THE ASUEV1LLE CUBES, JIOXDAT, MARCH 23, 19U' OPPONENTS SHY THEY ' M Gil DAILY EDITOR'S UURDEH STILL ULSTER JUBILANT IT c IS Pitloa Are- ft V, The Most Complete 'Popular Priced CORSET SECTION In Asheville CB A LaSpirite LaResista-Spirabone Corsets at $1-00 to $3-50 Offers Biggest Returns for Your Money Spring Styles Now on Display The Asheville Dry Goods Co. "Better Goods for less" , Southern State Bank . Glen R ock Station . 'Asheville, N. C. YOCR BAVKI XG BUSINESS SOUCITKD L. B. ROGERS, Pres. ' U. L. FRANOIS, Vice-Pres. g. STERNBERG, V. P. RE. CTJRRENCB, Caahjer. QUESTIONS ASKED BY P0ARO0F TRADE O.'- With, a view to securing the opln 1 . I , , n .ha ion 01 variuus ciwarnn m km wi things of Importance which need the attention of the board of trade, that organization hag nailed letters to .' many Asheville citizens asking two questions: First, "What in your opin ion la the thing of first . Importance that should be undertaken by the board of trade to Improve trade eoa- flltlons and opportunities in your own line of businessT" second, "What, as a citizen, do you believe the board 1 of trade should undertake for the good of the city at large, and what in time, thought or moawy, will you render toward that end?" Scores ot answers have been re ceived from many residents and they , suggest many undertakings for th city's commercial organization. The manner in which the letters are an swered indicates that those person! to whom they have been address have given the two questions thor ough study and 'are sincere In their suggestions to the board. ' CHENEY'S EXPECTORANT ' Cures Croup, Whooping Cough. Fifty year on the market and sold everywhere for 2 8c. Best medicine for croup, colds and sore throat aftec--tlons. Don't be led away by new and untried 'remedies. Stick to Cheney's Expectorant It la sure, (Advt.) - COLLEGE BASEBALL ATLANTA, Ga.. March 22 Mo;--than thirty games are schedule J to be played this week by the college base bail! teams of the South. Pract'c.lly the larger, southern institutions games, several of which are ex pected to be of sufficient Importance to affect - the final ranking of ' the schools.. .There also . are several in tersectlonal games scheduled, includ ing the following: Washington and Lee vs. Bucknell, it Lexington. Vs., Monday, Tuesday. South Carolina ve. LaFkyette. at Columbia, 8. C, Monday, Tueeda.p-an Wednesday. Texas A. and M. vs. Chinese univer sity," at College Station, Texas, Wed nesday and Thursday. . Trinity vs. Vermont, at Durham K c, Thursday. Virginia vs. Amherst, at Charlottes ville, Va.. Friday. ATHXJETIOS START NORTH. JACKSONVILLE, Fla.. March 22. The Philadelphia American league team, which has been in Florida for the spring baseball training season. started northward tonight. Various exhibition games are scheduled en- route to Philadelphia, the closing contests being with the Baltimore In ternational league team at Baltimore, next Saturday , and Sunday. ADMIRAL FARATELM DIES. ROME, March 2. Vive Admiral Faravelli, who commanded the Italian warships at the bombardment of Tripoli In October 1911 diled today. Nurse Proclaims Skin Cure Myrtle Hahn Says D. D. D. . Rockefeller's M "Ten years I suffered with ecsema three years of that time I could not appear in public. My entire body was oovered with the disease. I could not eat I could not sleep. I could not live. I have at last found the Treat Prescription D. D. D. My body Is clean, smooth. If there were one bottle only of D. D. D. In the world and I had It, Mr. Rockefeller's mil- -,, I ions could not buy the golden fluid." -J Nurse Myrtto Ilahn (In care Watts' HcspJtaU Durham, N. C) . Hofw about you T ' If you have any skin blemish or a Uttle rash, do not let It develop Into D.D. D. Soap Keeps LOCAL POLICE MAKE A CLEVER CAPTURE With only the description of a mau to work on, the local police depart nient made what is considered an ex cellent capture yesterday In the ar rest of Joe . Burnett, charged with larceny. Not only was Burnett ar rested, but a gold watch, a Savage automatic pistol, a pair of gold cult links and several other articles which he is alleged to have stolen from the offices of Dr. C. D. W. Colby and Dr. W. L. Dunn, 18 Battery Park place, were recovered. ' The articles were missed Saturday afternoon and a complaint was made to the police. The description of a man who had been seen in th of fice during the evening before was given, and acting on this the polios located the : articles and ' arrested Eurnett.