?4 THE 'ASHEVILLE CITIZEX, FRIDAY, JULY 18, 1913. m . : Published Every Morninrj, by Ths Citizen Corrpany, 8 Government Street The Anhevltte Citizen 6 days ft week. Th' Sunday Cici-n every Sunday. iThe vVceJy,Glin every Wednesday. TELEPHONES ; flum'nefS Office iJbditoha: Rooms .207 'ASSOCIATED PRESS 4 REPORTS COMPLETE SUBSCRIPTION RATES farrier in Asheville and Suburbs. I J; tiily & Hun. 1 yr.'in advance 7.bO Daily (m!v 1 vear in advance 5.00) ' Daily only 8 mo. in advance i.au Ji)y only 1 week in advance ...... .10 y mail In United States, Postajo Paid. 'Daily & Sun, 1 yr. in advance $o.00 ' Daily & Sun. 3 mo. in advance 1.60 Daily only 1 year in advance 4.00 "Daily only 3 mo. in advance 1.00 'Sunday only 1 year in advance ...... 2.00 Sunday only 3 mo. in advance...... .50 ' Weekly 1 year in advance.. .. .50 Friday; July 38, 1913. Better Methods We are surely coming nearer to iha full and adequate protection ot ffpuWIo rltihta when a great railroad Utrike, which would have tied up everoJ of the leading ayatome of the 'eaat, And whlifh, would have aXfpcted HJ.000 men, i averted V confer erw of princlpala at the white houne, realded over by the prculdent of the !HTnit4 8Ute.: Tlie oreatlotj ot a national board of mediation by ft cpoc tally drawn bill which waa rushed to enactment with command- u.hlp apced will, M us hope, rob tu ture labor dlaputea of their tercora. um far aa, tho public la concerned, for it haa alwaya been the public, an In nocent party, that Buffered moat. While, of courae, the new board ot . arbitration was -brought Into existence in order that unneceaHary suffering might .not lie jrapoaed on the publlp, that tif as far as the dea people will Arura in the negotiations. W are told In press' despatches that the rail road workers . will present their grievances and, wonder of wonders, the railroads will flso te the sjory t their troubles and will aak fur Vcdress, Therefore "vox popull" will not be heard. ' But we ought to be grateful for the fact that the future will largely re ' duce the activities ot the walking detonate who, callous alike to the In terests Ot labor and of the public, found his beat delight In creating trouble wWe no trouble existed. We can see also, the certain curtailment ot .the operations of such creaturea as Mulhall, whose apeclulty was "settling . strikes by means of gross betrayal of labor leaders. - Tea, the poor, old pulllo ought to feet up and about with Joy. Used as a buffer for a generation or more, whenever capital and labor locked heriife H jitovervhad, any rlghta to apeak of. It could walk until lt feet were calloused, and its goods In transit could decay and perish, but thoeu were Jiiere Incidents In the great battle 'that waged for weeks and months. The new Clayton bill, It is to bs hoped, will solve a problem with which the Erdmann act could not hope to cope. A tribunal of six ipen representing all' interests hi ls aue will undoubtedly be tho means of puttlns an end to those great struggles which have cot.t so inurh Iji money and human energy. Value of Cleanliness In thorough keeping with the modern movement to ward off dis ease rather than cure it, Milwaukee uteps to the front through an organi sation known na the Milwaukee News. fl?oys' association, and announces a .Samualliu of . publicity. With and welfWe. i 'tin feature of the newly created .lepirimeiit will be the publl- catton of a .i-iic of articles, "written by newshoys on various matters per-! toinlng to their Inrs and occupa llons." Tin si- article!, will treat of various matters, a:; wwed by th" newsboy, itnd will Kive to the public his lileaH of liovv lhe street youths .if Milwaukee cah be made to stand f,.r nil thai is bcM In clti.ionshlp. Tim secretary of the asssociatlon thus ex jilalns the aims and objects of the new