V TEE ASriEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, ATK.UST 12, 1013. 11 V V MARKET TO N iTOCK MAEKET HAD ... . : t VERY ACTIVE SESSION NEW YORK, Aug, H. After four sours of alternate decline and ad vance" today' stock market took on an appearance of strength, and ac tivity in ths final hour, transactions In that period mors than equalling all the other hour of the, session. The leader was United State tee by which large buying order made their appearance. There was no newe to account for the sudden in quiry of steel, ' The buying later comprehended Canadian . pacific, Union Pacific, St Paul. Canadian Pacific's gain of al most 4 points preceded the declara tion of the regular dividend. . While coiiblderaUe realizing was een in the latter dealings, the mar ket lost little of its advance, average gains extending from 1 to 2 .points. Southern Paciflo was almost the sole stock of prominence to show some backwardness. London was listless and the virtu al failure of another colonial under writing project was accepted as proof that the BritiBh market for securities Is in connestlon. A. rise In rent was the only features of the Paris market and Berlins bourse suggested a halt ing attitude. The bond market was Irregular but hardened toward the close in sympathy with stocks. Government bonds were unchanged on call. Total ales par value, aggregated $1,126, 00. Sales were 276,100 Including American Tobaco'100; C. A- O. 2,000; L. V. 1,000; N, A W. 2,20f; 8. A. L. 100; do pfd 300; Southern Pacific 27,100; Southern Ry 1,000; U. 8. Steel 14,100; V. C. C. 100. STOCKS Amalgamated Copper . , . American Agricultural . . . American Beet Sugar .... American Can .. .. .. . American Can pfd . American Car & Foundry American Cotton Oil . . . . 7i 46 27 84 93 46 43 American Ic Securities 22 Mi American Linseed i . American Locomotive . . .' . . Amer. Smelting & Refining. Amer. Smelting & Ref'ng ... American Sugar Refining .. American ' Tel . & Tel. . . . American Tobacco . ... . . Aanaconda Minging Co . . . Atchison . . . .... . . Atchison pfd ...... . . . Atlantic Coast Line . . Baltimore & Ohio Bethlehem Steel . , . . Brooklyn Rapid Transit ..... Canadian Pacific . . Central Leather Chesapeake & Ohio '. , . . . Chicago Great' Western .. . Chicago, Mil. A St. Paul . . Chicago & North Western r. Colorado Fuel A Iron Consolidated Gas .. .. Corn Products , ) . . Delaware & Hudson 334 66 101 110 129 230 86 97 7 121 96 74 36 89 219 23 56 IS 109 129 82 132 10 157 20 83 13 29 47 8714 141 128 n 106 16 61 107 15 9 7 2V4 94 151 133 127 23 1M 47 11 99 29 105 71 112 21 113 114 Denver & Rio Grande Denver & Riogrande Distillers' Securities i Erie ,. ... .. .. .. Erie pfd ... . , . . . . . Erie 2nd pfd .. .. . . . . .. General Electric Great Northern pfd .. Great Northern Ore Ctfs . .. , Illinois Central . i ....... ' Interborough-Met Interborough-Met pfd Inter Harvester . . .. ...... Inter-Marine pfd . . International Paper . . . . International Pump ., Kansas City Southern . . .''. Laclade Gas ... . . Lehigh Valley .. .. .. Louisville & Nashville . . . . Minn., St. P. & Saujt St. M.. Missouri Kansas & Texas National Biscuit ... . . .. National Lead . . . . . . . . . Nat l Rys. of Mexico 2nd pfd New York Central . . . . . . . . New York, Ont. & Western .. Norfolk & Western ... .. .. North American . . . . ... Northern Pacific . . .... . . Pacific Mail .. .. .. .. .... Pennsylvania . . People's Gas . . Pittsburgh, C. C &' St. Louis 89 Pittsburgh Coal .. .. . . . Pressed Steel Car Pullman Palace Car . . Reading ., . Republic Iron.ft Steel .. .. Republic Iron & Steel pfd Rock Island Co . . ... . Rock Island Co pfd . . . . 19 24 153 160 24 87 18 29 7 19 tit. Loui8& San Fran 2nd Seaboard Air Line .. .. pfd Seaboard Air Line pfd . . Sloss Sheffield Steel & Iron Southern Pacific .. .. .. 44 27 92 Southern Railway Southern Railway 25 78 pfd Tennessee Copper .. . Texas & Pacific .. .. .. Union Pacific . . . . . . Union Pacific pfd . . . . United States Realty . . United States Rubber . . United States Steel .. 31 16 153 83 61 60 63 United States Steel pfd 108 Utah Copper .... 60 Virginia Carolina Chemical 26 Wabash . . .... 4 Wabash pfd . . .. .. .. 14 Western Maryland ........ 41 Western Union .. .',' .. .... 