THE ASHEV1LLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1913. ' 0 LEADING HOTELS. LEADING HOTELS. Luxury Without Extravagance ( Magnificent Fireproof Structure in the heart of the business district. Conducted on the European plan. Bates $1.00 Up. Club Breakfast from 25c to $1.00. Table-D Bote Luncheon served from 12. X) to 3300 p. m., 75c. Table DHote Dinner served from 6:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m., $1.00. A la Carte service at all hours. High in Altitude Only 2,250 Feet. J. BAYUIS RECTOR. MANAGER. A Suomer Outing Above the Clouds Eagles ISJest and Camp PnctHvo Doll of frnm If 4v l?oirAi vuua v aavatva uviu lata J ivivl ua junuuiu mountain over one-naif mil higher than Aahevllle, verlcok Wayneavllle and Lake Junaluska. For scenery, air, water, climate and everything essential for the oomfort and enjoyment or 1U guest., this favored spoi la unapproached. No tourist should mlia the beautiful drive up the mountains, followed by one of our .umptuout dinners. No annoyance from children. No consumptive. u. attormwalt, Jr- Mgr. Eagles No P. O. N. C Folder, and particular, at city ticket office, Aahevlllo, N. C. Battery Park Hotel OPEN TRROrtiHCG, TKU EAB. FAMOCS EVJHtarWHERK IOR BOOKLET RATES AST) RESERVATIONS, ADDRiTttt J. L. ALEXANDRE. PROP. Asheville, N. 0. SWANNANOA-BERKELEY AsheviljVg Most Modern and Up-to-Date Hotel Hot and cold running water or private bath in every loom. FRANK LO UOHEAN MARGO TERRACE asheville, n. c. Occupies a beautiful location. The houae U of modern contaruoUon, ar tlstloaiiy designs, perfectly eaulope d. large airy room and private hatha Margo Terrace la bomeUV in it atm osphers and particularly attractive tt famiii. aad ladle traveling alone. Excitant tabl. SiOdernte rate P. B. BRAKCn. Pro. HOTEL AETHELWALD t BREVARD, N.C. Kates, $2 per day. Steam heat. Hot and Cold Baths. Both commercial and tourists. Open year round. ;CHAS. M. COOK; Jr., Proprietor. Mountain Meadows Inn 1,300 Ft Above Aahevilie. n- Center of Panorama of Valley and Mountain In Ten CountleT Dairy and Vegetable Garden. . Room, with and without "bath Telephone 1971 , MISS TEMP K HARRIS itaherlll. THF 1MPFMAI nnTPI canton KM.aiUJSil,Prop. E SAMPLE ROOMS ELE0TRI0 LIGHTS STEAM HEATED FREE BATH RATES $2.00 and UP. The Monarch European All Outride and Clean Boom. In Heart of the City, 50c, 75c, $1.00. Special Rate. Pew Week. Phone 1832. HESInOL WILL STOPTIIATITCH Briar Instant ReUel awl Qaickry Clear Away Skin Eruption. No matter how long you hare been tortured and ditflgured by Itching, horning, raw or sealy akin humora. just put a little Of that toothing, an tiaeptio Besinol Ointment on the sore and the uffering atop right there I Healing egtn that Very minute, and jour alia get well o quickly von feel Mhamed of the money you threw away on ueleat, tedion treaunenU Wherever drug are apld, you eta be juit a aur of finding Beainol Oint ment a court-plaster or a toothbrush. Thia it because doctor have prescribed it o regularly for the last eighteen year that every druggist know, he mutt keep It oatantly la stock. It eooe la opal J are, for fifty etnto aad on dollar, or you eaa try it at our x pente. Betinol Ointment it mott ef fective for fatal ing wr, boil, wound and pile. Write today to Dept. ft-lf, Betinol, Baltimore, Md, for a tampl of Betinol Ointment and a miniature cake of Betinol Boap, WOES OF A BOY, A aad story 1 told by a Pennsyt van la man of a lad in hit town who, Ilka many another toy, baa been obliged to wear the caat-off clotMng f hi. father. One afternoon thi. lad waa dis covered In tear "What" a th. trouble my boy?" asked the man who tell the tory. "Why, explained the youngster, be twe(n (ob., "ppp ha. gone and shave 1 hi (ace clean and now I s'pose I'll have to wear all them red whisker." HAT Mm IS The Japanese premier will report to the emperor on the thootlng of a num ber of JapaneM ubeot during tight tug between Chinese government troop and rebel, recently. START YOUR LIVER, DON'T STOP WORK Dodtton' liver Tone Act Mildly, but Surely. livens TJp Vur liver and Vou Buy On Your Feet. It is the experience of colomel uur that if they take enough of the drug to have the desired effect, it .erlously Interfere, with their work