical changes fre-asfihe policy of the former admin istration would be "made In 'the near "future , at jleast With -Mrv PoUre election asi president there was ex- ' nw . vr operating me. -'.-cieui , uwrui which fixes butter prices In the mld - die west and Is a standard for Ameri ca. The president's idea was to abol ish the quotaotlon committee entire ly. This committee was the basis of the Insurgency In the board. It. op erates with the full power of the board and may change or rescind Its action at will. It was contended by the Insurgents that fthe committee operated In violation of the Sher man anti-trust law. -.. . For twenty-two years tIMs commit tee has been In full oharge of Elgin butter quotations. John Newman, deposed as president, after seventeen years service, predicted that ' no .ah-ange could be made in the power ef the committee without killing th prominence of the Elgin market. Among the Insurgents there Is a fao tlon that believes In ths maintenance ef She committee but la fixing the published price by the actual sales of the board. - SIYS ALLEGED VICTIM STILL LIVES, THIT SHE BID NOT COMMIT GRIME Denver's "Cassia Cha wick" Given Sentence of , , Life Imprisonment ASKS NEW TRIAL GOLDEN, CoL, Deo. t "My con science Is clear, I did not kill Mrs. Liaguardla. I Know tnat she is aiive and expect that soon she will come forward and clear me" of this mur der." This was the declaration of t Mrs. Angelina Garramone, Denver's "Cassis Chad wick" today Immediate ly after she heard the clerk of the district court read the Jury's var I diet declaring her, guilty of murder la the first degree for the killing ef airs. Maria Taguardla aged 20, i Zf 10, The Jury nxed the punlsh Bsant at life imprisonment. Mrs. Gar ramone Is charged with killing Mrs. Laguardla with robbery as the motive- Concetti Forglone .and her daughter Stella who were present when Mrs. Garramone fs alleged te 'have slain her victim and who plead e4 guilty to the charge of being ac- inssniln to the crime after fact, will not b sentenced until after the mo tion for new trial In the Garra men ease, . filed by her attorney, fuea passed upon. JEMPEROR IMPROVES , VIENNA. Dec. IS. Latest reports frenn the palace Indicate that Em 'peror Joseph's, progress is satlsfae ttoTy. The emperor has been suffer ing for the past week from a severe teld. His cough hss now almost dis appeared, bis appetite la good and he glaring vBdlstorfted. CHRISTMAS GIFTS TO PRISONERS rilllilEROUSSTATES Life Term" Prisoner In OKla noma Penitentiary on Par ole For Third Time . TWENTYP1VE PARDONED BY. TEXAS EXECUTIVE Spirit of Season Even Invades United States Circuit Court In Georgia OKLAHOMA CITY, Okie., Dec. IS. -Robert 8. Waltham., a life term prisoner In the Oklahoma penitentiary will spend his third, Christmas on pa role, with his family at Sulphur. Gov ernor" Cruev following a precedent set by former Governor Haskell, to day granted Waltham a thirty-day "leave of absence." Three short term prisoners were given pardons. ' TWENTY-fTVK PARDONS ' AUSTIN, Tex.. . Dec. JS.Twenty- flve convicts will leave the Rusk and HuntavUle penitentiaries as. tree men Christmas morning as the " result of Governor Celqultfe exercise of ths executive pardoning powers. ; i GOV. O-XEAIi'8 XMA GIFT I -XkC ONTOOMKRT; 'Ala, Dec. 28.-T Governor Bmmett O'Neal todayt pat roled for life twenty-six convicts and for om twenty -to- ninety days four others as his Christmas gift to Ala bama prisoners. Those paroled had1 been convicted of crimes ranting from robbery to murder. TWELVE GET FREEDOM MACON,, Qa.; Dee., M.-Judg Em ery B. Spear, of the United States circuit court In Georgia today. haW d out his Christmas gift to twelve Georgians hsld In duranoe white awaiting trial on charges of Illicit distilling- - On their personal -pledge to return before New Tear's twelve men were allowed te . take i the train for thelf homes In various parts of South and Middle Georgia. - ' EMBEZZLEMENT CHARGE ( BAiAiMoBrSaris. fiZ Charted with embeislinf more -than 118,000 as administrator of he es tate of Mrs. Jane J. Hammond, of Philadelphia, Geo. R. Harvey, thirty eight, years old, ef this city, was ar rested here tonight and is held for the Philadelphia authorities. Harvey disappeared from Philadelphia two weeks ago. He was employed there as s sales manager for an automo-blle company. It . was thought' by his friends -that he had .met foul play. COLUMBIA CHESS CHAMPION NHJW YORK, Deo. it. By 'defeat ing Harvard by the score of 1 to 1 In the final round of the twentieth annu al Inter-oolleglate chess tournament today, Columbia university success fully defended her title eupremaoy at ohess, which was captured fey a felose margin