68 Westinghouse Electric .. .. , . S4 Wheeling & Lake Erie . . . . S tal sales for the day 276,100 shares. LIVERPOOL COTTON. LIVERPOOL, Aug., 11. Cotton spot good business, prices eteaay Middling, 6.41; low middling 6.21 good ordinary, 6.69; ordinary, 5.35 Sales 7000 including 6200 American and 500 for speculation and export Receipts 1000 Including 900 Ameri can. Futures closed quiet and steady, August .. 6.15 August-September . . . . . Spetember-October . , , . October-November .. ,.i November-December .. . December-January ., .. snuary-February .. .... February-March . . . -.08 5.99 5.95 5.90 5.90 6.91 5.92 March-April .. .. . .. .. 5.94 April-May .. .. .. .. .... 6.95 May-June . . .. . . . . 5.96 June-July ..... .... 6.96 luly-August .. .. .. .. . . 5.95 NEW YORK PRODUCE NEW TORK. Aug., 11. Flour luiet and barely steady. Wheat quiet; No. 2 red 93; No. 1 Northern Duluth 97 fc. Corn quiet; export 80 nominal. Hides steady. Leather firm. Petroleum stead? Rosin steady. Wool steady. , Turpentine firm. Rice steady. Molasses steady. Refined steady. Butter steady. Cheese firm. ftps g HHMar- T. RTo- TXCf ?fts4 Santos 12; mild dull: Cordova 13-f CVPTnW Hff AWTHPT TTAfl A SHABP ADVANCE NEW "YORK, Aug. 11. The fail-! ure of today's weather report to show 1 rains In the southwest, as predicted ! on Saturday, caused a sharp advance! in the cotton, market at the opening, I but a flurry of covering was followed by reactions, and fresh buying seemed to be restricted by reports of good rains In Arkansas, Increasing new crop receipts, and favorable crop advices from the eastern belt. The close1 was steady with last prices 8 to 6 points net higher. Business was active early, and many of Saturday's sellers appeared to b buying back their contracts on reports that nothing more than a few light showers had fallen in Texas over Sunday. Cables were a shade better than due, which naturally contribut ed to the nervousness of- recent sell ers, and first prices were ten to elev en points above the closing figures of last week. The first Hurry of buy ing seemed to exhaust the Immedi ate demand, however, while the mar ket met considerable cotton above 11 cents for December and prices soon began to sag on. Business became less active on the decline, and after easing off to about the closing fig ures of Saturday the market was again steadied by covering, with the close showing rallies of t or 4 points from the lowest. Reports of good rains in sections of Arkansas and an official forecast for unsettled weath er In Oklahoma encouraged private predictions of a break In the south western droutn. Tne aetauea weatn. er. reports showed continued high temperatures in both Oklahoma and Texas, with a few light showers in the eastern part of the latter state and noon weather reports showing no change In conditions helped the clos ing rally, weekly, reviews or tne crop outlook generally, noted deteri oration in the western belt but claim ed continued favorable progress east of the river. 1 . Spot cotton quiet; middling up lands 12.00; middling gulf 12.25. Sales none. Cotton futures closed steady. Open High Low Close Aug ..11.55b 11.65 11.60 11.6162 Sep ,.11.30 11.30 ,11.55b 11.65 10.97 ,.11.04 11.05 ,.10.95 10.95 ,.11.05 11.06 11.25 11.60 10.97 10.94 10.83 10.98 11.28 4j S 5 11.61 63 10.95 97 10.979S 11.86 8S 1L0203 Aug Nov Dec Jan Ma NEW ORLEANS COTTON NEW ORLEANS, Aug., 11. The cotton market was quiet but steady today, the continued drought in the west being the chief sustaining in fluence. Very little buying for long account was In evidence. The scat tered selling was fairly well met by the demand from shorts who -wanted profits, except In the early afternoon when the market went below last week's closing level. On the opening the tone was steady and prices were four to nine points up on good cables ana ary weatner In the west Both Texas and Oklaho ma sent In hulllsh Oron accounts. After the call the most active montns stood 7 points up. The forecast of unsettled weather for Oklahoma was considered a favorable feature and stimulated selling which put- prices one to two points under Saturday's figures. At noon the market recov ered, but in tne atternoon leu on again to j. net loss of three points. Toward the end of the day there was another recovery, the market closing steady at a net gain of two to three points. Spot cotton quiet, unchanged. Mid dling 11. Sales on the spot 47 bales; to arrive none. . . Cotton futures closed; August ... . . . .11.44 .11.11 .11.07 .11.06 .11.05 .11.16 .11.22 September . . . . .. .. October ...... December January . ..... ... . . March ... May . . .- CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, Aug., 11. ctn prices broke today on account of the ending of the drought in lows, and because of rain in northern Illinois and some other parts of the belt. The opening was half to 1 lower. Beneficial moisture northwest and liberal world shipments eased wheat Oats weak ened with corn. Although firm early with hogs, provisions gave way to the influence of bearisnness in coarse grain. CHICAGO, Aug, 11. Wheat No; 2 red new 86 86, No. 3 red new 85 86; No. 1 hard new 86; No. 2 hard new 860)86; iso. 1 nortnern viigi 92; No. 2 northern SO 91; No. 2 spring 9091; velvet chaff 879l; durum 84-4-90. Corn. No. 2. 71-f; No. 2 white 72-4-72; No. 2 yellow 71-f72. Oats No. 2 new 40; No. 2 white, new 41442r No. 2 white old 42; standard new 41-4-41; standard old 41444-'. ' . Rye No. 2, new 624-62. Barley 60868. Timothy 4.004.90; clover nomi nal. Pork 22.50; lard, 11.20 11.22; ribs J0.5511.T5. . CHICAGO, Alg.. 11. Hogs, receipts 40.000: strong. Bulk of sales, 8.30 4.95; light, 8.90 9.37; mixed, 8.10 .S2: heavy, 7.857.90; rough. 7.85:8.05: Digs 5.10 8.80. , Cattle, receipts 15,000; strong Ttove. 7.20S8.20: Texas steers, 6.85 7.90r Blockers and feeders, 5.40 7.75; cows and heifers, 8.65 8.60; Calves, 8.00411.25. Sheep, receipts 37,000; weak. Na tive, 3.9045.00; yearlings, 5.1545.90; lambs, native, 6.2547.30. Wheat September ... , . tf . December . . ...... v May . . . . . . . . ..... .Corn September . . . . .... December .. Mav .... r. . . . . . Oats September .... ... . . December . . .. .. May ., .. .... Open. Close. 85 ' 85 89 ' 89 94 94 70 71 65 65 67 68 41 51 43 55 46 46 Mess Pork per bbl. September ., .. . ..20.65 January .. .... 19. 15 Lard per 100 lbs. September .. .. ...11.17 October ., ., .....11.27 January .. .. ..... ..10.72 Short Ribs per 100 lbs. September . , . . .11.02 October 11.02 January 10.12 20.87 19.20 11.27 11.35 10.72 11.02 11.05 10.12 COTTON GOODS. NEW YORK, Aug. 11. Men's wear agents state that they are get ting a wide distribution of spring or ders. Cotton goods - markets hold barley steady.' Jobbers are doing a good general trad. Raw silk Is firm and tending higher, , CITIZEN WMTAD PHONE 80 FOl; SALS i',r'v; plants. Tomato plants for fall use at M. A Creasman's. 14 Flint street. Phene 318. Also a few doxen peppers. PUIS l-T FOR SALE Monday, china cabinet, leather chairs, dining table In quar tered oak; two 9x12 French Wilton rugs, small Wilton rugs, runnors, mahogany rocker and library chairs, ' piano, pedestals, leather Davenport, music cabinet, Ice box, kitchen cab inet and utensils, complete laundry outfit, hose, porch screens. Phone 1905, 47 Vance St. - 1396 10-2 FOR SALE Indian motorcycle, sin gle cylinder, 1913 model. For fur ther particulars, address R. X., care Citizen. P1887 10-3 HUMAN HAIR for sale No. 16B Col lege Street. 1314 6-7 FOR SALE The property of several private owners, as follows: ' 3 six passenger buckboards, 2 four passenger buckboards, two passenger buckboards, 4 light Moyer & Bibcock surreys, 8 buggies, 27 ether vehicles, t double harness, 6 single harness. PATTON & STIKELEATHER, 149 Patton Ave. 1232 2-tf BALSAM PILLOWS Fresh and frag rant Made in ail sixes. For par ticulars and prices call at 117 N. Lexington Ave., or phone 613. J. Q, 1 McGulre & Co. 1222 2-30 FOR SALE Haggerty Stogies at all dealers. The standard for 19 years. Union made. You've tried the rest, now smoke the best. 1164-20-1 FOR SALE Kindling wood and saw dust Call phone 1151, Carolina Veneer Co., Biltmore, N. C.fiS ' J88-16-30 FOR SAXJ0 United tatea Improved Rucal Rout Mall Boxes, o each while they last. Apply OlUaen of Acs. I OR SALE Dog-wood for stove and heaters. Biltmore Livery Stables Phonafli. 1074-29-U FANCY TABLE GRAPES 1.75 p3r crate. Assorted extra fancy. 12.00 per crate. F. O. B. Tryon. W. B. Kruse, Tryon, N. C. Member of Tryon, Fruit Exchange. 