'MM TO 6TEMRlEn:iJ5p MILE KK TOIW - ... ........... , W want to ttt!smk'y?u" far the epleadid patwaage given uzt the past eight months. We announced then, that we would sell for Cash for Less -that we could afford to do so because we would 836 a mat deal of tnssj in boo&Bepix& and clerical work, and not requiring our customers to pay a proportion of the bad debts of those who would not pay us, for, as is always the casa vt2i credit Bt , i 1 TKj THAEK YOU BALE Is our expression of gratitude and will result in a very great saving to yon of money, real money, for the special prices cover just about our! entire stock of season able goods, givtag the 'additional saving to you right at the season when you need the goods, and when the saving will -dd you most good. 1 1 V ;T.: SILKS BED' TUKu Quality counts in silk goods, and that, is where our silks have .won their reputa tionmerit. The stock in cludes tub silks, taffetas, mes saline and figured silks. $100 silks for K.t-.79o ' 85o silks for WHei'h.at'' 69o 36 inch $1 taffeta for 79c 36inchmessaline silks .79c 48c figured silks M.,w.39o DEESS GOODS AMD MIS CELLANEOUS FABRICS 25c whipcord, in black, navy, ' red and light blue 10 c white madras for 8c 12Je white madras 10c 15c white madras for M.12c. 18c white madras for .. 15o 10c dress ginghams, for. .8c 12 Jc dress ginghams for 100 These ginghams are 27 "and 32 inches wide, ana ' many of them the Amoskeag brand, famous for their ex cellence and pretty patterns. 10c-nainsook for ... . .8c 0. N. T. SPOOL COTTON 4 CENTS. . 12c Galetea for . ... .;.. 10c 15c Oaletea for 12Jc 2Sc KIMmEriSSEE 17c , The most popular soft crinkle obth fox ' kimonas and hcraso gowns in dainty and attractive patterns. CURTAIN GOODS. 25c swiss, ettamin&and lace for . ... . . . ... ... m,'mmm M 19c 18c bordered ettamine K.15c 12Jc swiss iot .j. , . .100 AIR FLOAT TALCUM POWDER, FOR 7 CTS, 15c Air Jloat Talcum Pow der ta !.xi....;.ll0. 25c 'Air tOToat Takum Pow der .t (!( (,,w.'.'.19o MENKEN'S 25c-TALOUM POWDER -...12io CORSET COVERS GOWNS, ETC. Here's a real bargain counter. All new goods, well tailored and excellent material 50c muslin corset covers 39c 25c muslin corset covers 19o 50c muslin drawers v .39o 25c muslin drawer 19Q. 50c muslin gowns 39c $1, muslin gowns 89c $1.48 muslin gowns for $1.13 CHILDREN'S DBEfSSES , Made perfectly in'the new , attractive spring and sum ! mer styles, ginghams and ; percales, plain and tr$niffidd in various colors. Lotetheap-: er than to buy material and make them. 60c children's dresses ,39c $1 dresses' ftr $1.25 dresses for k.98c $150 dresses for ,.!.$U9 $2 dresses for :. yJs$1.69 LADIES' 15c HOSE .;iOc MEN'S ODD PANTS REDUCED. They're made of blue and; black serges, worsteds and English trouserings of at- , tractive patterns. An extra pair paats will give you the air of changenof suit. pants for M..89c. $10 pants for $1.29 $2 pants for k.iw! C$1.69 $2.50 panti for i .J1.98 " $3;pants for ...;.. :$2;39 $3.50 pants for r;,.i.$2.98 $5 pants for .-. ...$3.98 MEN'S AND BOYS SUITS Every 3rd Suit and every 3rd Dollar' for 30c. . Blue and Mack serges, worsteds and neat pattern ed puttings. New styles, ex tra quality,'; Bargains at or iginal pricos; biggest kind of bargains at this 30c sale. Boys' $3 suits for ..$130 Boys' $6 suits for maM.$4.60 Hgure it this way: in a $6 suit: '!'.;: ;. - Ar 2 dollars at 30c each -.