TIIE' ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 11, 1913. 4 TIIE ASIiEVIliE CITIZEII r ' ' - a- v . Published Every Morning; by The Citizen Company, . 8 Government Street he Ashevttle Citizen 6 days a week. T'he Sunday Cltiren every Sunday. ' he Weekly Citlien every Wednesday. TELEPHONES tnsinefA Office . SO JJditorJa Rocma.. ,. -207 ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS COMPLETE subscription rates fly carrier in Asheville and Suburb. )aily & San. 1 yr. in advance .17.50 Daily & Bun. 8 mo. in advance 1.96 llailv & Sun. 1 woek In advance.. .15 Daily only 1 year In advance 6.00 J cat leader Daily only S mo. in advance.. 1.30 Daily only 1 week in advance .10 iff mall In United States, Pottage Paid. DaUy A Sun. 1 yr. In advance $6.00 Daily & Sun. 8 mo. in advance 1.60 Daily only 1 year in advance 4.00 Daily only S mo. In advance... 1.00 IJunday only 1 year in advance 2.00 Sunday only 8 mo. In advance .60 'Weekly 1 year In advance .60 Wednesday, June 11, 1913. The Governor's Stand While Governor Craig does not o, one may Infer that the epectal session of the legislature which will consider the constitutional amend Imenui will also deal with the uea tlon of freight rat discrimination, aa It affect North Carolina, la the In terests of economy It Is moro than likely that the one session of the Jegla iature will consider the constitutional femeaJments and the freight raU giueatlon. That there la, an4 has been dlaorlmlnatlon In freight rates la favor tof adjoining; states and against North Carolina la apparent from the follow ing atatement of Governor Oral yea terday: W. have not heretofore reallced that the Southern railway hauls freight from the Ohio river cities through Paint Rock, Asheville, Ma- irlon, Btatesville, Salisbury, Qreens toro and to Lynchburg J that It charges Asheville a hhrher freight rate for this freight from the west than it does Btatesville; that it charges States vllle a higher rate than It dos Balla tmrvi Salisbury a higher rate than Oreeneboro, and Greensboro a great deal higher rate than It does Lynch burg. The further It haul this freight the less It charges for It This same conJitlon applies to all the cities of North Carolina. They are all dis criminated against In favor of cities In Virginia and cities of other states hy railroads doing Interstate business. The discrimination Is purely arbitrary. The railroads themselves 1 do not pre tond to Justify. , It cannot be Justified. Jt l not strange that people from one end of North Carolina to the other 'are 'aroused on this subject How ran cities of North Carolina compete with cities of other state when com mon carriers by arbitrary edict Issued by financiers of New Tork have de nied to the cltle of North Carolina aimple Justice and equity T" t' What the governor cites Is largely rommon knowledge. In speeWVo in stances cited by Mr. Iak Carraway, we are a long way from the day when the "good fellow" with generous paunch and ruddy countenance had carte blanche into all walks of life. The drinker and the drunkard are alike anathema today; they are want ed powhere; no trust is reposed In them. The long trail of wrecks which afcohol has marked as its own today preaches an eloquent sermon to old and young alike, and no one can doubt that the next generation will look up on th drunkard as a curiosity and a thing to be shunned by all decent men. A recent article in the Birmingham Age-Herald declared that not only has alcohol become taboo in all business walks of life, but it Is rapidly becom ing an outcast even In the field of poli tics. "The day of the statesman who makes a specialty of drinking himself Into a drunkard's grave has passed," said the writer. The day of the old style convention when the great politl- would gather from all parts of the state, and the rank and file would be on hand to whoop them up 'Lite, Janes. The most effective persuader on the average delegate waa to -take, him off In the corner and pour oil of Joy In his system un til he waa amenable to reason. If he got too far gone they would substraot his proxy from him and send him home in a cart All this kind of thing Is past Ja the next great politi cal struggle the emblems of the two principle parties may be tn!blasond upon their banners upon the one a bunch of grapes, and upon the other the homely but cheerful feature of