THE 'ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY JUNE 10, 1913. GAMES POSTPONED IN CAROLINA LEAGUE DotMiK . headers will be STAGED THIS AFTERNOON. Flrt Engagement Between Bum and Mountaineer Will Be Culled This : Afternoon at J:S0 O'clock. For the second time during the present season, all games scheduled In tha North Carolina league were postponed yesterday, and It waa an nounced that double headers will be played today with Durham at Ashe vllla, Charlotte at Raleigh and Oreens boro at Wlnston-Balem. Tha first con teat on the local lot will tit called this afternoon at 2:80 o'clock. Under the lawg of tha league. It muit go (or bine Innings although the aecond con teat doubtleaa will be called at the nd of the aeventh, If the winner la chosen by that time. Thli line of dope goea If the weather today per mit! the Mountaineers and the Bulla to play at all this afternoon. The weather man last night wouldn't of fer a rreat deal of encouragement to the membera of fandom, as the mi aa-nmant of the local bureau has a hunch that the Inclement weather of yesterday will continue through today. ,' The Bulla arrived here yesterday morning and a great game waa expec ted by the members of the baseball clan here. However, when they got up early yesterday morning to ask (or mora cover, the hlslorlo plter patter and shrieking wind were doing duty and It waa soon realized that Oates park would be deserted during the day. With a double header on tap for this afternoon, It Is expected that' the aupporters of the teani will turn out In full force to take advan tage of the offerings on the baseball bargain counter. Heretofore, Adho vllle hasn't had a great deal of luck with double headers, although the ralthful fana who never concede de feat until the last man Is out In the -last Inning are firm In the belief that the Noojinere will break their double header luck this afternoon and ill be n i. position to make life mlwib'.a V Kelly's menagerie. . NATIONAL. .... ' MATTY BACK VX FORM. CHICAGO, June .-New York batted Chlcaro pitchers at will today, -.i..t.,. 11 i. Mathewion and hie ..OTMirt were superior. OveralU wrenched bis back slightly on the fourth ball he pitched and retired In the first inning. Thorpe batted for sUthewson in the ninth and Wlltse went W the box. Tha score by Innings: New York ....101 000 iSolt 11 1 Chicago 01 009 00," 8 8 4 Batterleii: Mathewson, Wiltae and .Meyers, Hartley; Overall, Bichtc. Wender and Archer. Time, 8:10. Empires, O'Pay and Emslle. ww rv ninth noaxo. P1TTSBUROH, June . (Brooklyn cored six runs off 'Adams in the inlnth Inning this afternoon and won 10 to 1, the most wrecked game of ball seen on Forbes field In many a day. Brooklyn had six misplays on double Steele and other wild throws. Klrkpatrlck waa presented with a dia mond stud by Pittsburgh admirer. The score by innings: R.H. K. Brooklyn." 101 010 00010 17 6 Pittsburgh ...100 021 110 7 10 0 . Batteries: Ragon. Curtts, Tlngltn and O. Miller. Erwin; Fischer. RoWn son, Adams and Simon. Time, 1:52. Umpires, Klem and Orth. 1 PtmJJKS HAD RCNAWAT. CrNCINNATI, June . Brennan had Inclnnatl completely at his mercy and Philadelphia won 10 to 1. .nan allowed four hits and kept natl runles until the ninth In ning, When they score one. Cincin nati used three pitchers, all of them being Ailt hard and often. ( The score by Innings: It. H. E. Philadelphia ..012 120 10310 13 2 Cincinnati ....000 000 001 1 4 .2 Batteries: Brennan Bnd Klllifer; Ames, Harter, Nelson and Clark. Time, 2 hours. Umpire, Rlgler and Byron. HAVSSER Df THE GAME. ST. LOUIS, June . With Hauler . In the game at short, 6t Loula de feated Boston 12 to 6 In a free-httting contest. Three visiting- pitchers were driven from the mound. Sallee open ed the sixth Inning witft a home run Into the right field bleachers. I The score by Inninga: n. 11. E. Boston 001 032 000 8 10 1 Bt Louis .....203 