lTtE ASITEVILLE 01 r fZEX, TUESDAY, 'MARCH 24, 191 1. TRUE-STORY OF THE DEATH OF BENTON EVXRTtHEJO FOR THB OmC3t- Look In our big oast window doea that atene, not book, bread Wv, eta., oetoh your eye? And "Rot ere" Special" to the aroeoCh at pencil you aver put ie your fmg-ers. The window la full of tltna and labor seven. -; ROGERS BOOK STORE Never Prettier Pumps GLIDES INTO THE Our spring display of fiunrmer Hhoea, pump, an colonial la noth ing .hort pt a beauty aHow. .Ton nam tho now strle you want and we'll ifltow It to you. , Wont you 'call 'for the purvoao of seeing tha new atylcsT - ":" ' : ' " ',rt.i'i : - Trunks, bags, and suit 'cases In bur ' Barsjailn Annot, "" Fauna Are.- Rogers Prea.- 3t Pauoa Ave. Phono 114 T 111 IJORTH STATE News of Capt. Turner's Death Comes as Shock . to Raleigh. ER BATTERY PARK BANK Alleged "Inquiry" Into Cir ASHEVUXB, h. a Capital . .3(Haoi:;;wsi $100,000 Surplus and Profits . . . r. . .-.x ..s $140000 OFFICERS! .' ,; Jame. P. Bawyer. Chairman ot the Board. The Battleship Oklahoma is Launched at Camden, New Jersey. cumstances Surrounding Murder Closes. NICHOLS SHOE CO. WENT TO VILLA WITHOUT ARMS MISS LORENA CRUCE DAIRYMAN HdRT I T. C, Coxa, President. Brwtn Sluder, Vice-President. J. X. Rankin. Cashier. C Rankin, 'Aai't. Caihlar, AX1 BAKG.MV AXXEI ON HIS WAGON CHRISTENS THE SHIP SEAFIGHTER El I GOSSIP E A TO DISITPROSPEG DELAWARE R1V 0 2) 7 OTTARI An taslilotlon for the Osteopathic Care oi Non-Communicable Diseases located at od of Grace cr Una, OwiWim MTantage. of city wttfa quiet of country. Bu all aaodern ouuimlauwa and .qnlpinans etty water, electric lights, telepbooea, steam beat, open flree, prtvaea ba rooms single or ee safes. Diet baaed on chemical analysis, abowlac pbyttolocloai Mode of W. BANKS MEACHAM, D. 0. LOULA A. ROCKWELL, D. 0. LEGAL BCTLDING, ASHXTVTlIiE, V, G. vjarlowe MINERAL WATER Gasoline Tank Suspended In Rear A FEATCKE OF THE SEW CKAIiWTOfl"alX THAT GIVES A 1!" " PEKriXflP BALANCE By patting the tank In the rear Chalmers designer, have given the now six perfect balance which tend, to prevent kid dice. This II gallon tank oarrtea a third mora gasoline than tfha tank tinder tha seat Nobody In tha ear to disturbed whan flUinc tha tank. Tha fil ler oap la eaatty reached and tha g-uage at a glance show, tha amonnt of gasoline In -tank. , Thta tank la pressed te.l without a rivet In It, Asheville Automobile Co. PHONES 813-814 No. lft-17 I. LEXINGTON ATX, Kitchen- Work LIGHTENED Time And Money Saved WHEN YOU COOK WITH GAS Asheville Power and Light Co, Phone 69 A remedy compounded In Nature', own pharmacy tor kidney, bladder, bowel and stomach troubles. Will fee placed en sale Maroh, 10th, 1914, at Hara A Erwimv 34 N. Slain St. - . Warlowe Water has proved Its merits. Tou cannot go wrong" to rive It a trial. , WARLOWE WATER CO. JAMES R. HARE, MGR, 14 V. MAIN. No One Saw the Killing and No One Cares to Say ' Anything. The Oklahoma Will be Far Ahead of the Present ' Amercian Ships, WASHINGTON, March IS. The Inquiry Into the dnath af tha Scotch man, Benton, five week1 ago ' In Juarss, directed by tha British for. sign office has been concluded, and today tha resuIU war laid before the British ambassador here tor irans mlaeloa to London. This lnvwstiga- Hon was conducted by C A. 8, Per ceval. British oonsul at Galveston, whose district Includes tha town of SI Paso, opposite Juares. Originally ordered to El Paso to ae-operate with the commission ap pointed by Secretary Bryan to la quire into tha Benton case, Mr. Per- osval, finding that tha Anvarlcan commission waa helpless to act aa tha result at tha refusal ot tha reb el leaders to allow them to exhume tha dead Benton's body, conducted an Investigation an his awn account. He employed such agents as ha thought were necessary and secured a r ct testimony bearing upon Benton's death. Much of this was collected In secret and for that reason Sot even tha names of tha witneanes will be given -publicity at this time. Necessarily tha evidence as ta what actually took place in VT.Ia'a head quarter Juares. where Bonton was last seen alrve, waa meagre. Most If not all. of tha eye witnesses) were of ficers and private soldiers under Vil la's Immediate command, who are now with the general In the interior of (Mexico. Evidence Meagre. - ... From the Incomplete evidence that he was able to obtain, Oonsul