the good old American cow." Tea, we are moving on, steadily and surely, The banquet, too, that abomi nation which has survived the years is doomed.. The cheap and ready wit and the exuberant oratory of "we have with ua tonight" is going out with rum and whiskey. Within the next four or Ave years the present generation will look In vain at - the festive board, where great Issues are discussed, for that which at one time cheered and inebriated. Voice of the People cxH'fiTs axd cnmnsM. To the Editor: Your editorial on "Courts and Criti cism," asrvn,the consideration of all right-thinking persons. I believe it to be the judgment of sohor-mlndel men "that there should be found a iitaln upon the ermine In'any section Is a condition to bo depWed," yet In the trlt but terse phrane, ther Is much food for thought in th opinion of thewriter whom you repreaent a3 holding that "the criticism of national Institutions was the forerunner of an archy' I would agree unreservedly wnn the writer. If he means the pro. miscuous and malignant criticism of public men whether national or local. Few thoughtful men will deny that there are unfortunately numbers of wtld-cyed, misguided men. who like I the wild antics of the desert kick at everything and everybody. No one realties more than President Woodrow Wilson, whose eloquent quo tation you give In your editorial, whither we are tending in the matter of Irrational criticism of our publb men. He gives the followlnc Intsance In an article on "Hide and Reek I'oll- fly from them jor nvt. rich or poor, black and whilst pr4 i-t un remember "lest we forget,? Hot him that stand em take heed lest he fall." 1J. A. COURIER. Asheville, Jur , r SCIDKSBOUTE . The Melon Season, (Baltimore Run.) The $60,000,000 "melon" which the Standard Oil company proposes to cut In New York next week Is enough to make the public's rjiouth water. After all, It comes out of the people's garden. This Is the melon season and nearly everybody Is Interested In that Juicy fruit. Can't the authorities at Washington find a way to send a few slices of these trust melons to the people's table? Alfalfa AsmirlutlorM. (Savannah News.) Alfalfa associations, after the order of corn clubs, except that the former tics," In the North American Review i are among grown farmers, are being (May, U10).i I formed In South Carolina. One farmer, "A sheriff In one of the states suf-1 a member of the alfalfa association fered a prisoner to b taken from him of Rook Hill, has acres In It and is by a mob and hanged. He made no planning to plant 76 acres In the fall. show or pretense even of resistance. The governor of the state wrote him Notes and Comments The now booklet Just Issued by the Southern railway, dealing with the advantages of Western North Caro lina, Is a thine; of beauty and a Joy forever. e e e ... Ptor nine months in the year we cry for summer amusements, and When excellent attractions are here we will not go to them. What's wrongt e , e ! "No gort of weather for the bvd," says our afternoon neighbor, The Gatette-Newa From which "we Infer that It la not safe to don the short ones, e e In yesterdays . game tha English polo players didn't even make a notch. But keep your eye on the second game. e e Well, Asheville oould have taken the two games yesterday, but she wanted to be, courteous to the Bulla on their first appearance, Asheville ftaa already broken Into the Internal revenue department a sharp letter of rebuke for his crlml nal neglect of his duty. He replied In an open letter In which he bluntly re quested the governor to mind his own business. The Interesting feature of his reply was not his Impudence, but the fact that It could be written with perfect Impunity. He was never called to account for what, ho had done." Public' men are frequently pursued with rolcntlcsanesa. Nothing Is held too private; nothing too soared. The question is, How far shall this be per mitted, and how long 7 One who de bauches public office is a greater crim inal than one who commits an Indicta ble offense against an Individual. "Im peccability" to suoh an one, from se vere criticism ought by no means be granted; but every man has the right to have the truth told about him. The arduousness of public life has made many men, most worthy and ca pable, shrink from accepting public of fice. One wonders whether 1: will ever