1282 t-JIO CALL MONEY NEW YORK. Aug.. 11. Money on call steady, 2e2; ruling rate, 2; closing bid, 2; last loan, 2; Time loans steady, 60 day 4; six month 6 6. Prime mercantile paper t to 0 per cent Sterling exchange firm, 4.83.20 for 60 day bills, 4.86.65 for aemana. - Commercial bill, 4,83. Bar silver, 69. Mexican dolars, 47. Government bonds steady, railroad bonds Irregular, NEW YORKCATTLE NEW YORK, Aug.. 11. Beeves, Steers 5.7548.60; bulls 4.0046.00; cows 2.5046.00; calves 8.80 12.00; Culls 6.00to8.00; grassers and butter milks 5.00 5.50. Sheep and lambs S.004.75; culls 1.50(fi2.60; lambs 6.008,25; culls 6.U0&I&.75. Hogs, Pennsylvania and state i.ii 10.00. OLD FASHIONS THE BEST Klrksvllle, Mo., Dispatch to Phlladel phla Record. "It was a mistake when the straight front corset and the kangaroo walk went out of style, as both were nat ural and beneficial ," said Dr. Ernest C Bond of Milwaukee In an addreus to the Americari Osteopathic asso ciation. He also declared the school room was to blame for many human de formities, Faulty construction of seats resulted in a cramping of the spine, and as a result 80 per cent, of the freshman claaj in a certain univer sity were affected with spinal curva ture in greater, or lees degree. He recommended that roller iskatlng by children be supervised, as excessive Indulgence in this sport, he believed, caused spinal trouble. PHARMACISTS AT NASHVILLE. ' NASHVILLE, Tenn., Aug. 11, A majority of the 500 delegates who have arrived here to attend the an nual convention of the American Pharmaceutical association were en tertained informally today at the Hermitage, the old home of General Andrew Jackson. The regular ses sions of the convention Will begin to morrow and continue until Friday, - SEALED PROPOSALS. Sealed proposals for the construc tion of a brick and concrete Power House and for the installation of a Central Light, Heat and Power Plant equipment for the North Carolina State Capitol and adjacent buildings at Ra leigh, North Carolina, will be received by the Board of Public Buildings and Grounds at the office of the Stare Treasurer until Friday, August 15, 1913, and will be publicly opened at 11 o'clock, a, rn., on that date. Plans and, specifications for both the Power House and equipment may be seen at the office of the State Treas urer, or at the office of Wiley & Wil son, Consulting Engineers, Lynchburg,1 vs., and copies of ths same may be secured upon applicaton to th En gineers accompanied by check for 310.00, which will be returned upon return of drawings arid specifications. Separate proposals will be received, first for the Power Iouse ,and second, for the light: heat and power equip ment Each are to be accompanied by certified checks or bonds payabw to B. R. Lacy,- Treasurer, for 6 par cent of the amount of bids, said 5 per cent to be returned to unsuccessful bidders. To the bidder awarded con tract the 5 per cent will be returned after he Has -executed the contract Bonds for 60 per cent of the amount of contracts wmj)ejjrequireLiorj,be faithful pertrmjuiM of Ua work. iK2 j&vt?r'.rzz?z,:z .I Wants BOARDERS WANTED TAHKEEOSTEB FARM-West Ashe vllie. Nice well furnished rooms. Table supplied with vegetables, milk and eggs from our own farm. Rates reasonable. Address D. C. Collins, R. F. D. 8. Biltmore. . PI 363-10-7 WANTED A few boarders in private family. Rates on application, 13 Hiawaso feX Phone 1437. P136J 9-7 WANTED Boarders St the Uleeta, 5 j'llnt St.. next to Auditorium. Rates reasonable. Phone 1010. 1261 3-30 LANGSTON INN 31 Park Ave. Phone 2121. Fine rooms and board. Six and eight dollars. PU95 10-3 WANTED A few guenti in private home. No sick taken, 32 South Lib erty St. P1197 81-14 SELECT BOARD Large airy room, shady lawn and -porch. Excellent table. No sick need apply. 137 So. Main. ; V"'- 1200 81-tt THE ADELAIDE Mew furniture, new baths, running water in rooms, single or cnsulte One-half block from post office, Haywood St . - P1290 6-30 MRS. W.' T.' BOHAHNAK" 3S Merrl mon Avs. can take a lew boarders; fresh eggs, vegetables, milk and butter from my farm. Large lawn, fine view, overlooking golf links and Grove Park Inn. . Free baths. No sick or children taken. Quiet pmoe. Phone i 1029 23-30 THE OLD KENTUCKY HOME 41 Sprue St Xwo blocks from square Kates on appUoaUon. Phone 769, BOARDERS WANTED At the Plxl 43 Ashland avenue. Kates s.00 to 17.00 per week. No sick peoul taken. Pbon 1121. mo-za-tz. PAGEBROOK Bet moderats priced house in Ashsvuie for summer vis itors. 