11 MARKET ..THE ASIIEVIIXE -CITIZEN MONDAY, ATCrST 11, 1913. smm&REsms C1EWS' REVIEW. , NEW TORK, Aug, 10. The -danger f a monetary crisi thi coming au tumn has pawed. For-thla welcome reuwnac . Secretary . licAdoo is chiefly responsible. By making It plain on, repeated occasion! that the treasury, would do lu utmost, to re lieve monetary . pressure when crop and trade demands, begin, he mate rially lightened, the burden of the banks aad enabled them to lend with far "created freedom than was dream ed of; thus averting a blockade of the wheels of commerce at the criti cal season when they are Invariably running at high speed. His latest offer to put Out .149,000,000 of treasury funds available for bank reserves adds Immensely to the loaning abilities of the national banks, especially In case of the swaller country Institutions which aw required to carry only IS per cent of . reserves. It is estimated that by tnls means the credit facilities of the country will be expanded about $200,000,000 to $300,000,000, the ef fect of which Is already seen In easier rates for time, money, a better de mand for commercial paper and a general revival of confidence In bank ing circles. Of course much credit for the present Improvement must also be attributed to the banking community for their .persistent application 'of the brakes. In consequence there has been Jt general liquidation and contraction f that l proving wholesome. There has been a decided stoppage placed upon all Imprudent enterprises. Tho de mand for new capital which threat ened to bring on a serious crisis has been powerfully restrained for good; and the net new Issues for July and August Will show a large decline compared with previous year In brief,, the financial - world has been taking the rest cure and Is already much Invigorated In" consequence. Improved conditions, are not con fined to the United States, Betterment Is equally apparent in London, Paris and Berlin. Thn applications for new capital in the first half of the year were quite as urgent there as here, and the restraint upon such has been correspondingly severe to that applied In the United States. The Balkan' war Is no longer a nightmare, and gradual ly but surely the vast sums hoarded as a result of that struggle will again- ftnfl their way Into the channels of trade and Investment That sorry struggle has been ended permanently by exhaustion of the combatants. Germany la already beginning to re cover from trade depression brought on by financial stringency, and the advices from Paris are also of a much more cheerful nature. England con tinues on the high road ef prosperity, no serious setback having occurred there at any period during the war, except the restraint Imposed upon new .financial undertaking As an Il lustration of betterment of London's position, tho Bank of England re serve' stands at the unusually high figure of 56.92 per cent. ' We are now In the harvest season and for the next few weeks crop re ports will be of equal If not greater Importance than the money market, the Influences of which have already been partially discounted. August Is always a critical month for the grow ing crops, and more or less deteriora tion ,ls the rule. During the p3st week considerable Injury has been reported to our two largest crop corn and cotton. The damage to corn has been estimated as high as 300,000,000 bush els, which would bring the total crop down to J,700,(U)0.000 bushels. This Is by no means an unsatisfactory yield, being much above the average, and the probabilities are that the damage has as usual been somewhat exaggerated. Fortunately, the corn crop Is generally early, and there Is still time for considerable recovery, especially as the plant is in less than ordinary danger from early frost. As to 'wheat w are already assured a bumper crop of 750,000.000 bushels. The Injury to the cotton crop has not been definitely ascertained, and the probabilities still remain for a large yield in view of an Increased acreage and satisfactory general average con dition. While early optimist! expecta tions regarding the harvest may have to be somewhat modified, there is no reason to anticipate any serious injury and the losses in yield are quite