8 Si MAJESTIC ME ATI IE TODAY AND TOMORROW BOYLE W00LF0LK PRESENTS HIS OWN "PETTICOAT 18 M1NSTRELS,, 18 A REAL MINSTREL Special Scenery and Electrical Effects. Transfleld Sisters, 3 Oberlin Sisters. John P. Reed and Clarence Marks Last year with George Evans. Nettie , DeCoursey, Comedienne. All the Latest Song Successes. Olivia Lennett in her Whsitling Act. .Reic hardt Sisters in Their European Novelty, Singing and Dancing Act. A DOLLAR SHOW FOR SOc MATINEE DAILY 3:15 Children ............. 10c Adults ....... . 20 and 30c Bring the Children Two Night Performances 7:15 and 9:30 . NIGHT PRICES 300 Seats 300 Seats 300 Seats 20c 30c 60c When Out of Sorts Start Your Liver Working I Xo Matter What All You, Doilxon's Urr Tone In I dually Big Help in Getting Will. Avoid Calomel. Nin timet out of ten, when you are III or oat of sorts, your liver if out of order and getting It In order again will make you feel brtter. When ybtir liver Is shiggtoh anc tor pid and jruu are constipated and bili ous. It la Impossible to frel well. Tli ere was a tune when a great numtsr of people look calomel when so troubled. , But this is not true tiKlay, It ha become widely Iwown that - calomel often has badP sfter effncls and la even dangerous to many. The use of Damon's Mver Tone, in stead of calomel, has spread won derfully beaause it has proved m bens flclaJ In so -many -households. Alli son's) Drug Store rertwn mends vamV guarantees Dodson's Liver Tons In stead of aalomel and guarantees to reftind purohe.se price (60c) to you In stantly without question If you are nt perfectly pleased with the way In which It relieves you from consti pation, oleic headache, biliousness,, etc. It "livens the liver" and is a pleas-art-tastilriig, vegetable liquid, easy to bike and oauses no pain, no gripe, no bad results, no -tfiange from your regular duties) and habits. To teet Idnon'a Llvr Tone Is a MMislttle matter because you get your mcney back If you are not Kit is fled. CHAMPIONSHIP GAME AT WU, TONIGHT Picked Team Iotu Clans A. league to Play Pkked Team Prom CUss B. League Last Game. VICTORY CEIEEMED BY LEI10IH PUPILS : ' - F -'' ' Huge Bonfire Is Bail! as Celebration of Le XalVi SnrceM In the Trl anfnlar Contests. Special Features Today ! '' 7 '" " (,ALAX . ' - ..-.- Return KiwogtsiK'nt by Request. "IJf THE MIIWT tfV THE jUNGLK" KulJg'a Wild Animal Ph-tnro In Three Part, MISS KAT11LYN WILLIAMS of MAdventtr of KaUilyn" tamo In ilm ...... ; "BUY WOOL" loading role. Blograph Comedy. PRINCESS "TREASURES ON EARTH" Lubln diwwi 1 In two pattt.' "THE POWER OF PRINT" Patheplay In two part. ACTIVITIES AMONG ASSOCIATION BOYS CLASS ' B. BASEBALL TEAMS OTIOSE?! YESTERDAY. Two Scout Patrols Hare Been Form ed Among tbe Yonnger Members of the Y. M. C. A. The championship of the VI. C. A. Bible class and basketball leagues will be decided at the association this evenlnf when a picked, team from the class A. league clashes wltfc a picked aggregation from the class B. league, .'he contest Is scheduled to begin promptly at o'clock Im mediately folio-wing the election o'. officers at a meeting of the boys' gov. erntng boa rd,. - The doors will be thrown open to the public and It 11 expected that, a lane crowd will be in attendance since this will probab ly be the last basketball fame of the sesjion. Last year the championship wat won by the picked team from th class B, organisation and the class A, boys will strain every nerve to come fcack at their oppenent this year; The season Just closing has been ens of the most successful In the history of the association, more Interest be ing taken In the games than roer fee fore although baseball la practical!! in full swing at th various cornet lota Interest Is running high over th game tonight. Beats have been ar ranged for the spectators