20 TfTE SUNDAY CITIZEN, AUGUST 17, 1!)13. U emtiM Th Place Adjoining the Vanderbilt Estate overlooking the entire town of Biltmore, 2 minutes walk of Biltmore Railway Station, almost right at All Souls Church. With views unsurpassed. There has been hundreds of thousands of dollars spent right at this property and you get advantage of all this without paying one penny for it. ff(B AND 1 FINE 12-ROOM HOUSE- Att Mdiini9 KM Tnnesiay, Awn. 1 WM a. m. Free Car Tickets, Free Dinner on the Grounds SALE BY SOU THERN LAND AUCTION WE SELL LOTS AND LOTS OF LOTS GO. ' Danny" Bftayvth former big leauv ha teen released manager of the Helena team, of the Union association. There are 7,875 smoke-consumlng furniw. In London. Klfty-four dif ferent type of apparatus are used In the metropolis. The New Zealand" Farmers' union askfl gcovornmniit aid for procuring more labjrers, more than six thou sand workers being nei-ded. Beautiful Young Woman, Fashionably Attired, Heads Daring New York Band of Auto Thieves tients of Yn. Freiberger, and the story of the quarrel explained why the woman had telephoned Mr. Hopwood. She was cheating her admirer out of the spoils of an afternoon's automo bile highwaylng In New York. The quarrel was not bitter enough to tempt her Into turning her companion over n th TKiiir. Hh wan content with "Are yo-.t the gentleman who offer-! 2E years of age. She was niftlly n,bblng a Dal of his loot and losing r-d $!0 reward for the return Of the! ,,,, i njisilv thnt th rhree wnmrn hr h nf it. rhna moeHllD- th nlll At Least, Such is the Belief of the Detectives, Who Send Out Round up Call to "Hunt That Woman Down." Thieves Havt Secured Hundreds of Autos..' me. Trunk flave sold car and have another to bring home. Money Am caught. Jump tSie town. Sprain Beat it Everything Is off. exactly with those given by the pa- 214 West Ninety-second street, New 35 Horsepower Electiio head, side and Tall lights Storage Battery and Ammeter 85 Horsepower Motor lM-irvc.h Wheelbaso Tlmken bearings Spllldorf Magneto Model It BcheMer rnrhurelor '":nci-tniarier Kloatiin: 'r.ir Axle : M Q. 1. Tires i rcivster Green rtndy with .i liirht green striping, nickel iinil aluminum trimmings $950 Completely Kquipped F. O. P., Toli-do. Cowl Dash . Tt rklsh Upholstery .Mchalr Tup nnd Hunt '"or Vision Windshield i V.vart Speedometer illectrie Hum I u. sh I' hours .with dbap iei ring limpet: P With Gray & Davis Electric Starter and (1 enerator $1075. A Greater Car at Less Cost HE 1914 Overlanl will bo ready for demonstration and delivery in about 10 day? or two weeks. The greatly inrreased production, combined with the natural irninurarturiiisr " economv of restrict in thcinsclves to one chassis, enables the Overland company to make their customary annualoffir of considerably more Car for considerably less money. automobile ntolen from In front of I No. 3'.' West One Hundred and Nine ty teenth street T" ttfc I The voice eame over the phone to SJ,ihe disk instrument of K. It. liop l?Vviood. of No. 65 John street, New jfrf I York city. I "Yes, madam," replied Mr. Hop Sjjf I wood. "Well," Mr. Hopwood wns lnform ! oil, "If y.vj want that machine Just rff j send a m.-i.i over the Astoria ferry, ;f l Lung l.-la i I. and he will tlnd it walt- ! lug for hi n near the ferry house." ; J ! The voie on the wire was that of I il woltia M. vft$ i Moreove-, Mr. Hopwood, automo S& J tile insnritnee adjuster of New York, C I assigned I the consfant pursuit of Jf ! thieves h i steal automoliiles, was the woman talking to I n and also that she was! iv.i;rry. If I Hini Ihe machine nt the plnee you name, he repiieu, wneie anaii ieii,l tl- -.00T" "Never in in! about the reward," alio rep'xd. T.ut the piron Who stole It how about him' " asked Mr. Hopwood. patients fastened their eyes on her and studied her from head-feather to heel. The hiale patient overlooked nothing, A gauzy automobile veil floated about a well-set pair of shoulders. A "duster" of lino linen fluttered in the breeze, giving a glimpse of a finely tailored street costume. Her little hands were clad in gloves of immacu late doeskin. Thil physician's windows were open. "Will you please crank up this ear for me?" the woman on the sidewalk was heard to ask a man who was passing. saw of cutting off her nose to spite her face. With the fact established that she had taken