Tlli5 AS11EV1LLK CJLfiZEX, TUESDAY, MARCH 24, 1911, 7 as 5I.!,C,A !.!EETII!G . FOR MEII AIID WOMEII Address, "Building the Homo Xest." To Bo Delivered by Dr. Calvin B. ' A .- .-..- Waller at 4 O'clock. A departure' will b made from the usual custom at the Y. M. C. A. next Sunday afternoon when a maaa meet Ins tor men and women will be held. instead of the regular Sunday after noon meeting for men. Dr. Caivin B. Waller, pastor of the First Bap tist church, hag been secured to de liver the address and it Is expected that the association auditorium win h packed to ita capacity. Arrange merits, are being made to seat 100 more people than usual, extra, chairs being placed in the rear of the hall. , The subject of Dr. Waller's ad- dre will be "Building the Horns Nest," or a discussion of home life. he meeting will begin at 4 clock, 1 An unusually good musical pro- tiiauii lias uceii ttiraniteu ivr me w raslon. - The T. M. C, A. orchestra augmented by several additional pieces Under the direction of W. E Collins will render several selections and a male quartette composed of A. I. Ruby. A. D. Stoner, W. E. Col 11ns and Dr., L. B. McBrayer will King. This Is regarded as one of the bent male quartettes In ths city and the management of the association Is congratulating Itself on securing it for tbo Sunday service. The regular ' Sunday afternoon branch meetings conducted under th au'plces of the association at the Plveraide club house and the rail road T, M. C. A. hall near the Southern passentfer station will be held at the usual hour r and good speakers have bon secured to de liver the addresses. MOGULS OF LEAGUE w in up nrrti Aiinarii liAlC DLLIl unuduii Amateur BnttcbaU Conunlsslou Form, .. cd to Head the League--Schedule To Be Arranged. Presidents of the Y, ii. C. A. baseball leagues were appointed yes, terciay morning by the manage ment of tho association a follows: lioy -Jordan, president, of the class A. league; Mark Lance, president of .the class B. league; Eugene Cos ton, president of the class C. league Dewey Cllne, pregl" it of the class IX league. As soon the president of the boys,' governing board Is ele ted tonight the amateur commission of the V. M. C. A. leagues will be formed. It will be composed, of the presidents of the four leagues, the physical director and the general secretary . of the - association and the president of the governing board. This commission is at the head of the league- and is the court of last appeals in all cases of dispute. The commission has control of the. lea sue makes out the schedule of games to be played and passes on awards all players entering the league after the first of the season.' It looks to the purchasing of all halls and other necessities and the securing of umpires for the games. As soon as all of the captains in nil of the leagues have finished choosing their men the commission fill.. meet and arrange the schedule. ha? already been arranged to have lio first games April 3. Unocda CIccult Nourishmentfine fla Tor purity crispnest wholesomeness. . All for 5 cents, in the moisture-proof package. W : ASSAULT CASES EEF0.1E FOUCE COURT SeTeafen of This Kind Out of For. ty-Fonr Called for Hearing De fendant Fined for Insults. Round, thin, tender with a delightful flavor appropriate forlunch eon, tea and dinner, to cents. Graham Crackers A food for every day. JCrisp, tasty and strengthening. - Fresh"" baked and fresh de- ' . livered. xo cents Buy biscuit bakeTby NATIONAL ' BISCUIT COMPANTY Alway$ look for that name Examples of fighting spirit were considerably In evidence at the ses sion of the police court yesterday morning when out of forty-fout cases called lor hoaxing seveniee.) defendants were charged with as sault. ; Moet of these were arrested ate Saturday night or early Bunday morning although Suuday night and Monday.onornlng wer not altogether free from disturbance of this char acter. Moet of the defendant In as of this kind were the recipi ents of light fines although a few of the, cases