THE A5imVtLI3E"'CITiZE 'ifONDXr, JULY 21, 1913. r TO-DAY- Silk Waist Sale r. These are beautiful Waists in every good style and silk. CARTMELL WILL RAGE AGAINST DONALDSON GAMES SCHEDULED IN ASSOCIATION LEAGUE S IN STAFFORD BOUGHT; M'FARLINJELEASED FORMER MOCTjmiNlsnER WILL JOIN TOCRISTS TODAY. MOUNTAINEERS GO TO GREENSBORO TODAY All the newer, shades are repre sented in this lot, TIRE about 250 alto gether, and valued at $4, $5 and $7.50, and up to $10. FORMER ASnETTXIiTXlX IKSCKS CHALLENGE TO CHAMPION. CLASS B TEAM WITi; PLAY TO STOTTlTMLTf PLAY DOYLE'S POL. LOWERS PAJll OP GAMES, I THE CLUBS MORROW MORNIVG. 3, j EVENTS IN ) THE . WORLD OF SPORT LIMELIGH AN on front table, first floor, :V'"mmJ"tmc store that SAVES YOU f ONEY" ri;i.i.i!Ulk4;1 . . ' ..uII..Tat.IWIr. ASHEVILLti N.C. lilllMf(IV,l""lw"",! mi i . V------'' ' 'imnliminr-iiiMiiwmnili i n m ii i irimmmiiinmiiniiiiiii Tic 99c k nisei .Folks surprised at the bigness of the bargains we are selling for 99 cents. Everything marked in plain figures, and you can see at a glance the genu ineness of the Big Reduction made on each of the items we have advertised for 99 cents. Nine 15c Ladies' Pine Handkerchiefs for. 99c Six 25c Corset Covers for . . ... ........ . 99c Three pairs 40c Towels for . ...... . . ..99c Nine Pairs 15c Ladies' Hose for 99c Three 50c Nainsook Knee Length Drawers for. .99c These are just a few of the items. Be sure and come Monday and Tuesday. Two more days. , MUMPOWEM'S 17 S. Main St., Asheville. Sells for Less for Cash Our Sample hoe is now on in full force. Thousands of Pairs Oxfords for men, ladies and children. You can see them on our counters, shelves, windows and all over the store from 39c 300 Pairs of 'Ladies' Oxfords; $3.50 and ,$4.00. Special 98c 500 Pairs of Men's White Oxfords, in buckskin and canvas, from 98c to $2.98 We will Mail You a Pair by Parcel Post South tHj South Main ffi," Main You can pick the one you like best from this entire range. Displayed at Mul-Scrjson. Sale Price, Sale Sale Up mm Mil it I lIMIli liHIM -'rriM i Hiaiin iiiiinTn- i r Athletic Director of Cnlvenlty of North Carolina ts Going After the Sprinting Title. Th following article lent from Raleigh to, , newspaper throughout the country la of interest locally on account of Mr. Cartmell, the princi pal, being a former Ashevillelan, and having several relative and num ber of friends here: "Nat J. Cartmell, athletlo trainer of the University of North Carolina, and erstwhile champion ahort dis tance runner of the world, has again taken up the cudgel and has chal lenged the (present possessor of the title, Jack Donaldson, of Australia. A message received In Raleigh bears the Information that Cartmell 1 now in training In Portbello, a seaside re sort near Edinburgh, Scotland, for the forthcoming race to contest the world's sprint championship. "The challenge to Donaldson,, the Australian sprinter, has been accept ed, providing for three races at dis tances of ISO. 220 and 440 yards, the winning of two to decide the world's championship. The conditions of the contest further provide that the two shall run at other distances, after wards to be decided upon. "The challenge Issued by Nat Cart mell, as appearing In the Sporting Chronicle cf England, runs as fol lows! " 'In view of the fact that Donald son does not seem to look with favor upon the Idea of allowing the win ning of two out of a series of three matches over distances of 130, 220 and 440 yards to decide the world's sprint championship, yet seems will ing to run a match over any one of the three distances for 100 pounds, 1 wish to announce that I am pre pared to- back myself in a race over 440 yards for from 60 to 100 pounds, the contest to decide the quarter mile championship. The match can be run in England, Scotland or Wales, but each runner is to have his course stringed oft, and the track must not be less than a quarter of a mile, all of which must be cinder footing. Tours, etc., (Signed) ' 'NAT J. CARTMELL. , "In addition to the news that Cart mell, a native of North Carolina, and athletic director of the University of North Carolina, will engage In the leading race event of the year on the two continents, is the information that Early V. Patterson, a mil run ner of the University of North Caro lina, will engage in the Olympic race. He is the only American distance runner entered in the contests this year. 