$ .60 4 dollars at 100c each v 4.00 Total .: .r.!.vw.A. v$'60 1 Our boys suits are from $3 to $3, and remember that1 every third suit you buy, or every third dollar you spend for a suit, costs you but 30, cents. ' . i ' ' : j ' MEN'S SUITS ' Range from $10 to . $18.50, and at credit stores will cost you from $12 to $22 and $25. It is really worth your time, men, tojeome and examine these suits. Every one's a bargain. SHOES Tor Men, -Women i 7 and Children This Thank tSTou Sale : in- , eludes' the famous ; Socioty King shoes and oxfords for men, and justly famous Fashion Leader for ladies, You can get your , pick of leathers from tan, gun metal, ' vici and; patent leathers ,we have sold lots of oxferds and pumps this season, and if ' you .wait your size may not ; be here, so it may pay you -and well too, to como early for pick of sizes. The quah ity is all A!-l, tho-6tyles "all 1913. Ladies $3.50 pumps and ox fords ,, $2.69 Ladies $3.00 frumps and ox fords t.MK.iMMr $2.48' Ladies $2.50 pumps and ox , fords vwm-miooxw $193 Ladies $2.00 pumps and ox : fords $L60" MEN'S AND BOYS' SHOES and OXFORDS Men's $5 Society, -iing Ox-' fords .(mm. $3.93 , Men's Society Kmg Oxfords for .MrN.t? $3.98 ' Men's6cK:iety,iving:Oxf6rd3 for .m-ws, $2.93 $3jOO oxfords and shoes for $Z43 $2.00 shoes and oxford3 for HwwwwIiTB 1 SPECIAL BARGAINS1 LADIES' LOWj SHCWE3 , 1 $3.00veivet j)umps for $1.93, ; $3 black corduroy and crav enettej pumps . fc , in $ L83 ' I . $3 'patent leather, )pumps, , with buckle, sizes 6, ,7 and , 8, for I $L83 $2 vici leather, shoes, "sizes 3, 3J, 4 and 8J for $153 $125 shoes sizes 3, 3J' and 4 93c $1.50 patent leathers, cloth ! top, sizes 3, 3 and 4, $U3 t These are our '$ regular cash prices, and eytsryreduo- , tion shown' k an' absolutely , . ; honest !: one. The original .', ; prices are lower thait cxmit -1 stores can afford to sell for; ' "the reductions make them -the biggest kind of bargain Sells for Less Sells for Cash EEMEMEEE, THANK YOU SALE BEGINS FEID AT, MAY 30, AND CONTINUES UNTIL JUNE 7th, SATURDAY. POWE . ' - , t MUM M9S "Ashevill'2 It 4 Model M Express Body 500lbsTCapacity$5pO hare told thoutandi ot dM Truck to prosretsiva merchant. You can be fuidsd by this national vote of approval, and you can afford a Chaae Truck. ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 15-17 S. Ijpilngton At. FOREST COMMISSION WILL VISIT PIS6AH GOVEKNJIKNT OFFIOIAUI LJiVVE FOB ASHEVILLE TODAY. Members of the Cabinet, Senator and Repreeentattrea Are in the Party. Inspect Forests. Last Week (or listing Taxes The law provides a penal ty of double tax for delin quents, so now is the time to call and list. All property, personal and real subject to taxation must be listed during the month of May as provided (bylaw. The City Tax Listers are at the Court House daily ex jcept Sunday for the purpose tof listing property for taxa Jtien and everybody should attend to this important matter st coo and not wait untfl dh Jait minute -thus iavoifljBg xels&d rush. J. W. Weaver FI1IBIBG OFjKELETISS House of Old Confederate Veteran ' Burned While i He's at EeuiUon. j- For the purpose of Inspecting th Pissh forests to determine whether' or not the famous timber lands of George W. VanderblVt shall be pur-' chased by the government and turned into a national reservation, as part of, the scheme for the protsotion of the.i upper AU&ntio coastal rlwcri, th Ap-I paJachian forest commission will ar rive at Ashevfl!le tonight or temorH row morning tor a. stay of tbre days., The