T1IE ASIIETTLLE CITKT..T, FItlDAY, ATTGUBT 1, 1913. 4 i -, 1 1 ..TMI T1!E ASIIEVILLE CiTIZEIl ftibUshed Every Morninj by The CltUen Company, 8 Government 8treet yht AsbevHW CHiaen 6 days a week. Sj Bunday Cltisen every Sunday. Vhe -WMkty Qtiteo every Wednesday. TCIXPH0NE8 80 .2Q7 LditorUl Rooma- ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS COMPLETE SUBSCRIPTION RATES By earrkt in Akrsjyilla and SuburV. IsJV ft. Sun. 1 yr. m advance ,7.60 I)niy & Hun. 8 mo. in advanc.... 1.D6 L'sll A 8un 1 k In tdvanccJS pally only i year i aavanoe......,. o.w l)ally enly k mo. V dvane.......,, 1.80 l)4y only 1 week In advance .10 y mail In United Ste, Postage Tald. laily & 6un. 1 yr. m.advanee $8.00 Jaily ft Hun. S ma in advance i.w tally only 1 year U advance .... 4.00 Daily only 3 mo. f.l advance 1.00 Sunday enly 1 year In advance 2.00 Sunday only 3 mo. in advance..... .60 Weekly 1 year In &dvanee. .60 Friday, August 1,1913. CIRCULATION STATEMENT ' For Juijl913. TUK .ASJtEVILLK CITIZEN. iy 1 ... ,oi " I 9,007 " I - (,019 " r ' 4 1,03! " , 5 9,021 " S. Sunday 7 I 1? 11 It 9,041 9,011 9,037 9,041 9,020 -. )t-ief 9,028 ll............M,. .Sunday 14 Mil 9,032 9,042 9,043 9,030 9,031 Sunday 9,031 9,043 9,045 9,041 9,039 15 ....... 1 IT, , Hi t i to i M. Xt f 4 2 3 . 24 i 25 24 ,035 7 fiunday MM 9,034 19 i 10 ....... 9,015 9,033 ' Total Dally ..... tfeily average for Uly . ,. .248, 93t month ' of 9,014 ' THE (SUNDAY CITIZEN. my ;-; " . av. 7,164 , " 20 m . ....... ... .. 7,060 T 7,0!2 Total Sunday 21,153 Sunday average for month of July 7.113 ?tat of North Carolina, Buncombe 1 CSaty ea.! rereonanr appntroa before me, a notary pubUo in and for eaid elate and oounty, Robert S. Jonee, who flrei toeing duly eworn, etatee that he te buetnet manager of The' Aehe- ville Cltiien. a newtrpaprr publlidied In aoreaald atate, and county, and that' the aoove atatement la a true and correct itateinrnt of circulation for rhe month of July, 1911. ( ROBERT S. JONRS, HuHlnnet Matiaarr, Sworn to and eulwrlhd before me hl Slit day of July, 1911. c. r. MorNTmn, Notary Public. My commisnlon expiree July 12, till. Home Coming Period The "Home-coming Period," start ed under such favorable auspices at Heodersonvllle last night Is indeed Jnove-ment wherein every Western North Carolinian can enjoy with en thusiasm, since It appeals to nil lrlaat.ee, rich and poor, and makes no Impossible demand upon any one. St le, above everything else, an ap peal to one of the finest sentiments of humanity the love of home; It appeala to that Insatiable longing which every exile on the face of the earth ha felt at some time or other to return to the land of his nativity, the.fcvenee of His childhood; to "walk again each well known path, to hear each well loved voice." No matter where you may roam, how fortune may treat you, how many tho years since last you trod the home path, there 1 alway a still, small voice calling you 'ftack home."'- And so in Western North Carolina thej are moving toward a great re union of the ''old boy and girl" who have wandered afar. Extensive prep arations will be made for the return and welcome of Western Carolina' sons and daughters. The long 'years thaV have flown in between will be forgotten for the time, and no atone wlU." be left unturned to make the two weeks of the home-coining period memorable In the annals of this sec , tlon. Henderonvtlle, W'aynesvllle, AeheMll and, in fact, every city, town and Tillace in Western i North - Carolina will shortly issue Invitations to all wanderers who can claim this section a their lilrthplace. And we know that the answer thereto will be othlsrtloJIy wToeape, and - that the groater portion of the exiles now treading foreign flolds will hear th mother cull. While our .guests' am with ue the , Western North Carolina fair, "better j and bigger than vr," will offer i oountlea attractions, and the homc comers will be given eveiy oppur- tunlty to note rhe proton made by j Western North Carolina 111 all linen during recent year. It la hopel that many of (boss who coma will do:l(U to stay home. After Mulhall What? I'reaent Indlcatioiin lire that thfi tedloue Mulhall lti'iulry lit the hiuidM of the eetiato