THE ASHEVILLE CTTIZEyTUESDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1913. LEADING HOTELS. LEADING HOTELS. Luxury Without Extravagance Magnificent Fireproof Structure in the heart of the business district. Conducted on the European plan, . Rates $1.00 Up. Club Breakfast from 25c to $1.00. Table DUota Luncheon served from 12:00 to 3 :00 p. in., 75e. Table PTIote Dinner served from 6:00 p. m. to 8:30 p. m.. $1.00. A la Carte service at all hours. High in Altitude Only-2,250 Feet. J. BAYL1S RECTOR. MANAGER. WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA FAIR OPENS THIS I Gates Will be Thrown Open at 9 O'clock Hon. J. J. Britt is Principal Speaker of the Day Splen ' did Program Arranged. grove: park inn Grove Park Inn serves luncheon 1:00' to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 3:30 p. m. Visitors to Ashe ville, although not guests of Grove Park Inn, are invited to dine and Inspect the building. Special attention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m.,'7:30 to 10:00 p. m. Bates $5.00 per day and up. Special summer rates. Phone 3000. WM. S. KENNEY, Manager. Grove Park Inn Orchestra (six pieces) invites engagements for dances receptions and entertain, ments. Call O. Edwin White, Director, phone 3000, for terms and engagements. Battery Park Hotel OPEN TnnOTTGHOCT THW TEAR, FAMOUS EVKUYWITKItE FOR BOOKLET, RATES AND KRNERVATIONH, ADUHKSS: J. L. ALEXANDER, PROP. Asheville, N. O. MARGO TERRACE, Asheville, N. C. Occupies" tuUful location. Th house Is of modern construc tion, artlstloally 4Mlpilt prfetoly g.ulwl. Urg lry room and private baths. Mwrgo Teiwos Is homellk In tts atniosuher and particularly uttraottv W fasnllle and ladle traveling alone, Excellent Table, Moderate Rate. P, tl. I1KANC7II, Prop. HOTEL AETHELWALD, Brevard, N. C. Rate 99.00 per W. Bteam hekt. Rot and Cold Until. Both Com- morolal and tourist Open the jrer round. CHARLES M. COOK, Jr., Proprietor TUE IMPERIAL HOTEL, Canton, N.C. E. M. GEIER, Proprietor. " ------- FREE SAMPLE ROOM8 " EI-FOTTITO LIGHTS STEAM HEATKT) FRKH BATHS w ;, ... . RATR9: ' 3.0 Ain HP. . The last tsg has been tied In place, the last careful preparation In every dupartmunt made, and at nine o'clock this morning the gates of Riverside Park will be thrown ppen to the public for the opening day of the Western North Carolina fair .which bids fair to be the greatest fair over held lit Western North Carolina. To day Is Educational Day, and the elpal event of the day will deal with educational contests and problem. All the schools of the county will be closed today, 1n order that the children may all hnv a chance to be present for ths many educational event and the big free ant at the fair this afternoon. Things will start with a rush, the first bjg event on the program being one of the funny free acts furnished by the management flinging contents for rural schools start at eleven o'clock and at 12:80 o'clock, the recitation and declaration contest will be started There will be "something doing evnry minute" ati the whole day 1 filled with surprises for those fortun ate enough to be on the grounds. The fair will be formally opened at 2:10 o'clock this afternoon, with prayer by ltev. 3. D. Arnold. Prof. R. D. McDowell will preside. At 2:60 O'clock, Rev, W. A. Newell, president of Weaver college, will nwke a short Introductory ad dross, introducing Hon. J. J. Britt, who will deliver the principal address of the day, speaking on "Education and Popular Govern ment". Mr. Britt' well known ability as an orator, together with his knowl edge of his subject. Is expected to draw a large crowd to hear him. Every day is a special day at the fair. Opening with Educational Day. the fair follows with Brotherhood Day, Military Day, and Western North Carolina Day, the final day of the fair. Special features are ' provided for every day, Secretary of State Bryan and Or. John 8. Rutledge, the fa mous Irish oTator, fcelng the speak ers for Brotherhood . Day, General Bennett H. Young, commander-in-chief of the Confederate veterans, be ing the chief speaker for military day, and Governor Locke Craig, the "Little Giant of The Blue Ridge," be ing the chief speaker for Western North Carolina Day. In addition to these noted speakers, men of rlroml nences from, all part of Western North Carolina will he present during the fair, and a number of them' will speak. Interest also centers around the "Better Bmbles" contest, In which 247 babies were originally entered. This number han been considerably re duced by the preliminary examlna Ions, which have eliminated