HIE ASIIEYILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913. RAPID GAME. tfEW YORK COTTON CLOSED STEADY NEW YORK. Oct. . Lower cables ipptarances of clearing weather In the ' pressure todav wan applied to the southwest over Sunday ar.d bearish j stock MAfot H tune prices sentiment crop eumatee appeared to , declined rapidly, pioassionsi Belling tneuuraso 1 earish or reactionary sen -1 1 on a amonl the la ment in the cotton market at the j VOrite stock London unloaded in opening today. But after an early considerable volume and Boston and break of 22 to 28 points there was a i.utatmrBn ient in selling order, partial rally on covering or bull sup- -grading during the forenoon was ac port, with the close steady at a net tlV8 and leaaing stocks were ham lose of 15 to 21) poinu. Selling wa ed down x to a Domu. Pressure very active and more or less ."-" i it me Biari w.k iu foreign trade and crop advices tend predictions .ol mcreasea rvceiyui mu freer southern offeringa as a result of better weather" in the belt, ine crop estimate of 15,750,000 bales Dy a prominent aumorjiy iriew of the yield on a study of weath er conditions, was considered too far out of line with popular expectations to have been fully accepted but doubtless added to the unsettled feel ing to the market. There were quite a good many over-Sunday buying or ders around the ring, and after start ing easy at a decline of 1 to la Mnts tjiere was a slight rally, out. CJces soon eased off again with De cember contracts selling at IS. 62 dur ing the middle of the morning, or about 44 points under the high rec- ffdi of last week. Alter the close of Liverpool had hut out arbitrage business on the publication of the 'western belt fore cast for unsettled weather lower tem perature, offering became lighter and the market steadied on rumors of trade buying, covering by recent .sellers for a turn, and support from local bull sources. Subsequent fluc tuations were more or less irregular with last prices showing rallies of from 8 to 10 points, although some selling was promoted late ln the day by reports of eaHler eouthem spot .arkets. Caiblea from Russia esti mate the asiatic crop of this season at 380,000 bales ln excess of last year. Bpot cotton quiet; middling up ands 14.10; gulf 14.35. No sales Futures closed steady. Open. High Low. Close 13.7S79 13.67 59 13.64 63 13.4142 13.41942 13.4544 13.134J45 11 48(09 18.401 42 13.404l Oct Nov Dec 13.78 13.8& 13.72 13.52 13.33 18.70 13.48 18.T2 13.62 Ian r 13.47 1355 13.86 13.61 13.58 13.40 13.45 13.46 12 35 pr May lun Tul , NEW ORLEANS COTTON. The, cotton market today had a lownward tendency on selling for both accounts based on better weath er on selling tor both accounts based on better weather in the belt oiver Sunday and a sensationally high crop guess from a private bureau which was seized upon by the bearish ele ment a a' good' excuse for selling. The weaker long interest liquidated heavily t decline and bearish comment was that the market was decidedly oversold. The iprivate fore cast put the crop at 15,750,000 bales minimum. The market opened steady at a de jline of 13 to 17 points. First prices (vera the lowest in the early trading. A qulc recovery followed the initial slunyf lbaaaate, of the morn ing the decline wa widened to 10 to 21 points. Toward noon there was a partial recovery but in the after noon the decline widened 20 to 23 points. The close was easy at a net loss for the day of 19 to 23 points. While the weather map was more favorable the forecast again promised unsettled weather" for the western half the belt; ' This gftve the mar ket a fairly steady undertone dur ing the greater part of the wsion. Spot cotton quiet off. MidHns 18. Sales 230; to arrive 1,189. Cotton futures closing: October 13.64; November 13.64: D'.camber 13.61; January 18.62; March 13.68; May 13.72. : .." " CHICAGO MARKETS. CHICAGO, Oct. 6. World shlp- 05 ents much larger than expected in- Iced weakness today In wheat. Corn Uttered front a general rush to sell. Sympathy for corn rendered oats heavy. Provisions- eased off with hogs. "..