ever Tale in 1910. Columbla'i quartet finished with' a total of 10 1-3 points out of a possible 12. Harvard still leads in the play over series of years by 1 wins to t for Columbia. HEW YORK HIT W WILL NOT SET MONEY F08 "SHY" TICKETS Must Stand Expense For Tickets Which Failed to Reach Patrons ANOTHER DECISION CINCINNATI, 6., Deo. 21. -The national baseball commission In; a finding handed down today refused to reimburse the New York National league club for money that was re funded by the club to patrons for tickets that did not reach them through the mall during the last world's series, or , through a misdi rection of some kind. The commis sion held that inasmuch as the New Tork club had full charge of the sate f tickets. It must stand for any ex. pense Incurred In the satisfying of its patrons. .. Three hundred and forty-two dot. )ars and fifty cents was asked for.. In cluded in this was a claim for 111,60 for five patrons, each of whom iield a numbered ticket for which there was not a corresponding seat. The commission agreed to allow this small claim, however, and will pay It out of Its general fifhds rather than assrss all of the players and clubs that profited by ths series. '. la another finding $500, the last Installment from the Pittsburg crab for player Murray (or Qulgley), was turned over to ttne National commis sion with directions to pay It to whom it belonged. Since the sale the Missoula club of the Union league from whom Murray was purchased. has changed baa ASHEVILLE, N. C, SUKD AY MORNING, DECEMB ER 24, 1911 REYES WlftY HAVE TO EIGHT OR HUH private Advices Indicate That he Has Several . Hundred Men in His Party TREVlNO'S SCOUTS SAY HE IS LOCATED Outlawed General-Believed to be on Vlga Ranch Which Will be Invaded MONTEREY. Max.. Deo. 21 Lo cated once more by the scouts of General Gereronlmo .Trevino. Gener al Bernrdo Reyes, self-appointed leader of the, "Constitutionalists" the name given the insurgents must either fight or run again. Scouts re ported to army headquarters today that ' they had secured information regarded by them as accurate that the outlawed general was on the Vlga ranch, not far from Burgos a town In the state of Tamaullpas, this afternoon. General Trevino sent orders to. Colonel Manuel Garcia Lu go, to Invade the ranch in search of Reyes. . Estimates ot FcWe ' ' ' Officially It Is not admitted that Reyes has with him any men other than the Ave who were with hint wheq he crossed the border, but private advices variously estimate his fqljowera from a score to several hundred. The Vlga ranch Is about forty miles east of Linares. It 1 a .well-wooded property and some what hilly but its character is h'ot such as": provides places for ambus, cades as does the country about Galeana lying to the west. .iv Trevino considers It Improbable that (Lugo's force of 160 will en counter Reyes before tomorrow. DEATH OF LEADINGr &EIIOI0US EDITOR CHARLOTTE. N. C, Dec 2J.P. R. Law. editor of The Presbyterian Standard, died tonight at MoCall, S. a. lait Tuesday night Mr. Law per-; fnrmefl ' the ; wedding ' service ot WsH daughter-wh mrri8d Mri' - Robert rhaoman. of ths Marlborough Mills at Bed Springs, S. C. His death, which Is believed to nave been due to (heart failure, removes one ot the foremost religious editors of the two Carolines. RESCUE WITH DIFFICULTY KINGSTON, Jamaica, Dec. 21. The British steamer Manasares ar rived here today with fhe crew of the British schooner Virginia. The Vir ginia was sighted several days ago flying signals of distress. She had been dismasted on the voyage from Cadis to New Foundland The rescue of the men was effected with great difficulty In tempestuous seas and ths schooner was abandoned. WILL PUNISH PERSIANS ST. PETERSBURG. Dec. 28. TJie Russian government has decided to inflict exemplary punishment on the Persians who attacked the Russian troops. To this end adequate forces will be concentrated at Tabrlx. SIX HOURS OF FIGHTING lit ROUT TURKS UNO DRIBS Former Lost Seven Men, Latter's Loss Thought to Have Been Heavy CRUISER SEIZED LONDON, Dec. 2. Only -brief re ports were received today concerning events In the Turco-Italian war. A dispatch from Tobruk, Tripoli, re ports a sharp attack by the Turks and Arabs yesterday which was re pulsed after six hours of fighting. The Italian losses numbered seven killed and fifteen wounded. The Turk ish casualties are said to have been heavy. . From Massowa, capital of the Ital ian colony of Frltrea, comes an ac count ot the seizure by an Italian cruiser In the Red sea of 'the Turk ish hospital ship Kalserlch. The ves sel was flying the red crescent, flag but It was suspected that she, was ba Ing used as a transport. This susi plcion