the day af ter. But thi 1 the least important item, for calomel is often a dang.rou drug and act. on the system violently. Don't take chance with calomel. Get a bottle of the pleasant, safe and (perfectly harmless Dodson'. Liver Tone, guaranteed to take the, place of calomel. Instead of making you feel worse the next day it makes you feel better and you actua'l are better, for no remedy in th whole world livens up the liver, regulate the bow els and really. rejuvinate th system any better than thi. doe. You ar the sole Judge of it merit.. Allison'. Drug Store is full author ised to iand you back your -money without question tf It fail, to plerue you and relieve you. ' Remember, if you feel constipated and bilious, what you heed 1. Dodson' Liver Tone. A large bottle and a good guarantee for SO cents from Al lison'. Drug Store. I fO GREET GAB. VETERANS Tennessee Cty Prepares to Show "Yanks" the Real South. CAN ENTERTAIN 200,000 VISITORS Annual Parade Is One of the Impressive Features of Encampment. CHATTANOOGA, Sept t.'l am coming to th. national enoampment. i may never attend another. I want to see old Lookout Mountain again and Bnodgras Hill and the battle fields of Nashville and Franklin. Ana I want to meet my -old comrades, orobablv for th last time, In the shadow of Missionary Ridge whirs we fought aide by aid. Ip "the battle above th. cloud." Just fifty year The above 1. Ibut one of thousand of similar letters that have been re ceived by the local committees from veterans all over the ' country and which Indicate that the national en campment of the. Grand Army of the Republic soon to assemble in thi. city will bo on of the bct attended in the history of that organisation. The encampment will be far broad er in its scope than a mere reunion of the .oldier. who wore the blue. The Indication, are that thousands of gray-dad veterana who followed the fortune, of th Confederacy will be present ' to greet their former foe and to Join with them in saluting the .tarry banner that wave over north and south alike. A a demon stration of patriotism the encamp ment promises to b scarcely less no table than the great reunion held on the battlefield of Gettysburg in th. early summer. The activities of the encampment will ibegin on. week from today, when Alfred B. Beer, of Bridgeport, Conn., commander-in-chief of the O. A. R., will arrive with hi. staff and op.n headquarters at th. Hotel Patten. For the seven days following there will be a constant succession of Interesting events. The end of the encampment will come on th. fiftieth anniversary of the closing day of the great tat tle of Chlckamauga, where American met American en one of th. most hotly contested field, of th. war, where many thousands on both- 1de gave their live or '' suffered from wound, fighting for that which they believed was right. " ' , Chattanooga .xpeott to entertain 200,000 visitor, during th. week Of th. enoampment. The firm two day. will b. given over entirely to reunion. of army coups, brigades and regi LEADING HOTELS. LEADING HOTELS. GROVE PARK INN Grove Park Inn serves luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Ashe ville, although not guests of Grove Park Inn, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if k notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 10:00 p. m. Rates $5.00 per day and up. Special summer rates. Phone 3000. WM.S. KENNEY, Manager. BEAUMONT LODGE i ? Beaucatcher Mountain 500 feet above and overtook Ing Asheville. One mil. from Pack Square; easily reached by carriage ur automobile. Alway. cool and delightful Phone J2J-f. MISS MATTIri HARRIS. Asheville. Grove Park Inn Orchestra (six pieces) invites engagements for dances receptions and entertain, ments. Call C. Edwin White, Director, phone 3000, for terms and engagements. . CAPUDINh. V 1SI HICKS' CAPUDINfTS IN A LITTVKVATKR r CURES HEADACHE COLDS AND GRIPP OLO ftT WKUrroOKID D'0 r.ttJ HAD GOSSIP El CAPITAL OF meats that participated In th. many battle, that were fought In this vi cinity. Two of the most notable of these reunion will b. held by the Society of th Army of th. Cumber land and th survivors of Wilder1. brigade. Th. annual parade, always on. of the most Impressive features of the