Vi&mAjR CITIZEN, THURSDAY, MAY 29,, 1913. i DEMQCSATS WILL t CAUCUS TO LIMIT : ftll LEGISLATION t. wmmmm Tariff, Currency and Emer gency Appropriations " Only to be Considered. ; .REPUBLICANS ALSO i". CALL A CAUCUS i Progressives Have . .Been. ;; Given Representation on I f J Most of Committees. ' WXefiriNOTON, May W. twrno wm of . the ; house will oauou nxt Wonday to oonalder a resolution to lmk leglelation during the extra session to tariff, currency 'and pout 1ls emergency appropriations and to pass upon r ootntnUteo. . suMtgnmtnta. DamocratWi ''-Leader i UrMorvaood, who will yreeen t- th oonrmttteotseleotions of all tfhre ipttrUe,' alio lstoxpeoted to Introduce the resolution -outlining tho Chouse program tor the session. 8om speech malflng ton ho com 'mittee assignments to expected, par ticularly concerning the good roade pommlttee, th creation of which I lopposed by somt. economy advocate, jTh way and meana committee ma- ?orttya unfavorable attitude toward h proposal, for a. oommlttee.on pub 41c0tealth probably will, bo discussed ;,.-,.. . . lUfmbUoan Canons. A.oatMor a republican caucua-imxt Saturday i aftornoott will be.! am! to morrow. Th purpose Ii to conslaor ttie Republican aslrnmnts to com mittee aa framed - by Mr. Mann, M though 'tho deader 'ha full authority ; SOUTHERN EA1LWAY Srexder-Cariier of the Sonth. " achedute ngurca PnMlahedeair Information Only, and Nvot (Snamnteeid EFTKOnVE AniTea from atvnm iVo. I Brerard and -Lake, 1 Toxa way ,.,... . ll;S0wun. ,No. 7 Brevard and. Lake 1 Toxaway . :lKpjn.( No. t fiavannah and JackaonvllI l:10ptn, No.r.ll .Waahlngton. and, New York, Nr- . folk, Richmond t:ltPm. Wo. 'II 'Cincinnati, ft li " ' 1 ' Louiaville, ,Mam ' phla, St Loui.; l:0Sp.m. Wo.ll Charleston .a nd Columbia ...... l:lRp.m. No.j 15 N. T.. Phllhdelph Waahlngton . ....10:JOa.m. jNo.ll Murphy anC t , iWayneavtll iBOipjn. IJf.J0 M u r p h y , andt I Wayneaville ....."l.lTpjn. NoM.St WayneaviUe .ffuS:O0ftm. JNo Ii Ooldaboro andrltft i lelgh 7 :40 ip.m. iNaIT Charleston Colon.. . 1 - tola, Brevard.-..- f :10p.m. Nft-ll Cincinnati and. Chicago . iu:io a,m. No. . tt Washington, N. '. T. ' and Richmond' .. 1:40 am. JiO.' "S 'MemphU and Chat- , : tanooga ...... .j (BO ft.m. ttNo. 41 Charleflton, Macon. . j 'and Atlanta .-.i.yiEllaiin. 'No. 101. -Bristol, KnoxaiUe and Chattanooga. r10: CI p.m. ' Through leep1ngrmrsJail5pto and from New York, Philadelphia, BalU tenoro, WssMnrton. Rliflmwmd. Norfolk. Charleston, Cincinnati, Memphl, "Jacksonville, Boanatt, St Loul. toulsvlle, Atlanta and Macon, i Threurh, chair car Goldsboro and Wayneevllle, ' "CaroUna Bpoclal." trains 17 and 11. Charleston to Cincinnati, have full jdtalnrcar wrtcenWbwwtlon Sleoptng cara, train olectrtoally Ughtd ithxoughout. O. O. WIX60N, City 'Fas.ATkt. Aft. - -7" - " 'STEEET CAE , SCHEDULE IN EFFECT MARCH 1, 1913. "' yrT.T.TCOLA and Bgruidfcoo.. " -m-RIVERSIDE PAEK M'J?. ver7a5 mhlutw' ucU1 :jo, : and :00 a. TO. and every T3EPOT Via SOUTHSIDE IB mbrotea unUl 1:11 p. m.; then 7 --nrTTt every 1 1-1 minute, until 1:48 p. m. AVZtK UX Then, every "18 minutes until 11 p. m. bEPOT Via FRENCH 'H'cOO a. m.ftwroveryll xmnntea un- . TftPAAT) AVE. wnmv. m. :00 a. ni. and every 1 minute un- MANOR tii ii:oo p. m. CHARLOTTE STREET T:00 a. m and. then every 15 mln. ' TTrRMTNUS until lt:00 p. m. fPATTON AVENUE .-r" EAST STREET T " iGRACE ViaMERRIMON 9mZlZn. i AVENUE imtil 11:00 p. m. i ' " :ll a. to. and then every 18 njlnntea OBILTMORE 10:SO p. m., then every 10 mto- ' ntea qnttl 11:00 p nu, last car. mronT n? TO"FCip 4:00, rl5, .I0 a. mv and UJurvL ana . ,0 nnuteantii mo . "ASHEVILLE Via nd ;toan every 1 Btntnuts tmtlV tiOO SOUTHS1DE AVE. ZS;"0""1 SC3TDAY SCHEDULE D OTTERS IN TUB FOLLOW' IX G TTAXTTOTDAJlSi Car leavea Square for Manor 8:00 a, in., returning 8;U a, m, Cara leave Hquare for Depot via BoatboW Ave., tuVjiJQ, MO, WO, :00 and 1:30 ai m. Cara leave gqnaro for-Dwpot via Vrench' Brand" ' hit, :I0. 