'Tatterson Is the fastest mile clip per possibly ever to attend Carolina, and in a contest on the home grounds in 1912 broke a southern record. He la an ardent disciple of Nat Cartmell. and is 'following with success in his footsteps. "Early Patterson's home ts In Bur lington, Alamance county, and he has been a student at the university for the past five years." STANDING OF THE CLUBS. Carolina. Won Lost Pot. Wlnton-BaIem .... .... 41 32 .662 ASHEVILLE ... ...... 39 34 ,r3 Raleigh ... 40 35 .533 Durham ... '40 35 .633 Charlotte 32 43 .427 Greensboro' 30 45 .400 National. Won Lost Pet. New York 57 26 .687 Philadelphia 47 82 .595 Pittsburgh 44 39 .630 Chicago 44 41 .518 j Brooklyn 37 42 .488 (Boston 38 46 .439 Pt. Louis 34 52 .395 (Cincinnati ... S3 54 .373 American. Won Lost Pet ! Philadelphia . . 62 26 .705 Cleveland 62 37 .584 Washington 50 38 .668 Chicago 50 43 .538 'Boston .. 42 43 .494 Detroit .. .. .-. .. .. 37 57 .894 St. Loul 87 67 .394 New York 28 57 .829 Southern. Won Lost Pet. . 54 39 .581 Montgomery .. Mobile .... 66 Atlanta 48 42 39 42 45 62 51 57 .571 52 .628 .511 .404 .440 .352 Birmingham 47 47 45 40 31 : Chattanooga Memphis . . . Nashville . . New Orleans Virginia. Won Lost Pot Richmond .. , Petersburg . . Roanoke . . . . Portsmouth . . 51 28 .616 60 48 40 30 24 20 35 41 63 56 .625 .678 494 .369 .300 Newport New Norfolk .. 6ouUi Atlantic. Won Lost Pet Savannah . . Columbus . . Jacksonville Charleston . Albany . . , Macon . . .13 12 10 10 10 9 9 9 11 12 13 13 .591 .571 .476 .455 .435 .409 Appalachian. Won Lost Pet Knoxville . . ...'... 8 Johnson City . 7 Morristown ........ 7 Mlddlesboro .... 5 Rome 5 Bristol .. .. ...... 2 .667 .636 .683 .455 .455 ,181 How to keep cool! Take a plunge dally In the Y. M. C. A. swimming pool. Special rate to visitor both men and boy Representatlvo Team of Young Mon'i Christian Association Play Man ' Hin Tomorrow at Oate Park. In the T, M. C. Al baseball league the team of clans B will get busy tomorrow morning. At :S0 o'clock Brown plays Hunt and at 10:30 o'clock Howell and Conton will mix thlnss ud. The two games will be played at Oate park. In class D, Smith Hay DeYounf Friday morning at.: 30 o'clock, and Rlckert and Mclnnry will partici pate in the second event of the day, stasrlnir their conflict at 10:SO o'clock. These contests will be pulled oft at the Orange street school grounds. Following are th standing of th clubs of the three classes of the As aoclatlon league: CUu A Won. Lost" Pet J. Coleman Wheeler . . , W. Coleman 10 s 4 t .0I .500 .400 .200 ... Jordan Class Won. Lost Pet. Donnahoe. Coston . . . Howell .. Francis . . .800 .714 .500 .125 Class D Won. Lost. Pet. DeYoung ............. 8 5 .143 Rlckert ,..10 4 .114 Smith 5 8 .184 Mclnnery 3 10 .230 Tomorrow afternoon the represent ative team of the association plays the MarsHlU aggregation at Oate park, AMERICAN. RED SOX WIN. CLEVELAND, July 20.-CIeveland lost the first game of the series to Boston today 1 to 1. Boston scored the winning run In the ninth Inning when Chapman fumbled Collin' easy grounder. The features were the Melding of Speaker and of Manager Birmingham, of Cleveland, who re turned to the game after an absence of two months, due to an Injured foot. Score: R. H. E. Boston 000 100 0012 4 1 Cleveland 100 000 0001 7 1 Batteries: Collin and Carrlgan; Mitchell and O'Nell. Time, 1:50. Umpires, Hlldebrand and O'Loughlln. FARCE AT DETROIT. DETROIT, July 10. A heavy rain began at the end of the first Inning today and when play was resumed after more