6 These Spring Days DEMAND New Head Gear Too dua't feel like putting a tot of money into a Folt Hat with Straw . mod a abort distance off, do you? But you DO need new hat Well, lien's the remedy:.. Get Under One of Those Classx A.D. G.$2M Hats Now shown in our West Window. The QUALITY is There; So is the STYLE And Your Bank Account only will know the djfferene. tp in ... , ,' today. ;eg.io is sentenced to thirteen years ARTHUR WHITE FOUND GCILTY O ATTEMPTED AS8AVLT. The Asheville Dry Goods Co. "Popular-Priced Men's Wear." Trial I Short Before Superior Court little Girl Telia Story ot Horror . . .To Court. . . POINTS OF LAW ARISE III OTTIIIGER'S CASE tX SANITY PLEA ENTER U UIS ATTORNEYS. BV Arthur WhRe, colored! charged with attempted criminal assault on a little aix-year-old : white girt, was found guilty In the Buncombe county Superior court yesterday afternoon and was sentenced to a term of thir teen year in. the atate penitentiary at Raleigh. The trial wa hort and oocupted only the latter part 'of the aliarn'oon'a aeeston. The negro con ducted ilia own lefens. The Jury we eut only a ahort tfme In consideration of the eaae and ne surprise waa sx iraned over the verdict by those who the vdno In . the oourt Souttiern State Bank Gleq Rock 6taUoo '' Asbev Ule, If. C ! V ' VOCB BANKING BUSINESS SOIJCrTTCD It B. ROGERS. Pre. R. L. FRAKCIIS, Vlce-Pres. t 8. STERNBERG, V. P. H. E. CX'RREACIl' Cashier. GROVE PARK INN n.w,n. Da1 Tun atWAa llinVlOAtt 1 "fill tn Q9ft Q p. m. Dinner, 6:30 to 8:30 p: m. Visitors to Ashe- VlUe, aibUUUgU UU gUCOWS VI UiWtO Olft I imt ais w vitid to dine and inspect the building. Special uttention given to luncheon and dinner parties, if notified in advance. Orchestra concerts 3:00 to 4:00 p. tcl, 8:00 to 10:00 p. m. Rates $5.00 per day and up Phone. 3000 SPRING OPENING SALE '.,,v;.-,i;--:'. AT THE RACKET STORE Commences Thursday, March 26th at $ a. d. Cotton Thread and Embroidery Thread Will be put on Sale Thursday morning from 10:30 to 11 o'clock only at the following prices: Clark's O.N.T. Spool' Cottori, Thursday morning only, per spool. . .... . . . .3c Sansilk Embroidery Tbad, Thursday morning only, per spool V . .......... 3c Arlington Machine Thread, Thursday morn ing only, per spool . . . .V. 2c Thfl followincr Notions will be tmt on Sale Thursday morning from 11 to 12 o'clock at 'h it n : trie ionowing prices: Paper Pins, value 5c; Spring Sale Price, per paper ....... ,14c Air Float Talcum Powder, 5c value, per can ........... ..... . . , . . . . . . .2c Carter's Ink, 5c value; Spring Sale Price, . per bottle .............. ..3c Pearl Buttons, 5c and 10c value; Spring Sale Irice, per card . . . .3c First Caae In State Court Since 1810, Jury Return Conflicting 1 Decision. MANY MASONS HERE FOR REUNION TODAY CLASS WILL BE ORGANIZED THIS AFTERNOON. From Fourth to Thirty-Second De great will be Conferred by Four Local Orgnntgatlont, White waa arrested a few day ago y the police on the complaint of the mother of the child and when e waa called In police court ah negro we eent to jail tn default of I1.000 bond to await trial before the higher oourt. The caae la one of the wont Chat haa ever come before the court eg Buncombe county and the art dan oe submitted waa ot audi a na- ture throughout Chat it oould not be printed. Th little girl aaaonvpanied by her mother waa the main witness against the defendant and her testimony was praodoalty the same as waa given. in the Polloe court hearing. She told her story slme-ly and although tier child ish mind seemed to be slightly awed before the court sha finished her tale of horror with but slight, hesitation. The mother was also called upon to testify new the ohiW revealed to hr what had happened an 4 how she tiad called the attentton of tlie poiioe.' ur. I B. MeBrayer and LewH Bila made praoUcftily the same state ments as in the police Court. Only one ether witness. Chief f Police Charles K. Lomlnac, wtur called to th stand by the state and hi testlmont was enieny to regard to the arrest of the negro. The defendant took the stand far himself and told a rambling story ot now ne had workeA in the house where the little girl Hved. He was very nervous throughout the trial and his voice shook