23 Forecast of Theatrical Season ') and Notes of the Players NG -RESULT TEE SUNDAY CITIZEN, AUGUST 17, l'JI3. Th plan of th Shuberta tor th omlng Muon include a farewell en gagement ,o( Ferbas-'Robertson, a Botbern and Marlowe season and ft number of productions by William Favaraham. There U alo an inter esting list of plays by American auth ors and a Urge number of attractive musical shows. The appearance of Forbes-Robertson will be the Inaugu ral attraction at the new- Shubert theatre In New Tork and among the plays to be Riven will be "The Pass ing of the Third Floor Back," 'The Light that dialled," "Caesar and Clo- o-partra" urt) several Shakespearean dramas. Sothem and Marlowe Will pigment eljht of Shakespeare's plays and WUUa.ni Faversham will start hia tour with "Julius Caesar," following It about Chrintmais time with "Othel lo' and. "Ruxneo and Juliot." William Hodee will appear In 'The Road to Happiness." Other productions of note will be "Children of Today.' In which touis Mann and Emily Aho Webnan will star; "Her Son's Life," with Bertha Kallch; "Suttee," a new phty by Guy Bolton: "At Bay," in which Guy Standing and Chrystal Herne will play the leading parts "Turandot." "The Ride to Hell," "Ueber Augusta.' which will be the first of the important musical pro ductions, ytth De Wolf Hopper and Oeoire M;teFiwiap In th leading parts and a new muktU play, entitled "Oh, 31 ?,' whk'h ! now In r. beansti YvWnt Mollsh has ben engaged for for Wijrjfairet Anj'l' company. (Wnra C. Tyler, of the Liebler company, has been motoring In Ire land, It is said that Fitty Choaram Is to enter vaudeville the coming season. Bophlo Tucker la shortly to appear Stray Topics Gathered in the Highways and NEW TORK. Aug. 1 6. The fiscal; household of the city of New York Is tn establishment of great magnitude and deals In figures which are stag gering. According to the somi-annual report of Controller Prendergast, Just published, the collections of revenue receipts during the first six months of the year from taxes, assessments, water raloa, and miscellaneous Items sggrogsiod tlll.Ul.331. as compar ed with $113,292,925 for the same period Of X912. Of the loans con tracted by the city, 75.739,il was obtained from the Issuee of corporate stock and corporate stock notes, as compared with t86.T88.e92 during the first i uonths of 1?12. From the first of January to the 30th of Juno ofthls year there were 123,(T,1TS of revenue bonds and bills sold to the public, ami $117,377, 671 redeemed, tos showing a net increase In this form of temporary debt of 3t,81,&T. No more accurate Indicator of the growth of New York city can be : foand than the history of the develop-; ment of Its transportation facilities aCd the plans for the future expan sion. In 1860, with the population of 1,174.799, the, street railway traffic of the oity was 60,330,000 fares. In 10, when the population had grown to 8,437,202, the street railway traf fic had Jumped to 846.351,000. From 1909 to 1910 it almost doubled. In 1910, with the population of 4.76S.883. the- traffic had grown to 1.B31.263,- 000. Sucjt a rate of growth could not , hare been anticipated, and the build. Ing of city transportation lines fell lhind su'-h rapidly increasing de man da 'The need for more transportation facilities continued to increase. The cfty had bcn growms so rapidly that, after payng nearly t30, 000,000 for the existing subway and spending - other millions for permanent Improve - ments demanded by the varoius boroughs. It had very little oredit left to ap?ly to new rapid trannit work. This debt limit had been so closely approached at the beginning of 1908 that, when the public service cbmmlssion asked the board of estl- mates and apportionment for tl, OOQiOOO witii which to construct the first part of the Fourth avenue sub-j way In Brooklyn, it was met with the opposition of the controller to the authorities of the appropriation on the ground that the margin of the bor rowing capacity of the city would not warrant such an expenditure. Bat the - publlo clamored for more line and more trains, and It is gradually jetting them. The wKtftig rapid transit lines lch will be embraced. In the new dual syste.