-... . . -.',.,,,.-, Hogs: receipts 40,000 heads; slow, bulk of sales 8.158.65; light 8.15 8.80; mixed 8,0008,85; heavy 7.90gi 7.75. ' Cattle: receipts 17,000; strong. Beeves 7.20i9.50; Texas steers 7.00?) 8.00; stockers and feeders 5.26 7.85; cows and heifers 3.65 8.60; calves '7.T511.50. Shcop: receipts 43,000; steady: na tive 3.905.05; yearlings "5.00 6.00; lambs native 5.90 7.60. Butter unchanged. KgRs unchanged; receipts 6,979 cases. Potatoes lower. Receipts 125 cases; Michigan and Wisconsin 62060; Min nesota 5S60. Poultry alive lower; springers 15; fowls 12. Cash wheat No. 2 red 9? 93; No. 2 hard 85H86; No. northern. 86 V 87V4: No. 2 spring 86W87; , velvet chaff 83&86yt. Corn: No. 2 70fiH4: No. 2 white 704; No. 2 yellow 1014. OOats. No. 2- white 4114; standard IV. . - Rye No 2, 66H67. Barley 65 0 85. Timothy 3T5W525. Clover 900 1250. Pork 2200. Lard 1070tl072H. . WHEAT ' Open. December . . . . Mav . CORN Close. ' 86 91 '86 911 October 68 68 68 70 .70 40 44 December 68 May 7014 July " 70 OATSt- ,- December 40 May ........ 44 MESS POR per bbl. January ..... . . . 19.90 Mav ...20.05 LARD per 100 lbs. November ........ . .10.82 January 10.77 Mav . . .10.95 19.85 19.95 10.72 10.77 10.92 SHORT RIBS per. 100 lbs. October 11.00 10.95 January 10.52 10.47 May ...10.60 10.67 NEW YORK PRODUCE. Flour lower. Wheat irregular; No. 2 red 9$; No. northern Duluth 93. A Corn easy; export 77. 'Hides, Petroleum, wool, rosin, tur pentine, molasses, butter and cheese steady. Leather, rice, firm. ' RnwSTTjyw r Bleady " BIiMOuvadeT Cvi refined quiet Spot coffee firm; Rio No. 7 10; Santos-Jio.4. 12: mild teadr: cor dova 1316 nominal PRICES DROP ON NEW YORK MARKET NEW YORK, Oct 6.-Pronounced wa leu Kvert iu tne part 0f tne dny nd looses were reduced, stwi. ain the brunt ot th0 aUacK wnlcn forced it down 2 points to 6S A cutot t2 a ton ln 8teel plane and teel neeta expectations of furtBer reductions ln steel products promoted the growth of bearish sen- timent Uncertainty as to the effect of the new tar ff schedules had i good deal to do with the reluatance of traders to oppose bear selling. ' Money market conditions -were un favorable. -The unexpectedly poor bank statement Saturday and the fur ther loss ot 82,000,000 to the sub treasury led to a general tightening of rates. Call money rose five per cent for the first time since last April and quotations for all time loans were ad vanced. New Haven's annual report showing a deficit ot over $4,600,000 and threats ot a strike on that road led to selling of 'the stock. The railroad stocks in general, and St Paul in par ticular continued to reglect the de creases in net earnings shown In the August reports. In the bond market there was a slight declining tendency. Total sales par value $2,065,000. United States 4's coupon declined half to 109, an ew low record. Bid prices for all issues were unchanged. Total sales were 369,400 including American Tobacco 100; ACL. 100; C. & O. 1,000; Lehigh 900; L. & N. 700; N. & W. 500; Reading 56,600: a A L. preferred 400; Southern rail way 1,000; do preferred 100; Tennes see copper 700; United States steel 117,800; Virginia Carolina Chemical 500. STOCKS Amal Cop '., 74 Amer Agrl 43 Amer Beet Sug 24 Amer Can 33 't Amer Can pfd 96 Amer Car & Foun 4$ Amer Cot OH 494 Amer Ice Sec 22',i Amer Linseed 84 Amer Loco ?0 Amer Smelt & Ring bi'i ii Amer Smelt & Rfng pfd 10014 Amer Sug Refng 109 Amer Tel & Tel 126 Amer Tob i32 Ana Min Co 36 Atchison S3?4 Atchison pfd 39 Atlan Coast Line 1H Bait & Ohio 94 Beth Steel 31 Brooklyn Rabid Trans 87 Cana Pac 232 Cent Leather 21 U Ches & Ohio 68 Chic Grt West 12 Chic Mil ft St Paul .....102S Chic A North West 128 Colo Fuel & Iron 28V4 Consol Gas ....131 Corn Products 16 U Dela & Hudson 155 Den & Rio Grande 17 Deny & Rio Grande pfd 3214 Dist Seo 1 Erie 8 Erie 1st pfd 45 Erie 2nd pfd 36 H Gen Eleo 144 Grt Northern pfd .. .A ...... 