were continued. An unusually heavy docket was be fore the court yesterday. Seven of the cases called were awalnst alleged violators of the traffto ordinance, seven were against defendants charg ed with drunkenness and ten cases of disorderly nature were, heard. The majority of the defendants wer fined, but tome escaped upon the payment of ' the cost while a few were adjudged not guilty. The session was featured by the hearing of the cases of Rx Batter- field, charged with disorderly con duct In two cases. lie was arrested Friday on a charge of this kind when he la alleged to have used In sulting and offensive language to C. W. Hail, star wttncaa for the state at the session of the Superior court when several liquor cases wer tried. He was called before the polio court Saturday morning but the case was continued to yesterday morning whea he was tried on the second charg A fin of 125 and coat was a as teat a for the first offense and $50 and cost was th amount assessed for the second. Jo Burntt, who wJ arrested Sunday afternoon on a oharge of larceny cf a watch and chain, a knife, a pair of gold cuff link and a ring from the office of Dr. C. D. W, Colby, waived examination when arraigned before the court and was bound to th next criminal term ot the Buncombe county Superior court. Lillian Snyder wa sentenced to serve a term of ten days In th Bun combe county Jail on a charge of vagrancy. She pleaded guilty to tne charge and submitted her case to th mercy of th court ANOTHER COMPLAINT IN ACCIDENT CASE Complaint was filed yesterday In ".ha office of the Superior court clerk by r'ortiyis and Roberts, attorneys tor Fred 'Roberta ajainst the Ashe ville Power and Liyht company and Gay Green trading as W. E. Britt and company. It was set forth in the complaint filed that the plaintiff It sf eking to recover the sum of 13,000 for damage alleged to have been sustained when a carriage In which he was riding collided with a street car On the concre'e bridge between AshevlKe and West Ashaville Janu ary 1. It is stated that the plaintiff v.-as thrown over the railing of th ldge and sustained painful Injuries b hts'back, arms nnd hips. Steam otter trawlers on the New foundland banks have proved so phe nomenally successful that much fear Is entertained lest many varieties of fish be dertroyeA WARRANT IS ISSUED FOR THE ARRESTJF CHAPMAN Wanted in Connection With Killing of Sid Chapman, in Georgia. CALHOUN, Ga., March it. A war rait was issued today for the arrest of Charles Chapman in " connection with' tiie killing of Mrs Chapman uncle, Sid Chapman near this plac early Saturday: The dead man' sister, Mr a. Elizabeth Star-tea. on whose doorstep the body waa found Saturday morning and her daughter, Mrs. Chapman, already are under ar rest on suspicion. Charles Chapman, who, with Mr Chapman, lived at h Starnes home, was eald today to be In Wlldwood, Ga, and officers were sent there to a r rent him. According to Mra. Chap man and Mrs. Btarnes, both of whom were at Mrs. Starves' huse during Friday night, and bcth of whom pro fess Ignorance of the killing, Charles Chapman has been absent from this locality for several weeks. Authorities today continued the! questioning of the two women hel here, and made a thorough search of the hquse before which the young farmers body was round, it was stated that Mrs. Staraes and Mrs. Chapman would not be arraigned for preliminary bearing until after .Chap, man's arrest. " Pupils In the Dlckereon high school Jersey City, went to school from 4: SO in the afternoon to 10 o'clock at night on one occasion lately, In order that the aAult members of their families might see the school plant in opera- tlon. ' V" ill ii i ujj2 or vOUVy dishes. It digs into the corners and i i-m cleanses find sterilizes. mm III- sterilizes. cleani everything. Never be without ,iU 6c tad larger oacktgei. EEIEnAIHBAIJKIiEI .nw tma cssr twin PIIIG ATTRACTIONS f Friday. March, 17, KU 4 4- O'Brien and hi Minstrels. 