THE ASTIEVTLLE CITIZEN, MOAY, Jtttffe 30, 1913, CHRISTOPHER DIES AT MISSION HOSPITAL PRESENT DAY FIGHTEBS IRE NEAR MTCODDLGi MAKES NEAR ATTEMPT TO COMMIT SUICIDE II, W.-Franklin -rraTrf loor Shot, Mlwlii Himself Twice In the Same rUco Slightly Hurt. ELA STIC SLAT Dress Section Never before hare ye attempted so many dress es in such a variety o styles, colorings and fa brics. House Dresses - 98c to $3.98 Street Dresses $2.98 to $18.00 Silk Dresses $10.00 to $25.00 Evening Dresses $7.50 to $35.00 Serge Dresses375 to $25.0q ibuaril THE STORE THAT FiJii:iiTjrf.',iiJi. JrtWw a..: . Sfc r?y ' The T .-In e Monday, Tuesday a 7 r: St lotel A Jolly, Jingling Musical Farce. ONE OF THE BEST YET Excellent Chorus with Pretty Girls and" Catchy Music and Songs. Also usual number of Motion Pictures. .Matfnee Daily, 3:30 p. m. Nights, 7:30 and 9 Prices: Children, 10c, Adults 20c. 10, 20 and 30c ANOTHER : SHIPMENT OF a pORCH Q00DS RECEIVED AND ON DISPLAY Our present stock of Porch Furniture is largo and contains some exoellent values, which we in vite you to inspect. Odd pieces and match sets. 'Also a large stock of; BEAUMONT FURNITURE CO. 27 S. Main St i'-The Home of Furniture -Values-iL Complete SAVES YOU HONEY" I Don't Wait for the Wood to Show Before You Paint! Postponing painting ii like putting off payment of taxes. You are only piling up expense. The wise nan paints often, so that there is always a protecting film of paint between his house and the elements. t The more durable the paint, the less often this must be done. . most durable paint in the world is LEWIS WHITE LEAD (Dutch Boy Trade-Mark). and Pure Linseed Oil when mixed to suit the conditions ot tU .wood. All good painters do it this way. Make sure that yours does it, too, and that he uses Dutch Boy white lead and linseed oil. Drop in at our store and fet our "Painting Print," containing valuable suggestions on selecting color schemes for inside and out side your home. DR. T. C. SMITH ETC si i r e and Wednesday. la Carte $1.00 AND UP Alleged to Urn Been Called to Uio Door and 8hot-W.rr.nt is Issued, rw uis stayer. "William Christopher, f the Upper Dutch Cove section ot Haywood coun ty)" who la alleged to hav teen called to the door ot Phoebe Christopher! hom a few night, ago and ahot. died yesterday morning at 7 o'clock at .the . Mission hospital, to which he -WM, wj,en r first , came to America vert taken Immediately following tho.good men In .11 classos were alad to shooting. . According to a special to'flb'ht for 'anything from .'hundred or The Citizen from Canton last nUht, Deputy Sheriff Lee Duckett and Con stable C. G. BrookslvLre. ot that place, loft Canton yesterday afternoon with a warrant calling for the arrest of James Christopher, who Is charged with having fired the shot from the! darkness which resulted In the death of hi cousin. Immediately following the death of the patient at fhe local hospital, Jesse Christopher, of Hay wood county, the dead man's father, was notified ot his son's passing and Coroner J. M. Russell, of Canton, came to Aahevdlls yesterday afternoon and took charge ot the body. Ar rangements were made for the re moval of the corps to Canton todny. From 'fhat place It will be taken to the home of the deceased for Inter ment It Ii not known yet whether or not an Inquest will be held over Chris topher's body, but if It Is decided to hold one the Jury will hear the evi dence In connection with the case at Canton today. Upper Dutch Cove U about twelve miles from Canton and the killing ha aroused a great deal of Interest In that section. No motive has been assigned for the alleged murder and It to not known whether or not the man charged with the killing has made an effort to escape. . MUSICAL COMEDY AT MAJESTIC THEATRE "Hotel a la Carte," a musical com edy which cornea to this city highly recommended by the booking agency which