orgHtvlKutioh: "The newsboy of today la enabled to gain knowledge for betterment of .his mode. of living only through an !rganuuttln fui;h as we have founded Jn this city, and by means of which we are endeavoring to teaoh morality lUid physical betterment. . "Cleanlinean ia essential toward health, and by thorough cleansing of .ths entire hody at least once weekly jou are Indulging in the lirst preven tive of disease. By thorough cleans ing I itiean the plentiful use of soup and water. "The function of th skin Is to act as an ellmltant. that la, it throws off eome of the waste products of the ,1ody. But, on the other band, if dirt jls allowed to accumulate on the body tipentngs wr pores l Hwrnktir-tw come closed anil thes wst prndtieu ar retained In the body, probably to cause Ii serious sickness: "Not only doe buddy hathlng help Ik prevent diseaso, hut also, by stlinu luting the circulation of tlm blood throughout tint body, H nhorti:ns tho duration if disease. "The public offlelala of 'tli In fty hllU' fnri'Mff-n till! benefits ill lived from public nalatnrliiiiis iimi have, placed them lit your rllniioK.il. TlnTt- lory, if your hum bathing fu ilitos are Inadequate II behooves you .nil to make Rood iihp of the riululoi linns, thereby enabling the, skin to pi i torn ltd work, am by ho doing help to keep you In a healthful condition." The foregoing looks M'ry much like an elaboration of the lime-honored warning to the effect that humanity ahould tuko a haih ocraK loiiully, at least once a year or there about. We tiro reminded, however, that Mich lid vlco is almost In direct conflict with th declaration of a celebrated liritlsh physician who KngJand were ih dirtiest. He boldly asserted that snap and water ton fiu- iwntly applied w on If! do more harm thun no soap lit all, ami ho pointed to the cokl miner of the north of Krigland, black with tint grlmo of agea, and to whom bathH were almost unknown quantities, an living cx- ampela of the truth of his assertions. Hut we null our flu to thu Mil waukee doctrine of (li-iinliiK-Hn and health, and hav no doubt that tho fame of the city will not In tho years to come tie confined to . Ha brew erln. Notes and Comments Only half a game away from the top, with our hands alinoal touching the pennant. a e e The wisdom whlcn refused to grant the veto power to the governor of North Carolina was ahort-glghled, to say the least. After all, what a man does during his vacation Is largely his own busi ness. Hut that's got nothing to J'l with tho "white way" on 1 'niton avenue. t - i Nobody tntldlimted thut Secretary Hryan- would atlr up a controversy of national dimensions when lm cumo to Ashe villa and HendersonvUle, ... a s . Jt looks now as if the frelfht rats question, as it arfm ts North Carolina, will be settled to the siitlsfiu'tlon of all concerned without Invoking the use of the big stick. There is always virtue in molasses, - 'TUIS IATE I HIHTOMV July IN. KISS Cotnblned armies tinder John Hoblegkt defeatttd ths Turk under the walls of Vienna. 1710 John Cruger, tlrst president ot the New York Chamber ot Commerce, born. Dld Dec. 27, 179S. 178 ilsaftu D, Parnard, V. A. sena tor from Pennsylvania ( I s 2 7 II), born In Aston, i'a. Ulcd Feb. 21, 1334. 1841 Coronation of , Emperer Dom Tedro II. ot lirasll. 1 858 The Atlantic Ht. Iwrence railroad, from 1'orllund to Montreal, opened to trafflc. 1884 1'reslilent Lincoln Issued a cull for 600,000 more volunteers. 