per oeval reports that Bentoo, disregard lag the. advioo and appeals of his wtfa proceeded directly to Villa's headquarters with the double purpose ot protesting against tha apoliatlon of his ranch, and to secure tha priv ilege of marketing his cattle la the United States. So extensive had been tha raids npqn his livestock, by tha constitutionalists that he told his friends that ha had determined to save what ha could af tha herd by getting it cut of the country. Tha testimony quoted by tha oon sul makes It appear that Beaton was unarmed when ha entered Juares and sought' Villa's headquarters; that he entered Villa's office; that there was a tremendous souffle followed by per tact quiet. No witness could he found who heard tha sound of hot. Benton did not emerge from the office alive, but where and -when his body was removed the report does not disclose. - The consul drew the Inference that Benton had. been killed ' by a knife and that his body bad boon aeereily removed and interred somewhere In the Immediate neighborhood al though there was no direct testified adduced to sustain this inference. Mexico Most Pay. The suhstance of the report win b communicated to Secretary Bryan and tha report Itself will be trans mitted to the British forelsrn office. Acoording to the British view, no thing can. he done In tha caaa at thti stage. The report af tha Caxranza commission, appointed to Investigate the Benton killing Is awaited with much Interest and will he received by the British government as infor mation at least. No Immediate action to expected at the British embassy but it was re called that Sir Edward Grey. In his last statement to the house of com mon, upon tha Benton ease, made It plain that there must be a heavy reckoning for this killing of a Brit ish subject, and that tha debtor would ba the future permanent . govern ment of Uexlca. " t rmLADMt,THrA. Maroh !!. The sunetMireadaouglit Oklahoma, one ot the large and, most powerful Amcr can battleshipa afloat, was launched today from the yards ot the Now fork Shipbuilding company at Camden, K. J. The great se&tlghter waa chris tened by Miss Uorena Jane Cruce, daughter ot the governor of Oklaho ma, who broke a bottle of chiunpagn against tha ship's prow as tha hull began to glide in the Delaware river. Uiss Cruce was a unrounded by a doaen girl friends from Oklahoma. Surrounding the christening party were Secretary ot the Navy and Mra Daniels, Assistant Beoretary Roosevelt, mora bars ot tha congressional naval committees, the Oklahoma delegation in congress, atmte officials and other Oklahomans. Governor Croce of Ok lahoma was detained at home, nag Ore Hall. In honor ot the ceremony (ha flag ot Oklahoma waved today over his- torlo Independence hall. Tha dreadnought Oklahoma will ba one af tha most powerful btatlealilp that has yet been floated for the American navy. A aiatef hfp, the Nevada, la under oonaiructlon at Qurcy. Mas Only the Pennsylvania, building at Newport News, and the battfleBhip "number II the keel of whinb. was laid last weak at tha New Tork navy yard, will outstrip tha Ok lahoma, In tonnage, displacement. length or tha power .ot bar (ana Th. length of tha new eeaflghter Is (SI et and bar displacement will ba 17,80 tons, or too ton. greater than largest American fighting ship t. - ; Many Big Cons. tn both armament and armor tha lahoma wBl ba Car ahead of the present American ship. Her prin cipal weapons will be tan 14-inch guns, capable of firing ahells weigh ing 1.409 pounds. A fatuTe of the armament wUl be tho placing of three of the great guns In one turret. About the big warship will also be distributed awnty-ona 1-Inch guns and minor armament omwiottng of Body of John R. Wray Sent to Angierfor Burial. ft AUDIO H, N. C. Muroh W.