IIIE ASTIEVrLLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, JUNE 30, 1913, LEADING HOTELSf; Battery Park Hotel OPEN 'lUKOCUHOC; THE KAB. FAMOUS EVKKTWHERB loll BOCKIJn k.vtkm and hiseryationh, addhkw THE NORTH CAROLINALEAGUI J. L. ALEXANDER, PEOP. Asheville, N. 0. EVENTS IN THE WORLD OF SPORT i . 1 1 i i i i i i . hTA.MUXU OF Till' DM HH. I I 0 v7, II Carolina. rPM !,....;. .. .. !.k"n ITO Wlnntom-Halom . 2 25 .637 f I ")iill TT M0UTA1NEERS WILL ENTERTAIN CAPITALS ARLK MACK'S TEAM HEBE I"OIl KEIUI OF OAMEH. .XorneU Go to Wlnetoo-Kuleui for Three Day and Patriot Will ' Yll Bull. WHERE TUEY MiAY TODAY. 4' Raleigh at Aahevllle. ! ureensburo at Durham. Charlotte at Winston-Kalcm, ... 4. t t After a ojourn of a week on (he trireme eastern and of th circuit th Mountaineer have returned to the wet and thl afternoon will open a arte of thre garnet with the 1U1 cirh Capital under the loadm-shlp of Earl Mack, , While away from home the Tourtts snatched two gam out of flva contest, dropping a trio of tame o'.ayd tn foreign territory. The atory of their accomplishment during the week Just passed la told In the work of Wtouoh' pitcher. The iwm, a a whole, tia been going at a entln factory ttlde, although the hurlere hava had a bad week. The garnet lout have been allowed to glimmer I Ihmuwh tha Inability of Ashevllle! ptchera to ahow speed or curvet, and; It ha happened thai all ot the plton ere went bad together. There hua been derrlcklng enough to eult the moat critical fan, but the torie ot the game lost relate that when one man ha been taken out, hli eurreaeor baa failed to ihow an Improvement of form. In all of the eonteata ot the rant week the Inneldera and outfleld- era have done their work well. al- though the team has not been hitting as well as It might, The ah awing which la to be made during the coming week, local fana Mlleve, will depend largely Upon the manner in which the pitcher per form. If they work welj, it la gen rally believed that the other mem ber of tha aquaJ can be depended upon to hold down their share of the aotlvlti. If th hurler don't nm to form the Mountaineer have a poor chance to get to the top. Lent week' record, however, wa not a bad one comlderlng the winning treak which bad been developed prior to the trip to the eaL The local had been winning everything In eight before they took the Journey and on ,th principle that every lane ha a 'corner, it was expected that the Non Jlner would strike lome snag sooner or later. It happened that they hit aid mag tn Raleigh and Durham and lnc they dropped two out of! three to Raleigh, they are more than! anxious to get away with the king of beast'i' share of the content arranged for th early part of the week. Ral eigh' team ha undergone many change alnce the laat visit of the Capita .to thl city.. New men have been signed and old performer have been allowed to drift. Whether or not the fcggregstlon ha been strengthened by the change remain to he seen, and the result undoubt edly will be forthcoming during the present week. While Aehevllle In entertaining the Mackmon. Winston-Salem will he at heme to the Hornets. And this series promises to he one of tho moat In teresting of the week. The two tenms re close together In the percentage column and that will add ginger to the series. However, It happens that Kmery ami Clancy will lock horns Just t the time that fhe Twlntown port writers are throwing nil sort of fits over the recent discovery that tthe diamond at Charlotte whs not laid out according to the regulations, the pitchers' tiox and the Tinme pinto being too close together. The Twins suffered a crimp