12 HE 'ASnEVILLE CITIZEN", FRIDAY, JULY 11, 19 13. JTJST JtBCEXVED, THE LONQ- iJaCtBCTED fiHIPJTENT OF ion cruaiM frutoiw !W can fill all crrdert In 1. I, I. 4, t and S quart lia at All Mtal Frxer.......1.2R KJt All Metal Freesere ...11,60 HOCSETTDBJdSniJfQ DEPT. J. H LRW, 35 Paflon Avenue THE ALASKA . " Freezer, ' ;witH the ' Spoofi Dasher. 'All sizes THS IX L DEPT. STORE 121 Fatton "A. Mione Q7 THE SATISFACTION oar vlaawit girt thoae who : wear them la our recompeme for that exceptional care' we take In making flaaaea. , 8HRVICH burn ot expert nee and close application to detail la your wfcen you eotne ", . " CHAS. H. H0NES3 OptanMrfriat and Optician. It Fatton At. Opp. Fwrtoffloe. In The Good Old Summer Time Then s .'when Coal Qual ity looms large -it mast ignite readily, burn stead ily and produce least amount of ash. Such coal is i .' , ; M.& W.COAL. , Phone 40. ASHEVILLE COAL CO. North Pack Square) ' V. M. Wearer, Manage ' Our Pure Ice ', 'JIVEEYBODY'S , ' DOING IT." , 7"- . " Pione 72. Asheville Ice Co. : r Two new wwa rerouting uie em ployment of women and children have recently (one into effect In Rhode la land. One restricts the working hours f women and children under sixteen (ream to fifty-four hotire a week, 'and not more than ten hours In any one day. The second law provide that no - child under fuurteuu years ahull te al lowed employment TCRNTP AM) RCTA BAGA BEE! Should te sown, during July and August; aal.id varieties In Angujrt and Seplomber. Huta Boga ehould be sown early and earthed tip as they grown. One ounce of seed sows 100 foet ot drill; 1 1-2 lbs. sows one acre In drill; 2 P a one acre broad cast. We supply fresh seed ot all the lurual white and. yellow fleshed varletlea EVERTTHIN'a IN DRUGS " SEEDS. Grant's Pharmacy WHITE MAN INDICTED JMIONAPING. CHARGE GRAND JTTIT TAKIM QUICK AC TION IN OASE. .Many Causes Were Pli.iOKrd of In the , Siiticrlor Ooiirtr OthfT True UfUa Are Retimed to Court. I Bam Edwards, a white man, who Is said to redid on Uttio Ivy, was yesterday Indicted by the Buncombe county grand Jury on the charge of having kidnapped Toy Mr Carson, a lS-year-olti hoy, about a month ao. The youngster says that he was It Id napped In Asheville and carried to K&w&rda' farm and forced to work. He made his escape an0 vent to hi home at Sulphur HirlnKa The de fendant KaI wards has not been arrest ed, hut a grand Jury capias was Issued for him and plaoed In the hands of the sheriff. Many oilier Important cases were ronaidurad ty the grand Jury at Its ewlon yesterday. A true bill was re turned against Mrs. Helen Miller, charging her with assaulting with a knife Mra Goldsmith, J. I Bherrlll, charged with the be trayal of Annie Kraft was Indicted. Mrs. I.lz.le Shaft was also Indicted In connection' with the case. Ben Morris, Indicted on a dozen or more different charges recently, and Who was ont on bonds In the sum of $1,125, wua taken In charge and ordered by the court to give a justified bond In the sum of $1,500 for his appearance In the superior court when his rases come up for trial. During the present term of the court, Judge Frank Carter presiding. a total of 6J criminal casoe h.ive so far been disposed otf by Bollpltor Robert U. Reynolds. The criminal term will continue through July IS. The grand Jury, whlcih has also had a biwy awislon this week, will pnb ahly finish up tomorrow night. The following cases vwere disposed of yesterday, all of the same being Jury cases: ' Aiken Mitchell, simple assault; not guilty, Alfred Snyder, charged with raroeny of a set of harness belonging to Judge J. C. imtrthard; polity, 14 months. Homer McGehee, charged with be ing an accomplice to larceny; 12 month. Melvln Whlteon, charged with fce- lng ah awompUoe to larceny; elx months. Whltson went on the stand as a witness for the state, , All three of these men are whlOe. Will flwink, charged with retailing, wa convicted but sentence was not pronounced. Same defendant, charged with assault tupon Joe Coche, conviot- el; sentence not Renounced. Harry Bradley, cnargen wirn rre- (luentlmr a disorderly house; convict ed and fined $25 and courts. Defen dant plead guilty to a charge of gam bling and dismissed of the charge upon the payment of costs. The court required the defendant to make a good behavior bond in the sum ot $$00 for three years. Today's docket in the superior court follows: Seven charges against Joe Metcalf; one charge against Jack Tllcard. "Hafl I done this In Great Britain," said Perkins, "they would have made me a knight"a plea that neither Justifies, excuses, palliates nor ex plain They make noma tnttgn kniglits in that country. 