all be low a certain percentage, but a goodly showing of the future sons and adulter of the Old North Btate still remains in the contest and everything points to a most careful test before the final winners are picked. The exhthKs this year ere the larg est, the best and of the greatest va riety ever shown at a fair In Western North Carolina, and In almost every class, It will take an expert to dis tinguish the winner of the blue. , Departing from the custom of pest years, the management of the fair installed a splendid line of free acts, all of which are "thrillers" and in ad dition to these, there Is n midway where an ryiusually fine line of show The Monarch European AA Outeldo an I t'lean Room In Heart of th Oily, !m, lie, $1.00. BporiNi Rate P Waelc. Phone 1832. Furnished Housekeeping Collages FOR Rl:NT IN ALBEMARLE PARK Dahlia OotUMW Vacant Now Daffodil Cottage, Vacant OcUHn-r 1st Rosebank Cottage Vacant November 1st Milfoil Cottage Varan! Bcwmber 1st APPLY AT MANOR OVFICF,. MOTHER MIGHT NOT BE LIVING Lady Tells of Mother's Troubles, Which Almost Resulted in Death, And How They Were Overcome. TURKISH BATHS The Owner Sanitarium tt HAYWOOD HTREIT. POK LAD1KS AND GF.XTLKMFN OPtTN DAY AMI NIGHT. Grand View Sanatoria Treatment all throil and lung affections. This system of iiiiitUuliona lucateU ai Newport, Tenn., and Port Orange, K1:l, offers to Patients the grmt ad vantage of an climate throughout the yar. Sumne r Institution Newport, Tenn., open from May 1 3 th to Nov. 1st winter Port Orange, Fla., Nov 1st to May 15th The Turkey Trot, Th weather never tii't too hot For some to dunce Tha turkey trot, Voungstown Telegram. Hut tho dance itself, : To he preclKti, sometime iui 1'pi'ii the lee. SI. Louis Post-Dispatch. ivm't f.irget fit 1 r tickets Kitchen. Sweet olmrity. at Candy St S.V-w' ii mil r i m C Swannanoav Berkeley AAirKVIIXK-B MOKT MOD. ' ERN AND VP-TO-DATK IIO. TEL. v Hot and ooid nmnlng water 1 olr private bath in every room. - - FRANK-IXHXHRAW trs w4i HICiKS'CAPUDIN IN A UT7UC WATtR CURES HEADACHE K t cold 3 ano grFpp OLfl T VCU'TOCRIO Om1 CTOSf rumherlanrt Oap, Tenn. "I don't believe my mother would be living today." writes Mrs. ftirah I. Owens, of thle place, "If It had not been for Oardul. the woman's tonic. ttho suffered dreAdfullly for years, with womanly troubles; smothering spells, chills, fluttering of the heart, and weakness. Finally, she was advined by a friend to try Cardul, the woman's tonic. he bought a bottle, and eould notice its good' effect from the first. She hiw now tsken bottles, and Is en joying very good hnlth. It hes done her more good than all the oeher medicines she ever took. We thlnlt Cardut la worth its weight In gold." The bet endorsement any prep aration can have, it that of people who have tried it. They know what it will do. ..judging from tne nou- sands of letter we receive each year, similar to the above, it Is easily possible to believe In the good that Cardul has done for suffering wom en In Its pest hnlf century of won derful jutceess. Cardul is composed of purely veg etable Ingredients, which act In a gentle, natural manner, on the weak ened womanly organs, thereby build ing them back to new strength and health. You cannot go wrong trying Cardul for your trouble Get a bottle today. N. B. Write to: Chattanooga Med cine Co.. Ladles' ; Advisory Dept. vhattanooga, Tenn., for Special In- rfninllfm. tin tl .f,, are Htaged, . Th program for "the four day of th fair follows. (TAKE IN PROGRAM HERE) EDUCATIONAL DAY. Tuesday, October 7. :00 a. mv Fair ground opened to visitor. Selection by Boy Scout band. 10:00 a. nv- Happy Hooligan and Gloomy On in auto trlok house act 10:30 a. m. High diving, dog Dooley. ' 11:00 a. im. flinging contest by rural schools. 18:00 noon--6utton' Brother sen atlonal acrobatlo act or oomedy bar. 12:30 p. m. Declamation and reel; tatlon oontMrt. 1:80 p. m. Balloon aeoension. t:18 p. m. -America and Carolina rendered by schools. Program of Addresses. :S0 p. ra. Formal opening of 111 fair, Prof. R. D. McDowwll, presid ing. Invocation by Rev. J, D. Arnold. 2:80 p. m. Introductory address by Rev. W, A. Newell. 3:00 p. in. Address by Hon. James J. Britt, "Education and Popular Government." 4:00 p. m. Aerial act by Marvelous Melville; tngvng contests by city chools; declamation contest by city aohool; Martin and Gannett In come dy barrel jumping. :00 p. m. Belectkm by band, clos lng day session. . NIGHT SESSION. 