CITIZEN THE WEATHER FAIR Associated Press Leased Wire Service. THE ' A SHE WLLE VOL. XXV1TX, NO. 231. MCE GUARDS HITCHCOCK LIKES OSTERHAUS, WITH BEACH BRLTIMQBE BOURNE'S MEASURE TWO WAR VESSELS FOR GOfiyENTION Headquarters Are Opened for Some of the Candidates for Nomination CHAIRMAN MACK : EXPECTED TODAY Nearly 200.000 Requests for Tickets Received Only 10.000 Available BAX.TlM.ORifi. June . Baltimore awaist the coming of the thousand and ninety delegates to democratic national convention, the preparation for which have practically been com pleted. Already the advanto guard of boomer for candidate for ths pres idential nomination havo pitched their oamp " the battle ground and ar laying tha final plana of cam paign. With the arrival of National Chairman Norman E. Mack tomor row the official arrangement for the convention will be considered for adoption later by the arrangementa commute. ' urey Woodson, aecretary of the na tional committee, will . bo unable to meet Chairman Mack here tomorrow a planned. He telegraphed here to i:lght that hla wt: wm lit In New York and thac he would bo unable tc be In Baltimore for several days. Mr. Woodson aa secretary of the nattonni committee has charge of tin notice of contests filed by certain delega tions. Alt Want Tickets. Application for tlckoU to the con ventian proceedings are pouring In (rom prospective visitors from al! ov er the country and it was estimated tonight that nearly two hundred thousand requests for tickets had ben received. As there are about ten thousand tickets to be distributed the committee Is :iav:ng Its difficul ties In making assignments. Colonel John I. Martin, sergeant at arms of the democratic national committee came In tonight from St. Louis and will 0Pn the headquar-tor,- th aatUinal, committee when Chairman Mack arrives. During the week Chairman Mack will consider the numerous applica tions for positions of doorkeepers, as sistant sergeant at arms, messengers and pages of the convention. The convention hall stands In read, ineas for the gathering of delegates. Nothing remains to be done. and the guards have been thrown about the big armory building to prevent van dalism. Tents of the acoustic properties were made today and so well have the architects planned that a speak- fOrmtlnned on Pair H.ei 1M CGiAESS FI Wi JUST STARTING Many Members Will Go to Chicago to Republican, Convention. WILL BE ACTIVE WASHINGTON. June . Polltlca will overshadow the work of congress j thla week and thtr ulll be many de-i parturea from the capital for the re- publican conventon at Chicago. Aj few members of both houses are dele-1 gaites. A number of prominent re-j publican senators Who are neither delegates nor proxies will atend thai convention and probably will be act-i tve in the presidential fight off the convention floor and there wWI be a lirfre contingent from ' congress among the ranks of the spectators at Chicago, The figurative "corporal's guard," or more who are left In the senate will not count upon much prog ress, for the program of the senate! according to present indications, will be to recess every two or three days during l!r. convention period and, in the house, to recess for three days during the Baltimore convention. Appropriation bills will command a virtually clear path. The legislative, executive and Judicial appropriation bill, with Its attendant light over the house proposal te abolish the com merce court, is under fire of debate In 'the senate, and the sundry civil appropriation hill, featured by the elimination of the tariff board, is pending ln the house. The coirt has been the target of attack recently ln ths senate. In ths supreme court whlcj, stripped ths court of much of Its' power, and In the bouse judtalary commission whloh tails week will con sider the results of Its Investigation of tbs conduct of Judre Archbald of the court on charres brought with a view to Impeachment. The Lorlmer IicUon case Is defi nitely fixed for a vote "on the. legls- Jatlve" gar of July andtherejal be little dlsoussion of it In