THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1911 Society and Personals In the auditorium of th T. M C. A. building on Monday owning the Harac class of th North Ashe villa Baptist mission entertained the Phil ' atheas of that school In honor vf Mies Nettie Pendleton. Phllalhea clam ' leather, who leaves Ashevllle with in ft abort time. Speeches were made by a number of the members of the class and the guests of honor ' ad the evening waa most en)yably X - spent i W. C. McConnell Is the superln - Undent of the Sunday school and the past year's work has been very successf ul. He Is also a teacher at ' ".the First Baptist church. - Jt I Ths following Is Hppd from the Denver Post of recent date, which contained a larg picture and an l- terestlng criticism of her work In -"a play "A Romano of the Under ! World. in which shs Is appearing Miss Abbott Bred In AshevlUe for a, year at the residence" of Mrs. C. M. PUtt. during which time she " was a very popular member of the younger set. liwe leaving AshevlUe Mies Abbott studied .for the stage, i fjtftd her professional debut ft year er more ago, and has had a re- ; i rnarkahl auooess. - ' : Ths following will be of Interest to -the many friends of Miss Abbott In t AsheWlIS! t- "An tinusuftl compliment was paid I yesterday to Miss Dorothy Abbott, a. young woman who is appearing , In Paul Armstrongs play, 'A Ro- manre of the Under World." at the ' .Orpheura. , ' "Miss Abbott takes the part of a ' shoplifter who la convicted for her thefts small, frail little woman. th mother of ft family, who has ' sinned through want and not through Inclination. Bhs "has" brief seen " where she standi st the bar of )ue- tloe, lifter she has seen convicted, and sobs while tier husband pleads , with the court for merry. Sentence Is suspended, and, sobbing In her ? ibB' -arms, th. little i woman ; tsmves the room. , - -. "., t ,'YUy pcteetive Billy Oreen drop- 94 Hit' the Orpheutn yesterday af ; teraoon tot see '"A Romance of the Under. World " No ma'is more fa miliar with the types Paul Arm strong has placed upon ths stage ; thaa he. When Miss Abbott stood '' weening , before the court, Sleuth William cautiously stole a hand to his eyes and brushed away tear. When the performance was -over. Green r promptly, sought the stags .manager's irtc.' ' t ' " fifty.' he blurted out In his char acteristic lingo, 'you tell that young Abbott woman, that -1 say she'i im mense. I've "been watching stuff just like that which she pulls off there la the courtroom for years, and 1 - sever saw Anything ; truer to life. . Why. darned If she dldnt make me clubber for ft minute. And I want to tell you, kid, that's going some! Mays Barah Bernhardt can heat that little girl, but not According to my notion,' - - " -" f "Miss Abbott ha been on the stags 'Mess than ft year, but her managers . ' are predicting line future for her," S The Country club cotillion, which - has been a toplo of Interest. .. for ' Mini - weeks past takes place this evening at Battery Park and Is an ticipated with the keenest Interest. Ths committee ' fn chars of the decorations , have Accomplished ft soharae that is, though .simple in design. In good taste. Ths lights will be reduced to becoming glow by the use of shades of an American beauty tone. The decorations "will consist .mainly of tropical plants, and palms' although the Christmas grsens will be much In evidence. This cotil lion will be led by Mr. Allan Morri son and Miss Lucy Minor, ' Miss Bea tries Willi and Miss Ad- ellne Willis gae a. small Christmas party at their residence on All SpuI's Crescent In Blltmore, Christmas af ternoon. The Christmas tree, and de lightful refreshments were much en joyed by the guests present Jt A Ths guests of Ravenscroft were , delightfully entertained st dinner Christmas evening, smong whom . wer Mr. and Mrs. Henry Oarllck m and .- Miss Matilda Garlics,, of Cln clnnatl, Mrs. Theo. Mlnge and son, 1 and Mr. Robert Simmons, of Charles 1 ton, 8. C, Several guests were In vited from" the city and the dinner was a most enjoyable affair. J J The Christmas tree given by Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Vanderbllt at the To Close Out Winter Suits We hare assembled our entire remaining Btock into four lots. This assemblage comprises a very good color and price range, blacks, blues, browns, grays and mixtures. Suits that were $15.00 to $65.00 are priced as follows. Lotl .. Lot 2 . . Lot 3 . , Lot 4 . . Special Underwear Some rare values will be ' sale,' . ML V.M00RE & CO. i,v-. v.tfti-; 11 PATT0N ' IfiwolallMs in Women's Ready-to-Wear bannoai. irui Attention otrea to Mail Orders. ' e Ask for a Fall Catalogue. dairy on the Blltmore estate Christ mas afternoon was enjoyed by a large number of the tenant of the estate, and a number of the; beads of departments of the estate and their friends. Moving "pictures were shown and the occasion proved one of the delightful events or the Christ mas season. J Jl The Christmas tree glveo to the pupils of the Sunday school of All. Boul's church yesterday evening, took place at the Parish Hmae In Bill more and was much enjoyed by the children. , Mrs. O'Donnell gave a delightful Christmas party st her residence on French Broad avenue, at nine 0 clock Christmas morning. Twenty- fire guests enjoyed Mrs. O'Donnell'i nnspitainy. Jl The Isdles of the Maccabnea met In special review yesterday afternoon at three o'clock. J PERHO.NAIj MENTION v Mrs. Chftg. C. Newton, of Phila delphia, who spent some time St the Battery Park hotel last summer, has returned and expects to bo In. town for several months. Mr. Harry Hartael, who Is study ing at the A and M., In Raleigh, N. C, is at home for the hodays. Miss Edna Mulroy, of the wom en's College, at Columbia, .8. C are spending the holidays with "ths Misses Karris on Church street. Ah Miss Boons and Miss Finn-, of Baltimore, after spending quite a while in AshevlUe, have left for Jack, sonvtlle and from there will go to Cuba. Mr, and Mrs. A. C. Russell and Mlsg Edith Russell of Lowell, Mass. are visitors here and expect .to spend soma time in AshevlUe. after wbalch they contemplate ft trip to Panama. Mr. Russell is president of one of the largest banking concern Of Lowell, Mass. , , . . . ., . i- . ' -, - Mrs. B. l. Belther, of Cleveland, Ohio, Ig in town. . ... . Mr. Eugene Horton, of New Tcrk, who has been visiting his uncle, Mr. C. W. R. Radeker, wss In Old Fort yesterday. Miss Edith Carthedge, of Brook lyn, N . T , , and Madamoselle Au gusta Cuondit of Sttitserland, are visiting with Miss Harris, at I Aston. Place. Mrs. Robert R. Reynolds' leaves shortly for New Orleans, where She will spend the winter, Mrs. B. W. Pitts, of Chicago, la spending this week with Mrs., N.; M. Watson, at Brookwood Hugalow, In Bdgemont -Park, . . j( Mr. Roy Watson, who la spend ing sm time with his mother, Mrs. N. M. Watson, will' leave on the second of January to ' continue his course at Princeton University. Miss Dorothy Thompson, of Aber deen, ' Scotland, who has been vis iting Miss Westfedt at Rugby Orange, is at Forest Hill. Mr. B. Roberts, of Weaverville, was In f he city yesterday. " Mrs. Talbot Pennlman, who la In New York at present, expects to re turn shortly after the holidays to AshevlUe. Mr.' Jake M. Chiles, who spent Christmas with his sisters In IMIton, S. C, returns to the city today. The Misses Willis, of Blltmore, ex pect to leave shortly for Bt. Au gustine, Fla. Miss Mary Miller, of Lincoln ton, N. C, arrives today to spend the holidays in Blltmore. - ; Rev. J. 8. Williams, who has been confined to bis room for 'two weeks from laxrlppe, hopes to be out within a few days. Mr. Troop Whitehead, of Macon, Oa., Is vieltlng his sisters. Misses Elisabeth and Anna Whitehead, at S Astnn Place. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Stevens of ..$10.00 ..$12.00 . .$15.00 . .$23.00 Sale begins Thursday. ' offered during this ' AVENUE There la Only One "Bromo Quinine' That la Laxative Bromo Quinino IMCD THK WOMB OVER TO OUR A COLO IH OKI DAT. Always remember the (all name. for this signature on every bos. Entire Change of Program At The Dreamland Each Day New Songs! New Pictures! i iii I. Oreenvllle, S. C, spent the holidays In AshevlUe. Mr. Stevens left yes terday for his home, but Mrs. Stev ens will remain in the city until Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Stewart are spending the week at Bear Creek, Chatham county. Miss Sallle Wiley has gone to Gaffney. B. C, for a visit of a few days. Mr. J. J. Bradford is visiting In Concord, Mr. James B. Rector has gone to Chase City, Vs., an a visit of sev eral days. . Mr. Charlea J. Elliott leaves to morrow for Richmond, Va. Miss Nel) Monday, a member of the staff of nurses of the Mission hospital, leaves today for Lenoir, N. V., where shs will spend ssveral d. Mr. Keith Seaman is the guest of Mr. Charles and Clarence Engllen, at their home on Chestnut street. Miss Leon Carver, of the Mission hospital, left yesterday for Waynes vllle, where she will, spend her va cation. Mr. ftnd Mrs. A. , 8. Jenkins, of Oastnla, are la the city. . Miss Iola Jenkins has returned from school for the holidays and is I A town.. Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Beaman. of Knosvllle, are visiting Mr. Beaman'a sister, Mrs.. J. M. English. . Mr- And Ms, Richard H. Roth and daughter, Miss Clara, mtvs , re turned from Charlotte, having spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs1. Henry Collins, Jr., of that olty. Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas ar rived in the city yesterday and are visiting at the home of Mr.' Thomas' parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Cress man. PILES ffJRED IN 6 TO 14 DATS ' Tour druggist will refupd money if PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure say ease f Itching, blind, bleeding or pro truding plies In ( to 14 dsys. 60c. PASSING WORTHLESS CHECK IS CHARGED Peddler Living In Cotton Mill See. tJon Arrnttexl Charged With Ser ious Offense, , Sam Burton, a peddler, who it Is said, lives In the cotton mill sec tion, was arrested yesterday, charged with passing a worthless check on Jake Murray, in payment for eome chickens which the latter had sold to him. It Is reported that the check was drawn )n Murray's favor and the amount waa named as 15.96. Later Murray, It ia said, passed the check at one of the hardware stores of the city, believing that it was good. However, he waa later notified that the bank on which the check was drawn had reported that Bur ton had no funds In the institution. The matter wss report at police headquarters and Burton fas plscnd under errest. Burton, it Is said, ,clulma tbat he asked Murray to hold the check for a few daya un til be could raise sufficient funds with which to honor It. His case win be called in city police court this morning. WILLS H(H'M) TO COCRT Kid Wills, colored, was bound to superior court under a bond of t&OO by Justice of the Peace W. R. Qudg er yesterday morning. It having been charged that several months ago he and a companion robbed J. L. Mor gan, a hackman of thi city. It was charged that Wills hired the cab of Morgan and asked that he be driv en to West AshevlUe where, It ta said, he robbed the driver of all his money. He made his getaway and was not heard of for several months, although some time sgo he was ar rested In Knoxvllle and Was brought back to AslyevHle for trial. DRYDOCK rSKD AS THEATER. The huge drydoek of the Pugrt Sound navy yard, at Bremerton. Wash., waa recently converted Into a theMer for the entertainment of the crow of the crulaer "Colorado" and their guest. Two thousand enlisted men gathered on the big "altars" of the dock to see a motion picture ex hibition. The machine, owned by the "Colorado's" crew, waa set up on a lighter at one eld of the dock, and the audience waa gathered along the ether aldo.Frem the Jaauary Popu lar Mohaloa Magaaln. 1 Look Sfio. ARRIVE TODAY FOR PAIR0fC0NTESTS Washington and Lec V'ulvcrsity and Local V. M. C. A. Basketball Teains Play Two Games. The member ( the team of the Washington and Lee university will arrive in the city . this afternoon shortly after 2 o'clock, for two games of basketball with, the aggregation of the local, Y, M. C. A. While In AshevlUe, the Waehington and Lee players will be entertained by their rivals. The first game will be played to night in the gymnasium of the T. M. C. A. building and the second will be pulled off tomorrow night at the same place. At both games, the local alumni of Washington and Lee will occupy seats In the south east corner of the balcony and will root for their favorites. Ashevllle Is a Washington and Lee stronghold snd the supporters of that institu tion will doubtless attend in large numbers. At tomorrow night's game, the students of the Normal and In dustrial Institute win attend In a body. Professor A. C. Jackson, of the Ashevllle school,, will act as referee tonight, and the boys', orchestra of ths association will render selections between the halves '" Following Is the way In which the two teams win line up: Waah'n & Lee Positions T. M. C. A. Hannls R. P. Liplnsky Bear L. P.' . Schartle Miles yC. Chambers Glasgow ' . H. Toung, Taylor Craig, McDonald L.i Q. Tenrient, Latt Brown ', , ., I, ; i - PATROLMAN'S PARTY Patrolman Fred 'Jones entertained a few of his friends of the police department and the sheriff's office Monday evening at' a turkey dinner, which 'was greatly enjoyed by those who attended. Mr. Jones' guests on this occar lon were: Patrolmen Ingle, Daven port and Collins and Deputy' Sheriff Lyda, RVSRTAN' NATURALIZED Morris Roshlnsky, a cltissn of Rus sia, was naturalized