- The prisoner was released from the county roads only about five months ago where he was sent to serve a sentence of twelve months for larceny of a safe from the Candy Kitchen He will be given a bearing In poltei i court this morning. MAGAZINES CAftRY STRONG ARTICLES "The Metal Worker," a New York publication devoted to the Interests of the plumbing trade, carries an In teresting article In the current num ber dealing with the' nature of : plumbing system Installed at Grove Park Inn. The article was fuVntshM by the local board of trade and gives an excellent description of the plumb ing at the local hostelry. Buncombe county as farm produc ing region Is boosted in The Progres sive Farmer, the board of trade fur nlshtnakn article dealing ' with the profltdJrlved from the planting of cornybn la plat of land on the Bllt mor eetaje. The sum of $110 Was peninthe production of the crop, while 12,410 was realized from the sale of the corn. MAY TRANSFER HEADQUARTERS CHICAGO, March 22 A plan lo transfer headquarters of the 'Natipna) Democratic Congressional committee from Washington to Chicago Is un der consideration by some commit tee members, according to Charles E. Boeschsnstein, Illinois, member of the National Democratic committee. The Illinois committeeman said he ex pected the headquarters to be estabt lished here before June. TELEORAPH RESXTWES, MEXICO CITY. March 22. Tele graphic communication with Torreon interrupted at noon Saturday, cut off. is still i As attack of malaria may kep Heine Wsiner. shortstop of the Red Sox, out '.f the game until the cham pionship season Is under way. Prescription . fllions jto Her. is Worth something more serious. Remember D. D. D. Proscription has been recog nized for fifteen years as ths standard skin remedy. It always helps, and If used according to directs na. It should cure In a short while. All druggists sell this sUst-ard remedy, but If you come to us. we will offer you the first full size bottle with the guarantee that unless it stops the ltah at once we will refund the pur chase price. ' Ask also about D. D. D. skin soap, containing the same healing Ingre dients. It keeps the skin always clean and healthy. Smith's Drug Btor Your Skin Healthy (Continued From Page One.) titration whereby the,. United' States would assume a limited protectorate over Nicaragua. , : Investigations of consideration In the Michigan copper mrnes will be resumed tomorrow morning by th bouse committee on mines and min ing, with John Mitchell, formerly president of the United Mine, work ers, on the stand. Canvas Situation. Believing the foreign policy of the administration depends on the vote on the repeal ' of the Panama tolls exemption. President Wilson and hli advisers in consultation ' today can' vaaaed the situation. It la unusual for the president to be at his office on Sunday, but he spent most of the afternoon there with Postmaster General Burleson and Secretary; Tumulty. They talked with administration leaders In con gress and learned that while there was little reason to doubt the ultl mate triumph of the repeal, a stub born opposition had arisen, particu larly in the house and that those In charge of the- administration fight there would have to work hard to overcome It. One of the peculiar phases of the. situation is that Speaker Clark. Ma jority Leader Underwood, Represen tative! Kitchen, Fitzgerald, and oth ers, usually etitgned with the admin istration in its policies, are opposing it now. With this opposition are many republicans and progressives, and the probability of a clone vote l Increasing daily. It generally Is ad mitted among the president's friend that he la confronted with the most serious opposition he has encountered and they point out that' the general effect on the nations foreign relation on the event of failure of the repeal would surely lead to considerable embarrassment In various other dip lomatic questions now pending. NEWS FORECAST WASHINGTON, March 22. Poli tics promises to monopolise the cen tre of the sage during the coming wek. State, congressional and mu