12614 Grt North Ore Ctfs 22 4 111 Cent ............ .....109 Inter-Met t...v ............. 15H Inter-Met pfd 61 Inter Harvester 105 Inter-Marine pfd Inter Paper Inter Pump Kans City South Laclede Gas . . . . 15 ,. 7H .. .. U r. 89 ,.164 , .135 ,.133 , . o4 Lehigh Val Louis & Nash Minn Bt P & 8 St M Mis Kan ft, Tex . .. Mis Pac 29 Nat Biscuit - ..120 Nat Lead 44 Nat Rys of Mex 2nd pfd 13 N Y Cent 95 STOnt t West 26 Nor & Wrest 103 North Amer 71 North Pac 110 Pao Mail 20 Penn i.... ......112 Peoples Gas J 26 Pitts Coal 192 Press Steel Car 25 Pull Pal Car .150 Reading 165 Rep Iron Steel 19 Rep Iron & Steel pfd St Rock Island Co 14 St Louis & San Fran 2nd pfd . . 7 Sea Air Line 1T Sea Air Line pfd 45 Sloss Shef Steel & Iron ........ 29 Houth Pac 90 South Rys 22 South Rys pfd 80 Tenn Cot ....... r 31 Tex ft Pac 13 Union Pao 157 Union Pao pfd 83 United States Realty .......... 66 United States Rub 62 United States Steel 66 United States Steel pfd 106 Utah Cop 62 Vlr arCo Chem . ... ........... 28 Wabash 3 Wnbash pfd 10 West Mary 38 West Union 63 Westing Elec 67 Wheel & Lake Erie ........... 4 L ft N J 215 L ft N pfd .....116 Lorillard .166 Lorrillard pfd ............... .113 CALL MONEY. NEW YORK. Oct I. Money on call steady, 8 5- ruling rate 8; closing 4 . . Tim loans strong; 60 days 4 : 90 days and six months 5. Prime mercantile paper 6 9 6 per rent Sterling exchange heavy, 481.70 for 60 days, 485,75 for demand Commercial bilis 481. Bar silver 61. Mexican dollars 47. Government bonds steady; rail road bonds easy. NEW YORK DRY GOODS Cotton goods ruled firm and actK today. Cotton yarns were steady. Some lines of cotton warp dress goods have been sold up and withdrawn fir spring. Percales have been advanced to a basis of 7c for 4-4, (4s. NEW YORK CATTLE. Pee-es lr irulaTftere-.45 0 .04- cows 8.2606.26. Calves weak 9 11.25. Sheep and lambs strong 2.26Q4 tl tfors. lower 8.76 9 NEW YORK. Oct. . In n exhlbi- J tion game here this afternoon the champion Giants and the Philadelphia j Nationals set a record for speed for ! a full game between major league teams, the time being SI minutes.. With McQraw hustling in new players In rapid succession, the contest re- i sembled rapid fire target practice on a battleship. The Giants won 4 to 1. Score: R.H,E. Philadelphia . 000 601 0001 3 0 New York .... 100 020 Olx 4 4 '2 Batteries: Chalmers and Klilifer; Schupp, Wilts. Hearne and Hartley, Wilson. Time SI minutes, Umpires Byron, and Klem. FALKEX BERU SHESES. CLEVELAND, Oct. . "Cy" Falk enberg held the Pittsburgh National leaguers to two hits In the opening game of their post season series to day and Cleveland took the first game 3 to 0. Only two Pittsburgh runners got to second and none reached third. Adams kept Cleveland hits pretty well scattered until the .sixth, when Jack son's single and Lajote's long double scored the first run. Only about five thousand fans turned, out to see the contest. Score: Pittsburgh Cleveland . Batteries: R.H.E. , . 000 000 000 0 2 3 .. 000 001 20x 3 11 ' 3 Adams, Hendrlx and Gib son, Simon, Falkenberg and Carisoh. Time 1:40. Umpires Ebens, Dineen. Eason and Emslle. Back In the Game. (Wilmington Dispatch.)' Lincoln Beachy, the daring aviator, who is well remembered by Wilming ton people and who made some great flights here during the early part of his career, has heard the call and has "come back," but how long he vlU stay back is' questionable, if he at tempts acts according to his declara tions. The sensational loop-the-loon performance done by the French avia tor, Pegond, stirred and thrilled Beachy to action; and he declares that What Pegoud does with a mono plane can be done with a biplane and he (Beachy) will loop-the-loop ln the latter. Such Is life and, perhaps, death. Only a little while back Beachy said he knew when to quit and gave up the business of