4-.- ' 12' I.1R. GROVE IS GUEST AT GROVE PARK Mil FEMALE MINSTRELS PRESENTJ00OSH0W Unique Production Pleases large Au COTTON ARMOR PLATE FOR 11. S, WARSHIPS r LH.LAVJ '- IS rATTOH ATX. - Honsrfurnialilrig Dep'L ".' (IX B.JEMJJT) . Our hooacfnrnlahlng det. la fnll of many articles that ' save tune cod Ubor for ! the) bonaekneper bdow we call . attention to very useful - aruole being "ed by bundled of onr oruftomere. 1 Automatic gg Beater, Cream I whip and Mayonnaise Mixer bAHMM, QUICK, EFFECTIVE r Operates with One X Hand i Everi House Keeper Should : Have Cne Price 25 c ea; i. H. LA IV im ARE NOW looted at 14-16 N. Main St ', LANGHEN BLDO. with complete) line of bold outfits. ! The 1XL Dept. Store I M l X. Mala St. rtmoa 10T REITERATES STATEMENT OF HOTEL'S ENLARGEMENT. HJgJJy pleased' with Volume ot - ! BubMM Pone Burins; Tho Ho lei's First Season. . B. W. Grove,, of St. LouJ. ul Aeihevllle, owner, of Qrove Park Inn baa arrived from an extended trip to Florid and will spend some Itms In AaharvtUta. Mr. Grov to greatly pleas aA with ths manner In whteh Aahe Ttlla attractlnf Tiedtore and upVn tin arrival ha reiterated tha statement which baa been mads through Tha Cltlien on several oocastor that at wai rtgJnally planned whan the hotel u begun add! Mont) -will be made from time to time aa the business denlande them, "We axe dellgtoted with the man ner in Which Owe Park Inn la at tracting visitors," said Mar, Grove but night, "and we are assured that the Inn ervsntually will ' hewe to be en- lated. Of ' oourae, wa have not yet made any rXlntts plana for Increasing lihe oapaclly of the Inn, although aa wee generally known vrhen. the hota! Wat built,' wa arranged K In suoh a manner aa to enable ua to add to It Srom time to ttine." ; 1 Mr, Grove will reat and recuperate here for several day a and h may decide to remain In Aahavtlle until the arrived of Fred L. Seely. When It la decided to enlarge Cia capacity of the hotel, Mr. Seely will bave mruoh to ay what ehell be dona, Mr. Grove tatlnc laat night that no action will be taken until Mr.' Seely return to thli city. SOME DAT WK WILL MAKID TOtB GLASSES Why No! Now? Onr Intelligently ' apptled gf . rlo means batter i lor yon. ..." Ch-ite D. lioness Optometrist and Optician. U Patton Are Opp. Postofflc, COAL BIN Empty ; FHONH 40. "Another Load VM.&W. Please." Asfceville Cc:l Co. North Pack Sqaan. - F. It WEAVER, Manager. W. D. Arthur Sheet Metal Works . Formerly v UEADOWS & ARTBUB 4 Market St. Phone 8114 dience at the Majestic Theatre Good Vestures. Boyle Woolfolk's "ttlaoat Mine trele", a "big time tab," opened an engagement at the Majetlc t heater ytatarday afwrnoon and dellKhted three large audiences at the matinee and evening performances. The at traction la novel along many live, unique in various particulars and en joyable In every detail. ' CHood muelo, Jokes that differ from thoae of the average minstrel In that they are not antique, pretty costumes and fancy dancing make the first part a riot of fun. Jiotin P. Ree entertaining his audience a la "Iloney Boy" Bvana kcepe It In ui wproar and Arthut Cain and Transfleld a 1st era In a musi cal comedy act keep tne audience pleased. . The final (part, "The lllurtcmlstJi," li a laughable skit whl'4i givea Itiea Bellalr an opportunity to win tha audience with her voice and preeenii a chance for the Rldh&rdt sisters te dance again for those who didn't get enough In the ft ret part The production opens with tha Showing of the company In the "movies, " a grand review of the preliminaries to beginning the show being presented. From the time the nyperator in hta booth turne the cur rent Showing the mfmrtroln altghttng from tha train unWl the urtan Is rung down on the grant?) finule "by th, entire company," the audience la given many opportunities to ahow It dettgnt In varied forms of amuse ment. In fact the "Petticoat Mins trels" may be classed as one ot the very .beet attractions that has yet visited the Majestto, and thoa. who miss seeing It during, its engagement here will deny 'themselves a treat. Tins IS PIAY OF OrUXEL THORSTQX. llkkory Man Has Madiine for Mak Ing Armor from Cotton Say Its Better Tnan Steel. u L Lavender Amethysts Violet Amethysts J Pink Amethysts Rhodolites Native Gems Beautiful to Behold Lovely to Have Satisfying Prices Unusual Colors Oii designing and manufacturing de partments are at your service. Arthur M. Field Co. oxn 1 U lirCKOHT. 