THE ASHEWLLE CITIZEN TJIE WEATnER SHOWERS CITIZEN WANT ADS BRING RESULTS VOL, XXIX., NO. 279. ASIIEVILLE, N. C., TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 2d, 1913. PRICE FIVE CENTS Itll'SIE MBASSftDORMM NOT RETURN TO POST IN MEXICO Uncle Wants To Know. FATE DF THE NEW E OFWQESTILLGQES CURRENG BILL ON TSW MM. IIS TO CAUCUS Only Nine Hundred Letters to f rlnce of Informers Re main to be Read HIS MEMORY AT TIMES IS SOMEWHAT AT FAULT But He Can Remember Enough To Drag in a Few More Leading Lights miouivOTfiv Julo 98 Luna rtan me thousand of Martin M. Ml 'or an hour withPre.ldent hall', letter as a lobbyist for the Wilson and Secretary Bryan today National Association of Manufac submitting chiefly a oommM ion turers. remamed to be put In , the thi the. United States ue its In .record when the senate investigating '""-"ce to stabilize the Huerta regime committee met today. ' Policy was evo Ived -h at least Attorneys for the association and! none was announced-bu became the American Federation of Labor, j known that the president a ideas and granted the right to cross-examine those of Ambassador Wilson as to the witness through the committee. ; the course to be pursued are so radl will attempt to shake Mulhall's story", v d.fte-ent that administration of before he is turned over to the house j! Interpreted the day develop lobby committee, about the middle' ments as forecast ng the acceptance of the week 1 of Ambassador Wilson's . resignation. In Januar'y. 1911. Mulhall wrote j President Wilson and the ambassa to General Manager Bird, of the! dor regard the future of the Mexican ,f.,.. oKf th m-rtw.: situation, it was learned, from oppo- iiiaiiuicvui vie, -i houge. "I am positive we will fare very much better with tho Incoming demo-! P"cy au.iea uy w. cratsof tho houae than we have wlthnd Its effect on other Latin-Amerl-the present congress. ran countries, and is disinclined to "I assured Mr. Emery, counsel for' strengthen a government that came the manufacturers, that if he would I elect some man we could agree on for chairman of the labor committee, we could have him appointed. I also told Mr. Emery I am positive wo will control the Judicial committee ! and its suDcommlttees and also thoiation not from past events, but with labor committee and its subcommit-', the practical idea of the future. He tees In the next congress. I am not believes it is the business of govern inaking this statement 'until I am ments to look to the future and his fully convinced that these facts can be accomplished." Nelson Asks Questions. "What grounds had you for mak- ing this statement?" demanded Sena-j tor Nelson. "I can't just recall at the present,; time. I had broke down about that time," said Mulhall. "Did you and Emery agree to nam MVWre-.-t "Not that I remember." "Is that all the Information you can give this committee as a basis for these statements?" "All at 'his time. I thtnk the let ters will show," said Mulhall. Frequently in his correspondence Mulhall referred to the "labor lobby." "Who did you mean by the labor lobby?" as'ced Senator Nelson. "Gompers, Morrison and members of the executive board of the Federa tion of Labor," said the witness. "I alwavs found them busy. I saw them frequently about the capltol." (Continued on Page Nine.) EMflY SERVE TERM IN THE COUNTY JAIL President Wilson Not Dis posed to Interfere but May Permit This. (By George H. Manning.) WASHINGTON, July 28.-Preldent Wilson Js not disposed to Interfere with any oentence which may be im posed upon William E. Breese, con victed in connection with the failure of the First National bank, of Ashe vllle, it wan learned today when Sen ator Overman and Congressman Gudger and daughter called at the White House In his behalf. The president is Inclined to keep hands off, but may possibly order .that Breese be permitted to serve what ever sentence ita imposed upon him in the county Jail In preference to the penitentiary, owing to the preca rious condition of his health. Congressman Pou today called at the White House and assured Presi dent Wilson that the rulea commit tee, of which he is ranking member, wtll stand solidly 'behind him In "pressing the passage of the currency bill and is not In sympathy with the opposition berfng made to the bill by Congressman Henry, of Texas, the chairman. Good for 5 votes if received by date printed below. 