86 to 38. Special to parties. Mrs. W. A. boott 192 Chestnut it Phone 2258. 1149 29-tf WANTED A few hoarders In private Moss at Classic theatre. P1202 6-7 POSITIONS WANTED WANTED-i-Positltm a companion. Would help veM ml-lnvalil Will accept any' time and go any where. J. B., care Citizen. WANTED To dif your washing and ironing. Everything dons-first class. See Jessie Robinson, 85 Short Bat Icy St. .,- ,1 P.: P1380-12-8 WANTED Position ss practical nurse. Will go any place. M. N care Cltissen. office. P1891 10-3 WANTED Position, as companion. Vould be conge ital to oni ;if musi cal or literary Usta. Could help care for semi-iiwallJ. No objtc- tion to traveling or ilistuico. Could accept after Oct i, 1811. P. O. Box No. i.JAims M. v. il Skyland, N. c. P1303 6-6 GRADUATE NURSE will attend pa tients by the hour. Terms, one hour dally, one dollar. Reduction If ser vices are required longer. Phono 1344. P1164 29-30 LADY with hotel and boarding house experience wishes position. Can take entire charge. Lady, acre Cit izen. P1888 10-3 NOTICE OF SALE. By virtue of the power of sale vest ed in me by a certain deed of trust from Hennlng F. A dicks to the un derslgned trustee, date,H September 1 4 th, 111, and registered -in -the of flee of ..the ' Register of Iocds of Bun combe county, N. C, la Book No. 85 of mortgagee and. deed of .trust on page 267 el seq., to socure the certain indobtedneos therefn mentioned and referred ta, and default having been made In the payment of tno principal and Interest of said Indebtedness, and the power ' of salo In said deed In trust having become operative-, and demand having been made by the holder of said notes for the; payment Of the same, which said .demand has been refused. " ' u- . Now, therefore, at the request and upon demand of the said holder of said .notes, secured by vaid deed of trust, I will on MONDAY, 8BPTEM PER 15th, 1913, at 12 o'clock noon at ths court house door "in the city of Aahevilie, Buncombe county, N, C,,' sell to tho last and highest bidden for cash the following described land, situate, lyingr and being in Buncombe county. North Carolina, and bounded and more particularly described as. I follows: Beginning at a stake in the easterly rrargln of the Sou thorn railway right of way, at the old formally southwest corner, and runs with ald Vlght of way south 85 deg. E. 520 feet to a irtake in the said margin of said right of way; thence leaving right of way ar.d running North 61 de. 40 min. East 384 feet to a slake In the uege of drive; thence following edge of r'Tlve the following courses and dls tancest N. 29 deg. 31 min, E. M feet N. deg.1 15 min. East 45 feet; N, 46 deg., 40 min. East 43 feet; N. 9 de. 15 min. west 150 feet N. 28 de. 45 min. west 50 feet; N. 60 da. ' 25 min. west 101.7 feet to a stake; thance leaving drive and run ning, South 49 de. 40 min. W. 110 feet; thence N. 20 de. 00 min. west 292 feet to a stake In ttie Connally line; thenue with the Conially line S. 49 deg. 40 min. west 505 feet to the "point or place of beginning. Con taining 6.8 acres. , -CD. BEADLE, Trustee. Dated Aug. J2th, 1913. , 1406-12-1J-26-2-9 Bill Brennan, the National league umpire! a.lormer iootball eiijr.He used to pl fullback or ; Minnesota RHONE SO Wants WANTED WANTED Energptle soda boy. wil ling to work. With rcfernece ap ply t Century Drug Store. PI 4 17-13-8 WANTKD Chestnut wood contract tors with stock and men enough to get out twenty to thirty cords per day. K. G. Hunt Lumber Co., Bal sam, N. C, 1403-12-8 REAL ESTATE Loans, Would like to get in touch with parties who have money to lend on gilt edge, ' First Mortgage , Improved real es tate security In a live and growing town In Florida. Interest 8 to 10 percent net, payable semi-annually, No taxes, borrower pays ail ex pense. Loans run one, three and five years. In amounts of 3500 to 15000, , Interest collected and re mitted without charge. Satlsfao- ... tory references furnished. 