fIEksiIEYILLE CITIZEX, MONDAY, ATJGTJST 11, 1915. til ,4 Are You A Visitor Here? If ao, whvn yu go homo tin you want to lake . swiiiclhlng" bark s a .onvenlr that is a lltdo dlffcninl than tbtwrdlnary lino of gmsla offered? 'We have, art goods from nil . part of the globe, A look through-our store will help you decide what to take bark something that will make a pleasing Rift. , Ask To See The Smoked , Bamboo Jap Basket. - The Table Filled with Odd FJtrher. ' - The Gorman Ice T Coaster Jfcta at $3.00 Ret, The Souvenir Plata with looai Tlowi on them. LH.LAW . SS PATTON AVK. TERRIBLE "DOPE" STORY COMES TO ASHEVILLE ii' you auk "fiiwuniv" expect appendicitis. T rat ding Man from Norfolk Tell of Tlicory Emanating from Johns Hopkins I'nluTMlt). THE ALASKA The Freezer ' w-ith the Spoon Dasher. All sizes THE rXL DEPT. STORE II Pal (on Ave. ' Phone 0T v 1 )ii KITCHEN WOEK Madelmore agreeable by having M. & W. Coal to usein;rango every lump of fuel satisfaction, and always? clean, free from dirt;and. slate; good, clean Lcoal. k.. . Phone 40. ASHEVILLE COAL CO. '. ' North Park Square , F. M. Weaver, Manager If there iirs any Ashevllleinn who bave a "grouch" they hod tatter look out for appendicitis.' This is the latest tip In reach thin section from that noted temple of medicine Johns Hopkins university at Eultlmore. Whether or not any member of the Asheville riul K-u 1 profession (tgrce with th 1 theory, J tint advanced, It not knon, hut "doctors often dls aprce" and under such circumstance "disciple may go tree." Ti. H. Knight, Who sella fertilizers out of Norfolk It the one who brought to Ashevllle ynslerday, from what 'he claims to be the portals of Johns Hopkins university, thin "grouch for appendicitis" theory. He also brought to Ashevllle -with him a copy -of a newspaper published In his home town hy t'.ie sea, which contains a story of the announcement that too- jlo who 4r prone, to be grouchy had better look to their appendices, . or, as some vail them, appendixes. So if you have deep furrows growing on your brow, If your Hp have a down ward trend and your eyes squint If you are sore on the world and care "nothing for nobody nowhere" -be-ware, you are showing all symptoms of this rather high-lone disease ap proaching. Its the bottle of ether and the knife for you, for you'll be In fcr some cutting. - Now, here Is the story, In part, from the Norfolk paper, which Mr. Knight seemed yesterday to bo delighted to show to all of those who appeared to be "sore on the world." Read It: ' f'Ot course, the Hopkins msn says, Improperly nwuitlcated food and eating etmbl national, such as would make an ostrich balk, are also responsible for appendicitis, but worry and a general pessimistic feeling I largely respon sible. All the men and women whose disposition make hard linns In their faces -are feeling their right sides to see If the 'term' has yet started them on the operating table and of a pain ful separation of their treasured, but unfashionable, appendix and Incident ally to a goodly part of their bank TOIL "'If you would fight off appendi citis,' says the appendix anatchers, 'smile and you need never wake up from another sleep minus the useless bit of tissue. Train your eyes to twinkle ami the comers of your mouth to t (0 per cent, grade up wards, no matter If you have to walk Lth floor til night with a screaming , baby, and ail the furniture In the room rushes out to greet your ankles. The people who can learn to smile under the most edverse conditions are least subject to the disease. A good way to practice this character of fortitude Is to greet jotir mother-in-law with open arm and a smacking kins when the comes to your home to spend a couple of months. The nhock may kill the dear old lady, but It's good practice,' "No grotfeh knows how to eat prop erly. He came tfi the table scowling, scowls at the food, scowls at the ser vice and scowls when he comes to paying his hoard Mil. The latter scowl Is often a pardonable Bin. llf dislikes to smile and iwinscqnently avoids dlnlnft with companions who try to make him think the world Is a jolly good place In whrtch to work ar.d live. This constant