TIIE SUNDAY CITIZEN, NOVEMBER 16, 1913. did $To;.if.on? CNS DCS2 cf tiayiu Wonderful Sto&a&Ess::.'! Should Convince Yoa That Yosr . Suffettej b lanectssarj. 1 HE Ell Thanksgiving :-Proclamation DOCTORS wamm 0 6 4 Ladies Trimmed Hats OFF Chic, new styles, well assorted. WHEREAS: We have, since last Thanksgiving Day, enjoyed a consistent increase in business, for which we are duly thankful, and, WHEREAS: A ioyous Thanksgiving can not be had by those of our customers who are not yet prepared for the months of cold, weather just ahead, THEREFORE : Have we decided to show our appre ciation MATERIALLY by offering YOU the lowest prices possible on Winter-Wearthings, of which we have an abundance hr sale, at this season. Give ear and come in I We'hbe glad to convince you.. FURS - The newest shape, th big teat varlrty- unusual values, all of them, &t from $7.50 to $75.00 Thanksgiving Dress Reductions Beautiful creations, these, for street and even ing wear. The best of the new shades are shown In the most charming, new effects. - The new drooped shoulders Accordion pleated peplums Chiffon and Lace fichus Draped skirts or neat, plain tailored dresses. $25 Silk Crepe De Chine Orestes How 13 517.50 Silk Crepe De Chine Dresses at 9 Sport Coats Of Chinchilla, Bo.ucle, and other new mate rials. A Complete Showing of the colors and styles you most want. 1 Take advantage of this Thanksgiving Of fering of $12.50' values at 2 Your Thanksgiving Suit at Savings Beyond Your Expectation Every Coat Suit in the house is now reduced in price none are reserved and you, Ladies, who want the BEST can now satisfy that desire at small outlay. .. v y ",; ' . ;; ,i Suits are here for Women and Misses of all tastes and sizes. We need not describe them further. Note the savings: $30 Suits How $25 Suits How $20 Suits How GLOVES A' priced at ' $1.00 Up ad must give you the utmost satisfaction In STYLE and 8E11VICD, or a NEW PAIR 18 TOURS FOR THE ASKING. "J TH E STORE THAT SAVES YOU MONEY' L HAND BAGS Just received. 98c to $6.50 The newest Ideas are here In treat assortments, Select that CHRISTMAS PRESENT NOWI Following Example of Brethren in Great Britain, Band Together. INSURANCE LAWS DECLARED NOT FAIR Z. V, CREASMA. StWy A TrcMk Ui OREAJSMAJJ. Mgr. EILTM02E PLIMEWG & HEATING COMPANY i PLtnuUMO. HEATING OAS FITTING. I toe Atsajksia Qm Ctansrators and Compressed Al Wates TVUT9, VALTK8, WATER PIPE, TERRA OOTTA PIPE. Telepbesk MT. BHTMORK. X. 0. Plata Bdilillng GROVE PARK INN Grove Park Inn serves luncheon 1:00 to 2:30 p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p. m. Visitors to Ashe ville, although not pxeits of Grove Park Inn, are invited to dine and inspect the building. Special attention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. m., 7:30 to 1C:00 p. m. Rates S5.00 per day and up. Phone 3000. NEW CONGREGATIONAL MINISTERJSORDAINED INTERESTING SERVICE HELD AT TRYON FRIDAY. Rov. Ferdval Campbell Morgan Duly Booted Pastor of Churcb Many Laymen Present. Peerless Fashion Store Style Quality Service We suggest you see the. Coat Suits We Are Selling for $ 1 5.00 Munsing Underwear for the Whole Family. 25 Discount on all Dresses On Friday afternoon at 4 o'clock the following pastor convened at the quaint little Congregational church In Tryon for the examination of Rev. Perclval Campbell Morgan as to bin' frtness for ordination ai a minister! to that community, to which he had j been provisionally called in the place i of Rev. Joseph L. Daniels, who re cently resigned his charge owing to I increasing years: Rev. W. H. Hop kins, D. D., Atlanta; Rev. William Ewlng, superintendent missionary de partment Congregational Sunday School Publishing society, Boston; ness and deep feeling on ths respon nihility attached to the calling which Mr. Morgan had voluntarily taken upon himself, Quoting experiences from long service, and dwelling upon the nobility of the work offered In the ministry. His discourse was listened to with rapt attention. At tha conclusion of his sermon Rev. J. F. Blackburn tendered the right hand of fellowship, Rev. JJ..F. Green following with the charge to tht pastor. The speaker took for his text the Proverb, "The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and ho that wlnne'h souls Is wise," using other quotations from the Scriptures to press home his charge, and rarely Indeed has an audience been mora intensely stirred by an admonition to win souls than was delivered by Mr. Oreen, His de livery was measured, ' but I tee CV4 lHi I , and IUMlh liver isl bites tbksl AHssMts GOV, CRAIG