THE ASIEEVILLE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, XOVEMBEK 18, 1913. SEN. S!!IH COIRS WITH PBESIDEHT WILSON EDITOR FfiANK P. CUSS mifi'ius. SEMI Prominent Newspaper Man Named by Gov. O'Neal to Fill Vacancy. Talks Currency and North Carolina Patronage With the President. - T .... n 1 ,.LJ.Lli I mmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 111 ! ' " - . . - : : I r YOU , Presented By The Citizen Almost Free mm Clip the Certificate From Another Page GET IT TODAY, AS EXPLAINED BELOW Your children should have it as a means of furthering their education; the young man and young woman ust out of school must now have practical knowledge; the whole family should keep aKreast of the times and learn of the mighty advancement of all mankind. IN PICTURE AND PROSE It tells the wonderful story of the greatest achievement ever undertaken. It tells why the Panama Canal was constructedits purpose, promise, and history; how the monumental work yras accomplished, the vmt expenditures of labor, skill and money; the untold benefit that will ac crue to all the people of the world all tod in an easy, human interest stye that imparts the exact formation, but never tires. The Accompanying Illustration is Great ly Reduced in Size, and but Vaguely Portrays the Rare Beauties of the Original PARTIAL CONTENTS ' Pleas not that thai subjects are not technical nor tatlti. oat: th ara mora in til natura of plalng atorler tha thine that you .would b interested In wra you to personally visit tha Canal Zone. Bom of th ohapter title follow: S THE FRONT DOOR TO PANAMA , THIS PANAMA KAILH0A1) V Tllfc SACK OF OLD PANAMA KKVOLUTIONB AND THE FRENCH REGIME THK UXITIO) bTATUM HKG1NS WORK, TUK IXMtMATTVK PE1UOO COL. GOKTHALS AT THK TIIKOTTI.H (iATCM DAM AND LOCKS THE CULEHRA CUT SANITATION OP THK ZONB , THK INDIANS OF PANAMA SOCIAL LIFE ON TIUS CANAL ZONK LABOR AND THK GOVERNMENT OF THIS ZONE ' FORTIFICATIONS; TAXES; COMMERCE DIPLOMACY AND POLITICS OF THE CANAL Thai and numerous othr subjects of equal interest ara 11-, lust rated with mora than 800 rare ptatures, many in natural color inga, all of which gladden the eye aa well aa enrich tha mind. It la Indeed iho stor" of Panama in Picture and Prose. I li 1118 III 1 1 Redticl lllustrauon of the Beautiful Uig Dook Size 9x12 Inches. HOW TO (GET ST ffiSS These books are not for sale at stores and can only be had through the Asheville Citizen as explained in this announcement and in the certificate printed elsewhere in this paper. of the cost of packing, express from factory, check ing, clerk hire and other necessary EXPENSE items). And Receive Your Choice of These Two Books "The Land Divided-The World United" This Motto from the Official Seal of the Canal Zone apth expresses the feeling of all the people of the globe THE WORLD UNITED and thus all are interested in the great waterway. It is indeed the dut yof every man. woman and child to KNOW all a hoi it this; wonderful achievement as a part of their education. .'........- PANAMA AND THK CANAL In Picture & Pmtte Thla beautiful big volume is written by Wil'.is J. Abbott, a writer of. international renown, and la the acknowledged standard reference work cf th grout Canal Zone. It la a splendid large book of almost 500 paxes, 9x12 Inches in size; printed, fvom new type, large and clear, on special picf; l,ou nd in tropical red vellum cloth; title stamped a I lllu.sirnuxl ln Rold, wlt" inluld color panel; contains more l than 600. magnificent illustrations, Including beau- V 00 tlful pages reproduced from water color studies In colorings that far surpass any work of a similar character. Call and see this beautiful book that would sell for J4.00 under .Amount of usual conditions, but which is. presented to our readers for Sl.Y C1JITIFICATKS of cimisccuUy e dato and only the J8c Sent by Mail, Postage Paid, for $1,3, and 6 Ceutlflcatea. THEY'RE GOING FAST-ACT QUICKLY Clip the Certificate From Another Page Today and get your book at this office as named herein. Printed daily on another page, clipped on consecu- tive-tlays,- and- the-expense borras-amormr hrcirrser . ' i. At-.. 1 . .A . 