furnUhes attractions for the Majestic theatre will open an engage ment at that amusement house this afternoon. The attraction ha. been presented In several of the larger southern cities and has been received with enthusiasm. It has boon very favorably criticised and the manage ment of the Majestic feels that It ha secured an excellent attraction for Its patrons. In addition to musical comedy, the usual number of pictures will bo shown this afternoon and tonight HEAVY DOCKET FOR TRIAL THIS MORNING Judge Junius O. Adams, of the city police court, has a busy morning in store, sixty-alx cases having been docketed for trial at this morning's session of the police court at mid night last night Theae caws Include arrests which have been made by members of the local police depart ment within the pant two dnys- since Saturday morning's session of court Alleged gamblers will be out In full force this morning, twenty-4wo who are alleged to have been willing to take a chance, having been taken In various raids. The other charge! Include the alleged violations of vari ous city ordinances and out of tho large number of cases on the docket none of the defendants is charged with the commission of a very serious crime. (Continued from Pago One.) elect certain congressmen because they would be favorable to certain legislation, such facts should be made known, because members of conjeress havip the privilege of the floor of the senate and are able to Influence legis lation there. "The senate resolution Introduced by Senator Cummins waa In response to President Wilson's statement that efforts weTe being made to influence legislation In this congress. It was rather llrVtited to lobbying now goin; on. Since then there have been dis closed evidences of extensive lobbying that I think we ought to Inquire into fully. "We have found thero Is a new kind of insidious lobbying; testimony has been given to show that great In terests have been getting towtht-i le hln I certain men to get them on committees where their opinions would confrol legislation. though there might be no actual corruption of the individual. As the Inquiry goes on it brings out the' fact that there has been lobbying going on that was not suspected." The senate committee will not re new activity until July 7. Mr. Mul hall baa been ummoned to appear July 8; but Chairman Overman eail tonight the committee probably would finish up with the "sugar lobby" and investigating the character of the "wool b.'jby" that has been maintain ed In Washington and elsewhere be fore taking up the charge, made In the Mulhall statement or the Wall street disclosure made by Robert R Utvett, Ilepresentative A. Mitchell I aimer and others. - -Members of the senate committee declared tonight they could we no termination to . the Investigation that si grewn nut ot , ITagirittnt Wilsnn'a charge that special Interest were -trying to Influence the preparation of the present tariff WU. -. I So Declam .Bob .FitZSim- mons. Discussincr Methods of Present Champs. NEW TORK, June Two much money for too little fighting- la taking lhe; 'J off' the old sport, declare. Robert I'luslmmons, ex. hnmt'lim of the world. In. The Atlanta Journa... a couple of hundred dollura. Only thp big champions got big money. Fighting was a rough game then. It wasn't ao much the money that drew men to the ring. Most of them fought because they'd rather flght than do anything le. Why, among the old-time (lightweights Joe Clans, Dal Hawkins, Kid McKadden, Kid Mo Farhtnd and that Jot any one Of whom would bs a world's champion today used to IWht for purse, of $600 1600 or J700. And they'd fight win ner take all and be glad to gat the chance. Now look at the lightweights today and what they get and what they ex pect Ad Wolgust Is a good little fighter, but he Isn't any better than a whole lot of the old-timers. Wolgast