while he talked, H could give no satisfactory answers to the Questions of the solicitor. He denied charges made by the child and stated that the little girt hag always seemed to have an avereion for him. He was also allowed to plead his ae before the Jury. He told the samo story during his speeefb that he haf. told while on th stand and tn praoti- csuy we same manner. ;r: Only a short time wa consumed by me solicitor in addressing ths jury ana me cnarse or judge W. F. Hard is " m-iex. ime aeiendant re quested thai several character wit- neeses te called to testify In hi. half but this was made unnecessary when Solicitor Robert R, Reynold staieo to tne court that he wwilA admit anything that could be said . the defendant' character up to the trait oi tne attempted assault RECESS TAKEN. Washington, ' March II Th Supreme court took a recess today tintil April f without announcing de Clsions in any of the more Important case oetort It. NEW STOCK Best China and Jap MATTING 30c Yd. Up PATTERNS LAID BT EXPERTS WITIWIJT ADUtTIONAL OHARGV I. L SMAWERS MID sons ManunoUi Furniture Store. 16-11 Wo. MMu St. STRAWBERRIES TODAY JUST ARRIVED Jhtt are Vtrf flm-rTtit Best We're Had L CalL2200 or2201 - B. J. JACKSON, cwramET SOLID YEAR .... : - OTMISERY After a Sojid Year of Misery Bordering on Hopeless ness, a Grateful Change Comes of a Sudden. Montloello, Ga. Ofles Tcunmls Bow den. of this town, says: "I suffered for on lone; year with serious wom anly troubles and it became so bad that I thoosjht no remedy could cure my I was nervous, at times, and bad s atoll fcaadaohe so- bad that I could hardly band over. I tried two dUferen&Jdnds of medl oltie. but thmrdltlaia no good. I then began taking Cardut, . the woman's tonlo, and I hadn't usetf It nut one oay oeoore I relt a great change. I continued taking it, and know It saved my life. I believe it Is worth ita weight In fold. I nop every lady, who suffer from Womanly trouble, will try Cardui. praiae It to every lady I meet, and my sister alas recommends it ss th best of medicines for women." Do you suffer from any of the nu merous ailments so common to wom en, sudh as beadache, backache, side ache, neruouaneas, eleaplessness, tc.t Have you that tired, weak, wornout feellnt-f If so, we urge jou to take Candul. the woman' tonic It ha not only relieved thousands of women suffering from serious, womanly ail mena but ha also been found a excellent tonic tor that tired-out feel ing. - : - .: Get a bottle of Cardui today. N. B. Writ, to: Ladles Advisory Dsatii Chett leoga Medicine1 1 t'OJ, Chattanooga, .Tenn for Special In structions, and.M-pag book, "Home Treatment for Women," sent In plain wrapper, on request. Points of law that probably sever wer before brought up In a ' Nyth Carolina court of Justice er involv ed In the hearing of the cane of the tat against John A. Ottlnger at yes terday's session of the Buncombe county Superior court, presided over by Judg-e W. F Harding, of Charlotte. On account of the fact that the de fendant I a deaf mute many unusual features have been brought into the trial and a large crowd of interested spectators were in " the court room tnrougnoui tile day. The laet case on record where deaf mute wa tried for murder In the courts of this state was at- Raleigh In 11(0. This waa th ease of the state against Harris and the decision handed down by Judge W, H. Battle of th Supreme j court at that Urn Is th onlv de. i th oision on record In the history of North Sarollna courts, The two case bear few common phases and for that reason th trial of Ottlnger was practically conducted without precedent. j Whoa the cass wa called yesterday morning, Martin, RoNini and Wright, attorneys for the defendant, surprised the court by entering a plea of not guilty With defense based on a plea ot insanity. This wa th first hint that such a course would be adopt ed and the prosecution was compell ed to change It tactic tn cor Jut-ting th case, itollcltor Robert R, Rey nols wa assisted by Judge Spears Reynolds. Since the case Involved a irleJ to whether or not the defendant was Insane no witnesses were called to the stand other thn th expert in troduoed by the defense to testify to the mental condition of th de fendant. These