3Iach J3. Col. Mar- callus B. Thornton, in ap, mtervlew' today, gave out the following In formation In regard to making armor plate from cotton for the big ships of ths navy: "In writing to fiecretary Daniels, who la an old friend of .mine In re gard to making eteel armor plate from the first process at the plant which I am going to erect on Catawba river, near this city, I IncWcntelly mentioned that I had not abandoned my plan of maiding armor plate from cotton which . I devised about twenty-flve years ago. . "TJie plftn eonalat.i eolely In the compound conrpresslnir of cotton,' by a specially devised max Mne of my own Invention, Into armor plate wliich would be impenetrable elmply be cause the elasticity of cotton In its compound oonvpreseed condition would cause a projectile to rebound, where as, as to steel belmg rigid, a pro jectile can be made pointed enough to. penetrate. "Aa to Impenetrability, which Is the thing dwelred on one hand, It la the elasticity of the fibrous cotton con atltutlng the plate that augments Its service In that respect. Whereaa, for penetrability, the steel or hardened pointed projectile can penetrate any metal or body In the plate line that Is rWrtd. "The whole thing, therefore, re solves Itself to the mere question of making an armor plate . Chemically constructed as to be Impenetrable and on the other to construct a projectile that ' would penetrate any kind of chemically hardened metal, As Stated by me several years ago, this would open up another market for southern cotton, and also would be cheap armor for a battleship; aa a fow thousand bales would be sufficient tor the armor of the largest battleship of onr navvy. "The double compound cotton com press Is a specially devised press for the purpose of oompreselng cotton In the (roper shape and form andthat constitutes my Interest in the game. I have not yet appllm?. for the pat ent, and lif Benretery Daniels wishes to try H out, I would be willing to turn over my plans In detail to him. When asked If he.-was going to hews the devise patented, he replied that it depended altogether whether or not he found a market for hie product ' This device was conceived by Ool. Thornton about twenty-five years ago. and plan, were practically completed c -ir mm" "CORONA DRY" Arsenate of Lead IMh.lfU Mffsss Mm ajnr miitm. ttMawatkla asjusg-aeatrilalag.iilil. sMOTtBfn TRY SOME FRESH HOME MADE CARAMELS CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB CAFE. 1TEAB POSTOFFIOB. PHONK 110. HAYWOOD STREET rNFPKNlHET ROOMS FOR RKJfT DIXIE MOTOR CO. BUICK 9S Pbone SOS. 1085 OS to 40 If. Msia CITIZENS TRANSFER . COMPANY 48 Patton Ave. Phone 25. . We are prompt, reliable nd respooslbU. Merchants' haul tog, furniture ma' Ink storage, packing and ahlppinj. Prompt uaggagft . transfer orrl;a. ; En l.iraed by V, C, T. A T. P. A. TTPANOY iTHOICE ELECT owls hops Steaks ROASTS OF QUALITY SR MEATS STAR MARKET Phones: 1917, 1918, 1919. Ve are anoeeasfml caterer o a vartoty of appetite. BURPEE'S t MW SPRiCER SHEtT PEAS Illuminator, a rich, giovrir.g ce ' rise-pink and salmon orange col- tori King White, the largeat and Aneet white; Wedgewood. - a unique shade of light or Wedge ' wood blue; Empress Eugenie, a delicate light gray, flaked with lavender. Any of the- above. tio per packet. " Grant's Pharmacy ' Drus and Seed. Don't Hesitate but come In and call for what you want. Anything and errrrythlng Sporlina Goods, Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Leather Goods Thousands of other articles that yon might 'need. THE STOKE OF VARIKTIF.9 BLOMBERG'S Sporting Goods and Toy Store, 17 PATTON AVE. pS" that lwyt ha the tim. ttrength. You cannot Bte a naata iraenate and be lure of uniform itreneth. Lars and practical map in ll utliHt,Jr all jurftet, iaitrrvtJ that In "Corona Dry' you do get this very thing plua highest poiaoolng power, and abaolut ufety Urtest nd Most Frorreattv Growers Everrwher. aktt"Cnaa Do" ku mtc4 tcl. an tinn aUa aicicBcr m . riiM, chiiiM im mum, w han4U IM a mm mitarUl n