lnvieHtUciiXliru commit tee will be cloned thle week, tout J.tw country will bo rettali'il f"1 eevoral weeks longer with mi eiiuutly ix haUHtlve lnveatlgatlon by the con gressional committee. While Ih't committee may lun" Kim !"'' Ut ile more detail, nothing wa adduced whleh the country did not already know. The New York World's expose was thorough (t"d complete, una u. muy Jirovo In tho end IhaLjho sum of 110,000 alleged to have been In vested by the Now Turk newspaper, was well spent. But what of the remtlts? Will the sordid tale of oorruptinn and bribery In high places; of questionable Influ ence which appear to hae readied Intn the very core of national legis lation; of the shameful srttvtty for selfish Internets of men whose nnmen stood high In the business annals of the country bring about the reforms o badly needed, or will the ame old Oondltlona prevail when the excite ment Incidental to the preaent reveln- tlona haeeubelrtdTltmaylvetha.trhe fear of the "squealer," whose tribe Is dally Increasing, will accomplish those reforms which all the preach ment of pres and piilplt rnnld not achieve, and It may be. too, that there will fee felt In both houses of the na tional legislature a far higher con ception of the responsibilities Impos ed by the American eleetorate. We are not unmindful of the fart that the motives of Mulhall the In former are pen to question, but he may mill be an Instrument for good. It Is true that he ws aetuated by revengeful dnelres and, perhaps, by motives of personal gain, but -he served a purpoa in turning: the na tional searohllght on affairs and conditions at the national capital which ever militated against honest government. Hie contribution to national history, while not pleasant reading for man and woman of high er itandard. makes Imperative, some action at the hands of those who write and make our laws. It will not do to aay that Mulhall was fully aa rotten a those with whom he camn In contact, for It In a well known fact that the hardened sinner, repentant and reformed, is the most effective of xhjortera. July Circulation The Cltlxen'e circulation for July hows a dally average of 9, OS 4 and for The Sunday Citizen an average :f 7,313. Iutirut the ipost ten years and especially for the last few years, The Citteen has Increased ltn circulation very tmpldly. Kor July, !)(), the dally avereare wan 2.!06. It will thue be seen that the circulation Increuae In ten years has been more than 400: per cent. No other paper In North! Carolina has shown such a grit In-, crease In circulation. And when It Is1 considered that The Citizen, by reason of Its geographical location, In con-' fined to a limited area, this circula-l tlon of over 9,000 Is truly reniarkiiblc ; Notes and Comments j It Is said that there Is a movement afoot to abolish the briiliil veil Why ' Halt it hot for centuries performed charitable offices on the most mo mentous occasion of a woman's life? Has It not frequently modified the! clumsiness of nature's handiwork'.' Mexico should go very slowly lest ! she prod Uncle tam Into doing home thing he would be sorry for. j There appears to be several notes' In the European 'concert. 'bum i The English sportsmen should n. t i worry about the loss of the tennis championship. They still have good old crk'ket to full back on. And al.o varchesl. The rout of the I. W. W. at erson Is only the beginning of tin of an organization that Mood nothing that is uplifting. Pat- end f. r I- j Yes, the "old boys" are aiiiing home . THIS IS MY BOTH BIRTIID VY." VtNoount llardingn Viscount Hardinge, brother of the present viceroy of India and i noted koldleftn his early life, was born Au gust 1, 1875, and succeeded to the title upon the death of his father In 1894. His grandfather was the fa mous Held Marshal Lord Hardinge, who was a commander In the Penin sular Warand later became governor general of India, The present Ms count was educated nt Harrow and. Joining the army as an officer of the Rifle Hrlgadc, saw active service in the Nile, expedltirn of 1SK5. Kor some time he nerved as aide-de-camp on the staff of Ijrd Roberts. THS lST-PRANDI AIi Ul'KIKX. (London Opinion) Toaatmaster tat public dinner l JVI11 