In the gall ery. The lineup of tht two teams wIE be a follows: Class A. Position. Class B. Bookiey Nswton, B. F, . Perry Toman r-First Spring Concert-) OF The Asheville Choral Society and Orchestra Auditorium Tonight,8:30 Seats on Sale at the Box Office. TICKETS 25c, Make Your Old Furniture Look Like New PEE GEE ToSKSWOHDEfis IT't an easy and Inexpensive matter. Simply apply a coat of Pee Gee REeNU-LAC and you'll be delighted with its fine results and your own work. Pee Gee RE-NU-LAC makes old furniture, worn floors and woodwork look like pew again. Try it. Pet Get RE-NU-LAC Is a Stain and Vamlsh combinrd. Comes in Jl Natural Wood colors, Wkttt. Cold and Silvtr EnamtL All sitts. SUNSET CAMP FIRE GIRLS ENTERTAIN The Sunset Camp Fire girls of the Y. W. C. A. guve au entertainment at the auditorium of the Y- M. C. A. lat night which was well presented and enjoyed by a good crowd. The program rendered was as follows; J 'art I. Camp Fire Council Guardian of the Fire Jane WoodMton Bongs ... .By the Sunset Camp Fir Girls Boating Bong Mammy Moon nanws " , , . . .By the Junior Oymnnslum Class ... Sweedlsh Klappdans , Norwegian Mountain March INTEBMIHSION run li. Beading Amy Harkett "Kveryglrl ... ....... By Rachel L. Field Muato .Arranged by Mrs. A,. K. Akers. CHARACTERS Every girl . ....... Lorltne Ford Hope ............ Evelyn Hickman Mirth Gladys Fits Wealth ........ Catherine McDowell Beauty .............. .Janet Ifartsog Knowledge ..Mary Weaver-Work- KUwibeth Ktmberly Health Emmellne Tlpplna; Love Ethel Mercer Prologue ..... Mary Kngllsi Capt. Albert Wood Boy Bollng I F. Boy Donnahoe Dewey Cline, . Capt. Phtllp Randolph -, R. G. Robert Foster Cecil Arthur L. G. George Meare Class A. substitutes, Charles Ten nent end Stephen Adams. Class B substitutes, Eugene Coston and Har ry Courtney. ALLEGED KIDNAPPER AGAIN DISAPPEARS Class B. baseball teams of the Y. M. C. A. league were selecttd yester day as follows: B. Smith, captala, L Goldberg, W. Bourns, F. Mlns, &. Hodges, C, Henry, G. Bobsrteon, a. Boblnson, 0. Webb and H. Whltlag; C. Ramsey, captain, a Darby, P, Mttohell, W, .McWhorter, D. Harris, R. Russell. H. Posey, J, Horasr, J. McRae and M. Mclnnery; HS. WUMn on, captain. B. Henderson, E. Davis, W. Reynolds, H. Fits, N. Minnlck, B. Rogers, J. Yates, H. Fostec and R. Harris; M. Monettt, captain, T. Wal-j Us. J. Blddlok, B. i-Tenoh, G.8trad ley, J. Orr, a Msoe, H. Stewena, E. Kllbler and R. George. In the orgmnlzatlon of, the boy scouts which was formed under the auspices of the sssoclatlon two. scout patrol teams have been selected. The Blazing Arrow patrol, JJo. 1, Is com posed of the following: M. Lance, leader, H. Hart tog, asalstant, J. Campbell, H. Courtney, 8. Brown, G, Mears. E, Branoh and C. Henry. The Pathfinders, patrol No. 2, are ae fol lows: li Coston, patrol leader, W, McNeal, assistant, D. Cline, W. Baa.be, C. Thomas, R. Glenn, R. Fos ter and R. Donnahoe. B. Branch has fceen named as scout scribe. A hike will be taken Saturday, the boys having decided to tramp twelve miles to Plney Ridge. Following are the records In th sthletio meet which Is being conduc ted among the high school boysof the association under the direction of Physical Director Harry M. Dill: standing broad Jump, R. Jordan, nine feet; pull-upe, P. Tamlin ant R. Wiley fifteen times: fence vault. J, p Sawyer, five feet, six Inches; dips, H. Hartiog, nineteen times; running high Jump, P. Tomlln. five feet, two Inches: shot put, H, Harttog, thirty one feet; rope climb, H. Hartsog, eleven second. The .standing of the contestants and the number of points of each are as follows: Tomlln, 503; Hartiog, 480; Sawyer, 436; Foster. 376: I nee, JSS; Jordan. 25: Mears. 808: Brown 290; Coston, 230; McNall, 56S: P. Brown, 143: Thomas, 235: Campbell. 