j ' ' a I I TIE B11ME BMEl ' . . j vaa jm : m fc " - ' - t- ' ,mm" " "" M""-Jg Svntncfetei. flayed d tbad.Judk aged -90 years r old " y I rZ3BBMBCBMMa5BMiaBMBBMaiaaM8nBBK mmmmammmmmmammm . aaaaaaeaaeaa... .Go-dCTrTSt- ' ADVERTISE IN j THE BUGLE! Have V et eraythlnk to ad or swae? Da yon tat e key eautytkiak? TREK TRY A AD KITH IS Bif ft St only new paper in this end of the Co. Advertising rate rarnhned with greet cheer. Sh-caUshie book eeea te Bobuddy. YOULL HAFT TO TAKE OUR WORD FOR IT Bd; -falling INERGIA TATUM (ESS) XJJ miT' J)(s The Loading Paper of tha County brigb.t,Breesy,BeUleeae,Buitliig aw oth tha aiMT MM1e eei ImproY Mrk hiatal bant ' 7 tatbartat keaar ll tk ear Fna ewr epaBlag 'la?. TIM rhMrrfat sATartlalitf aiarfloai ia M ematr. If r btllara ta aitmtlala aaaaa aa na. rar fnrthar Inform tie) t aali aa at aMreee tat adder. FINANCKIAL EDDYTORIUL For quite a spell back we have been thinkin of writing a eddyto riul on the follering; vital stibjeckt, towlt: "Why Is Money So Tight?" Now we have made up our mind to put our thort into ackshion and write said eddytoriul without mal ice or favor and let the chips fall where they will. As we look back on our checkered career as edditor & Prop & everythink else connect ed with the Bugle, we can put our eddytoriul hand on our heart and say that we can't recolleckt when ready cash was as skeerce in our midst or to us personally as it Is at the present writing and has been for several months. We can't see how it's possibil for money to be ennv skeercer with us than heretofore, but it is neverthe less. Why, monev was more plen tifuller with us during the panick of 1779 than it is now, and old Dad Henderson, our oldest inhabitant, says it s skeercer with him than it was during the Revolooshionary War, whenever that was. What is the cause of this, we ask? We pause for a reply and then we anser: "We don't know." Tt ain't very often that we ask a questshlon whltch we can't anser, but this Is i excepshion to the gen eral rule. We read In a citty paper whltch F.ph Higgins, our accommodating P. M., received by mistake at the P. O., and opened and tuk It home to see what was going on in the outside world if anything and then lent to ns we read in that Saper that this money tightness on't only exist In Bingville, but all over the country, and that it is due to the fackt that business is unsettled and folks who has money s afeard to invest same! for fear they'll lose it into the bargain, and as a result their keeping , their money in their socks or in the clock or hid somewheres about the house until bizness picks up & re- soomes the even tenner of its wav. In order to git at the root of this matter we have gave several of our most respeckted cittizens of mngville & visinitty a opportunity to express theirselfs on "Why Is Money so Tight?" with the fol lowing result : Hen Wcathcrshy. prop of our general store "The reason money is so allfired tite is becuz folks is mors stingier than they used to be. Sa.II I (Copyrighted, 1913. by E. A. feciar.) Why, custummers Is tightern the bark to a tree & my trade has fell off turrible of late," Amos Hillyer, attorney, I. of the P., and all around leggal light- It s all due to lack of pubhek con fidence, high tariff, reciprocitty, union & laber, wimmen folks want- in to vote and the open door pou icy. If I wassent so buzzy'in my law offis I'd make a speshial trip down to Washington and tell them law makers what to do to relieve the money situashion." Doc Livermore, Horse Vetema ry & Human Speshialist "The tightness of money in our midst is due to over-inflashion & under capitalisashion, combined with the detriorashion of investments into obnoxshious desewctude." Hank Dewberry," retired "If money is tite, it's news to me. I ain't saw enny money for so long that I didn t know whether it was tite or not." After reading the above authori tive opirryuns you can lall draw your own conclooshions, and if it ain't askin too much we wisht you would also draw us a check for a porshion of your back subscrip shion to the Bugle and fonvard same to us by return mail. This would be a turrible big boon to us during the present financhial strin gency- Personal Squibs Lafe Whittacre aays he's hawing a turrible time with hi hens. Along in the fall they wouldn't lay enny eggs to speak of becui they was moulting, & now they won't lay enny effgJ to speak of becui the wether Is cold. Lafe ays there is times when he wishes to good ness he was shet of his whole passel of hens. Mrs. Hoskins made op Cy Hoskins last wk a all wool shirt, & done the work herself, but Cy refuses to wear It bean ft scratches him turrible & makes him nervtis and Scratchy. Cy Is purty partickler what he wears next to him, SUGGSETSHION- - Why dont you wew underwear, Cy? It Is reported on good authority that Miss Sary Ann Gookins has fare Clem Hlnes the mitten & broke off her en- gagemnt with him, as yon might say. Sary Ann ort to of eonslderd before doing this becuz she atnt no spring chikken enny