like-i ly to be compensated ' for by higher prices. The country is almost sure to see between eight and nine Unions if . new wealth created on the farms, and this la a big factor m national pros perity. A very satisfactory feature not suf fictentry appreciated Is the unusually liberal grain movement of the past few weeks. This has enabled the farmers to pay their loans, thus .strengthening the banks and provid ig the railroads with a heavy amount of profitable traffic, also furnishing an Important Increase in our merchan dise exports at this time. Our credit abroad is excellent and steadily Im proving. Foreign commerce continues on an unpredecented scale, which lat ter is shown by the fact that during the fiscal year onr exports rose to $2,465,000,000, leaving a balance In our favor of $652,000,000. This is a remarkable record, and cannot but powerfully tend to increase foreign confidence in American prosperity and to encourage foreign capital to these shores. The stock market displaye a more confident undertone than has been the case In the last eleven month Prices have shown a considerable rise and realizing spells must now be expected, particularly on stocks which have ted the advance. The rise, however, has been very uneven and Is likely to be carried still further should The har vest prove satisfactory and monetary developments continue favorable. The tariff problem has been discounted and almost forgotten, the public hav ing wearied of doubt and uncertainty I ja.iis question nevertheless will soon be settled. The worst Is already known, and when the final decision is made business may be expected to take a fresh forward start In many- lines shelves are exceptionally bare because of enforced contraction in buying for almost a year. When uncertainty is over a rush of orders Is to be looked for. The outlook for the currency bill f ji'iwg mure favorable, amt the known determination of the president to se-j core a bill this session, if possible, moiariallv atrenaUMna tha DoanbiiUv of success. The senate promises to be the chief obstacle. So far as the future Is concerned, indications point to a broader, more active and generally Improving mar ket. Reactions will be more frequent, and the crop outlook must be closely watched. Developments at Washington may also have aa important effect up on values, either for the rise or tho falL , HENRT CLEWS. FINANCIAL REVIEW. . NEW TORK, Aug. 10. The notable feature of the week's stock market ha been the manner. In which the advance In prices persisted In the face of unfavorable factor-' Uncovered bears found that no important selling was Induced, pecuiauve sentiment held the balance of Influence to be In favor of values. The most serious matter was the damage to the eom crop. Even the government report Friday was held not to cover the full amount of harm from tha drouth. The Indifference shown was due partly to knowledge of the -large reserves of corn from last year's crop. This did not prevent a rise in corn to the season's highest, thus affording another offset to the farmers loss from decreased yield. Corn sold higher than wheat in many portions of the belt Still more effec tive is the offset of the abundant wheat yield. Enormous marketings of grain bore further testimony to con fidence in the supplies. This was a potent factor also in building up rail road traffic transportation which made July gross earnings a record on eastern railroads and sustaining the volume of export trade. Industrial , news was optimistic. There was a drop In July pig Iron pro duction. , Concessions from schedule rates are relied on to .bring new or ders, thus promising to correct tbo loss shown In United States Steel's unfilled orders. The higher prices of copper fortified the speculation against the fear of a large addition to stocks of refined copper for the preceding month. Money conditions became easier ev erywhere... The , Balkan , peace treaty was taken as the main incentive for this. It Is expected to set a definite end to a stupendous rate of destruction of capital and will set the forces of re pair at work. The London mbney mar ket Is receiving timely assistance by receipt o gold from South America The determination of the secretary