211; Wiley, 160: Burn, 1 47; Cline, 152; Sawyer, 116; Courtney, 105: Thames, 13; Strsdiev. 46; Alexander, 45; Dodson,'40; Raabe. 26; Henryr 16; Donnahoe, 15; Glenn, 0. CONCERT OF CHORAL SOCIETY TONIGHT First Concert of Local Organisation at the Auditorium at 8:S4 O'clock. S5EASLEE-GAULBERT CO., Incorporated Munufacturerg i i t i Louisville, Ky. HENRY J. OLIVE Smith's Bridge. Asheville. N. C. A new chib fur KiiKilsh reUlont In I'l&ia, to be called tho Imperial Brit ish club. Is to he opMirI in- Paris by King Gnorge during ,1U coming visit The now chib, wltflt 'a'eubiiiT.lptlon. of ily Jl yearly, will ajvpoal to the twenty thousand British residents Of Pari. The sheriff of Lewie county, Wash Ington, is encountering the same dif ficulty that was met by the local of ficers in apprehondlng the alleged kldnapiwrs of little Bettte Kdna Cole, according to a telegram received by Sheriff (."harles F. Williams yester day, ..Although Miss. Carrie Ttneloy has been arrested her sister, Mm. Bnttie Hutchinson, has fllfappeared with the little child It Is said. The telegram was received man as fol lows: "Chohallv Washington. "Sheriff Williams Asheville. N. Cl . The first spring ooncert of the iAshe vllle Choral society and onchekra will be riven tonight at the Auditorium at I:t0 e'clook. The society has been preparing for this event for the last three months and It la stated by many who have attended the rehearsals that tho concert this evening; will be the best thing of the kind that has ever been produced by amateur talent In Asheville. Weekly rehearsals have . been the order of the society since the first of the year and it Is stated that many excellent voices have been developed through the course of training fol Jowed. It Is intended to make the organization a permanent one and to present concerts similar to the one given tonight . at regular Intervals. Plans are on foot to hold a big mu sloal festival here In the summer and the concert tonight Is one of several Intended to Inform the citizen cf the community as to what la being done by the society In the matter of devel oping local talent. The program to be rendered to night is as follows: 1. Miaroh, "King's Hum&m" . .Leonard . Chorus, "Gypsy Lltfef . . R. Schumann 3. Overture, Raymond Thomas 4. Part songs-- (a) "Who Will O'er the; Downs" Peersall (b) "The Sea Hath Its Pearls" Plnsutl 5. Oliorus, "Daybreak" . . Fanlng 6. Su'jte Romantlgue, "A Day In Venice" ; . Nevln (a) Dawn. (bl Venetian Love Song. e i Oood-tilght. T. Chorus, "My Love Dwells In a Northern I.and" .'. ...E. Blgar . Kanienol Ostfow, Cloister Scene ................. Rubenstela t. Wa,!t Song, "Spring" '. ". , . .1 Mllde Swell Corns? Try; Wcerfcl "GETS-hC Greatest Corn-Cure World Has Eve Known. "Gets" Corns Sure as Fate. Thousands say "GETS-IT" is almplf magic If you've tried nearly every thing under the sun to get rid of those corns, so much the better for "GETS- - -IT." Corn freedom is yours at last LENOIR, March S3,The high school pupils of the Lenoir, graded schools celebrated their victory wbn In the triangular debate last night over Morganton and Hickory traded schools, the final climax of the Jubi lation being a huge bonfire at the school building on North Mtin street. In the debating' contest the Inolr boys won over the Morganton boys In tbe latter town and also won over the Hickory boys at the school building here. The query for dis cussion, Resolved, "That the Consti tution of North Carolina be so amend ed as to allow the initiative and referendum in statewide legislation," was discussed by the representatives of all three of the schools. The debate held here was well at tended aid the meeting was preside! over by Captain Edmund Jones, chairman. Our boys supported-the affirmative side of the query and the visitors took Issue