the sen until Just Before the rotm data. FOR PARCEL POST Measure Providing for Sys'em May Bo Passed By Pres." enl Congress MIGHT HELP HIGH COST OF LIVING Postmaster General HltchcocK Is Urging Congress to Act on Matter WAKHLVOTON. June 9. Legisla tion providing for a general parcels post throughout the United States, It practically certain to be enacted by the prevent congress, perhaps before the conclusion of the session now In progress, In the opinion of Postmaster General Hitchcock. He has urged In sistently upon congress the deelrabil ity of dornoitio parrels post, bin- us among other reasons, he believes It will aid substantially In the solution of the problem of the high coat of living. In a statement today he ex- pressed the hope that the measure terhaus besides the dispatch ship will recently Introduced . by Senator ; take hi flag ship, the Washington, Bourne, chairman of the committee nio Cuban waters, on postoff!c and post roads, might Minister Beaupre's message said be cryst.!ird Into law. j that condition In and apund Havana In the Judgment of the officers of n.j been menacing since Friday night the postal service the Bourne b!ll'an(j that last night there were anti represenU the most scientific and j ntgro demonstrations of lare pro. business like plan yet devised for a , portions by Irresponsible elements and parcel posts. It provides for a par-1 xhtlt jier8 were clashes in every quar cels service throughout the countrj t ter cf Havana and vicinity.. He re both on rural routes and city carrier - porte1 that the negroes were b-lng routes. It consolidates the third ni i goaJ!1 lnto vi0ienc u,d that retajl fourth claaaes of mall matter a re-allon mlfht hav, dum,troua cpnae form long advocated by the postofflco qu8nce, American and other fgregln departmentand raises the weight i and m Cubans h, 0r. limit of rarceU to eleven Pounds, , hmglve dlrw, ,n, which is the limit of the Imemr.tionsll ,. .u, ,..- parcels post. The rate to be charge! for articles carried in the rural routes service and city carrier ser- vice is five cents for the first pound ! or fraction of a pound and one centi,. ,'.u- . ,. L.-i-.. ,u . . ..... , . . i tlon of the , American marines who for each additional pound or fraction " . . a ,Jre to be employed as guarda for for- post service, which covV, all mall transportation other than Ibcal de livery by rural or city carriers grad uated rates would he established, based on distance. ' ,. . Si wnes of distance rlHHjMbrt Orient, and t told Just established. The first would have a radial distance of 60 miles from the point of mailing; the second would include the area lying between &0 and 200 miles; the third that between 200 and 600 miles; the fourth that between 600 and 1,000 miles; the fifth that between 1,000 and 2.000 miles, and the sixth distances beyond 2,000 miles. The rate for delivery within the first tone Is six cents for a pound, two cents for each addi- tlonal pound or fraction of a pound, f The rates would be Increased fori (Continued on Pe Five.) TO' HAVE BEEN WIPEO fJUT BY VOLGAND'S RCTIDN Alaskan Volcano Emulat ing Actions of Vesuvius in Eruption. RELIEF ASKED SEWARD, Alaska, June 9. Pas sengers on the mail steamer Dora which arrived from the westward to day after passing through a shower of ashes from Katma! volcano be lief that several small fishing vil lages on the shorts of Shellkof Strait may have been destroyed by the erup tion The revenue cutter service at Unalaska has been asked to send as sistance. ' "' . -; " " ' The Dora steamed Into the harbor early today,1 her white covering mak ing her appear a phantom of the sea. Those on the steamer as she passed through the falling ashes were nearly suffocated by poisonous gasea. She was in sight of Katma! when the eruption began and those on tHv vessel witnessed a brilliant specta cle. It was one o'clock in the after noon and the mountain waa In plain view. The first explosion was followed by others in quick succession each seemingly mora terrific than' the one preceding. Soon a steady stream of