become true In Amorlca, as It was In Rome at one time, where the burdens of public office was so great that a monument was erected to him who ac cepted publlo office. Apropos of the courts, however, cases may be cited wherein Judges have been guilty of breaches of publlo faith. Likewise instances may be mul tiplied wherein the courts, both fed eral and state, have apparently stood In th way of social, economic and political advance, through their appli cation of the "legal rules of thumb." All these things, however, go to the strength of proving that Judgea are merely human. On the whole, never theless, the student of government must grant that both the federal and stale courts have been the only effici ent protection against oligarchy, one the one hand, and the excesses of pup ullsm on the other. What of personal liberty, what of protection we now Why shouldn't similar associations be formed In Georgia? Already a quarv tlty of alfalfa 1 being grown In this ; state, but not by any means as much as there should be. . Alfalfa growing means cattle raising, and .Georgia can't hav9 too many cattle. Moro Publicity. (Charlotte Chronicle.) The agricultural and other depart ments at Washington are wuie in ac cepting the suggestion of Ambassador Walter H, Page that they give more publicity to their work. The agricul tural department, for Instance,' has b.een publishing valuable pamphlets for years for free distribution among the farmers, but only during the past few years have tho farmers of the country generally known that they could secure them. The result Is that probably mora of those pamphlets have been distributed during the post few years than during the previous 25. Secretary Houston especially Is pre paring to put Into operation the sug gestion of Mr. Tage. Rubber Sole Oxfords For Men We have this oxford in tan calf with 3-4-inch broad heel and round toe. Just the thing for walking and outing wear. $5.00 the pair. Our closing hours are 6 and 9 on Saturday. Brown-Miller Shoe Company 47 Patton Ave. Phone 710 Leaders in Fine Shoes Travelers Cheques 55 7 i..'. lf.l, -I American Express Co., or American Bankers' Asso clation's Cheques are the best medium for funds In Foreign" travel. The banks, large stores, hotels, railroads. ettreUflT them freely without Identification (your signature being Vfficlen, identification.), for sola by WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST GO. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. Capital & Surplus $1,650,000.00 WELCH GRAPE JUICE Quarts, 45c.; Pints, 23c; 1-2 Pints, 13c Absolutely Pure and TTnfer mented. A Healthful Drink, Strictly a Temper ance One, Tool "THIS DATE TS HISTORY." Janet It. MM The first patent In America granted to Joseph Jenks, a ma chinist of Lyon, Mass. UTI Peter the Great of Russia, born. Died Feb. I, 1726. 177 John Constable, fammis land- . . .. ecape painter, born. Died March so, im. 1781 Colonel Crawford put to death by the Indiana near Upper 6an- duiky, O. 1847 fllr John Franklin, famous e plorer, perished In the Arctic region. Born in England In 178s. HIT RL. Rev. William B. Stevens, fourth Episcopal bishop of Pennsylvania, died in Philadel phia, Born in Bath, Me., July 18. 1818. 11 SS Lord Stanley, of Preston, as sumed office as governor gen eral of Canada. 1903 King and queen of Servta as sassinated at Belgrade. The Worst Kind of Praise. (Macon News.) The house of representatives acted wisely in refusing to consider a reso lution which proposed thanks to Speaker Clark for his statement that there Is not a representative whose vote can be purchased. This resolution was Introduced by Mr. Aiistln, of Tennessee, who asked unanimous consent for Its adoption. Mr. Underwood objected and there the matter ended. Belf-praise is the worst praise, and, besides, the declaration of the house as to Its own virtue would not estab lish the fact, f About 1.900 years ago, Pliny, the younger, observed: "The sulendor 'nf an artlon, which would have boon deemed illustrious if related by another, la totally extin. gulshed when it hecomes the subjebt WITH THE WAGS have against the taking of private property without due process of law, ! of one's own applause." and the Infringement of property and personal rights, have been due alto gether to these courts, their painfully slow procedure to the contrary not wlthsandlng. The