flying. But the spirit of daring within him, that great throb of human nature that does not want to arknowledRe a master at anything and the acotalm of the multitude have been too much for his resolution, for his sane inten tion, and so ho is back in the. game. He is back, too, with mind not as cool as formerly. The spirit of the battle is in his blood and so death will hold no terrors; there will be no risk that will stop "him. Tho Moral Is Plain. Uncle Joe Cannon writes a very 11- eglble hand, and when a member of congress received a letter from him one day he was able to read but a Ingle word. He disliked to bother Mr. Cannon so he went to 'several friends among the congressmen and finally the letter, except for one word was imade'out. :'' ' This word seemed very Important, as it was underlined, but as neither the congressman nor his friends could make It out he thought he would con sult Mr. Cannon himself. lie told him of his trouble in reading the letter and explained that with help from sev eral other members of the house he had made out all but the word In question. Cannon looked at his letter, and then at the congressman, and then again at the letter, his face meanwhile taking on a peculiar expremlon and with mingled anger and laughter said: Why, you fool, that word Is 'confi dential.' "New York Oltybe. ; He Feared Uie Worst. Capt. Foretop tells a story of a cer tain noted divine who was on his steamer when a great gale overtook them off the Oregon coast. "It looks pretty bad," said the bishop to the captain. "Couldn't be much worse. bishop," replied Foretop. Half an hour later the steamer was dlvin under the waves as if she were a submarine and leaking like an old door. "Looks worse, I think captain," said the bishop, "We must trust In Providence now, bishop,' answered Foretop. . "Oh, I hope It has not come to that," gasped the bishop. Pittsburgh Chronicle. ASASAA4sMa4SASASAaAAAASAjAa4aAaASAa4aASAaAass fSfwwse'ssis?lfifff ? fOff w W twtwtS This New Illustrated 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 OTlr&TATlON rBiatNTtg BY TKE THE ASHEVULE CITIZEN, Oct. 7 A3 EXPLAINED hFlilW See the Great Canal Read How You May ( Cot ont the above ronpon, and present H at this efflre with the n peoae amnant hr.ln Mt appoalle the Mle selw (whkh mm tli item ef the ot of psrklnr. rinreM from the 1orr, clirrklns, rlerk Mm and other aecewarf X.XVk.XHIi. item), and receir foot cliulce t thftM boolui i pA MAlf A Thii beautiful big volume is written by 'Willi J. bbot, srrt.nitt.lVl a writcr 0f international renown, and is the arknowt- AND THC edged standard TANA? ' a. splendid lare book of almoit SV) taze$, 9x12 lAiHiL inches in size; printed from new type, large and clear, b Be&rt mi hm on special paper; bound in tropical red vciiura cloth; I! ,, , . j , . . . t A IllOSTMTED stampeu in goia, witn iniaia color panel ; contains i EDITION ' ,nor t'iai' magniticcnt illustrations, including beait-v.-, . , tiful oaees rcoroduced from water color studies in rol- i orings that far surpass any work of a similar character. Call I ireNI" and see this beautiful book that would sell for $4 under -oiual- I snwaaiM .conditions, but whicn is presented to our readers for SIX of ' nn. i the above lerbncates of consecutive dates, and only the . Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, I Pa-am and Brllr eet ) tie; tnrt matter practically th " a tho M to- , I QUOUia IUU om; boond tn blue vellum el.)th;eontairvionlr l'pboa. I "... " the Canal ER3 renroductionft. Tblt book OCTAVO " tomoii Moni, trat It proaentcd abore CertifjcaUe ol by Mall, Paet-ge PaUres 7 C to and 6 Citlliet A Certificatesof Consecutive Date Comprise a Bet, Citizen PHONE 80 Wants Wants BOARDERS WANTED ROOMS GK BENT "THE ELTON" 45 Spruce St., central- FOR RENT Completely furnished ly located, heiUed with hot water, housekeeping rooms, lurge grounds rooms with private bath. Excellent any sunny porches. No children fare. Rate reasonable. Mrs. S. or person with tub trcuiosU laken. N. Watkins. Phone 868. Phone 894. Fr30.i-T-5 P2i09-7-3O. ; ' NICELY furnished apartments for WANTED young men oo.udera In housekeeping, modern conVenlencs quiet pluce, close in. It Buncoma splendid location near square, 24 St. l'Ji08-7- Woodfin St. or Phone 2314. '- P2296-6-3. THE OLD KENTUCKY HOMIi41 : ,- 1 . Spruce St. To blocks from SU'tajo. FAMILY of X adults have choice suite Hates on application. Phone 79. of g or 3 r00ms tor light hom.9. 