rocks and ashes poured from the peak and spread over the surrounding country, obscuring the sun and shut ting the' troubled mountain (rom sight. At four o'clock the pora was 70 miles from the volcano, total dark ness cam and ashes bejan to fall ln thick clouds upon the deck, cover ing It with a' white layer three inch es thick. . The stifling atmosphere made the paaengers violently 111 THKE KILLED. WATERTOWN, N. T.t June' . F. E. Zlmmer, a farmer of Evans Mills and hi wife and their daughter, Ruth, were killed and another eiiCiu- w badly Injured when the urrey In tday Va struck br. aVaaTat a trfrthiaodyT road crossing. ASIiEVILLE, X. ORDERED TO CUBA Fear of Race Wots In City of Havana Prompt This Action SITUATION STILL LOOKS SERIOUS Anti-Negro Demonstrations at Capital Cause Call for Protection. WASHINGTON. June I The navy departm-nt, acting under Instruction from tho tal department tonight ordered Admral Ostertiaus to pro ceed forthwith' from Kay Weal t Havana- with one dispatch ship and one other ship. These ordrs wer iaaued by tte state department' after the receipt of a dispatch from Minis ter Beau pre reporting that conditions In Havana and suburb of the city had assumed the character of a rare war. It hi probable that Admiral O The state department has decided to leave e-ntlrely tp Rear Admiral Tfcher, commanding the fourth dlvts- o ln T: the state department through th navy department an abstract of the Reports - he had received from the saVLl,ii.n4 . naroa . officers scattered where each detachment of marine had been stationed It Is felt that being on the acetie and an officer of much experience la such matters Admiral I'eher should b given a free hand to deal wth developments without delaying to seek authority from Washington In each caae requiring action. He will, of course, be expected to consult the stale department where questions of policy are Involved. The latest appeal for protection came from Barkca on the northern (Continued on Page Five.) 1CLISS FDR THIRTY-SIX HOURJTO R1SEING OF WATERLOGGED SGHDDNER Seven Men Rescued by a Steamer After Hard Experience. WITHOUT FOOD NORFOLK, V., June 9 Seven men, all of the crew of the three masted schooner, Frederick Rosser, after clinging to one remaining mal of their water logged. and dismantled vessel thlrty-aix hours, were rescued oft Hatteras this aftemnon at 2.20 o'clock by the United Truit steamer C&rriUe. The rescue worit took place in latitude thlrty-'ive longitude 74. Comin; from a South Atlantic port with a deck load of lumber for New Bedford, the schooner. Captain Chase says was struck by the gale Friday night. Under full sail at the time two of the masts went by the board be fore the canvas could be hauled lh. Th overhanging wreck of stick yards and sails put the heavily laden schooner at the mercy of the wave which soon began to pound open the sea. Without food arid soaked te the bone, the seven men on the schooner torfk the rlgglnr The schooner be came waterlogged and began to set tle deeper and deeper In the water. All of Saturday and today the men scanned the horizon, looking for res ruo but no passing vessel came their way. This afternoon - the Carrllle, bound to New Turk hovo lu sight and picked them off, I , COMMITS SUICIDE. NEW ORLEANS, Jun .Des pondent over the rejected manuscript! of a play he !iad written, Honry B. Huber, 2,. aid unmarrlel, ' cut h throat and wrists at his hem hsre j yesterday, dying today at a honplUl. ' On his death bed expressed the wlhh-'that his weodnfl leg b burled Complied with. C,. MONDAY MORNING. JUXE 10, 1912. They NATIONAL COMMITTEE WILL" NOT REPLY TO TEDDY'S DEN VNCIATION v -.,-- Win Stand on Their Action To'ts Friends CHICAGO, JiH , A majority of the members of the republican na tional xnvmltt after a lengthy con ference tuday Unofficially decided to refrain rom any comment upon the wtatemwnt Issue last flight by Col onel Roosevelt, in which the former president denounced the action of th commute to sealing th two Taft delegate from Wu ' NtlKa AJabama atrtct-. V ." - - kfMr. "i , Today'! Impromptu meeting of na tional commItts? members waa antend ed exclusively , ly those .committee men who ffifterally are, accepted aa belna; favors b' to IVeoldent Taft Certain of the committeemen who attended the neetlng expressed great inmgnauon. at in lexi oi woienei Koosevelt's statement, wtitoh they de clared waa deneTvinf of an emphattc rpljr: Others, however, counselled against a reply of any kind and urged their fellow committee members to Ignor the statement, This advice fin ny prevailed. Scarcely any of the Taft members Of m nomnrittne would dlsc.uas to day' meeting after It ha heen oon- oluded. . One, howsver, . ald: "W ara . gnltig to stand "ti our actions, regardlem f ti rmsrka of persons who r prejinllrwl and un fair. Th work npeakii for Itself and that la all U fhnr is to it There Is but on way to handle unreason ahl people and that Is to Ignore them." Dasplt the 'rt tht It was Pun day an1 rhnt a number of the leaders were nut f town he ram pal rn head q'lartors of hotli Taft and Ttooweyelt GRAY CUD GATHER IN Hold Decoration Day and Decorate Graves of Dead in Nation's Capital. WASHINGTON', June i.A. group of grlzsled veterans who wore the gray SO years ago In the struggle be- tween the statei, assisted by allied Confederate organisations gathered J ..... In Arlington cemetery today to dec- orate the graves of the Confederate j soldiers who sleep in the nstlonV ,h ., w , The address of the occasion was delivered by Senator Hoke Bmllh of , Georgia, who counselled his hearers to rmain true to th high Ideals which are the heritage of their south-' em ancestry. An Impressive feature; of the exercises was the unveiling of ! an Immense floral set piece fashion- j ed In the form of a southern cross. Thv grave were tlowers, the Children of the Confed eracy assisting. Hpeclal decoration waa made of the tomb of th un known dead and of the grave of "Fighting Joe" Wheeler. Hilary A. Herbert, former seere tary of th navy and chairman of th Arlington monument committee reported that tin. statue which the, committee propones 4ilaeing in tne cemetery to practically completed. This statu, a feminine figure typl frtn th south. 11 being made In Rome by Sir Moses Exeklel, a native of Virginia who lor rms cu of the Confederacy In th THE WEATHETt. WARRINGTON, Jno . Freat: 1 Pair. probably TueaxUr Cannot Blow It Out A f vi Regardlet of Statmenta on Committee HoU Sunday Meeting Dixon, as Usual, Utuee a Statement man war busy most of Ui day. 7 Francis J. Heney, who prosecuted the Ban FrancuKo graft case anil former Governor George C, Pardee of California, who war among those ar. riving at th Roosevelt headquarters today, conferred with United Slates Senator Dixon of Montana, 'Colonel Rocaevek's catnpalgit ' manairer and ether Uader. . ' - iM -lJiror - irraM noosrvolt tnanafer unofficially, It wa announced that Colonel Koosevt-ll would arrive In Chicago either by the mMdle or latter part of th week, but declined to name the exact day. Wal ter F. Brown of Toledo, chairman of the republican state central commit tee In Ohio and one of tho acttvw Roosevelt Itmdera, departed from Chi cago, for the east today and R waa reported that be had gon To Oyster Ray to confer' wjth Colonel Roose velt retarding the developments of the last 24 hours in the convention situation. ' ' Thomas K. Neldriflfhaus, of Ht, louls. newly spipotnted national com. mittceman from Missouri, also depart ed from Chicago for the east. It was aidT that' B hWfSS' ttrvmmirgK but the nature of his mission was not divulged. Senator Dixon tonight Issued statemsnt tn which he denied reports that th Roosevelt manager intended to withdraw ipemdlng contests. ' Tt statement said: 0 Dixon's Slatcmmt, "Of course we do not Intend to do sny such thing. Every contest will he presented by ua. If a majority of mmi SHIPS ANCHOR IN T fill Officers Welcomed by Re ception Committee and Given Freedom of N. Y. NEW TORX. June I. Earorted by ttihe seoond division of th Atlantic fleet, with Rear Admiral Wlnslow In i-ommand, the three visiting warship j