yesterday, having taken the oath before Judge J. C. Prltchard. Manicuring, Shampooing, Electrical Facial and Scalp Massage, entropy Work for ladles and gvntfemen. MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Haywood St. Phone 16 C A. Walker Prescription Druggist Sole Agent Candies AOCORDIAN PLAITIXG Don at HOOD'S 5 HAYWOOD ST. FOR SALE Twelve acres of land, a small water power grist mill and store doing a gen eral merchandise business. For sale or exchange at a bargain. This is a rare op portunity. CANADY REALTY CO. 10 Pack Square Phone 974 ' . .. ,. .:y Pre-Jtnventort Sale of Ready-to-ldear (garments gegtns Jomorrow Thursday morning we will offer for sale our entire stock of women's winter, apparel at HALF-PRICE and LESS. In doing this we arc merely following the policy of the past. Every season sees bur our line ab solutely new. we do not. carry over goods. , 7 Read below and you can easily tell how we do it. $20 suits in blue and mixtures, for $9.45 $25 suits in bide, black and colors, for $11.95 HALF PRICE on colored long coats and all Fall and Winter Dresses. V1 VICTOR STERN RELIABLE JEWEIEK I now carry up-to-date Jew elry a well as antkjtte Jewelry. Expert repair work done In my own shop at reasonable prices. VICTOR STERN Jeweler Haywood Street Dr. E. Gr. Buckner has changed his residence from 18 Vance Street to 11 Soco Street. Phone 12702 rings. Hotel Bread 8 Cents per Loaf COLLEGE ST. BAKERY 37 E. College St. Phone 857 GOOD BREAD Is the best staff of life Good Bread in Asheville has been found bv most bread consumers to be our famous Butter CrttSV-full 16-ounee loaves. Ask your grocer or phone 622. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY P1OTCRE FRAMES AND FRAMING Sav money on picture frame Ready to deliver frames In gold and stiver plat, dainty wooden (frame in popular size Frames from latest mouldlmr mexle trutckly. - Card board and picture gtae for sale. HATS STUDIO j S I. JPaok S4ur TRIMMED HATS Reduced M. Webb Co. If you are a stenographer or a bookkeeper desiring a position, and will call at the office of The Emanuel School of Shorthand we may have something of interest for you. Office No. 16 Drhumor Bldg. (over Field's.) . A STRONG, : FIERCE HEAT Coke is noted for its strong, fierce heat. Makes this heat without anv smoke or soot or ; dust, and lasts a long time. Very much light J er than coal, therefore I greater quantity. Spe- ciai price. ' j Phone 130 I l Carolina Coal . : & Ice Company : a Pauoa Ate. Draiwnar Bitig. a :...., j Fresh Turkeys I Of a Quality M. FRESH MEATS SILK UMBRELLAS With detachable 14kt. gold filled and Sterling silver hand engraved handles, for both ladies and gentlemen. ' x CHAS. E. HENDERSON X 52 Patton Avenue rv". 'roR'REOT:uimTRinBH ' Desirable house in Oi-o've' Park. Hot water iieaf and an modern conveniences. See THE H. f. GRANT REAL TY CO.. 48 Patton Art y TURKISH BATHS The Gruner Sanitarium' 51 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen Asheville School of Musical Art and Languages Phone U4 Auditorium Bldg. The Best Talking Machine Is the Favorita-Grafanola at Only $50. FalsMusicDouse Wrightsman's MXLLOfZatT 10 CSiarcb J. CARPENTER JEWELER Walck Itnalrias a CpecUlty. U W. Pack Fare. ROCKERS 100 Different Styles $450 up J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Furniture Store Jaibred Jiufc Aess than Jfalf Price. Visssiaj afls Sltrle IVIeats : j & Ducks j that Pleases j HYAMS groceries: Osj. H. Main HarrtBaoa As. -r- Mfr TJS RBCOVER THAT CTCBRELIiA t WKh on of our all-silk crrer. This would ndLio an ideal OhritIna, present, very economical and oa ef extreme usefulness. Also a large a lection of very tine handle. J. M. HEARN and Co. Battery Park Place - Phone 448' Merchant Tailor, Legal Bm t Pack Samara. Phon tf. ! LOGANff it nrs not too late tor ohbistw MAS PHOTOs) I AH photos taken before December: IS will be delivered bv rri.i Bleotrlc printing machines preavat' disappointment. Tou are atoaoiati aasured of good plotureg at - RAT'S STUDIO Orer SktooW Shoe Btor After the Christmas holi days comes the work of get-' ting the ends together, and getting started out right for the new year. On the mat ter of washing, we suggest you try the work done by. this big sanitary and. well ventilated laundry, and find out from experience just how satisfactory real good work is. MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY rri Vaxcsw- HUFF.i EXTERT CORSETTERB w j ROOMS T7 and ya Phone M l CifBard utsi :X i ' , ' ', t. t v I ! r, 1 iLt t

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