THE ASHEVILLE CITIZEN, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30 19J1, Society and Personals One of the social mnu of the hmo kthut promise to be of un usual brilliance la the reception ., which will take place thin evening at Ravenacrott the home of Mr. Rldgely Pcnnlman. Mrs. Pennlman will be assisted in . receiving; her ueat by Mr. Thompson Fraser, .. Mrs,. Junius Adams and llli An cle wuuama. funcn win te served :', during the evening by Miss ldit Hamilton and Mlsa Maude Waddell. j U Is .Ma retire t Pennlman will be . asslNted In recelvJna; by Miss Frances : Hena, Mlits Helen Cafelu. Miss Bva Horner, Miss. Lillian Adams. - Miss Matilda Uarllck and Miss Maud ' Hamilton. , Holiday decorationa . will prevail, the spacious parlors wilt be thrown open to ..the guest and th 'large dining room be used for , dancing. ti,- Bupper will be served late In the evening and every indication auggeats a charming occasion. vv';-i- r " " ':' The Jewish Feast of of Chanuka, or Feast of Lights, which lasts eight days, closes this week. ,:;,''' .!. J .' k ..':..( ' Among the new enterprises at the T.W. C. A. at the beginning of the year till will be a class In the "Study of the Literature of the 11 - ble" under the leadership of Rev.. Charles W. Byrd, This will be an unusual opportunity for the Women who desire such a study, and any girl or woman wtiether or not a , member of the association ts Cor : dially invited to - become a , mem ; ber of this class, no charge being asked. Tha class will meet for the first... tima- on .Thursday , afternoon. . -January 4th, at four o'clock, at ths T. W. C. A. and at that time the regular hour for meeting will be decided upon. It it urged' that those who are Interested will make an ef fort to attend this first meeting a it is Important ' that regular work should begin Immediately, Miss Os- -' born wll be glad to have the names of those wishing to Join. ' Jfi Among the many delightful social ' events of Christmas week was card party given by Miss Helen Taylor at her residence on Mont ford avenue. The .gam .played was five hundred, and the . party was a delightful suodess, . j jt V Miss Eugenia Johnston will en- : tertaln at luncheon Tuesday of next week. v'c-'V-V.3 'H If If Mr, and Mrs. Thos. Wadley Raoul ' entertained at dinner Thursday eve ning. The T. W, C. A. gymnasium classes will" be resumed Immediately after New Year's, the els for Jun ; tors . on Monday and Thursday af ternoons at t:So, the evening ; class at 7:10 on ths same days. The ma , tron'a elaee. will . meet .for the first time- on Friday morning, January the fifth at llito. Those who wish to , enroll . will Please send their . names to Mlsa Foster at the T,' T, C. A. and be present at the first meeting of the class. Jt Jt One of the large and formal so cial events of the coming week will ba the reception on the afternoon of New Year's day, from five until , sevien' o'clook. given by Dr. and Mrs. Charles U Minor for their daugh ter. Miss Lucy Minor. The reception which Dr.. and Mrs. Minor will give at their residence on French Broad avenue, promise to be an affair of unusual Interest. 1 Miss Gladys Redwood entertained a number of the younger set ' at cards yesterday afternoon at her home, on Cumberland avenue. The game played was five hundred, ,J$ at Mrs. Oaaton M earns will enter tain Monday evening at her home on ; Atkln street for her daughters. Miss Laura Meares and Miss . Extim Meares. Flue hundred will be played and supper will be served during the evening. The decorations will be holly and evergreen. Jt Jl : Mrs. Dunn McKee gave a small Christmas party and tree for her children yeeterday afternoon at her home on. .Victoria Road.. : Thursday evening at the residence of Dr.f: R. T. Campbell on French Broad avenue, Miss Ethel Morrison of 8tateirv4U and Mr. C, C. Alli son of Hickory,' S, C.', were united ; in marriage by Dr. Campbell. Mr. F. r. Harker will give Han del's "Messiah" at the organ recital Pre-Inventory Sale Men's Clothing " ' 'Broken Lots and Odd Sizes :, You'll seldom have such a money-saving op portunity as is offered in this special price sale. First class suits, a good range of sizes and col ors browns, grays, blues, blacks and mixtures. Whether you had