While at Charlotte, snfl their supporters nn the Winston Salem papers are attributing their lnraes to the irregular diamond. The discovery was made just after th writers had lnslmmted that rresHcnt Wearn was keeping Mc-Rr e wltti Clancy' men too much, and ha loca tion nf the Ditchers' box has nlvcn the dopesters of Clancy's town nn opportunity to accuse ttia manage WWEE And Each Evening Until Further Notice MOTION -PICTURES AND BAND CONCERT MSwFMe Psurk Go to The Parle Tonight and Enjoy Yourself ment of tha Churlotte team of various underhand trick and a great deul of, dirty work. The Charlotte writers have conlendej that tha whole mat ter Is very unfortunate, tut they are of the opinion that th Twins' sup porter have made much ado about nothing.' As a result of the row fuel ing between the two team Is by no means the an me n tlmt which exist ed between Damon and Pythias, and It' a safe tip that the members of the two teams will do their very best1 th! week to mow down their enemies, j . . , . , M Durham th flr.t part of the' l h tlfle-l phla. week will be taken up with an en- J,!, gnigcment between the leaders and hlrago.. . the cellaritea. Th Tatrlot will In- '!"""" ' " vade Tobnccotown for a series of three games, and Doak's men are springing the sensation of tha league. Although they lost two games to- the Twin Saturday, the fact remains that fhey are fust getting over tho ter ritory which was lost dwlng the surly part of the season. The race continue to be on of the warmest on record in a crass D lianges are possible of fifth place, although the strength of the team Is such that th Tourists supporter believe that they see going a position, and while the, Patriots Will hardly do ny climbing thl week, their past record nhow that they are competent to create trouM for tha tenms that must meet them this week. FOUR GAMES ON TAP DURINGJHIS WEEK Itcnresentntlve Team Will Not Tiny at Ashcvlllo Ilecftuse of Uie Prcs enoe of the Mountaineers. In cla B, of the Y. M. C. A baseball loogue thl monrntng at o'clock th team of Howell and Brown will play at the Montford avenue diamond, while the aggre gation of Coston and Hunt will meet at th end of Qvi contest for an engagement Class D toams play Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock, Smith and DeYoung uncorking a contest at Montford at (that tjlme. After thl fray, the nine of Rlckert and Mclnnery will furnish the fun. The game of the association league are tielng largely attended by the supporters of the various teams and a great deal of Interest Is being shown In the races of th different classes for the cup and ipnnants. The teams are well matched fcnd the players, renllr.lng Chat m-ery game counts, are working hard In fhe con tests of the season, The first team of the Y. M. C. A., will not play In Aahevllle this week on account nf the MountnlnOers be ing at homo. The team, howover, would like to arrange an out-of-town engagement for the Fourth ef July. The representative nine has been go ing at a good clip and Its supportcre are confident tihnt It will flnltfh the season with an excellent record. Tho ract-Dcallng OmiirTcur. The -chauffeur, rising frim the spring, wiped hi.i mouth with his Kloive, "That's a good enough spring." he said, "but did I ever tell you nhout fhe Nevada soup spring? Crone ,riy lironHt, there's a nmip oprlng In 'Ne vada that you can hardly tell from chicken consomme. "This sprlm? I a mineral one. Amityli shows tho water to ho full of sulphur, mrtcnrsla. Iron, soda nnd cipper. The Ingredients are In such proportions us to give the spring the mate nn,1 stool) of cold chicken con somme. Take a cupful of the water, pepper and salt It to taste, and you've got s dlsn of first-rate soup. "flood wlentlfle cooks outrht to study the Nevada soup sprlne They ousht to find out bow It Is that so), phur, maffneRla, Iron, soda and copper In a certain combination mnke chloken soop. There's a chi'mleo cullnary secret here ihat niiirtit make a man rich ' wish I e,,uld sole this secret nivfolf. luit I'm s chauf feur, not n scientist, and 'I. deal ex clusively in farts." TO-NIGE - - ' .imiuiini. v niTAir i T Won. . 