growling In qirickly communicated to his Internal working with tho result, that his poor little appendix oca oft, on a tear and then there's a hurry call to the abattoir. "But the fcllow-whsi makes a dinner a conversutlcrnn.1 delight for himself and a few friends or for his family can, acoorrfing to the noted surgeons, oat what his pidate craves without worrying about . what the lancet wilder wMl chstrge him for a few deft cuts. Inpte the fact that you pretend to envy the man who tells you In a superior manner about the removal of his appendix, way down deep soimevcbere you are wnpremely satisfied with the-one you still retain. "FVie this reason the dictum of the ifnr-tnra about the grouch is likely to tnke acrfro hold upon the major por tion of mankind and soon it is nop to relegate the chronic crouch to the Umbo whene he belongs and give tho surgeons a vacation." After teHlng this Mory. according to Mr. Knfcrht, one Is liable to "turn over" and. osk the his "hypo" be filled preparatory for another "shot of dpe." hfWO TRIBUNALS WILL BEGIN SESSIONS HERE Whedier We Sell f You Glasses depdndsVoir whether you need them or not. CHARLES H. HONESS Optometrist' and Optician M Patton Ave. V . OpixwlU' Fostoffloo. Our C-Kite Toric lenses are the best. Two courts will commence the trial nf civil (Vtcknta In Ashevllle this morning trie United States District court and BujmsiIot court of Bun combe county. ' Judge Jiinos E. Boyd will preside In the Federal court and will be en. gaged until Thursday or Friday of this week cm the trial of civil oases by Jury, which were -carried over from the May wession of the tribunal. .1 iil ire teohen C. Itragaw will pre side over the civil term of the Su perior ccra.-t. which will extend for a period of three weeks, or until the docket is tleared. Criminal term oi this court, Judge Frank B. omei nrMrfflln. will convene after the close of the Madison county courr term m. .M.Mhuti Thl bealns on Heptemner 1 the first Monday In next month and will centlmie for prooaDiy two weeks. "DEATH CORNERS"ARE AGAIN ESTABLISHED After a single week of comparative reaoe, without worry for fear of being run down nd maimed for life. If not killed, another complaint has been registered by citizens residing In the nf tnint atreeL Starnes and r'nmhnrlnral avenues with reference to joy-riders, both In automobiles and on blcycleo. in otner wotos, ins "auto-epeedway In this residence section of whevMe has again been mit in unrvAce. and "death cornera" ere aealn in vogiie. The matter will h. rrreeented to Chief of Police Loml nac today, according to certain cltl sens, with Toquest that reckless riding and driving arrests be maae. Great nVn,Oi kt nlpht. liream-lAnd to- eeeeJJee Arthur M. Field Co. t Make Your Work A Pleasured Jfuet move your;iru.ilng out on the porch or In the hall, any vtdsoe vou have a lamp socket, and attach one ofxur ELECTRIC IRONS, and yourwork ceases to 'tie a drudgery. All sixes. S to 8 lbs. Prices .... $2.50, $3.00 and $3.50. Kedmont Electric Co. t Pulton Avenue, OppiMltc Postortlcc. Ctimson Clover ? f X T ? f t ? ? ? t t t ? ? ? ? if i y v !? y iX $2.00 WILL BUY $2.75 TO $3.25 GOLD PIN Those bar pins made of solid gold nre substantial weight, beautifully finished and set with real stones. The different designs are hard enameled, hand en graved, engine turned, or plain polished. Small deal ers will find these pins twenty-five per cent cheap er than they can buy them for in other places which will enable them to buy to advantage for the coming Christmas trade. Everybody should take advantage of these oppor tunities as they will make beautiful substantial future gifts. T ? ? ? ? f ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? X ? ? V ? ? BISHOPT.S. HENDERSON HEARD AT THE Y.M.C.A. OVERFLOW COXtiltlXiATTON or HE) AXD WOMfcX ATTEVD. TlKimas, the PcmWing Apostle, Sub-' J not of Hoqucnt Discourse bj a nishop of M. K. f 'linrch. Hofore a congre?:itlon of men and women that overflowed the seating capacity of the large auditorium of the Methodist Episcopal church, with headejuaxters in Chattanooga, Tenn., yesterday afternoon delivered a pow erful sermon. Tho eminent