supreme court of the United States Is the most powerful court as well as the most powerful Institution In the world, and is without a parallel In history, either ancient or modern. At one touch it can wipe out the leg islation of a state like Nv York, wealthier than nearly all of the anci ent kingdoms combined, yet It Is a court "which has no guards, palaces or treasures, no arms but truth and wis dom, and no splendor but Its justice, and the publicity of its Judgements." Upon It has never rested the faintest suspicion of partisanship. It was Just Unconscious Brown. Oftentimes musicians complain of lack of appreciation, but here is a tileasant instance of one who won more admiration aspired to. MONARCH Is defined by Webster as "The chief of its class or kind." MONARCH COAL Is the chief of all Coals and has no equal of any kind. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Bo Peas. Spanish Peppers, Spanish Peppers, Pine Imported. Pimentoes, , Pimentoes, (large size, (small size.)' 22c. 12c 23i i: HOME MADE BREAD. WHITMORE SANITARIUM Lovely Park, Tennis, Croquet, etc. Non-uric acid, diet, Curative Gymnastics, Naturophathy, Hydrothera phy, Chriopractic, Betz Hot Air, Massage, Electricity Vapor, Shower, Sitz and Ele ctric Light Baths. Phone 1020. Take Patton Ave. Car 408 Haywood St. -L MEN'S SUITS AND FURNISHINGS rmjl Clothing UJL1H company 4 Patton Ave, hope you will spread your knowledge among your mates on the farm." "But 1 don't work on a farm," re plied the rural citizen. "Where, then, may I ask?" "Me and my matea are telegraph linesmen and we are testing a new wire." New York Globe. Men's Samples In our bargain annex. If you wear from 8 to 8 you are doing yourself an injustice not to come here for your shoes or oxfords. $3.50 and $3.75 Buys $4 and $5 Shoes. Nichols Shoe Co. Casta Sboestcfc On the Square. PARCEL POST DEFECT. (New York Sun.) The evidence concerning the opera tion he had ever,tlon of thB Par-el post given before mo posioince aeparimeni tnvestigat I lng committee Is of considerable ln- It waa not to be cf Charlotte, secretary of the North Carolina Just. Freight Bate associa tion, there have been differences of $20 and $15 in shipments from the far west to Virginia and North Carolina. 'Four cases are quoted herewith: Tho Boykln Grocery company recently received a car of fruit Jars from Sand Bprings, t Okie., to Berkeley, Va..... 88.08 rom Berkeley, Va to Wll- son. n. c , 105. eo C Woodard company re . curved a, car of flour, the freight from Grand Rapids, Mioh., to Norfolk, Va......$ 85.21 Pom Norfolk, Va., to Wilson, N. C..,..'. 88.81 Hackney Bros, received a car of gear wood, the freight from Zanesviiie, onto to Norfolk. Va $ 7J.00 Worn Norfolk, Va., to Wilson. N. C...... 75.80 vAs a matter of fact the railroads of this state do not contend that there ja no dlecrtmlnaion the figures fpeak for themselves. The people of North Carolina ere not asking for special favors only equality with other sec tions or me country. The stand i bureau of entomology of the United which Governor Craig takes on this States department of agriculture and "THIS IS MY M BIRTHDAY." Inland O. Howard. Dr. Iceland O. Howard, who Is re puted to have the widest personal ac quaintance among scientists of any man In America and who, because of his vast knowledge covering the vari ous fields of science is frequently call ed "the living encyclopedia," waa born In Bockford. III.. June 11. IS3T. Tr. Howard Is an entomologist by profes sion, though many other branches of science have claimed his attention. In 1878 he became an assistant In the In fact, that ho offered him a hand- as honustly convinced of Its course J some engagement In China, when It decided the Dred flcott deols-1 "I have novrr seen a Juggler, said Ion as when it upheld the Union In the visitor, "who could swallow a the war between the states. Its lnflu- much brass pipe as you and spit It ence Is due to the distinguished ability ' out again, nr.d yet the people here of Its members as well as their integ- 1 regard it with utter loc of enthusl rliy and .'lf-retralnt. The courts of , asm. "-Harper's Magazine, our lund have kept us free from ex- - uf thu French revolution more Time. For Tears, than any other agency of government. Mrs. Browning had a new domestic Tlio point Is simply this: freedom named Agens. of thought and freedom of