than an hour's Interrup tion, the diamond was ankle-deep In mud. The game became a farce, De troit playing the comedy roles, and New York won 10 to 5. , score: n. H. E. New York 200 331 00110 11 1 Detroit 000 110 300 3 9 6 Batteries: Warhop and Qossett; Hall, House, Willett and McKee. Time, 1:46. Umpires, Ferguson and Connolly. RO EH LING PITCHED. CHICAGO, July 20. Boehllng was In fine form and had the Chicago team guessing today, Washington winning the opening game of the series here 5 to 1. Whit started to pitch for the locals, but Smith re placed him and pitched a tine game, not allowing a hit Score: R. H. E. Washington ...110 300 0006 9 1 Chicago ..' 001 000 0001 5 5 Batteries: Boehllng and Henry; White, Smith and Kuhn, Easterly. Time, 2 hours. Umpire, Egan and Djneen. PLAXK PITCHES FINE BALK ST. LOUIS, July 20 Plank pitched fine ball this afternosn, while his team-mates hit Iverens when hits meant runs, Philadelphia winning from St. Louis 8 to 0. The locals had men within wiring distance In three Innings, but Plank always tightened and prevented a tally. Score: R H. E. Philadelphia ..010 000 3048 15 1 St. Louis 000 000 0000 4 Batteries: Plank and Schang; Leve renz, and Akdcw. Time, 2:25. Umpires, Evans and Sheridan. RESULTS YESTERDAY. National, games scheduled. -No American. At Detroit, 6; New York, 10. At Cleveland, 1: Boston, 2. At Chicago, 1; Washington, t. At St. Louis, 0: Philadelphia, I. Southern. At Mobile, 4; Birmingham, 0, At Montgomery, 1; Nashville, 0. At Memphis, 0; Chattanooga, 2. At New Orleans, 3; Atlanta, i. international. At Montreal, 5-2; Buffalo, 4-2. Second game called tenth Inning; rain, At Newark, 2; Providence, 1. Ten Innings. At Jersy City, 4-3; Baltimore, 7-5. Second game called fifth Inning by agreement ' VYVJlFOLJGilGv COLLAR If 28 sfc. ARROW Change of Management of Red Sox, and Various Matters of Interest. WASHINGTON AND PITTSBURGH RISE Athletics Slump But Lead Is Not Noticeably, Re ducedGossip. ; NEW YORK. July !0. Individuals mora than clubs, figured as point of salient interest In the baiebull history of last week. The nhamte In the man agement of the world cham plena, the Cobb suspension, ih return vf 15d Walsh to the game, to ad rent of the latest "highest priced" ball player In Larry Chappelle, the trouble over the Hat Chase deal and the flstl'j bout on the St. Lowla bench at a game bo tween the Giants and Cardinal in New York, such development wer3 suffi cient to keep th enthusiast frjm de voting all their attention to th prog, res of the league races. Up and Down. The games from day to day brought their usual development in the way of up and down for various clubs, the "ups" coming chiefly the way of the Pittsburgh' in the National and the Washington' In the American, while prominent In the "down" list were St. Louis In th National and Philadelphia, Cleveland and Boston In the American. Perhaps the slump of the Mackmen was the most prominent outstanding feature in the Amertoan league rao. The former world' champion d ro ped six out of ten games. That their lead was not reduced to any notable extent was due to (he fact that Cleve land lost almost as many games a the first place occupants. While Plank and Bender each pitched one good game, the belief that weakness was developing In the leader' twirling start, was born out by th week' happening. Belief that th American league race I an open one, might be preva lent were there any club within pos Ibis striking distance which had shown form consistent enough to war rant expectations of a steady pull to- ward-fhe top. Likely bidders for hon ors against the Mackmen, seem to be Washington and Chicago, The Sena tor played brilliant ball all week, dropping only one contest out of six. Walter Johnson Is reported as having offered to pitch every other day after September 1 If hi club appear to have a look In. White) Sox Improve. The White Sox are showing im provement Their inner defense Is working smoothly, while