party wtu lactud Becretary; Houston, of ttie department of acri oulture; Sooretary Lane, of the Inte rior department; Senator Jdbo Waller fikntth, of MajTland; Representatives Hwly, of Oregon, acd Lea, of Geor gia.: Chief Forester Gtfcves, Assist ant Forester W. L. Hall, and Oeorge Otis Smith, chief ot the geological survey. Secrewy Garrison, the pres ident of the commission, will Join the party at this cMy Saturday morning. The. members ol the party will spend the greater part of their time here en the Plsgah property and wni exaralne-ohe timber lands of Mr. Va- derhilt The tract oomvrlss aTout 11,100 acres and for some time past the owner has been considering sell ing the property to the government It recently was reooramended for purchase by th torwrtry bureau and It Is said that -She trade pMbably wtB be closed within the y near tutor. The lands have attracted much In terest In th lumber world and the timber Is considered very valuaiMe. Foresters from all parts of the conn- try have vbrited Che property and have been greatly rt eased with th stand of timber. At th reoaat aseeV tog f fa Amertoaa Farestaca asso ciation, it was stated that th timber Is among he most valuable la th United States and the vtsiOag forest ers spent a day oa fh lassrva. Th members of th party which leave 'Washington city tMs uarntar for Ashcnrin wtB be tsawa t Pis- gab la automobflea, and W&S thsr af here they wfll male a CMfbugB rnvesngauon or ta prpny. THIN GRAY LINE TO EHB m ATLANTA. May 28. Mystery sur rounds the finding by neighbors eaaly today of two charred skeletons' in th smouldering ashes of a house which had stood oa th MoIXough road, two miles, from th federal prison, and whloh'had been occupied by Ura Baraa C Stevens,' her son 17 yaws old, and bar adopted daughter, IS. Th three war seen at the house about dusk Tuesday, it Is reported, but no n has been fottad wh aa tit nova aura during th sight. Ma elevens toft Aalawta Tuesday for Chattanooga t attend th rnnia of th United Oanfadarat Vetarana , Near the two : charred alcetetosa were found the metal porttoa of a shot gun. Including the barrels and lock. A. local dentist deolaaed one of the skeletons was that of Mrs. Ste vens, : basing Ma opinion upon the false teeth which still clung to the roof of the mouth. The other skele ton Is VeMeved by the authorities to b thai of ttve daughter, as th bodies were found together, and it la said Mr. Stevens and bar daughter were accustomed to sleeping rn th K0I111 FILES ANSWER TO BRUNSWIG SUIT Through, hts attorney, Jones Williams, Adolph Kotui, manager of the Dreamland theater,' yesterday filed answer In superior court to the alt recently ' broucht' against him by Brunswig UrotJiera, la whlcto the latter ask for. Judgmant for IS00 wfliloh they allega waa paM- Mr. Kohn as first p&vtrwmt on tbe Dreamland. In the answer filed yesterday Mr. Kohn enters a ceniiral denial to most of the allegatlosa In th complaint of the Brunawla-a' admits receiving th 1800, but says that It was to bind the sale of th Dreamland for ts.000 to Brunswig Brothers and " Sparka, and that the latter failed to kp their part of the contract. He files a eounfw cJalm for W.000 and asks AISQTHER GREAT CBSI Evidence Intended to Show Intimacy Between' Wood and Atteaux '' : WES 'f JIB (Cootinued from Page 0na)i . BOSTON, May If.Another big crowd listened today to evidence In troduced by District Attorney Pl letler m support of th etiarg that WlHlam