025 OOx 12 12 2 Butterle: Perdue, James. Strand, Noyes and Rartden; Sallee and Mc Lean. Time, 2:15. ITmp'rea, Brennan and Evans. "Razors Free" Victor Razor Strops at re 'duced prices. Splendid safe ty razor with each strop, Tree." One 'Wade will do perfect work for years. Take (outfit on trial. Money re guided on request. : 68 PATTON AVE. Electric Bldg. THE CITY DRAY AND TRANSFER COMPANY Have Moved to Commerce Building, 18 South Pack Square. . M. Lorlck, Reed Wells, Walter T I n . uio, m njnrion. nne 68, Bren rtiwii STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Carolina, Won Lost Pet Raltflirh.. .. .. ... ... 23 16 .00 I Winton-H.lfm.. . . . 21 17 .653 Durham 21 17 .652 Charlotte ., 10 12 .614 ASHKVIM.E 16 22 .421 Qrocniiboro. . ,. .. .. 14 24 ,38 National. Won IiHt Pet. rhllaanlphlft .. 28 12 .700 New Yurk ,. .. .. .. 24 18 .571 Brooklyn . . .. v. ... 23 18 ,561 Cht-'ago .......... 24 23 .511 PittNljurgh 22 24 .478 St. Louis ............ 21 2( .447 Boston 17 25 .405 Cincinnati 17 20 .362 American. Won Lost Pot. Philadelphia ..,. 36 10 .783 Cleveland 34 14 .701 Washington .. ....... 26 22 .522 Chicago ......... 26 24 .520 Boston .. .. .. . 21 24 .467 Detroit .. 20 31 .892 fit Loul 20 84 .870 New Tork 11 24 .244 Southtfrn. Won Lost 88 20 29 24 26 2 26 26 26 27 25 27 25 2 20 35 Pet. .655 rr.47 .500 .500 .481 .481 .463 .364 Mobile ,. .. ........ Nashville . . . . . Atlanta Chattanooga mrmingnaun . , ontgomery Memphis New Orleans . . . A RESULTS YESTERDAY. National At fit Louis 12; Boston . At Cincinnati 1; Philadelphia 10. At Chicago 8; New York 11. At Pittsburgh 7; Brooklyn 19. AmiVican At Boston 4; Cleveland 1. At New York 4; Chicago 1. At Philadelphia 6; St. Louis 0. At Washington 4; Detroit 6. Southern At Mobile 8; Memphis 2. (12 In nings.) .At New Orleans 4; Montgomery 2. At Birmingham-Atlanta, postponed, rain. ' Only three games scheduled. International. At Newark 8; Baltimore 1. At'Jereey City 2; Providence 0. At Rochester 4; Buffalo . At Toronto 0; Montreal t. Amerimn Association. At Milwaukee 4; Bt. Paul 2. At Columbus 7; Indianapolis . At Louisville E; Toledo 4. At Kansas City 41 Mlnneapoll 7. South Atlantic. All games postponed rain. Appalachian. At Rome 12; Bristol 0. At Knoxvllle ; Middlesboro 1. At Morrlstown 1; Johnson City 2. Virginia. At Norfolk-Richmond, wet grounds. At Roanoke 1: Petersburg 8. At Newport News 6; Portsmouth 1. College. At Princeton: Yale &; Princeton 4. (12 Innings.) t nlUinND CHIPS. This Is getting monuiu"""- It may have been a lucky rain for the Bulla. When the weather man does hit he etrlkes a heavy Blow, J Phiv Is batting up around the top. Hie work kept them all from winning. Rftln, rain everywhere. Double headers, double-headers everywhere. With two days In which to rest the teams should pull some fancy Per formances this afternoon. Yes. the report that th" Highland ers won another yeatrrday hns heen confirmed. It's not a fake story. Pitching a no-hlt game nppears to have been Carl Ray's undoing. Last week's record Is one to be proud of. If the Tourists can only keep It up. Mnnv fans had their overcoats ana hot bricks ready In cose the gamo should have been called. . Well, a double Anne to.lny will cinch the series. And Ashevllle needs tha big end of the trio. When fans heard the rain yesterday morning they went back to sleep They realized that they would have plenty of time for business during the day. The managers around the circuit continue, to strengthen their teams. They evidently expect the race to re main warm. And after that trip from Durham the majority of the Bulls were gtad that the diamond was too soggy for a game. r In case she has to do It, Ashevllle can be relied upon to make nine runs in one Inning. Reliable Pressing Club, Phone 445. THE LATEST FASHION MOlT" Bays t "It is a win precaution sginit getting holoe In deltaste hosiery to powder tb show btfots potting them on." Xtny people sprlnkl the ftmooi tntlwpue tiowrter, Allen's Foot-Sue, Into the thoM, ind And tout It wree It coetfem tine orcr In keeping hnlea from hoelery well s leeeening fricuoa and coueqnent SBarttng sod telling of the feet, CR A JUNE BRIDE """"' 1 t 'Y v. :j ,j ; MIm Birth TribbW, enrajrament of Miss Butt rribble. diorhtr of Representative ind Mra. Ramnel J. Tribble of Ceorsria, to Mr. Bamnel Kinney Dick If Atlanta, Ga, has fast been an nounced. The marriaee will take riace June i at the bom of the ffribbla inAthen, Gt. . 