of the treasury to deposit surplus funds in southern and western banks brings increased offers to lend in the money market. Demand for mercantile paper Is notably Increased, owing to the decision to accept it as collateral security for government deposits. Weekly Cotton Review. NEw'yORK, Aug. 10. The cctton market has shown continued nervous nee and Irregularity during t'ie past week. The advance on tho government crop report of last Friday, was more than lost on reports of rain In the southwest over Sunday, but the week ly weather report of Tuesday claimed that hoth Texas and Oklahoma were still drouthy, an --'- H-nce -covered part of their loss. Business, however, hag remained very quiet. There has been southern wiling here, supposedly against the new crop, but offerings of this sort have been In no great volume. On the other hand, while spinner are credited with buy - moderately against forward need", their demand has appeared more tn evidence on declines to around or be low the lie level, than on advances. Meanwhile speculative Interest re mains comparatively small, and ner vousness over reported - drouth or heat damage to southwest crops ap pears to have created no aggressive or general demand. Most of the opin ions expressed around the ring, have. In fact, suggested a continued bearish average of sentiment, either en a theory that the crop Is doing well enough In the eastern belt to offset western belt deterioration, or on the ground that regardless of ultimate crop and requirements, the early movement of new cotton is likely to prove a depressing factor. Bearishly disposed operators point to political complications in China as limiting the demand from the far east, labor trou bles in Spain, continued legislative uncertainties Is this country and a generally unsettled financial situation likely to operate against a ready ab sorption of earty new crop receipts and predict that spinners will buy sparingly until the stability of holders has been thoroughly tested. These views, according to local buns, ma; not take sufficiently Into considera tion reduced old crop supplies, peace in the Balkans, the comparatively low government reports so far issued, and the increasing financial Independence of the south, as an aid to slow mar-t keting, while toward the end of the week the continued dry, hot weather In Texas seemed to be attracting In creased attention. Bradstreet's Review. NEW TORK, Aug. 10. While Irreg ularity still pervades trade, crop and industrial reports and fall trade seems rather alow to get under headway, the underlying general tone, txoept In sections where early favorable foed ing orop promise baa faded, la stUl highly optimistic "Securities markets at home and abroad 'show an improving tendency, the money situation reflects less ten sion, the countries wheat yield prom ises to be a bumper one, cotton rrop promise as a whole la excellent, pig iron is more active at higher prices, the tariff debate, though dragging, still moves toward Its close; the rail roads are busy moving tha first of the country's large crops and export clearances of this wheat are liberal. There are, however, enough spotty features in the outlook to prnvent con servative management of business af fairs from being rashly abandoned. Business failures for the week ending August 7 were 263 which Compares with 221 in 1912. "Wheat, including flour export for the week aggregate (, 1,003 bushel against 2.740,12ft bushel laet PHONE SO BREED FROM THE BEST. Its a fine thing te bare a Sock of hens where every oe's a great layer and payer, and irhy not? Many flock hare a few extra layers with the rest ordinary or drones. "Now, why not breed from those few bon tons md, get a flock up to their standard In itead of breeding , from -tb flock tu general and making do progress? Heus that lay few ?a will produce progeny tlJHt will lay few eggs; bees that lay many eggs, If mated to wale of equal laymg atralo, are bound to produce pullets of like laytug cupacity. Note the picture. The hen shown wbea trapoested laid 243 eggs Id her pullet year. Her mother was the one great layer in flock. Her productiveness bejng 'J ' ,w-,fc-,,--'l f, S v 1 : A -is W a?rV- . '.ff. I. V ',' g.Mian.icit Wwi . i Photo