5 VOTE COUPON $2,500 Automobile and Pony Contest. The Asheville Citizen Candidate; Address .n Not Good After August 10th. Cut Out Neatly. Ambassador - Wilson's Interview with the President Reveals the Fact That the Latter Does Not Agree with the Views of the Am bassador Who Wants Recognition WASHINGTON, July 28. Ambas sador Henry Lane Wilson, summoned from Mexico City to inform the Washington administration of condi- lions in 1:10 rcuciuvutuiu . Islte viewpoints. , The president la jConcernea ever ' into power cnrouBn uie llu,i. events Incident to Madero's assassi nation. Ambassador Fa tors Hur-rta. Ambassador Wilson, on the other hand, Is disposed to look at the situ suggestions have been In the direc tion of extending recognition to the Huerta government if it did certain things to conserve American In terests. The inmivteablllty, from a dlplo- matlc standpoint, of maintaining in Mexico City ft representative who would not be sympathetic with the purpose of the Wilson admmlstra- to have practically convinced the president that the embassy in Mexico City had better be conducted for the present by Nelson O'Shaughnesay, its first secretary, reputed here as efficient and experienced. The appointment of a new ambassador would be contingent upon the establishment of a satis factory government at Mexico City. Meanwhl the president advised Am bassador Wilson to take a rest for a few days as he has been laboring under a nervous strain. While tho chief officers of the American government were debating the facts of the situation today, It became known that a movement was HEFLIN FIRES 801 INTO RANKS DFSUFFBAGETTES Coins New Words to Ex press Himself Regarding Would-Be Voters. WASHINGTON. July 28.-Head-quartera of the National American Woman Suffrage association seethed with indignation today when officer and members learned that Represen tative J. Heflln, of Alabama, their most bitter opponent In-congress, had Bred another broadside into their camp last night from the pulpit of a local church. In addition to criticis ing the "cause" in vigorous terms, Mr. Heflln also gave hie definition of suf fragettfta and their male supporters, Hera it is: "Suffragettes Unmarried . female fanatics. "Suffragetare Unhappy, disconten ted married women. "Suffragattors The male suffrag ette. A feeble minded suffrotescent creature;" Mr. Heflln explained today that the word "suffrotescent" was his own coinage. After some thought he said j he believed that "wooden ' headed") could be substituted for It without! any loss in meaning. I Do Not Fold, on foot which might eventually spare them the necessity of offering media tion or any other kind of interference in Mexican affairs, upon which the national pride of Mexico la sensitive. Want Huerta to Rewlgn. The plan contemplates a repetition ot the process by which Dial abdi cated In favor ot a provisional presl dent acceptable to both factions in the levolt againt him. Prominent Mexicans of influence are Interested In the idea and have Informed Secre tary Bryan that if the American gov eminent would refrain from any policy of mediation, at least for the present, they felt confident of bring ing about an understanding between the warring forces looking toward a peaceful solution of political diffi culties. Provisional President Huerta, H Is suggested in the peace plan, might be persuaded by his friends that with the desperate financial condition of Mexico his resignation would be an act of patriotism and self-denial. He would be asked to name a minister of foreign relations, a post now vacant, so that through the constitu tional process of succession, the mln lster would succeed him as a pro visional president. That the revolution in the north led by Governor Carranxa had been Informally sounded on the propoal Hon became known, as well as the fact that certain men already have been- mentioned for the provisional presidency, who would be acceptable not only ti the Huerta administra tion, but to the constitutionalists as well. The naming of. a cabinet by the new provisional president nd the convoking of a general, election would follow, and It lis hoped by those who are already working on the plan that the United State would recog nise7 trie new": government " o "that Mexico's credit abroad would rise and make possible the negotiation of a loan to rehabilitate the finance ot the republic. In the mean time fhe constitu tionalist army would be moved to assist In pacifying. Administration Worried. That 'both the president and Sec retary Bryan are greatly concerned over the tangled financial state of Mexico wm apparent from the Ques tions which they asked of both their official and unofficial agent. Inci