APPOINTS TWO VICE-PRESIDENTS FORMER ASHEVTLtEIAN NAMED BY GOVERNOR, Charles Latbrop Pack Is Appointed Vice President of Appalachian Park Association. Governor Locke Craig, president of the Appalachian Park association, without i announced yesterday the appointment rhetorical effort, and svas a simple appeal calculated to stir all the latent desire for winning souls, and to create, where such a desire had no hold previously. The appeal was marked by deep earnestness, and of Charles Lathrop Pack, of Lake wood, N. J., and Oustaf R. Westfeldt, of New Orleans, as vies presidents of the association. Mr, Pack, as to widely known here, where he re sided for a number of years. Is reached far beyond the one for whom ! greatly Interested In all forestry mat. It was especially delivered, finding an echo in the heart of every one gath ered In that hall. Rev. M. A. Martin was scheduled to deliver the charra to the people, but Rev. J. F. Blackburn, superintendent i made a brief address instead, saying of Sunday school work for Georgia and North Carolina; Rev. E. F. Green, Star, N. C; Rev. M. A. Mar- that after a ministry of four years held by Rev. Joseph L. Daniels In Tryon -he felt that any charge from tin, uwnoreat, oa Several invitations i him would be stiperflous. H spoke had been sent to laymen throughout instead at some length of the Inapt tho south, and to members Ofirminn that hart come Into his life through the published works of Rev, Peerless Fashion Store "Spoay la tha generic nam 3ocletyforTth' mv Hon of Useless Giving,, headed cy Mm. August Belmont, now cam paigning against the "erU" In New churches of the Congregational de nomination, and letters of regret were received from a number Inti mating inability to be present. There was a delegation present from the recently organized First Congrega tional church of this city. - Dr. Daniels was appointed moder ator, and he in turn appointed Rev. W. H. Hopkins, Rev. William Ewlng, Rev. J. F. Blackburn ana Rev. M. A. Martin a board to examine the can didate, these gentlemen appointing Rev. William Ewlng to propound the questions. Mr. Morgan was examined at considerable length, as is the cus tom prior to ordination In the Con gregational church, and having been found to be In accord with the doc trines was unanimously recommend ed for ordination. The ordination service took place at t o'clock in the evening In the same building, the auditorium being filled by members of all the other churches in Tryon, their pastors, with the exception of the pastor of the Baptist church, taking active part In the ceremony. The church was prettily decorated for the occasion. t but the ceremony was conducted with marked simplicity and deep solem nity. After the singing of the grand old hymn, "O, God, Our Help in Ages Past," Rev. M. A. Martin, who had acted as scribe at the early meeting In the afternoon, read the mlnutea of that meeting, and the moderator, Rsv. Dr. Daniels, announced the ac ceptance of Rev. P. C. Morgan as a member of the Congregational minis, try. Rev. R. h. Ferguson, pastor of the Methodist church, delivered the invocation, and he was followed by Rev, H. N. Bowne, rector of th Epls Campbell Morgan, Rr., father of the candidate, and expressed the sincere wish that the hops of his son's fol lowing In his footsteps might be fully realized. He also referred feelingly to the past ministering of Rer, Dr. Daniels, who had tor forty-one years filled the chair of professor of Greek at Olivet college, . Michigan, and whose recent years had been devoted to ministering to a loving and be lcved congregation. Dr. Hopkins also paid a warm tribute of praise to the beautiful and useful life of the re Orlng pastor, and congratulated th newly-ordalned pastor on the fellow ship of such a frlen 1 during the early years of 'his ministry. An Informal reception was tendered to Rtv. Mr. Morgan at the close of the service, and he left with his young and charming bride cheered and encouraged by the unanimous welcome accorded him, not only by members of his own church, but also by the' members of all the churches In Tryon, Dlt, C. M. KEE8 DEAD. While showing a friend the me chanism of his new htsfh-powsr rifle wlthwTffcrTirITTUsT'Trritgtr-l-'twpal ehsreh, la the reading a. deer, Roy Hasklna, of Superior, Scripture lesson. The sermon was Wia. accidentally shot and killed his delivered by Rev. W. H. Hopkins, taat b U B Awatt 1U mt Aaxnest- CHARLESTON, S. C, Nov. 15. Dr. Charls M. Rees, et-presldent of the State Medical association, a pro fessor at the Medical College of South