were Ir. O. W, Purefoy, H. B, Wearer and J. T. Se vier and th talcing of their evidence occupied the entire morning session. The testimony of alt three' physicians practically agreed that the defendant could be of no possible 'assistance to his attorneys in conducting his' de fense. It was stated that he had been examined by alt of them In the offices of Dr. Purefoy Sunday afternoon and that it Is their united opinion that he haa not sufficient intelligence to know what Is going on In the court room or to appreciate the seriousness of the charge that has been placed against mm. Dr. Purefoy , testified that In his opinion Ottlnger like any other mute is not responsible for his act. He stated that he believes all mutes to be abnormal in comparison to men who can apeak and hear, Th phy slctan admitted that th defendant has sufficient Intelligence to refrain from snswsring any questions that would tend to Incrlmlnat him. The physician also stated that It la his opinion that the defendant should be sent bo some Institution where he could b restrained from doing sny further vlolenc. , Th statements of Dr. Bevler on th tand war along th earn line a thos of Dr. Purefoy. He testified that In his opinion the prisoner at th bar wa not capable of defending hint' sen even witn in assistance of an expert interpreter. He further stated that all of he mutes he had ever known wr of greater InteUIgnce than the prisoner and that in his opinion th physical condition of ot tlnger would not permit him to do manual labor. The testimony of Dr. Weaver was of th asm khid and he stated that in hi opinion th defendant Is ot of sufficient intelligence to know the right from wrong a a man in posses sion of allfhl faculties. John E. Ray, superintendent of (he School for the Deaf and Blind a Ra leigh, acted as interpreter in the else ard about a dozen local deaf mutes gathered closely around him to watch hi every movement.' The argument of th attorneys in th case oocupted the most of the af ternoon and th case wa given Into the hands of the Jury after 4 o'clock. Solicitor Reynolds mads a brilliant speech to th Jury and th ca. of th defendant was ably summed up by Attorney Thotna 8. Rollins. In his charge to the Jury, Judge Harding pointed out that there were Just two issues that it would have to answer. Th first of thees was, "1 the defendant, Jhn Ottlnger, able to plead to the' Indictment preferred against him In this case? The sec ond was, "Is the defendant John Ot tlnger now insane?" He pointed out that the cas contained many issues at law Chat are entirely new and nev er heard of before tn the courts uf North Carolina, The Jury remained out of the court room more than an hour and when it returned to announce Its verdict, (he answer was "no" to both Issues. This left the court in a quandary as to ex actly what should Imp don in th cas sine th answers were regarded as being inconsistent. Judge Harding announced that he would reserve his decision until Wednesday morning. Atnc th real merits of the mur der charge were not gone into yes terday the mystery surrounding the killing of the wife of the defendant remains as deep as before Many Masons frvm various eotlon of th state hav arrived for the re union of th Scottish Rite bodle whtoh 1 to be held today, tomorrow and Wednesday at the Masonic hall in Ch Druhmor building and th dnal report whinh had been revived by th member of th varlou com-, mJttees last night wsrT lo th sffect j that many lodges, will send clerses of candidate here for the higher de grees The local orgs niatlons hlch wtli confer the cVgrecs from the fourth to the thlrty-seoond during th time of the reunion expect that th class wUl bs one of th largest ever initiated here. The candidates will meet thl ftr noon at 1:30 o'clock when the clns will be organised and a special meet ing of all of the bodle Ml b held. A half hour later th fourth degre will be conferred by th Canton team an1 at MO o'clock the fifth degre be conferred by th sum or. sanitation. The sixth, seventh, and eighth degree will be confered at S.30 o'clook and d'nner will be served at th Maeonlc hall promptly t Following the evening meal, the ninth decree will be conferred at t o'clock and an hour and