1.4S, fclBr7:4S and 1:16 a.m. Cex for Depot loaves Square, I : .rk both SeuUttid and'ffsciWfc-Bread First car leaves the Square ' for Chaviott Btrout ajt Iktt a tm. First car leave th Squar for Ktmnrfd !l0( najjtt l)4t. First eur :Umm th uar fer woat Anhsrlll MS waHWW, With H" above etespfllona, Bunday lolkaftuia mnsqoe M k ad eoaiinuoa samo aa week days, ' ti sj .is i esssje-sj , a a .a.iKi..Ju . a . - ' On ovctungs wnw rwiTOn nr? m viftfi , ax-OTeABRiieriutjn last crip on fl to "wia Trim sptarKUamanCJeaVma'Caaa? laguiat-i tlmaaji4 holding ovor at.Awtouim, -I V . t.dOV ( ----- - -- - - - - -- , . I t determine them without proval it be choose. The house progenssVva. with ten f their total f nlnsrtean VpmmU, mort In open caucus tods "nntuit. mouily approving the oommtfeee as slsnment framed try their : leads, Representative Wurdook, of Sanaa and adopting a reiorutlon aaktnr pre ( reaalvo men and women f all pas. tlee to Join the progmsilv party. It was the first time In the hlster of oongreua that, a party conference sad made Hi committee assignments at aa epen eession. Keproeentadve Chandler, of Jfow Terk, creatod something of a stir by declaring that the progreserret mast not be over-confldont that unaUfsv nation with the prog reaalva element In the republican party waul net ft posaiWllty of Who futura If the enV Meant dropped '"their rvnroos gad their Barnes," 'and adentsd pre free- lve principles. He wa the ordy on praeent to urga-thls view, Mmrw Representative MtMdeok fledge himself not to ally with th tapnbrt ohn porta charged that the re publlnan Jraltieclnga reoanOy had In dicated thrtr pity',wa aa&Cbm only of poet mrem." . The progressiva were allowed rep resentation on all of th home com mittee except the rrver and harbore and agrlrtulture, being given? total of twenty-eight alignments. AGED.MAU HANGS-SELF ROAWBCE.rva., May J8, 11J, W. J.' Miller ,aixtyj-rs ld, whose home 1 near 'Bedford., -Vs., committed sul iclde by hamtrner himself to a tree in hi orchard. His .body waa found by Riemlbera of til family before life waa extinct and although tie lived for It mlnute;,after being cut down, new er. regained oonaolminea. No reaaon la aaalmad. Mr. MUler leauee a wife and fix children. Miller' alf 6. etruotlon waa deliberate. He climbed to the topmoat branohea of the tree, tied the rope aeeurely and Jumped. .He died. from atrangutetlon. ,' BHIT IV D.VXOER. ZUNIZIO, May !. Theri la rather nrloua danger, of the battleahip Xoenlg Albert, which ran aground In the entrance of the.barlev Mon "Jay ibeooming aand 1 nicked, aa the battleahip i lying partly In tne dhan. nel, the harbor entrance I affep.tiuMJiv Iblooked for larger vera).' NOV. 14.1IU. Depart for Baat, Time No. Brevard and Lake Toxaway ........ 1:10 p.m. No, I Brevard and Lake Toxaway 1:48 a.m. No, 10 Savannah, Jack- sonvlll, Brevard. 4:10 p.m. No. 11 Cincinnati, 11, Louli, Memphl and Louisville ' . No, II Waahincton New York, Norfolk and Richmond ...... No.- 14 Atlanta, Charleston and Brevard No, til -N T, Philadelphia Washington .... No.) IT IWaynesvllle and Murphy . ....... No. II WayneaviU and Murphy 1:08 p.m. 4 1:18 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 1:10 a.m. 1:10 p.m. No. -11 Wayneevillo 7:66p.m. No.: 11 Raleigh Oolds iboro No. 37 Chicago and Cin cinnati No.. II Columbia, Charles ton . w . . :10 a.m. 7:80 am. 10:24 a.m. No. IS Memphl Chat tanooga - 10:10 p.m. No.