you ma im t niir imi Ii iimii . sir. or shall the gentlemen, go on enjoy tnc themselves a Uttl leirgert WITH THE ns.1 ci"bl yfiK . No AlUTiuttlvu, Sim (utnr the quarrel) 0.u.ve ny present! ... ..,.1 iiu I com unr'iij ...17 got them all! I'hiladelphla Il."rd. The hl4fis. . A dispute otuie aroee 'between a landlord and his tenant. The latter had given notlue to quit, but would not put a fclll in hie wlndotf to say this hoime waa "To bo 1L" To tuuko mutters worse, they went to law about It. The Judgo, having heard the huim, made an order for the defeiidunt to put a lilll up within 14 days. The landlord was so overjoyed t I bis victory that on me inn uay took a friend with him round to the house to chaff his tenant . The bill w up in the wlndtfw J)ltt4n enough, t.lll,WlllH UH H H folloWS "('mini of leaving bad drain New York. Ulobe. Oimi Druwlnuk. Harry lixler tolil un nmuHlru Htory the olhiir ilny of two Ulaaa-nw woiimn lio iiipI In the Htrt and be gan to ducum lb" iloMiPBtiu affaire of a nwly niarrlml roople. "Aye. Mm. .VIcTavlnh," eald one, "an Jnnie aot itiarrlodl" Hh h thai, Mm MtAIplne," re plied the othr. "An' how's alio erettln' on?" n rut woman wanted to know. "Oh, no ae bnd Ht a," wan reply. "There' only one thing the the the matter. Hhe thinks bhn could hue Koi a better man! Hut then, ther' aye something" New York Ulinbe. Ocoaeiomil Visitor. A story Harry Ijtuder told waa about an old Ncotch gamekeeper who was being questioned by a rathef In ii!nlte visitor who paid occasional vMt to the neighborhood, and want ed to know all ubout the site and val ue of the estate. "Are there many deer on tho place?" was one of his questions. "Hundreds, slrl" was the game keeper's reply. "Many hares?" the other went on. "Thousands, sir, tho gamekeeper answered. "Is that so? Well, now; are there many gorillas?" the visitor asked sa tirically. The gamekeeper hesitated for a moment, then he said: "Well, sir; they they come noo an' then Just like yerecl'!" Ex change. friendly Help. Poor little Potts strained his head In vain endeavor to aee the stage. The Immobile back and great head of the man In front of him completely hid his view. Ily u most uncomfortable contor tion he Just managed to see some scenery ocaslonally by peeking over the man's shoulder. Suddenly the hlg man turned. "What's the matter, 'matey; can't m anything?" he .aaked. 4f .vjJ , "Can't even see a streak ef the stake through you," murmured little Potte, pathetb-nlly. The big man grinned sarcastically. "Ah, well, son, Just keep your eye on me and laugh when 1 do." New York Cilube. tiirm sm rui. 'Tin quiet on the Held tonight. The last farewell's been eald. The rampllre's ghyjv that, lately shone, Is ashes now Instead The tattered flags that fluttered Bre Arc all stored safe away, No mure lo speak of hate and strife Helween the llliio and Gray. This soil drank blood of North and South Juxt tiO years ago; Put blood I' blood It mingled here, And helpedr-lhese oaks to grow, Peneiith their tdiude today reclined. Ah. Time's mysterious web! These men tint now ore "veterans" But "Yankee" then, or "Tfebe." Ay, let, tbein speak .if days long gone, It warms their loyal tiearts. Not with u on e mlaguided hate. Hut love that light imparls. lim eyes grow bright, and hand seeks hand, "Neath friendship' a mystic s'pell, At cclo.e,; of the loud "II .i.zah '." or .startling "rebel yell," Olio land Is It-'W Tho ps! one country, and one sun. the thrilling cry; s ;one, the present here, I II'' IIHMIC is SO llllin, I 'o nigh, these tattered flags, We'll riMenoirn And love our nathe tiannts. " Unl iluty, lioiior and love call Where cur "Old tilory" flaunts, t.Missi Uuira. Cromer. " I'll IS OATH 1 HS'IMHY." August I. lt.sr -Maniuif de I onon illo a.ssumed oi'lo i. ,a.s go ornor of Canada. 1714 -yucn Aime . r Knclaod died and was succeeded by George l. 1 ', i ;i .tanies I'd. nr. tint president of V illia'n nod Marc college, d.ej In Wtllliininburg. Va. Porn In fV'otland in .1 1". o 6 . 