-u have 298 miles of single irwok. Tho 'Stem will have 1S miloa of trark, more than doublo the present- mileage, ami will Increase the transportation facilities in an even vreaier proportion. Tho construction ind equipment o' the new system will ;oet about l';;7,005,000 and it will be twrn Jointly by the city of New York ind the two transportation corpora tions ' "United States Ormrmlssioner Gll ihrlst has been charged with the task of solving a difficult and quite un iisojal !gal problem. On October 31, 1913, a man named Benjamin L. Glaesnel, fell or Jumped from a Long Island Sound steamboat and It was t-wported Ct he had lost his life by drowning. He was legally declared and an administrator was ap pointed for his estate; Glaeusel left little property and a large amount of icbts but, as he was supposed to be dead, hia creditors accepted the situ ation and divided the meager assets among themselves. Since Uies, how e.vrt some of the creditors have come to tho conclusion that Q)aeel did not lose his life when ho fell or Jump ed off the sound steamship, but that he V alive and that his father and several ot&vr persons were aware of this fact all the time and have defi nite knowldge of the man's present location. One of the creditors, Bot withat&nd.tig the fact that Glaessel had been adjudged legally dead, filed a petition to have Glaessel declared bankrupt, ind Commissioner Gilchrist will have to decide what is the legal status f ulaeeoel under these condi- lna new play entitled "A Broadway j Honeymoon." , i Maude Adams will basin her sea-i son about the middle of the present months in "Peter pan," Frits William wilt be In the east of "The A masons" when Billle Burko opens in that play. Donald Brian, in "The Mania Market," will act a cowboy, a sailor and a newspaper reporter. Mary ttallon will be the leading voman in "The Silver Wedding." in which Thomas A, Wise is to star. Fred Leslie, the English comedian, will play in "Princess Caprloe" under the -management ef the Shuberta. . Klaw & JJrlanger will produce later In the season a drama called "Marie Claire" by A. K. Thomais, author of 'The Rainbow," A production of the coming sea son will be "The Envious Butterfly," In which the characters are modern Chinese identified with the new r public. Bayard Valuer's hW play. "The Fight", will have its opening perform ance in New York the middle of Sep tember. Margaret Wycharley will have' the leading part. . Blanche Bate Is appear In a playlet by J. M. Barrio called "Half on Hour," which will bo presented in conjunction with "The Vounror Gen eration' by Stanley Hovghton. George Tyler has announced that ho has engaged Arnold Daly to play ths loading part In Now Tork in "Jen. Sir John Regan," whero that play is tn bo produced la the fall. When the neventy vaudeville the atres and motion picture halls now In progress of construction are complet ed this fall, Philadelphia will have nearly 380 places of amusement, not counting the legitimate theatrea Byways of Gotham tons. When Mr. R. L. Butler returned to her home In the Holland Court apartments the other afternoon, the rtmember-jj that the only available key to her apartment was Inside on the dining room table Where she had placed it Wore going out. She con sulted Richard Ianlsa, the negro bell boy. Richard suggested that he might go up to tne apartment In the dumb waiter, bat he hesitated to entrust himself to the strength, of Mrs. . But ler, who would have to hold the rope while Innvw climbed into her apart ment on the eight floor. Mrs. But ter promised to hold the rope firmly and finally Innlas consented to take the risk. He palled himself to the eighth floor and then railed down down to Mrs. Butler to take a firm hold on the rope and to hold it firm ly with an her strength until Innls had cllmed through the window-Into her apartment. Mrs. Butler grasped the rope, but, either 'rom lack of strength or from too great excite ment, let go of It and down came, the cage-of the dumbwaiter with Innlas in It. It reached the bottom of the shaft with a crash and Mrs. Butler feared that the boy had been killed. He was scared almost White, but the doctor who was Immediately sum moned', found that he was only soared but had lot received any serious in juries. Through the adoption of a graixl- child by her grandparents as a daughter a legal question haa arisen as to the disposition of an estate valued at between ll,i00,O0S and $3. 