place Wednesday morning. Many of tho old soldier will be too feeble to march in the rank, with their com fades. Realising this, arrangements have been mad. to furnish carriages and automobiles for thos who with tt. participate in th. parade, despite 'ho.r InablHty to stand the sever. strain of marching. . Othert will oc cupy seat, in the reviewing stands, where' they can witness the parade and cheer their oomrades at they past, , Th. first business .easlon of th. na tional encampment will open Thurs day morning. The prinlcpal item of business will b. the selection of -a new commander-in-chief. Th contest for the honor already bid fair to be on. of th. most spirited in many year, Flv. state., Boutin Dakota, Mkthigan, New Jersey, Indiana and JNdbraska, h&ve entered favorite sons in th. race. South Dakota baa Indors ed H. H, Kingman, who served through th. war with th. 11th Wisconsin regiment and has been one of the prominent figures in th. U. A. R. tlnoe its organization. The oholc. of Michigan is ex-Congressman Wash ington Gardner, who enlisted In th Union army when only sixteen and followed Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta. New Jersey, candidal. Is Col. Ralph D. Cola, who is sxpsot ed to hav. th. support of many vet eran, of th. east and New England states. Indian 1. campaigning for Comrade A. O. Somsrs, who count, upon th. support of all "who believe that th. tlm. has com. when a pri vate soldier should b. honored." Ne braska has sntered th. lists with Col. C. . Adams, a banker and farmer of Superior, Nb., who has distin guished war record linked with th. history of the 14th Army oorps. But after all, th. business of th. encampment will b. of secondary consideration. The Informal reunion, the renewing of old friendships, visit, to th. old battlefield, and numerous features of entertainment will take up the most of the tlm. of the visitors. Guide, will be furnished to pilot the old soldier, and their friend, through the Chickamauga Military park, to point out Bnodgras Hill, where Gen eral. Thome, Bteedmaa and others checked th. advance of th. Confed erate fotceg and steed the Union ar my. All are expetced to visit again the scenes of th. great battles of Lookout Mountain, Orchard Knob and Missionary Ridge, while many partis, from th. north win .xtend their slgihtseeing tears as far at Ken esaw Mountain, Atlanta and other place, where history was mad. In th. '60a OLD NORTH STATE Chairman Travis Returns ' . from Meeting Held at Washington. , J PAXTON HOTEL Cl fp-to-Date European Hotel. Kewly Furnished Throughout. Hew Management. Modern Convenience Phone 2086 38 So. Main St CinUBTOPHKIVa COMPliACTP. Lula McStubbln. had been a bride but a short tlm. when th. startling truth was forced upon her that her young husband was not exactly 4 toettoUllar. One evening, a few week, after th. wadding, th. strict old cold water crank Papa Memubblns, drop ped In to call. Hs found his daughter all alone. After a while he asbed: "Where Is Christopher?" "Well, the fact is, Christopher Isn't feeling very well this evening." "Is that so? What seem, to be th. matter?" - "Well r -th. fact I. r Chris topher 1. suffering from a bad attack of of propinquity "Propinquity, propinquity," repeat ed th. puzzled old gentleman. 'That', a d!rR- i never heard of. Tou must i be mistaken." "Oh, no, father! Let me explain. Propinquity mean, nearnem, doesn't it?" "I think so." ''And to be near is to be clewy isn't R?" "Em yes yea" "And when w apeak of a man as being close w. mean that he is stingy, don't we?" "Certainly." "And when a man 1 stingy we call him tight, don't we?" . "I believe so." "WU," sh. concluded, with a sigh, "that's what's the matter with Christopher." Tlt-Blta. TATE SPRING Under new management. Remodeled and refurn ished. No sickness. Drink Tate Spring Water for your Health Reasonable Rates. First Class Service. The Sportiest 18-hole Golf Course in the Souti, Come over. TATE SPRING HOTEL CO. Tate Spring, Tenn. S. B. Allen, Managing Director A Trial is All We Ask LAUNDRY PHONE 70 JKfoIreat Jou X Laundry Vlutft Bigger Point for Point Belter Dollar for Dollar Without Doubt the 1914 OVERLAND is the Moist Wondertul Car of the v New Season. HOLLAR MOTOR CO. Phone 