the outfield can hardly help being strengthened by Chappelle who has shown enough In the few games he ha played to make Chicago fan enthusiastic over him. The deposition of JakeStahl In mid season after the club under his man agement had won a league pennant and a world's series title was the sen sation of the baseball week. The change to Carrlgan apparently has not affected the playing of the cluS. Detroit braced considerably during the week. Ht. Louis thrived off New York, but fared poorly with Griffith' men. The New Yorka split even. Looking over the National league situation, the efforts of Pittsburgh to climb ts the notable feature. The Pirates won all but one of their six games during the week. Even at this gait, however, they have gained little on the Giants, who won six out of elgnt games In six days. A slump by the Giants with continued steady win ning by the I'lrajes appears to be the latter's solp hope. Philadelphia ha shown Improve ment, winning five out of seven game. Chicago surrendered third place to Pittsburgh during the week. The Brooklyn's broke their losing strea of ten gameit, Monday, but won only one game since. Boston la keeping up a fair pace. The best either St. Louis or Cincinnati is able to do Is to pick up an occasional victory. The record in each league of game play ed, won and lost, with runs, hits, er rors, and men left on bases follows: National. ClUb W L R H E LB New York .. 2 33 73 13 44 Philadelphia . 5 2 21 57 14 .42 Pittsburgh .. 5 1 82 68 8 41 Chicago .... 2 4 26 40 10 28 Brooklyn ... . 4 26 59 II 87 Boston 8 3 16 41 7 27 St. Louis .. .. 2 6 19 53 4 36 Cincinnati ,. . 2 6 26 71 35 j American. 1 I Club W L R II E LB! Philadelphia . 4 6 36 80 16 72 Cleveland ... 2 5 19 63 17 86 Washington . 5 1 21 51 8 28 Chicago .. .. 6 3 29 58 11 43 Boston .... ... 2 5 18 63 11 41 Detroit 6 3 35 77 11 52 St. Louis .. .. 3 4 23 44 27 New York .. ..4 4 21 ti 43 Keep cool! Take a plunge dally In the Y. M. C A. swimming pool. Special summer rates for men and boys. American Association. At Milwaukee, 11; Louisville, 1. At Minneapolis, 8-4; Columbus, 2-1. At Kansas City, 1-6; Toledo, 5-16, At St Paul, 9-2; Indianapolis, "l-I, Special Y. M. C. A. membership gate to i visitor for mmq lannrhA "Staff" Made Good Rcord While Ilorv Latt Year, Pitching, Ultllng and Fielding WelL Thomas C. Btouoh, vice president of th Asheville Baseball olub, has purchased Tal Stafford from the Mid dlesboro club of th Appalachian league, and It is expected that "Staff" will Join th team this afternoon for It trip to Greensboro. At his own request MoFarlin ha been released! Th latter stated that he was unable to find hi strkle and he asked Stouch for a release several day ago, al though h agreed to remain with the Mountaineer, until another pitcher could be found. The new that Stafford Ii to be come a member of the local pitching staff will be learned . with Interest In this city. He fgrmerly worked for Asheville and went to Mlddlesboro when that city took over Asheville' franchise la, the Appalachian leagu. He had a trood career a a member of the Mountaineer and hi support er her hoped that some arrange- xnent could be made last fall which would enable the local club to retain possession of him. However, Mtd dlesboro wns unwilling to allow Ashe ville to have Stafford and the Ken- tucktans have won some good game this season with "Staff" looking after their Interest In th box. j The latest addition to th Moun taineer' pitching staff was regarded her last year a being an unusually strong pitcher, not only because of his ability to hurl, put because of bis use of hhi head and the manner In which he hit and fielded hi position. He slugged creditably for th Moun taineer and ha continued to hit sine he ha been playing at Mtddles boro. A a fielder he work well, having made a good record while a Mountaineer The release of, McFarlln will not com a a surprise to Asheville buga "Mao" ha simply been unable to work