000,900. The question. which Is now before the New Jersey court of chan cery, is whether the granddaughter. being4 the legally adopted daughter; Is entitled to share' as a residuary la gatee In her grandfather's estste on the same ?-otlng as the grandfather's own rhildren. A suit for the con structlon t.f the will left by the grand father of l'e child has been filed by the executors who find themselves un able to dacide the legal points In volved in the cam. Since the Steel Trust Investigation has been on Richard V. Lindabury, chief oonsel for the trust, has spent very little time in hia offices In the Prudential building In Newark. His long absence evidently have been Ob served by the pigeons that occasion ally light oh the window ledges to rest, for he other day one of the birds flew into Mr. Llndabury's pri vate office and confidingly laid an egg under his desk. What Is more the bird ocean at one to hatch the egg, undisturbed by tho young woman stenographers and other employes In the office, who from timo to time tip toed Into the room to take eautlouis look at ho umimial sight RACING RUBINS AT WINDSOR. WINDSOR. Opt. Aug, H The scc rnd of the summer raee meetings of the Wlnd.5f-r Jockey club was opened at the local track today and will be continued until next Saturday. Five stakes, with an aggregate value of J?, 500. will be decided during the meet lug. MINING ENGINKKR8 TO MEKE. BUTTE, Mont. Aug. It. Prepara tions have Veeq completed for the an nual mating of the American Insti tute of Mining Engineers, which Is to be held In this city next week. The session will be attended by about 200 delegates from the principal mining t enter of tn United States and Can ada. PASSENGER RATES RED I TED. MONTGOMERY. Ala., Aug. It. Unless an unexpected injunction is granted fares will be reduced to two and one-half cents tomorrow on the lines of the Western Railway ef Ala bama and the Central ef Georgia, within the state of Alabama. The re duction follows a long and bitter fight between the railways and the state commission. Since his return to the Detroit Tiger Paddy Bauman ha performed a genuine nig leaguer, PHONE 'SO Wants FOU SALS A BEDROOM SUIT of furniture in mahogany for sale very reasonable. 77 Spruce St. FUSS 15-7 355.00 will buy tlOO of new office equipment if taken at once as follows: 1 rpllsr top desk, 1 table, 1 revolv ing chair, two plain chairs, one small safe, matting, 3 pictures, one Daws Duplicator. Address box 6, City. 1462 15-3 THOROUGHBRED Indian Runner Ducks for sale. Price reasonable. Mrs. 8. J, Luther, Candler. N. C. ' P1445 14-T FOR SALE The property of several prlvato owners, as follows: t six passenger buck beards, 1 four paaaenger buckboarda, 2 two passenger backboards, 4 light Moyer & Babcock surreys, I buggies, 11 other vehicle, t double harness, 8 single harness. PATTON STIKELEATIfBR, lit Pattoo Av. 1332 t-tf BALSAM PILLOWS-Fresh and frag rant. Made in aJl sixes. For par ticulars fend prices call at 1,17 N. Lexington Avo., or phone tit. J. y. McOutr & Co. 1Z23 3-30 FOR SALB- Ualtea Alle Improved kwa Rout etUl Boxes, iu aca wml, they last. Apply Cituea ol eo. ) OR SAvEr Dog-wood for stove and heaters, uuunar Livery mabfua Phona lit. Jt7--u FANCY TABLE GRAPES 11.76 par crate. Assarted extra fancy, tS.OO per crate. F. O. B. Uryun. V. B. Kruse, Tryon, N. O. Momber of Tryon, Fruit Exchange, 123 5-20 FOR SALE Gentle, young Shetland pony fi" riding or driving. Addresa Mrs. J. W. Burt, Bkyland, N. C. P1478 l-8 FOR SALE Pair automobile head Hghta Apply 20 