the stolen car to Ing Island and with the splendid descrip tions of fhe Jpighwaywoman, the de tectives put their noses closer to the trail. Th?y were on It all during the July days, and the most persistent of Dougherty's bloodhounds has bayed progrnss a number of times. Once he wns withrn shouting distance of her contldently expected to have her in ha idcufts within a half hour. But the lady knows everything about York, one of the few women automo bile brokers In America, among whose patrons are many rich and fashion able men and women In Manhattan wld to a reporter that It seemed as if maohlne owners would never be entirely safe from thieves until soma lccklng device was perfected. "Many women are driving their our. cans," satd Mrs. Reessing, "but thev should newer leave them unwatched wtien they go out shopping or calling. A clever woman thief like the one who stole Ir. Frelberger's car has a great advantage over the car owner. Few people Would question the right of arch a. fashionably dressed and pretty woman to inter nn apparently wait ing car. In less than a minute she Is away with the machine and with such a good start that It to almost hope less to look for her." Thirty-five companies Insure auto mobiles against theft. Seven hundred and fifty Insured !-rs were stolen In the United States a machine, and if close pressed she (during the year ending June 30. Two stops the f'rst passing male pe3es- The mile pedestrian willingly fell i trian and neks him to crank up the joR ; certain i'l.e him w.i.s , , in. upon the iron Jutting out in front of I the hood of the physician's big tour ing ear and cranked away. nearest and roost expensive car that Is not chained to a hydrant. The passing chizen always pauses at the Tw ice the passing Harlemlte failed sound of her well-modulated voice, to get the machine going, but as he i takes a sly glance at tier and then nunarea and tirty were never recov ered, but were changed in appearance and sold by the thieves. Only 40 per cent of machines are Insured. Of the uninsured cans, It !.-. estimated, 1.200 have been stolen, with a heavy percentage of perman- paused for breath and glanced falls to work, unwittingly aiding and I en t loss through failure of the police timidly, but Joyously, at the sidewalk t betting In a robbery. -I to recover them. vision he t enewed his effort. The car "We have been so close to that The mo.rt conservative estimate by finally shuddered and caught hold of, woman," aaid Mr. Hopwood, mopping on automobile Insurance expert Is that its span of gHsoline life. The strange! his brow at his desk In the marble plrl stepped Into it and two men, who; John street skyscraper, "that I almost appeared suddenly, jumped In behind her. They were off. So was Dr. The only reply was a Httle ex- cliitnnlion t protest, then a laugh and Krelberger 5 touring car, tiiKilh the iliek of the receiver drop-1 ,)inir ,nio .Is nifHeiea nnuKci. , his m;M.hino had been stolen he re- Tlic liiysivrioua woman had cut off' rled ,.. fa... th m,iicn and went j and was "one. j jn notice o the insurance company, j Mr. lloioud lost no time in get- t The insurance company stood to lose !tint; to the Astoria ferry and nxich- $1,500 nnd the first thing that Mr. ire Hie 101.; Isliirm shore, tie round- feel I know her. Her voice over the teJephone was that of a lady. The descriptions we have of her show she When the physician discovered that j is a woman who dresses and carries herself as a well-bred woman should. But she must le unusually rfever." While the price lias trone down the value has pone up., The motor is larger; the wheel base is longer: the tiros are larger; the tonneau is larger; the equipment is better--including such additions as electric lights; the body is more handsomely finished, in rich dark Brewster green, with heavv nickel and aluminum trimmings; in fact, 'in every single and individual is an improved ear at a reduced price. : Hopwood did was to advertise the the uuu h m waiting lor mm mere, , rt.ward of j50o T!u,n pmiuertons i , . t ;:. the woman had told him. Jt wcr(, mMed to the regular New York ; was r. imn.M to Pr. Kreibergcr aml!pllUn pjothos Investigators and a de- I the autom.