1 t t 1.1. DnnnmA Regular octavo size; text matter practically th 1 Olldlllu and sumo as the ti volume; bound In blue Vellum cloth; contains only 100 photographic reproduc tions, and the color plate are omitted. Tata book would soli for 2 under us t ual conditions, but la presented to our readers for SIX Certificates of conduc tive dates and only The Canal ffA OCTAVO V EMTIOX . Amount of EXPENSE 48c opposite the style selected (which covers the items (By George H. Manning.) WASHINGTON, Nov. U.Sena tor Simmons called at the white house today and discussed banklna and currency and North Carolina! some tlm. President Wilson was much pleased with the way Senator Simmons got th tariff bill through the senate without break, and Is seeking advice from enator Sim mons a to th beat method of keeping the senate ln "the straight and narrow path," so as to gel th currency bill through that body. In discussing patronage, Senator Simmons urged the appointment of Sam Rogers, of Macon county, tor a consulship. It 1 Understood Roger can hav8 an appointment it he will accept When he was her several months ago h practically declined a consular office, saying he prefer red an appointment ln Washington. At that time he waa mentioned for consul to Havana. A great number of North Caro linians were ln Washington today, among them Judge Walter Moore, of Jackson county; M. J. Corbett ani H. C. McQueen, of Wilmington; Bam T. Hunnicutt and V. L. Lemay, of Smlthfield, and J. J. Plummer, W. O. Haywood and J. M. Plckel, of Raleigh Moor wa a candidate for district attorney, but may get another ap pointment Hunnicutt la candidate for Income tax collector. Messrs. Plummer, Haywood and Plckel are chemist In the state agricultural de partment, and are here attending the agricultural chemists association. Representative Stedman returned here today. BIRMINGHAM, Ala., Nov. 17. Frank P. Glass, editor of the Birm ingham News and president ot th Montgomery Advertiser, today was appointed United States Senator bj Governor O'Neal to succeed the lat Senator Joseph F. Johnson. Mr, Glass is on of the best known new Pdpermen in the south. , Mr. Glass la 55 yeans old and a native of Alabama, in 1886 he ac quired half interest ln tne Montgom. ery Advertiser, two yeara later be. coming editor of the Birmingham News. In making the appointment. Gov ernor O'Neal said:' "I am still of the' opinion that th provisions of the seventeenth amend ment did not deprive me of power to fill by aonolntment the v&cancv in tie senate of the United States on the death of Hon. Joseph F. Johnston. "Mr. Glass has been for man year one of the leading Journalist! of the state. He has been bold an courageous ln the advocacy of every issue or cause that he haa espoused. He has for long years rendered val ued service to th party, and, while he has never-yet held public office, no one doubts by reason of his long study of economic government questions his wide range of Infor mation, his ability to represent cred itably the state ln the federal sen ate. He 1 in full accord and sym pathy with the wise and progressiva policies of th president of the Uni ted States, 'whose personal friend ship and confidence he enjoys." Ill INIEIflll WILL BE RESISTED BY HUERTA (Continued from Pag One.) 0! Obstacles developed since the fall of Juarez created a feeling of uncer tainty tonight a to the outcome of the diplomatic exchanges between the United States and the Mexican con stitutionalist rebels. President Wilson' representative, William Bayard Hale, conferred twice today with Francisco Eseudero, Car- ranza'a minister of foreign relations. It was evident that the capture o Juarez and other rebel successes ln the Interior had encouraged General ! Carranza's leaders to such an extent that they believed the lifting of the American embargo on the Importa tion of arms was not as necessary as previously it had seemed. On the other hand It appeared that the original expectation of the Insur gents that the ban of the transfer of war munitions across the line would be lifted had been met with more definite requirement from the Washington government The parley between Mr Hale and General Carranza and the latter's representatives reached a crucial stage last night. After a conference with Mr. Hale t(iay, Foreign Minister Eseudero said he expected the ne gotiations to end within 2t hours but he would not venture no prediction as to the outcome He added, however, that there would be another meeting perhaps the final one, tomorrow. Since' last night communications to Mr. Hale from Washington have been unusually long. ' It required the entire staff at the consulate, assisted by Mr. Hale, to translate