3S . 39 . 34 . .13 30 . 27 . 25 . 25 Philadelphia New Vork.. Krooklyn.. . Chicago.. ,, f'ltt)urh. . Hi. Louis.. , Huston . . . ,, Cincinnati, . 2.1 2 32 34 'it 3" 10 .629 .567 .H0S .46) .415 .40:1 .395 American. Won. Lost. Pet. . 47 17 .734 . 41.2 .not . 3K 32 .542 .. 34 2D .640 ; . 3S 32 Mi' . 28 43 .394' . 28 4 IS .884 . 19 45 .297 Detroit. . ISt. Loul.. J New Tork. Southern. Won. Lost. IVt. 81 ,03 32' .5112 32 .549 Mobile. J. .. .. 47 Montgomery. . .;, , . . , 41 Chattanooga.. . . , .. !. 39 'Atlanta.. ...... ..'35 j lllrmlngham. 3D (Nashville , .... 32 j Memphis, . 33 : New Orlenn 26 34 3fl .507 .600 89 .451 40 .461 45 .366 Virginia. Won. IxisL Pet 20 .661 22 ...621 27 .542 28 .541 41 .321 40 .322 Richmond.. .. .. ... 89 ; Petersburg. . . . . .. 86 j Portsmouth. .' 32 I Roanoke, . 33 'Newport New,, .. ..20 I Norfolk 19 South Atlantic. Won, Lost. Pet. Charleston.. ....... S 0 1000 Savannah.. ...... ... 2 1 .667 Jacksonville , . 2 1 .667 Macon 1 2 .333 Columbus .. 1 2 .883 Albany .. 0 8 .000 Appalachian. N Won. Iiot. Pet. Johnnon City 28 14 .667 Knoxvllle 24 16 .600 Bristol v. 21 22 .488 Rome.. 18 20 .474 Morrlstown 16 22 .421 Middlevboro 12 23 .843 RTOilTLTS YESTERDAY. National At Clnolnnatl, 9; Chicago, 6. At St. Louis, 4; Pittsburgh. S. American At Chicago, 2; Cleveland, 1. At Detroit, 5; St. LouU, 2. Southcr-i At Mobile. 0; Chattanooga, J. At New Orleans, 7; Nashville, 8. At Montgomery, 10. Atlanta, !'. At Memphis, 8; Birmingham, 7. American Association. At Columbus, 1-7; Toledo, 0-8. At Indianapolis, 3-0; Louisville, 1-4, At St Paul, 5; Milwaukee, 11. At Minneapolis, 13; Kanaaa City, 7. International. At Jersey City, 8-6; Montreal, 0-4. At Newark, 3; Rochester, 3. (Called tenth, darkness:.) At Rocky Point. R. I.: Providence, 3: Buffalo, 3. No other scheduled. BIRMINGHAM MAN ASHEVILLE BOOSTER U. MfMoCemhs. a manufacturer of Birmingham, Is spending his vacation in Aahevllle. Ho arrived Saturday night and "will remain as long ss 1 c-aii,'; as ho expressed It. Mr. Mo Combs is Interested In a large steel had Iron working Industry near Rlr mingham. "Although a trifle warm, I have en -Joyed every minute of my slay so far In AshovllW; sm here on a vacation ami don't want to talk business," wild Mr. MeComhc-. ' "Will toll yo.i however, that the outlook for the summer and fall Is as good as anv one could desire." Ashevllle is being well advertised throughout the south, and aa a result many visitors are already headed this way. Western North Carolina is the maKiiet but Ashevillo proper will (jet the big share of the tourists from my section of the country." Mr. McCombs is with friends In Orove Park. Lost. Pet. - IIAIIUKAU 21 .644 . HT. IiOl'IK WINNER. HT. LOiriH. June 29. St Louis wound up Us second stay at home to duy by defeating Pittsburgh 4 to 3. After Pittsburgh had secured a lead of three run In the fourth and fifth Inning, ftt, Lout came back In the sixth and scored four runs which prov ed enough to win the game. Score by Innings R. H. E. St. Louis 000 004 OOx 4 5 0 Pittsburgh ....000 210 0008 9 0 Batteries: Harmon and Wlngo; Hendrlx, C'amnltz, Adam and Cole