1872 Henlto Juarcs, famous Mexican soldier and patriot, died. Horn March 21, lauB. 1895- I'an-American congress of re ligion and education opened In Toronto. "T1US IS MY I2M) IJlHTlin.W." Alfred 11. llronka. Alfred Hulse Hrooks, who Is geo- legist in chief of the I'nlteU Htatea value Is due to the mlded facilities fur Geological Hurvey, was born in Ann j shipping farm produce. This Is a Arbor, Mich,, July In, 18JJ. After iiicrmnuent lie not it to t tie farmer, who studying a year In Germany he en-'! Is thereby given no Incentive to furth tered Harvard university and Waaler Increase the Millie of his land graduated In 1KH. He then went to ! through purchasing fertilizers, Irnple- Paris for post-graduate study In geo logy and kindred hran.hes of science, l.'pon his return to the I'nlted State lie became an assistant geologl.it of the Geological Survey. In I Mis ho was sent to Alaska, Where he spent nearly ten years in an exlmusint, m- vestlgatlon of the mineral resources i for rural property, a stimulus to Im of thai territory. In ISMi.' he was .migration, culture for the young folk placed ill charge of the Ai.iikan di- and general Mil 1M.0 ilcti, vision of the service and two years1 ago hi; was appointed by the Mccre- I Give the llni'lii lor Ills Due. tary-of the Interior to In- geologlM in j i UuUliiioie Sun . ) chief of the Geological Survey. Mr. I The Inveterate old ha helor is the llrooks is the author of sum: books ' constant linnet of the moralist, as and papers on the geography and j well as Hie favorite object of the rev geology of Abulia and Is regarded as i nuc-inl-cng legislator, "if he caul probably (he foremost authority uu ie taN'il into matrimony, the alalia those subjects. ' jt'.cian conn s along ami tries to frlgh- - 'tin l I tit with tig 11 res showing how OLDKST Pl.AYIIOl'.Nl.; 'It) 4'Mt.sK, i small is Ins chance of lite as cornpnt- i iui.AiK.iji'iti., July 1 i.- I'a-1 (runs of the Ule.lUe and in'cmla is of. the theatrical prolessiuii everx here will learn With regret thai the I'.im - - ous Walnut atreet the.Uiv "bout U. pass into ,7 t"ii. The. la i us,- i.ir new safety j j theatre has been refused 'fiillinir to cotiinlv with tin Hlllll,llU.d tixed by the eiiy As compliance with trie i would irw.m a compjele r au ' !i ort 1 1 -si. i . in i it incuts; building ot j the theatre II is likely thai the house i selns'h fellow. Hiit lie n-.ay possibly i will never reopen again. i remark. In un-wer to this Inst attempt ! The Walnut street tlit.it ! is', to scare hlni.Vha! if 'luurrhtge checks America's oldest playhouse. It was1 rime, so dots the penitentiary. Far built in Imin and during praet ically j fewer crimes are. commuted in pris ts 'entire career of more than a ecu- jobs than to the outside world, for the ituiy It has been devoted to llrst -class ; Rood and ttilflieieitl reason that n man i attractions. It Is said Ihat every ! in ihu. peti tient inry is no longer a free i Aniet lean player of prominence, witlilugettt; When a man is married he l I t1i' exception of some of the ounaer luciors and artresses of the present j. lay, bus been seen upon its stage, j The ttt.iise is part of the estate of J.'j I Sleeper Clark, the famous comedian, who owned find conducted it the latter years of hl life, was an uncle of h'dwm l'.ooth. during i III! K IN MKMOUY OK AM IRIX KTi iCKHOt.M, July 1 T.- t'nder the auspices of the Stockholm Geologi cal society memorial exercises were held today to mark the sixteenth an niversary of the ascent of the balooti which carried the explorer Andre and his intrepid companion tn destruc tion, In further observance of the anniversary s number of flornl offer ins were placed about the handsome memorial erected here to commem orate the 411-fated expedition In quest of ttiB "Nwt h iob?j""",''"1 Tho ItiilgaiiHil Outrage. (Hoanoke Woi ld NcK i t'filesa tlii- liiilgitfluiis are 'J' l'" I fi arfully ul iinlured, they have for- i felted tho fyuipattiy of ivtliziit u.n I and prol,ably will lose .their share of; thu knil won f nun 1 ui key. J no aiories of tlm utroclties l oinrmtted by ,h' lr j soldiers are. almost beyond " m r They are worse by far