'AMERICAN. TV COBB HITS SOMK WASHINGTON, June 9. Detroit's excellent all-around ilaytn, aided by Washington's errors ' and Hughes' wlldness, gave the visitors the game here today, 6 to 4. Cobb and Wlllett knocked home runs. The score by Innings: R. H. E. Detroit 300 111 0006 11 0 Washington ...000 004 0004 7 4 Bnttees: Wlllett, Dufoue and Mc Kce; HuKhes, Gallia and Henry. Time, 2:05. Umpires, Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln, NKW YORK TAKES ANOTHER. NEW YORK, June . The New York Americans defeated Chicago to day 4 to 1. The Highlanders won by bunching Infield hits off Clcotte In the fifth Inning. Ford was hit hard In spots, but good support pulled him out of several tlKht places. The score by InnlnKs: R. H. E. Chicago 000 000 1001 8 2 New York 000 OtO OOx 4 8 2 Battfvrtes: Clcotte, Langn, White and Schalk; Ford and Sweeney. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Evans and Rgan, WINNING STREAK BROKEN. BOSTON, June 9. Falkenberg-s string of ten consecutive victories was ended by the Red Sox today. Cleveland being beaten 4 to 1. Falk enberg was taken out In the seventh to allow Lajole to bat for him. But the elongated twlrler had'somo con solation, a dlNpatnh from Washington announcing the arrival of a son. The score by Inning's: R. H. E. Cleveland 000 000 0101 8 1 Boston 010 010 llr 4 7 S Butteries: Falkenberg, Mitchell and Carlnch: Bexllent and Carrlgan. Time, 1:45. Umpires, Connolly and Me Greavy. BENDER IN GREAT FORM. PllILADHLPlirA, June 0. lien dor's great pitching for Philadelphia today defouted St Louis 5 to 0. Tha visitors' two hits were of the scratch order and they never had a chance to scoro. Johnston, running after a fly In the seventh, foil over Hio cement coping, iiit later resumed play. Tho score by Innings: H. 11. K. St. LolllM 000 0U0 0000 2 2 Philadelphia ..000 120 02x S U 1 Batteries: Hamilton and Agnew, McAllister; Bonder nnd Schang. Time, 1:60, Umpires, Dlneen and Ferguson. EMING MANUEL TO " WED COUSIN SOON1 Ex-King MaanaL ' VTt The enmifement of OT-Ung Manuel of Portujral and hfa geeona sonsin. Princess Anjruita Victoria, iras announced come time ?o The date for tha marriafra la cot yet Ixed, bat the enirsgemerrt ie not iVely to be a tens; one. Manoej till hopes that the republic will fail tw Porto jmf.-anej that b will be IB f I'M'1 i VwM -ft v;1 ' i fATa IrtAI lit YOU HAT You may think wife hu an Idea That you're perfeot and then some And to your manr, many fsulta Is blind end deaf end dumb; You may take a sly lay ride And go an a quiet g And think she Isn't on to it because she dueen't nsg, But wait, old silly lunkhead. You'll get knocked flat. Tou can't fool a woman. , Just paste that in yuur hat Tan may play saint befor the town And snicker In your sleeve Becsuae these silly duffers In your fake rlghieouaneaa believe; Tou may put on your fala face And (la yourself ao slick As to think no one upon the earth Can tell you're a told brick, But wglt, you wolf In sheep skin. YouH get skinned Ilk a cat Tou can't fool the peopla Just paste that In your hat CM. BARN1TZ. SMASHED EQ08. When the broody smashes eggs In o setting tbe wise fancier runs fur warm water to wash the smeared egss, for be knows that tbe albumen will act like varnish and close the shell pores, and tbe growing embryos wltbUr the efg will suffocate. He washes and