15 years successful loan business and not a foreclosure. Titles perfect Ad dress, "Loan" car Cltlxen, P141S-1S-7 WANTED Dlrst filling, front yard, Pearson Drive. Apply 302 Montford Ave. J. A, Tennont . P1S88 10-8 PHOTOGRAPHS AT KIQHT Latest electrlo light apparatus. Postcards while you wait, twti for IRc. DeLuxe Studio, 31 Patton Ave. P1870-10-7 IF YOU are looking for a nice, uiet place to spend the winter, also some : of the best truck land in Florida, ap ply to P. O, 499, Ashevllle, and let me tell you about it P1360 9-7 WANTED Every man to know that their credit Is good here. Silver Dollar Tailoring Co., 29 8. Main St. 800 samples to pick from. 1 15 and up. P1836 7-7 WANTED A good physician to take sn Interest In a drug business ami locate in splendid location for paying practice. M. L, Uudger, Barnard, N. C. P1311 4-1 AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Fred srtck Jenkins. Telephone 763. P1296 6-30 THE WONDERLAND Go see Chlm- new Rock. Writ J, T Patrick far booklet P1224 2-30 WANTED Visitor that dealt the best In cleaning pressing and dy Ins: to know that fifteen years ex perlence and a modern 810,000 plant with every known appliance is at their command. Big auto to send for your garments. Phon 389, J. C. Wllbar, Pack Square. MAIL CARRIERS WANTED 245 to 1100 month. Asuevllle examinations coming. tiiMtclmen; question, free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 276, Ro chester, N. I. P988 20 to UopiQ HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for your old broken Jewelry, Dtainondr, Watches and Sllvernure, Victor Stern, Jeweler, Haywood St.; opp. Battery Park, 872 13-30 WANTED Your cleaning-, dyeing r.nd altering1, steam and French dry cleaning our specialty. We sell coupon books, 00a 41.04 book en U ties you to four suits and tour pair of paiits, time unlimited. Ail work guaranteed. People's Steam and Dy works,: Charles K. SUn nette, proprietor, 94 Uaywood t "hone 2041, 846-16-30 WANTED A thoroughly reliable man living at county seat of each county in Western North Carolina, to rep resent the AshsvlUe CUUeu, collect . in-, soliciting and looking after the Citizen's Interests in general In hi respective county. For particulars address Circulation Manager, . Ths Citizen, Ashevllle, N. C. U SHOE KEPAIRXNO W mak th price, others follow, for quality anl service, thorn 714. Champion bho ilopH 6 Uovenunent St. 1137 7-U WANTED Your orders for a.spie flooring, r-oplar bsvol siding, oak and chestnut bouse trim- Phon 321. Kligltsn Lumber Co. 2628 6-tf WANTED Dirt filling, front yard. Pearson Drive. Apply 102 Montford Ave. J. A. Tennent P1383-12-3 ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT Two rooms completely furnished for light house-keeping, near car line. 110 per month. Apply oirs. Aooie . owen, uaiax Ave. w, Ashevllle. P1371-10-3 FOIt RENT Ons furnished bedroom, oining room ana Kitctien; modern conveniences; good view. Phone 166. . 1 P1341 8-7 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms in new bungalow. Opposite The Manor in Urovo Park. Mrs. Jgae' Hatch, No. 1 Edwin Place. - . '. . :, . 1196-31-tf FURNISHED ROOMS Unusually pleasant, all conveniences, good ta ble 'board convenient. 40 Merri mon Ave. Phone ?69. 1041 23-7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with all convenience. .Table board clow by, 99 Merrimon Ave. P1004 20-30 FOR RENT Two connecting front rooms tor officst Ui Citusn PJdg Apply V. B. Eos-lo. Cfe fcifUt o- FOU HENT Furnished smalt apart ment and unfurnished rooms Mod ern conveniences, l'hone 1448 1368-10-tf 207 HAY WOOD Large pleasant Rooms, Elegantly furnished..-. Uulet no consumptives two to four dol lars week, P1411-16-80 TWO FRONT ROOMS JBoard If de sired. I block from Post office, 58 Haywood St. P1414-12-3 MISCELLANEOUS. SHOES called tor, repaired and re turned promptly. Clime- Bowdsfc Phone 1817. 81 East Colegs St tl86-2-34 SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Phone 1641. 10 W. Collage St B. A. VlniarskL 133-20-30 THE LETTER SHOP Public ten- og 1 st her. WurtlT-trtretwrs. ' It American National Bank Building. S BRIm RESUHS J.' ' ' " Wants REAL ESTATE FOR SALIi 3,500 mq FARM ItAKUAIX. 