nicipal primaries and conventions, in the east and west, north and south, are included In ths calendat of poltical events, Primary elections to choose con gressional candidates will 1 held' Tuesday in the seventh district of New Jersey and the twelfth district of Massachusetts, In the f I rat to name a man to fill out she unex pired term, of the late Representa tive Bnemner and In the second to fill vacancy caused by the resignation of Representative Curiey, who has be come mayor of Boston. The twelfth Massachusetts district is strongly democratic and the- contest there Is confined to a flgnt for the demo cratic nomination. The New Jersey district, however, Is regarded as more or less doubtful and both the demo crats and the republicans are pre paring for a strong fight. The progressives- and the socialists also will have candidates. The . elections In both districts will be held April 7. A general primary will be held in South Dakota Tuesday for the nomi nation by all parties of candidates for United States senator, repre sentatives in congress and governor and other state officers to be voted for next November- Interest cen ters chiefly in the contest fqr ths republican nomination for United States senator. Senator Cos I. Craw, ford is a candidate for another -term and has as his principal opponent Congressman Charles N. Burke. - Fof the ' gubernatorial nominations the leading contestants are Governor F. M. ' Byrne, representing th progres sive republicans; Henry . B. Ander sen, representing the stalwart of minority faction of the republican party: R.. O. Richards, who Is run ning as an Independent candidate, and J. W. Mci'adcr. who has len Indorsed by the majority faction of the democrats. . Arkansas will make a choke of United States senator and governor and other state officers at the pri maries to be held Wendesday. Uni ted States Senator ame P. Clark Is a candidate for re-eleetlon and Is opposed by Associate Judge W. F, Kirby. A prlmsry to be held Tuesday will practically decide who Is to be the next mayor of Milwaukee. The con test Is one of the most spectacular In the history of that city. The may oralty candidates are Gerhard A. Badlng, the prssent mayor. . who seeks re-election as a non-partist- candidate: Emll Beldel. the former socialist -mayor who aspires to restore- the -socialist - party-in f ontrol of the city affairs; David 8. Rose, who served five terms as mayor, and Theovsld Ot.1e.n, forrmer representa tive In congress. The real contest ) believed to be between Biding and Seldel. i Other political events of the wek ' will be the state convention -of th ! progressive party in Maine, a meet. ! ing of the democratic state commit tee of Minnesota lo discuss ths gov. 1 rnorshlp and plans for the coming campaign, and a atrial election In Ironton, O., to decide on the adop- ; tion or rejection oe a new city char- i ter that provides for the manageriaL commission plan of governmnet. The celebration of the three hun dredth anniversary of New York city as a port of commerce will be ush ered In Friday with rellKlous exer cises. The day will be the O0th an niversary ef the granting of th.e first Sonera) cnaner lor regular com- merce with what ! now New York hy the United Nethtrlands. -.,. .,. . Fanny, Crosby, the blind writer of gospel hymns which a-re known tbe xtorli over, will entr upon hot ninety-fourth year Tuesday. , Th King's daughters has requested peo. pie In all parts of the world whs have been helped fcy her hymns t war volteta In honor of the day Mi l0th annivM - rriaay win oe me isotn annivers ary of the battle M Horseshoe Bend, In which General Jackson decisive- Protests Made That Slayer is Receiving Favors in the Prison. PARIS, March 23. The killing last week of Gaston Calmette, et'Jtor of rigiwro, by Mme. CaUluux, wife of thejDeivin, M. P., for Belfast, said th former minister of finance, continues Irish prty nevur hud iKltf.l for an to absorb both. the public and thej"r1my 1,1 Ulster. If the government newspaper. Interest In the esse, which had been diverted by the In vestigation Into the postponement of J the trial of M. Rochette, charged with extensive swindling operations, today again was focused on Mme. Caillaux prison life. Protests that Mme. Caillaux is re pelvirg excessive favors