from, the negative point of view. Lenoir school was rep resented1 by Henry Menzies and Bon ner Knox. The Judges were I. T. Avery, Morganton: J. D. Elliott. Hickory and Thomas Newland, Le noir. ; . At Morganton the Lenoir boys took the negative side of the query and won the Judges decision over their opponents. The affirmative was de fended by Clarence Bolick and Leith 8huplng, of Morganton and Reece Crisp, and Lee Spencer, of Lenoir up held the negative, the latter boys winning the decision of the judges Lenoir, having won at both of the de bates, entitles them to the represen tation at the final contest to lis hell at the university, Chapel Hill, April 8. The committee of Judges at Mor ganton was composed of Dr. J. L Morphy, Hickory; W. C. - Newland, Lenoir and A. C Averyi Morgunton. All four of the Lenoir boys made ex oellent speeches. not next week or next month,", but right now! "GETS-IT" goes "afted corns as a crow des corn. There are no more thick plasters and greasy" salves that , don't remove, no -; mors files, razors and Jabbers that maks corns grow. ' Put a few drops of GETS-IT" on and see every v corn and callus shrivel and vanish. That's the new way, the painless, sure,, safe. quick way. Only "GETO-IT" cgn do lt. Apply it in 3 seconds. y . Every druggist in the land sells GETS-IT," 25 cents a bottle, or sent direct by E. Lawrence Co, Chica- GETS-IT" is sold In Asheville bye Smith's Drug Store and C. A. Raysorj BRITISH OFFICERS GIVEN FEW HOURS TO DEC! (Con tinned frosa Pace Oa). sanctions from their commanders te deal promptly with any of tthelr own mem acting in a disorderly manner, anft to give the police Immediate as sistance in any such case. The aRy is quiet, but great inter. est was displayed in the parliamentary statements by the orowds which re mained around the bulletin boards ot the newspapers most of the night, awaiting details of the situation wits regard to the army. ; with ohlld. Will arrest Hutchinson woman later. Get papers and come at oice. Wire when you start, P. C, FOSTKR, Sheriff." Requisition papers have been ap plied for and as sovn as these can h secured one of the officers from the sheriff's department will go to Washbston to brlni; the prisont-r back. Since tlwmeseRge from Sher- i Iff Foster seemed to Imply confidence lift his ability to "get the Hutchison j woman and the child at any Urns he desires the local officers refuse to he Smooth, Hairless Skin Follows this Treatment ' "Carrie Tlnsley arrested here. Bet-j discouraged over the fact that Mm tie Hutchinson ha left this county I Hutchison has not been apprehended (Toilet Tips.) , Among Hue home-beauty helps, none perhaipa kt more Important than that which will free the eWn tram obnoxious hary growths. A simple method to rid the skin of unsightly liiLlne is '.o make a paste by mix ing powdered delatone with water and applying for about I minutes, then tubbing cff. With R ooimes ev ery bit of hair and wihen the skin to washed, it will be firm and free from blemish. Results are more sat- lsfacttvy If the delatone Is bought In an ori(rinal ipuckaire, " ihirrlifevlsta! mum C DM SEOLEci3JHIESU : Black Tan-White The f. f. Daiuey Co. Ltd. Buffalo. KY, Haiolton. Out. WAS "MISPXDKRSTA!DNG, LONDON. Mardh 23. The defec tion of the army officers who refus ed to serve in Ulster is a closed in cldent, .but its consequences : are like ly to prove far reaching. ; Premier Asqulth and Colonel Seely, ' secretary of state for 'war, made explanations before an ejtclted am', turbulent hiouse today that the whole affair was the result of a misunderstanding. This misunderstanding, it was in ferred. although they did not directly say so, was due to misconstruction of the government's plans by the com manding general. Sir Arthur Paget, whereby he informed the