wti, aiixM and mi oo mlBUr-cH N awiMM tiny una car- mmlum Cuui mm, nmtM mil ImfHnt humu 01 Don rmlt an iim MM. Ob soon, el Com Dnr" will otiMimkal MiMpooadioi ott ktnrt. Writ, tot bookUv. AtklM Oonk"TnIuanDe" Poller. AM im CORONA OM1MICAI. CO. fMpi. MUwnkM, WkMMMka at feat S3? f 1 a Br Have you seen the new Hart Schaffner & Marx ; Style Book? IT'S now ready; and it's worth your while to look it over carefully. You'll get the right ideas about the kind of clothes you ought to wear. The book will do these things for you: 1 Show you in a series of fine illustrations, the correct styles in clothes for men and young men. 2 Tell you' why ready-clothes are best for you to buy; and why Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes are best among ready clothes. 3 Give you some good suggestions - as to what you ought to pay for good clothes. 4 Give you some information as to the effects of the new tariff law on men's clothes. These are a few of the interesting points in the book; it's worth any man's attention; let us, know, if you don't get a copy, m. v. MOORE & CO. 11 Patton Ave. Dunlap Hats, Manhattan Shirt. Phone 74 This store is the home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes to erect a plant at Norfolk for the c'onstpuotion of the armor plate, but for some reason was ttftver iput Into effect - DEIFRiTFS ARRIVING AT HENDERSON VILLE HENDERSON VI LB, March The first of more than 300 delegates who will, attend the twenty-fourth annual session of ths Baptist Wo man's Missionary union of North Carolina arrived today for a three days' meeting. The conference of vice-presidents will be held tomon row, and Dr. Calvin B. Waller, of Aalievllls win deliver the annual ser mon tomorrow night. Acoommoda tlona have been provided ' for more than 100 delegates and an interest ing program has been arranged. TRY A CHOICE: CROWN ROAST OR SADDLE OF LAMB Thoy make a very attractive -dish for your table' HILL'S T. . Mornson & co. 80-84 Patton Avenue. ... agkicji For Western North Oaroltn, Headquarters for Bean A Myers Spray Pomp, and Ac- cessonea. " SPRAT MATERIA IA "STERUNG" Heavy Service Bicycles Experience has taught a number of Ashe vl He merchant that bicycled are the most economical delivery to be had, provided a good strong bicycle, made for that purpose Is used. Sterling Bicycles are built for heavy service work and will give satisfaction. J. M. BEARN & CO. No. 4 Bailer; Park Place Stuffed Olives in Bulk These are extra large sized ones stuffed with pimentoes, splendid for making sandwiches. Pint Bottles 30c, Quart Bottles 60c YATES & McGUIRE 87 Haywood Phone 1716 and 1714 City Market Phone .34 1 Seed Potatoes I offer selected Maine grown stock which la raised for reed purpose I fears in stock and to arrive In a few days ths following varieties: " ; . " EARLY ROSE UUKH COBBLER B17RBANK EARLY BLISS GREEN MOVXTAXjr PEERLESS SPKCIAU PRICES IN UAROE LOTS, Canadian WOTklngjnen are andeav. ' g to, bar the government estab- ft penstea system. Li STjR.ICK.ER. 44 WEST COLLEGE STREET PHONE 14H4. Wholesale and Retail Roods and Ponltry Suppllei. Try a ton of our Blue Gem or . Jellico Lump Coal. There is none better. Everything Qectrical lor The Automobile Edison Mazda Bulb 1 CP. for Tall Lights.... 85c 4, 4 and t CP. Side Ughts.40c IX. 'l 5 and 14 CP. Head Lights 50c 14 CP. Head Lights S5o These bulba are 4 and 7 volts, with alngle and double conne . tlona . ", 111 BsayM t"nd tlr-1 " pnEDMONt ELECTRIC CO. 4 Patton Ave. Opp. F. O. Offloe Pbone til Tard Phone II We tell Wood and Kindling. . Asheville Dray, Fuel & Construction Co. The oyster we sell are the kind you want they're select and fresh. Astievllle Fisti Company ' CITY MARKET PHONES 289-290-315 "RED WING" The New GRAPE JUICE NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES. 1 Burner ...45.00 2 Punier .S7.M S Burners .......... ... 14.30 4 1:ijik rs ... Ili.OO r-Brown-Hardware Company . . SS NORTH MAIN ST. PnONB SJ. WITH THE BETTER FLAVOR. Oontaln. no water, preserrattTta or coJorlac matter. Absoiutety pure. ROGERS GROCERY CO. Wholesale Distributors, Phone 96. . - . ',. ' - : ' ; "THE TASTE TELLS." With a ALL THE BEST III MUSIC IS YOURS i ' - Demonstration free at ) r . .. -' Dunham's Musk House ii