dentally E. N. Brown, president of (Continued on pn!,e jjnc) LEO M.TRAM, GHARGEO WITH PHGAN MURDER IS ON Til IN ATLANTA Jury Empanelled and State Begins Introduction of Evidence. LEE ON STAND. ATLANTA July 18-flntroduction of testimony for the state was begun this afternoon In the trial of Leo M. Frank, former superintendent of a pencil factory, charged with the mur der of 14-year-old Mary Phaji, an employe, whose mutilated body ws found In the basement of the factory on the morning of April 27. Three wltnemes were introduced today, the most Important of these being Newt Iye. the negro watchman, who summoned the police to the fac tory by telephone by informing the-n that he had discovered the bod7 .f a rlrl In the tmsement Lee adhered clo.sely to ht oft-repeated story that he know nothing of fhe crime or the presence of the girl's body until he found .It secreted In the basement. He will resume the stand again tomorrow. Mrs. J. W, Coleman, the Phagan girl' mother. Identified the clothing of the murdered girl. O. W. Epps, aged 15, a newsboy, testified to riding down town with the Phagan girl, on April 2. and to having made an en gagement to meet, her that afternoon. He said that he waited, but Che girl failed to appear. Less than five hour after court convened the law Juryman was agreed upon, and1 Judge L. H.Roan announc ed that opening statements of prose cution and defense would be heard Immediately after the noon recess. Court adjourned shortly after 10:30 o'clock to convene at 2 o'clock. Seven panel ' of veniremen were questioned before twelve Jurors had been accepted. Two salesmen, two machinists, a bank teller, a book keeper, a real estate agent, a manu facturer, a contractor, an optician. TOTrHaf5m!afla K-Waffln d a mainrif ?! wr I make up the completed Jury. Eleven of the Juror art married. REPUBLICAN SENATORS SPLIT IN THE FIGHT OVER TARIFF REVISION AND PROGRESSIVES GET OUT SUBSTITUTES Followers of the Bull Moose Believe That They Cannot Support Senator Smooths Substitute for' the Woolen Schedule Way 1$ Made Easier for the Democratic Champions. t WASHINGTON, July 21. A divi sion In tii rank of the republican senator over the tariff revision fight, becam apparent today when nearly a doien progressive republican began a series of conference to per fect substitute schedules that will b offered to th tariff bill under the leadership ot 8enatori Lafollett and Cummin. th prqgresslT republican mov ha grown out of the belief of lead ing natort Identified with that fac tion that they would be unable to support Senator moot' ubtltut for th wooWn 'tariff; Th't3moo substitute was prepared torn time go and introduced at th time dem ocratic bill came back front th finance committee. Th progressive republican have practically agreed to center their fight about tha Lafollett substitute In the hope that they can carry the balance of the republican party with them and possibly win some democrats away from President WlUon' "free wool plan." Progress on the tariff bill wa slow In the senate today. Prepared speeches were made by Senator Townaend and Warren, republicans, and short assaults occurred through out the afternoon upon specific Items which the republicans held to be too radical reduction from existing law. First Break. The progressive republican forces so far have shown no disposition on the floor of the senate to break with their republican a-ssoclates, except In II NDW LOOKFGB PEACEFUL Little Yellow Men Believe That Uncle Sam is Friendly to Them. NOTES EXCHANGED. WASHLNOTON, July . Admin Istratlon official hre are disposed to take an optimist!': view of the ne gotiations with Japan arising from her protest against th California an-tl-allen land law and believe that a complete understanding almost is In sight While there may be another Inter change of notes, administration offi cials feel that the diplomatic corres pondence, so far ha established the friendliness of the 1'nlted States gov ernment for Japan and the absence of Intent upon Its part to d!:rimlnate against Japanese. While there has been no peclflc solution of the ques tions arising, It Is said, a frank under standing of the purpose of the two nations ha arisen from th negotla tlona Though nearly two week have ex pired since the delivery to Ambassa dor Chlnda, of the American reply to the last Japanese note, no Intimation ha reached Washington of a purpose on -th part of the Japanese foreign o'flc to continue correspondence. Th administration is resting In the hop that It last pronouncement