and comfort in Saint Ijarare prison today assumed forinldaiMe proportJnhs. The chdoj of the pen department of the ministry of the imerfor declared today that Mme. Caillaux was Mng treated o accorAinos with the prison regula tions. All was "quiet tod-ay along the ap proaches to Saint prison. A etvxmg force of police, iioweer, was kept on duty In 'the vicinity of the jail to prevent possible dtMurbance, Mine. Csjlllaux passed a restless1 night following the lengthy examina tion she underwent yesterday. Ths occupant rf a neighboring cell said she heard Mme. Caillaux moaning and complaining of a headache dur ing the night. She had little appetiu fof breakfast and declare she was eufffvlnsr from a severe headache. She declined to see the prison doctor! however.- While the other prisoners were at maso Mme. Callluux d reared herself In the ckithea she wore the day she shot M. Cttlmette, and at 3:30 o'clock went into thetch,pcl, where o special mass was said fjor her and i few nuns. Mme, Caillaux followed the eervilcee with the deepest devo tion. BRANCH MEETINGS ARE WELL ATTENDED Both branch meetings of the Y, M. C, A. yesterday afternoon were well attended and an excellent address was made at each. Rei. T. B. Williams, chaplnin of the Mission of the Goo 1 Samaritan, spoke to the men's mew ing at the railroad Y. M. C. A. hall near the Bouthern pmenger sUt'on. This address was delivered especially for railroad men and the text follow ed by the speaker was, Let me live In 'a houso by the side of the roaa and be a friend to nmi" A fenlure of the meeting was the solo of Mrs. C. S. Davis. The Riverside club house was crowded at the mans meeting for men and women which was addressed by Rev. C. XV, ,Btes, pastor Of the Meth odist Protestant cnurch, on h sub ject "Power." All of the meetings at this place are being well attended and Intense Interest is being manifested. An excellent musical . program was rendered at this service. O'SHAUGHNESSY RETURNS. , VERA CRUZ, March 22. Nelson O'Shaughnessy, the American charge d'affaires, cut short hi stay in Vera Crus and started on his return for Mexico City tonight, accompanied hy Thomas B. Hahler, British charge d'affaires. Mr. O'Bhaushnessy found he was not dorlvlng any benefit from the coast climate because of a heavy norther and excessively cold weather, He also desired lo confer with Rear Admiral Fletcher prior to the ad miral's departure from the capltol for this clly tomorrow night. Arnold Shanklin, American, consul general In Mexico City, arrived from the capital this morning on persona! l uMness. He glso ronferred with Mr. Llnd and returned to the capital to night. ly defeated the Creek Indians and forever ended the Indian warfare In the south. Arrangements have been made for a celebration of the centen ary near where the engagement was fouht In Tailapoosa county, Ala bama. Woman suffAge will be the toDlcl on which thikdebating teams of) Harvsrd, Prtfcf'-ton and Yale will dispute at their annual triangular! arguments next Friday night. Events of the week abroad will' Include the annual Oxford-Cam-; bridge boat race on the Thames an1 the meeting of Emperor William ' end King Victor Kmanuel at n Ice. Stork and Cupid Cunning Plotter. Many New Home will Have a LttUs Sunbeam to Brighten It There Is some drrsd In every woman's tnind as to the probable pain, distress snd danger of child-birth. ! I'.ut, thanks to a re markable remedy known ss Mother's Friend, the period Is one of Joyful antici pation. Mother's Friend is penetrating, exter nal application. 1 1 makes the muscles of the stomach snd ab domen nllsnt an thcr exosnd eaiilr and naturally without pain, and with none of If Vvlir nana-a, nervousness sod ! other oymptoms that tend to weaken the , .,..i,, vh. .,nM .ml th. stork are rated as cunning plotters to her ald tbe coming of a little sunbeam to glad den the hearts and bones. Thousands of women know from experi ence Mother's Friend is one of our greatest contributions to happy imrtberhoodi Sold by til druggists at $1.00 per bottle. Espec ially recommended as a preventive of cak- txessL 1 Write t Bradfield Regulator Co., 231 Ismsr Bldg., Atlanta, ;., for their yaj Babls Vxjk to expectant mothers. (Continued from Page One). gument that officers and men who refuse to coerce