Carolina, died here today, aged 62 years. When the executive officials and delegates to the convention of the American Federation of Labor passed through Butte, Mont., re cently on their way to' Seattle they were presented with unlquv sou venirs of the Montana Federation of Labor. The souvenirs were In tho ters, and Mr. Weatfeldt, whose sum mer home Is at Rugby Grange-, near Fletchers, Is thoroughly acquainted with what a national park would mean, to Western North Carolina In particular, as well as to the entire south. The cordial endorsement of the as sociation's alms by thesa gentlemen Is Indicated by their letters. Mr. Pack writes as follows: Lakewood, N. J., Not. , HI. Hon. Iocks Craig, Rafclgh, N. C: Dear Governor Craig Answering your request of November 4, you certainly may use my name as one of the vice presidents of tho Appa lachian Park association; I understand the office to be purely honorary and carries no obligations. but I am heartily In accord with thai principles and ambitions of the asao- i elation as explained on th card I which you so kindly sent me. 1 We are going to have a successful conservation congress at Washington, November 18, It, 20. I am confi dent that there will be more foresters and people Interested In forestry In attendance on this occasion than havs ever met in on place before. We are devoting most of our time hi the meeting this year to the ques tions relating to forestry and water power. I trust that North Carolina will be ably represented. With kind personal regards and best wishes. Tours sincerely, CHARLES LATHROP PACK. Mr. Westffcldt's letter Is as follows: Fletcher, N. C'Nov, I, lilt. My Dear Sir This morning I have your very kind and Interesting com munication of the 4th Itutant. The objects of the Appalachian Park as sociation appeal to me strongly, and I gladly accept the honor of 'dentify Ing myself with the association. Tours very sincerely, GU8TAF R. WESTFELDT. Contract Physicians Pre vent People Prom Choos ing Their Own Doctor. BERLIN, Nov. l.-Mors than II, 000 German physicians from small town and country districts havs de elded to follow the example of their professional brethren In Great Brit aln and declare a "doctor! strike" against sickness ana accident in- surancs associations established un der the imperial ; Insurance laws. They complain against certain regu. latlons under the laws, whloh they say militate against them, particular ly en depriving the patient who la a member of an organisation of any say In the choice of the physician by whom ha desires to be treated. They rbject, too, to the wide discretion given to the organltatlona In th? matter of contracts with physicians. The recUton to deolara a strike gainst these regulations was reach- ed at a meeting In Berlin of mors than tOO delegates from all over Germany. Mors than two-thirds of all the Germans are members of insurance organisations, which havs their own contract physicians and the remain ing medloal field Is over-crowded, Th number of medical students In Germany has risen from 1,100 In 1101 ts 14,000, an Increase utterly disproportionate to the Increase of population, . The result Is, according; to statistics, that half of all the phy slclans.have tncomsa teas than II, 800 yearly, , The doctors of Berlin, Dresden, Hamburg and other large cities did not Join In ths movement, owing. It was said, to ths desperate compe tition among them. Berlin Is not usually looked upon as an Important "seaport" for almost as much water passes dally through Its water mains as through the lit tie river Spree on which It Is situ ated. The navagatlon Interests of ths German capital are ao Important, however, that after opening a largs new harbor on ths eastern aids of ths elty only a few weeks ate at a coat Of about $1,000,000 ths munici pality has just decided to build an other one on ths western side whloh wlfl coat almost as much. It will cover, Including warehouses i and grounds used for harbor purposes, sevmty-f Ivs acres. This step U taken In anticipation of a very largs Increase In canal and river shipping after ths opening of ths new canal at Stettin, now nearlng completion. In view of Its Improved shipping facilities and enlarged waterways Berlin looks forward to a more rap Id development of Its manufacturing; and commercial Interests. Victor: Jtoeffler, the aviator, who by setting up a new world's record of 1,17.1 miles for a day's flight, proved that Germany may be con sidered worthy rival of Francs In aviatorlal accomplishments, may lose the 115.000 prise In which it was supposed