THE 'ASIIEVILLE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1S13. N FOB SALE. Bmali country place, near city limits, very desirable. O'ncr left city. This is a big chance to bay yourself a g-iod home.Price-ou application. fi7 Patton Ave, 110 ALE & CHILES, Agts. . Asheville, N. C. Tennis Rackets, Tennis i Balls, Nets, Golf Sticks, Golf Balls, Croquet sets, Baseball goods -of every kind the best SPAULDINGS. ' i ROGERS' BOOK STORE i1 39 Patton Ave. Asheville, N. 0. "Phone 254 ' msa ntvm akd teg ett able. 9VtTt PHOKB V. WE HAVE ETKRTTBXKO, BROWN & LACKMAN The Home of Good Green Stuffs- City Market . Phone 834 Typewriters? Let us shojv you the Late Model L. 0. SMITH. H. II. MOODY SALES CO. 68 Patton 'Ave. HUNGARIA N STATE T GOSSIP HORSE BREEDING 1 INSPECTED American Commission Sees Some of Finest Horses in the World. MILITARISM BACK OF THE MOVEMENT Cavalry and Agricultural Horses Are Given Par ticular Attention. FROMCAPTAL on OLD NORTH STATE Mitch Lee, Under Two Years Sentence, Is Granted a Pardon. ; BATTERY PARK BANK v Capital jr.; i-.-if:wwfwiK4w5frK! $100,000 Surplus and rwntg w4ietm:.viuuu , ' ! ' OFFICERS. . ' '. ': 7ames P. Bawyer, Chairman of th Board. T-.... . 67. C Ooxa. Frlat J. B. Raskin. Cashier. C Rankin, Asa. Oash. i Roger's four piece tea set,uadruple silver plate Special this wees .. $5.95 Lowenbein Jewelry Co. 16 Patton Ave. WIFE AND CHILDREN NEED HIS HELP Columbus Jones, Charged With Abandoning Wife, Is Also Pardoned. F. J. NEVERCEL BICYCLES AND BICYCLE SUNDRIES. CEYS FITTED. EDGE TOOLS SHARPENED AND ' REPAIRED. iT V 7'W. College St, Near Haywoo dA. ' UMBRELLAS Phone 160 Wcavcrville & Lake Juanita Cars leave Pack Square EVERY HOUR ON TILE HOUR, 8 a.m. to 6 p. m.; also 6:30 a. m, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30 and 11 p. m. Ast.evllle &. East Tennessee R.R. Sale Now 3,000 Pairs of Sample Oxfords at 1M J-2 PRICE Hamilton-Brown 'Regal K, and 0. Bostonians and Douglas 14 South Main Shirts 79 If you can't come in we will mail you a pair by Parcel Post. UEZOirEGXES, Hungary, July I CSpecial Cable.) Aa the guest ot the Hungarian government, members ot toe American commission on agri cultural co-operation were shown over th, government breeding (arm here today. Horse breeding la one of Che m- porUnt Industries of Hungary. The meet noticeable characteristic of . an Hungarian lty to the stranger la the appearance of the horses on the streets. Even the cabs are two-horse vehicles and the horses would do credit to many a private turnout In the United 8tates. Militarism Is back ot the horse-breeding Industry, and th Hungarians have done precisely what Major Leonard Wood would like to see done for the American army. The government farm ot Uezo hegyes Is about 85,000 acres. Nearly all of the land Is given over to forage crops or pasture. The growth of forage is particularly heavy and Its quality very high. There are alto gether 2,100 horses on the farm and this Is but one of six euoh establish ments in Hungary. The purpose of the institution is to keep up the quality ot the horses bred, and to Improve the cattle, sheep, and farm stock of the entire country. The exhibition was Impressive, more as an effort up on an enormous scale to secure prac tical results In cattle and horse 'breed ing, than as a show farm of fancy stock. For Cavalry Use. The borses are bred for cavalry use and to secure a good agricultural breed. The stallions are sent out to government establishments over the country and are at the command ot the farmers., The most important stallions of the Meiohegyes farm are the Enallsh half-breed and the Anglo- Norman, and the horses are all ot robust appearanca and strong bono structure. ..making , tnjnv. aflwraoiy suited for agricultural use, In the breeding of cows an effort is made to secure an animal that will serve both as a dairy cow and as a draft animal, for the small farmers of Hungary work their cows as well as to use them for milk. The Hungarian cow Is not now of much use either as a dairy animal or as a beef animal. It is of the long-horn breed, similar to cattle of the western plains. Swiss cattle has been Imported and various experiments are constantly being car ried on to produce a combination dairy and draft animal. Borne excel lent types of Hungarian oxen were shown members