7:00 p. m. Selections by band; Dooley in high diving act; the Mc Linn Trio In comedy 'balancing act; Marvelous Melville In sensational aerial act; spectacular firework dis play. Don't fall to see the magnificent ex hlblu In the several jdepartmenta Numerous satisfying midway attrac tions. Check your parcels at the check room in the hortloulaural building i cents per parcel, It will be an educa tional treat to see' the cows milked with electrical milking machines. BROTHERHOOD DAT. Wednesday, October 8. 8:30 a. m.Ground opened thirty minutes earlier than usual in order to serve th convenience of the large number of visitor who will be pres ent; selection by band. 10:30 a. m, Jameg Melville In sen sational aerial act Program of Addressed. 11:00 a. m.Hon. M. L. Shlipman, Grand Master of I. O. 0. F., presid ing. 11:10 a. m. -Introductory address by Dr. L. B. McBrayer. 11:20 a. m. -Address by Secretary of State William Jennings Bryan, Pleasing Variety of free acts. Brothcrliood Program. 8:30 p. m.--Arrival of "Brother hood" parade. , , , 3:50 p. m. Rev. R. W. Wllsox, presiding, 4:00 p. m. Introductory address by Judge Thome A. Jones. 4:15 p. m. Address on "Secret Orders and the Ohuixsh," by Rev, J S. Rutledge, D. D., Irish orator, lec turer and reformer, Cleveland, O Balloon ascension. 8:00 p. m. Brotherhood reception nt Buttery Park hotel. NIGHT SESSION. 7:00 p. m. Selection by band; ITnp py Hooligan and Gloomy Gus In auto. mobile trlok house stunt; MoLlnn Trio fn comedy balancing aot; Dooley In high diving act; Marvelous Melville In Illuminated aerial "performance; Mag nificent firework display; music by Uryson Military and First Regimental bands. Don't fall to see the demonstrations In domestla science,, dairying and fruit culture. Prises will be awarded In the hot ter babies contest tomorrow, when a number of Interesting talks on rais ing babie will bo made. MILITARY" DAT. Tlii'i-Mtny, October . 9:00 a. m. Selections by band. ,9:45 a. m. tftrtln and Gennett, In comedy barrel Jumping. 10:45 a. m. -Dooley In high diving act. 11:30 a. in Balloon ascension. 1:00 p. m. Marvelous Melville In aerial act and numerous other free attractions. , Military logram. 3:30 p. m. Arrival of military parade. 3:4u p. m MaJ. W. W. Ptrlngfield, presiding. 4:00 p. in. Introductory addretwby Ool, J. M. Ky. 4:K p. m - Address b Gen. Ben nett 11. VkuuiK, -grand commander United Confederate Vaterens, Ixiuis villo, Ky.. siiectlons by Brysnm Mili tary and A.ihevtlle First Regiment bunds.; riuttk-n Brothers Is sensation acrobatic act on comedy bars. Visit the interesting exhibit . and demonstration of the Ashevlllo board of health. NIGHT 8R8SION. Dooley in high diving rent; McUnn Trio In Comedy balancing act and numerous other attractions; patriotic rigs rendered by . rural singing class. IVogrsm of Addresses. 8:20 p. m. CoL SandforoVH. Cohen presidliig. , 8:30 p. m. Introductory addrssiby Hon. W. A. am 1th. . 8:45 p. m. Address of Hon. M. V. Rxhardj, land and industrial agent of Southern railway, of Washington, D. C on "Western North Carolina Development" , Happy Hooligan and Gloomy Gus In automobile trick house act; Sutton Brother in sensational acrobatic act on comedy bars; Marvelous Melville In Illuminated aerial act; gorgeous pyrotechnic display on the lake. We . trust that the third annual Western North Carolina Fair has proven ipleasant and profitable to you and by your earnest co-operation with others throughout thl section we will be able to make it even a great er success In succeeding years. AROUND TOWN THREE "STILLS SEIZED. Internal Revenue Agent 6ams yes terday received reports of the seizure of three illicit distilleries in his terri tory. Deputy. Collector Merrick re ported the seizure of two In Green ville oounty, 8. C, and Deputy Col lector M. P. Alexander reported the seizure of one In Iredell county, N. (1. CONi'EIl SECOND RANK. PRESIDENT GOES SOUTH. WASHINGTON, Oct. 8, President Wilson's Itinerary tor hi southern trip was arranged today. He will' leave here early on Saturday. October 28, for Philadelphia, where he will speak at the dedication ceremony at Con gress hall, departing that night for Mobile, Ala., where he will arrive on Monday, October 37. , The president will spend the day In Mobile, delivering an address on rural credits before the Southern Commercial congress. He will leave In the evening for Washington, re turning on Wedesday, October 2. PUgah Lodge No. 32, Knight of Pythias, will confer the second rank at tonight's meeting, which will be held as usual in the lodge room over Smith's drug etore on the square. All visiting Pythians are invited to be present, and a social hour will be enjoyed after the meeting. Girlish, Wrinkle-Free Skin Easy to Have ADMITS BANKRUPTCY. In the proceedings broawrht by the Kanawha Valley bank, et al, of Charleston, W. Va., against the Cher okee Tanning Extract company, Xi United States court, the defendant company yesterday filed an ' answer admitting bankruptcy and asking to be so adjudged. The case now goes into the hands of F. W. Thomas, referee In bankruptcy. No schedules have been filed. The "Theobold Brandl" stamp on youT fair ticket means you are help ing sweet charity. 