4 Thuraday, April S, matinee and 4 night, "Th Koee Maid." Neil O'Brien and bis Minstrels, No minstrel entertainment ever pre sented in tht city 1 more pleasant ly remembered or received more com pliment than th splendid how given by NH O'Brien and his aaw olate on their first tour of th coun try laat seon on which occasion Mr. O'Brien made hi first appearance here at th sead of hi own company, an organisation that ia ino been very successful and la now recognised Quit th leading- attraction In its particular field In tht country. Mr. O'Brien, with a brand new and larger organisation and with a complete an handsome new aoenl InvwrtHure, come to th Auditorium on next Fri day. For tht year entertainment, Mr. u'urten mis written two new sketches called "Parcel Post" and "Taiming tfie Militant." Mr. O'Brien use "Parcel Poet" for hit own vehicle and ha a character which Is said to be extrefnely quaint and humorous. The seat sale will open tomorrow morn inc. Brewster' HUllon" "Brewster's Million," a Iramattsa, tlon of George Barr McCutcheon's story of th eame naime, will be pr. sented at th Auditorium matlne and night on next Saturday. , Th first act is an introduction to the moat unusual oaourrence of th next three and show "Monty" Brewwter In posse Ion ot a million dollar, whkft he must spend, legitimately, within ono year ia order to win an inheritance of evn million. '" . " ' Th second act show the young man in full swing spending money a recklessly a could toa imagined. A great deal of comedy la th result The third act showa the steam yacht "Flitter," complete In all visible de tails am, rhe marine effect as shows ia perfect." The storm which take place is moat thrilling and Is, without doubt, th finest p'.; of stage Mal um ever produced. Tickets will go on sal Thursday moriKng for Doth performances. A BARBER TOLD ME THIS 5 AID ONCE HIS JAW WAS DISLOCATED SO HE COULDN'T TALK LONGEST DAY OF MY LIFE . SAYS HE THAT'S nOTHiHG SAID I . SPITTING OUT SOME LATHEr? "HAVE YOU EVER GONE ALL DAV V WITHOUT A THE CICARETTE OP QUALITY . ' i J . . . Imp j J VALUACLG (coupon in CACM j PACKACC Piedmont Flag RiirjoFQEG If you prof or FLAG RUGS Inotoad of VALUAOLG. PREniUPS or CASH you ban got a FLAG QUG olzo x O for ono Piedmont coupon Ca0l7 at any doalor vhoro Piedmont poctor. chown bolovv. Is displayed In window You now got your FLAG RUGS In perfect condition, fbi end umvrlnkled. . You can now make your own coloctlon from largo ccccrt mont of Flags of various countries. LOOK FOR THIS POSTER IN THE DEALER'S WINDOW dm GIVEN HERE FOR ONE (I) COUPON FKOi J y,'' CIGARETTES if TO THE DEALER Dealers riot yet supplied can get FLAG RUGS end" AVIRDOV POSTERS by sending to Liggett & Myers Premium Dept., ICth SL and 7th Ave., N.Y. City BIG EVENT PLANNED FOR LENOIR SCHOOL Baptist ot Caldwell County Will Hold Sunday f&bool Comrention at Lenoir Next Friday. LENOIR, March . Everything la now In readiness for th big cou t-. ty commencement Friday, April a. An attractive feature of the day will be, the big parade with every school In tlie county In line carrying Its banner. - The day l also to be re-' piete with oratory, mm., 8uprlnund eit Y. D. Moore ha already announ ced i h ata 1 (1 rsj ! njoe j el I ver?d l)yX. E. Wolis of Uastonla. former superintendent of th public schools Of Lenoir, and Prof. B. B. Dougher ty of Hi Appalachian Training school at Boone. At the laat meeting of the Lenoir board at trad, a procrtr tsp was taken by . that . body, whtn H U decided to placo the secretary of the organization on a salary, so that he could devote a certain amount of his .time each month to the business of advancing the Interest of the town. No one ha so far been em- Consumption Takes m i m i m coopio uaiiy In the United State and the deadly ' fermi claim more victims in cities than in rural districts, due no doubt to the increased number of indoor workers in confining quarters and their lack of sunshine. , Tubercular germs always attack whea th system ia weakened from cold of sickness, overwork, overstrain, eonfinln; dutic