a half later th tesith will be conferred. Th candidates will receive the eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth degre at a. SO o'clock tonight. The officer of th bodies of th rl'e. In th vl)y of Ashevill in charge ot th reunion are: AshevlU lfge of Perfection, No, I Ineffable degree fourth to fourteenth, lnclu lv Venerable master, C. A. Walki; set It r, warden,. Dr. C. K. . Cotton; iJi'or warden, W, B. MoEwea; era-! tcr, H. C. Allen, almoner, C. N. Brown; seorsrary. W. F, Randolph ! treasurer, J. W. Grimes master of ceremonies. W. A. Ward; pert J. J, Nichols; ass! sunt ' ecnert, W. D. Menohams captain of the host, E. K. Oaler; tiler, Robert Davidson; past venerable masters, A. J. Willis, W. F Randolph, J. A. Wagner, J. A. Nleh ots, Dr. F, T. Meriwether (decease.), J, A. Mime, Dr. C. P. Ambler, J. C. MePhetwon and A. H. Cobb; Bun combe chapter Rose Oolx, No. I, his toric ,and religious degree fifteenth to eighteenth, Inclutfve: Wise master, F. C. Todd; senior warden, J. J. Nich ols, Jutnior Warden, C, H. Hone; almoner. C. N. Brown; orator, H. C. Allen; Voretsry, W. F. Randolph; treasurer, J. W. Orlme; master of ceremonies, J. H, Allports ,vrt, W. Ei Potest; assistant Mopert, 8, Bterwi berg; standard bearer, 3, C. Albert; guard of th temple, W. D. Meacham; tiler, R. J. Lewie; pent wise masters, Dr. C. P. Ambler, J. A. Nichols and T. J. Hark his; Asheville council of Kadosh, No. I, chlvalrte and philoso phic degrees nineteenth to thirtieth, Inclyeive Commander, T, J. Har kins; first lieutenant commander, A, H. Cobb; second lieutenant comman der, A. S. Ouerard; chancellor, II. Carr; orator, Thomas Furness; almon er, C, N, Brown; rcordr, W. F. Randolph; treasurer, J. W, Orlme master of ceremonies, J. H. Allport; turcopller, Oeorg E. Brown, draper, Oeotgs H. Lee; first deacon, A. A. Minnlck; second beacon, B. E. Nich ols; bearer of beaussnt, R. B. Sams; bearer of white standard, B. 8. Carr; hearer of black standard, F. W. Ken ny; lieutenant of tb guard, 8, W. 14p- Inaky; ssnUnel, J. F. Keith; past commander, J. C. - McPherson and Dr. C. P. Ambler; Asheville Con- sUitory, No. 2, ceremonial degrees thirty-first and thirty-second: Master of kadosh, A. H. Cobb; pastor Dr, C.E. Cotton; preceptor, C. F. Wood; chan cellor, W. B. McEwen ; orator, T. A. Jones; minister of state, E. J. Notting ham, Jr.; almner, C. N. Brown; regis trar, WtF.. Randol ph ; treasurer, 3. W. Ortm; prelate, W. "A, Ward; master of ceremonies, O. F. Lee; ex ipert, E, E. Osier; assistant expert. Victor Stern; captain of the ruwr'l, K. H. West; steward, S. W. Llplnsky; m 1 16 W'e know our stocks We know their attractiveness We know our styles We know their exclusiveness We know our values We know their superiority But knowing all this doe us no good unless oir customer know It too. TattUig you I on wa y but goelng for yourself la better take tim and sea Your inspection ii all we ask. , three rams. You Need In A Model Kitchen i" r " " ' i First and most important is an A No. 1 range. Second a first elass refrigerator or ice box., ' Third and Inst but not least a good kitchen cabinet CALEXDAR OF SPORTS FOR WEEK , TucMlay. ''. ... First annual Indoor athleUo car nival of gpbrtsmeff s crab of America, at Chicago. Mike Gibbons vs. Ous Christie, 19 rounds, at Hudson, Wia Clarence Ferns vs. Eddls Johnson, 20 rounds, at Pueblo. Colo, Wednesday. Openfaia of annual bench show of Chicago Kennel clu'b. at Chicago. Friday. Tournament for national A. A. D wrestling Championship open in TTrtoago. 1 Intercollegiate wrestling "champion ship at University of Pennsylvania. Annual Indoor. athletic meet of th western totercoUegiat conference, at DRINK MORE WATER IF KIDNEYS BOTHER Eat lee meet and take Salt llacknf le or Bladder " (rouble. : " for Eskimo Refrigerators as low as $3.00. Progress metal Sanitary Refrigerators, ths . kind that give a life time of satisfaction, $12.60 and up. Progress Ranges "The Best by Test" f $25.00 on up io $75.00 Beaumont Kitchen Cabinets $17.50 on up to $C3.C0 , If you'll drop In any day w will b glad to ghow how a-y r1 economically we can equip a model kltohen for you, a Wtotwg .that will b so complete that It will b hard to oonoelv , a more thoroughly equipped or