1 keeping In steam, healed cotias. BOARDERS WANTID-l th. Dixie Urov Ui , 42 Ashland avenue. Rates 15.00 5 to $1.00 per week. No sick peoule B.,-Ilv,f.HK.ri ,,, vinitU or in taken. Phone 1121. 190-J6-U. FLRMfeHKD rooms, '"' or In , 1 . apartments for litlit houkci'pistt, 1 ARBUTU8 SANITARIUM. Tryon, N. C reasonable. 68 Chuicti Kt. Pa3C0-7-T For Tubercular patients. Mild ell- Y-'' . '...', , j mate. Reasonable rate. Booklet. FOR RENT-Attractlvely furnlsred N. a Coogan owner and managur. rooms, furnace hea,t, hot baths, no 1889-11-tf consumptives. 99 Merriuion avenue -: ' - - , -- Phone- U9U --8&t4-0 0,hLiT5 1Klo-,rir VBt' FOrITeNT-To ladles, gentlemen, or with board. 17 Spruce tresj. couple. Front room, very modern . i-n-n pr(vBt, fai-nj Montford avenua, MAGNOLIA COTTAGE. 72 Oollngs Phone 2443. P2247-4-I St Rooms and board reasonable. " " A , , . Bteam hoat. Mrs. Jason Ashworth, FOR RENT An apartment of three Phone 1828. 2208-L7 furnished houskeeping loonw; - , .. ...L ,r . , every convenience. Phone IkSj, LARGE well-heated rooms, suitable for couple or single person; sleep ing porch If desired; fine piazza and views; superior table; best neigh borhood. Phone 1333. P2186-30 8 BELMONT 67 Spruce St Best steam heating system In the city. Meals unexcelled, rooms .lare and well furnished. Two blocks from square, B. A-Houser. Phono 840. P2224-3-J0 FOR SALS FOR SALE At 1 -range in good 1390. bargain, a gas condition. Phone P2313-7-3 FOR SALK Grocery and fruit stand good location, good business. Be tween 1300 and 8400 stock and tlx .ures! Address H. E. care Cltln-sn. P2278 If-J FOR SALKUnlted States Improved Rural Route Mall Boxes, 98u each while they last Apply Citizen it tice. l.CKETS for the Fair, Oct 7, 8, 9, 10, on sale at the Candy Kitchen; five admissions for one dollar; trans ferable. Buy your tickets there and help sweet charity. 2103-24-14 SEED RYE. I have Ave hundred : bushels of fancy seed stock, !.' R, Strieker, 28 W. College St ! JL' 1897-17-30 F0R SALE Stumpatfe oh 6,000 acres virgin hud wood timber land Im mediately; on Murphy branch 0 the Southern railway in Swain county. Address F. R. Hewitt, Hewitts, N. C. 36-80 FOR SALE Hairy or Winter vetch, 8o lb.; Dwarf Essex Rape, 7c; ' Italian Rye Grass, 7o; Seed Ryo, 81.20 per bushel. All best quality seed. U R. Strieker, 26 West Col lege. 2144-27-8J FOR SALE! Orb water beater, al most new. Will sell at half of orig inal cost. Beaumont Furniture Store. 27 So.' Main St 1226-3-80 LIVERPOOL COTTON LIVERPOOL, . Oct. . 8. Cotton, spot good business done, prices steady Middling fair. 8:!5; good middling 7.97; middling 7.83; low middling 7.61 ;goodv ordinary 6.95; ordinary 6.61 Sales 10,000, including 9,700 American and 500 for speculation and exports. Receipts 16,000, all American. Fu tures closed quiet. October 7.41; October-November 7.29; Novernbur December 7.22; December-January 7.21; January-February 7.20; February-March 7.20; March-April 7.20; April-May 1X9; May-June 7.19; June-July 7.17; July-August 7.16; August-September 6.97; Sep-temfbcr-October 6.71; October-November 6.62. Book For Every Header . 