man. Umpires, Krennan and Eason. Time, 1:65. REDS WIN A (JAIN. CINCINNATI, June 29 Cincinnati, hammering Pierce out of the box In j the fifth Inning, took the last game i of the series today from Chicago 9 to j 6. Both sides hits liberally. Bescher ' was benched for arguing against a aeciaion caning mm out wnen ne sua for second In the sixth. Score by Innings R. H, B. Chicago 000 312 0006 8 2 Cincinnati ....021 050 lOx 9 14 2 Butteries: pierce, Richie and Arch er; Ames, Brown and Kllng. Time 1:55. Umpire, O'Day and Emslie, DIAMOND CHIPS. V " ' , 4. f t Raleigh 1 the logical team for Ashevllle to drub. The two extreme will be repre sented at Durham thl week. Ashevllle really Intended to make It an even break on the road 'but the sixth game was rained off. The Tourists will have to win that game the next time they go to tha city of cigarette. Thl I no league for the grazing of Bulls. The arnlmal have 'been treated badly thl season. Clapp 1 showing up muoh better with the Twin than he did with the Mountaineer. Umpire Mace has been called to Norfolk on account ot the Illness of a relative. He will return to Caro lina this week, it I expected. Clancy can't kick because of dis loyalty. The scribe who keep the sport page going at Twlntown don't think he ever made a mistake. Can't very well kick over last week's record, when the activities of tho week before are In mind. If the Tourists' pltoher deliver the goods, there' no telling when the Mountaineers will stop. Come to think about It, thl is the week of the Glorious Fourth. That's tho day the player dread. Chattanooga is furnishing the sur prise of the season In the Southern Icaguo race. It Is to bo hoped that no other managers will find anything wronj? with tho diamondespecially, If their teams are losing. The Durham Sun's sport WTlter be-moans the fact that Shorty Angicr has suffered u hitting slump. With the lawyers here this week, tho .Mountaineers shouldn't allow any complaints to be tiled regarding their work. The News and Ohscrvcr announces that, tho "king of rooters" la to re turn to Kiilclgh. Ills services may be needed after tho Tourist finish with, the Mackmen. Not an umpire has been roasted since the -Winston-Salem (..rtbes Imvn had tho Charlotte diamond un der consideration. Had It not occurred to you that Ashevillo is the only city In the league "which gets two games on the Fourth of July? Meaning, that Char lotte is - tihe Carolina league's only city without baseball on the nation al holiday. POPULAR COUPLE MARRIED YESTERDAY Miss Clara Wallaco and E. Q. Mc Dowell w ere married yesterday morn ing at the homo of the Misses Sic Dowell on South Main street, the cer emony being performed by Kev. J. W. Inple, the pastor of the Bethel Metho dist church. The news of the wed ding will come as a surprise to the friends of the contracting parties, both of whom have a large circle of friends in this city. I Mrs. McDowell for some time past jhae been connected with the Ray ; studio and is well known here, having , resided at Ashevlle for several years past. -. The groom la the son of Ser geant and Mrs. W. G. McDowell and is connected with the Union Plumbing company. JSOT1CK Members of the order of the East m Hfrw aea MsaUd ts. ew.ll at the Boston Shoe store not ' later that 3 o'clock this afternoon to sign their name to the roll of membership wbJRh la to be placed in the corner- atABA a( to Mmmaai XftA it. AMERICAN. CHICAGO BEATS NAPS. CHICAGO, June 28. Chicago won the final game of the series from Cloveland today 2 to 1. Chase batted In Chicago's runs in the fourth, scor Ing Rath and Lord, who had alnirled with a