100 ACRES on Southern Railway, near Hendersonvlile, fine grape and rrult farm, 1,000 young fruit trees, 100 old trees bearing; improve ments, one eight-room tenant house and four-room summer camp; a deep lot, fronting 75 feet, nar Auditorium, worth 83,000; a 1913 liulck tlve.pasxenger automobile, cost about 31,400; soma rough lum bvr, sufficient to build two houies and one-third of season's crops tree to purchaser. All this at the knock down price of 86,600. This 1 a bltf sacrifice and fin investment . FORBES & CAMPBELL, 48 Patton Avenue, TelophOn 268, tf 16-ROOM Boarding house close In, rents for 100 pe month, bargain for , quick sale. Se "Stanly." 4-ROOM BUNGALOW, no ons vr lived In It 31.160. See "Stanly", 14 Commerce Bldg., phon 1668, FOR SALE 7 and 1 room houses, al most now, close in, ail modern con veniences. Room I, Revell Bldg. F. P. Ingle, 10-U FOR SALE 10-room house South I'rench road Ave,, modern Imp. Terms. Moore's Agency, 1 S. Pack i, Phons 1668. 1401-12-1 FOR SALE Lot on -a French Broad Ave., 60x176, I860. House and lot on Fulton street, 11,250. New six room house near Charlott street 32,760. Lots of other bargain. F. M. Messier, 36 American National Bank Building. 10-8 BEE "STANLY" for real estate bar. gains. He knows.' 100 Acrs farm on Bo. R ft, near Hondersonville, 1000 young fruit trees 200 old trees. . 3-room hituu, enough rough timber to build two houses, party moving away, must sell, 4000. See "Stanly" II Commerce Bldg. Phon 1869, FOR BALE 7 room house on Pear son drive all modern improvements, .. Moore's Agency 16 8. Pack Sq. Term. Phons 1668. 1401-13-1 FOR SALE On Cumberland Ave., 6-room house, all modern Imp, Moore's Agency, 18 S. Main St., .Phone 1668, 1401-12-1 NEW 8-room house, beautiful lot, 176x176, 13,600. Ses "Stanly" 16 Ho, rack Square. FOR-JsALK sores of land, flew 6- . room buiigaluw, mile from car line. Fine location, also fin build lng lots in West Ashevllle at a bar gain. 4 -room house and lot lOOx 273 foet In West Ashevllle two min utes walk to car line. Also large and small farms. ' 80 acres, 3-room house '9 miles from town, price 1660.00, A. 11, Brooks, 32 Pat ton sve. 1406-13-7 FOR SALE Real barmUn, nice flv room cottage in suburb, cheap, If taken Immediately. Address L U care Cltlsen. P1294 10-3 FOR SALE Good summer horns, about 20 acres, three-quarters of mil of Blantyrs station on Tran sylvania railroad; eight-room dwell ing; good view. Address B, R. Led better, Blantyrs, N. C. P1384 10-30 MICA J miles on continuous mics vsln. The biggest deposit of mica in North Carolina, to be , sold at public sale at court house at Bre vard, N. C, on 18th August. 1913. f P1878 10-7 FOR SALE Seven room house on Corner of Merrimon Ave, Fins view, good lot all convenience. 13,500. Terms like rent Moale & Chiles, 27 Patton Aw. - " 1381 10-8 FOR SALE OR ifiXCHANGB Ths best granite quarry in the county, ! six miles from Ashevllle on the line of the Southern railway. Will sell cheap or exchange for pther property, See J. J, MoCluskey Realty Cj. 80-tl. JTOR SAL15-Eight roont house, sleep ing porch, furnace heat, high eleva tion, Montfurd section. Bargain. , Phons 1281. Ray-Campbell Co., No. 1 Haywood St , 8-6 THRKE small trsc: of land on Hsw Creek adjoining lands of Uiil und Johnson. 17 acres, ,a acre: and 33 acres. Nearly all -n timber. Apply J; K, Oorrell, Wast AsruvllK P1J04 6-7 FOR SALE '1,(100 acr good tlm. ; ber wltbm 6 to 10 miles of the main line of the Southern Railway, M. L. tudfler. Barnard, N. C, P1810 -7 FOR SALE Ointleman' country home; It acrss. flns bungalow, fur- niHin-u. Hi-mmiul vit wit iiiouutaiss, MUtmore mansion, C, Fur man Smitn R.F.D. 1. P1346 8-SO 39 ACRES House, naif, mil from station. Well watered, very desir able for poultry, truck and small dairy, 32,000. Also timber laod, ; and sites for Suiumer home. Bald v. In, owner, BUuityrs, Trannyivaius Co., N. C. P921 16-30 BARGAIN In well built m dern houn of 8 rooms, stuns- foundation, 60 foot fror.Uxe, fins neighborhood, ' fine v.ew, Ur.nsi Address M. F-. L-, CitlMn. 824. -tf0 FOR SALE Special nu-gain, large bouse, t or 9 rooms, lot 180x190, 'fine lot on Victoria avenus, good sueet, must go. S. U Hall, 64 Pat ton Avs. Phon L 8-tf FOR SALE fly owner,- ' T-room hcuse, corner lot. one of the best streets, bargain for cash or terms. Address W. Z.. cars Citizen office. 