than anything tiarafld agiilnat the iinspeakaine Turks." In fact events of the last two' years ur creating in the mind of ' , general World the feeling that the . Turks, after nil, may not be the woral j of human beings. I Doing Honor Ut Ilia Name. ( 1'lilladclphla 1 miuirer. ) Mr. Vincent Asior la a very young : , wan, but tin lias ulready given evi ilences not only of ii matured mind, but also or ii heart I hat beats In sym pathy wlih Ins fellow creatures, who, for various reasons, ir compelled to atrtiKglo hgHlnal poverty and unhappy environniniits. lie has had ground broken for the erection of n home for convalescent children at lOilncbcek as u. memorial to Ills father, tho late John Jacob Astor. He has also plan ned to gin; one-day steamboat out iiikm to G.OUO poor women and chil dren of New York on Haturday of each week for the remainder of Hie summer. This la the sort of thing thut la bound to do honor to the name of Astor. There aro various ways of distributing wealth and of helping the poor, hut Mr. Astor may rest us siired that he haa made no mistake In either of 4he enterprises In which he has enguged. " Miss Helen Gould who Is no longer known by that mime mailt) herself beloved by her well conceived charities, and incidentally helped to remove some of the criti cism that was aimed at the family name from time to time, It begins to lnok us though Mr. Vincent Astor was determined to make the name ot Astor reapooled. A i'olorailo TiiIm-ivuIohIm "Cure." (Kavuniuh Morning News.) Another alleged cum of tubercu losis haa been discovered. It hns (he distinction of requiring the use of no vacolnoi No serum la used, turtle germ or otherwise. It la the discovery of l)r. J. 1, Gibson, of Denver, und Is said to be based entirely upon tho use of X-rays. He la said to have ef fected curt In Nf, lier cent of his tubercular patients In the last 12 years. The treuimenl Is described as merely the uso of sunlight in an in tensified form, and is said to have been very successful with cases in tho aacond and third slimes of the dis ease. If Dr. Gibson can show tho world that -ho really Is curing ad vanced cases of tuberculosis his name will rank among those of the greatest of iNibttu benefactors. Hut, however sincere he "may be and however ef llilent his euro, he mutit face skeptic ism engendered by the'fftllure of so called cures which ot llrst won tho public's loulldcuue and then were cast out as fnkes J low Good ltouds Tay. (St. Louia Fost-Dispatch. ) In Iee county, Vu., a farmer who owned 10(1 acres wanted to sell out for 1 1 , sou. Ills farm lay on a bud road. In l'JOX, although the farmer objected, the road wus Improved, and the value of his form Jumped to over 83,000. Another Iracl of 188 acres along tho same road Increased In value from $i;,0(() to $9,000 owing to the road .improvement. In Jackson .oiinty, Ala., a bond Is sue of JJ.'id.OOO ior road improvement resulted In an Increase of value for farm lands In the county form 89. it to from $ir to $25 per aero. These are examples given by ths department ,of agriculture in a luil letln Just issued. Atttention Is called to the fact that the entire Increase In itieiils, drutl aniimiU, or een motor trucks, which be could never afford to do as long as he was handicapped by bad roads. The improeil road means an up- to-date, protitahle farm; thriving towns mill vIIIukch; Inereaseil tlemand d wJih the married man and how i ninny inure peril ol land and water -not to nicntinii stionger things he . u alwuyn eiicou ntering. I lie last j csinnmg nHcmpl to l.isso him conies ins ity.fr.iui .-w Yol . v here tallies hav .''ecu compiled lo prove that marriage Checks crinie and that the unmarried are- in far grealer danger of Inding i . p in tall tlian t no nuiiTicd . W do hoi sv input lo.'