triple. Lajole, batting for O'NaU In the seventh, scored Jackon with Cleveland tally. Score by Innings R. h. E. Chicago 000 200 OOx 2 8 0 Cleveland .,..000 000 1001 6 0 Batteries: Russell and Schalk; Kahler, Blandlng and O'Neill, Cartach. Time, 1:48. Umpire, Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln. CRAWFORD'S HOME RUN. DETROIT, June 29. Crawford' home run, on which three run were cored gave Detroit a victory over St. Louis today In the final game of tha series, 5 to 2. Mitchell pitched good ball up to the seventh, when he al lowed two doubles and a single be side Crawford' home run. Dubac gave acattered hit. Cobb' hitting featured. Score by Inning R. h. E. St. Louis 01 000 0013 9 S Detroit 001 000 40x 6 14 1 Batteries: Mitchell and Agnew; Dubuc and Stanage. Time, 1:40. Um pires, Evans and Sheridan. FANS INTERESTED IN QUAKERTOWN SERIES GIANTS AND PHILLIES liESS THAN' ONE GAME APART. In American League, Mack' Athletics Appear to Hare a Mortgage on the Flag. NEW YORK, Juno 29. The week of July 4 this year in major league baseball finds one club the former world' champion, the Athletics o far out In front In the American league race that baseball history of the most remarkable sort would bo made If they were stopped. In the National league tussle, how ever, three club Philadelphia, New York and Brooklyn In the light ef their percentage standing and their up-to-the-moment playing form have the right to consider themselves very much In the hunt The Athletics, who looked a bit shaky toward the cloe of their series with Boston, have proved their recu perative power. The Wawhlngtons lost more games than they won during the week, but they did not fall oft as badly as fhe Clevelands. Birming ham's men won only thTee of their eight games. The White Sox did nnuch better, with flv out of nine, while the Boston champions got only an even break In six contests. It is practically a toss-up now between Boston, Chicago and Washington for third place. Aside from the Achletlca, the St. Louis Browns did the best work of the week, winning six mit of nine games. Detroit again had a poor week. So did the Now Yorks. There can he no doubt that the interest of the "fans" all over the country will center this week In the series in Phil adelphia between the present National league leaders and the Giant. lst year's league champions arc how less than a full game behind the leaders. Brooklyn Is keeping right after the leaders ami playing ball of a sort hard to bent, but the Cubs fell back during the week, winning only two in six Kiimes. Pittsburgh braced consider ably, but. Still has some little distance to go even to reach the .500 mark. Tho Bostons made- tho poorest fdiowlnc nf the week and about their worst of the season. They won only l one game In the eight played. Cin cinnati was another team that-braeed. jst. Louis did little worth while. The j record of games won and lost durlni? the week, with the runs. hits, errors I and men left nn bases. Is as follows: National league. Team. W. I.. K. IT. E. LB. Philadelphia ...S 4 34 S3 9 51 New York 7 2 51 Sfi 10 -4 5 i Brooklyn . . 5 .S 32 He IS - hi Chicago 2 4 17 50 7 40 Pittsburgh 4 2 40 2 S .12 Boston 1 7 30 77 22 56 St. Louis S ,4 15 38 12 43 Cincinnati .... ..4 2 34 60 11 40 American Tc!ruo. Team. W. U R. IT. E. LB. Philadelphia ...5 ! B! R4 S 47 Cleveland .. 3 f 31 1 15 61 16 47 1fi 21 K 73 li S3 . 43 10 Boston 3 3 37 Washington 3 4 25 Chicago 5 4 23 Detroit 3 5 31 St. Louis '. ... . , . 