was confirmed by the discovery that there were no medicines, surgi cal Instruments or hospital attendants abroad. A special dispatch from Sa lonika says that a whole officer's corps at Janlna, In Albania, has tele. graphed to the grand visicr and the president of the chamber of deputies at Constantinople demanding that the controversies that have been going on In connection with personal questions in the capital must cease and declar ing that the army was ready to march to Constantinople, If necessary, to es tablish a better state of affairs. : AGAIN SAY SCOUTS 1 ' 1 '''' '" 111 ' - ii. i ii m-r i ' J Jtl Everybody Happy ? i wE YVI5H Y0U k slf'v All A MCftRV I . : NO LONGER ANY DOUBT ABOUT SAFETY OF FUNDS IN TREASURY Electric Apparatus Installed 'Alarms Goes to Excesses m line of Duty if Wires Get Crossed or if Doors Are Not Properly Closed Every Time.' CHICAGO, Dec 21. Doubt about the safety of 1 the public trasury In the keeping of the treasury depart ment In Washington no longer ex ists. In fact, the system Installed for its protection during the nonworklng hours In the department has snows. Uselt to be so "touooy" that three times In the last few weeks It hss called out the guard. Offloers ' In charge of the protection of the de partment1 regard the present system as they would person suffering with a nefvous ailment which is liable to demonstrate Its presence at any time. With the incoming of 'the Mac Veagh administration, among other things' It. Was discovered . that '.'the PubUff moneys 4ere not properly safeguarded..- It'-wat possible tor a clerk, without an order from an ex ecutive head, to go In and out of the public vaults, subject only to the pos sibility of blng challenged by one of the few guards In' the neighbor hood. An expert thief from outside the department ihlght, had he laro the trouble, have got by the outptt!. If he did not, the chances are his suavity might have save him any thing mora than a temporary embar- hrassment while undergoing cross-ex amination. Even In the government mints outside. of Washington It was discovered that an ordinary screw, driven or some similar Instrument SWISS RECALL SYSTEM E Has Some Materially Differ ent Features From the Oregon System TUCSON, Arte.. Deo. ft. When the legislature convenes In Phoenix In February, It will be asked to adopt the Swiss system of recall and let the Oregon system which was voted out of the constitution on December It on the ultimatum of President Taft, go fey the board. The essential significance between fhe Swiss system and the Oregon plan is that undsr the former the only thing voted on in a recall election Is the recall of the accused official and In the event of his elimination, the governor appoints his successor. A. A. Worsley, a state senator-elect from Tucson, will propose the new recall system. He Is now at -work - on the measure and will defend it on the ground that under ttie Oregon system an official under fire Is handicapped by a double fight, a struggle not only to retain his position and refute charges against him, but a struggle also against an opposing candidate. Worsley's bill will provide that when a recall Is resubmitted to the people for incorporation in the con stitution the Oregon and Swiss plans shall be placed on the ballot so vot ers may choose between them. MOTHER AND CHILD BURNED NEW TORK. Dec. 23. In trying to fill an oil lamp which was lighted, Mrs. Jennie Caleno caused an ex plosion tonight which set her dress afire at Iter home in Brooklyn. Her little six-year-old son. PhlUlp. tried to beat out the flames with his baby bands, but his clothing also took fire and mother and child were fatally burped. Three men w ho were attract ed by the mother's cries wen severe ly burned while extinguishing ths (laines. THE WEATHER, WASHINGTON, Deo. 2 J. Forecast for North Carolina: Local rains and colder Sunday, Monday probably fair, light to moderate west winds Be coming variable, . v i -.' . Which Keeps Guards on the might effect an entrance to ths mil lions of money. The' situation has been remedied. " . - ! Alarm- Dors Its Duty, ' In the treasury department an electric apparatus has been installed tnat is supposed to give warning of any tampering with, the treasury vault doors. It does. It goes to ex. cesses In its line or duty In that, if the doors are not properly closed, or If the wires get crossed, or If some other cranky notjou Overtakes .the eem.man, apparatus it goes off with a' bang that bring not only the treasury squad but (H reserve squad from the police " headquarters n Washington fo thi sceni,, v.,'m: ' Before tbsew tyatetn wag1 Install ed the treasury department, was pro tected at all entrance by guard who had a sawed oft . shot gun , handy. Near by was a. sytem of call bells connecting wld'.i the office of ths dap u.' of the watch. .. -. ,v-.