by C. M. ffctrntt- ." k rHRMOMEHlt. LITER, r noted, she was mated to a malt whose dam was u great layer. From thin pair the first season thirty pullets were bred, and from these pul lots tho second season 000 pullets were raised, many of them magnlflcent lay era anil payers, . Many people have flocks that are poor clear through, and their progress la downward. Some have flocks that lay "fair to lniddlin'." most of the lay ing belug done by a few fine layers who would pay a profit if they did not have to puy for the feed of the drones as well as their own. Others have flocks that pay. They bare, ellmlnnted the wasters and bred from the bct, and thus their hens reach mexlmnm production the year around and pay. . . , Now, which kind is your flk4 -r FEATHERS AND EGGSHELLS. Egypt exported 1,183,200 egg last year, the going to Euglund, France, Austria uud Germany. The export season begins Nov. 1 and ends April 30. After thr.t the beat changes eggs to hijb explosives. Galvaulzed iron ttests are becoming popular. Your tinner can make all you want cheap. Tliey are Indestructible, ranitnry, Uglit an1 run be burned out occasionally to kill crawler. Concrete nests are harder to make and heavy. Wiring and sealing uliow coops la becoming the rule In some sections where fancier's fowls have been stoles) or mutilated at exhibitions. Reals and wire, however, will not paotect birds from such rascals. The early sitting hen is nearly al ways the best winter layer, and she la almost always set on eggs laid by the drone hens thr.t lay In the cheap egg season and d their sitting in hot sum mer, when eggs are scarce. Ohio now has fanciers raising pure bred poultry, and her last egg censisj showi an ess crop of 83.1.S.V 810 donees per year. Ninety-three per cent of her farm flocks are mongrels. The day old chick business Is crowd ing out the hatching egg trade. One reason for this U because many fan ciers hare shipped eggs that didn't batch, and dlssatistied buyers natural ly prefer chicks to risking money and time on eggs. , Fowls need salt and relish ft, but it is very Injurious If too much 1a given. The aafe way la to mix It with water, a tables poonfnl to the gallon, and nse to moisten the amah. The fact that a hen Is a strong breeder one season la no sign that she will be the next The wise fancier la always on toe watch for changes In his birds, ready to cull eiit these that break down, after the molt or heavy laying seasou or suddenly show weak ness or develop off points that would be refleded in their offspring. A Chester (Pa.) woman was arrested by the S. P. C. A. and sent to the lock up for burning a chicken alive be cause it came into be yard. Sue cer tainly muut have been not under the collar, and the cooler was the place for her. A Cleveland (O.) fence company re porta selling i'j.OOti.OOO rods of fence to poaitrynieu. This Is Just a slight bint of tha nutuituile of the poultry business, wblcb a little while ago wns toe insignlficaut aa an Industry to men Hon. S, F. Ceeler of Waynesboro. Pa., has so connected bis bens' nests wllh the kitchen that when a lien gs wi the nest a bell rings In the buuKe. As tlif rooster often sees ou the nt-st to sliow the hen the way. the joke m.wi l m Mr. Bwler unite often unless he It"' invented a roour that lays also. Practical poultry rnlsem are muklnu June 1 the limit of hatching opera tlona, so far-' as laying stock Is con cerned. Many gut no chicks out after May 13. Tb early ehlcka have plen!? of time to develop Into early layers, are strong before the torrid heat ar- rlves and feed on thejtbnndant InseH and vegetable crop of the ear!) montha. - ' Wants BOARDSKS W AM TED TAHKEEOSTEE FARM West Ashe- ville. Nice veell furnished rooms. Table supplied ' with vegetables, milk and etrgs (rant oar own farm; Ha! e reasonable, Addrn U. C Collins, R. P. D. 8. imtmore.- P13S-t-J PRIVATE family can furnish nice ac commodations, two or three people. ' Choice of tent or front room in modern cottage. Rates re .tonahle. Inquire 277 & Main, 1 1 36 - WAN'TED A few boarders In private , family. Rates on application. 11 i tilawaaee fit. . Phona. lti;. 