17 The yellow fever appeared In l'hiladelphia. and resulted In nearly .".i'00 d-aths -beforo It js suppressed In early No v oO'l'er. 1 x 4 -SUvcry teased Ibroughoiit tho lirltl.sh p.'sscsslins. Admirnl John Kodgers, a fa mous naval officer of tho War of Hit;, dl.xl In Philadelphia, loon In Maryland, July 11, ir:i. -Colorado admitted to state hoed, r -Uird Roberts proclaimed the annexation of the Transvaal to 5rat Hrttaln. I'obert E. Pattlson. governor of Pennsylvania ISSS-r., and 18S1-6. died. Horn in Mary land, IVcember 8, mo. lM'S IS7U 1900 1904 MICIIHi.W STVI'la titHJ-' TtH'HNI-TY ' "hare 1 w h the groat hody of do- .iiTicst:c C o sumers all the burdens of!- NKiiRO Ml'RHERK.R TO HANG. SAGINAW, Mich., July SI.- On the! a 'protect-.- system which ' enured j -links of the local golf clu-b play wae ex luaivetv to the profit of certain, DALLAS. Tex., July 31. With but commenced today In the eighth an-,; preferred e'ai.ws of producers. The j momentary changes from the sullen niial tournament to decide the' cham- - agricultural products could not In demeanor that has characterized him pionshlp of the Michigan Stats r.olf the rat ire of things he protected, i since hiB arrest, Kloyd Stanton, a ne bague. All the liiul;n itu.es of mo for ib. ;- prices were fixed Ifl thelgro, appears little affected by the fact state lire represented among the cn liims it 1 1 d linlliiinipin j ii id ii I I inn iMei-fitmg competlllona before Uisi '(touruamcat Is Two Kinds of lroile. (Cohnnltla Htate.j In New Jersey laat Sunday iJugene Vihber wai driving h.' motorcar with his fiunlly when a Urger car, driven at a terrlflo epeed ,un up behind him, cruahed Jnto hla car tuid killed his little boy. In ton dlng car were a mun and woman. Th wnni an looked 'buck tur a 'moment, but the car went on and no one know who rhewe. guilty ipeopie. are who kill ed the Ilttlo hoy. 1 .t a marvel that there la a prejudice, against motor o.irn on the hlghw.ua when such thlnga. can happen'.' fortunately they do not happen ttilH part of tin) country, common in they linvc been In and around New York, ; It Is pleajtant, how-ver, to olmcrve a- i;oiiLrat to such chauuful conduct irmv - fitid thcri. " ln7C7nvp-nH. last Sat--, unlay the car of Mrs. Male I'Vench Vanderbllt wae moving at a slow pace when a little child ran In front; of It, directly against the Vhecl and' was knocked down and aerloualy hint. The wealthy woiair --lalro of Newport's fashionable pet, got oil t i of the car, knelt In the dust of thej alreet Und rested tho child's head In her arms until tfhn doctor arrlvced and It woe taken to the hospital, ac companied by her. There Is no lesson, to be drawn from either incident except that among tho rich as among the poor, there are peple of kind and humane feeling. Tho KomJiorn lrem. (Waco, (Texas) Tlinee-Herald.) Ilm'. John A..,Klci) of Fort Worth, In an address delivered before the Southern Sociological congress at At lanta, submitted this Inquiry. "Khali 'we have a 'constructive dally press that will SUKk'est only virtue?" It xirani to ue that here In the South fhat'a the only sort of dally press In evidence. We can begin at Baltimore and come down the line until we reach l;i Paeo and we won't find any other sort of dally preas. Tho press of the South is construe tlve all the time. Tho prejs of the South makes no compromise with crime. The (press of the South Is clean and wholesome and stimulating when other agencies for good are enjoying u respite firm their labors. Then wny your Inquiry, Ir. Rice? Conquering Typhoid. (Nashville Iwwiocrat.) Fnxller in the season, persons go ing away for aflmmer vacations were warned by the health boards all over die country that the deadly ty phoid germ lurked In sparkling wat ors nmld rural scenes, and tho pre caution of vaccination against ty phoid was ndvtaed. In Massachusetts 40 years ago the mortality from typhoid was H2 per 100, 000, but af stubborn and Intelli gent fight has ,,retlucnd thes figures to lose than 8 'per 100,000. Any clt iien of the state is supplied with vac cine free of cxipense "by the Rtate tionrd, and for those about to travel In other states the treatment is espe cially recommended. Hawing imssed through the experi mental stage vaccination against ty phoid has thoroughly established Its efficiency; end In the opinion of the Hoston Herald "It will probably but a few years when this precaution , Is universally