1 1 1 1--, -i 1 ' 11 In Picture and Prose Have It Almost Free I n 11 r?ol El reference work of the great Canal Zone. for $1.39 and 6 Certificates ar.d the color dIiem mrm ..KB m Aawaalal X would sell at 12 omlrr eoniil- to our readers for SIX ef the jlO KxiMcutiva data and only the Want Ads Bring PHONE 80 Apply 44 Montford Ave. 2202-1- FOR RENT Newly-furnished rooms In new bungalow. Mrs. Jessio Hitch. Edwin Place, Grove Park. P2026-19-30 THE ADELAIDE Remodeled steam heated, running water In rooms, weekly and monthly rates, near postufflce, Haywood street A, D. McKee. Prop. P1873-10-30 FCR RENT Furnished apartmenta nt two. three or fou; connecting rooms; sink ln kitchen, it Stamps avenue. - it FOR RENT Two attractive roomB, well furnished for light housekeep ing; gas range. Two doora from Montford avenue car Una. 24 Boco street 3016-8-tf FOR RENT Furnished two room apartment with sleeping porch, also six room cottage, nice location. Room 9 Revell Bldg. Phone 240. Y. P. Ingle. tl FOR RENT Sunny, pleasant fur nished room; all conveniences. Phone $69. 28007-T WANTED WANTED To exchange, Ilulck au tomublle In good rood tlon, for few seres wooded land in county. J. B. Wilson Southern Mortar Co. ai36-7-tf WANTED A. second hand rahgu, must be In good condltbu, 14 Hlulio St.' 280V-7-1 We pay spot cash by return mall for Old Rubber Shoe and auto tires, 6c a lb. Old copper 10c, red brass 80, In lots of 6 to 20 lbs by Parcel post, We pay the postage. Hen dersonvillo Rubber & Metal Co.., Hendersonvllle, N. C. P2803-7-7 WANTED To rent a one horse deliv ery wagon. Address G. E. care Citizen. P227 1-6-8 LOCAL Dealers wanted for A money saving specialty, selling for $25.00; endorsed by the United Slates Gov ernment and used by ltve and prog ressive buslncMi houses everywhere. Oookln flank Office EqulimieKf Co., Southern Distributors, Atlanta, Oa. - - 2302-7-l WANTED The old reliable clean ing and pressing club cleans best and odorless, presets perfectly- AshevUle French Dry Cleaning Co. Phone. 8. J. C. Wllbar. I WILL pay highest cash prices for your old Jewlry, silver, diamonds broken or otherwise. Victor Btern Haywood street Jeweler, opposite Battery parlt hotel. iZ3-8-2tni WANTED China closet and round dining table at reasonable price. Address 1J. O, Box 708 City. P2299-7-3 WANTED Fifty old feather beds at onoe; will pay highest cosh prices. Address New York Feather Co., AshevUle, N. C. 12182-30-14 WANTED Delicate ladles apparel to be perfectly cleaned. Odorless. AshevUle French Dry Cleaning Co., Phone 38. J. C. Wllbar. Perfect work. Perfect satisfaction. WANTED. Your orders for maple flooring, poplar nevei siomg ,ok and chestnut house trim. Phone ill English Lumber Co. 2!28-e-tf. BIO FOUR HUNDRED Pressing club wants your cleaning, preying ana dyeing. All work done on the latest improved manipulating machines. Prices reasonable. Phone 2231; li0-14-20 SALESMEN WANTED A High class reliable state saie munager tor a store njciure, wlihout compatltlon. Commlartorts 1300.00 to $500.00 per month. Ad dress The BuckUiy Specialty ., Lima, Ohio. P228J-5-7 FOR SALE 10 room bouse, all mofiern cm-vcnlt-iK'C, good barn, with alwut one HTtt of land, niimlwr of fruit trw, lnsld rlty limits. hpl'TMlld Bargain. rVr term M, GREENE & GOODMAN Fh n 7S. REAL ESTATE 4t IXSCRAXCE H. A. BROWN & CO. General OontraWors tZ Tempi ffcort IUd(. Phooe ML 1 he always mysterious Dead Sea In ffiSnaSTTTj- for scientists as It seems to be drying 4. Wants REAL ESTATE FOB KENT. FOR RENT Furnished, eight room house one block from Post Of 'Ice. itiuxonalile terms to right party. Apply No. 1, Anton Place. Mrs. V. C. Mitchell. 2111-7-3 Foil RENT Large basement, has steam heat and plenty of good light. 4 HOUSES FOR RENT room house, Pianola St ,.,.815700 8 room house Fulton St ...... .320.00 ( room houite Carrol Ave furnished "... $35.00 4 room house Cherry St I .'5.00 8 room houiie furnished com plete Cumberland ..$65.00 9 room house furnished, Flint St ...$76.00 10 room house Lenox Tark ... ,$36.00 10 room house BllUtvore ...... Mi. 00 8 room house furnished Pianola St. ........,.$60.00 5 room Bunsalow furnished Flint St ....... . . .140.00 11 room house furnished College t , .