415-12-3 CLOUD BURST IX fXLORVDO. COUiRADO CITY, Colo., Aug. 11. Damage estimated at 3100,000 was caused by a cloudburst of which this city bore th brunt Crop wers bad ly damaged,' county roads were so bsdly washed that , they will require thousands jijJollarjlo. repair,., and, , at least fifty families were rendered PHONE SO Wants REAL ESTATE FOR RKIVT. FOR RENT Hlx.room - furnished house. 340. Others up to 1134. Also sevnral unfurnished houses from 322.60 to 135.00.. Hay-Camp-bell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phone 1281.' . . - , FOR RENT-Soverai nits furnished nouses in very desirable neighbor hood, See "Htanly" , 16 Commerce Bldg, Phon l8. ' FOR RENT 3 or 4 ttrctlv room well furnished for light house ksep. lng. das range. Two door from Montford avenus car line. Apply 34 Soco street ,1399-11.7 FOIt RENT For two or mors months to desirable parties only, furnished cottage of six room; best location, very convenience and comfort. Competent maid retained. Renl 360.00. Address K. F,, care ClUssn. ' - : P1I73.10-I FOR RENT Ths best, tore room In 1 1 Wsynssville, N. C. Centrally located. Sis of building S7xl6 feet two stories With basement Appl lu C. H. Ray, WaynesvUls. N, C ' P1184 31-1 FOR RENT OR BALE Nice T-room cottage on Merrimon Ave. car 'inn, adjoining golf links. Beautiful View of prove, Park inn. 14 sores of, land, ; For particular addr s. F. pad- f gelt, Richmond, Vs. 881 -9-U HELP WANTED WANTEW A rollabls womn to cook, and assist with house work. References, Phon 1381i P1409-13-1 WANTED For V. 8. Army: Able- bodied unmarried man btwen age 13 and 85; cltlsen of th Unit ed States, of good character' and temperate habits, who can speak, read and writs ths English lav t uag. For Information, apply to Recruiting Officer, 801 West Third St, -Charlotte; ( South Main St., Ashevllle; 130 South Elm street Greensboro; 104 South Fayettevills St., Raleigh, N. C and 1622 Main St, Columns, or 167 West Main St., Spartanburg, ft. C. tu-th-sat-6n EXPERIENCED MILLINER wanted. Also saleslady and apprentice, Ad dress L. It., care ClUsun. P1389 10-3 WANTED Whits waitress with ex perience. Apply In person. Marco Terrace. 1169 29-4 WANTED Men to learn barber trade. Few week completes. .Tools given. , Earn w hi 1 learning. - Write for catalogue. Moler Barber - College, Atlanta, Qa. ' P13S7 6-10 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS open to women, writ for fry list Frank lin institute, pent, 888 F, Roche, tar, N, X. P1083 ms 26 WANTED Notice te boyt In sur. rounding towns wound Ash v ills, Maks your own psndlng money during vacation by soiling ths Ash viUs Dally and Sunday Cltlxen to peopls living in your town: also th summer vlsltorr. Sell ths Daily and Sunday Cltlxen during vacation, and after school begins sell ths Sunday paper. Writ to Circulation Uanagsr today. DRESSMAKING dons at 165 College bt, or will work out by day. Phons 1367. - P133 7-1 fOE SALE Bsintlful ridncs lots in Jscksoa Park Addition; big bargr.lns and sat Investment; sur profit; lots16 to 3350: terms to suit purchaser: weekly or monthly payments, ipply Robert R. Reynolds. Phons 71 or 38. ron dale. 16 acri-s, I acres tn cultivation, I. room hods j, young - orchard, good vineyard, on improved state road, I mile from Wet AsheviU car Uas, 2,300. GREEN GOODMAN. Phon T38, REAL ESTATE! AND INSURANCE LOST. IF THE PERSON who took by mis- take tne box containing jewelry form the Ice cream table at the Candy Kitchen on Tuesday Aug. 5th will return' same to Candy Kitchen before Thursday Aug., 14th, no further action will b tak en. 1410-12-1 LOHT One double dark suit case Reward If left at this office. - 4ia-i-i LOST A gsnttfttnan' gold doubl- cased watch with lady's long chain of tiny flat links atttached: either on Vance, Woodfln or Charlotte, , Thursday afternoon. Reward for'' ths return of tame to 33 Edgemont Ave. P1408-13-3 ON PATTON AVE., between Pack square and postoffice, ons oameo. In old gold setting. Finder return j to this office and receive reward. - .! P139.1 10-f ' POUND FOUND Gold watch. Owner cant have same by v Identifying; and; paying foi; this ad., .1402-12-3 2 W0MM STREET OPEN FOB GUESTS Old Southern mansion with lawn of serersl seres. - Centrally Located PHONE 113. LIST YOITK PnuPKKTY FOB RENT Olt SALE Houses wanted, furnished or Un- '. furnished. , , Burn Realty Co. 1 4kh Pack N prt inn. 1614 nominal. Advertise in The-Otlsea.' Xootball tf Phone 108, ... lMJh-i homeless tor the flood. -