employed. It Is now, so general In the army aa to occas ion no comment there; and of all the thousands of army cases there la not ono on record in which harm has come to the man vaccinated. One Injection of the vaccine Is not enough as It UKiiahy Is In guarding against smallpox, but tbero have to be three Injections, seven to ten days apart, and Immunity does not follow for about tliree Avet'ka. The reaction af ter the In lection of tho typhoid vnc rlne Is commonly so mild' as to oe cuslon lltt'e discomfort or Illness." Mnnn liamplon Otxstrurtlont.st. ( Pittsburgh Post.) The peo;-q,- end representatives to conrrcss with the expectation that; In studying the personel of the thev will transact hustness Poring Slxfy-thlrd congrces It is often ro 'the rwst week t"he lower house waei marked that the members of the i In se-wlon every day, but fail-d toi House and Senato are unusually I make prepress tn the work before It handsome lot of men, Hnd that event owiti; to "ie exercise of the rilituis- will develop new leaders for the ter by the republicans, In which that .coming campaigns. Professor Mich : champion ( the art of preventing ael, of the l'nlverslty of Turin, has legialatlon. I .-ader Mann, displaying advanced the Idea that the most his skill fi o dav As i r house ih i time liston in numerous as a quorum ed. It Iris thorn I" !'.; Tn truth, In to coiipros, WSS not et'v' second iii;tr.. the work r. tste It, nr. t ' )1 d o he ; . e.s;ti! s iu:;i!i.. No d c.r , ! senta'lve wb i the first to the last -cilt.of Vheso tactics the' mpelled to spend lis it M roll calls, and im In helping a politician to rise. He anions had to adjourn, points out many eiatnples and lncl- could not bo maintained, i dents to prove his theory In Italy, es pecially tn cases of Socialist leaders i said that Mann. "Is a who have been successful rather than side of the democrats.' be-anse of their bellefk. He also Is a nuisance, not onlv1 calls attention to the fine forms and l ot to the country. He. feature of the members of the ciham ed by the rotors of the tier of deputies In hYance who have t of Illinois to obstruct taken the reins of public affairs, congress, but to facli: i With dogmatic scientific precision, avlng failed to perform ; Professor Michael enumerates flvc serves to be defeated If qualities which he bellies neoeaaury to go before the people, to a political leader, all of which .many of the young men of Washing should tolerate a repre- ton possess: energy of will, which o proves an obstacle to' enables a man to dominate weaker business. Mnnn la an nbataele. and characters; superiority of knowledge. Is actual' .- violous In his methods, ' which compels respect; deep convlo apd Is :i. t representing his constltn- tlon a force of ldeaa often border ents ai d If the, country Is to tie ng on frjnttclsm: self-confidence relieved Id presence It must be ptistied to the point of self-conceit, fhr i MIgent aotlon In his dls- j,t having the power of feeing com- tricf " munh-ated to the mass of the people; T-h.. 'II Ouster Is "dirty politics," and la.st and most Important, of all, und a w,y should ho found to eup- goodness of heart and absolute dis plays It. ' ' lnterestedness. v 1 ' All these retrulsites are aside from The Parmer ami the Tariff. the qualifications of face ajid form (Norfollc 'Virginian-Pilot.) ; which are not to be regarded lightly. Tho democratic tariff bill now be- ln tnlg rMpeot foreshadowing the en fore , ..tigress doe) full Justice to the tram.e of women In politics? Will farmers , f the country, and It is the the clement feminine ever be able to first tlmo since 18', S years eliminate the old fashioned adminis- that Imoos; taxes have been laid with I tratlon 'for Adnoida on the Mump or anyrhtn a senifellng fair consider-1 A,ppolo in moving picture campaign? atlon .',f the rights and Interests of oniy the women themselves can the class which produce all the juwer. "Affairs at Washington," wealth o .h, community-. For more ; Jo0 Mitchell Chappie, in National than ha'f a century the farmers have! MuKaxine for Julv. . w orle .i.irkets by the laws or de ii. I mHla hut evfrvthing llii' 4- former haj to buy Increased in cost .through, the operation o 'tarjff raadc MEN'S OXFORDS If you haven't bought your low shoes yet, or if you are contemplating buying yotir second pair, we would like for you to try a pair of our Edwin Happ s Palm Jieach last; either Tan, Russia or Gun Metal leather. We are cure you would like "them. Just a litile different from the others. PRICE SG.SO i Brown-Miller Shoe Company Leaders in Fine Shoes 47 Fatten 'Ave. Phone 710 Beauty Blocks That's MONARCH coal. Every ton is care fully prepared so that each lump is clean and good. It is rich in heat units and burns clean and is your range's best friend. Southern Coal Co. Phone 114 10 N. Pack Su.. H. A. BE0WN ft CO. General Contractor IS Temple Court Iildg. Phone 1-41. monopolies on the Home markets. Vow h n.n..o: i . ... yl ri'uniiHiu is io practical- j ly remove tho tax from, everything i that tho farnie- and planter needs1 for the planting and gathering of' his crops, hla cotton baiticlnir anil '"Mtlcs, hiji Implements of everv kln.l his wire fencing, his jilows, shovels. hoes Takes i.ioiv.r I.-...-. ,..i mowers, reapers planters, which go on the free list, tho protected manufacturer la to be iflven his raw materials free of tariff duty In the general effort to equal ise the beaeitits. Also tho blankets, clothing, slioes and other necessaries of life will be cheapened to tho far mer by material decreases In the im post dutie. Verily, nwvy the tiller of tho soil rejoice, "The day of my deliverance from unjust burdens la at hand." He will no longer be com pelled by iniquitious laws to buy It tho dearest and sell in the cheapest market. HANDSOMK CONGRESSMAN. In studying the personel of powerful aid to political power and leadership is lieeuty In some form. it Is especially Important, he dovlares, that 'tomorrow is the date fixed for Stanton was fo guilty wife, of murdering hi WACHOVIA BANK & TRUST CO. ASHEVILLE, N.'C. Capital and Surplus M W..J, 1,600,000.00 Deposits 6,571,083.06 'AflSets . . . 8,346,009.29 Solicits your business: "Coinmercial, personal or Trust Accounts. , 4 per cent paid on Savings Accounts or Certifi cates of Deposit. MEN'S SUITS AND FURNISHINGS G Clothing Company Patton &t E. D. Moore Depot and Bartlett Stt, Shoes and Furnishings. Lucas Paints and Wall Paper ASHEVILLE PAINT & GLASS COMPANY Langren Hotel Bldg. 22 Phones 1779. ARROW IIARDWAJili & SCPFLY CO. Phone 914 20 N. Mala St Diamond Kdge Tool Johnston's Palnta EM WHITMORE S ANITARIUM Lovely Park, Tennis, C roquet, etc. Non-uric acid, diet, Curative GymnasticBr Naturophathy, Hydrothera phy, Chriopractic, Betz Hot Air, Massage, Electricity, Vapor, Rhower, Sitz and Ele ctric Light Bath's. Phone 1020. Take Patton Ave. Car 408 Haywood Si; . NICHOLS ON THE SQUARE. BUY NOW SAVE 10 Per Cent Our present stock of Carpets, Rugs, Mattings, etc., is being closed out at special reduced prices to make room for early fall shipments, Asheville Carpet House Carpets and Matting laid with out extra charge. SO Church St. Phone 2IS S. STERNBERG & CO. Depot Street Phone 333 All sizes and lengths of I Beams, Channels, Concrete SteeLand Relaying Rails.. Structural materials a specialty WE BUY ANYTHING AND ' SELL EVERYTHING & Trial Is i Ssr I VafiinifVlfiirlrVtm M Treat Ioujl IauDdrjf: Jiqf A ;G00D INVESTMENT WITHOUT ANY RISK ' That is what thrifty people want and they obtain it when they buy their Crosories of us. - We make specialty of selling the best the mi' ket affords FOR UE8t We know that quality Is the key note of our past success and Intend to continue to supply the good eating kind that produces good healtb- Rice, head, lb .7Jv Grits, Hudnutt's, lb 3Jc Crisco, large . . , , . . ,A. ,. 92c Crisco, medium 46c Crisco, small . . . ,. . .. .230 Remember, All Cars Pair PUMPS, SLIPPERS OXFORDS. You Get Them Cheaper, in the ' BARGAIN ANNEX of the SHOE CO. CASH SIIOESTERS. We Iron Collars By Pressure It's, a fine new machine, the very latest patent and manufacture. Collars last longer when done on this machine. Doubles their life, Save collar money. "Wash 'em the Nichols Way. PHONE 2000 Asheville Steam Laundry 9. A. Nichols, Mgr ft Coilece St A H .We Alp, LAUNDRY IEHONL70.

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