up-to-dat kitchen or on that mean a greater saving of tima and labor for th busy houttwifo You may buy ft higher prtc d kitchen cabinet . with ft nigh sounding "oost-yott-money" nam but yu oannot buy a bttt eab. Inst than a strictly modern, moderately priced BEAUMONT. WE'LL PROVB IT. BEAUMONT FURrOlE CO. ST (tooth Main Street. ' Tin Home of Fnralilir Valafl. past masters of kadosh, J. C. Mcpher son, J. A. Nichols , Dr, C. P. Am bler. . ' To fnre a Colli In One Da Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets, Druggist refund money if it falls to cure, E. W. OROVE'B sig nature Is on each box. 18c, JAP MINISTRY ON iHE u VERGE DT0ISS0LOT10N Unless Compromise Can Be Arranged End is Near at Hand. Urts acid in meat excite the kid neys, they bsoom overworked; get sluggish, ache, and feel Ilk lumps of lead. Th urine become cloudy; th bladder! i irritated, and you may be obliged luo eek relief two or three ' learned of th prorogation of perils. WAJaHTNOTOX, March II Con stilttUonellst government in Japan, tn the limltod form In which It now exists, I believed by official her to b at stak tn tb present crisis la ths Japan parliament. Whsn diplomatic circle here today time tracing th night. kttnerys dog you must fliswli off. ths body's urinous wast cr you'll b a real sirk person Shortly, At first you feet a dull misery in th kidney region, you suffer from back aohe, sick headache, rMislneae. sooin ah gKs sour, tongue ooated and you feel rhumate twinge when th weather is bad. j Eat Iras meal, drink lots of water; UUoo get (.on. any pharmacist four ounces --f Jad Baits; take ' table spoonful tn a glas of water before breakfast for a few days and your kddney wfll then act flu. This fa mous salt' is mad front the actd of grapee and lemon Juice, combined with KtWa, and has been used fnr generations to dean clnxgrd kik'neys and stimulate them fo normal activity-,' also to netrtrslise ths. acids In urine, so It no-longer Is a source of trrttatlon, thus ending bladder weak ne. Jad Belt I Inespenet-e, cannot in jure; makes a deugrlttul effervescent irmiavwater anna which everwne PREBBTTERLVXI WDT. , DAVTDBON, March II. Davidson' opened th season hr today by de feating Catawba I to I. Th vtltor played a loot gam throughout whll but on error wa charged against th horn team. Catawba could d practloally nothing' With th dIlver ' l of Osteen and Currta and only en ran wag mad off Pilla who wtnj In for th last two Innings. Row wa not touched up so freely, th ml. tuei behind him being raeponslbl for tb greater number of run. Th feature were the pitching ot Osteen and Currle, Oatosn'g home rug nd Sommervllle's two bagger tn th seoond Inning, Score - " ' . , ' R. IT. E. ' Catawba .. ... . . . . t 4 t Davidson I V Batteries, Row and Rhtnehardt; Osteen, Currle, Penella and 8tough IJmplraj&anfoTd. . ; When tb tha ntutluslon wu drawn thai help them ! nMi m 0mpromI,ean b arranged during th three day period of sus pension, th Tamomcto ministry is doomed to sueeumo. Th failure of ths two houas to sgre upon ths budget, Including th navsl estimates, might lesult In the dlwolutlon of parliament and a cat) for a new election. As th house of peer cannot be dissolved Th only effect of such a call consequently would be to glv th electorate an cpportunlty to change th compt lon of the lower house. There Is llttl reason to believe that this would occur, hence the re-assembling of parliament would find the two houses again tn dead lock, which might' lead to a deter mined effort to curb th power of the house of peers. BOOTS FTBED. PARIS, March 23. Three shott from a revolver wer fired at the fgvwrwr-talf gTraw-tnatheflrto" i e-p pflarefn!ngireTth chsmbef th kldrcys clean and hctlve. Drug tflMm hfre say they sell lots of Jad flAJts t folk who beltev In overrom- ing wldney trouble whil It to only trow (Adwt.1 of the palace of luetic today by woman who Identity we not (J! es tablished. The authorities, after her arrest declared that th wom-n si parent wag m?ntany' o- " Ladies She an Reg. Prfce Our Prto fi.00 Queen. Quality ... , a. , . .ta.f 9 14.00 American Lady'. ...$3.4$ 11.10 American Girt Il.tS 14.10 La Franc .... .....b.ft.19 p 14.00 Grows .......4 S3.4S M.oo Patrician ... . . . . .3.s i i