dries tbem carefully and places tbem at eace under the ben and at tha same time register a doubt aa to whether that batch will make good. Such accidents generally And tbelr cause la too small a nest, too deep a nest where egg pile on top of eacb oth er and can't be turned, nests that bens must Jump down Into, nests where clucks and layers lire together, fighting broodies, lack of nest material, too full a nest, bsrd neat material, too large a setting, tuln or rough sbelled or mis ahapen eggs, clumsy clucks, overwelgbl bens or sassy acreecbers that rougb bouse whenever tbe nest Is approached. By remedying these particulars smashed eggs and consequent poor batches may be reduced to a minimum FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. A handler of pigeons In a live bird shooting match near Potts vllle, Pa., tied firecrackers to a pigeon's feet to make tbe bird lively, so It would be bard to sboot Tbe pigeon flew Into n bay mow, the bay was fired, and thi Reading's big stal.les, worth $6,000 were burned, and the big Otto collier liurely escaped destruction. Buch i cruel human abould be sent to jail 01 an asylum. Raydon, Ipswich, England, boasts m turkey farm that bus been a success for thlrty-flVe years. Over 200 turkej liens are kept for breeders to suppl.v the trade with eggs and day-old tur key culcka. Can any of our Texas friends beat this? York (Pa.) cop are wise on peultry. A bird burglary being reported to headquarters, a cop entered a suspect's coop, picked out a rooster of tbe breed described in tha complaint, turned the bird loose In tbe alley, and the fowl made a bee line for tbe complainant's coop. On that evidence tbe tbtef went toJalL Tbe Emden goose should be selected in preference to tbe Toulouse. At best age they drees from nine to fifteen pounds, a popular sire; are One grain ed, white as marble, tbelr feathers are more valuable and the carcass sells for more money per pound. If yon use acetylene in your bouse or for lighting your automobile pour the lime from the nsed carbide down tbe rntboles or wbere rats frequent, and the long tailed varmints will quick ra moose. Tbey can't stand that acety lene smell. Tbe laying contest at Storm, Conn last year shows an average of 158 cRgs per ben, while the Missouri com petition shows the average of 134 per hon for the year. This docs not give eastern breeders ground to boast that tbelr birds are higher bred for eggs than the western, for the ration at Storra had extras that the Missouri cacklers didn't get Six years ago we exhibited at a show, and tin ion g our winnings was s cup that bod to be won two years iu succession before the exhibitor owned It. On account of state lecture work we have not been at that show since, but In tbe meantime fire different fan ciers hnve won the cup ouce. A prize with such n string to It Is a farce. When won once and won fairly the prize should become at the prop erty of tlie exhibitor who has expend ed his money and time to win. Johnny Bull Is certainly having a cryliiK time over poultry and egs, and we suggest to hi in tbut good olil rem edy, "The Lord helps them thut help tbemselrps." He has depended on otb er tuitions for his poultry, and In mil! Importations shrunk 80.000. Canada even wont back on btm and Imported from Uncle Sam for ber own use only 7,478,242 dozens of eggs. When you test out those Infertile eggs there are fewer eggs to bent and more room on the trays for the fer tiles nnd tbey can be turned to better advautage. When you make your sec ond test about the fifteenth day you rid tbe batch of everything that's dead and bound to corrupt tbe air In the machine. When tbe army worms started in on ten acres of corn belonging to M. M Klckllghter of Qroveland, Ga., be drove a flock of turkeys Into the patch, and they went for the wrigglers and saved hlmBGO bushels ef corn. Con gress recently appropriated $211,000 to eliminate the worm. Better use that money to encourage turkey culture. 