672. , 56 South Main St T. B. GURRY KILLED BY DEPUTY SHERIFF MANUFACTURERS OF AUTOS WITHDRAW Sfcss. J Refuses to Pay $500 State License Levied by Last Legislature! RALKian, BppO. Chaitman Tra vis of the North Carolina corpora tion commission hus returned from Washington where be attended a con ference , of member of the corpora Hon commission, of th. slates of the union, th. interstate commerce com missioner! and the special engineer ing board chosen by the Interstate commerce commlsleun -or carrying out the provision, by congress for the fixing of physical valuation of all the railroad property In the United fitatot. The conference, Chairman Travis says, resulted In the outlining of a mode of procedure tn undertaking this gi gantic task which will require years of labtr and an Immense outlay of money. As soon as th. physical val uation! ar. established It I. the pur tot of th. Interstate commerce com mission and the stats commission, to ute these physical calculation. In mak ing freight rate. Inttead of consider ing the outstanding Mock, and bondt In making pp th. bail, for rat. mak ing. ; Only twenty-.lg of th. two hundr.d automoWl. manufacturer, that wer. doing business in this stat. In ltll hav. paid th. 1500 atat. limns, tax imposed by the 1113 legislator, on manufacturer, and about all of th. other, hav. left th. stat. or "Will do to very toon as th. treasury depart ment t. pressing th. mattsr of ceasing activities unless th. license It ipald. Of th. wnty-slx lloens. tax. paid only eight hav. actually bten paid by th. rnanufactursrs, th. .tat. agent putting up th. money on their own account In th. other case. Many of th. higher priced machine manu facturer, refuse to pay the tax fceoaut. In most case, there ar. actually lest than a half doseii Of a epeelfio high' prfcted machine .old in th. .tat. with in a yean For instance, th. Pierce Arrow Kid only three machine. In North Carolina during 1111 and hat withdrawn from th. state. This Il lustrates th. condition with reference to a n timber of the other hlgh-clast machines. It develop, that an affect of th. new law that 1. operating to deter manufacturer, from eoming Into th. stat. under th. new 1500 license tax law it that to pay this license tax also makes th. manufacturer llabl. for th. revenu. act tax of one-fifteenth of on. per cent on capital itock, whtih in the cam of corporations with tlx to twonty-hv million dollar, round, up a very considerable amount And is paying tax on the capital used In th. manufacture of th. machine, for th. whole country. There have heen about four hundred duplicates of the SI manufacturers' license issued to local agent, in the state for th sal. f machin.a. Vary considerable protest 1. coming up over th. operation of th. law and .tat. of ficers are beginning to express con vlettons that there should he seme re adjustment; In th. meantime, it at being ipolnted out that th. quitting out of th large number of manufactur ers Is-keeping out of the state large number of special agent, and ether who co-operated with Vocal agent In soiling machines and Injuring foulsness to the extent of depriving hotel, and others of th. big amount of money they would spend. Governor Craig announced a long list of delegate, from North Carolina to the (Southern Commercial congrevs to be in progress at Mobil., October 27-29. The dnlegatea follow: George fitephent, H. M. MoAJanu, John M. Scott, W. C. Wllklns, Charlotte; W. B. Cooper, M. C. McQueen. Charles B, Taylor, Wilmington; W. A. Blair, II. E. Shaffncr, Wilston-S&lemj 3. P. Sawyer, Ashovllle; J. U. Williams, Jr., Burlington; H. I Woo'dhouse, Concord; II. C. Rrldger, Bladenboro; John T. Wiley, Durham; H, W. Lilly, Fayettevllle; A, C. Myers, Oastonla; W, K. Borden, Ooldaboroi H. O. Vaughn, Greensboro; C. O. . Wright, " 1 " " - ' HAD FATAUA' WOCVDED MA WITH A RAZOR. Advanced on Deputy Ramos Tlth Rasor nd Istfter Shot Him Office Make. Bond. MARSHALL N. C, 6pt. . After cutting and fatally wounding a man named Kuykendoll, at Sandy Bottom last nUfht, T. B. Curry, a white man, was .hot and instantly killed by It Ben Barnes, of Marshall. It U stated that Curry was advancing on Mr. 1 Barn, with th. sam. bloody razor with which he had cut Kuykendoll, whon