'PUS! -T WANTEIV-Boarders a the trlecta, S ;lint St, next to Auditorium. Rates reasonable. .Phone 1010, 1-10 LANGSTON INN 41 Park Ave. Phone 21 tl. Fine rooms and board. Blx and eight dollars. P11D& 10-1 WANTED A few guests in private home. No sick token. tJ boutn JUt erty St y PU7 U-a V fi SELECT BOARD Large airy room, shady lawn and porch. Excellent table. No sick need apply. 117 So. Main. ' , 1100 11-tt THE ADELAIDE Waw furniture, new batha, running water in rooms, single or ensulte. One-halt block trom post office, Haywood Ht P130 6-10 MRS. W. T. BOHAHWAN, 166 MerrU raon Ave. can take a few boarders: fresh eggs, vegetables, milk and butler from my farm. Large lawn. fine view, overlooking golf links anoV Orove Par. Inn. aree bauta no sick or children taken,. Quiet pltiot. Phone 111 ' ! - ARBUTUS 'SANITARIUM For Piti monary Troubles, .iluated ta tha most beautiful spot In Tryun, right In trw mouiitaias, with buauttiul views, ' Itooiua are large and cool, spacious vorandaa, eleutrlo llghla, call bells, not and old water lava lor lea private bathe, wcw from mountain aprinas, carefully prepar ed food. Physicians visit daily, and constant attention of tiursvs. Write lor rates and booklet Arbutus ttanitMTium, N. B, Ccoaan, owuer kin manager, Tryon, N. U. 12-10 WUEELEU HOTEL, Handeraonviile, M, C, is now open fot guest. , 'or tatea, writ A, WbeeieA V fc : P t0-10 TUB OLD KENTVCkrT.llOMSr 1 spruce St 'J.' wo block trum sqiar Males on application, Pnone Its. till -7 BOAKDKR8 WANTED At the pixie 41 Ashland avenue. Kates . to tl.OO per week. No sick pejul taken. Phone lsil. l(i-3i-tf. PAGEBROOK Best moderate priced house In Asheville for summer vie itora ' It to M. Special to partloa iirs. W. A. fccott, i'ii Chestnut iL Pnone iZi. 114 -U BIRDWOOD" Sunset ive. A (coun try place of six aures on Hunt Muu overlookuig AabuvUlu and surround ing touuiry, with'" 1:11 limits. Tn mlnutea walk fron, Ciiariotte aueet iAra AU moderii cju'enicncea. At commodatlona for children and ' nurse No sick Uktr.. Jtatea on application. Pbvns ilH. MraA. McKain. P1141 i-H WANTED A fw boarders in private family. Depot section, nee Mr. Moss at Classic tbeatrs. P1J02 (-7 POSITIONS WANTED WANTED Position as companion. Would help care for rtrnt-invalit Will accept any tim and' go any where. J. B., fire Cltigen. : Pltll 7-7 WANTED Position a practical nurse. Will go any place. M. N., care Citizen office. P13l 10-1 WANTED Position. companion. Would be cvriKu.iuil io oivi -f musi cal or literary t-uit v Could help care for semi-in.x:, 1. No ebjec tion to traveling or Iumiuico. Could accept after Oct i, IjI I. i: O. Hox No. 4, Miss M. C. 11., SKyland. N. C. PU'JS -5 GRADUATE NUPJ5E will attend pa tients by the hour. Terms, one hour daily, one dollar. Redaction If ser vices are required longer. Phone 1144. P11&4 2I-30 LADT with hotel and boarding house -- esperieitoe winhwi ihmuUoiw i;n take entire charge. I-uiiy. acre Cit umo. , Pllg la-1 EOOMS FOfiitENT FOR RENT Two romns completely furnished for light hoiise-keerpipg, near car line, till per month. Applv Mrs. Addle R. Owen, cuius Ave. W. AshevUle. P1371-10-3 FOR RENT One furnished bedroom, omuig room ami itrunnn: mnijern conveniences, good view. rhone 16U. P1J41 -7 FOR RENT Two lari;e rooms on South Grove Ht W. it Payne, S9 Grove St 1ZS1 5-7 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms in new bungalow, opposite The Manor in Urove Park. Ala. Jessie Hatch, No. 1 Edwin Placa U9-31-tf FURNISHED ROOMS Unusually pleasant all conveniences, good ta ble board convenient 4U Morrl mon Ave. Phone lit. 1041 23-7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMa with ail conveniences. Table board close by. a MorrlmoD Ava P1O04 20-10 FOR RE.VT Two oonnecting front rooms f offices in Cltlawn E'da). A only V. B Boirie. Cove aVtoto o(- uTraoaXripar ment eiiid unfumiifhfvi room Mod rn oDveninuM. Phoo 144ft PHONE 80 Wants FOU SALS rtA.VTH. Tomato planta for tall use at M. A. Cteasnum's, 14 Flint street Phen - til. Also a few doien peppera .;, ' I'lJU -T FOR SALE Monday, china cabinet, . leather chairs, dining table In quar tered Oak; two 9x11 French Wilton rugs, small Wilton rugs, runners, mahogany rocker and library chairs, piano, pedestals, leather Davenport music cabinet Ice box, kitchen cab inet and utenetls, complete iMUtuiry outfit, hoee porch screen Phone 11M, 47 Venca 8t' Hit 10-3 FOR BALE Indian motorcycle, sin gle cylinder, 111 model, For fur- ther partkmlara, address It X., care ' ClUten.; , .WUt 10-1 FOR BALEt Shetlane pony, thorough bred, buggy and harneee, also four cylinder Mitchell automobile deliv ery wagon, Cheap, Fine condition. O. K. Auto Supply and Trans. Co. Phone 12t. 1133 T-4 HUMAN HAIR for Ml No. 15 Col lege Street . Ill l-T FOR SALE 1111 model I pasenhgsr Bulck touring car, equipped with complete electric lighting outfit and shcH'k absorber. Hun only 1,000 , mllea. Price 11.000, one-half casn, balance terma. Address W. D eai Citlien. 