Cumberland Ave. or phone 4o. 1483 lt-3 ...OA. '. iiVAktt LOCAL, Representative Wanted. No cnvajwing or, soliciting required. Good income assured. Address Na tional Co-Oparative Keiaity Co., V-1234 Marden Hldg., Washington. P. C. 13&3-sun-wed NURSE WANTED No, 8 Aston Place. P1500 17-3 WANTED Traveler, a beginner, sal ary, oommlslon and expense money. Liberal offer and agreement J. E. MoBrady, Chicago. P1489 17-1 WANTED Investigators and Deteo--ttveg. tUO.OO to J3W0.00 per montlj. Some traveling positions. Free par ticulars. Nalionul Detective Agt-n-cy, iH-pU , Chicago P1493-17-1 WANTED Local representative for 20 counties exclusive of western N. U. For full intormatlon, call or ad dreus Asheville F. P. Gas Mch. Co., S3 W. College St P1423 13-7 WANTED Young lady to demon strate J. W. Buchanan Life Preserv er at Riverside Park. A good price , paid to tho right one. It makes no difference whether can swim or nut ' Apply at 12 South Main St.. elthor , by letter or in person. J. W. Buc- P1472 l-3 WANTED Men to warn barber trade. Few weeks complelea Tools given. Earn whila learning. Write for catalogue, Moler Barbvr College, Atlanta, Ga. XM337 -io GOVERNMENT POSITIONS open to women. Write for fr Hsu Frank lin Institute. Dept. S F, Rjcties ter, N. K. P1033 2-iai ii WANTED Notice to boys In sur rounding towns aiounu Asheviiia Make your own spending wuiiey during vacation by selling tit Asheville Daily and Sunday Citisen la people living In your town; also ths summer vlsitori. bell the Daily and Sunday Cltlzan during vacation, and after school begias all the Sunday paper. Write to Circulation Mauiager today. DRESSMAKING done at lit College St, or will work out by day. Phone 1217. i'lSit 7-14 WANTED. WANTED. WANJEO. A good energetic man to represent a large southern lite insurance com pany. The company Is 41 years old. Commission or salary. Write the State insurance Company, Guatonia, N. C, P1474 ll.l FOR SALE. t acres, t asm In cultivation, 6. room ho tu j, young orchard, gooj vineyard, on improved state road, 3 miles from West Ashevi.le car line. 32,200. OREEN & GOODMAN. Phone 738. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE SALESMEN SALESMAN Capable specialty tnuo for North Carolina, Staple line 00 New and Exceptional terms. Va cancy Sept. 1st Attractive com- mission contract 335.00 weekly for expense. Miles F. Kixler Co., 19a. 33 Carlin Bidg., Cleveland. Ohio. P14!t4-17-1 SALESMEN Do you want 1 0 a day side or main line retail and Punch Board deals?. Ten proposition American Factories Co.. Ht. Louis. P1491-17-1 SALESMAN WANTED For varanr-y Sept. 1st, a good traveling calesmiin for staple, well advertised line, soid direct from maker to men nant. Permanent, well paying position, Grocery, specialty or advertising men preferred. Address l . ; H care this paper. P14SS-17-1 Marsans, of the Cincinnati Reds, is leading the National league in bant stealing, and likewiBO leading his teammate. Bob Bescher, who has been the leading base stealer (n the league tor several year. , , Adycsrtis? J14 The Citizen. Wants OA&DK3 WANTED THE WONDERLAND of West ern North Carolina is Chimney Hock, N. C. Write, . T. Patrick for booklet. Don't go hnme before see ing Hickory Nut Gap. l'li:$-S-.1017-24 PRIVATE BOARD T Flint St., large airy and newly turn mhoJ rooms, with good home cooking. Large pliucxa, j blocks u( Auditorium. KttU 38.0U to JS.t'O per week. Piuui t23. i' uts i- BOARDKRS WANTED at Virginia Cotlage, -OS Button Ave., two blocks from uoat office. Phone 1034. l'14lt 15-tf THE NORTHERN HOTEU-tS Hay wood tit Newly furnished. No sick people taken. Kalea reasonable. Phone 1440. P142K 13-30 WANTED Boarders at the Uloeta, ( .Hint L, next to Auditoriuin. Rates reasonable. Phono liuu. un 1-30 SELECT BOARD Lars airy room, shady lawn and porch. Dlscellent table. No sick nod apply. 