planned to have another suit or not, you'll want one of these at the price. . Suits that were 12.50 to 30.00 "Half Price Many at even less hi V.M00RE & CO. , , 11 PATTQN AVENUE , . . Specialist in Women's Read) -to-Wear Garment. Careful Attention Given to Mall Orders. . Ask for a Fall Catalogue. Sunday afternoon at All Soua church. Hlltmore.' Mrs. Darker and Mrs. Btlkeleather will be the o lolets. J: J Mrs. Dlckerson will entertain at her home on Charlotte street, this afternoon. ' Jt On Wednesday afternoon, Decem ber 27, at 4 o'clook. at the home.ttf Mr. and Mr. B. H. Tipton, Miss Ruby M. Tipton, their oldest daugh ter, was married to Mr. George C. UartteU, .f Hlr-evHie. Ur L'ogglns, the bride's uncle, performed the ceremony. After the cermony dinner was served by Mrs. Tipton.' The bride la a graduate of the. Nor-, mat and Collegiate Institute of Ashe- vllle, and Mr Barllett is a brother of Mr. 11. V. Bartlett of Asheydlle. Mr. and Mre. Bartlet will reside at Mr. Bartlett a farm near Swannanoa, PEBSOXAL MEJtl'ION Mr. R. R. Reynolds and wlfs leave for New Orleans this, mornlnft f Mies Kdna Mllroy , of -tti. College for Women, of Columbia, 8. C, is In the city for lhe holidays and is the guest of Mies Mattla' Harris. ' . ; 3 ; : i Miss Maggie Rector, who hlur been visiting In Bristol, Tenn., for the past two months has returned to Aehev.ille. ', Mr. C F. Klrkpstrluk passed, through Athevllle a few days ago on his way home from' Raleigh, N. C Mix Klrkpstrlck ihaa charge of the laboratory department of the Rocke feller Sanitary Commission In North Carolina and was going out to spehd the holidays with his parents, who llv. at Crabtree, . Haywood county, Mrs. A. D. Wauchope, of Vir ginia, I visiting her aunt. Mrs. Brown It her residence on. Oak street. - Mr. Jas, Colvln, who ha been recently ill at his home on Wood tin street, Is better and hopes to b out shortly. . : Mr. E, May and wife are in the . Mr, and Mr. Dudley Chlpley and mall daughter. Bettle, frho have been visiting" Mr. nd Mrs. McLen don,' In 'Marshall, N. C, have re tffrned to the city and expect to leav for Ocalla, Fla., shortly, where they will spend the winter. Dr. and Mrs. J. 8. Greene have returned from Birmingham, where they have been visiting. 't Prof, and Mrs. J. L, Olanken hlp. singing evangelists, of Dallas, Texas, will spend Sunday In the city with Rev. and Mrs. Calvin Bk Wal ler and will lng at both the morn ing and evening service at the Frist Baptist church. Mr. C. W. Is in town. Moore, , of Nashville ,Mrt!Ti J, in the city. ..Wilson of Chicago -l Mr. and Mrs. Jas. R. Mllllkan, of Cincinnati, are visitor in the city. Mr. Le Roy Goldberg, York, Is In the city. of New Mr. Bnl Mplnnky expects to go enst shortly and will spend some time In New York. ' Mrs. Chaa. Qulnlan, of Waynes vllle, spent yesterday In the city. Mr. ftlgmund Gardner, of New York, was In the city yesterday. Mr. Weinberger, of this rtty, goes east shortly. BURNING CHIMNEY The fire department was called to 1 Buxton street yesterday shortly after noon, a burning chimney hav Ing caused the turning In of the alarm. No damage was done and the companies made a quick daah to the scene. .' ) COAL DKAt.RIW HOLIDAY It has een announced tat none of the coal: companies of ' A4hejvill , will deliver coal on Monday in cele nratlon of . flew Year's, therefore those whose bins ar nearly j empty are urged to make provisions." It's Baker's and It's Delicious WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. ISTABUSRID I7M ' DORCHESTER, MASS. WILL ENCOURAGE HOG RAISING INWEST.N.C, BME RIDGE BERKMHIHE FARM TKIKB NOVKL PLAN Has Government Approval and It 4 Bolicwed Movement Will' bsj Highly KoccesHftU Announcement Is made In a halt page advertisement today by the Blue Rldg. Berkshire farms, owned by Mr. William J. Cocke, of this city, that there la now launched a movement looking to tne raising of a higher standard of' atock. , The Blue . Ridge farm, as the name Im plies,' makes a speolaHy of Berk shire hogs. Under the plan now in operation, practically a contest for the best hogs between the ' farmers of Western North Carolina, one pig la 'given to a reputable farmer and he raises one for the Blue Ridge farm. The plan ha been described as follows: "After