1110 1-7 FOR SALE The properly of several private ownera, aa follow: I six passenger buqkboards, . 2 four passenger buokboarda, I two passenger buckboarda, 4 light Moyer Baboovk surreys, I buggies, J 7 ether vehiolea. ' double harneea, I single harness. fATTON ft BTIKELBATBBR, ' 14 Patton Ave, ' -.f-i " 1131 1-tf BALSAM PILLOWS Freah and frog . . rant Made In all alaua. For par . Uoulara and prloea oall at 117 N. ' Lexington Ave., or phone til. J. U McOulrc A Co. 1121 2-10 FOR SALE liaggurly stoglea at ail dealers. The standard lor ID yeara Union made. You've tried the rest now smoke the best 1114-10-1 FOH SALE JC.lod.llng wood and saw dust Call phone 1111, 'arolina Veneer Co., itUUncvs, N. C.sJ 139-11-10 FOR SALsV-Uniwa Stateg Improved Ruaal Route Meiriloaea, lie eauh wbus taey last. Apply Cltuea I OR 3AKJE Dog-wood far stove tad heater LilUnor Livery Stable Phone tit 1074-J-ti FANCY TABLE GRAPES 11.71 pr orate. Assorted extra fancy. 12.00 per crate. F. O. U. 'Iryon, W. H. Kruse, Tryon, N. C. Member of Tryon, Fruit Exchange. 1212 1-30 WANTED WANTED Dlrst filling, front yard, Pearson Drive. Afply 102 Mont.ford Av. J. A, Tennent PUD 1U-3 PHOTOOItAPHS AT NIGHT Latest electrio light apparatua Potard while you wait twit for no. Deluxe Studio, 21 P.U ton Ave. Pl3,o-10-7 WANTED rtve or stx rrom cottagu os flSft by yrong married couple. Kates most b reaeomable. Perman ent care Cl.lnen. 1357 0-3 IF TOTj are looetng for a nice, ulet plat-e (i apetid the winter, aim some of the tnnr. truck land In Florida, ap ply l P. O. 4S, Asheville, and l-t me (eil yot, hbout R. P1360 J-7 WANTtD--fcvery man . to know that tlieir etertit is good hr, Hllvr Ooilar Tailoring (Jo., 2'i H, Main Kt. 300 samples to pick from. 115 arri up. P112 1.7 WANTED A good physician to take an interest In a drug bnetneart and locate in a splendid location for paying practice. M. U Gudger, Barnard. N. C. P1311 0-7 AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Fred erick Jenkins, Telephone lit. fun -10 THE WONDERLAND Gk sei Chim new P.ock. Write J, T Patrick fer booklet P1224 3-10 WANTED VMtors that deeli t the best in cleaning, preaeing anl dye ing to know that fifteen years ex perience nni a modern 110,000 plant wiln every knuwn appUunvo ... a ar. .lh-'.r .'command. P g oto to sond fr yuur gainieula Phone 319, J, C. Wiibar, fm.k squura MAIL CARrtlKRA WANTEU--ld5 lo 2100 mouth. Aaiievilie auiimiiauojs coming. Specimen tiueatmim free. KraiiKlin iimiuute, Oout. 2,4, ll cluuitnr, N. If. Pi 20 to .-tupiJ HIGHEST CAS 1 1 PKICEd paid frj your old broken Jewelry, Dtamnnili, Waictte ud ,Siiverire. Victor Htern, Jeweler, Haywood St., opp. Battery Park. 172 13-30 WANTkD Vour cleaning-, dyeing f nd altering, aieatu and jr'runch dry clodiuii' our specialty. We sell coupon bouaa, oue $mj oooa en UU' you y four nu.ta mid four pair of puulu, Uiuu uuliitiiiuU. Ail work guaranteed. Pwpio t ile.i.u and Dye work, Clutrlen it Av. iwtte, piopno'.or, 34 ileywood it "hone ivik. t&-i--o WANTED A tiiorougUiy reliable man liviiig t county ei of each county la M ester!' -oiti. Carol.'ua to rep revm. the Aheviii citizen, celiect ing, solidilng ani iookuik after tl C:uxn'a lotreat in geuer in li. resuectlv oouuly. For uarticuiai aUdresa (XrcuUuon Manager, Tbe Citixen. AshevUle, N. C. U gHOB REPAIRING We make the price, others follow, for uunltty an 1 . eervlee, Fhone 724. Champion tthoe Mosp uorernment Ht. 2137 7-U aapfrWHf " LI'Vg on MtfofflerrHtrra I flooring, poplar bevol siding. i t U- ..lit and cheetnut bouse trim- Phone 13 1 Wants REAL ESTATE VOR BALK. . 15,8001110 FA KM BAIUUIX. 