-, II (Washington, Rich mond and N. Y.: 7:10am. No. 41 'Atlanta, Macon New Orleans 1:80 pan. No. 101 Bristol, Knoxvllle and Chattanooga 7:10 a.m. J. H. WOOD, Dir. rasa Act Graham Crackers are vholciomr3. They are nourishing. They are ' palatable and appetizing. Just ask your grocer for a package of NATJONAL,BISCUlT COMPANY GRAHAM CRACKERS and find out how good they are. Give them to the children they can't get enough of them. Keep a few packages on tne pantry ineir ror aauy ute. Always look for the In-er-seal Trade Mark. 10c TWENiy-EISIII ENTRIES READY FDHTHE BIG RICE Joe Dawson, Winner of Last Year's Grill, Unable to Compete. INDIANAPOLIS, May 21. Joe Dawson, winner of last, year' 600 mil Memorial day. automobile con teat here, will not drive in the race. Th especially constructed car showed ft 'defect due to shipping, and the gruelling wortcout Dawson gave the machine yesterday, The driven de clared late today that the car would be unable to start Thla leavea 21 entrlea in th race. Fourteen car qualified today. The remaining five cara nine having pasaed the testa, will make the runt tomorrow. The French car arrived only yes terday and the driver have had no time to become familiarised with the tradk or in which to loosen up their mounts. Rain on Monday also caused th postponement of elimination trial. The remaining cara will be rushes through the elimination early tomor row, It ta hoped by the speedway -officials, and the track may 'be closed during tfhe afternoon to allow the nec essary clearing. After it had been announced to night no more trials would be held, five cara were put through the elimi nation runs. These were: No. t. Sunbeam, Ouyot, 1:49.41. No. 17, Oeotta, Trucco, 1:40.11. No. 11, Case, Disbrow, 1:40.68. No. 18, Peugeot, Qoux, 1:44.12. No. 17, Artel, Uesaw, 1:66.86. HATFIELD WILLING. CHARLESTON. W. Va,. May !. Referring to the adoption of the Km i resolution for federal investi gation "ot conditions accompanying a strike of coal miners in West Vir ginia, Governor lta-tfleld tonlgiht said he had no objections to an inquiry. We newer heard of .a man who could tell the truth so truthfully that a Jealous woman couldn't tangle htm all up. Westnigliouse Electric Starter on Marion Gars THE Marion '48ffie iHarjonde-'hixeK4s now equipped .wra tbs WeatiDiwtJsa Electric Self-Srbaitefl:, $1850tcojr)Jete. . . v ' Marlon tnedeU 18-A, M-olNad fA,HH to 147l, ' osm be aopplted wtth Oas ejaotxlb states lustead'of gag atntfer fer H4 vtkm.SOitrimtt: oast andfta-Ht leorthan araeaiimg prloea'ter alatrtiln sterWrs. Pon't mtam seeing th. Marten, ear ftr their CtyleSiX, -fteuty and Cotnoletenest ej tqmpnisfrt. They kaOl MtnettUoa tn th modra trifled field. v AU-Martdja Omm tjacgjlataly Xajnlped. Etoctsta War ewe Wlumiia laghta -:: . tJNTTED MOTOR ff h JL. Hanv upewn Dlrsjs'lniaw"s JOett Made tqr baVasaBalls ny TBK UaiUO V Oai OO, VOTE DOWN PER CAPITA TAX NORFOLK, Va.. , May 28. The grand lodge Knights of Pythias of Virginia today voted down a resolu tion to ncrease the per capita tax from (0 to 80 cents per annum. The following officers were eletced: J. W. Bear, CUfton Forge, grand chancellor. William McK. Woodhouse, Norfolk, vice-grand chancellor. James Bailey, Richmond, matter of exchequer. Rev. I E. Soott, Warm Springs, prelate. R. H. Bell, Staunton, master-at-arms. C. D. Fox, Roanoke, inner guard. Rev, J. C. Holland, Danville, outer guard. H. M. Darnell, Roanoke, keeper of record and seal. - - Judge D. C. Richardson, Richmond, supreme representative. The grand lodge will tomorrow se lex the next place of meeting, Lynch burg and Alexandria are making a vigorous tight (or the 1014 conven tion. ANOTHER REMARKABLE CASE, PHILADELPHIA, May 28. An other death from Wohlorlde of mer cury taken by mistaken for head ache tablets, occurred here today, The vtolm, lira Loula Zimmerman, 26 years old, took the poison eleven days ago. She quickly discovered her mistake, a physician waa sum moned and oho waa removed to a hospital. Until yesterday Mrs. Zimmerman felt confident that she would recover, and discussing the death of B. Ren ders Walker, of Macon, Oa., said to her husbajid: "I ought to get well, I took such a small flone." AUSTIN DEAD. HAMPTON, S. C. May 28. Word ties been received here that Richer! Henry Austin, the South Carolina ne gro murderer, died tonight on board the steamer Attaquin while being taicen to iiiumon, S. C. Sheriff Mor ris expects to take Auatln'a body ta Allendale tomorrow. A large prowa had assembled here in