137 . Main. 1200 31-U THE ADELAIDE New furnitur new baths, running water in room, si nt; 1 or ensuite. One-half tlook liom post ottiuo, iiaywood bt P1IK0 i-30 MRS. W. T. BOUAMNAN, 6 JJorrl mun Ave. can uko a tew boaiUera; fresh eggs, vegetable, milk and butter Horn my farm. Large lawn, fine vltiw, overlooking guit links and Urova Para Inn. tree hatha No sick or uhiiOren takuu. uuivl ulnot. Phono ? lut 33-30 THE OLD KENTUCKY HOM&U Spruce it, ''io blocks from sqitaro. ttalea an appiiuaUou. Pnuua 70s, BOARDERS WANTED It the Dtxlo 43 Ashland aveuuu. Kales tkUO to 17.00 per week. No atua ptoulo taken. Phone 1K33. IDO-Ji-U. IiOOkS Kin, iUL'Nl1 FOR RENT 100 yda of car lino, W. ABhevillc, two rooms completely furnished tor light housekeeping, 310.00 per mo. Mrs. Addle It Owen, Galax Ave., W. Aahevtlle. P1484-17-1 I ONE FURNISHED ROOM, choice suburban location, home comforts Phone 332. P15U3 17-3 FOR RENT At 81 Grove St, two nice furnished rooms, 816.00 per month. Phone 1548. 147a H-3 FOR RENT Nice large furnished bed room, reasonable, private family, no siuk. Apply 41 Alhin St P1444 15-3 FOR RENT One large room in pri vate family, one block from car line, to we.ll people only. 14 Cbunn St P14IU iS-3 FOR RENT t or 4 attractive) rooms well furnished for light house keep ing. Gas range. Two doors from Muhtford avenue car line. Apply 24 Soco street 1399-11-7 FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms in new bungalow. Opposite The Manor In Grove Park. Mrs. Jessie iiawh. No. 1 Edwin Place. 119t-tl-U FURNISHED ROOMS Unusually pleasant, all conveniences, good la bia board convenient 401s Merri tnon Ave. Phone Ut. 1041 33-7 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with all conveniences. Table board 0109 by. 99 Merruuon Ave. P1004 20-30 FOR KENT Two connecting front rooms lv oHice La Cltissn Eldg. Apply V. B. Buaic iwiai ut- FOR RENT Furnished small bp.rt- ment and unturnuinea rooms Mod ern conveniences. Phone M48 1363-10-tf 207 HAYWOOD Large pleasant Rooms, Elegantly furnished. Quiet, no consumptives two to four dol lars week. P1411-H-10 LOST. IF THE PERSON who took by mis take the box eoiitalnlng jewelry form liie ice cream table at the Candy Kitchen on Tuesday Aug. 6th will return sum to Candy Kitchen at once, no further action will b taken. 1410-12-3 LOST Silver pin. Indian hammered coin. Reward. 1 'i Church St. P1479 16-3 AGENTS. AO ENTH The Rljrsf'Ht thing out S.-ll "Ambiitw" I'onei-ntrated lier Ex tract. For rnakiiiii lli-er at honw - y aldinir wan-r. The rel arttrl. Not a sutiKtitiif. Saves over 10i) per rent. Hrnall im kage. Enormous demand, big iwileH, long profits Mart whiln it a new. Just a postal today. Company, Dept. I'M! iKin't delay The Am brew Cincinnati. O. I'149i-17-1 LIVE AGENTS Here your opportunity.- end at. once for free par ticulars regarding eaully demon started h;h grad" specialty. Hess Mfg. Co., Hcsnenief City, N. Car. PI 488-17-1 AGENTS WAN'I'KIv- Kor new Auto dovirn. Reoord breaking sales ev erywhere. Dig money. Full par-tir-uliirs given free. Write today. Address I'h Asheville. N. C. PI 47-17-24-31 AGENTS Firn 810 per week wiling patented article to a itomobil own era New proposition Just out. Par ticular free. . Carolina Specialty Co.. Land in, N. C P14-17-l DISTRIBUTING AGENTS Either sex. Earn S 1 3.50 per 100. Giving away free psckaa. Blumer" Per fumed laundry Starch. AH or 'spar time. 530 Blumer Bidg. Lincoln Ave., Chl:ago. P1490-17-1 It looks is though the Highlanders have landed two real ball players In roon sna Williams, tne Texas league rochioa PHONE SO Wants WANTED WANTED At once by refined lady with i years experience, complete ly fumlnhed houxe with 4 or S bed rooms. Board owner If desired. Ad dress L. K., euro Citlitm. P1&04 17-1 WANTED 'umlMhed room near Bat tery Park for gentleman. Adilrox "BaUory," Hlviiig price with and without board, tare Cltlaen. ' P1501 17-1 WANTED Ten thousands of visitors la AshevUle can get a quick prompt cleaning and pressing service by phoning 339; our auto will call for and return your clothes without wrinkle. Best work. Ask the ho tels and any patron. J. C. Wilbur, Pack Square. . 