i. THE ASHEVirLR CITIZEN, TUESDAY, -J, 2DJI. L I Society and :Th delegate appointed to th forestry meeting by M!m Grace Mc Hardy Jones, prealdont of the Frl lay jpolt'VruB are m follows: Mt. E. II.. Russell, Mrs. F. S. BmitJi, Mr. K, C. Todd, Mrs. r. M. Weaver, lira (V. 8. Whiting J , " Mr. George C. FattUou of Indian apolis, residing at tb Battery Pam hotel' fr- the past, several month, has frse -the harming honteaa.ai tnlte a number of luncheon and din ner parties during her tay here. Judge and Mra It. C. Pugh of Cln clnnatl at the Battery Parle hotel In formally entertained a tow friend, ( luncheon-yetorday. -; . J ' ' ilrf,aQr' J Jetter ofBrooklyn, ' N. Y," entertained " with ' a"dirinel party-Satnrilay'-averjng at, Grove TaTlt Inn. wars' hosts at dinner Saturday .eve ning at their home on Church street. The dinner was riven in honor V Mtvanl Mrs,, It., J. i;ills, cover were laid for ten. (.Mr Roper 4Jlimr and daughter. lie Josephine utliner of Wayneaville a seed-.through Ashevlll en route borne Sunday, aftre a, stay of aigttteen trionths'la gputhero Italy, where Ml r.Vwaa studying velv euiture tyllr. Marvin, Mr. Humphrey and ltr.; ChrUllan ar 'tin Interesting 'trio irom . Altrn,f Jjato,, t who? ara guests at wove rarx inn, air. unrisuan, entertained wltti a dinner Saturday yenlng and ths entire party wai made up of Akron . people. ; AmpncJ wnera mt, ma mis, rireaione wno re spending the winter In Ashevllle. ' Th Duohesi du Chaulnes who ha $en In Aahavtlla a number of wsaks dialling her mother Mr. BhonU hai teen, aeen on the golf course at. thi Aihevlilt Country club almost aver; tine day ainoe aha came; but mads her appearance aoclally at the dinner dance, Saturday evening, at Grove Park Inia ,fha dttthesa on this o caslon, danced throughout the eve ning, and waa atyllahly gowned in tlaok satin mad with a tunle ol diaphanous black net covered with silver baada. Around her neck aha wort yarda of blaok tulle which wm exceedingly becoming to her blond :$m. ' ' ' , Mr. and Mra. W. H. Bird enter tained last. Friday evening at their home on South Main street tn oele bratlon of their silver wedding which H the twenty-fifth anniversary. The housa -wag decorated . wtth irpring fl0W..fnl jottefl., plants .and. re freshment were served kt ft o'clock. AbAot srrtyfrVa 'all'Vjrtnf tti hour lor recelvlnaV . r :;W. J;. Ji; VV'r The Edward Buncombe Chapter of the O. A- B. will hold it regular JMetmg Thursday ! afternoon at tfclnck. at tha' home of Mrs, jjoaepk B. Ttata, 111 Montford avenua. The ubjot of tha programme for Thurs. day will be: "Early Betttement U outh Carolina." :. ' i yi .'.'7;.: is t Tha Wranglera bald their reguiw meeting last night at Tha Manor be. tinning with , tha usual dinner and following; with a most - interesting program. ;.. Mr. Harry t Howell gave tha principle paper for tha avenlng and his subject was "Am I My Brother's Keepart Pr. Lewis me the response to thin. ,. jl jt The lAdles A.Hni unclsty of St. ,Cawranoo'a church uiul others , will meet this afternoon at 3:10 o'clock : wlib Mother da Planck. : Special Price Sale Seasonable: Suits and Coats ' . The remnant of. our last summer's stock, com prising Ooats: - -4 . . Urocaded Eponge or Tango $2r5.00 Values Whjte jpord, Balkan $23.00 Value: $12.50 White Serge Norfolk Coats, patent leather belt, $13.50 Value 'I:''''-',1 $5.00. , n Long oats suitable for Auto, wear; Rajah, Mohair -and Linen. Values up to $20.00 ,t . .. $3.95, $4.95 and $5.95. . SUITS: ' : Plain and Faucv Eponge, well tailored, were s$25.00, now $5.00. In Rope, Tan and 'American Beautjr. . Linen Suits Tan White and Blue. " .i ? .vv $25.00 Values, $4.95. , J -' ' $15.00 to $20.00 Values, $3.95. f ,Special Sales' of Summer dresses, silk dresses,, Evening gowns, waists and tailored skirts, "y. ', Some very interesting prices. m:vMoore tk-Go, 1 1 Patton Ave. ' 3 Personals Mrs. Curtl Bynum will leu a soon for a visit to her home In Wiscon In and will not Keep her usual Fri day at home un:ll after her return. The Ashevtlli) School ' of Musical Art Cave a delightful song recital yesterday afternoon at tha Auditori um studio at-lrDfr e'clock. The fol lowing programme rendered by Mrs. Jessie Larson, soprano assisted by Miss Beth Pseke,. pianist: 1. Indian Lova .Jbyrlca Woodford- Finden (at The Temple Bella b tiess Thn th Dust (c) Kashmiri Song , ' (d) Tilt I Waits . . ' i, Nocturne, O major. Op. 37, No. ; Chopin Mls Peeke 3, (a) Blri and the Rosa . . . Morrocka (b) I liove Thee . ..Grieg 4. Cry of Kachtt ( i ........ Mary Turner Salter 5, Caprice espagnol . .i. . ............ . Mosakowskl . Mis Peeks 6. (a) Marie . , Jensen l (b) flower, Awake "Warner Mr, If. IT. Hlteg, of Johnson City Tcnn., f the'rut of his son Mr. C H. Httes, for several day. Mr. Kites la tt ths iOangren. Mr. Edwin Grove of St. Louis ar rived Sunday, and is a guest at Grove Park Inn.. . Mr. Grove will be In Ashevllle probably ten days. . Mr, and Mrs. Edward Oliver Kills of Peru, Illinois, are Die guests of Mr. and Mra. William 1 tat bold, their brother and slater,., on Charjotte street, Mr, and Mrs. 'Villls are e.i rout home . after havJng spent the winter at Tampa Bay hotel, 7junTa, Fla. They will be in Ashavllle about a week. Mr. and Mra P. t). Francis and son of Chicago, 111'., are due to arrive in tha olty and will "be gueata at tha Battery park hotel. Mr. Francis is president of tha Trade Periodical company, publisher in tha City of Chicago. Mr, Henry "W. Malloy. president of tha Virginia-Carolina Chemioal company, or Columbia, 8. C, spent Sunday In tha city. Mr. Malloy was the guest of Mra James McRae. Mra. Kdwln Plummar of Portland, Ms., left yeaterday for WaonlnKton, where aha will remain a week, latet on going to New York fir a vixlt before r shim lug home.' Mrs. num. met has bee a fueat at Mario Ten race for three Weeks. . Miss May McDowell has returned home from a visit to Clinton, S. C where she was called on account of tha Illness of her nelce Mra" IJgon; who is greatly Improved In health. :( ''V'.'.'-.."?;.': ". ''.' Mr. James Martin of Idaho form erly of this olty is visiting rdnttvet In Ashevllle. Mr. Henry W. Freeny le'i yester day for his home at Balis'. mv. Md after a six waeka' stay at No. 2. Antmi Place. -j Mlaa Snider of Pennsylvania loft yesterday for . visit to Morganton, after a week's stay In Ashevllle, . Mra Edward I. Holmes and son. Jack, have returned to their iom on Balrd street after a visit of sev eral wk with Mr. Holmes' sister, Katine m Rose, Tan and $12.60. . Style, Black Moiro belt Mrs.' Charles. Met at Decatur Ga. Mr. and Mra. W. 11. McEwen "havr returned , home aftor a two weeks' stay- In Tampa and Jnksonvllle, Fla " - Governor and Mra Lion Stevens .! niece MJss Marie Steven of ft. Ixiuls, Mo., returned home yesterday after a stay of three weeks at Grove Park Jnn. , Mr. I'UI'lppe Allfjn iu.a gurte ri Ea'l tlmore efttr visit Vu his .parents, Gtmej'al and Mrs. CliurU J. Allen ai their home tn .Victoria. . , Mr. Brewster Chapman is' In the ijfly. ratufned aterday. from, a rwent vlult to Florida and Sparlan burg, fl. C. ,.' '".:." "; ' " Mr,- Ijk:ster Cha(.rnan Is out agala after an Illness at hla home In Urov Park. Mr. and "Mrs. II, A. Beard and family have, returned to their home on Charlotte street., after a atay of several weeka In Florida, . Mrs. Samuel , Forbes la a'it again after "an-tllness of aeveraf weeka iidkaks . axd itm(bim;s. For rent or sal. While the oldest, yet the newest tand best. Phones 1 and 177. Chambers eV Weaver. Co,, tf AllMMtand Cottage Indiuuirs. Native Bankets, liandwoven Cover lets, Bug. Portleren, ate. : Saleerourn op-n from I a. m. to 5 p. m. 11 t -2 Church SU ' AahavlbV, tv THiRTY-SIX GAMES WILL BE PLAYEOjNTHE SOUTH Major League Clubs Are Making Their Ways To ward Home Cities. " ATMNXA, G., March 23. Thirty, alx game", including thoee today, are soheduled to be played tn the south this week by aaaball clubs of the American, National .and JntematJou-J al leaaruea au4 . tha Boutheni aird American 'aaaoolationa; mf enfagod 4a aprln tralnlnf . Moat of tti aajiiei are between repreaeiitativea . of the five orcinilM.U'onal - aHUoutf h a few vt tha oonteata aJJi be 'with ooUect and independent teams. Braotloailly all of the team from the north, have finished their pre liminary work and are maklnf rwy Ui return to their home 34tda. : Tha return northward,, however, , will be by slow atagea In order that the play ers may not be aubJeoteA a too aud dan ohana in cltonate. Tie. erhJbl- Dton r-tnea arranged alone tha north ward sou tea try , tea ma from that sec tion vkll result In none o' tha teams rsadhina; their home oltlea for at least a week or, ten "days yet., ' r ATHTJfrtOH WIV. dJAVAKNAtf. Oa.f Msroh 21. The Pltlldeph.la Amerloan leeue bm.ni today defeated; tha ftavannali tHnith AtltintUj . league club 7 to i. The world's oharmpiona are now on their Journey homeward and will arrlva tn Ffotladeltpivlft early nxt week, after playing- various axhiiblUon games along tha route. Toay'a score: ' , R.u.a PhlladolphJa ............. T 19 I vannah ........ I I 1 Plank. BuaOi, ShawkeV and Lnon. Sclsang; Cheney,' Woolf. Causey and smith. . . MACON TTCTORIOCS. MACON, .Qa., Marah 18.-The Mao. on South Atlantta leaerue team toitav defeated tha Maroer XJnlversjlty nine liv, v f yv v. OIUCKKJRA ARK VICTORS ATLANTA, Oa., March !S. Wis "inti Potwhwrn awsocitatloTi team to u, Med the Atlanta Medical col leg ' i hers 13 to 2. . NASi.cvniU, Tenn., Marcfi ti. Tiie .Vnrthvilla Southern association team defoa,ts)d the Louievllle Amert can aasoote-tlon club hera today S to I. MAY BE MANAGER. BOSTON, Maroii S. "Jimmy Col Una a ata third baseman! Her many year and manafer of tha world's chamipdon Boaton Amertoanav of 1903. sahA today that ha would go to Buffa lo undy to oorrfer with. the own' era ot tha Federal leagrue franchise there regarding his acceptance of the manaawiant of thag teami, ColMns said he would be a candidate for third baste position If ha beoame man? agar. MTCH IMPROVED. , C1UCAOO, March II. Charles A, Cotntitkey returned today muoh Ira iw'oved in health after ruts sojourn In the AHaconln wuoda. He had reoov- sed, ha aald. from the efteota of the tUnees whloh he suffered on the world tour. FIUOQipiT C1IAXGK8. 