Ulster might refuse. In the future, to participating in the uuelllng of rlots.'does not hold good, there being no comparison, he says, between civil war and a riot. Speaking at a nationalist demon stration at GlasKow tnriuv. i, i?'i .ii auiy 10 see mui law anil order were preserved In the face of threats, the responsibility was the govern- ment's. lf there should be riot and dlsordor. the responsibility waa not the nationalists'. King in London, In order tu lie in clone touch with his ministers during the crisis, the i end, and remained In Iondon. i . what appear to be a reliable ao- 'ount of the defection of theaofttr atrCurragh oonit in a Dublin dispatch, On Friday morning the officer re ceived notification from the war of. ftce that, unless they were prepared for active sen-Ice In Ulster, under certain, contingencies, they should send In their papirs within twelve now. As a result of this notification, sev enty out of seventy-six officers, in eluding Lord Hnlmratrlck. rei.-n.t General Sir Arthur Paget then mm munlcttted with the wur office and subsequently had a conference with the Curragh officer. , .. - General Paget told them that the war office was wtllintr to accept the resignation of General Gough, of the third cavalry Iirlgnde, anij the settlor officer of his stuff, Major Kearsley, but that the ot;is tild be individ ually liable for tholr refusal to serve, which meant they might be oouHmar tialled. General flough and Major Kearsley declined to ubiH the trfer of special treatment snd said they would stand or-fall by their brothw officers, w General Paget gave assurance that the movement of troops to Ulster wn Intended merely for the protection of government property, and on this as- LOW SHOES LOW PRICES LOW SHO ES LOW PRICE3 03 w o HI (A P4 o For Why pay H(X), I $1.98 $2.48 $1.98 ri $2,48 In Eighteen Shades S1.98 Our stock of Sjiriiifj Hample Low (Quarters is complete, We are ready to show them and guarantee. to. save you money on all your family, shoes. . . w w o w CO o Hi THIS IS TOE ONLY SAMPLE SHOE STORE IN THE CITY CO w o o Hi LADIES Reg. Priee $4.00 Queen Quality $4.00 American Lady $3.50 American Girl ... $450 La France . . . $4.00 G rovers .... .. $5.00 Patrician .... LOW SHOES NEW: A choice and well Selected assortment of th .. newest styles is represeiklfd and the greatest care has been bestowed on the workmanship, linings, and 'other features. They are mostly distinctive one of a kind models that will insure you a .certain degree of individuality in dress that is difficult to secure iu ready to wear garment stores in' cities the size of Afcheville. Your inspection is all we ask. ii ranee ths officers eventually agreed to proceed to ITlstVr for police duty, but resolutely rrlucyl to undertako hostilities against th Ulster loyalists. This decision was orwarded in a special message to London. It Is un derstood that there are additional provisional resignations from other regiments and that the government has decided that the officers domi ciled in Ulster r ill not be compelled to undertake active tervlce ugaluot their will, but will be 'given the option of resignation from the army or pro longed leave of absence,' The regulation governing the of floers pos'tlon la as follows: "An officer shaft not be permitted to retire voluntarily unless It is deemed expedient by the army council." (Etok Sample C Your Family Shoes $5 00 and $G.()0 when you can for aJ ik. REMEMBER SHOES' Our Price .....$2.98 $2.48 ....$1.93 $2.93 . . . .$2.48 $2.98 LOW PRICES LOW SHOES PRING UlTS W.50Up EARTHQUAKE IS OHIO. CLBVELAiNO, Ohlu, March ttarth shocks which continued from 12.28 a, ni., until 7 a. m., were re-, corded by the seiwmojjraph at St. Ignatius College today. ; rtov. Odsn bach, the curator, said the quake was the longest he has recorded In many years. Ths maximum wave, coming at t:30 a. irw lasted 15 sec ond It was his uplnlmi that the ' point of origin was In the far east, possibly China. In tli s practice games of the De troit Threw the sweet walloping of one Kavanauah caused H. Jemnmgs to no visions of aixrther Cobb or Craw ! ford.v V. ...:.-... v : - J 5 S o ri buy them in our utoriQ s S TANGO PUMP All the latest rcoe for less money hi HI Q LOW PRICES uT

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