expression "Agnes," naHi the mistress, 4 did you la alWulcly iiucctmary in u democrat- I put the clothes In soak?" lo Kovernincnt like ours, but unre- "CI did not," answered the girl; strained freedom of expreanlon ought ' "did you want me to, mum. tu be another matter. He who claims i ho political rights of a free cltinen ought not disclaim the moral obllga Hons that go with Hum. KOUIiRT l OOUXSTKIN. rki...w. n, n ,t.i in wiuininffLon k' , ,u Mrm. band tlav terest to the public. he impressed with f iu.bw i ".a u" so much so, i inaoguraieu oniy a lew roonuii snouia wow smooimy in every detail, in at minor reforms would be required waa Particularly was the trombone player, ANOTHER VIEW. "Why, certainly." was the reiply. "Very well, mum," said Agnes. About two hours later Agnes pre h,.rKif in hor mistress. "01 tiave put thlm clothes In soaJc, ! packages .h. "but the pawn- through roker wud give me only chew dollars destination In th whole outfit Here bo money, tin only to be anticipated, and the parcel post service has been further handi capped by recent legislation respecting the hours of postal clerks. When, how ever, responsible merchants declare In their evidence that their use of the parcel post has been reduced by near ly two-thirds since Ha Inception and that they have been compelled, how ever, unwillingly, to give their busi ness back to the express companies, it Is obvious that something, is seriously wrong. The almost universal com plaint seems to be of .carelessness In the handling of packages. One mer chant testified: "Our early experi ence with tho parcel post was that about one-half of these packages (L e.. liable to be damaged crushing) arrived at their a damaged condition. Pressnre No Friction The new way of iron ing your collars pre vents breaking them at corners and scratching your neck. Nichols Way. Phone 2,000 th' And similar testimony waa given ny ... .V. T. V. - ..... nml M. it's sorry Ol am tnai ye,orwiui. " f the segregation of 'bees so harrud up."-arper'a Maga- .psnmrnci ... I . i ages iimi biq iiiitoi.h,mo .u treatment It is evident that Its usful I ness to the community, as well as Its I potentiality of becoming a source of Editor The Ciliaen: With regard to the peoplu who come to Asheville for 'in thulr health, would It not be well for those of us who gather our skirts j Flue Wciuhe Prolongs Her life. uliout us and pass over on the other j "Kvi-r notice it?" side, to consider the m-anlng to lealj "What?" lienelHs that the city ami th com-. "Tho office boy never buries his niunlty at large has derived from j gram! mother on a rainy afternoon. these very same people. What was i Hoston Transcript. this city but a little village twenty years ago; whowo' money has paved ; . New Boast. and lighted, and still goes on paving one of th students In an English profit to th0 government, will pot he of much account. In other countries where the system is in effect damages' to packages In transit Is comparative ly rare, and there appears no reason why a similar security" should not be obtained here. nnwHon 1 dim u .,i since 1S94 ho has been the chief of the and lighting those streets; whoso mon- university, wishing to turn an honest! ... . .t . ... 'bureau. For nearly fifteen years Dr. ey supports tho Innumerable and big pminv during his vacation, decided to Howard has held the position of per-; shops and other concerns: what other introduce a new and popular encycio manent secretary of the American As- iclty on the continent looks to the pwuft n)0 the country district soclatlon for tho Advancement of scl-siekto finance the board of health? Needless to say, he had many queer lio tm r,n honored w th : The average expense or a paueni is a nnd ,liml, lu exnertences. ai one ence. membership also In many foreign sci entific societies . CHAPLAINS IN SESSION. WASHINGTON'. credit, anJ one that will make to tho frlory and lustre of his administra tion. Of hlra It may be saM that he 1 a governor and not an ornament. The Bottle Doomed One of the great Eastern railroads has issued a drastic nnt., v.i t,.n,mn.i- i, " Catholic chaplains -"f r any Kind 6tatM of Intoxicants, hot only during work here hours but at any Urns. In substan-'e dealing with ths religious needs in the that cannot be realized; health that the order decrees that men "addicted l,ltarJr establishment The confer- rarely