8T. AWOUffTlXK, nt., Maruh JS -ThV 66. Ioula Natilonal league Juk he the FJilladctpbia 'American leagut clubs second Jeain. made up chiefly of rear ui be, to o runs toera todays the final aacxra being $ to 0 in favor of cH. Loula. Both teams nfade frequent battery Ohangea Soora: ', .., . ..' R..K.S. St. Uiim ...... , ? , o Philadelphia ...... ...... 0 g g Robinaon. Doak.. Snyder and Win go; Bender. Breasler. Boardman and Sturgla, MoAvoy, . ' . , " ; 3X LOSES. . JAOKjSCWniJJl. Fla., March :J. . The Kt. Ixiuts American league team today shut out the Jaokanvi)ia 8outh Atlancio league club here to . v . i . ' R. RE. w iuis ,,,,, ;i? i Weslman and Agitew and Croseln; BurriMtater and Cueto. -' f ... ... .- . GRILM IOST. MORIML Ala. Marab , tl.-The .I - Old Ti3 Seres rvlo-a FS.l Ulcers IlrlCd, Old Wounds Often Bothei "v Man Yeart After. rtnpl who have bea poulticing sad an notating ao old tors far years and ytrt usrrel tt tb aty It heals quickly after using 8. H. H. W Uea you come in reallce that the skis end tn flesb beneath are composed of a aetwork et tiny blond result you olee tb mystery. There are wonderful medicinal properties la a. I. . that follow tbe course of tbe blood stresms Just as nsturally as the most Bonrltblng food tlements. It It really a remarkable remedy, ft contains one ingredient, the active purpose of wblcb Is to stimulate tbe tltsnes to the heslthr selection of Its own essentltl nu triment. And the medlrlnal elements of this mttcblcet blood purifier are Jnst as essentltl to woll-bilsnccd beaita as tne nutritious elementsVof ths meats, grains, fats snd sugars of our dally toad. Not one drop of mlncrsls or drugs Is used In Its preparation.-' Ask for B. H. H. and Just Insist upon having it. And If you desire skillful advice and counsel npoa any matter concerning the blood and skin, writ" to the medical department, Tbe Swift stpelflc Co., 210 Swift Laboratory, Atlanta, ti. Do aot allow some sellout clerk to itrruo the tttnotphere la eloquence over something just is good" a 8. a. s. utware or an substitutes. New York Americans defeated ths focal southern association team hero Klxlay 5 to t. ; . Saore: R. If. K. Mobil . , ,..... ....... i 8 New York . I I FWtx, Keeleyant'i Bmown, Beitger; Keating. Cola And Rey nolds, . - LEON EMANUEL MADE EXCELLENT RECORD Wins In I'ancy Itlvliig; CtMnjictltioii at Nwe Tork' Cltr Made CnusuaDy Good Shoalnc Leon Emanuel, of this city, brother of the M leaps Emanuel and Mrs. A. A, Paul),, of the lUmanuel justness col lege, who is In school at Townnend Harris hail, at New York city, carried away all honors In the fancy diving contest which 'was one of the features of the recent eighth annual high schools swimming, contest for chain- pionsnip, in tna(pooi of tne College of Hie City of New Tork. ' Mr', Emanuel flrtlshed'th 'event with a soore of 1ST po'.nl while the showing of hts near est competitor was U4 points. According to the New York Tribune "Emanuel it Towtiitend Harris hall. ,had comiratlvey little trouble Mv winning the fancy diving competition. He cut into the water like a ktilfe, turning oMflBcult t'its and half turna to hit the wate with scarcely a splaih." , Mr, Emanuel has taken an active part In various forma of sport since ha has been In school at New York and has made some unusually brilliant showings In the waterr His friend here will be pleased to learn of hi excellent showing In the competition, REACH GUIDE IS OUT; irS BASEBALL TIME The 1914 Krach American League guldetlie official handbook Of 'the great Junior