of the German navy, the Moltke, Utet Firemen, arrived today and an - Chored in the Hudson river, where v,hoKmnia vlwe4 hs companionable iaiitln craft, tretcflvlng alotit th river for mora than a mil. Ther are thirrteen ship In all, m- eluding five United dtate torpedo deBtroyen,. Thelr arrival was hwaMea t0 th .Mty by th exchange nxltnB M Moltk passed th rflnn M Fort 0aln Covernor'a Wln4 ' ln' airtmgulshed German naval vto)ttPt headed by Rear Admiral Re. Von ptarhirtt end including DrtnCftjy officers, were immediately re- then etrown withreh.eJ hy tho municipality of which they will he official guetrt during a four day vhnt. . " 8th !, for th mayor and chair. man of a iserre reception .-ommlttfe appointed bytMayor Oaynor, steamed out to trie anchorage of the mammoth Moltk off Klghth street and extend- e(j to tho German the freedom of the c!ty - MARRim ts now. "' lonel's nomInstie,n, end Bruxton Beall, PARIS. Tann., June . On the1,, Roosevelt dMeigate from California, publki highway, south of tnf.u. j Thursday. Itsv. J. VV. Jotmec pro- nmind 4ej oejrer.imne, unittng In wedlock Chart P. Marcu and AMt Daisy Toller. Th bride 1 a pep alar young lady of th LRU Rook neigh borhood and U groan i an mioy yUnMT-WVCVJrn . eh. Thw-w4-H came as a rurprue by Prejudiced Per'son$. th national committee I prepared te deliberately unseat Roosevelt dels gates a ths Taft manager Insist they do, giHng to a that th rub bery Is committed In th open day light and In full view of ninety mil lion American fltlona. "it 1 1 aerfectly apvarent that th Taft -mapageni have under - pevfeol oontrol enough cnemhar ot the Ha tlonat mmlttr4( do utmrtty al they please, regarding th remaining con teats, nearly all of wWch are from the republican state of th east and "To tain twmiporary control of the convention the Inner circle of Taft manager boldly have determined to tfhsent Ronseveit delegate from Call tiH&ta, Washington, Missouri and Mouth Dakota. In California .and South Dakota, Colonel Roosevelt reived overwhelmkig majorities In the preferential pr I mar lea. "In Mlnsourl and Washington, Col on e Roosevelt had najorltle of from 100 to 400 In th convention ' lecrtary of th Treasury McVeaah sfTt-ed itoday and met a number of the Taift leader Secwtary of Com mr and -trior?hri"alr- mer national rommMteeman from Missouri also arrived . Beorrtary Na fel met Otto r, Btelfel of 8t Ivoul and other Mliwourl Taft men, Jame A, Fowler of Knoxvll, Tenn.,, ssstetant to Attorney General Wickerianv visited the Taft head quarter. , ac.'ompnnled by . Congress. man Banruet R. (toll of Tennessee. 11, frvmttrmeri on IMtre 4m, I TEOBY KEEPS IRES HOT Would Not Talk Yesterday in Regard to Plans for Fighting Contests. OTSTER BAT. N, T June . The wires between Sagamore Hill and the Roosewielt hKdriuartyir In Cmcsago were kept buy today as Colonel Roosevelt went orer plan for the contests) before the national eemmlt- .tee with hi manager. Whalwer was decided upon the colonel kept to him self. H said h would add nothing to hi tatment of last night, In whlh h attackied the rotnmlttee. Colonel Rooawvelt said that he had been Informed that in all probabll Ity Comptroller William A. Prender grass of New Vork, who hss been III, would be able to make the nominat ing speech for him at the convention, In event Mor. .Prefldergrse' health will not permit, the Colonel's name will be pTeaented by Patrick W. Culll. nan, of Oswero. A proxy has been sr. ranged for Mr. Culllnan, should he require it. ' One more the oelonel wsa asked whether he wa going to Chicago, (na i(nin , penponded that, while he n0 lnlhtton of going, he might rtistig hte mind. Colonel Rooeevrlt had several tl- 1 tors todsy. Among them war ex- ongressman Richmond I'earson, or North Carolina, who is to make one .of the speecli seconding the rol- AHMTKAL i,ambJvTOS DKAD, WAMIINOTON, June .Hear Ad miral Penjamtn Lnmherton, U. S. N., retired, Who as Admiral Dewey's chief of staff received the surrender of the offWwr of Vh pan1h fleet after the i aU U Maas.4id.ddenly,aUllg home or tat tonight PRICE