the farmer hss taken care of the two pigs for twelve months, they having cost him practically nothing, one is returned' to the' Blue Ridge farm, and the farmer who has cared for them has "In his posses sion a high class pig, entitled to reg Istratlon, which he can sell at from fS to $100 or with which he can cetabllih as large a herd as he de sires for himself. During the llext four or five year It is planned by the Blue Ridge farm. If the co-operation of the people is secured, to giv prises aggregating 11,1000 in gold. , "The owner of the farm ha dfs-r-ussed this plan, which Is of his own devising, with officials of the nation al department of agriculture, with the industrial department of the Bouthom railway, with famous swine rateer ,wUh., censervattss- business menj f and, Uiey,e .,ai yreed -that H promises, to. ba a tremendous sue cess, both as a bualnesa enterprise and In arousing the interest of the people generally In , raising hoga, of approved etraln, to take the place of unprofitable scrub atock. The Blue Ridge farm, situated on Jhe Weaver-; Jlt'"e1e'iyt'r.fc"",iine;,"'a""c6Ul north of Aahevllle. has the besi linea of Berkshire hogs that breeding and experience have developed. Many tnouaanda of dollars have been ex pended. The business has been In existence ten years, and has sold stock In all parts of the United State and n Porto Rico. It Is ex pected that the plan will eventually be broadened. In scope, taking in all the counties of weetern North" Car olina. ' "The contest began In September. It'waa decided to make no attempt at publicity until If should be dem onstrated whether or not It was go ing to "take.' It has taken. One hundred pigs have been piit out, and applications ar pouring In. "It Is not expected that more than !00 pigs will be put out this year. The 'enterprtdlng farmer will-, there fore, act promptly, and not let this opportunity go by default." Speaking of hie new enterprise yesterday Mr. Cocke made the fol lowing statement: "Oowrnment Investigators have found that graslng Is the hauls or pront in nog raising, (iood -water Is ! claims against the estate or said de a factor of great Importance. The U'eased to exhibit them to the under Berkshlre Is pre-emlnf-rtly the gras- 1 signed on or before the thirty-flrst day Ing hog. Western North Carolina IB i o,f December. A. D.. lsll. or tM bo. the natural graM country. Clear off i any of these mountain tops and the lush grass springs up. Ry wise man agement green panturag can he pro ;ded practically the year through. There le abundance of pure water. Everything makes for success. At present more money Is being sent out of Buncombe county for pork than for any other article of con sumption. The hog-ralslug possibili ties of this and neighboring coun ties ought to provide. ii n m m nit aw . .. .... ..... v..... , ,...,u. ' vi rerenue. A SURVIVAL OF WnVHCUAET i . (Prom the New rrk World. 1 i 5he- charge made In a cross bill idled' In an Illinois. Court thnt the i plaintiff In a divorce suit hd boaet I ed an ability to cause deal It by "oc cult power" Is not so surprising as It would have been a few years ago; ! The recent extraordinary propagan da of the doctrine o the subjection of matter to mind has developed i eome old superstitions as well aa ; some new fancies and among the older beliefs is that of the power ! of witchcraft, the power to cure or kill from a distance by the ex ! erclse of occult force. A dread of witches Is deep-seated In the dark 1 est depths of the human heart. It ! exists seemingly among all races.! There waa a time. In Europe when-i I the "Sabbat," or "Black Maw," a t worship of the devil through wltch I croft, 'was almost, as potent os the ' church Itself. Princee end even car- dlnale were suspected of practicing I It. The celt survived down to time comparatively recent, and at one I time In New England the fear of It amounted to a pnnlr that' led to ! cruel prosecutions Pf harmless old women. , . An ap,la eaten' before break fact serves as a natural .stimuli. r.f to the digestive organs. - ; . .; . Made by a perfect mechanical process from high grade cocoa beans, scientifically blended, it is of the finest quality, full strength and absolutely pure and healthful. Sold In 1S lb, 14 tb, 12 lb. and 1 lb. cans not weight Booklet of Choice Recipes Sent Free CHARGED WITH CAUSING GIRL TO LEAVE HOME Father of Girl Reports Matter to Police Deiwtment and Four are ' Arrested. .'""'' Bent witt age ,and walking with the aid of a stick. W, A. Byrd, a farmer of one of the adjoining coun ties, who bears the reputation' of be ing a truthful man, asked the po lice, department, last night to help him out of his.