-The potHila of Ralalgh war. ahookad e yond measure this morning by tha ua-wa of tilw death of Capt 3- L Turner, -whloh occurred at Maxton last night. , The remain, airlved here thU afternoon at 11:10 o'clock and were oonveyed to tha residence of Mra McPhoeters, on Dawaon atreat, there to romaln until tha funeral, which U to take plane Monday afternoon front tihe Virmt Presbyterian churon. Capt Turner and Mra Turner war. spending tha winter hero, where they have resided at intervals tor many, yearn ec many trtonde rvmpaUe vary deeply with Mra. Turner In her loan. Just a short wh19a before his doatfh, CaPt. Turner had held a bright, Jovial conversation with his wife over rho Uong dlstsnoe telejvhone between Raleigh and Maxton, and tha news oi her hiuahand'a auddoa death that cam over tha wtroa later In tha night has oompletely prhstratad her, Capt. Turner waa 85 year, old and has bean prominent in railroad service In this eoottaa ot tha country tor many yeara II. was a prominent official, ot the Seaboard : air Una tat a number ot years, and wm iwaWioal rail road man In th. oonotruotJon ot Uia Halolgh PamSloo Sound railroad, how a (part of tha Norfolk Southern. Thereafter ha was general manage of 0e QeorgtsFtorlda railroad, until two years eo, whan ha retired from 1 Oil. road to unertalca tha constmo- 'three poundera, an. pounflem, t-lnoh Held piece, and madhine guna. '. Tha armor belt, eapeoially heavy, is 11 M Inches Chicle and will extend four hundred feet along each aide of tha hull, from IV feet below tho water line to nine feet above th. water. There r. two jroioctlre decks to guard agalmit plunging fire, ona of three Inches and the other of on. and one-half Inch, ; .i The Oklahoma will burn all, and her eturlne. .will hav. 14.100 Indicated horsepower, sufficient to develop spoed of 10 4 knots an hour. tlon of a, railroad from Wilson to Ban doTWotv r; R. U JOhnson, a well-known dairy man, waa vary painfully Injured this nVorntng white drlvlnar ona of his milk wagon, to tha city.. Ha was coming down what Is known as Asylum hill whan tha ooupMjic pin gav way and ha was thrown through the glass front, and his naole and shoulders tefly out. Ho Is In Rex hospital toe In treated for hto Injttdea. - The ramains of John It. Wray wara seat to Angler today tor Interment. Ite died at Res hajiUU last evening after being brought here from Clay ben tor treatment, Ha was a cotton oil mill expert, general superintendent tor tha mills at Clayton, PUtnboro and lilltngbMi. Ha ww. unmarried. His brother, Herman Wtay, waa with hltn whan ha died. PLAYING SCHEDULE OF THE FEDERAL LEAGUE IS IPTEOjnOLIE President Says Feds Will Challenge World's Series Winners. B LANDING CASE land Americans last year, algned wtlU the Kansas City FederaUy fewt Hw er rejoined Oevalsmd. :: Vtea Frosldent Mullen of the Bu(Tm lo club, mid today that PJtchaif Kahler of hurt year's Cleveland teami returned to tleveland . Wftf having utirnod cBwtrol with 'the Buffaloi Federals would art her (lay in, Buffalo) or not at all. w -v.,.-:.' Preoidont Ollmore 'announced thai tha pennant winners of tha Federal league villi ism, a cnalleng. t Uia winner. In tha National and AmerU ran lar. to pay. for th. champion- ship of tha world. "If either" f tha ruccewtul teamt In thoa. two leagues reftwe to. meet our leader" h aWd. "w will clatnt th. ohampTonshtp by default." In framing th. l:hdtil. It w rc cgnixed that conflicts tn dates eovrt not be avoided lnChteagoande. liouu where there are two oppxsdnc ma.l- leagu. nlubs. Tha mot tha Bait! . mnra U In tha eamem section ot tlii International and Buffalo tn tha wei ami W-aiUe both are in the eastern action of tha Federal leagua also pi smited another ipunnle. . BALTIMORE, Maroh Sa.-Tha lly Ing schedule cf th. rsderal league of baseball olUbs waa aoxupted tonight at a meeting here of tha official or the leagiu; Soma minor changes may ba mad. tomorr'ow. Tha schedule probably will ba given out later this 1 The most Important business s.t th mminftnm nthor than th. drafting (4 th. achodul. was the detemnnattoA ta apply for n tnjunctl.wi to restrain FtWhar Blandlrig from playing With Hho Oleveland American league oluhv. Blarrdhrg, who played with the Clevo- PIUMAItY IX SOCTH tlAKOT.t MITOHKIjIi. K T March ll.-i Cloalnff a apirited krampalgn hi whk U the ohlof initomat hs. centered In Ui contest of tha republican fact tons fo tArttad fixates senator and for gov ernmr, th. voter, of South Dakota wl : go to tii. polls tomorrow to expi their proferenoMi for national, sit ' and county offloer., to he voted for t the nt alecttoB.4'-Vi". ITntted' Stales flMttfa Geo. Craw fkird M a inaltat. for re-election r " 1s sirpported by tha pnrreilv. wi or th. repnblicajr ffltty. Opposed t htm a. th. alamlmtVbmrar of tlie oi posmg faoUon is Cwwreisrman Clw . 