got Into the habit of demanding something like 122,000 for his "end" wnenevr he was asked to make a match. He got the money madness and not It bad. After Kitchle best him and took the title one might expect to hear of Wol- gnst's being willing to fight all thej nest lightweights ns fast as he could get them, for any fair purse offered, to work back into the title .gain. He didn't do It. Even after he was be.t- en by Tommy Murphy he had an Ideai that he was worth a. much as ever I In the ring. Wolgast has probably broken off and tefused more matohe and has fought less as a champion than any title holder In the business. Perhaps he's unlucky; but I " know some old-timer, who wouldn't have called off a match for a dislocated thumb, the way Wo!gat has called off hi. match With Featherweight Dun dee at the last moment, and called It off for good. ! We didn't call off mutches for any thing lets than a broken leg when I was fighting. I remember the day 1 boxed Jack O'Brien In Philadelphia. That match was on once and I trained for It and got Into good shape. Then the match was postponed and I waa finally notified that It was all off. I got out of training and didn't do a stroke of work for several weeks, t was notllled that the , fight waa on again in a couple of days. I learned that O'hrlcn had been foxing It. Ho had been training down f Atlantic cuy an inn time getting ready to puti it over tho "old man" when he caught I him out of condition. I didn't call It off. I went down to Philadelphia and had O'Brien on the floor, whipped and practically out, when the police Jump ed In to gave him with half a min ute of the round still to go. The niKht I won the light-heavy-weight title from OeoTgn Gardner I M In poor shape to fight. I had run so much on the road In my few An important meeting of the Chll days training, taking off weight In a' drrn playground aaeoclatlon will be hurry, that 1 had Wintered the entire, ncld the auditorium of the Y. M. ft soles of both feet. I could hardly A at 10 o'clock this morning, for the walk. ' Every tlmo I moved around ,,unmse of (llncussing plans for play my shoes filled with blood. I didn't . ground. In vnrlous part, of the city, call it off 1 walked to the ring with- anrt pttni, for a central playground out limping and fought twenty rounds for tne children. without letting him know I was half The meeting I. called by Tlev. W. . crippled. And in the fourth round NPWCn, president of the association, I manned my right hand hitting him andi wnin ft business meeting, varl on the Bldffl of tho heiul, driving the 0ns' matters for the consideration of first two knuc k!oa back a full Inch and tne association will bs Introduced. splintering the Iwjnes. I didn't let him know that until It was over eith er.. I beat Corbet t with a dixlo rlght thumb and foiiKht JefTerles with two ssmaaheii hands. When I fought Johnson my right arm w Iwlxtcd by Jeanette in training and nil the ligl menta torn awav from the elbow. I couldn't even, block with that arm, and in thr -lrcsslng room a doctor drew off a pint of fluid to take down the big swelling. I fought Hharkey and Ituhlln when I was so full of ma laria fevpr I didn't ha'f know where T wn. and knocked them both out. We didn't call the lights off for little thfnst In tho.ic da vs. Comparing the chances we used to take with the careful way managers nurse rilnrjg their boxer now, I can't help thinking that this no dH-llrn, short bout thing, with big money paid both men and no "winner tak all" fighting, I." making what my friend Theodore flnnsevelt calls "mollycod dles" of what might be a lot of good men. JOHNSON LEAVES FOR EUROPE MOXTUKAI,, June 29. lack Johnmin, the negro pugilist, t ariT"I t.y bin wbite ' w ife, Lucille Cameron Johnson, left for Havre on the Alien line steamer Corinthian at 3 o'clock thin morning. They board - ed the steamer last nijfht In the officers who will wntch Johnson's progress Ktiropeward until he is be yond their jurlsuVtlon. Just before i.