on the subject ha satisfied th Japanese government of two fact of import ance, that there has actually been no violation of the treaty right of the Japanese by th alien land leglila tion, and that recourse muit be had to th court to detenntn th ques tion of the affect of th W.Kh i. opofriactroadncht-jidpriviT-7 egea of th Japanese as ara granted Mr intaraauonai law ao4 oamltv. a few vote whr they Joined th democrats 1n support of lower duties. The conference which began today, however, are expected to olldlfy th progressive element and to bring about a new alignment of th re publican force. Henator Lafollett' cotton and wool substitute and Sen ator Cummins' metal ubtltut, war under consideration In th conference today and probably will be supported by th progressives. . It Is expected that a substitute sugar tariff, similar to that which Senator Brlstow suo ceedrd In getting through th ven al In the last session of congresai wilt have th progressive strength be hind, It - , -''The senate had completed th con sideration of ' rate on chemical, drugs, oil and Ilk product today and had gotten started In the earthen war and glass schedule, when ad journment cam tonight. Bet speeches are to be made during the week by Senator Oronna, Thornton and others, but It la expected that the detailed consideration of the bill will be before th senate almost con tinuously from now on". "Ooncelwd In Hatred." Senator Townsend, of Michigan, In a speech in the senate today, charac terited the Payne-AldHrh tariff law as "the Gettysburg wher th tac tions of the republican party were formed In battle array," that led to the frlumpb of the democratic party, giving It an opportunity to writ th ponding tariff bill, which he condemned. T FOfl DECLINE OF BONDS Attempt to Frustrate the New Currency Plans of Administration. WILL PAY PAR. WASHINGTON, July !. Secreteiry McAdoo Issued a statement tonight flatly charging that the decline of government two per cent bonds to 8 a new low record wa due "al mot; wholly to what appears to be a campaign waged with every Indication of concerted action on the part of a number of Influential New York city bank to cause apprehension and un--an!rns about these bonds In order t-i hlp them in their effort to defeat the currency bill." Banks throughout the country own almost entirely 1730,882,180 of the two per cents. Their market value today was approximately 130,000,000 less than when the banks bought them, Almost all the entire Issue la used as security for national bank notes. At the present price however, the discrepancy between th market value and the Issues of note asjalnst the bond I covered by what I known a th five per cent redemp tion fund, deposited by the bank with the treasury to care for retirement of national bank notes. Secretary McAdoo announced It wa not hi Intention to require the bank to charge off the present depreciation below par, but that the bank might continue to put In the bond at par In their statements to th oomptroller of the currency, at least "until oro ma terial change In condition should compeT"The adopllOnbf "another (Continued a Ttn VtaM "Thi bill." Senator Townwnd aid, "wa conceived In hatred ot th American policy of protection and brought forth In th darkness ot th secret caucus chamber under th pro fessional chart ot on who ha nvr had any experience In business ob stetrlc. I it any wonder that th thing 1 mlshappen and deformed T I It any wonder American progrss and prosperity look with disfavor upon UT-" , flenator .Warren attacked a re mark mad ivral day ago by 8n- ator Williams that th last election gav hrm aufhorttjrtor th tat ment that th po pi favored a tar iff for revanu only,. Snator Warrn maintained that ther wa no uoh majority expression of opinion, be cause th presidential campaign wa three cornered and th democrat won by a minority vot. ' ' "Atroclou betrayal of pre-election promise," . wa til characterisation of th democratlo tariff bill. Th re publican and progressive, h said, were united on th tariff : question and th popular vot so far a tarirf was concerned, wa mor than 1,000, 000 against protection , and about , 000,000 for protection. Th result of the election by atate for protec tion or for a revenue tariff would have shown, he addsd, only fourteen stale for th democratic policy and thirty-four for a protective (policy. Under this calculation President Wil son would 'hav received only 152 (Con tinned on Pare Right). IDE Official Insurgent . Dis patches Declare Tampico Was Sunk in