.e with the old ' io helor. A a rule lie is u shabby, I ill -a similar state of . yualnge. 11 no longer, hi'is cither the spirit or the l.KM, opportunity to. assert himself, lie lalatrike under the command ot a relentless ', Tract:, ia warden. We suggest this line of Of -' ; fen in the interest of a s.piiire dea.1. ! We do not think the bachelor ought to be deluded or frightened Into mat rimony.:, lie ought to realise all that is coining to him before he does it. COWKM'ION OF STOCKMKX. ilI.r.NWCi'Il SPRINGS, Colo.. July 1 7, - -Colorado stockmen rounded up here today for the mid-summer con vention of their state association. The vie, .Mthering will last -thr.ee days and 'once will be devoted to lhe discussion of. the forestry question, the Underwood tariff bill and probable effects on, the stock growing industry, and a number of other matters of common WAGS htralglit and Narrow Way. Teacher tin a girls' iuh.i in a Sun day school trying to IndUate the meaning of juvjl influence-What Is it causes us to Stinonli' and fall liy Um way'f "I'leaae, rnlsa," rhiiped a llttlo girl, It's the hobble shirt."-I'hlladtlpMu idxer. . Jjif Vri(4lt- Wlut Bh,.t ,,,,,, Thfl kltch. ,...,. j,IK',, n order, 1nerefore, to reach the i.lotk which upon ,t -f.,,,., waH forced to .,JM,on tMe m.n , ut a ,.halr. latbortoualy he mounted ' It, While Mrs. Giles watched the manocuver In fear und trernbllni! "John. John." site cried, "do he ,(.fut. Thut chair, you know, is non0 too atrorig. I'm sire It won't bear your weight." Giles turned aro u ml and surveyed his spousa calmly. "Ay, ay, my dear," he said,' "It's ipiltii all right; I'm only standing on one leg,"--Kxeham'c Omni .Vcro- I'jirly. "You treat that iientlman very re-spr-ct fully." "Yea, he's one "f our early set tlers." "An early aettier? Why, man, he's not more than 40 years old." "No; but he pays ins bills on the first of every 'month." New York Globe. , Got Her Going. Mrs. Hubbub (entering husband's ofllcc) I ran Into luwn today to do some shopping, dear, and 1 Hubbubs I ace, and you ran In here because you run out of money. Well, how much? Hoston Transcript, Modern Maniniu. "When you kissed your weeping mother good-bye ,uul went out into the world, to make your fortune, 1 presume her last tearful Injunction was for you to bo good?" "No, inuke good." - Houston Post. tVowPd Over Her. When Vrank Stockton started out i with hlstHudder Grunge ex'periences : hu undertook to keep chickens. Una old motherly Plymouth Hock brought out a brood late In the fall, and I Htockton gave her a good deal of at- 1 tention. He named each of the hicks after some literary friend, among tho rest Mary .Mapes Dodge, : Mrs. Dodge 'was visiting the farm some time later, and, happening to 1 think of her namesake, she said: "By the way, Frank, how does little Mary' Mapes Dodge 't along'.1'' , "Ttie funny thing about little Mary MHpes l)ode,"t said lie, "Is she turns out to be Thomas Huiley Aldrlch." Everybody's Magazine. Would Clear it Out. Miidain," said a cross-tempered physician to a pat lent, "If women were admitted to paradise, their tohgueg would mukf) it a purgatory." "And some physicians, if allowed to practice therv? replied the lady, "would aoon ;make It a desert." Philadelphia Ledger. Itudly Needed. Tho much-traveled young man had Just returned from foreign climes, and, of course, ho must entertain his ru n oin aunt wan wnom ne was in ; favor with storlea of the wonderful I signis np nan seen. es, ne sain, in the course of his remarks, "there are some spectacles that can never be forgotten." "Dear me!" 