8ome fancier seem to breed birds entirely for the outside. Any old shape seem all right to tbem If tt has feath ers bar-ed to tbe skin, red ear lobe, a One point comb and erven feathers te the tail. REFUGEES ARE ARRIVING. SALTIIAO, Mex., June 9. Jtfore than 100 refugee, ehleflyi Americans and British, arrived here today on a special train from Conception Del Oro In northeastern Zacatecas, about 78 miles from here. The refugees were compelled to pay rebels $13,500 for the train and for permission to P"11 Stilt. Reliable Freosinat Chih. Phone its. FA&M am EETRICC REGISTER ROCKrORD.IAJ tOMUPOHOlHCt SOLICIT C.U (Thls matter mua't not be reprinted with out special peimiaalon. Dog have proved a very effective type of guard for a railroad line In Greece In tbe recent war. According to tradition, tbe use of asphalt 1 very old, It having been aaed as a binder -In masonry by the Babylonian. There la n article of food that is finer when it 1 fuah than v fish and none that loses It cliiracterjooner when put in storage. At the beginning of the present year 12,000,000 phone were in use In tbe world, and there wet nearly 80,000,000 miles of wire strung to accommodate these Instrument. Some one has said that tbe looniest type of persons be know of are those who, falling at most everything- else, go Into tbe poultry business on a large scale to get rich qplck. The smell of onions may be removed from the hands by rubbing them with stalks of celery or parsley and in a. large measure from one' breath by eating portions of tbe same vegetable. Kansas ha in sight a winter wheat crop estimated at 125,000,000 bushels, tbe largest In the history of the state, and already an urgent call has been Issued for emergency harvest hands to help garner it In. Giving an animal a drench of raw eggs broken Into a broad mouthed bottle is said to give immediate relief in case an obstacle sticks in tbe ani mal's throat Tbe bead abould be raised in giving the lubricant Vigorous, pure bred cock birds of any of the standard breeds will have much the same feet in improving a flock of scrub hens on the average farm that tbe purchase of a registered aire will hove on the scrub cattle. No matter how gentle a horse may be, it Is always a good plan to speak to it before stepping up behind it in the stall In many cases gentle horses have been known to kick when taken by surprise, simply through the natural instinct of self preservation. Tbe other day there waa felled in Busbey park, Hampton court, London, an elm over 200 years old. When cut up there was found imbedded In Its trunk an old fashioned street lamp, which had evidently been nailed to it and gradually covered as the tree In creased in size. A serum discovered by tbe Rockefel ler institute in New York city has been tried with very gratifying success In tbe treatment of pneumonia in both cattle and horses by an Indiana veteri narian. Although the animals were in tbe last stages of the disease, the treatment seems to have given imme diate relief. An excellent bait for killing cut worms Is made. by mixing one-half pound of pari a green with twenty-five pounds of bran. & spoonful ef this pnt at the base of each plant will fur nish it protection during the period when the worms are on the warpath. It is snld that this preparation may be made the more attractive te the worms if it is moistened with sweetened- wa ter. Both gooseberries and currants bear fruit on wood thut Is two, three, four and five years old. Neither one nor five-year-old wood bears to amount to auytlilug. This indicates the method of prunlug that should be followed namely, cutting out wood that Is more than four years old and thinning out the one-year-old shoots to three or four of the strongest each season. Those left should be cut back to a height of abeut two feet Tbe