-olng on board, Johnson reiterated hla declaration that he had no in tention of forfaiting bis ball bond !n Chicago, and watt going to Kurope :o re-oup by-tjoxing iintesfs, the looses ho In his trljls. 1I d'Iared. he would be In Chicago when hi a'Tal for a white slave conviction Is ojsf oed In '.November, Juhnon took with him two auto mobiles a ilmo'ttrtne aid a hiffh HAWered touring car. Asheville Made Furniture Our Sale on Asheville-Made Furniture are Increasing every day and It Is finding a place In many well furnished home. here. We save you at least 10 per cent., on all furniture made" her.. This makes It worth while to bay It 1f for no other reason, See our line of Brase and Iron Bed., Springs, Mattresses, Fulton Go-Carts, and Jewel Refrigerators the best for the moneyt No trouble to .how you ' good, whother you buy or not. Coma. In and Me what we have to offer, D O INJ AL.D D ONALD- Vm farntohera , 21 Xortb Main Phone Hi II. W, Franklin, a young m.n reg istering from Oreenvllle, 8. C, a near attempt at committing sui cide hy shooting at himself In a room at the Oxford hotel late last night Outside of the fart that he held the pistol in his left hand and placed It as near the edge of hi right as he oull Without mlselng entire ly, Uhe attempt was almt a suc cess. A .uperllclal wound under the skin on the right aide was the only result of his effort 1 Frunklin waa' evidently a poor shot. He emptied three chamber, of a revolver at hlmaelf (at , close range) succeeded In bruising him self with one bullet, putting one bul let Just beneath the .kin along his right ribs, and missed entirely with the other bullet Pewple in the Oxford hotel were startled about 10 o'clock hurt night by the sound of three .hot., fired in side the hotel. A hasty investiga tion showed Franklin stretched out on a, apparently fainting. Dr. AN'hiir V. neeves wua cJled to attend the injured man, and found on hJs arrival, that Franklin w.s not seriously hurt, only one bullet having taken effect, and It waa quickly re- i moved. Dr. Hewvea attM una n night that Franklin la in no oanger and will be out In a day or two. After the wounds we. . dressed a byr.tandcr asked Franklin how he happened to hold the pistol In hla left hand in hla effort at aelf de struction. . ' Franklin proudly replied that Is aimbldexterious. The police, as yet, hava taken no action in the case. OF T (Continued rrwflt rage One) 1909 and paved the way for the mor official gathering of delegates at The Hague In December. 1911, This con ference after two months hard work agreed upon the form of a general convention, which, broadly speaking was calcubtted to put an end to Inter national dealing In harmful drugs. There were 'twelve powers party to this agreement, America, China, France. Germany, Italy, Japan, the v. . i l 1- t)nna1 T) iiaaHa Rial m ' : , 8 0 ' IMPORTANT MEETING WILL BE HELD. TODAY he Y. M. C. A. and the W. Y, A Ministers' aiwnolation. Children'. Wel fare aaaoclatWin, tlvlo Betterment league. Teachers' association and the school board have all been co-operating to make the plans for a central playground a success, and all are ex pec'ted to bri represented at the meet ing thl. morning. A NTI - A M Kit l( ' A N M KKT1 XO. TOKIO, June 2 At an antl-Amer-lean meeting last night ft resolution was adopted declaring the Japanese cnblnet had failed In settling the 'California question, and. that the time had arrived for the people to assume a more determined attitude and ex tend the national prestige. The meeting wrm attended by a number of agitator, and two opposi tion members of parliament and It was decided to continue tho at empts to arouse public opinion by further anti-Amertcan meetings and the. distribution of manifestoes. TITl.K