'STANLY" has moved It Commerce Bldg. Phone hit , See "Stanly," Real Estate. WANTED Visitor can gut clothes cleaned and pressed quickly, satis factorily and with a quick dsllvery service by calling phone 3H, Fif teen years at it. J. C, Wllbar, Pack Square. WANTED I have a client who wishes to Invest 15,000 with services In es tablished business in AshevUle. Commercial preferred. Replies con fidential. Ueo, a Powell. U Paltitn Ave, 144 14-7 feMIMMMSmilMIIBfMa, -MOSSSHMBMOTSSIW REAL ESTATE Loans. Would (ike 10 gat in touon wun parties wnu have money to lend 011 gilt edge, First Mortgage 1 Improved real es tate security In a live and growing town In Florida. Interest 3 to 10 percent, net, payable semi-annually. No taxes, borrower pays all ex pense. Loans run 0110, three and Ave years, In amounts of 3300 to I&O00. Interest collected and re. milled without charge. Su tint mi tory reforunoea furnished, lit years successful loan business and not a foreclosure, Titles porfeot. Ad dress. "Loan" caro Cltksen. P14U.13-! AUTOMOBILE FOR MIKE Fred erick Jenkins, Telephone 733. PUIS 1-30 THE WONDERLAND Go see Chlm. new Rook. Writ J. X Patrick for booklet P1324 2-JO MAIL CARRIERS WANTED I & to 1 00 mouth. AabavUla axamioatios coming. tspBoluittu questions flew. Franklin Institute, Dept. 378, Uo ohestei. N. X. P9II 10 to SeplO HIGHEST CASH PRICES paid for your oiu uiunnii 4wuijr, uiituioout, Watohes and Silverare, Victor Stem, Jwlw, Haywood St, opp. Battery Park. 173 U.s WANTED A tboroughiy reliable mua living at county seal o eauh vouuiy ia Western .North Carolina to rsp reavt the Abviii uUmmi, uclievt 104, soliuiUng and luuktug alior in ClUsen's lutvreata in gsuwral In his r aspect) county. For parliuuiai atidreiw C.rculauun Mauagsr, ii ClUaea, AshsvOl. N. C U SHOE RJtPAJJUNO Wo mak the prica, others follow, for quality ani servio. PkMMM 714. Cuaioptoa sno Hosp, Uomnmeot St till 7-U WANTED low order for otapM floorlog, poplar bevui uulng, oak ad chestnut house truo- Paua 131. English Lumber Co. till l-tf PALfillST FuNEDA. Palmist and Medium. Bb tell true. Ad vie. en all the affair ol life. If in doubt call. Hhe tolls your past, present and future. Bus- , iness, law, marriage. Investment, travel, aomesuo al lairs. Jn fact she tells it ait Parlor tents 1 1 Hay. wood, call today. Readings, 2c and 60c P14ita 14-7 POfllTIOiSS WANTED POSITION wanted as traveling sales man, groceries preferred, but will handle any Un. Address R. E. Ix, Box 93, Marshall, N. C P1460 18.3 WANTED Position by young man as bookkeeper, shipping clrk or itn. eral office man. Best of references can he given. Address N. W. Muith, y. M. C A. P14I7 l-l uiMuuAiE riunoa wiu atu;nd pa tients by the hour. Terms, 0110 hour daily, on dollar. Reduction if ser vice are required longer. Phono 1344. F1164 29-30 EMi'IOYMENT BUREAU Y. M. I Building, phon 763, for white and colored help. Maids, waitress, cooks, eto. Thus. Chisholm. 807 13-30 WANTED Position as bookkeeper and stenographer. Can furnish first litis reference from (oiinvr em ployer. Address P. U. Box 314. P14-73 l-3 ' ' '" MALE Stenograph, seven yean' ex perience, deaircs position. Address i. . it., tare Citisen. PI 499-17-3 WANTED To do your dreiutniuklng at home or by the day, by exper ienced dressmakers, l'honi 763. P1603 17-3 MISCELLANEOUS. ' SHOES wiled for, repaired and re turned promptly. Ctllmo- liowds, Phon II IT. 31 East College St. ' tni-j-3 SHOES called for. repaired and re turned promptly. Phon 1641. 30 W. Collet; BUB. A Viniarskt. 13-2t-3 At'TO.MOHlLE for rent. 7 passenger Packard car. Phone 996. Trips to llenderonville, iiluck Mountain, etc. P1443 14-7 FOR SALE Btltul rBldenc lois tn Jackson rark addition; big bargains and saf lnvstmi; sur pro&t; lots 3160 to or monthly payments. Apply Robert It Reynolds. Fbon 761 or 138. Advertise in The Citizen. n PHONE SO Wants REAL ESTATE FOR SAD. "STANLY" has moved 18 Commerce Bldg. Phone 3t . See "Stanly,'' Real Estate. FOR SALE 21-room boiirdlng house at one of the beat colleges' west of the Blue Ridgo; good term. Moore's , Agency, 1 s. Pack Sq, Phone 16t3. It. "STANLY" has moved. You will find him at No. It Commaroe Bidg. Se him for Real Estate barralm. He also n-nis reHldeiu-e property and business prorly, and awiurrs you a square drat. Phone 341. FOR VALE Two mudvr six room cottages, corner Cherry and Cum berland Ave. Easy terms, Geo. 8. Powell. I47 lt-7 FOR BALE - Ths nn4 up to date home with It ai', beautiful vlw, tine vload, lrf,n. txtra, torvants' liouw, Jut uu - tdo i.iy limit. J minutes -,( far. If you are looking for MfMi it home tn the country, this la M. Km "tlunly," II t'uiiiiHMta lilg. Ftn KALE Good I room bousa on Wootlfln ft.; all m.Klern Improve mnta Moore's Agency, 14 tk Pack ttq. PhoiM 1441. It. 