of the commission. Special Train. The American commission was taken to the farm by a special train from Budapest. A cavalry post is maintained on the farm and the Americans were quartered In the offi cers' barracks. In one section ot the barracks a group of ten of the Ameri cans Immediately established a bach elors' hall. Before sun-up the next morning many of the Americans walked to the country market and watched the Hun garian peasants begin their market day. The women for the most part do the selling and spread their pro duce about them on the ground. The impression Is being borne In upon the Americans that women do most of the work In Europe. The government farm requires so many people as herdsmen and stable hands, besides the cavalry ipost. that It Is quite a good-sized village. Here especially the visitor was impressed with the enormous part played by the trovernment in the development of ag riculture. Vndoubtedly European trovemments have come to -consider agriculture as different from ail othr j forms of Industry, of far greater so imnnrtance. and as an Industry RALEIGH, N. O, July I. -On the special recommendation ot Hon. Jno. O. Capers, former United States in ternal revenue collector, Governor Craig granted a pardon today for Mltoh Lee, of Transylvania county, Who Is serving two years and six months sentence for breaking Into the Caipers summer borne at Cedar Moun tain, Transylvania county. A quanti ty of goods of ens sort and another were taken from the house. Mr, Ca per writes the governor that ha Is constrained to ask for the pardon on account ot the need the wit and three children ot the prsloner have for his help as they are reported to be really In want. At the same time he says he feels that some degree of pro tection should b accorded the large number ot summer homes in the Cedar Mountain section that neces sarily stand unoccupied during sev eral months of each year. The par don Is conditioned on good behavior. The governor also pardons Colum bus Jones, who Is serving a on year sentence for abandoning his wife In ISdgecombe county, the pardon being conditioned on hi living with and properly caring for the woman. Special Deputy Insurance Commis sioner F. M. Jordan reports to ths state department ot insurance that he has procured from Harvey Murdock, thirteen years old, a confession that lie started the fires In Iridell county that burned a number of farm build ings and lumber. The boy Is a mem ber of a good family, Is afflicted and Is found to be a pnyromanlac, having a erase for starting fires. On petition of the citizens of fielma, Just filed, the corporation commission has served notice on the Southern and Seaboard Air Line Hailroad companies to show cause why they should not be required to provide a larger and better appointed union passenger station at that place. Also there Is demand for better freight depot facilities. ' July 7 Is set for hearing the Invol untary petition in bankruptcy against the Smith Mercantile company, of West Durham, whl:h Is pending In the federal court here. The petition ers are Austln-IIcaton company, Thomas & Howard company and the Southern Feed and Grocery com pany, J. r. Howard la restrained from disposing of any asseU of the company In the meantime. Darnless 25c Sox H For Men EIRE'S a sock that won't need darning, because Its long toe. Its hlgh- spllced heel, and Its top are re inforced with I-, I- and strong linen thread. Style, too can be had In light, medium or heavy weights; in all stand ard colors; In plain or silk Usl finish. Buster Brown's DarnlesS Guaranteed Hosiery For Men, Women and Children Is 'made from most expensive Bea Island cotton yarns and sanitary dyes. No seams or knots soft and oomfortabl and la guaranteed to wear for four months without hole er new hosiery will be furnlsbed free. If you're tired of darn ing, ask for Buster Brown's DARNLESS Guaranteed Ho siery next time. MADH IX CHATTANOOGA AND SOLD IN S CITATTAAOOGA STORES People's Department Store IT PAYS TO TRADE HERE JUST RECEIVED A new lot of House Dresses Regular $1.50 Value, , 98c EDUCATOR SHOES FOR CHILDREN I As We Advertise We Sell PLANS COMPLETED FOR CELEBRATION fralvaUon Army Will Hold It Annual Meeting at Weavrrville Today large Attendance Expected. ducts out-of-door meetings and to day's gathering