or any drain which has reduced th resistive force of the body. But nature always provide a corrector and the beet physicians emphasise that daring chang ing climate our blood should be kept rich and pore and active by taking Scott' Emulsion after meals; the cod liver oil in , Scott' Emulsion warms the body by en riching th blood it peculiarly strength s th luagsand upbuild the resistiv Sarce of th body to avoid cold and prevent nwrnimplioti - . If yon work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or nervous, Scott' Emulsion is th most strengthening food-medidne known: it builds energy and strength and is totally free from alcohol or any stupefying drug every druggist baa it. lea S), oB BlMssSela. K. U ployed to fill this important position, but it Is likely that at the meeting on "Jeit Tuesday evening, the post will be filled, Th regular Sunday School . con vention fur the Bifptlnts cf Caldwell county will coivena with the Becoml Haptist church of l.enolr Friday eve ning, March 27, and continue through Sunday. All the churches of the county are expected to be represent d at this meeting, and the occasion promises to be a most . important event among that religious denomi nation In Caldwell county. Dr. C. Bank McNalry, who van elected to the position of superin tendent of the Institution for th fee bl minded, lo:ate1 at Klimton, sev eral weks ago, returned to Ienolr on Friday for a few days' visit to his family. He has been spending the past three week In Philadelphia and Baltimore, making special study and Investigation' of the work that he will soon take charge of Dr.. McNalry will go to Kinston in a few days to as sume active .chari of things there, but It Is understood that hi family will remain In Lenoir t!11 late spring. non-partuian government are niaklng a hard light to continue th preeent adminiatration in . power, while . the socialist are fighting equally hard to hrlng about a reattjratlon of th o clallst rrtrlme, wWoh cam to an end with tho non-piirtiMn HUoiy two year mm. Jt Is generally believed that the results of the next election can eaily te forecaiited from the. slss of the vote received by th mayorallty candidates in th primary tomorrow. The candidate for mayor are Oar hand Padlng the incumbent, and the heudv of the non-pantiean can dldfteis; IJmll rleldal, former mayor and chol 'e of th STXallmt party: Da vid 8. rioae, another former mayor, and Theobald Otjen, a former con gressman.' - th recall, tfh lnitlatlv and refrn dum and nonpartisan primary ele Uona. It also establishes th 1-hour day for all work don by th dty or by Contr3t. , Th new charter. If adopt" ed, will 'becom effectiv Jun 1, : MILWAUKEE CAMPAIGN. tlon to their lieutenant In th Mil Waukee campaign tin' ay nd the tines were drawn titrht for th primary election tomorrow, when candidates are to le nsmed for mayor and other ufflcial to he voted for In th next mm!ctal elw on. Th elvoi-ts of IHOXTON IX VOTE. mONTOV. O.. Mardi II. The city charter which lit to be adopted or re jened by the voter of fronton at th tpeclal election tomorrow em twndile th moet. an.'vnced Idea of municipal gornrrient ever proposed for any eHy in thlo It provides for th direction of ail municipal affairs by nve oommieefuner with the aid of a city manager. The ftv commis sioner! are to choose one of their number. mayor and they also will have th mi wer to, apaoln. ill ,ity audiouc. city solicitor and oity treas urer. The city manager will ltave the appointment of the head of all department and "will o In charm of all the bum tie now transacted by th executive branch of th ct' p"v crtimMit, Th r' - - Wood's Hijh-Gradc Farm Seeds Bit Qualities 0bt?nl)6 ' We are headcruarters for ' - Seed Wheat, Oats, '( Rye, Barley, Vetches, Alfalfa and alii Grasses & Clovers. Writs for Wood'! Crop S-sc!rj ! living prices nnd seasonable in ormation about Seeds for Fall sowing. . T.WeWOODOcoris.' jr Seedsmen, r,lr-1, Vt. WmI'i Cescr!-t!T9 r ! C " give price and iiX " Cztitzt