major league presided over by famous Ban Johnson his Just made Its appearance, thus ushering In one more base ball season. The book gives a complete review of the. American league's thirteenth eventful season as a major league; complete records and average of tha American league 113 race and play ers; a graphlo story of the American league's successful and Notorious .psurt tn the memorable post-season world's championship series) of lilt between the Philadelphia Athletics) and New fork Giants; a synopsis of all remark able American league pitching feata and also o all tha noteworthy gamea of the HIS season; and a general re view of all matters affecting ' the American league during tha whole of 11J andlM up to date of publica tion. V The National league race of IMS la also fully, treated and exhaustive aver aires of the National league players are furntahetl, together with portraits of the leading players tn the 1113 season. The minor league field has been more exhaustively covered thaa ever before, and the records and av rages of no leas than tWrty-flve minor leaguea are given in full, ' together wtth jrrot(P pictures of champion team of. nearly all leaguea. Ijhveden ,1s to sand an epediltion to the antarcUo retrtona tn 1115 that Is to remain In the far south Ave years. For Freckled, Rough or Spotty Complexions The frei'ktttig, discoloring or roughen ing to 'which delicate skins are subject after expoeure to wind or son, often ap pearing tn early spring, may readily be xotte;i rid of, Mercoilsed wax, spread llglitly ever the face before retiring and removed In the morning with eoap and wster, .completely peels oft the disfigured skin. Let sn ounce of the wax at any dnnglets. . There's no mere effective -"way of banishing frecKlea or other cutaneous defect. Little skin particles come, oft each day. so the process doesn't even temporarily msr the comnleTton, and one n acquires a brand now, spotless, girl ishly heautlttU face. " Wrinkles reused by Weather, worry or tllneea. are best treated by a simple solu tion of powriered saxnllte, 1 oa. dissolved In 44 vt w1ch hasel. Bathing the. face. In. this p reduces truly aoarveleue trans ionaaUaa. AaW f ftnn Mnrnhn i gr 1 1 I Spring j. p:i 'A MM i ivf(i' a R & Q Corsets . Spring Models ' v." J' Corsets for ill. &-0 -Spring show. the,. new topless 'effects so -'Ranted ' by, stylish'aud well dress ed' women. Our stock of corsets embracps all sizes and models, and- whether ydU J are slende.r,:niediuni or inclined ,to stoutness, an R. & G. model is here to fit you. ' : ' ; - tt; & ' (.' corsets are priced at $1 to $5 pairV ; ; v .-.. MEN'S SUITS Gem Clothing Store PATTON AVENUE., OMARTLY -GOWNED women of today demand style in their shoes cor rect Fifth Avenue, New York, style, which the most fashionable women in the world acknowledgo as authentic. Cousins Shoes made in New York for Women possess the smart, distinc tive lines that women ; of discriminating .taste, 'de mand.' v . ;.; . '., '. You have, wide oppor tunity, for choice in the many high quality leath ers and fabrics we are prepared to show you in Cousins Pumps'," Colonials and Oxfords this, season. 'And we can fit you per fectly, 'i '- , : Boston Shoe Store The c'ommittee appointed to revise,; jeTorra.;and!