Wood, president of the American Woolen company, and Frederick E.l Atteaux, a dye manu facturer, conspired with ' others to "nlant" 1 dmamite at Lawrence ft' Standard, , ''that Great Britain could view with IndUtcreaca any disposition on th part of bar (present allies to attack America. Btwn tba paapA of to gnat republlo and ourselvea there are ties of Mood and oorosnon intnresta Which could, undn no Clr cumatances, be disregarded." COLOMBIA'S CLAIM, WUtSinNUTON, ' Uv M. CbWml bla'l claim for rasaraxioa en auoouat of th separation of Panama was th subject of an hour's eonfaiwue at tn I .ImAa il.li.ll I Ai4av Ii nl 1-f I room. Th. KiitlnHtiaa of DaXalb aaantv. In which the house was located, are investigating Vie tragway. , in gixt wa taken tn Infancy from an or- pnanaga, Pctloa are iearcntnr rer tn son. who toa atappared. TV0 MORE STORES WILL CLOSE ELILY rHair niNini'ifin uuiin sum iiibk unaiun . ... . . . i taat tit naUntifnj rawver nothUia- en " WM w was margflM mw em nmni w h rail auoi: On. ,f th munr witnesses caSled i ' 7. r ' . ready t CulftM bis part of the eon-i tract, .- ' .-.-. . I Ji W. Plilpps and Cffla Phlpps yaa- tarday mad suit la superior court aratost Stanton and Heatar . Penland. seeking to recover land oa th Burns-v-Ble road thuy allag is unlawfully hold by the defendanta ' Stenben Byers Med ault against John and Kjitin nicks, seeking to re eovwr a piece of land In AihvUla Annwatvanan ws to the eCtaot bat th firm f M, V. Moors and onnaany and H. Itadwaod and oompasy har daatdad to do fhalr stora an Pattaa 'aasnnt at 0ctooX oo teMrdaf alggia tnatead ef 10 o'oladk-to eioarng tabr wktch ha beaa idaiai end for seme ttnte TMs aanoonoenxaat win be with totarast ay awsrisis at ea gaahwttus whloh Jaaw been working is aanatt ot tba aarllsr oleatng mov- nvaat Cevanal f Ot store ef Asl vllat as nam akadng earlier , taaa to 9 Mat to oMa Coat tbstv nay have snor time for fOomlrrawl fratn Pag 0sa) th ptoaw fciaer. win twantr-thlrd snaail iwantoa so tor aa fii veterana ar eanaaraea. Th 6baa of Teawaaa will b cb nsato wf aaaer at a gxaM aaii am ntgM MUU1BQ' TOSXXT. Tba Stars! AMa Masons win fhla aftaiauan at I lot wna th It B. and R. A. degress wtn be fsrrad. It wa stated a few days ago that til meeting weald 'be bald t mghU auC th mrnbars ot ,ta T- : REPEKKEl) TO GRAJVD JTJKT. WASHINOTON. May The Wanamaker customs case, R was AXlnilUrtj oeddod today, will be re frr4 to the federal grand lunr at JTOladatphla, to (ItPOxrmln wbathar thar was aay crbntnal liability tn caanectten wtth importations of sam- pi merchandlfe by the firm ef John Waxamakar during the past fifteen Tsurs in which, through alleged lr rmrutlar iMacdoes, th government did Bet receive full valua T, w u ' v T T nafotiatlona suapandad I Max Mitchell, a banj.se ; of Boa- owlnf ttm o ton, whose direct examrnatton i bthn ' awarnauent to Janmary in votora' awpe&l a the IiMAR TO WARM HPIUmW. ATIAWTA, May ustioe Jo- aaph R. Lamar, of tba United atates aunretn oeurt, passed ihreuga Atkuita todax an hts ay to Waan Bprlnga wtara.hawul address mamber ot the Georgia Bar aaseciatlaa, jostle La- saar. ras to ha tpoaan on Prlday Mftlti; wut' owing to th faot that his pranae wfll soon b rattaired In waahington on etQoal buaiaeaa, h wta apeak tomorspar night fnstaad. ' HO VEXMVEBT TOfaXStnoav. ' Ma dettrerles wfll b mad tqr ma laal man earners tamorrow, on ouns ef Dacoiatwa (Oay. a national ooaday. la order t ajooamgnodat apt who