divine who came south lust about a year ago did not take a text from the Bfble but chose as' fn" subject of his In spiring discourse Thomas, the doubt ing apostle, t Although Bishop Hen derson fcpoke for about an hour ha hold the close attention of his con gregation. He Is au orator with a splendid appearance and makes an impression upon his hearers from the very start, Itishop Henderson said that the apostle, Thomoh, wanted to see the marks of the nails In the bands of Him, Inflltced upon the cross. This was the very" keynote of the' sermon, or rather .heart-to-heart talk. The speaker could ee in the flowers, the trees, mountains, the seas, the tun, moon and stars and everything that was of His waking the marks of the nails In the hands of Jesns Christ. "And I want to say to you Christian people who are within the sound of my voice this afternoon," continued Bishop Henderson, "that I believe if America, England, Germany, France, Russia, Aastrla, the Balkan allies and others fall to show the marks In the hands, they .cannot abide. "I care not for the effect of the Japanese litigation, nor do I care what the people of California think of it, and I do not Bii-ppose you people of Ashevllle do. But I will say that unless this great country of ours America can show the print of the nails the Japanese will not heed the preachings of our missionaries, and I do not bla-me them In the least. "I must say to you Christian peo ple of Ashevllle," said Bishop Hender son, in conclusion, "that the Christian people of ABhovllle and this section, the worldly people, the thoughtless people, are saying to you that yon must show to them the marks of the cross before yoai can accomplish much. Bishop Henderson came to Ashe vllle for the purpose of dedicating the house of worship of the Methodist Episcopal church, of which the Rev. C. B. Roach Is, the pastor, on North French Brond avenue. This IS the building formerly used by the congre gation of Trinity church. Bishop Henderson preached at both morning and evening services and was heard by large audiences. Many members of that church reside In the rural sections and could not reach Ashe vllle In time for the morntng services, neither could they remain over until night Hence the meeting for both men and Women at the T. M. C. A. A hpeci.Tl musical program, ar ranged by Secretary Ed B. Brown, was rendered. This Included a selection hy the Belmont Four, congregational singing, and selections by tho boys' orchestra. Secretary Brown announced that the snenker next Sunday afternoon will be Dr. O. A. Brown, of the faculty of Vanderbllt university at Nashville. JURIES REPORT IN INTERESTING GASES Trial of Jsase Cpton, Charged With' Murder of Mann Brendle, Results In Inability of Jury to Agree. , News has been received here from Bryton City to the effect that Jesse Upton, charged with murdering . his brother-in-law, Mann Brendle, last Christmas, has been released on bond following the failure of the Jury to agree, at last week's session of the Superior court, for the trial of crim inal cases. In Swain county. The case has attracted a great deal of at tention In western North Carolina and the result of the trial will be learned with a great deal of interest by western North Carolinians who ars familiar with the case. j The case attracted unusual atten tion because of tho fact that Mrs. Ulllan P.owe Frye, one of the few women lawyers of the state, took an actlre part In the prosecution of Upton. Mrs. Frye has been engaged In the practice of law at Bryaon City for the past two years and her par ticipation In the recently tried case marked her first appearance in a criminal action. Thomas 8. Rollins, of this city, assisted with the prose cution, and Upton was represented by 8. W. Black and T. D. Bryeon, Cairo Halt, who was tried at last week's term of court, on a charge of criminal assault, was found guilty of attempted assault and was sentenced to the state prison for a term of fif teen years. This case Is said to have cost Swain county over $1,000. The verdict of the Jury was rendered after the jurymen had discussed the ques tion more than a day. Assisting Solicitor