'exclaimed the absent minded tnily. "1 do wish you'd get me a pair of them, Tom." Exchange. The (Vowd Wan Sold. A well known German, who Is something of a wag, walked Into one of the public otne.es In Cincinnati the other day, and from the noise It was plain that lie was wearing n pair of new shoes, or onea that had recently been repaired. Hue of th. clerks remarked about the allocs, and the German said: "I conn s pi city near selling dese slioea the other flay." "How wus that?" asked the ..lerk, "1 had ', m half soled," said the i Jci man lis be walked out of the of llce. A deep gro.in was heard as he ship ped through t ie door. New York Globe. o Tiiiu Dugald aid took .i I.. Donald ci vi and Ml ill. "Veil el I ill' ." About 1 1 . then Diim.iM "Veil i... noo, Doit, 1 1,1, dell death no to Procra-itlnntP. II, and his friend, Don. i ile of whisKey to him : he Invalid one glass, 9 i beating in his hraJn with a cudgel uher yin in the morn- and afterwards cutting his throat and driving him along the trail into the minutes elapsed, and j open prairie, where they left the uldeuly exclaimed: j body. The two murderers were tried i- let mo hue the itherund convicted at the May term of , hear o' eiie inony sud-i ,-ourt. Ratlin under sentence to ailays." Kxchangc. ( YdltK . C. CKI,i:URTl). NKW V ' jMu. ath'. K, July 1.. Many old - including former chain- martre, which Is the moat famous of : track and river, were tll0 chaik niu of pari8i has one of ,,v at lhe oiteniim of a the largest church bells In that city, anion und meet in cele-; This hell, which is a handsome exam i.. twenty-lifth unnlv er-: piP f modern bell work. Is covered : urchase of Travers ls-;ith artistic scrolls and lettering. use by tho New York ; The weight of the hell Itself la twen An attractive list of,ty tonFi anri ntln tne heavy clapper - has been arranged for and accessories, the entire weight . i vnd will include track j .suspended In the tower Is nearly thir mpetitlon for menihers, : n tons. ,n past and present!. icrosse. yachting, swim-i WOHKHD IdKK MAGIC. plotis cn i on hi,t,,i ! thre, d.i ' brat ion saty of land tl : athletic athleii i . the eel, and ! i row ii.u ehuinpii tiling. : on t lie tennis, and dancing I t R MKN WIN. N, ... Ky., July li. The iployea of the Kentucky! p.uty was declared lift! late y,s; men's mi vioiis'y :i lives at tracilett , Met', rm,. that t'o city and OglllSe t1' teli-sh,.; the oil wages f , when the street car ralllieu a sriuenieni pre d to by their representa eonforence attended by : ils and acting (Tovernor The settlement provides npany, which conducts a rnrban service shall, rcc nion of car men on the an, agree to reinstate all n and pay the scale of tinted by the union. Ser dered to be resumed at " . , A horse li'.uhing strap invented hy an riim.ia- man can be unfastened by a pttH-en the reins from within a ve hicle, iiviotlms fhe danirer of a nerv- Ca. '9 The sensible cure for foot ills is the SIMPLEST A pair of Armstrongs Shoes, They are cool, comfort able and stylish $3.50 to $5.50 Brown-Miller. Shoe Company Leaders in Fine Shoes 47 Patton Ave. Phone 710 No Trouble with your Range when you burn MONARCH coal it's the best that's coal. This is the genu ine rod ash, free burn ing, clinkerlcss coal. It burns clean no waste.' Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Si. VVHETBER YOU USE CALOMEL OR NOT You Will llcallae How Much Ilctter for You Xhi Safe Vegetable Remedy Will Be. The liver is such a delicate organ that most people- have learned from experience the danger ot flogging it Into action with the dangerous drug calomel. Allison's Drug Store sella , j i'onei recommends Dodaon'a Liver a pleasant-tasting, harmless vegetable liquid that encouragea the liver, relieves constipation and bil iousness without restriction of habit or diet. There are no bad after-effects from taking Dodson's Liver Tone. It does Just what It la intended to do and no more. Dodson's Liver Tone cannot harm eithe.