100 ACRES on Southern Railway, near iienaersonvitie, tin grape ana fruit farm, 1,000 young fruit tree, 200 old trees bearing; Improve ments, one eight-room tenntit house and four-room summer eampi a deep lot fronting 71 feet near Auditorium, worth 12,000; a 1112 Pultk flve-paiewnger automobile, cost about 2.1,40; some rough lum ber, sufficient to build two houiea and one-third of eeason'a crops tree to purchaser. All this at the knock down price of $&,6o. This la big saeriike and fin Investment . ; FOHUEft ft CAMPBELL, ! 41 Patton Avenue. Telephone 201. it FOR SALE T and I room houses, al most new, oloee In, all modwrn con venience Room 1, Hevelll Bldg. F, P. Ingle. 10-tf FOR BA LIS Lot on 8. French Broad Ave. 40x175, MAO. liouae and lot on Fulton street, 11,260, New six room House near Charlotte street, 3,760. Iota of ether bargains. F. M, Measter, 21 Amerioaa Naikmal Wank llBildlng. 10-1 FOH "A LIS Real bargain, nice Ave roem onuses In suburb, cheep, If taken ImntedlMely. Add rem i. U4 care Citieen. PUI4 10-1 FOR BALE Good rummer home, about 10 acres, three-quart ra of a mil ef Blantyre atotlnn oa Tran ylvaiiia railruad; elgtit-rooin dwell big: good View. Address H. It Led- belter, Blantyra, M. C. P12I4 18-10 MICA- mllea on continue u mica vein. The blggnet deposit of mica In North Carolina, to be sold at public sale at oeurt house at Bre vard, K C, on llth Augturt, 1(12. PUT! 19-1 FOR BALiG fleren room heuae eo corner of Merrlmon Am, Flu view, i good lot, all convenience l,MI0. Terms Ilk rent JMoeJe Ch"a 17 PaUun Ave. 1211 10-2 FOR 8ALB A splendid II acre farm Willi i acres in orchard and good huus A 32 acre farm,' 400 fruit tree and good farm ixwae, A 1 acre farm dose in. nice fruit and garden spot Also 12 acre farm near Weavervllle, at bargain, ualrd Wilford Co. 1120 10-2 FOR SALS OA EXCHANGE -The best grama! Quarry in the county. six mil from Asheville on the line of the Southern railway. Win sell cheap er exchange fur other property, See J i. MoCWkey Realty Cj, lU-ti. FOR BALE Sever! plee building lota from 1360.00 up, easy payment Don't fait to see aa, Donnaho A Co., Real Estate. 111! l-t FOH SALE Eight room house, sleep ing porch, furnace heat high eleva tion, Mnntfurd section. Bargain, Phone 1221, Ray-Campbell Co., No, 1 Haywood St. I-S THREE small trao! of land on Haw . Creek adjoining lands of Mill and Johnson. 17 acres, aorwt and 12 acre Nearly all n limber. Apply i. K, Gorreil, Weat Aahvlllo, P1304 6-7 FOR DALE 1,60 acre of good Ura b within 1 to 1 mllea of the main line of the Boutliern Railway, M. L. Gudger, Barnard, N. C, Pill 4-7 PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE Wo have valuable city property errl traota adjoining tw elty, jenid, OK latioma, to exchange for oKy prop erty In or adjoining Aahevllie, North Carolina,' Prefer a tract of 10 or 29 acres .If interested, let us hear from you through your real estate agent We have some good bargains and can make you an exchange that will be profitable to you. Frank brad l,cld A Co., Krild, Oklahoma. P1300 9-1 FAR. VIM FOR BALK Both largo and iimall to suit both rich and poor, Moore's Agency, 14 A. .Pack i. Phone Hit. U FOR RALE Gentleman' country home; 14 acres, fine Bungalow, fur- inmiecl. Keauuful view mountains, Hi It more maneion, C Furman Kmlth K.F.p. 2. P134 1-30 ii ACRES House, half mile from , station. Well watered, very desir able for poultry, track and small . dairy, 12,000, Also timber land, and sites for summer home llaid Vin, owner, Blanlyre, Transylvania Co., N. C. P31 16-30 FOR SALE 10 acre good land, six room cottage, barn, otrer building fin gardon, youug orcbaril, well and spring. 4 mtlnri eaet of Aane vlile. Cheap fot cash. 13,000 will buy it now. Route 2, Box 33, Ane vill. N. C. P31 -30 BARGAIN in well built m drn houne of 2 roonu. une foundetion, HO foot fromage, fine neighborhood, flnoVew. ierm Addreu M. F. L., ritixea, f.24 2-0 FOR 8ALE-fipeclal o&rgaln, large bourn, s or 9 room, lot 120x10, tine lot on Victoria avenue, good tret must go. 8. D. Hail, 11 Pat ton Av Phone 21. -lf FOR SALE Bight acres of nice land, on Alerrlmon Ave cur line, six room house, hot and cold water, electric light fruit trees, fine view of the eliy. Price 210,000.00. pnon8 !. foiinaho A Co., Real Escme. 