hs had won by ths feat, This was offered hy the committee In charge of the National Aviation Subscription Fund for a record In ex cess of the hurricane flight of Brlndejono des Moullnals from Paris to Warshaw. Objection has been raised In the committee, on the ground that Stoeffler's flight was not mads all In one direction like Rrindejonc's, but that ths last 411 miles was made by flying back and Thousands of people, some right hi your owe toralKy. bsre taken Majrr tftseirfiBmiMc tmmtm, nw' 0nv JvtfeefMAvi eamac. OUtr Aft tmf She MmH, im SH 0msmm, FmiMintSfUm, and are Draining and recommending: H awes. . sarin aarsj u Inn CfaT lisnfisTm svsTSMVBr ss svessavsaisBsrv see tsrsa1BBBBswsB JiMMaV Is the bast and moat wtdalr knows It emady bf tbe above ailment. Ask rowdrnc gist (or a bottle today. Put It to a tat era do should oonvlnce. It is marvelous la It heuliid prosertKM and its effects are suite natural n set ea the source and lotindatioa ot stomaoB ailment and la ssoat brings quick rM and parmantnt results. Thl highly suocasu Kamady bas been taken by the m.yt fromlnanl Moot, end those ta ell walk of lite, smon ham Members of ConaTaae, Justice c( ths Supreme Court, Educator!. Lawvsfa.Mjfchantai Hankers, Doctor". Druggljta, N . Menufasl turera, Priasta, allnhitara. Farmers, with lasting banant ana it snouia o unaT awr.-. your ease, Band lo free value Me.booklet ,y Stomach Ai mrats to Uao. H. yr, nj FwiiJ: UtiS Whiting fcuvot. Chicago, For sals In Ashevill by Centur. Drug Store, I no., and druggists every where, ,.: forth between. Darmatad and Muel- hauaen In Alsaoe. Ths aviators point out that tbe general conditions of th contest as adopted and published by the committee only require that tit miles be covered by oontlnuous flight in a given direction, whereas Btof tier's flight from Poaen to ' Musi hausen alon oovsred 110 miles They art already In arms against tht committee for risking th lives ol competitors by appointing ths long dU'ance competition tor ths month of October with Its foy nights and short days, A decision has not been announced but aviators fear that the commute will not allow Btoeffler ths grand prise, 131,000, for a fllfht surpassing Urlndejonc's, but will award htm on. ly $15,000, the prl for ths long, est flight under ths regular condl tlons. .,- Ths "Princely Schaumburg-Llpp Sailing Fleet" hat been disbanded. Tn anlta nt tta hlah anundlng title., this navy consisted tonly of small sailing boata whloh pHsd th Inland lake called Stetnhurder Wear. It was, however, an historical etrrloalty. Th Princes of Bchaumburg-LlppS hav for nearly lit years owned a little water fortress on an artificial Island tn tha lak and maintained a sailing fleet at first to provide com munications with this oastls of ref- Uts in cass or an auaca put taiur for th mors prosalo us of exour. slonlsts. Th ighteen seamen wht manned th vessel were officials ol the little tat and wore Its qur. antlmated uniform. Th reigning prlnc finally decided that his navy was an expensive luxury and sold It to prfvata persons. A resturant on ths Island also belonging to the Prlnes and kspt up a ratlred official, from ths little court of Buckeburg, went under tha hammer all well 1 Llppe-Detmold Is Just having a' new Issu of mony. Th royal mint In Berlin has struck off an Issu of. thaler (three-mark pleoea worth about Tt etmts) bearing a new like, ness of Prlno Leopold IV. Ths eolnt' will not bs placed In general circula tion, but collectors and others de siring them must apply to th prlno-, ly treasuries) or princely savings; banks. CANCER Tha Laaca 6ana4 torlnm, Indiana Dolls.Indlana.bM pnbllthe4 booklet whloh tfvet in Wresting facta about tha causa of Oanoer, also tails what to da for pals, blsedlnf.odor.eto. Writs f or a oopy of It todayt nantloalog thlt paper. fr talnlng samples of gold, silver, cop per and other valuable ores pro duced In Montana. HOBO GUILTY of curing people of B right's Disease and all kinds of bladder troublee. Get showcase con- It from your druggist today and be convinccu Ol mo wunuertui ui this great new medidna mad by Hebq Medicine Mfg. Co-, Knger, La. Ladies' Tailored Suits That Gms That "Different" And Much Desired Appearance We show a superior line of handsome tailored suits that once seriously considered at close range will always be thought of with pleasure. ' Wearing one of our latest models will transport you into th,c realms of distinctive and correct dress without excessive cost. YOUR INSPECTION IS ALL WE ASK 16 Patton Avenue Ashevilie, H. C. ''Die Mom for Women Who Know."