-. Several weeks ago the first false alarm occurred in the secretary's of fice. : A button had been ' installed tnere ror sumonlng the watch If needed. An official close to the sec retary of the treasury was busily en gaged with caller When swinging his swivel chair to (his desk to get an of ficial paper. The next thing he knew the watch came tumbling through the doorways in every direction. IS Friends of Di Donato Say He Will Easily Prove an Alibi DERBY, Conn., Dec. 21. Edward dl Donata, 10 years old, was arrest ed here this afternoon by a detective from the oftloe of the district attor ney at Albany, N. TV on suspicion ot knowing something of the murder of the Morner family at , DePrees ville, Rennsalaer county, N. T., about December 12. Dl Donato expressed his willingness to go to 'Albany and left shortly afterwards in custody ot the officer for that city. Dl Donato's arrest It Is asserted, 'resulted from a searcih of the Immigration reaords st New York, which showed that the only Edward dl Donato ' who has come to this country In the last five years is the young man who was lo cated here. Friends of dl Donato say he has been living there since March, HOI, and was at work at Ansonia, at the time of the murder: they declare he will have no difficulty In proving an alibi. Acordlng to the detective, his ap pearance corresponds closely with that of the missing farm hand for whom the New Tork authorities bave been looking. BTEAMKR WRECKED BORDEAUX. Dec z. The Uru guayan steamer Rafael, from Monte video, has been wrecked off Coubrs Point, en the west coast ef France at the mouth of the Oironde. The Rafael carried a crew of twenty-five men,: Five bodies have already been washed ashore. The coast continues In the grip of ths storm, which has lasted for several days. A score ef sailing vessels have been driven on the rocks, the crews being rescued with difficulty. All incoming vessels repotr dsmage: several of them have had men swept overboard y the heavy s. 'i - The steamer Rafael Tialls from Montevideo and was built In 110. She registered 1.11 ton . DEPARTMENT Jump, Giving Many False armed with shotguns and revolver and blackjack,: Explanations follow d and It wa discovered that the offlqial bad Inadvertently (hit th watch button with his knee. That In strument has been moved to a safer locality. , ' ' Bring Rush of Guards. ! A month age the watch turned out with another rush Into one of ths treasury offices wipers there was a vault. The big gong awoke the echoes In the building and brought every available man on the Job, armed to tha teeth. The yaul.t door was found elosed and; w tvldenc. ot. Internal aisturuance was visible, ' But th guards stood with thel guns point, ed at the door expecting every min ute td .a, an , Intruder orolect him self among tm. assure himself -w u wfen mane me cap tain' of ' the watch returned to his offlc to' yertfyv the number ' of the alarm. In the meantime the alarm goitg kept up a rattling which could be heard at th whit (house and U traded the Attention of oassers-bv in the, street No ' res! -explanation w ver .found far the demonstration of the adequacy ef the - protection af forded. It Is supposed that the elec. trio wire ,.wa "pinched" In closing the door and In some way completed ths circuit whidh enabled It to make its preaifsmsnt known. COLT. HEM DIED AT Venerable Clerk .of State Supreme . Court Dead at Age of 74 Years RALBIOH. N. "C... Deo. t. Colonel Thomas 8. Kenan, clsrk of the su preme court of North Carolina, died at his home on Wilmington street this morning at T o'olock. HI health had been poor for a long time and hi death did not come as a .surprise to those who have been familiar with his condition. Colonel Kenan was seventy-four years of age and was a native of Keoansvllle, Duplin county. He was a colonel of the Forty-third North Carolina regiment. He served as at torney general of the state for two years and was the clerk to the su preme court for almost twenty-six years. He wss educated at the uni versity of North Carolina,' was schol arly, courtly, dignified in his bearing, kind In nature and steadfast to friends. Colonel Kenan Is survived by his wife and one brother. The funeral services . over the re mains will bs conducted tomorrow afternoon from Christ Episcopal church, at I o'clock and the members of the supreme court will act as hon orary pall bearers. GETS l J00 A MONTH NTACK. N. T., Dec. IS. Mrs! Adel aide Louise Erlanger obtained an In terlocutory decree of divorce here today from Abraham L. Erlanger, the theatrical