3 39 New York 2 4 25 The harbor of RaykJavik, In Ice land, In to have a railwev built about It so as to facilitate the transport of freight and ease the congestion due to old-fashioned methods. Photographers now receive llpht very similar to tlmt thronsh the tra ditional studio skylight ly vapor tube electric lamps filled with carl) m diox ide Instead of mercury vapv. HSTRANR ATLANTIC CIT re. vj S.trttnu'd m w rvoUTtW rr.- Halt Hlix-k 4reaa (rant. Always Orn. CorUy Otl. ttnvmt. m Water Bath. Garage. Biwkle Owsmhts MaaageniMI. SWANNANOA-BERKEIEY Aj3hevil's Most Modern and Up-to-Date Hotel Hot and cold running water or prrvato bath in every room. FRANK LOUQHEAN ". " - - - -. bj. The Manor ALBEMARLE PARK ASHEVILLE, N. O Near Golf Links MARGO TERRACE asheville, n. o. Occupies a beautlfol location. Th tistkally designed, perfectly eO'PP) Margo Terrac la homellVs in It ami fcmllie aad ladle traveling aJon. Excellent table, UiOderat rate, THE IMPERIAL E. M. GrElER Prop. ? FREE SAMPLE ROOMS ELECTRIC LIGHTS STEAM HEATED FREE BATH RATES $2.00 and UP. , t aaa An Auto Trip The automobile road between Ashevllle and Hendersonrill' tain ex cellent condition. A doubly pleasant trip It you (top over at "THE ST. JOliA" for dinner. The manager a ater especially to automobile parti THE ST. JOHN IS THE HOTEL. HENDERSONVILLE IS TEE TOWN GLADSTONE HOTEL (European) to right of Square, So. Depot The best 75c and $1.00 rooms in the city. Jv connection with the hotel is the GLADSTONE CAFE. Popular prices. Frank A. Blake, Mgr. Quick Service BELVEDERE Beautiful location two connecting house. One entirely new with ult of rooms with private bath and patches, running water In each room. Mag nlflcently and newly furnished. Grand mountain views from each room. Hi . consumptive. Phone 468 NELLIE W. HTMAN. ' Mountain Park Hotel HOT SPRINGS NORTH CAROLINA Only 40 Miles Out. First-class Hotel Accom modations. Golf, Tennis, Riding, Et ASK MR. POSEY, SOUTIIEKN TICKET OFFICE, SO PATTOM AVH BRYSON HOTEL Andrews, N. C. Under New Management. A. K. Spears, Proprietor, Commercial headquarters. Large, .well-lighted sanr pie room. Your Patronage Solicited. " " ;- ' A Summer Outing Above the Clouds EAGLES NEST AND CAMP On Junaluska Mountain and Prlve. One-half mile higher thai Ashevllle. Overlooks Waynesville and Lake Junaluska, For scenery, alr,: water, climate and everything essential for the comfort and well-being o't its patrons, this favored spot Is unapproachable. No one should miss the drive up the mountain, followed by one of our sumptuous dinners. annoyance from unruly children. No consumptives. S. C. SATTluHTHWATT, JR., Mgr. Eagles Nest P. O., N. O. " ' The fireproof hotel of Asheville invites the pub lic to visit and inspect our dining rooms and grill, where nothing but the choicest the market affords is. served to our patror.s. " Roof ' garden open from 5 p. m., to mid-night, music from 9 to 11 p. m. This department as well as our others is operated on refined basis with an up to date Soda fountain and a model kitchen for quick service. Admission to Roof Garden by card. . J. BAYL1S RECTOR. MANAGER. The rice crop of Burma . Is har vested from October to December. Heavy floods In August and Septem ber, 1911, destroyed the crops in cx mi area Inwee Dm1 man i Fertllir.ers are used In Germany In growing measure and already to a far greater extent than, in the United ute ... house 1 of modern contsructlon, d. large airy room and private bath,' cipher aod, particularly extractive U y P. H. BRANCH. Prop II0TEL, CANTON N. C. (Formerly RAVENSCROFT) 2 HOTEL DENNIS 'Hi "ft BP-d ftVrJn..lttna; thf ft- mous Boardwalk. Every roogj con nccted with private bath ' or having hot and cold running water. Capacity m I" Hi

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