consistently. When tolng well, n ha been is strong a anything In th league, but when twirling poor ball he haa been unusually weak. TO Stouch he declared tfiat he felt that he was not tolng to ret Into condl tton her for several week and he asked that h b allowed to leava During hi residence In Asheville he ha made many friends among th fan and ha worked hard to boost Asheville In th percentage column, Should he over return to this city to Pitch h will ivn a eordlal wl- oomv Somewhat Confused. A certain youth was about going out to hi first formal dinner party. HI mother maid: "Now don't forget your manners, James; be fair to say something complimentary when th food 1 passed." He endeavored to do so. When butter was served he re marked pleasantly. "This la pretty rood butter, what there 1 of It" The remark was not well received; he saw that he bad mad a mistake, and he endeavored to correct It by saying: "And there' plenty of It, such as It la" -Nw York Glob. We Carry a Full and Complete Line of OFFICE FlIRMTURE Filing cabinets, sectional book" cases, roll top, flat top, typewriter and bookkeepers' desks, .cjiairs, stools, rugs- linoleum, etc. Cash or Tenns. j,..,,, t jw - J. L. Smathers & Sons Mammoth Furniture Store nf, ,; 15-17 No. Main St.' . f: Cook Wlffi ' Gas I BECAUSE It eliminates all the drudgery con nected with the preparation of the family meals on a red hot stove in a red hot kitchen. KEEP Get a Gas Range Buy one on easy Divided Payments. Asheville Power & Light Co. Phone 69 It Look Now as If Foil Teams An Going to Fight for Gonfalon, Additional New, 4 94, t4 . M $ x ... 4- WHERE THEY FLAY TODAY. 4 .'' . Asheville at Greensboro. Durham at Charlott. 4 Raleigh at Wlnaton-Salem ' " For a two days' session with the Patriot, th Mountaineer leave this morning for Greensboro returning t thl city Wednesday for pair of days with th Twins, The freak In tha schedule which 1 now being worked out make It possible for th cities of ths leagu to secure th tarn number of game at hom. With but on point to th good In second place th Mountaineer hope to make It hard for th Patriot today and tomorrow and they ex pect to be in good form tor th oru :lal series with th Twin, who ap pear to be desirous of spending the remainder of th season In th first place of th standing of th clubs. Th addition of Stafford to th pitching staff put th local In rood ' form, Asheville fan believe, and th men who are backing th Noojlners are confident that th Asheville crew will create a raft of troubl during the remainder of th season. From th way thing ar looking now It appear that th flag la tolng to be awarded to on of th four citie which occupy th first four ' place in th league standing. While Greensboro I strengthening, It U hardly poaslbl that th Patriot ar going to hav any flag raising, for they hav spotted th other team too many points. Charlotte, too, la In a rather bad way th Hornet hav Ing experienced another disastrous week. Could they play at hom dur-, ' Ing th remainder of th season, they might mak a great fight, but atnc they must continue to travel, It ap pears now a If they ar doomed to finish th season som few , point abort of first plao. It may happen that th cellar teams ar going to aprlng a surprise during th remainder of th aaon but if they do it will b am aurprl, Th majority of th Asheville fansi believe that th scrap for the pen-, nant during th remainder ot the! season 1 going to b waged with' Winston-Salem, Ashevllls, Durham; and Raleigh, taking th most aotlv 'Prt . - - vl OLD FORT WOX "V f OLD FORT. July IO.OBplal. Old Fort defeated Rtdgecrest in an exolting gam of hall her by th score ot I to I. Th feature of the, ram were th ensatlonal work, of I Kanipe, at ahort th pitching oft Masaey, and th hitting ot Copland. Th eor by Inning: R. H. E. , Rldgecrest ....000 100 0001 t 8, Old Fort .....110 000 03x i I , Batteries: Ben. Whit and Whlte'.J Massey and Hal. - ) ' ' , !. COOL and Work Less If -I