manager, with $1,10 a month alimony. ' Mrs. Erlanger and her husband separated two years ago and she e gen suit against him last summer, A. H. 0mall was appointed referee, and It was on his report that Supreme Court Justice Tompkins acted; today. Counsel for Erlanger moved for - a sealing of the referee's report ' but Judge Tompkins declared that there was no authority in law for' sealing anything but the evidence and ' on that he reserved hie decision. The papers will be filed In the office of the elM-k of Rockland county, where Mm, Briaager . PRICE FIVE CENTS NO REASON AS YET T E E Powers do Not Propose to Look With Equanimity Up on Further Hostilities SPEEDY RESTORATION - OF PEACE HOPED FOR Lack of Funds on Both Sldc May Tend to Hasten Peace ' " Negotiations 'v "7 . WASHINGTON, Dee. eora tary Knox conferred today, about Chi- - nese affair with , Masano Hanlhara, charge of the Japanese mass pending the arrival of th newly ap pointed amDaasauor. unwnr disclose the nature Of the discussion but It Is understood that the eonctu-; ion was reached that was a yet no reason to abandon hope that the ChU . nese peace commissioners In Shanghai would be able to reach a bail' of. agreement; - " 1 Th nation interested In a speedy restoration ef psaoe are believed t be earnestly considering the advlsa bllity of supplementing their not d llvered at the beginning ot rtie peace conference to set out the earnest hope ot these nations that success s would attand the conference. Ths supple mentary note, If It should bs agreed upon, probably would make It appear In no uncertain terms that the pow era do not; propose to look . witn equanimity upon a resumption ef hostilities, A factor that I deter-" ring the element in .favor of making such strong representation t thl moment' 1 r fear that ; the iefferl might be to arouse a feeling ot -re sentment among the republican advo. cates In China that not only would endanger the success of the attempt to restore peace but actually would, Jeopardise the safety of foreigner now In China. . ' i . 1 , triulvrstandlng lilndlng -'In regard te the rumors of Inter ventlon by England and Japan or ono of.thss countries. It is Intimated at the state department that even if they, should appear (o be tsklng the Ini tiative In en offer of mediation ther eetually would be doting in behalf of all Of the six powers interested andl with their full e.ppreval. In t.ethr-. words, nothing ha developed to lm pair the binding force of the under' tending Into whic these six power, entered several week ago to, act as aj unit in . dealing with the Chinese it-! nation. ? .''"' ' I Although the Uok of money Is be coming keenly manifest In Peking,! this understandlgn among th powers so far has enabled them auccessfullr! to resist the most tempting offers of, high Interest and extraordinary con-j eessione for loan, k Moreover the very) lack of fund en both sides. It Is thought, mar tn Jiasten th peace negotiations and therefore K seem probable that the six powsre will ad here, to their determination to refuse . further loan even though consider able suffering is Involved. ' ' ' ' "RUSSIIIII COUNT" A0Ai;j MEN IN CUSTODY, RUT MUSE HOT YETKira " , . . -v"-7V . -.-' ' .. .; ' " ' r ';' f . y i Movements ' Watched V For Past Two Months by , Pinkerton Detective ' BEEN HEBE 27 YEABS LYNCHBURG, Va., Deo. JI An dr pe Ouerrowskl, said to be a Rus sian count, , wno nas nee am iun- , ca for tl years, Isft her this even-, Ing for New York In custody of twr men said to be an . tromts-ratlon detective at New York and a pinker ton detective. ,,.,,.., it Further than the fact that the de, tectlvee said they had a United ' Btatss warrant for th Russian's ar rest nothing more could be teamed..;. Ouerrowskl was detained by Immi gration officials en his arrival In i New York, October .list, from a six weeks' visit but was released after several days, when he returned to his estate near Lynchburg. ,He main tained at that time that he did not know why he was detained . unless It was thought he was an enemy of the Russian government He sooutsd this idea, claiming to be a Russian royalist. . ",''''..' ' ' , Tonight It I ald Ourrow8kl mnvaments have been " watched - for two months by secret service men, but it csnnot - be learned why he was taken in custoay. .- Guerrewskl has been living for a , year near Lynchburg and has. he claims estates at Miami, Fla.. and . Rsd Bank. N. J. He has been abun dantly supplied with moneyi -since coming here and has always mst hie obligations promptly. The trio left Lynchburg , on the Bonthern's Memphis special at T: 80 , o'clock ' their tickets and Pullman . reservation being f or : New Tork 0 ABANDON EORANAORE INT