anticipation of the negro's arrival. Nig Clarke, the old Cleveland backstop, batted for .414 in his first ten game In the Indlanapolla club. 1 - CHARLOTTE (HX. Chartotte, V, O, Age-M NEVER THOUGHT OF STEEL MONOPOLY SAYS JUDGE GARY Neither He Nor Late J. F. Morgan Tried to Sup press Competition. SPENDS DAY IN DETAILED RECITAL Says Effort Was Made ,to Extend Trade and Fos ter all Competition. . NEW YORK, May 28. Judge El bert H. Gary, chlarman of the United States Steel corporation, and the man who conducted many of the negotiation which led to It organi sation, declared on the witnesa stand today that neither he nor the late J. P, Morgan, nor anybody else, had ever during these negotiations dis cussed the question ot obtaining a monopoly in the steel Industry or of suppressing competition. Judge Gary was testifying at a witness for the defense In the suit to dissolve the corporation under the Sherman antl trust law. Detailed Recital. The witness spent the entire day In a detailed recital of circumstances which led to the formation of the corporation and endeavored to show that the sole purpose that actuated Its organizers was to obtain "a round ed out, self-contained proposition, complete In every phase of manufac ture from the mining of ore to the production of diversified finished pro ducts In the mills with the ability to reduce cost to the most economical basis and to develop an export trade, "Our effort," he sold, "has been to exttind trade and to foster competl Hon. and we have done that" With equal emphasis Judge Oary denied that the steel corporation had been over-capitalized, aa alleged by the government. The varloua prop ertles acquired "were all worth the price that waa paid for them." he declared. He denied that the Fed eral Steel company, the inucteus around which the corporation waa a monopoly in itself, as alleged by the government Organization of the corporation waa precipitated. Judge Gary said, by the desire of the Federal Steel com pany, a J. P. Morgan flotation, to perfect a "rounded-out" organization. This opportunity came when Andrew Carnegie offered to sell the Carnegie Steel company. The Federal previ ously had refused several proffers of the Carnegie Steel company and had attempted to' raise 840.OO0i.O00 to build a new plant. This attempt waa abandoned, he said, when Charles M. Schwab outlined to Mr. Morgan Ad- Vantages of acquiring a then existing property. Mr. Morgan was "im pressed" and called In the directors of the Federal Steel company. Judge Gary described the meeting of the directors at Mr. Morgan's of fice and laid emphasis on the finan cler's desire to know whether it "waa a good buslnesa proposition" and that nothing concerning the suppression of competition was said. At thla meeting acquisition of other proper ties waa decided upon and Judge Gary described how each fitted Into the plan of "self-conmrned organl- tion." "Waa the alleged threat of Andrew Carnegie to go into the steel tube business discussed or alluded to by STr. Morgan or any one else?" he waa asked. "It was not" said the witnesa Judge Gary said that he would not demy that competition existed "to some extent" between the Carnegie company and tfhe Illinois Steel com pany, a subsidiary of the Federa 8teel company. Rapid Qrewth. The moat remarkable Instance of rapid growth 'wat recorded by tht trench , academy In 1729. It waa a boy alx yeara of age flv feet six Inches In height At th age of five hi voice changed; at alx' bis' beard had, grown and be appeared a man of thirty. He possessed, great phytic! atrength and eonld oaally Uft to hi ahesldera and carry bags of grain Weighing 200 pounda His decline rapid aa bis growth. At eight his hair and beard wer gray; at ten, bo tottered in his walk, hie teeth fall out and bis bands became palsied; at twelve ha died with. ovary outward alga of oxv tremooldngo. He Pett' Him. Tranelent Kindly tall ma whether thla ticket will allow m to atop ove$ here. Station Agent-It depend. What do. you want to nop sor Transient To visit tomsj rajher dlr tant relative of ;ml5a, the Jlnktea. Station Agent -Then you'll hav plenty of Unit. Thla ticket-la good for the next train. TransitfntSee here! Do yon know haw long I intend to itopl Station Ajtent-Not exactly, bnt I know the JInksea.