Alley In prosecuting were Captain A. M. Frye and Robert M. Gantt, while the defendant was rep resented by T. D. Bryaon and 8. W. Black. Al,l, KINDS OF SHIPS. Rutler Ames, of Massachusetts, has Invented an airship, which, sp far, has spent a long, delightful time on the ground. Me also owns the original yacht Amerira. She won tho queen's cup In the rimes between American and British yachts before tho civil war. Now and then Ames takes her out of Chelsea harbor and fits her up for a short cruise. The Popular Magazine. Y.M.C.A. DIRECTORS TO MEET NEXT TUESDAY The board of directors of the T. M. C. A. will hold an Important meet ing Tuesday evening at 6:30 o'clock at the Association building. Lunch will be served. Secretary Ed B. Brown will explain the program for the fall and winter Y. M. C. A. work In Its several branches, including religious, educa tional, athletlo and social . depart ments. Other business , matters of an important nature will be trans acted. The ladles' auxiliary will hold its regular meeting Tuesday afternoon at 6 o'clock. I HOW'S YOUR LAWNM0WER? Need a little fixing up to do good work the next three months? Grass will grow for several weeks yet, and frequent cutting will be necessary to keen the lawn neat. If the mower has been neglected, it won't do good work better send it in, or 'phone us. We'll put it in first class shape promptly. All work guaranteed. J. M. Hearn & Co. Battery Park Ilace. Phone 448 Discount Sale of All Oxfords Ilanan, Walk-Over and Alden Men's and Boys' Shoes. Splendid assortment of lasts and leathers tans, vici, patent and gun metal. $30 Values. .... .$2.75 $5.00 Values. .... .$3.75 $4.00 Values ...... $3.25 v $6.00 Values .... . . $4.50 The Alden Boys' Shoe, tan and black, $3.50 Value $2.75 . White Canvas Shoes, rubber s"oles, $4 value. .$3.25 White Canvas Shoes, leather soles, $3.50 valtie . $2.75 White Buck Shoes, $6.00 value .$4.50 Rubber Soled Tan Shoes, $4.50 value. ...... .$3.50 ! On sale this morning every oxford in the house Your size is here now, but don't risk delay. It may not be tomorrow. M. V. MOORE & CO., ' 11 PATTON AVE. The Home Of Hart, Schaffner & Marx. Clothes. Dunhtp Hat. Manhattan Shfrt BUCKS' 2 POUND AVERAGE HILL'S MARKET Phones 4-359 "Ask Your Neighbor." The Market of Quality. The Market of Cleanliness CIGAR'S That's My. Business. TAMPA STRAIGHTS make Business Good BARBEE'S CROQUET SETS, HAMMOCKS, TENTS. ' "Everything for the Camper-Out. . BLOMBERG'S . ; Sporting Goods Department. On the Avenua Hawaiian Sliced Pine Apple Is canned in the grove when the pines are ripe and the best cane sugar used ro preserve it. Large Cans of Thick Slices 35 each YATES & McGUIRE 37 Haywood St. Phones 1715, 1716. THE BIRBSELL Let Us Send You a Nice Larded Pot Roast TODAY STAR MARKET Phones 1917, 1918 and 1919. We Are Socceesfnl Caterers of Appetites. rath FARM AND FREIGHT WAGONS We have just received a car-load of these liu :h- wagons. For beit results, Cr'mson Clover should be sown through July and August It requires 15 pounds to seed an acre. It yields a good Quality of hy but its chief value Use in Its use as a green manure and a a cover crop to prevent leecrtng and washing. We sup ply -the best quality ui aoed. Jjanrtrcth's Garden Seeds. Gram's Pharmacy For et"TgTrttc,Crlnis"H Clavw Privacy When You Dine Here IS ONE OF THE MANY THINGS WE OFFER THE PATRONS OF OUR TEAROOM AND CAFE Irtvatn Dining Rtsims ami 1 too tits for Bridge Parties, Kto NEAJR POSTOmCE. PHOXE 110. IklYWOOD STREET. T. S. MORRISON & CO. .r. ..1 When You Want Something Nice as A Change For Supper, ORDER SOFT SHELL CRABS. ASHEVILLE FISH COMPANY PHONES 2S-:8t-I5 OH MAJtiET FRUIT JARS J,-rHH) Cases Mason Fruit Jars, all sizes. "Nyv L'lH) Cases Jolly. Glasses. ( X 50 Cases Jar Caps. , 150 Gross 5c and 10c Rubbers. Now is the time to lay in your supply of the above goods. " Let us have Your orders. . -ROGERS-GROCERY-COMPANY- WHOLESALE GROCERS. "Panlcl Webster Flour." Phone No. M. A Fine Selection of Hobart M. Cable Pianos The Kind That Pleases. Dunham's Music House THE HOME OP HIGH-GRADE PIAXOS. MUselCitizen Want Ads. ' s 1

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