Harbor. NOOALEB, , Aria, July li Th Mexican federal gunboat Tampico was destroyed today by a bomb dropped from an aeroplane over Quay mas har bor, declare an official Insurgent 1 H was said that Aviator IHdler Maeson made three flight over the harbor before he succeeded In hit ting the boat. While It was reported during rh ItallanTurkiah war that a war vessel wae sunk by a bomb dropped from an aeroplane, the report was never confirmed. There Is said to be no oth er roport of a similar feat on record, although many bomb have been dropped In military camp during the Balkan war. Masson ha made va t t attempts to damage the fort and ship of the Mexican army and I".".' ''"""n". but ha met with indifferent success. Cut Out and Send to Contest Department. NOMINATION BLANK Good for 1,000 Votes. The Citizen 'Automobile and Pony Contest. Name tx.o3&.-!!'.;.".' .;. Address . . Phone No....-.r Onlv Onfl Nomination will count as 1.000. This contest is open under 18 years of age. Democrats of the House Fall ing to Agree Shift the Responsibility ARGUE FOR HOURS ' WITH NO RESULTS tntire Fight Over Wilson Currency Program Trans ferred to tho Caucus ! WASHINGTON. July II. Demo crats of th hous banking and cur renoy commute today agreed to al low themselve two week mor of wrangling ovr th ; administration currency bill Two wk from toduy a democratic house caucus will recalv th maur In a finished a eondl. lion a th committee member can arrlv Aftr thre hour of argument, at which various plan for disposing of th measur wer discussed, th dem ocratic committee member voted to author! th chairman to '"ask for a oaucu ot th party to to called on August 11, to act upon uch rtport on th pending currency bill m will than to .nad." Further than Una th msmber directed th chairman to mak publlo no details of what took plac at th mUng. , Th aupporura of th administra tion bill, having failed, after weski of discussion and argument, to win over thre or four opponent of th msaau among th democrat ot th commit' ta, hav decided to procsed without them and allow tho dlstatiafUd wltlt th msasur to carry their fight to th house caucus. -j ;s?i.f.v ... ' Goat to Cftucnf. . This will throw Into th oaucu th retire fight over th o-calId Insur gent Amendment, providing for ''cot ton, oora and wheat currency,", a framed by Representative Henry, ot Texas, and Rpreentatlv Rogsdal, of South Carolina. The amsnd menu.with th other Insurgent propo ltlons, ' will undoubtedly b voted, down by the confsrsnce of th com mttte member by vot ot about it to I., Thi vot would, not b utfl clsnt to overcome th Vot of th in urgent democrat nd th minority member of th full committee, Therefore th measure will be taxti directly to the caunu. Today' antlr irerslon of th Con ference wa (pent In ' discussion of whether the proceeding of th meet Ings should be maJo public. After considerable argument th confersno rejected a proposition to thro v open th door of the cominltt room end allow the debate to oe made upbllo, The vote wa t to I and Chairman Qlas cast th dec'dlns vote against th open door polity, -It w Ihca voted to enjoin aecrw us te tli po ceedlng on every membsr of th con. ference. " ' ' ' President Wl1on and Chairman Ola, ot th house committee, and ' Chairman Owen, of the senate com mitt, belfav that they will be able ' to gt the measure through both house and senate with the essential, practically unchanged, vn thougU sonslderabl opposition will b met at every step and considerable delay, encountered, MtlCKMnf AN ATHLETIC. PHILADELPHIA,' July H. Qeorpre. Brlckley, the 19-year old brother of Charle BrJckley, the Harvard football' star, reported to the Philadelphia, American league team here today, it i Is likely that Iirlcklty will be given chance to play In the outfield as Rub Oldrlng may be out of the game foe everal day. Oldrlng wa obliged to report to the club' physician after eating soft shell craba wouiiD ENJonr burlesoic. WASHINGTON, July !. Gar Jones, of New York, today aeked tha district supreme court to enjoin PosU master General Burleson from award ing a contract to the Trlner 8cai company, of Chicago, for twenty-flv hundred scale for use in th parcel - post service. Th petitioner claims ih.i fir the bids were onened the Chicago company wa allowed to sub mit an additional sampl and that the sample did not comply with tne tpeo tflcatlon. THE WEATHER. WASHINGTON. July 28.-Forea1 fne vm Oarollna! Local shower Tuesday and probably Wednesday. y.xx.i,'zv lidatV ' Blank for Each Candidal V. only to Girls and Boys ! . 1 ;