-'irj;,th( laws of .China wijl soon ooromeoua its sittings in lng. . Thre' are to txi about, ge-apy members, three, fromearh provljice; of China proper ."'with addJMonai dele ratr from Trbe. Mongolia -ad Tirk. eataa, ' ..rc: i; ; Kr;ivf ' all ' r A f - - A" 1 1 mm :. Mm 5xcfusi)t0ui(tinety jJppafel Arriving v Xo Department shows such ever changing filctyk a? the.Ready-to'-Wear. Here, new goods come ; pi ly and niom expected on WQ morrow. )ye are now 'receiving our first lot Vof summer Vsh'uresses and lingerie frocks. Dainty crepe ws'viti are also among recent guests.' " " . Spring, suitsj in, all colors, including the popular tancjo shade, are priced at $15-to $75. In silk . and i wool. : . .v ; ; Suspender Paniers, made of taffeta, just the . thing, to finish off, a costume and give it the new Spring style, priced at $7.50; and $8.50. . ' - Balmacaan coats, )ike illustration, priced' at $10 to $25. , V. Colored Ratines and Crepes fine Cotton fabrics One of thci leading Spring materials is the new weave in 1 Jatine. All grades are sold in-our-White Goods Section, the color range likewisa being complete. - - -: - ; . - Colored ratine, in light, blue, pink, old rose Tango, green,;' wisteria, . plaids, checks, and stripes, 27 to 44 inches wide, priced at 29c to $2.00 yard. Ratine; crepe, 27 inches wide, stripes, Tall color e combinations, tor Jipc yard. - Sty lish Jilks to Wake Juiis Bilk suits have proven very - popular "this Spring. The materials most used for them are poplin and taffeta. - ; , ; - Ladies' Home Journal Patterns show any number of good suit styles that wil) aid vbu '' : '..hi making your-Spring I I Silk poplin, in all col; orsj . 36 :, inches vride, priced ;.at $1 to . $1.5C( yard. ' " ; Taffeta silk, in all . t colors, and chafigeabla '$1.50 to: $2.00 yard. 36 ! inches wide. ' 1 ; DANGEs RECORDS ? Tango, Turkey Trot, Hesitation, On' Step, .Two Step, Etc '.' As advanfaed In BatuMay Evemlng? Foot. - FALIfS MUSIC BOUSE Lawn Grass Seed feuist's special Mixture of these, one of the best' for lawns. ' '.-;"' Also full line Garden Seed , and Onion Sets. ; I'lioue orders will have prompt attention. Walker's Drug Store Phones .183 & 132 FULTON ;5t-Carts REASON AI LE PRICES Donald & Donald HOME -ITRNISHER9 " " X. Main Phone 441 A Good Time to inspect our new :bds. ' Another large carload just arrived. . . Burton & Holf "On the B4suara.n In order to eject soma tenanta who refused to Par rent, or to get out. Jmen Stephens tooto the entire roofs n xnre nousea wmcirDe owns in theelln. W. Va. Th ruse worked in two csiea ,bijt tha othea- fenartr; an aid. ooinnem nuunmy, declared tht .blue ely'W g-ood" enough for a"-iof and la still In pose ess ruu. Reasonably faced 3 4i The Very, Oil Of Gladness ' Fills ths (heart of tha man who altsj before a grata full of . pur M. & W. INDIAN COAL and 'watohes' the bright glow of tho fire that slowly eats up J a block rt this f aim o us otoal, a dream of - eomfoi t and joy ' brought Into happy realization. '" rione 1 JO for a too." ' ' CAROLINA ' COAL & ICE CO. 0 Patton Ara, rraliaaoa BMa . " : - - SKAHNQ Olympic This Aftcroooa and Tonight Corner Peoland and Walaat ZINDEL'S r Mother Braad. Tha toes that a -Bnmf fas tha - Phone 578. Society King SHOES ': "''T - ,. . ..... v - and Oxfords for Men ; 50, $100 and $5.00 Fashion Leader for wo- mea ;' " -, l::-r'.' ." $3.00 and $3.50. . The Call Company IT 8. MAIS sr. . 1 s lTaaitrTPer''-lpta- States ts said o be tha "Mother of Ota' forest,; giant raJwowd a the OaJaeraa big tree grove te OaSforsla, It 'Is ssrppoeed- to oootala M1 board Seat af lumber. , , 1 1 m.- V J-.4t i. I., a W 31 t