more, and goodness knows when she'll git another oporni nlty to marry. Slme Henderson's wife's grand mother went to church last Sunday In spite of the fackt that she is 90 years of . age going on 91, and set up as straight in church as ennybuddy, and never dropped off to sleep onct We call this pretty spry. Brad Hinsley, who retd from the co seat last Thursday, reports the mud turrible deep in spots, and deeper than that in other places. Brad stock twice, and had to git polled out by folks liv ing near the rold. " Miss Jerushy Perkins has our thanks for a nise mess of sawsidge which she left on our desk one day last wk. This is the first sawsidge of the season whitch we have received. As a result we et with great gusto of same and got turrible sick. Nevertheless we thank Jefushy, jor her kindness. VII FOILED! Thats What Bill Hepburn Was by Our Lion Hearted Constubble, Seth Dewberry Bill Was in tbe Town Lock Up lor Several Hours & Seth Was in Mortal Terrer! Full Particklers as Per Below Seth Dewberry, our lion hearted town constubble, is in a turrible picket as we go to press, and Bill Hepburn, our ar tistick blacksmith, Is In jail & may ex cape enny minnit. Yesterday Eb Gookins, who lives on the turnpike a mile west of Bingville, driv into town and stopped at the offis of Ame Hillyer, our talented loryer, legal light, J. of the P. & et cettery too numerous to mentchion. Eb told Ame that a few days before he had took his old gray mare to Bill's shop to have her shod in front and that Bill was under the inflooence of licker and had made a botch of shooing the mare to sich a extent that she had went lame & was ruined for life as you might say. As a result Eb brung a charge be fore Ame against Bill of "Cruelty to animals, obtaining money under false pertense, & mal pracktise in shoring horses." Eb swore out a warrant for Bill's arrest dead or alive and left it with Ame, then Eb left town and re turned home. Ame summoned Seth Dewberry to his office and give Seth the warrant' to serve. When Ame "handed Seth the warrant Seth said he diddent see how he could serve it being as he was so biy on other criminal cases, but Ame told him if he didden't serve it that Bingville folks would think lie was afeard of Bill and brand him as a cow yard. Then Seth got up his dander and said he'd show Bingville whether he was no cowjard or not that he would arrest Bill Hepburn or die in the attempt and that if he had to give up his life in the pursoot of ' his duty his only regret would be that he didn't have haff a duzren lifes, like a cat, to give uyp. It has leaked out sinst that after Seth left Ame's office he tried to deppytize several of our best knowd cittizens to arrest Seth, but all give one excuse 01 another and refused. At last Seth went home, pinned on his big tin star to his bnzzum, which he only wears on spesh ial occashions. examined his two six shooters to s if they was in workln order, stuffed one in each pocket and started out for Bill's blacksmith shop. Seth marched right into the shop bold as a lion where Bill was workin and when Bill looked up and seen him and his star Bill says, "Hello, Seth! You look like as if you was a going to arrest somebtidy." "That's what I am a going to do," says Seth. "It's a good thing you aint newer tried to arrest me," says Bill, biffing. "Why not?" says Seth. "Well," says Bill, "if you tried "to1 arrest me it would be the last arrest you ewer made in this world, being as I would be ashamed to let a leetle mite of a dried up wizzled" runt of a man like you arrest me, and the pobabilities is there would be a funeral." Seth turned as pale as a gost and gulped and choked and says, "Bill, Ime the best friend youve got In Bingville and if ererybuddy in this town was as good a eittizen as you be there wouldnt be much for me to do. Far be it from me to a rest a law abiding cittizen like vou." After this Seth and Bill got very friendly and all the whiie Seth was "frthtfihms' up aoma sliama ta fast Bill Finally Seth told Bill that if he had time he wisht te goodness he would walk with him down to the town hall DON'T BE k TITEWAD! Pay op your bade sub scription to the Bugl & thai fill knf -feit want on oar part. WE CANT RUN A FIRST CLASS NEWSPAPER ON HOT AIR & COLD POTATOZE.. P. S.