-troubles, having re ported that Ihls, young daughter, Olli vlnla had been led to leave her home on the farm believing that she would Ilka city life and. would find that the farm Is no place for a young girl to live.. He alleged that Ellis Mor row, had Induced! the girl ,to leave home and come, to U.its city, and It it said reported ., that Cling Ingle and Minerva Morrow : had aided Ellis Morrow In convincing the fifteen-year-old girl that she would do well to come to Ahevlll. v The four were, arrested last night, and will be tried in city police court this morning. They were found at a house on Hall street, it Is reported. SPECIAL MUSIC Prof, and Mrs., J. L, Blanken shlp,, singing evangelists of Dallas, Texas, will spend Sunday In the city with Rev. and Mrs. Calvin B. Waller, and wll) valng at both the morning 'and evening services, at the First Baptist church. . , . , Mr. and Mrsi Blankenship are sing ers of great refutation In the south. They are' now engaged wth the home minion boad of. the South ern Baptist convention ' as singing evangelists, assisting In meetings in all sections In the south. Mr. 'Blan kenahlp hss ' an especially striking voice endowing gihnlrers"everywhere she sThgrt'1 n' ' They .will, driaetresk b ' heard by' large- an. appncatfv ' audiences Bundoy.-i . -i 1 ' GENERAL HOMER LEA IX CHINA Gen. . Homer Lea, whose Intimate knowledge of Oriental .conditions is shown In his bock on a possible Jap- l sr.ese invasion otAmerlca;. "The Val- ! r . of, Ignorane,'; ha by this time reacnea cnina. A caoie uqm i-aria reported that he had sslled from Marseilles Xor Shanghai with . Sun Yat Ben, the Chinese revolutionary leader. Though It. I not possible to define General I.ea's Influence In the land from which he derives his mil itary title, it la known to be great, and It Is believed that he will exert It In the cause Of the revolutionists. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Merchant Tailor, Igal lUilg. e e Pars, "qaare. Phone 7ST, aa EXKCITOR'B NOTICE Having qualified as exeeutor of the last will and testament of John W I Poole, deceased, late of the county of Buncombe, atate of North Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having t Ice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to salu estate, will please make Immedi ate payment. O. R. 6. POOLE. . Executor. Thta the twenty-eighth day of De cember. A. IX, 1111. J-5-rj-l9-26-2 FOR SALE Twelve acree of land, a small, water . ... . . iHiw.r rr .1 mill u n r, arnr. rtninca a ' " " m. aeneral merchandise business. For bargain. This sale or exchange at t Is a rare opportunity. CAM ADV RE A ITV CO... 0 Park Square Phone T4 BUTTER - CRUST BREAD " For good health. Phone 622 or ask .your, grocer. Look for our label. ASHEVILLE STEAM BAKERY MUSIC LESSONS nY PHOF. JAMES A. C. DACER t Former Music, Director of M. C. F. Jjtrlltute, Jackson. Tenn. . Violin. Piano, Organ and Harmony Also Guitar, Mandolin and llute Music rurnlshed for Afternoon Teas, Receptions and Weddings. STUDIOS: The Asheville School -of Music and Dramatic Arts, and ' at residence, corner Patton and "Ashland Ave. (Morsell Bldg). Phones S44 and I T TO. Best recommendations and testimonials furnished Hotel Bread . 