'STANLY" has moved It Commerce lil.lK. Phone t , 8vo "Sunly,1 Real Rstato. 3-ROOM HOl'SE, lot 75x307 Ashland Ave., 33,1100, See "Manly," It Com. mono Bidg, l'hono tt. FOR SALE l-room modern Improvo- menu eotlagtt, on HolUtnd Street, Moore's Agency, It ft. Pack Square, t-ijona it. THE J. J. MoCLOHKEY Realty Co. has for sale the most attractive rest dence In Asheville, extensive grounds, gardens, greenhouses, .and niagmtioent view. Only object in sailing, owner going abroad, othtir high class and attractive, pro parti"" near the Country Club for sal and rent 15 -if "STANLY" haa moved It Commerce Bidg. Phon 86 . Su "Stanly," Real Estate. 4-ROOM new bungalow, no on aver lived In It. 81,160. Heu "Stanly," II Commeroa HUig. Phono kit. FOR BALE A nice, good house worth ten thousand or more, can b beugtit fortes. Just outside town limit of ' Hendersonvillo, N, C, Flat Rook neighborhoud, 13 acres, I room . Goilag and a 4 room cottage nearly new; oihor Improvement. W. It Hawkins, owner, HendersunvllJe, N. C. P1469 13.14 t-ROOM NEW HOUSE tait 181x174 Arlington St, 83.6011. Su "Hiaaiy," II Cummerc illug. phone kkl. FOR SALE Fine vacant lot on Oak St. 42 kx 130, good terms. Moore's Agency, 18 & Pack Bq. Phon til. n 200 ACRES adjoining T. M. C, A., near Blaok Mountain, 25 acres In culti vation. Biggest bargain In this Me llon at 83,600, Moaio & Chiles. 37 Fallon Av. i- "STANLY" ha moved 13 Commerce Bidg. Phon lit , do "Stanly," Real Eatalo. FOR SALE i-flne vacant lota on Arlington St., good big lots. Moore's Agency, It S. Pack ttq. phono 1168. It BEAUTIFUL HOME on Montford Av AluKUlIlcelit view, 36.600. Sea "BUS ly," 13 Comiiieicw illdg. Phune III. Full SALE7 and 9 room houses, al most new, close in, all modern coa viU"i Room 9, 1111 Bidg, F. P. ingle. 1V-U 'STANLY" has muvad Bldg. Phon 86 . Real Estate. -It Commerce So "Stanly," FOR SALE I acre of land, hw I room bungalow, S mils from car line. Fine locution, also tin build ing lots In West Aahevllls at a bar gain, 4 -room house and lot lOtfx 273 fixt In West Asheville two rnln utes walk to car line. Also large aud small farm. 30 acres. 3-rouiu Iioubm 9 inlles from town, price 1100.00. A. 11. Brooks, 33 Pat ton ave. 1404-12-7 FOR SALE Good summer hum, about 30 acres, three-quarter of a mile, of Ularilyre station on Tran sylvania railroad; ighl-room dwell ing; good viuw, AdUi-eas li. It Ld imltur, Blantyre. N. C, P1384 10-30 "STANLY" has moved 18 Commerce Kldii. Phone 866 . See "Stanly,' Real l-.Malw. MICA 3 mlks on continuous mica vein. Tho biggest deposit of nuca in North Carolina, to be sold at public sale at court house at liro vard, N, C, on lSlh AukumI, 1913. P137I 10-7 'STANLY" haa moved 18 Commerce Hldg. i'hine 886 . See "Stanly," Real Kb lute. FOtl SALE lHirablo country bom; It acr, fin bungalow, fur- ntsiKiO. livautitut views uiouuUm, Biltmore uiunsiun, C. Furiuan t-nutn R.F.D. I. P1345 1-30 STANLY" has moved. 16 Commerce Bidg. See Stanly at 'STANLY" has moved 18 Commerce Uldg. I'hone 86t , See "Stanly," Real Estate. BARGAIN la well built m Wn aou of I rooms, stone to'ibdation, 60 foot frontage, fin neighborhood, fine view, 'lerraa. Address M. F. L, Citizen. 