$60.00 MOURE'S AGENCY 16 H. Pack Sq. Phone 1668 16 8. Pack Sti. S-3t FOR RENT 6 rooms, bath, large lot. chicken yard, servant s bouse, six months lease $20 month. Phone 8083. J289-6-7 FOR RENT The best of all for the iprlce. No. 124 Haywood St. Two urinates walk to Post Office. Eight rooms, standing furniture. P2275-o.- rOR RENT Truckers tr you are looking for a (rood thing see J. R. ' Stevens, Buena Vista, Four room house. Eight acres In cultivation, Twenty acres In pasture. $100.00 per year. S269-& WANTED Idy or couple to share furnished six room house with G. W. care Clttisen. P2185-63 FOR RENT Furnished three room cottage. Apply 187 So. Main St. 2280-5-3 FOR RENT Neatly furnished six room house; close in; modern 00 n- vonlence. 68 'Elisabeth St ' 2067-31. tf SOME ery attractive furnished homes in Montford avenus. Moalo ft Chiles, 17 Patton avenue, FOR RENT Furlshsd, moat desirable holis in Grove Park, bed-rooms. three bath-rooms, hotwater heat, beautiful view. 3. J. MeClotkay Realty Co., Phono 771. 11-V FOR KENT Wo have furnished and . unfurnished houses,, with and with, out sleeping porches. Immediate possession J. T. Bledsoe ft Co, North Pack Square 1887-U-ti FOR RENT New five room bungalow new furniture. Ideal location. Price $60 month. Several furnish' d houses from 120 up. Automo bile at your servloe. Hay-Campbell Co. mo. 1 Jlavwood Bt. pnons 1281, FOR RENT New furnished bunga low, electricity, gas. Two blocks from square. Call 67 iSpruoo rt. '.....- i'mi-t'i FOIt RENT Attractive Bungalow cf five rooms. West AshevUle, one block from car line Fins water, electrio light.i, IU her month. Ad dress W, W. care Cltisen offloe. P222I-J-7 LOST. I..OHT Between 4t Starnes Ave nd 114 Montford Ave a large cameo broach, lteward If returned to 114 Montford. Phone US'). r3297.'7.I LOSTHBpectacles In black case. Fin der returning same to fit, Gene vleves colloge will receive rsward. 2278-8- LOST Auto crank. Reward if r- turned to 14 Parugon Bldg. 2279-5-3 LOST Between SVyland and Arden, gold watch and chain with silver knife, name of owner Joseph B. dimming. Jr., engraved on watch and knife. Iteward offered If re turned Iftothlsofo. Ju , MVr As turned to this office., P226J-S-7 LOST After Keller lecture eye glass es lnblack case, with gold seal of Parson Optical company either at Auditorium, or between Auditorium and AshevUle club. Reward for re turn to Citizen office. 1294-6-8 MISCELLANEOUS. SHOES called for, repaired and re - turned promptly. Uilmer Bowden. Phone 1117, 31 East College Ik. 8188-12-39 SHOES called for, repaired and re turned promptly. Phone 1441, It ,W, College Jit. B. A, Vlnlarskl. 182-20-30 SHOE REPAIRING W make the price, other follow, for quality and service. Phone 724. Champion Bhoe Mosp., ( Government St. 8137-7-tt HAVE your ranges repaired or ex changed for new oaea. R. IL Rchank Btove Co. B North Main, Phone 20;. 1S94-U-80. gWITCHES and puffs made from combings at reasonable prices. Mrs IU F. Cushion, 158 Houth Main. P2189-30-IO f rOR SALE Besatlful residence l6ts in Jackson Park addition; big bargrins and safe Investment; sure profit; lots flit to IJSO; terms to suit purchaser; weekly or monthly payments. .pply Robert !r. Reynolds. Phone III or III. a LIST Tom PROPERTT rOH RENT OR SALE HWUSES WANTED. FCR NIBBED OR t'NFl'KXISItED BURN REALTY CO. --- PboM H44t Results PHONE 80 Wants REAL ESTATE FOU SALE. FOR SALE or Trade two vacant lo' pin Depot section value $3i0. each will trad or sell tnd lake a cow, a horse, diamonds, old furniture, or any thing of Value in paymont, or purl payment. If you want to di btisinemi address J. U. U., Pout office Box 696. City. 2274-5-3'J FOR SALE 20-rootn fcoarillng house, close ln; large lot; 510,000; one third cash, balunce easy; rents tut $75 month; will trade tMjutty for smaller property or good storks F. M. M.'kmIit, 26 American Na tional Bank building. 