1L Curtoa. B. J'ohneon, of Tank vm, for many years th. South Dako' member Of th nivt.ionai domocrt oowrMt.tea, to th. eholc. Of th. n Jorlty taction Ot th. dem'ocratlo pw, for the evai of Senator Oramford. Qovornor Frank M. Byrne Is a cr n -dldat. for rwomrnatjon and has bf , Indorsed hy the tiowmntlon of ths n n . J'ftiy faotdon of tha republican part.. Other aaplrartiU for the gubemntor ' nominatitott ra llmwy B. AnoVrHu . tha ohfdoa of the Bbtnorkty faction c ' tha repubttrana; It. O. Richard wh to out a an indepandant, and J. t McCador, dontocrat. t , , Jura save the tkn in building flres, splitting kktdffluig, carr-ytug ooal and ashes, etc. All you haye to do is to strike a match tha firs to ready at any hour, you do not have to wait tr the Are to catch and burn freely, you do not have to oontand with a red hot sooty range. -. J The kitchen Is one of the coolest rooms in the house when you use gas as a fuel for cooking and this atone should Induce you to naive a goa range mataiied lor it ta only a short tints till hot weather seta in. TAKEN. TO DOtGIiAS. DOVl&LAS. Ga., ICarch 21. Charles A. Oraham was brought to Douglas today and locked up on the charge of .hooting and killing l.wnnce Newborn, town marshal ot Broxton. Oa. Ha waa arrested late yesterday near Haslehurst. Ga., by authorities from this place. . -Graham is alleged to have killed jrarshal Newbern yesterday, whea be latter attempted to arrest him is prisoner Is also oharjed with sHghtly wounding his brother, I. T. Oraham, who was. hit r a stray bullet said to hav. bean fired, at a constable aid. In Kowterav TREATY SIGHTED. which all questions not capabls of asttlement by diplomacy shall be submitted to Investigation by an In ternational commtealon for at least ona year. It Is the fourteenth' of Secretary Bryan's peace treaties. ' The convention does not ' provide Hi vUwi 1 fai1 1 dlsutdwly 1 iHHdui"t'. Tliof for-malntentrTM fir IlifTf rn fTTf ary" pATK FOB ARGUMENTS. WASHINGTON. March II. ThA united States and Venesuala -yWUlpremo court today et April U for WASHINGTON March 24. A new treaty has bean signed between the and naval status yuo during tho in wstigation period, hut. like all of the peace treaties, hinds the4 two ' coun tries not to engage hi hostilities until tha oonuatosioa ha. reported. TO OOXCI,tTB INVESTIOATIDX. WAflHTNOTON, Maroh, . lr-Tlans for- concluding ths oosgresaional In vestigation of conditions in tha Michi gan strike district wara made today by tha sub-committee of tha house mines ootnmlttea The committee during tha day heard John Mitchell, labor leader, and Reprasentattre Mac Donald, who represent, the affeoUd district" In congress.. The Calumet and Helca Mining company, through its attorney, James A. Emery, was requested ta furnish data of the financial activ. ties and history of the company and the committee decided to dose the hearings ss soon as Qulncy A. Bhaw, president of the Calumet and Hecla company can be called and question ed aa to the attitude ot the company toward organized labor. heaiingrgrosofi tha application of Georgia for anTnTmdlataLJal"ncr tlon to compel the Tennessee Iron7r Coal and Copper company to prevent imlphur fumes from - Its smelter la Tenneseeejfrom spreading over farmi In GeorglK "-r rmmvixii.. BOXUIAtV India, March. Il.Cnt ton valued at I2.S0,00 waa des troyed 1y flre here todav." It waa stored la shad, on Cotton O rests. WiU You Put Up a Nickel to Try a better Cigarette ? Hand your dealer a nickel for a box of 10 Reyno Cigarettes. Strike a match. If you don't find Reyno Cigarettes are made from the finest tobacco grown in Amer ica, you can have your money back. It's a case of "heads you win" any way you take this offer. mstsmm. i ii ,: I lc Cash Certificate ---- : 1 1 et ?w rlEARETTES Jt'ij I This certificate U givea ' aWsnBanBanaaBsajBtsnnsna . Fgfirew. jj h snerely as a temporary I 1 f a offer ) yoo get snore than ImTIII your nickel' worth in q 4il Reyno Cigarette them- II V&a , , aelve. m have no equal in a domestic nickel cigarette. They are mild, because we specially selected the tobacco for Reynos a long time ago and it has been allowed to ripen thoroughly. This aging, together with skillful blending; secured by our 39 years' experience in the tobacco business accounts for the excellent flavor of Reynos. These cigarettes are rolled only in genuine imported French paper. R.J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C (3 fill

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