'New Tork World. Arthur M. Character -. In Jewelry Field FANCY ICE CREAM Cream Made in Candy FRESH CLAMS TODAY Shucked fresh from the shell and delivered in their natural juice to von in SANITARY " OAPER EALED ARCELS ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY PUO.M-S 23-289-3 IS Extra Fancy Poultry MILK F?ERS And Roasting Fowls h sssswss STAR MARKET PHONES 1917, 1918 and 1919. Va.jju4xcsaIulxtcimlaAjarKiijpfyetitce; WANTS JURY TO PASS JMINKINGiLEDGE rnocrEnrvos niiKn nY detex PAXT IX STPEMOll convr. Tony Hemphill, Through III CourwH Ointmids Ho Is firing "Unlawfully Detained" by Sheriff. For the purpose of having a Jury pass upon the question of whether or not he violated the terms of a tem perance pledge,', which is alltgnd to have heen made before Judge Junius (J. Adams, of the police. court, 'several months ago, Tom Hemphill, through his attorneys, has instituted habeas corpus proceedings before Juries Frank Carter, in the superior court. Hemphill Is bulng unlawfully de tained, as is alleged In the petition, in the county Jail by the sheriff of Bun combe county,' on commitment orders from the police court The hearing was set for yesterday afternoon at 5 o'clock, ibut upon the request of the solicitor a continuance wua i- ade un til this afternoon. The case Is rather an unique one. The petition for the habeas corpus proceedings states that the defendant was arrested by the police on May 12, 1913, charged with being drunk; that he was given a sentence of Uitrty days on the county roads, tut was allowed by the police court Judge to take a plea of temperance, the road sentence being suspended. It Is further al leged that the petitioner was again arrested on July 7, also charged with being drunk, was given another sen tence of thirty days on the county roads, and that the old sentence of the same period waa ordered Invoked upon the ground that he had broken his pledge not to drink. Hemphill contends that he was sent to the county. Jail, and has, not boon given what h contends are his constitu tional rights in having a Jury pass upon the question as to whether or not he violated his pledge. An appeal had been noted, the defendant avers, to the decisions of the police court Judge. POSTOFFICE MAKES A FINE ANNUAL REPORT Receipts ot the Asheville postofflce for postage during the fiscal year, ending June SO, 1913, amounted to $93,174.14, which is an Increase of $11,174.41, or between 13 and 14 per cent These figures are contained in a report of tho local office whloh has Just been compiled. A total of 24,821 money orders were Issued during the past twelve month by the Asheville office, amounting to $141,212.09, and has paid 18,607 such orders, which amounted to $171,075.68, . The in crease for money orders Issued over the preceding year was 915. Registered letters dispatched dur lng the past year by the local of flee numbered 13,932, in addition to 1,460 insured parcel poet packages, Which have been handled since Jan uary 1, when the parcel post system was Instituted. These two combined show a very decided inorease over the registered business ot the year pre vtoufl. Field Co. There is such a thing, hut like all CHARACTER, it is gradual iu growth. Jewelry has character be cause for years we have studied how to buy, and make only the kind of jewel ry that would appeal to dis criminating trade. TO ORDER Individual Molds. Kitclien 5i rwooi mum, CITY M AR ACT LUMBERMEN PRESENT JETITIONJNJULE OBJECT TO Tin' MILiUXG IS TRANSIT IUXiCIiTIOXS. Vast Amount of Technical Testimony Is Heard Before Special Examiner from Washington. With a brilliant array of counael, which Is employed on both si del, lighting for every Inch of legal grounds, a hearing commenced . Inj Awlieville yesterday on the milling In tntn.ilt regulations of the Southern' railway. j Ths hearing is being conducted tn ; the federal court room by Examiner: Marshall, of the Intermate Commerce; commission, who came to Aahevlllej from Washington for the purpoaa of hearing tho testimony in the proceed-j I mrs brouKht up by an association i composed of a majority of the lumber! men of Western North Carolina. ! The main contention of the lumber- j men Is tliat the reflations of the' railway company should be removed, claiming the same Is having a bad effect upon the lumber Industry of this section and that the regulations aro useless. No decision is expected now as the apeclal examiner must re port back. to the Interstate Commerce commission. A number of wirn esses were heard yesterday, the mass of testimony, mostly of a strictly technical nature, greatly interesting to lumbermen and railroad officials, but of little Interest to the public In general. Thomas J. Harkins, of Asheville, and W. H. Phlppen, of New York, the latter traffic) manager for the National Ium ber Dealers' association, are conduct ing the case for the lumbermen, and the other side Is being represented by a corps of Southern railway attorneys. The milling In transit rate on lum ber, which was formerly In forrfe, al lowed of the shipping of lumber be tween any two points in the. section on a local rate, and then after tho milling was done the lumber could be shipped out to eastern polnta on a through rate, from which was de ducted the excess of the local rata over the through rate for the local shipment of the same lumber, thus providing a through rate fur milling In transit shipments. All common lumber was put on an equal basis. Iteeently now regulations have beon provided by the railway concerning those shipments, which, It Is claimed, make the cost of