27-tf ATTRACTIVE home near enter ol ? city, suitable for boarding houun, handsomeiv f .nlshed, Ev.i'v con. venlence, location Hie very best. Moale ft Chiles, 27 PtUtuu avenue. FOR SALE 170 Montlord, runnii a through to West Chestnut; nine room bouse; bargain. I), b. Wat-' on, Agent 8074-81 -It FOR BALE 2 room boarding' house slose in, lot 100x200, good stand for boarders, bus esublishnd , trade. Price $iQ,000one-thira cash, tsrmi on balance, F, M. Messier, 26 American National bank building. l-vt ' i and S room house in West AshevilU price $4,000 and $1,600. 6. D. Halt, (4 Paiton. Phone 'I. How about your outstanding accounts? Could you use the money to frood a.r vantage In your business, Pinkertuq United States Detective Agency will get It - A. E, Swayne, Special agon-., AshevUle, N. C. : l6-U-8ti FOR SALE Most desirable land f of COUNTRY HOMKS HENDEU 80NVILI.R ROAD, abutting or tht SOUTHERN RAILWAY 1600 M . : 8000 feet dep 4 mtles from Bill moro adjauont Busbeo Station-- - 40 acres as a whole, or divided into , ten acre tracts; also 80 acres as a whole or divided Into two fifteen acre tracts all fronting on HN , DEltSONVILLW ROAD uitabl for country suburban homes, now . accesstbls from AshevUle by 4tc . mobile In .a few minutes, on the ., beautiful macadamised HENDERi SONVILLB ROAD, Address Land, cara CltUen office. ; i2$7--l FOR SALE Four room, one story . shingled bungalow, practically new and well located, price $2650.00, 650.00 cash, and the remainder. at $20.00 per month. Phone 449, Don nahoe ft Co., Real Estate. 7-8 FOR ' SALE A beautiful flv room cottage, located on Mnrrliiuin Ave., lot 40x150, this Is one of the pret tiest locations ln the olty tor a cot tage, if sold - within the next few days will take the small prle of 13261.00 with easy payments, don't fall to see this beautiful (Wag, l'hone (49, Donnahoe ft Co. , Real 'Estate, - . 7-1 """ .. . ... ' FOR SALE Beautiful nine room i residence, Flint St, fine view, houmi " practlcall new, price $4750.00, good ' terms phone 849, Donnahoe St Co., Real Estate. 7-3 FOR BALE 110 acre farm 40 Sore fine bottom upland, nloe and level at half nrli-e. - Room, I Revell Bldg. (Phone J40, Y, P. Ingle. l-t FOR SALE Easy terms, birge lot .. close In, material for building, two houses on same. Owner 182 Houth JYench Broad Ave, City P2298-7-7 BOMB BUILDERS OPPORTUNITY, We will loan you money at 5 per" cent to buy, build. Improve prop erty, or lift mortgages, anywhers In the union; long tlnwt easy pay ments, with- prepayment privileges, J. W, Ponder, Odd Fellows Rlgd.. WllmlRs-ton, Delaware, PllOlVJ-li HELP WANTED WANTED At once, experienced cook and chamber maid. Apply 41 Ashland Ave, Phone 11. 2310-7-1 ' 1 '" " 11 1 WOMEN Get government Jots, Write for list of positions available. Franklin Institute, Dept. 6H0-O, Rochester. N. Y. P2 131-2(1-31 WANTED Railway mail clerk. Commence 178.00 month. Write f r particulars. Franklin Institute, Dept. 174-0, Rochester, N. Y. - . P20a7-20-J0. WANTED Ldy atnt to canvass. Good paying proposition. 14 Ban tei-y park place Balr store, ' '. P2201-1.7 WANTEDYoung man now working to qualify for better position, Ed ucation unneceaary. Splendid op portunity If right person apples rt onoe. Box (49, Ashvill, N. C. P2282-2-7 FIRST Class cabinet man to do high grade wort--Wages 25j : to 30o hour. If interested wire us or coma at once. Morganton Furniture Co, 2276-6-4. WANTED Two Jperlenoed rellabJs and respectable white waitresses none except those with these re quirements need apply. Address a, X care Cltlsen. 2S1J-7-! POSITIONS WANTED MISS EMMA BBOCKWAY AUSTIN (Pianist, Csasslo Theatre) desires limited number of piano pupils, Phone 198. 102 S. Main St . 1866-14-30. WANTED by a refined young lady a position as compositor. . Have 10 years experience. Address J. F, care Cltlxen. P2214-2-T GRADUATE NURSE will attend pa tients by the hour; terms, one hour dally, one dollar; reduction tf ser viae are required longer. Phone 1144. P-A-:9-3d A new fly trap, made of rper n4 ootton netting. Is Intended to be born--"' A Um xnntivoa m-hpn filled with