promises to be on of the most successful ever bold by the Asheville organisation. LIVE NEWS NOTES FROM SALISBURY SALW5BURT, N. C. July g. The Indications are that If Sheriff J. H. McKlnxle keeps seizing liquor end bringing indictments against liquor dealers that, the county school board will have money to loan. Almost ev ery day recently eevrrnj hundred dol lars have been add'-'l to the school fund through the office of Judge T. V. Klutts, of the county court, and the working force of the sheriff. Tho last to pay over hi-avy fines wre Messrs. Teeter & Oambel, of the Southern hotel each banding $250 for violations of the state laws. The Hulisbury board of aldermen reduced the license on pawnshops to $100 per year at a meeting held Tues day night. The aldermen also arrang ed to have a new set of ordinances printed for distribution In the city. The board has under consideration a now light contract to be made with the North Carolina I'ublic Service company,-which Is bring delayed on account of a lurKe iinioiint of work now being done by the company. At a rneettntr of the Rowan county commUsioiiets to be held Monday in Kallsbtiry thn jiiestinn of buildinf, a public highway from this city to Whitney and I'almorvllln will be enn- The local corps ot the Solvation army has completed arrangements tor Its snnusl all day Fourth of July meeting, wtalch will be held today at the Methodist camping grevinds, at Weavervllle. It 1 expected that tha meeting will be largely attended and plans have been completed for the holding of several meetings In the grove during the day. Early morn ing cars to Weavervllle, it Is expected, will take hundreds ot Ashevllllans to! Weavervllle for today's meeting, while visitors from various parts of this and other counties are expected to attend the celebration of the na tional holiday. The religious meetings will be In charge of KnHlgn William Iiou terse, of Durham, Captain Marlnnus Bouterse, if Lynchburg, and Captain House worth, of Atlanta, The three army officers are singers and they will as sist the Harvey brothers male quar tette with the musical program. In HtrumenlRl inuKlo will be rendered by a brass band and an orchestra. Four ministers representing as many denominations have promised Adju tant John Houterwa to assist him In making the meeting a successful ons and it Is expeoted thet several other ministers will be In attendance upon th gathering. Picnic dinner will be served In the large grove ait Weavervllle at noon and the celebration will come to a close late this afternoon. Each year, the Salvation army con- BALLOONS ARK KKADY FOIl NATIONAL RACE. KANSAS CITY, Mo July . At least six Walloon are expected to start from hers tomorrow In the na tional elimination race. The balloons are ready to be inflated and every preparation has been completed so that the first of the (balloons may get away at daylight tomorrow morning. The pilots who era expected to make the race, together with the rlube they represent, art as follows: William Assman, DC Louis Aero club; Albert Hols, Cincinnati Aero club; Captain John Berry, Million Popular tlon club, Bt. Louts; Q. M. Bumbaugti, Indianapolis Aero club; John Watts, Kansas City Aero eluto, and A. T. Athefbolt, Philadelphia A ere clu. The two winner In the llmlnatlon contest will Da given vlaoes as repre sentatives of the United States In the International ra for Che James Gordon Bennett trophy In France this fall. WW DKAF MUTES ORGANIZE SOCIETY. WACO, Tex., July $. As guests of ths Braios club of this city a large num ber of deaf mutes from all part of Texas assembled her today for a three days' conference, The chief purpose of the gathering Is to organ ise a state society, having for It ob ject the social and political better ment ef those who are deprived of the powers at speech and hearing. EXTRA CAIW JVLY 4TII. Oo out to Riverside Park July 4th, Plenty of extra car will be operated day and night on a convenient sched ule to accommodate the crowds. It The Values We Are Offering In our Dollar Shirts are simply surprising. See Window Display. Neely-Bruns Co. OITFITTEIW xo MEX AJf BOYg 18 X. Main St. Next door to Langrnn Hotel "354" $1085 F. 0. B. Factory This is a real automo bile, big, beautiful and roomy, self starting, fastest 4-cylindcr stock car made. Let us