8t ) (Front Pilgrim Magaxine.) ' Since it remarkable astringent an , tonic properties became known, clev er women all over the world havs v been using the saxollte face bath U "tone up" their faces, remove wrin kles and draw flabby cheeks and neck back to normal. Aftet- using the solution, the face immediately feela much firmer. The skin tighten evenly all over the face, thus redUc- lng lines and sagginess. The formula . is: Powdered saxollte, 1 ox., dissolT- ." ed In witch hazel, 1-2 pint Another wonderful facial beautlflel and rejuvenator that ha becom quite a rage in the United States, at -in Europe, 1 meroollxed wax. Drug gists report a great demand.' The wax literally absorbs a sallow, blotchy or withered complexion, giving th fresh vigorous, healthy-hued young skin underneath a chance to "breath' and to show Itself. Applying the wax at night, like cold oream, whin It otf mornings, will completely ren ovate a poor complexion in a week or ten day a One ounce usually U sufficient. Advt, While There life. Pm no Bodallstlo yawpen But I really declare That Pd rather llv a parapet . Than die a millionaire.. (Philadelphia ReooreV PA I. A I JL JL 1LJ1-ijL 11 loek, "Hosne Treatment for Worn. u" sent 14 plain wrapper, on request 7:00 . m. Selection by bands; Hr-.ppy Hooligan and Gloomy Ou in automobile trick house; McUnn Trio in oomedy balancing act; Marvelous MclvitrS In pyrotechnic aerial per formance; gi-Hnd fireworks display on the lake. CAROLINA" DAT. Friday, Ototx 10. 9:00 a. m. Selection by bands. 9:30 u.- ni lelvllle In sensational aerial act. 10:00 a. m. Athletic contests.' 12:30 p. m. Singing contests by rural choirs. " 1:30 p. in. Horse show and live stock dittplay. Program of Addressed. 3:30 p. in. Hon- T. T. Ballinger, presiding. 3:40 p. m. Introductory address, Hon. Felix E. Alley. 4:00 p. m. Address by Gov. Locke Craig. ---ni-r'n- Nlt'.HT SESSION. :00 . m. Selection by bands: IS ROYAL How to Dress Well on a limited Income To dress well at moderate cost, to have the joy of knowing that the style of your ms turae is absolutely new and correct; that it is conservative and in good taste select your new clothes from smart models we are show Jng from Bischof. ; ; i -jf Then you know your costume has distinc tion and shows the modish notes of the sea son; that it is exquisitely tailored and per fect in finish and design in short, that it comes to you fresh from the workrooms of one of America's foremost designers. Is . .. . Come tn and ee tbe complete ' assortment of coats and suits we have iust received. Notice how unusually lovely these models are. See how skilfully Bischof has developed all the charming new materials in the approved f 1 . V .ttantlnii ! tn the colors now hiui-h ui.v... n- important style features the cutaway coat, tne elon gated panel back, the softt graceful skirt draperies, the Mandarin sleeve sill the latest caprice of Fashion are shown, after a manner that i most delitfully pleasing. Bischof uses only the finest' coat - canvas (the kind used by custom tailors); every yard of the mate rial is tested, then sponged and shrunk; silk thread is used throughout; silk-coveted shields protect the armholes; the buttons are reinforced by stay-buttons inside the coat. Bischof garments keep their shape; they are fitted on living models not molded or pressed into shape. Sriect your eottume from the moM w are now displaying. In thlsiutaidid collection you will rind that BUcbof has thought out all your Bteds for this Maun. The cotton pM want U here, at a Kfc to Interest ya tt See the $20.00 Ladies' Suits, Today $15.00 SALE TODAY;' Sheets and Pillow Cases and Table Linens OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT is the talk of the city. The only store in Asheville that is showing a full line of Gage Hats. We want your trade and will do all we can to please you. Lots of roomjota of liht, and five milliners to wait on you. All hats trimmed free. Visit our dress goods department See the new things we are showing in this department. - BARGAINS IN SILKS

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