- children or grown-ups and la an excellent preventive of (chronic liver troubles. Allison's Drug Store sells Dodson's Uver Tone for 50 cents per bottle and every bottle sold Is guaranteed to give satisfaction, an dyou get your money back without a queation if it fails you. Some remedies are sold In imitation of Dodson's Liver Tone look out for them. Remember the guarantee. MVKDKILLK TO JIANG. PH1NCE ALBERT, Sask., July IT. Arrangements are being made for the execution of. Emerle Kovolaoh here tomorrow. Kovolach and Lewis Ratz were convicted of the murder of Charles Kruggencote on the night of February 11 hiat. The murder was one of unusual brutality. The two men killed Hrugitencote at the lonely ruined shack where they lived by hang one week from tomorrow for hia share In the crime. The new Sncre-Coeur cathedral, re- 1 centlv built on the hlght of Mont- Itcdl Sealy Rt-arma Yields to Our Re liable skin Remedy, Saxo Salve. A Highland, N. Y., woman writes: Since J901 I auffered from eczema and my skin was very tender, red and scaly, and I could find no relief until T used Saxo Salve. The first ap- plication worked like magic, In less than a'week the scales were gone and now the akin Is healed and. smooth, I thanks to Saxo Salve. j In all forma of eozema and ill ! other crusted or s-aly humors and ; eruptions. Saxo Salve has given as- ; tonishingly good results. The great improvement that It makes in the first few days show plainly that .you can place full trust In Its curative power. W8 have so much confidence In It that we give back your. money If you ao not satisfied with Saxo Salve. Smith's Drug Store. Asheville, N. C. P. S. Skin troubles Indicate Impure, impoverished blood. Vinol is the moat auccessful blood tonic we know. rafitec. WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. ASHEVILLE, N. 0. ' Capital and Surplus .' . ,:. .. ...... . . .$1,600,000.00 Deposits ' Assets ............. . .i. .: . 8,346,009.29 Solicits your business : Commercial, personal or Trust Accounts. 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts or Certifr. cates of Deposit , MEN'S SUITS AND FURNISHINGS riJIWi Oothlnfl UIjIVI Company Pat ton At E. D! Moore Depot and Bartlett Bta, Shoes and Jurnishings. Lucas Paints and Wall Paper ASHEVILLE PAINT & GLASS COMPANY Tsuigrm Hotel Bldg. StJ Phones ITU. ARROW HARDWARE A SUPPLY OO. a Phone 188 SO N. Mala St Diamond Edge Tools Johnston's Paints. WHITMORE SANITARIUM Lovely Park, Tennis, Croquet, etc. Non-uric acid, diet, Curative Gymnastics, Naturophathy, Hydrothera phy, Chriopractic, Betz Hot Air, Massage, Electricity, Vapor, Shower, Sitz and Electric Light Bath's. Phone 1020. Take Patton Ave. Car 408 Haywood St, VISITORS WASHING Visitors who desire the Best in washing of their linens can get it by call ing PHONE 2000 The biggest and most modern laundry plant, possibly, in the entire south. Phone 2000, Asheville Steam Laundry I. A. McbeU, Hft t CMIse St. S. STERNBERG Depot Street All sizes and lengths of I Beams, Channels, Concrete Steel and Relaying Rails. Structural materials a specialty WE BUY ANYTHING AND - SELL EVERYTHING & Trial Is rr tjiimfYfv(niYirm JWrTjearSourianiiirrMMtA 6,571083.06 If you are paying MORS, for your SUGAR or FLOUR' than these prices' ' , V ' ' f, YOU ARE PAYING TOO' MUCH. i . ; , ' ;. . ..' i 6est Granulated Sugar 25 lbs.' ... ....... ...a $X.39 24 lbs. Flour, . . 1 . Gold Medal (.-. . ...... .TDo 24 lbs. Flour, Royal Crown ... . . .:.:.80cl Like saving all throu1 the stock. ' Home Made Bread, 5c. 49c Barefoot Sandals-Children Sik .Vhite Pumps and Ox fords 98c This week. Bargain annes Nichols Shoe Company On the Square. SMALL RUGS AT SMALL PRICES $1 AND UP Asheville Carpet House Carpeta and Matting laid with out extra cbarfre. 20 Church St. Phone IM & CO. Phone 333 All We Aa&i LAUNDRY IPIIONE 70

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