the of flour flrsd. Mr. JL'crntr at tho time, wa astlng. a a deputy Sheriff of this couuty. . Sheriff Bucknsr placed Mr. Barnes under arret, the latter surrendering to the sheriff at once, and brought him to iMarthall, where, .after a pre liminary hearing, he.wa. held to court under bond of l,5QQ. ,Thl bond was Immediately made.. Curry and Kuykfndp)l had fluar. . raltd and during , th., .fight Curry , druw a irasor from hi pooket , and 4 slashed Kuykendoll about the throat and shoulder, InfllcllBg wounils from ' which th. Injured mau will probably die. Mr. Barnes, who was on a tpe- . cial mission for the Laurel Lumbal , company at the time, and who wa. acting a a deputy sheriff for Madl ton county, wa notltUd of Curry's '' deed, and went over to arrett him. When Curry advanced on th. offl- , cer the "bloody rasor In his band, hp . was ordered to halt, and when be re fused th. officer .hot four times, kill ing Curry instantly, Dr. Sprinkle, county physician, ha been appointed special coroner In th. case, and has gon. to tih men. of tih. killing. Ben Barns. U a natlv. of Maduwn oounty, and has Itvsd her. the great- , er portion of hi. Ufa. He Wat at on. tlm. connected with th. secret fervlc department of th. government, and is well-known In Western North Carolina. i;'.y-. . ar.en.boro: W. J. Davis, Hen derson vllls; K. C Minxiea, Hickory; J. Elwood Cox, High Point! W. A. Mouney, King Mountain) D. F. Woo ten. Kln.toni A. F, James, Laurln- burg; A. Mlllnsr, LeaksvlUe; Oeorge ' W. Mouncastla, Lexington; A. W, Mo Lean, Lumberton! A, 3. McKlmmon, Maxton; W. B. Blaokney, Monro; W, J. Byerly, Mount Airy I T. A. I7is.ll, N.w Bern! W. IL Hunt, Oxford! .V. D. Drake, Jr., Joseph C. Brown, B. 8. Jerman, Raleigh; J. T. WaUlngton, T. J. Penn, R.ld.vlU.i W, L. Paiwons.' 8. 8. Covington, ftockingham; J. W, Aycoak, Rooky Mount; J. D, Norwood, ry j W. II, Pyk., fiouthport; E. 0. Psgrln, Butesvllls; J. A. Hol denest, Tarboroi T 3. Covtngtoa, . Wadesboro; g, Bridgman, Washln( ton? yr. B. Williamson, Asheville. Hon. Jcsrephu. Daniels, ttoretsry of th. navy, it h.r. for a few day. on bu tines connected with. til. newspa per, th. New and Obserrer. He says h. I well pleased with th. progress ot th. management In recovering from th. fir. that well nigh complete ly destroyed th. newspaper plant a few month, ago. H. think, th. re built and enlarged building, fully equlppl, wUJ Jia-mdy for formal opening early in October at which the member, of th. legislature In speolsl session, at thi. tiro, will be special guest. . ' , Counsel for Rev. R. L. Davta, w p.rlntendent of th. North Carolina antl-taloml league, ar. ipubllshlng no tice of purpo. to apply to Governor Cratg for a pardon In th. case In which Mr. Davis was sentenced In the Raleigh police court to pay a fin. of $10 for , .trtklng Wiley Btraughan over th. head with a whiskey bottle a a sensational .equal to the political proaesutlon of straughan on th. . charge of .elllnf whl.key In which Straughan was ' acquitted. 'Governor Craig it to hear th. cat. as to pardon , September It. He ha. an appeal to th. Supreme court pending, th. Jury in th. Superior cour( havlnr con victed him on appeal, Charter, are Issued for th. Raeford Publishing company of Raeford, Hoke county, with 110,000 authorised capi tal, and i,B0O .ubcrlbd' by J, W. Jackson and other for newspaper, general printing, book and stationary business, and the Greensboro Booh company, of Greensboro, capital II, 00. by B. O. Ollner, g. L Ollner and oUiers for book Ktore buslneta ' Sheriff B , R. Dud lay, of I'ltt county, delivered to th. penitentiary today three prlonr to serve terms. They ar. Ida Holloway, one yar for larceny: Jo. Hook., - one year for hotwebreaklng, and John Dicklna, two year for burglary. PRETTY NEW RUGS - MTJPMKNTS ARRIVING ALMOST DATLf. THE VERT LATEST PATTERX& Hmull Rugs... .......$1.00 I'p Oittn Art tiquarca, good value. .73 Vp Axmlnstor, BrnsMtb, Tapesnry Art Sqaare all sm .tll.B9 TJp J. L SMATHERS & SONS Mammotli Fornltare Store 15-17 Nortn Mala SL 4 (" 'c "If The Star Metal Shingle A Dome Industry Manufactured by A. L McLean & Co. "QiuUty li ourllotto." , 5-tT Pattoa Av . Asheville, If. C

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