8 Cents per Loaf . COLLEGE 8T. BAKERY 37 E. College St. -Phone 867 ITS MOT TOO LATJi FOR CHRIST - MAS PHOTOS All photos taken before "December tl will be delivered by Christmas. Eleotrto printing machine preevat disappointment You are absolutely assured of good plot u res at' ' RAY'S BTVDIO -Over N tools' Shoe Store IT PAYS To buy your Typewriter Ribbons of us, because -we deliver them to your office and put them on your, ma chines, thereby saving you this trouble and the annoy ance of soiled hands. We are willing to meet you more than half way to secure your business. J, M. HEAEN & CO Battery Park Place - Phone 448 Let us give you an estimate of that Electric Wiring. Our work give satis faction. W. A. WABD, ' ANYTHING FJJECTRICAL . IS Church St. Pbone 44 After the Christmas holi days comes the work of get ting the ends together, and getting started, oufright for the new year, On the mat ter of washing, we suggest you .try the work done by this big sanitarv and well ventilated laundry, and find out from experience just how satisfactory real good work is ; MOUNTAIN CITY STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 42 J. E. CARPENTER -JEWELER-. Watch' Repairing -a CpedsHy. 11 W. Pc Sejaara. Manicurtng," Shampooing, Xlectrical Facta! knot Bealp Ittaetair.' ' Chtropy Work for IUM and gentlemen. MISS CRUISE SHOP 25 Haywood St. Phone 16 TRIMMED HATS Reduced M. Webb Co. ART AJrt LANGUAGES Teachers Voeal Mr. Jt. U. Harker VI rs. O. P. "Weste.1! Mrs. J. O. Stikeleather Piano Mis Minnie Westan Mlsa Kate Lartori Mr. F. Flaxlngton Harker Mr. John W. S tarn as Organ and Theory Mr. r. Flaaiitgton Harker Languages . Mr. A. J. Lymn Phone S44 Auditorium Bldg. C A. Walker Prescription Druggist Sole Agent Candies AOCORDIAN PU4ITTNO Pone at ft HAYWOOD ST. ROCKERS 100 Different Styles S4.505:Up;:J-;:;t. J. L. SMATHERS & SONS Mammoth Fufnitiire Store CITIZEN .WANT; ADS T . BRING RESULTS I HOOD'S Jfalf price andess on Tuits, Coats and presses Today winds up an exceptionally successful Clear ance Sale of) Women's Ready-to-Wear Apparel, We offered this merchandise at practically what the cost of the raw material would be, if you were to have similar garments madeJFo say that many peo ple appreciated their opportunity is expressing it mildly. ' J. Half price on tCoats and Dresses. $20 suits are priced today at $9.45. $25 suits are priced today, at $11.95. Rare Values Folks are beginning to sit up and take notice that we have an excellentiassortment of medium" and fine Rugs. This is,a new Department and we would like everyone interested to come in and view the line. They are being shown on the third floor. The designs are very attractive, the prices are low. Large 9xl2 Art Squares are priced from $10 ; to . eCO.OU. STTiAr I K,iip-h wll fnrSiZO to S1U. Si " i s Jrunks and Mr SILK UMBRELLAS With detachable 14kt. gold filled and Sterling silver hand engraved handles, for both ladies and gentlemefn. CHAS E. HENDERSON 52 Patton Avenue v . f TURKISH BATIiSVl The Gruner Sanitarium 81 Haywood Street For Ladies and Gentlemen eeeeee I; IFretsli 1 Turkeys : Of a Quality 1 M. HYAMS : : FRESE MEATS GROCERIES. rnoM 4-t4a. FOR RENT We have at the present time several attractive furnished house. We are able to make apeclal price to rent thee places for a abort time, alee some big bargains In Improved properay for sale. See TJa. THE H. F. GRANT REALTY CO., 48 Patton Ayfc jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ASTRONG, ; ; FIERCE HEAT Coke is noted for its strong, fierce heat. Makes this heat without any smoke or soot or dust, and lasts a long time. Very much lrght- er than coal, therefore J greater quantity. Spe 5 eial price. ' Phone 130 : Carolina Coal : &Ice Company e AO Patton Ave. Dralimor Bldg. aeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee If you are a stenographer or a bookkeeper desiring a position, and will cll at the office of The Emanuel School of Shorthand we may have something of interest for you. Office Xo. 16 Drhumor Bldg. (ove Field's.) SCHOOL, OF SITSICA1. MUXLNERT ; . J Charcti Street Wrightsman s V : in f ine Rugs ' , ' Cases on the ffhird IVIeatts & Ducks that Pleases V Cue. If. Main Merrimen Ave. FURNISHED VICTOR STERN RELIABLE JEWELER I now . carry up-to-date Jew elry aa well as antique Jewelry. Expert repair work done in my , own shop at reasonable price. VICTOR STERN Jeweler Haywood Street The Best Talking Machine . ' Ly . the Favorita-Grafanola at ' ..... Only $30. - s; - .v Faik'sMusic House PICTCRE ntASIES AND FRAHINO Save mpnay on "picture fracneev Ready to deliver frame in rold and. liver plate, dainty wooden frannae1 in puiiuuu- sun iriraei rrom iaieet mouldlnca mae Quickly. Card board apd Picture glsw for sale.' RAVS STUDIO ' ' S N. Pack Square , " MISS uify.jmf HUFF, rxTEirr consKTiERH ' ROOMS T and SS -Aanatecaa atlenal Bank Building