134 9-.0 FOR SALE Special bargain, large bouse, 6 or 9 rooms, tot 180x190, fine lot on Victoria avenu. go-d stroet must go. S. D. Hall, It Pat ton A v. Phon 9L t-U FOR SALE One of th finest farm near Weavervllle. If you ar Inter ested, act quick. Moore Agenc it Pack So. Phon 1611. r Wants REAL ESTATE VH HKTT. "STANLY" ha moved 18 Commerc . Bidg. Phone 866 . See "Stanly." Real Estate. I oH- RENT Six-room furnlKhud: house, 140, other up to 8126. Also several nnlurnished houses, from 333.60 to 136.08. Ray-Cump bell Co., No. 1 Haywood. Phou 1231. rOR RENT Eight-room house, fur' nlslud, two baths, electrlo llghia, lawn, two-acr lot, garage ami servant house, on the Country cluh . car line. Apply to Mra a P Thompson, Spartanburg, s. C. Pi4i:.-a-i FOR RENT OR SALE NIC T-rooim cottage on Merrimoa Ave. car in adjoining golf links. Beautiful view) of Grov Pttra Inn, 14 acre nt laniL. For particulars uddrss 8. F. Pad. gU. Rlchm.md, Va. (31 9-:t: FOR RENT On half of an lganf retau store, best hieation in Ahu ytlle. Rare Chanuoj, this otfic. - i-. - 1413 lt-1 FOR B.VI.K. t-KOOM HOUSE, large lot, South,,, Ulltmore, i960. S hmnly, IS- Loqi- mere Uldg. Phone IWt. WANTED To a fin boarding, house. Property doing a paying,, business. Also town- lots, tlmheri lands and stuinpago. Addruw Dr C, W. Hunt, Brevard; N. C. , . Plll7-7-t-sua FOR 8A1,K 5-rooin cottage; Soatl Ulluiiors; terms.) Maura's Agency, It B. Ick Sq. Fhon UU. , u FOr"7a'lk Wight-ro'i'm.'1' two-story shingled bungalow, Jn being cnii pletd: lot 10x140; lot lays levt;yi nice oak trees, located just opposlloi thr Pack's home on Merrimon Avu, V call this on among th prH titst Homes la nvm: prtc , , 760.00, 11.000.00 cash, balanc eaaif paymvnu. phone t49, Donnaho and Co., Rest Estate. 1 FOR BALE t-room cortag. North' Main Street; terms. Moore' Agency, It S. Pack Bq. I'hoaa 166J., If lit ACRES At 810.09 per her, Thi , la th best I arm 1 Buncqmb couut ty for apple and ,vlnyard psoposM Hon; party wlli esc hang for city property. Moore's Agency, It 84 Holt Bq. Phona Ittt. It -f FOR 8ALK OR EXCHANGE Any part or all nt one thousand avrs of Y land on public road, within two miles of town and railway station near Asheville. Ideal . for orchard and grafting purposes. No better porpo union in western North Caroiloa. Address It E. J., care Citizen. - 1B0I !T- FAR Met FOR BALE We have m fin proposition tn farms, both I10- provad and unimproved. Moor' Agency, It B. Pack So, Phone 1663. It FOR SALE Finn business lot on PaU 1 tost Ave., 16x101. Moore' Agency ' It 8. Pack Un, Phona 1668. It FOR BALE Lot IOgI7l on B. rTsnPH Broad, 3360; lot oa Charlotte Sti 31.004; ILouso aa4 lot on Fulton St. 81,260; new l-room House, H block!, of Charlotte Ht, t2,750; new 7-roon Mouse o Hnt St., !,40o. Lots of otbar bargains. F. M. Mesalor, 24 Anserloui National Bank Buildings . w... .., it-a. FOR SALE NU-e- home on French) Hroad Avonue, lot tOxSOO, nice view, houne practlfallif new; price 34,70. Easy paymeuta, DaJi nabos and Co., Real Estste, IJ-t) MUSICAL. MUSICAL Wanted at Majestic thea tre, for week August 18th, good vlo. llnuit and comot. Fbon. t Tall at 103 So. Mala Bunday or at Ma Jwstlo laaalra Monday mornlAKkt 11. O'clock. , Emma B. Austin, Leader. 1806 17-1. FOUND FOUND Wednesday In buslnes tion, gold brooch wMh Won st ting. Owner aan liav ama by call-, lug at office and paying for this ad, 1314-14-3 NOTICE. By virtu i of a mechanic's lien which attached U on electric genor-t ator, belonging to Crawford ami Slear, of Black Mountain, North Car olina, for work and labor done and ' repairs made on the said generator, to satisfy the bill for said work and labor done and repairs to the said generator, said hill amounting t 817 ,10, w will, -on taa 2Mb day August 1913, at 13 o'clock M sell at the Court lious Door in th County of Buncombe, th said electrko gene-, aler belonging to th said Crawford ' and Slear. The proceeds of said sal will be applied first to th payment of said debt lii'rt and coats, and the balance, If any there be, will J paid to the said Crawford and Slear. Piedmont El-trlo Company., This ths 12th day of August. 191. 14W - 2 mm STREET : OPEN FOR QUESTS Old Southern ruausioa with ' lawn of several sere. Ctatndlf loated PHONE tlJ. . WIST YOrn PnoPEKTY FOR , KENT OB SALS Rous wanted, furnished or furnished. ,. k ,, f . Burn Realty Co. II Sooth Pack Squarev - FIioim ISII. 4V8JUi:VILl.C; H, C ,