such shipments pro hibitive. It Is claimed that such a rate is absolutely necessary for the life ot the email sawmill and lum ber dealer of the section, and it is claimed by the lumbermen now that the charges for milling In transit lum ber la excessive, illegal, discrimina tory; further that the regulations and rules Imposed have increased the labor and expense of handling such shipments as to make them prohibi tory. According to these regulations all common lumber Is no longer handled on a common basis In the fixing of rates, and whore mixed cars are han dled each kind ot lumber contained In it must he considered separately. Where the weight of any kind is lees than 1,000 pounds, no credit for the local rate Is given to It and no refund Is made from the ensuing through rate. Besides this dally reports have to be made by the dealers tor each kind of lumber on hand, tho reports on each requiring four forms. In ad dltion tn this monthly reports are re quired, these latter to be made of tener than once a month If the railway re quests It. This, It is claimed, adds greatly to the cost of book-keeping and labor of other kinds, and tho re The Indian loSoeycle For all purpose pleasure or profit Is leader. For endurance and speed It holdx the record. As a proof of the esteem In which they are held: TUero are more Indians used by, the l'ollee Department, of tho largo cities than all other mskea They get there and they stay in the runiilt g. Let yours be an Indian. I'rce Demonstration. J. M. HEARN & CO. Battery I'urk Place Thone 119 The car of quality "NUFF SED" All models Jn ttock Call a let up show you. 0. K. AUTO SUPPLY AND TRANSIT CO. Fresh Yard Eggs Thi so aro only a day or two old, and are all right for poacjiing or for taking raw Either white or red ones 32c Per Dozen Yates fitlVIcGuIre 37 Haywood St. j - Phones 1715, 1716. nbsrrsaFfl A Cofy'ijM Hut acbafher It Mars strictlon to 1,000 pounds or over Is said to cause a big loss continually to every email dealer. It is claimed further that it is practically an Im possibility to make all the reports re quired. , IMPORTANT CASE IS DECIDED BY JUDGES Yesterday In the United States cir cuit court of appeals, sitting In Ashe ville, an Important decision w- s hand ed down In the case of the Carolina Olass company, plaintiff In error, vs. Dispensary Board of South Carolina defendant In error. The wilt was In stituted to recover something over $1,000, alleged to be due the com pany for goods purchased by the South Carolina dispensary under the management of the board. The lower court held that the state was a neces sary party to the suit, and this being the case the suit would be Inhibited by the eleventh amendment to the constitution. The circuit court here affirmed the decision of the lower court, holding that the milt la against the state of South Carolina. SEATS FOR SALE. NEW YORK, July 10. Two seats were posted for salo on tha stock ex change today, one for $38,000. This Is the lowest prlre on record, and $1,000 less than the last sale. In 19A2 the total number of strikes and lockouts In Canada was 148, ac cording to official reporta Mccormick MOWERS AND RAKES WE HAVE JUST RE CEIVED OUR FOURTH CARLOAD OF M'COR MICK MOWERS AND RAKES FOR THIS YEAR. Our large sales of this deservedly popular and high-grade line of harvest ing machinery is evidence of the satisfaction it has given our customers for the past twenty years. We carry a full line of repairs. T. S. MORRISON CO. 80-84 Patton Ave. T the club of an evening, 1 11 . et . . : ior me stag party or "smoker" for dinner at home if you care to dress for it; for lots of times when you want to dress up, but not "too dress ed" the Tuxedo is the thing. 7 Hart Schaffner & Marx have : put lots of style into them; the curve of the lapel, the shaping of the back, the drape of the front, in all these important details there's a distinction and character about these clothes that you dont find in any others. Dress and Tuxedo Suits . Correct Accessories. M. V. MOORE & CO. 11 PATTON AVE. The Home Of . Hart, Schaffner4& Marx Clothes. Dnnlap Hat. Manhattan Khfrt HILL'S MARKET To Grace Your Table Daily With the Choicest Meats, Poultry, Butter Eggs Phone 4 Ours is Particularly ' THE MARKET OF QUALITY THE MARKET OF CLEANLINESS We demonstrate this Daily to Asheville Buyers of Select Market Delicacies Prove this for Yourself Ask Your Neighbor." HILL'S MARKET JOSE VILA The Cigar That Duplicates WH ARB PROTJD OP ITS QUALITY. - GUARANTEE IT TO BK EQUAL TO THE BEST, SUPERIOR TO THE REST. Barbee's Cigar and Tobacco Co. DIST RIBUTORS. CROQUET SETS, HAMMOCKS- TENTS Everything for the Camper-Out - BLOMBERG'S Sporting Goods Department. On the Avenue. Beechnut Chewing Gum We are offering this celebrated Chewing Oum to the trade, and can guarantee it to be the best Gum on the market, in our opinion. Just try one box. ROGERS GROCERY COMPANY Wholesale Distributors. Asheville, N. C, Fhone No. 96 CITIZEN WANT AD LQVE AND MUSIC "Makes the Home complete ' Tho best music can be made on the Hobart M. Cable Pianos See them DUNHAM'S MUSIC HOUSE EB3E2E BRING . RESULTS r