show you. 1 HOLLAR MOTOR CO. (I So. Main Bt Phon (TJj. THE PERFECT CleanlincBS of our hi baker', which is cquippc with every modern baiting device, insures cot only clean bread, but HEAL THY bread - BUTTER CRUST BHiflAD is best. Jhone 622, or ask your gro ccr ASHEVILLE STEAM ' BAKERY J standing In need of government eiiiereil. A number of Interested cin port and protection, to be brougnt to j 7A.n, jiving along the two r (l Its highest state of development. ThOrotP9 fr,r th(, TA w;i ar,pp; r ,,.. prolilem of keeping the peasantry fnr(, tnR noar(1, t is believed H. at the upon the soil Involves the question OtT . r-ommlnitloneri will favor nullriuig the national existence. It Is a -military ( highway at once. problem, an economic problem, a prob- j f,er fining an appointment to lem to maintain the backbone of theBp(,,, ftt L,umti(.rton ,,n July h. Ken nation. And what Is done In Hun-ator g Overman will speid the gary to better the economic and so- j rMniain(iCP 0( tne week at his heme In rtal position of the farmer Is done not j palj,,hur'. This will ,iff..rd the s"na so much for the farmers' sake as for j for ft mu(,i though short rmt the nation's, snd in the belief ' t a tm(, wh,.n nr. j, ceycclally liucy tjiat without the farmer, witnoui sue THE ORUNER SANITARIUM ' AabevtUe, It. C. No. Haywood Street. Phone 84 HVDBO-THERMO-FXJCCTIIO And MECHANO-THERAPY, DILTKS For selected eases of Nervousness, P aralysls, " Hayf ever. Malaria, Asthma, - f tomoh. Rheumatism, Diseases of Women and other chronic diseases, The BATHS & MASSAGE STTLSS" tendaaU for both LADIES AXD GEN TLEMEN. ', Open from a. m. to p. m . Saturday till II p. m. I . I I VTAA I r ws. cessful and contented farmers, the na tion cannot exist. EMILE OLIJVIER IS PARIS. July 3. Emlle Olllvier, who was prime minister to Napoleon III when the latter declared war aalnst Germany In 1S70. attained his eights-eighth year today. Olliviers pUill3 career virtually ended with th Franco-Prussian war. Since that Hme. however, he has accomplished a vast amount of literary work, rlnrflnr a stupendous history franco. At the ege of four score and eight he still finds tilmself ca-paWe of working ten hours a day. All Meal Christian Borne ScbooL preparatory ana collegiate eoones. Art, Expression. Physical Cul euro, Pedagogy, BusIdms, etc. Conservatory of Mosle- B! standard maintained 1 Staff Ol extxrlenmiL mllw. trained Instructors. Takes only 100 boarders and teaches e Individual. Pasorpsssed health reoard. Brtek bQUdinppi. Steam hsah Excellent table. , Good fTmnashtm. Fark-Uke campus, concerts, lectures, tennis, basket ball, Wrtw loc our eatatof betoreseleotlag thooUeg tor youi vghf, ' GEORGE X RAMSEY, M. KJLJLJb frwkls4.:Ralelfk, K C. In Waxhlngton. At Granite Quarry on Friday the members of the ItoyaJ Arcanum will hold their annual out ok and pi nlc. Arrangements have been made for a big occasion and many will go from Salisbury to spend the day. ln-of DON'T MISS THE SPOItT Oo to Riverside Park the morning of July th. The athletic events begin at 10 o'clock. The contest Is open to all. Cash priies are offered the winners. ADDED TO MEXICAN CABINET. CITY OK MEXICO, July 3. A new , ministry was added formally to the Mexican cabinet today. The1 new de- i partment of agriculture was Inaugu rated In the presence of the president and the members of tho cabinet. The i new department will gl.e its atten- tlon to the general registration of , properly, the regulation and preser-! vatlon of the forests, the work of ths J meteorological stations and agric.ul- ; tural problem in general. j During 1912, 168 vessels engaged In I th foreign trade entered the port of Rangoen, with an aggregate tonnage of 1,089,033, as against 343 vessels of aS'..?73 inns la 1111. A Hot Kitchen Is the worry of every housewife A Cool Kitchen IS ASSURED IF YOU COOK WITH GAS Asheville Power and Light Co. Phone 69 Do Your SHOPPING At The RACKET STORE) 16 & Main St D BuflJag I Stay In Pailastl -T0 I i.. i . wj. Model M Express 5001b. Capacity $500 (f.O. B.5psckm) y . ' WE sold more truck last year than any other manufscturer fai the country and we still eon tinu to do to. .You can ,afkc4 Chas Truck. ' Hi IfOdMt Mt , In It sf Mr , ' Cate Asheville Auto Co. 15-17 a. Lexington At.

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