Los Angeles water supply tunnel has lately been completed at a cost of ; more than $20,000,000. The system ex tends from tbe snow fed streams In the Sierra Nevada mountains across the Mohave desert, a distance of some 2S0 miles. The system will furnish the wa ter needed for, a city tbe size of Lon don. Until Los Angeles needs this amount of water the surplus wilt be Utilized la irrigating 125,000 acres of orange land. Tbe hog raiser who lost more than 40 per cent of bis little pigs becauso of their being born dead or dying shortly after birth had not learned the funda mental truth that com does not consti tute a balanced ration for brood sows and does not contain tbore food ele ments which she must have If ber Off spring are to be vigorous and healthy. To avoid this trouble In the future he . should feed clover or alfalfa hay, bran i oriihorts and barley Instead of ao much corn. A synthetic tannin, .aitilled from tar products, has been invented by an English leather industries expert for tanning light colored leathers. ,' Tiny hut efficient electrlo lamps to he worn fin thalr papy hv ha.nqa.mpn tL night and supplied with current by storaa-e batterlo hare heen Invented. 7- r The 1913 Marion Has Everything You Want in a Motor Car Electric or Gas self starter Electric dynamo lighting system Auxiliary, storage battery Q. D. dfjmonirtableriinfl, cextia. Mohair top, Btora axrtana feot Plate-rfaiw irinrLrhtelri; -V Warner epeedometex; Anfl all cChev dataCs in niWfvsM car, Body eowvoJanoas) aafl whldh MssrisB owner JU3fas4oirCt M Xlsotfts UNITED MOTOK CHXIfliOfTTEXXIsjT 9. H. Haanv Sujaesahsmv ert. irfii T Distributors tor JTearib s4 TTislTi TMiSlliai, llljjuu !, ..' VtasBeV. , , l:,$ Marts trnXaOmtmpima Ifr t .'; ' 4 !t TJETMAHJO aaXXDOQEt Otfa.flo4 1 , , . 1 ......... MAJESTIC 1VH TODAY "PET OF THE A new show presents ' adinanewWay Full of comedy, mtSid, pretty scenerj , Matinee 3:30 ..' 10 & 20c ' . To the laded Palate Nothing 1 More Delidoua Than Blue Ribbon Flavoring Extracts Bla nlma Vanilla er Lmt CittM ara tha hlcaaM quality hal cao ba mada and cpal no mora than tha othata. To caa Sal BlM Rlaaja in a dona dllfarant flaTOca all par Ian. " and Tika. L." At best grocers . Advertise in The Citizen. Medicine a Poor Profeselea Despite the fact that some of there manage to get enormous fees, tt la said that the doctors, a a, class, get poorer and poorer, financially, evsry year. Too Much. "I understand your star has a great deal of temperament" "X great deal) Great Scott, man, yon can't put ft thermometer near her without Its dancing ragtime between boiling point to sero." Exchange. WHY- FOXTIGELLO nXEatAL WATER 19 TJSED BECAUSE IT IS AI. K.UJXE, LIGHT AND PTJKE, TESTED MONTHLY BT STATU CHEMISTS AIJi BOTTTiES.AND COBJKS STERILIZED, WILL KEEP FRESH INDEFINITELY. , . BECAUSE .- ; It is highly recommended and prescribed by some of the great est specialists on surgery and medical science In America and Europe. Geo. Ben Johnston. M. D., Stuart McQulre, M. D., Lewis C. Boscher, JI. D., J. C Walton, M. D., and others prescribe it tor the following ills: Rheumatism, Gout, Kidney, Bladder and Digestive diseases. Pre vents Urinary deposits, Etone and Gravel; Eliminates uric Acid, the Toxins of Typhoid and other fever. IS ESPECIALLY BOOD FOR WEAK STOM. ACHS. ' "".a'. i . : - ... , - Can be had from all Leading Ttrugtrtsts. ' FONTICETiLO SPRINGS. IXC. Main Office, Richmond, Vaw Rcpreocntcd In the Sonth by v J He f a 1 &OuutmaiaMiDr -xn nraeaail j aTiisilKssawshl are ouusssuCjr rat net ; 4 ( r. iff THEATRE 'iCr PADDOCT mWSSB3h V !i JAJdveriise in The Citizen Model M Eipre Body WE have ''sold tlwuMmaVof Chase Trucks to progreathr merchants. You can be guided by this national vote of approve), and you can afiord a Chase Truck. to' Iway SOfcafDafe CaaadfeMtoeMBa.jf' ASHEVILLE AUTOMOBILE CO. 15-1T & Lexington Ave. M WaiMi GEORGE G. MOSELET.