136D 2 MISCELLANEOUS. SHOKa oalled for, repaired and re turned promptly. Gil me- Bowdef Phone 1117. 31 East College Ht. !lH9-i-30 SHOES railed for, repaired and re turned promptly. Phone 1441. 20 W. College St U. A. ViutainkL 133-20-20 THE LETTER SHOP Publlo aten ognnpher. Multlgraph letters. 22 American National Bank Building. Phone 101 12X9 6-7 One of tb best lots in Vletori; cheap. Chariee AUen, Ci. PHONE 80 Wants REAL ESTATE FOR RE XT. FOR RENT Nice I room house en nroaa rn. Ttoe 111.00 per month, Balrd-Wllford Co. 120 10-2 FOR RENT Splendid new I room nouse on paved atreet. good ahade, 110.00 per month, Batni Wilford. Co. 1290 1-1 FOR RENT tn good location and neighborhood, a nice t room xms. Paird-Wllford Co, 12 19-2 FOR RENT 1 er ittrwttv well fnrnlshed for light boua tteetx lng. tlaa range. Two door from Montford avenue oar liv,.An!)' 14 Sooo atreet ': ' U9-ll-f FOR RENT -For two et-more raonOi to desirable parUns only, furnleheit cottage of ala rooms; beet location every convenience and ootnfrirt.i Competent maid retakned. Rent 10.00, Addraoa lUJrW ara Citlien, p-in 2-10-2 FOA RENT The beat atoe room tit rvayneevtiie, n. C Centrally looated. Bbte of buUdlnw 27x142 tmt, two atoriea With beoetuniit. Apply t C 1L, Ray, WttjrneevUle, N. C P11M tl44 IX) It RETT Thee nww rooina and aleeplng porcb 1 12-10, IX room) high etevaalon, I2LM. Big rooms, hot water heat, 31.00, fhone 128UjUi2Mstrsl, Co, Mo Haywood. OR RENT 4-ootnJMMi twt Fnrto1 Pt. JHoorwa-Agert-y. It & rmck Bah Phone 1. It FOR RENT OH BALE rOe T-room cottage oa Merrlmoa Ave, ear Mne, adjoining golf Una Beaartlfnl tlew of Grove I'wk Inn, It aorea of land. For particulars address B. F, Pad gett, Utetimood, V tl it-tt impwAirTLD KXPBRIENCK0 MiLUNER wanted, Ahw aaleHlady and apprentice, Ad dress L. H., ear CI tisen, P131I10- WANTED Whit waitreM with - ?erlenee, Apply In person," Mario rrace. 1110 21-. I WANTED Men te learn barber trade, Few weeks oomplete Tools given, Hant while learning. Writ tor catalogue, Moler Barber College, Atlanta, Oa P1137 1-lt GOVERNMENT POSITIONS Open t women, write tor tree list Frank lin Institute, Dept F, Kjctie ter, N, X. P10I1 te-.ip 2 WANTED Notle t boy In ' aari rounding town around Asheville, Make your own spending money during vacation by selling the Aihevill Dally and Sunday Cltlion te people living in yeur town; also the summer visitor! . Bell tha Daily and Sunday Citizen during vacation, and after school begin aell the Sunday paper. Write to Circulation Manager today. DREflfiMAKING dene, at 11 College Ht., or. will work out try day, phone 127. . P122I 1-1 FOB SALE BoMtlful restdeno low ia iackaoa Park addition; big bar grin and aafe Investment; aura profit; lota i& to 1210; term to amt paechaeerj weekly or mouthiy payments, apply Robert R. Reynolda. Phone Hi e 221, FOR MUD. II aerM, I acre ra otrlttseUioa, IV room boa), yoong erohardV - good vineyard ofl lmoroved vtale tnmA a mile from West AaherUle ear lln 12,200. GREEN A GOODMAMV Phone 111. REAL KPT ATE AND rNStmANCf (XKNOflTEKATfOW OF HOO Hot NEW OKLKAm, Ann. Hoo Hrv from all part of LonMans aeamnhil her today for tho anrnml contntensH tlon. Owing to a recent fatality in AiaMne at an lnttlathm mooting of another order, tho Hoo'Hoo bar decided to dhpeontinna tho use of leo trWty in it Inlttattont LOST. ON PATTON AVE., between Park square and powtoffiee, one cameo. In old gold sotting. Finder return to this office and receive reward. PISvS 10-t riffT White and brown spotted bird dog setter, named Prince.- 15.00 Reward for his return or any infor mation. Weighs about 40 pounds, no collar or rag, near Wtnvnh Saturday. Phone 277, 322 E. Col lege Bt. 13l-ft LOST Lady' linen purse, 9:30 a. ra. In transferring from Charlotte te Blltmore car. Finder rwelv re ward If returned to Clttaen. P135I l-l LOST Bunch, of keys. Plain steel ring with Southern Paelfle switch key also. Southern switch key, P. O. key, etc. Reward for return t Chambers and Weaver In Langren hotel. P1400-11-I 2 VMMm STREET OPEN FOR GUESTS Old Southern mansion with lawn of several acre, : Centrally Looted pnovR 11s. LIST YOrjll PrtoPKRTY I t 't RENT OU 8AIJ3 House wanted, turn' ' trt t.n. - . furnlshf t

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