eroTnaanr ranatv their Basil by carrier, th aantaaB vladtfwa will b open from f rdadc to It o'cAaek In Ot morning and aS other windows at the peataCBo will a 111119 tlt apparently tended to show lntlnuvcy inoomlag dernocraUa admlniatraHon. Several Um during the trial the vmxm r,, D(Vo(ta.Usna prosecutor had questioned witnesses' rwumiMl at Bogota, whwre they aw concerning the whereabouts of , Wtlatod. as soon a hew Amertoaa Charte A. Hardy, an official of th minlater suooeed Jam lubola re Am r lean Woolen company, and Ot'jsignad. . . . i . i. vllle Reddlg, formerly employed by! : . ' i Wood aa a chaufteur, on wtthout re ceiving any information. Today three police officers testified that tbeyl had been vnafete to serve a summons' on Hardy requiring his attendance at the trial, and a Lawrence police In- spestor testified slmflarrly regarding his ftcrrta to locate lUxMlg. Th danger of th "plaint" was Illustrated In th tnatimony of Joaapfli Assaf, a 'Syrian patntar of Lawreaca tn whos home some ef .the rptoslve was placed. "Aasat said fhag when he opened th naokag ha thouirht the stick might be sow new form af ptdjit- He tried to burn a ttldc and then amoJled ef th sooroliod portion. laMr on he snowed Che stMk W a person who told him H was dyna mite. He intended taklnc it to the poUc station and bid k for safe fcaepln la his bedroom Where it was later found by th police who ar rested biro. . - t , : j TESTIfl fil TECDI )(flatlnttd) frnm Paga OnX twny gtosttW as to Colonel OooaaV vlfs babUa c autorlety. ::?:: j ;e ' -v'V-TWroto. Isittwrs. Mamarlea of the Xban earoipai wars brougl jlo. Colonel Itoosevelt u h gat la Om court room. ' A ,telegratn was handed him from Hugh T. Hal-1 art. ot Bt PauL.Mmau referring tot letter which thetoolorral wrote wtiUe1 in camp in Cuba to L. Ourfamann, at Carslraea, Texas, about jtUa uaa, o whiskey, among sold Oars . iwbil on duty. It la likaly that Colonel jtlooseval fa skis of th case wfll ba completed to- morrew. Amonc those stlK u takaj th stand are OlfTord Plnohof, Jame' R. GanfleRL RegU It Posti l4twrnoi Abbott, William Loeb, Jr., Bmlln' Oftooseveat. a couido of the colonel, and tnro secret aervte men wh tiwvaied: wth th colonel whan 'ha was pre I ldsnt ' ' j '.;.,ii.,,,.,.li i Hull, il.i.V WtfrcTtfs In The WTaeVU 1 lm "Hk alet paaasaw apssltoai haw to astaa toiay Is aaatar fas saw Msn aalBaj B9a.''aUfcy'ea aaaawa attoin aaHwitw a4r. Mia to ii an. aaaihe ataa, md sad Mm! M awM towaja KEEN INTEREST. VIEW!. May It. Th aaenest In terest In ta lAtnarlcaa oommlasion on agricultural organization, co-oDora- Woa aed rural oredlta now studying the systems used In Europe, is being Shown by th American government and the mumoipaHty of Vienna. , Many of Mi members arrived here Tueeday from Budapeat, Hangars, aad altlunigh th authorities were in formed (bat the easniraasion wa coin ing on a purely badness mlssloa and that it was not xpectad any publlo entertainment shoald ba arranged for th party, they Insisted upon giving tw banquets. The utaualiy of railwwya baa grant- ad special reduced fare for tba com mteatosi en all th Austrian Itnea : The mintetry of agTicuHura also has shown the ynoat oordlat aympatlry with the objects of th commission and has token great pafns and labor to cUct valuable Information and i aVAafceewt.ini . i nwCy 1 . atteirfuii j.w j, dww.! ) hi . to-Y at w M'vi ! Uwaatn inaii. JA 1-7 .Aj I; I f . 7 1 -it lal atOw f. dato-to ptol -th anil s -th-