comoe satisfactorily and U ever . th - f tnt..n, i- T I ence is the first of its kind. It will . -very, very slowly. All leave friends to the use of intoxicants in any shape contlm,, thrM days. (and associations behind more precious or form can not find employment with ; ; than anything they have on earth to this company." Those of a legal frame! TUroad cars with platforms and enter upon a life of sorrowful loncll Vf mind mv h inriin , .v ' vestibules that would collapse In event hess and surrounded by a host afflict- ' 'v " 1 . . . . v .... -.I .1 "T t Pk.hl. or wreca nave ween paicniea dj bu vu wud hjbwiu, Ohloan to lessen the danger to pas-1 whose one desire is to banish "God's sengera ' I burden bearers" from civilisation. Yes, - 1 Asheville Is certainly a city of sorrows, hundred dollars a month, and this . i,aPe he f mind an old farmer wording goes on Indefinitely; all give It will- ; the fields. inisry and cheerfully as a means to an j ukc trt 5eil you a new ency end. And what do they get In roturn? ; God's beautiful air and sunshine, June 10. Roman' which fortunately no one can take of the United from them. I3ut what else? Jlopes army and r.avy are gmnerea mat are uoomeu 10 uisappuniuiicui, today to confer on problems plans that come to nothing; dreams liberal construction on the word "ad dicted," Ibut the intention of the com 5any la undoubtedly to bar the man ivho It even a 'moderate drinker." In fact tha maD who drinks at all had lieUer not apply for a position, - Z-ajvUJa aural. vl r clopedla," said the agent "Well, young feller," said the farm er. "I'd like to have one. but I'm afeord I'm too old to ride tho thing." Now York Globe. Suprnnoiis Teaching. . A benevolent ord gentleman one day saw a rural looking man sitting on a stone, wall swinging his legs and gsilng earnestly at the telegraph wires. Oolng ovr to tne yokel he said: "Waiting to see-a message go 'long, eh?" Tho man grinned and said "Ay." Thav benevolent old gentleman got The ringllsh city of Birmingham Is'a battlefield, although the stricken orlpn the wall und for the next quarter the principal source of the world's dead are not visible. They are here, of an hour tried hard to dispel his supply of pew's harps, one family; too. Ah! live and let live! Let us be j ignorance. having carried on their manufacture lnd to one another. Wseases and "Now," rUCSaid at last, "aa you AaJtft.iMis ,i jjterms ryinioa tn all, allka,, what hat aallnw-soinatfcti about the mattar.l TtP New Stock of BUGS Just Received Call , and see these handsome new patterns, they are beauties. BEST WILTONS $25ANDTJP ASHEVILLE CARPET HOUSE 30 Church St. Phone 238 Carpets and Matting land with out extra charge. S. STERNBERG & CO. Depot Street Phone 333 All sizes and lengths of I Beams, Channels, Concrete Steel and Relaying Rails. Structural materials a specialty , WE BUY ANYTHING AND SELL EVERYTHING Asheville Steam Laundry 9. A. Nichols. Hi College St, CHARACTER - HEALTH - CULTURE Lmn met In tbt Soatk. Ddttktfal toctdaa. Dkc tll mn. TvntT-'ou mn vlikmi t da rl c el iettni ikkfc Cl.u tUl.tta, Tn O'BiDtjlum.. No baling. A JUUnrmUhtJ Boilonlmn rki "Ol all thcollc"I ba't Uti4 In ttatrtan M turn atlMl fi.ld SKiraiTOl CiiiaiUi Inraf. tlit $plrlt at Floa CalWti to a th aM CariaUu." Kail Uonan. Writ oo M Ca kvrao aa4 riowa. tna. W. A KARSKR, B Eloh CoLLrr.s. K. C TREASURY DEPARTMENT. Of fice of the Supervising Architect. Washington, IX C. May !9. lls. Beaied proposals will be received at this office until t o'clock p. m., on June 27, lilt, and then opened, for a new heating holler, breeching, svk, etc.. In the post office and courthouse, Asheville, N. C. in accordance with the specifications, copies of which may be obtained at this office, at the discretion of the Supervising Archi tect. - Or -- .WaadarwUia fiuperviaiaa; rnhltant t Trial Is AH We As. ' ' " LAUNDRY PHONE 70 We Treat You r Laundry Yittv MOBJXE rtiAYER SOLD. . MOB1XJB, Ala., Juno 10. The man ar of the Mobile club, announces FXFTX ARB DROWNED, . ! . j. 6T. PETER6BURO, June 16. Wli persons were drowned by the sinking tne sale of waiter Tols&o, the young of a dilapidated boat while crosses college hwler, to the Roanoke (Va-)ithe River Tcheptsa on the Russian team of the Virginia league, and he j Ascension dajJu S. according to will report tansaetliatel, J delayed difjsnjirg today from Vyatta,