BATTLE. NEW OltlKANH, Juna 29. Claim to tho welterweight championship ti tle will be made, by the winner of tho bout between Young Iwfiny, of j New Orleans, and "Wild 'at" rerns, j of Kansas City, to be held here July 4. I Koch bus defeated several prominent ' title oupirants. and With the ifleld pen promoters In charge aeciara tney will be Justified in proclalmlnu a new champion at the end of the Indepen dence day fight. UAHN-raS HEU. Member, of the police department are holding a practically new set of names, at the city hall, which was taken several day. ao on Charlotte street. The. man who had the, har ness, It Is .aid, stated Chat he didn't know where It came from, it bear, the initial. T. F. U, and It . is be lieved that the iroperty wu stolen. TORCH: FOOD'S IT GIVES LASTING SATISFACTION A' N D ALWAYS LOOKS GOOD NO MATTER 'HOW LONG IN USE mmmmmi'mmmmmmHmmm i m m i ni uM.sjwtiaiMMstaMmmMMp SEATS SWINGS ROCKERS $3 up 1 $6.001 1$400 Lei US Show Yon Some o! these ATTRACTIVE VALUES J. L. Smatliers and Sons Mammoth Furniture Store 15-17 North Mailn St. Is the worry of every housewife; A Cool. Kitchen. IS ASSURED IF YOU COOK WITH GA Asheville Power and Light Co. Phone 69 Bid for Jackson County Court House and Jail nrc solicited. Plans and specifications can, be seen, at the offices of Smith & Carrier, Architects, College Btreet, Asheville, N, C, and from office of Mr..E.Lv MeKec, Hylva, N. 0., after Juno 21st. liids to bo delivered to Mr. McKeo, Chairman Jftiilding Committee, Sylva, N. C, by 10 o'clockeJuly the 8tb, 1913. ... Sealed bids, both separate and for the twoflbuild ings will be considered. ' , A deposit of $25.00 for Court House plans and $15.00 for jail plans will bo required, to be returned when plans and estimates are delivered on above date. ' V , SMITH & CARRIER, Architects. jun.21.-10t '' Asheville, N. C. STREET OAR SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 22, ' 19 13. :.' ZILLICOLA and RETURN o. :. : ., ! RIVERSIDE PARK DEPOT Via SOUTHSIDE A TfTXTTTX1 AVJCiMUii DEPOT Via FRENCH BR0AD AVE. MANOR " " CHARLOTTE STREET TERMINUS PATTON AVENUE EAST STREET GRACE Via MERRiMOK AVENUE BILTMORE DEPOT and WEST ASHEVILLE Via SOUTHSIDE AVE. SUNDAY SCHEDTJTJb DIi,l'EH& IX T1IE FOLIXUlyQ PARTICBXARSl Car leave. Bquare for Manor 6:03 a. m., returning 6:1ft a. u. Car. leave Square for Depot via 4outh.Id. Ave., 6:16, 6:20, 7:00, 7:Sl), ' 1:00 and I:S0 a. m. Car. leave 84 jar. for Depot via French Broad Ave, 6:lt, 6:30, 6.4ft, 7:1ft, 7:46 and 6:1S a.m. Car for Depot leave. Square 6:45 a, m. both Southslde and French Broad First car 'eaves the Bquare for Charlotte Street at 6:4t a. ra. First car leave, the Square for Riverside 8:10; next 6:4ft. " : First car leave, the Square tor West Asheville 6:1ft, 7:00; next 6:38. With the above exception., Sunday schedules commence at t a. m. and continue. Mima aa week days. ; , .. k , On eveninga when ertertalnmenU are In proiress at the Auditorium the tut trip pn all line, will be from entertainment, leaving 6uuar at regular, Cme' ajtg Holding vrwmt Andltertawii .i.-....v..-...,,,.J.,,...' Caa leave. Square to meet No, 18, otrtt train." 10 'irilnutee before . :.od rJ "ari" gSnli ....-. an 6 -.30 and every It minute, until ll:0t, p. m. i 8:39, EMS and 1:00 a. lit. and avaryr u minute, umu uu p. m.?uin VM"y 1 mlnu,e unt1t ,:5 "i Then every 16 minutes until U p. m . 6:00 a. m. and .very 16 minut.t un til 11:00 p. m. 6:00 a. m. til 11:00 p and .very la mlautea un 6:00 a. m. and then avery It mln, until 11:00 p. m. T ' 6:00 a. m. and avery IS minute, tin. til 11:00 p. m. , 6:00 a. m. and every 1ft minute, un til 11:00 p. m. j- m., then every It mto. p. m.i then every sv rata ; until 11:00 p. m. 1:15 a. m. and then avery IS minute, until 10:30 p. m., then every SO mln ute. until 11:00 p. m., laat cm. 6:30 a. m. and then every IS mint' until 11:00 p. m. i