-Pnck Qnavtorly. Nt a lumber. A young, man who claimed to bo maeon got Job to put up n henhouse. I went over one day to watch him work, fie bad the wall, aom two feat nigh, and ttjwna UtumtBg tfca progor Mont o'afqtir eonjered" ftmriol. Ho" was working wlUwit a Jonel, to L r plulned tfm oceoaity of 'plamWng hi earner If -ho wanted, th wall to a land. "I rwtora i joirto rtaht,'" h said. "Vfaea 1 ' Wit foHowiua the trade 1 POETRY ji BY fc.M.IMILNlTZ KIVtSSIDX IA. o MMtstaroN mailt crtintri) These artlcies and llluitrsilons must net be reprinted without apeolal permit- INFERTILE Q008E EGGS. Qeoee egga are often infertile for the following reasons: Mating' too late, mating Immature atock, doss confine ment and feeding an unnatural ration that canaea orerfat Geese are great borne lovers, and mates become greatly attached to each other. When gander or goose la taken from t former mating to a new heme time moat be allowed for it to forget old tlee and to become accustomed and reconciled to new companions and new aarronodlPS" or. the bird will become homesick and tbo eggs will bo Infer tile. Immature breeder, If they prodnco any young, auch will weak Ilk tbemaelvea. Successful fancier In moat breeds of poultry are ualng only adult atock. and tbla method la especially necoaaa- rv.V'..- 1 fv; 5 -vji'V r 1 ' 1 1 - S Photo by C M. Baralta aiAtra ma ausqcnumrA. ry with geese, which are so largo at full maturity and need time to develop perfectly. Some goose raisers will persist In confining tbelr atock to very email yards and feeding them an almoat ex clusive grain ration, at the aame time expecting fertile eggs and strong gos ling. . Three of onr neighbors tried thla plan and quit In feeding geese It should not be forgotten at they are vegetarians, can live ami thrive on grass and easily go to fat Aid corn especially quickly makes thm orerfat, which canaea In fertile or weak goslings. Therefore much bulky vegetablt matter and email proportion of grain Pfaete by C. M. Barnlta rocTxjusa ooosa aoo. aboald be fed. Wheat, oats and bar ley are beat grains for geese. A mast of acalded bran, ground oata and cu clover, cabbage, turnips, beet pulp and waste applea make a good ration Geese breed when old. but beeom very pugnacious, aad ganders are not often bred after alx nor geeae aftei twelve years. Where geeae have a pond they art healthier, cleaner and their eggs an more fertile, but water la not noceo sary, except plenty to drink. DO NTS. Don't let the Bock be exposed to win ter winds. Colds' are contagious, lead to roup, and roup knocks tbe winter tgg prospects. Don't fail to make a scrap book ot "Poultry Notes." Those who have done this from th first have ever 500 col umns of dependable poultry Informa tion to refer to. Don't buy a cheap bone cutter. 'It will soon wear out and wear you out Bono la hard material to cut and It takes good material and workmanship: to make a machine to do tbe stunt well and Btaad the strain. Chinese Ceoklng. Chinese eeokinf In either stewing or Dolling, and a kettle answer all possi ble pnrpeaea, In tbe Chinese honsea a very thin caat Iron kettle ta placed OTmlhe Creanil rrr!hino m.'l,i.,h family eats is eeokWl therein. ; - I '' fa "'t :i ,! a k .. j HEAD LICE PREVENTION ANf DESTRUCTION. Always with spring cornea that ques tion, "What do you do for head Ucr Just aa an re aa spring bring blue birds m bug get busy, and among bugs tliut breed fast and do great dam age In tbe warm season are those long, gray, flat lice thnt lire on tbo heada, necka, thmnta und tn the wing qnlllo of chicks and little turka and auck tho Ubleod out of rhem, and many