HYECEXTS PRESIDENT'S BOAT Yacht Mayflower. With Tan and Party on Board. Has Close Call QUICK ACTION BY NORTHLAND'S OFFICERS eafaWaMaaWaS Mayflower Crosses Course ot. Passenger Steamer By Close Margin ' OLD POINT, Va., June I. The presidential yacht Mayflower, with.. , the president and Mrs. Taft end a' party of their distinguished guest aboard, narrowly escaped a collision earry today with the steamer North land of th Norfolk; and WanMngton, line not far from Paint Lookout, where the Potomac river emptlee Into' Chesapeake pay. Only the vigilance. of th officer ot th Northland an 1 th Mayflower and their prompt ae- tk prevented what, looked wr at minute like tn accident. A It happened th Northland par- rowly missed the Mayflower. Official and one or two persons on th pa-, sen ter boat who were looking only ' got a momentary shock. It was per fectly still moonlight mnrnlng, with no sea running and th light of pass-, lug vessel could be seen for mile. Th tew passenger awake showed n sign ot panto but they looked r I1vd when danger was ovr, , Th Mayflower left Washington lest night about . for Hampton Road. In addition to th president and Mrs, Taft, Oaneral William Crosier, Rep. resentatlvs Qlllst of Massachusetts, Clarence H. Kelssy and Mrs. Kelsey, of. New York, Mre. Franc la O. New. land, wife ot th Nevada senator.' and Major T. L. Rhoads, U. . A., and Lluetensnt J, N, Tlmmons, IT. A, A., aides to the president, wera Invited guesta :; - ;' .,.' i :; On Itntular Trip. Th Northland, on her regular trta to Old Plt and Norfolk, left Wash Inglon shortly after th Mayflower. Although h kept th presidential yacht in sight ptll dark and el hugh I much seepdltT'bnat. Captain Posey mads no attempt ta pas th president. Short ly after th Northland passed Into Chesapeake. Say, however, wher there Is plenty of sea room the officer on Watch de cided to forg head of the May. flower. At that time the navy boat was probably a third of a mile ahead of th Northland and a few hundred, yarde to ,the tarbpard t th North- ' land' course, The fragmsnt of moon and plenty of light stars made 'Hi bay almost light enough to read by, whl! ther was hardly a puff ef wind. Tha Northland gave a signal that eh wished to pass on the Mayflower' port aid and a few seconds later cam tha response from the yacht. t rttttilnnml nn Par F1vl .1 BY U. S. AUTHORITIES AND , U Deposed Financial Head of Mexican Revolution Ii Caught by Banger." 1 ' WILL BE EXTRADITED EL PAflO, Teg.. June I. OcmraJe C. Fnrlle, deposed financial execu live of the Mexican revolution fleelnej to the United State from enemle tn the rebel sons, who tried to kill him,' wss arrer.ed early today fey, C. HJ Webster, a Texas ranger, a Knrll tcrossed the international brjdfe font. ' Jmsrrr.. ; j t TonlKht IKnrlle, one light irtd. man of (leneril Orosco, author of a ' rauatta anU-Amrlcan pro:lamatlon, I and chief promoter of the present rv-j : oUitlon, la a prisoner oi in Loiiew ; Plate, 'so tborl tie. His arreat waa 1 , . ..t Ku Vi f avla n fatAarnl mtb 'ytrvtnent, irlitch -Mr EnrU with I n rtXAmfi f f funds while consul under President Dins at Clifton, Aria.,1 ctt'iteen month ago. His extradi tion on this etisrgo woujd place him atj the merry of th Mexlian govern-. ment for hla political arts. Fnrile handled the funds of the (revolution for thre month and ad- Imlttedly made many enemies, final- . tv being repudiated by General ; Orsco. . I Weak from two knife wounds, anl a bullet hole In hi shoulder, sus tained In an rncounter with two un known earslns In the city of Ch!- husbua three week ego.. Enrll .Via IntAtlttnna tit ft1 nhVSlw- (elans nnd aauM medical treatment) in in i nncn ui n. k.h- Marion tetcher, the Anwtcan con sul In Chihuahua for rate -yondurtj to the Chlted Ptates, hut th latter declered the matter outside hi Juris diction.. Y. After a leleyram had bcen( srnt announrilns; 4ls death early yes tMviav. the meftsfure being Intended to 'foil his enemle. Enrlls was placed, iaecretlya horJ a tr1n In CMhuahua,' swnvin; to nusni n u.. . COLLIDES 1HC STEAMER