them today from the code. ulunt Sally's Advice to Beauty Seekers Bed Nose. The nose Is a more del icate organ than most people imag ine. It should be touched a little as possible. For undue redness the treatment recommended ln following paragraph will be found effective, Apply without rubbing. Muddy Skin. The sanest, safest and surest method of giving a clear, healthy, transparent appearance to the complexion is to apply ordinary mercollzed wax every night for from one to two weeks. This wax, obtain able at any drug store (one ounce Is sufficient), actually takes off a bad complexion by gently and gradually absorbing the thin veil of surface skin. The new skin then ln evidence Is as fresh and velvety as a young girl's. The wax Is applied like cold cream and washed off mornings. Wrinkles. A harmless lotion made as follows has been found very effec tive ln cases ot wrinkles and crow's feet: Powdered saxollte, 1 o., dis solved ln witch hazel, 1-2 pt. Bath the face in this daily for awhile. Woman's Realm, A SMITH WHIPS, NEGRO. ....... - J - - BOSTON", Nov. 17. Gunboat Smith, of New Tork, was given the decision over Sam Langford of Boston, at th end of a twelve-round bout here tonight. FIERY SPEECHES m RElUIIONSjT MEETING (Continued from Page One.) Sent by Mall, Pontage Paid, for 7 cents and 6 Certificates. land never being used for canal pur poses, but for the copper It con tained. Exaggeration Impossible. John H. Walker, president of the Illinois mine workers, who has spent months ln the Calumt region, said ' tt would be impossible to ex aggerate - conditions there "which would disgrace the most barbarous country ln the world." John B. Lennon, treasurer of the federation, described the daily pa rades of men and women In the cop. per country. Armed men militia and detective agency employes marched along with the paraders on the highway, he said, seeking to pro voke them to violence. "After midnight," said Lennon, "I walked through the stree'ts of Calumet in company with, Michigan public officials, and aw young sol diers drunk on the streets with re volvers in their belts. I saw them Insult women on the streets." President Gompers said the execu tive council was doing its utmost to aid the copper miners. The convention adopted resolutions urging the unions to work zealously for the eight-hour day: condemning Sunday work, and declaring opposi tion to the movement for Sunday opening of postofflces, and sympa thizing with the postal clerks in their struggle for shorter hours and aboli tion of night work so far as possible. NKW LEAGUE. ... PIERRE. S. D.r Nov. 17. Article! of incorporation were filed with tha secretary of state here today for tht Colored National Baseball League ol the United States. The league Is capitalized for $50,000, and la backed by Chicago men. You will have missed much if you do not hear Dr. Laird. net" i& 111- he t he1 largest shipment of vinegar ever ..made con sisting of a solid train of fifteen cars, was sent recently from a factory In Paris, Texas. mm . i m v TNCATH CiHOKT Today, Tomorrow and Wednesday Mat, S:S0; Eve., 8:80. tf George Kleine Phiit """mill Iff Bkl L3Ho4 1 1 1 in'f.ii 'ftoto Waha Senjatkw TUwi The World's Most Marveloiai Photo Drama. 1 1-4 Hour or Thrills. : Prices -MAT?7"25 MGUTS, 35a and too Ticket at Allison's. CATARRHAL TROUBLE ENDED USE BY0MEI Yon Breathe It No Stomach Doslnj Clears the Head. , Use nature's remedy for catarrh or cold ln the head, one that I harm less yet quick and effective. It is the healing oil and balsams of Hyomel . which you breath through a small pocket Inhaler. This curative and antiseptic air . reaches the most remote air cells in the nose, thrbat and lungs, killing the catarr hal germs and quickly restoring health to th diseased muoous mem brane. Hyomel has benefited so many suf ferers of the worst case of catarrh, with offensive breath, raising of mu cus, frequent sneezing, droppings in the throat and spasmodic coughing that it Is sold by Smith's Drug Stors with a guarantee to refund the money if It does not do all that Is claimed for it A complete Hyomel Outfit, containing inhaler and bottle ot liquid, sells for only 11.00. Extra bot tles of liquid, if later needed, 50 cent Druggists everywhere sell Hyomel. It has been figured out that th screw of an Atlantic liner revolvel something like 630,000 times In the voyage between New York and Liverpool, f 0 S) 6)