aq t!d hen ha a been dlagnoaed a tubercu losis victim when these peste sucked her dry. W have seen a flock dying or atowt- ed by the depredntioue of thla Wood burglar and thulr owner ready to aweor on a stuck of Bibles a mile high that there watn't louse on his chicken nor on bis place because ho hadol seen a single solitary bug In bis hen housa But lice do not live in tho benhoooa, but are born, breed, feed, live and dlo on the fowl, red mites, flea atd tucks being tbe henhouse Inhabitants. Chick o(tu acrafaih theoaaelvoa baidbeaded to kill these bugs and 1 f 1 St r im pUt V C Phot fey C M. Barnlta a nnonocan BixnnaB, many culla result from letting this pea Infest . We bare counted fifty on a chick, and every chick in a hatch tho aame, tho bugs crawling off tbo alttlng ben on to her brood. To prevent these pests tho old h.n should be thoroughly dusted with Per sian Insect powder sertral times be fore chlcka hatch. If this powder is dusted on cloth that covers chicks tbe dead lice will bo found later in bottom of basket Aa a head Ions olntaeat tweet lard Ha good and la nade more effective by adding gum camphor, a fl. cert Mock to the half poind of lard, molted to- gvuier m uscu iraiiu. ahould be used sparingly on chicks and poult and for them we pre fer Persian insect powder, and thia is death to both bead and body lice. It la rather erpenalvo for old fowls, thf following being fine and cheap: Gasoline lplnt Crude carboUe acid ............... ptnt 1 Plaster ot pari................. 4 pounds Mix liquids, pour Into plaster and mix thoroughly, amen on to a paper, let stand two bours and can for us. FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. It paya to buy oil by the barrel for artificial Incubation and brooding. You not only get the ell cheaper but are aure of tho quality and have a quantity on band. An oil pump la not neces sary. Tho oil may be siphoned from the barrel Into cans with rubber hose. One of the great causes of roup, tha deadly winter disease, la fonl air, anil yon will always find it where drop, plnga pile up and alternately frees and thaw nnder the roost and tha earth floor la not renewed and dlaU fected. If you have atock that lack stamina It matters not how well yon feed ot bouse them, they will never breed any thing better than they are, but will generally go from bad to worse and will always bo easy targets for disease germs. The man who goes In for poultry ai a business ahould be euro to secure enough land. He should have plenty of ground for bis present needs and' future expansion aad for growing his own feed. Few poultrymen succeed where they must buy all tbe feed. You can't clean the droppings off thai boards .when frozen bard as rock, bull you can buttle them off as soon a tbey thaw. If yon don't It mean deadly foul air, and your hens track laj the filthy mess and track it on to.thsj egga and there's your insanitary egg' the low selltag "dirty." The way not to get winter eggs is t Jet hens fill np la the morning. That' A fattening method and makes the' loafing drone. Hen ahould bo ao feli through th day that their appetite' keepa an edge andtfceecs them busy on! the bunt for feed. Keep them exeeJ 4slng all day, then fill them up at, night, and their gizzard will grind tho grain Into egg maker while they alen. Pro feasor Gilbert of the Loa Angeles! hen had teeth and since tke.hen'a teeth disappeared ber egg baa decreased la' size. He declares a ainglo egg fronf that patriarchal hen at present mark flgurea wonld bring 11.000. Will tii; erudite professor now pi ease settle f all time that world perplexing qno? Hon, "How oM la Anor Very Receptive. UTM M T I, I . , via auiuf eujuy uer irip aoroau r "Sbe aaya the did." "Emily baa auch a, receptive mind.". Are you aure It la her mind? All, . . . . . . I eatM;-Cleveland Plain vDeaier . " Car ww"j" w"'V'i r.KtswrJ! WH"ijjngiw'awMsu- .ow4oaasvaaij4ii , ' " aWwerOna-ln The CiHaeo, Advertise In The CltireaT