- If we are not an leave the money with oar wife next door. lockup and look at a lamp in the lockup whitch wassent working jest like it ort to, being as h (Seth) thort with his (Bills) mechantckal -genius could fix it in a jiffy. Well, Bill dropt his tools and him and Seth walked arm in arm to the town hall as friendly as you please. Seth unlocked fhe lockup and pointed out the lamp to Bill whitch needed fixin and while Bill was examining the lamp Seth he snapped shet the door behlnt Bill and locked it! When Bill discuwered that he was a prisoner the way he cussed and swore at Seth could be heard all over Bingville, and it wassent long until there was a big crowd around the jail, including some of the most respeckted cittizens of Bingville, who went away turrible shocked at Bill's langwidge. Rev. Moore, our beloved pastor, tried to calm Bill by talkin' to him through a winder and telling him it was wicked to swear so, whereupon Bill swore louder than ever. Bill cussed Seth in partickler for playing sich a lown down trick as that on him. He said that no matter if he had to stay in jail for life that as soon as he got out he would thrash Seth within a inch of his life. Seth stood around pale as deth won dering if Bill could bust the door down. Seth askd Lem Brown, our expert car penter, if it wouldn't be a good skeme to nail some timbers acroit the door to reinforce it, as you might say. As the day wore on Bill cammed down a good 'eal, and the crowd around the lockup disbursed to their various homes, all but Seth, who stood on guard readv to run like blazes if Bill should take another vilent turn and bust outen the lockup When sup per time come Seth had his wife cook up a nice hot supper for Bill, which Seth carried to the lockup and passed rs .Bill through the winder, and also a pint flask full of good licker. Bill was a good 'eal surprised at this from Seth, but he dru'nk the licker down at a glup, and then askd Seth why he was so kind and loving after a resting him like that? "Why, this is all a joke, Billy," says Seth, "and after you ete your supper I'm goin to let you out. I knowd you could take a joke as well as ennybuddy, so I thort I'd jest play a friendly one on you, and if you'll take it that way I'll open the door right now and come in and set with you while you ete." Bill said that in view of the licker and tbe hot ripper, he was witling to take the matter as s joke and for Seth to come right in, whitch Seth done, & all ill feelings betwixt Bill & Seth ended right there. Bill said he would be wilt ing to have a joke playd on him every dar for a pt of as good licker as that. Just what further ackshion' Eb will take In his charges aginst Bill we ain't learnt as we go to press. Local Brevvytles Subscribe for the Bugle before the real cold weather sets in, & then youll have somethink to read as you set be fore the fire. Ike Wllkins, who lives one mile west, had his hair cut last wk like a blamed fool, and now he had a awful cold in his head, Why will folks have their hair cut this time of year? It-seems to us that's awful poor judgment. Doc Livermore has mixed up a new medisin which he would like to find out the effeckt of on the human system, and therefore calls for volunteers to take a dose of same. Who will call at Doc's office in the interests of hu manity and try this experiment? May be it will help you, and maybe it won't who knows? Doc desires It under stood that whoever tries this medisin does so at their own risk. Bud Kinckley who aint quite right in his head got licked tt school one Jay last wk by Jed Peters, our intelligent ichool teacher, J Budche wedupa big gob oi spruce gum untiTlt was soft, and then pot it on Jed's chair. When Jed had set on the gum for a spell and A went to rise, he tuk chair and all with him. Miss Amelia Tucker, Bingville's rain ina; sossiety queen, will lead off the so shial season in Bingville next Satterday night with a charade party -to be give at her palashial residence to a few ex- cloosfve gests to the nomber of about 16, which, Amelia says, represents tha "Bingville 400." Them as aint beea asked are a good 'eal put out. These it about all the local brewytiei we can think of at this writine. .Some wks local brervyties is plenty, and th next they be as skeerce as hens teeth, and you know how skeerce hens' teeth is. that little skift of snow whitch fell In Bingville last Tuesday? It diddent amount to much and the tun soon licked it up, but it fira ma a (dear I Therefore I have went and bought me a seckond hand snow shuwel & I am therefore pervided 'to clean off your walks of snow for yon, being you de sire to have them cleaned off. As a rule most folks would rnthar aaa the snow off their walks than on, and yet at the same time they don't like to do the shuweling theirselfs. being as it is hard laber and then some people is too proud to do it. As for ma I aint proud and He shnwel your snow for you if you so desire. I have tried a good menny other kinds of work hut I aint yet found a job that agrees with me. I hop this wfll. Jest give me t chanst at yoor snow. All you haft to . do Is to notify tn and I will respond promptly with my shuwel. Or tell Hen Weathersby not to forget to tell tnt that yoo told Mm to tell me that ye want me. Snaw anal lea ' alaa cleaned off en roofs and eaten gotten at great risk of life & lim to myself. Being as I am liable to break my fool neck at . this kind of work He haft to charge you more for It than plain snow shuv rellng on the ground. I charge by the hour & I get as much per hour at pos sible. Some people thinks its cheeper to let the snow melt than to have it shurreled. It may be cheaper hut how does it look? Yours for snow shuvveling, BinnOle, HANK DEWBERRY; Wee? $ 0