-.biln, insurance company ;sirll)Uon of tnp wman automobile I was save.i the cost of anew machine. ,nj(,f waH seoure(i from the patients I I Am! now New York's plain clothes : wh mi(j. nn,H.0,lty watched the I men ami ;'ie Pirrkertons are hunting ; (hl,(t frim r, KreiberKer'ji windows. respect it This lOUfX) IT. 1'. Overland (the only kind that will be made this year) is a beauty and has quite a few of the latest 'improvement. We al ready have, applications on file for the first ears we will be able to get but our order is in and we will bo able to make delivery very shortly. 1911 catalogue will be in soon. Drop us a postcard for one. " i Hollar 1 otor Co. for t'ic w omui. j The description of Che woman tal- "Ihin; fiat woman down at all wUn ,,otu, pf tj1P n,nny hundreds cost'" Is the order to the sleuths. j llf Women crooks that are kept under The th.-f: and the return of tho1,., in tht, H0gues' Oallery. She was l'eiN l uer car gave the r !ke and evidently new In a new field. After the I'lnker'ons their first tip that a t!u, OVPTy nf the car from the woman w-w operating in the gang lj0s Isilnii j,idc, of ,h(, Astoria ferry of aiitom oule bandits that manugtMl ; ,,, tlilv- Uestlonerf nil the mem em- t- vet ;m:'V with ISO cars tn Man- ployed as deckhands. Finally they 600 machines disappeared completely In the United States during the pas' year. PKKUY CUUSTVAL AT CHICAGO. CSnCAGO. Aug. H.-Cnicago'B Con tribution to tlie general celebration of The recovery the other day of flvelne 1 rr conienniai was inaugurated mac hines stolen In New York and ! today wrth rnllltary and naval re- hidden in an empty barn at Ike wood, N. J., brought out luee that view on the lake front fcnd a big demonstration In welcome to the old seem to warrant Mr. Hopwood's con-1 flagship Nlajpara. The local celefcra- 'SJJ( 1 thieves, t I known to I a oung. 5? Phone 672 50 So. .Alain Street Vi hattan diuing one month this sum-jfoun(1 those who had worked on the! iv.er. mat tne great army 01 .ew,be(lt tne iRht the gtoU,n nmchlne otV chmiffeurs was Infested with ha(( Wfn transported to Astoria. The thieves, thugs and gunmen was weHjcar had vormi aloard afr midnight the police, Put that it heltl Mnd ,n u w,re a woman and two men. pretty and clever woman-?he women was very angry. She expert was news to them. stormed and politely damned a well- When Dr. Freiborger's tine machine 1 dressed gentleman who expostulated was stolen from In front of his rerfl-jfrom time to time and who looked as I'enre it a ippened that three wome-i:lf he was very, very sorry that he nnd a .man war staring out into the hud ever taken her out in a machine, street fro a the deep front windows' It was a 'ypical lovers' quarrel, hot of - his wailing room. One Hundred i and Men rising on the part of the and Nineteenth street Is a Quiet by-woman; woefully sullen and' sorrow- w.iy of Harlem, end nothing occurred ful on t'he part of the man. The 'deck - awn to every ppe eiberver nntll there came along the c'etall of the woman's dress and vhar- vlction th it women were praying a part in fhe big robberies of machines in Manhattan daring June and July. That there is a powerful gang work ing for some master crook with brains and money. Mr. Hopwood slso seems convinced. In the inves tigations of the detectives a bill of sale for a used machine signed by a crook of national reputation was found, but the crook was In hiding and in all probability directing the thieves. For the guidance of the master crook who directs the band of anto moblle thlevee a code was devised. A copy f this code vm found In a Jersey City garage by the detectives. Some of :ho words and their transla tions are riven here: Sledges Moot me at postoftlce. Have got the car.- Rope Can't go any further. Shoe and CArbwrctor troirble. Where shall I leave the car? rirt I ihlnk Home one is After me. Will Jnmp down and telegraph later. Wrench I am. taavtng town. Some I toiler Co ming homo on""train. tion will continue an entire week and will Include many attract he features. Earl Mack, who la a basetoall tnaiw age like his famous father, Connie Mack, is likely to be selected as base ball coach at the Unfttersity of North Carolina. Earl is managing the Ral eigh team of the Carolina leagur this season. After all. It may be tire enty Waited Johnson who will establish the con secutive win record for the Season. KENILWORTH Page 15 today. Paints Hardware ARROW HARDWARE STTTtS XXK

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