officers in Ireland that they were to move on Ulster for a repressive campaign. General Paget and three senior of floers from the Carragh campGen eral Gough, Colonel M?Ewan and Colonel Parker, were summoned, tie edTfeWUI J ' , , ( V FersAWet Sll J YswCana H ssdCJus. S aft) Lont'ion for a conference. Accordln to offlclal statements the misunder standing has been cleared away, and these officers returned tonight to Ire land. Prior to their departure they said they were entirely satisfied with th results of their visit. The terms on which tflie officers remain at their posts were not disclosed, but the gen eral 'belief Is that they were assureA they wwuld not be compelled to fight against the Ulster men. Lo-d Morely explained in the house f lords signi ficantly that he did not think. In the Interests of tfie efficiency of the army, that aU that transpired in the army council should be made public, and that the king approved the orders to the officers t return. King Takes Part. The part of the king played In the crisis has not been disclosed. Army officers address their resignations to his majesty, and the report is that the kins; insisted that '.he resignations In the present Instance should not bt aooepted and used hie Influence with the oablnet for a compromise with the irnvy. The unionists firmly believe that the government has participator. In a fiasco. They think that the two most enterprising spirits of the cabinet, David IJoyd George and Winston Spencer Chun-hill, wero the ohief movers in the plan, and that the gov ernment proposed a wholesale move ment of troops into Ulster to over come the covenanters by the display of superior force and the sxrest of their leaders, and that the plan was frustrated only by the opposition ot the officers., jy Some of the unionist members as sert that Andrew Bonar taw reoentV received a letter quoting one of the highest officers in Ireland as say ing: i - : "By Saturday there will be hundreds of deairt In Ulster." The unionist also accuse the gov- tent of iiiaktngiscatecr'ar of General Paget for their own "cofoasa. blunda-." The future of the home rule bill Is In doubt. None of the Are and firm ness wtch permeated the speeches ot th nfatateiv only last week wj In evidence. "The army has check mated the government according t the unionists' view and the Oonvenant ers of Ulser have won their flrht. - RnlSMil flu. jMlmilM ' No one will . b surprised if tl; government soon .relinquishes arm- fores, as its action had the tarmed late result, of striking- a shower oft sparks of class Jealousies. liberal' newspapers of high stand- lng and influence like the Dally Chronicle and the Daily News print tetter denunciations ot the officers a part of the Tory aristocracy which In eiets upon the prerogative of ruling the country against the will of the people, and demand the deirtocratlza tlon of the army and that the ays- ' tern of officering 1t from the sons of th rich toe superseded by a system wtoeretoy officers maybe ' promoted ffom the ranks. - Th labor psipers are equally blue and demand to know why privates) should not have the same privilege) ot refusing to fire, upon worklngmem when called upon to suppress strik-s) rtotay -!" "What about the strikers?" was th Shout -with which the labor membenf tried to drown Mr. Bonat- Law's de fense of the rights of Uve officers M refuse to obey, orders against thel oonsiiences. . ... Conferences of high officers witty the king continued today. Sporadic resignations of officers were en nounced, including those of several oi the volunteers forces. ' At the Carletion club, which Is si conservative stronghold, it - was as- serted that the first lord of thd admiralty, Mr. Churchill, one Friday ordered the third battleship squadrorf to Belfast, with the object of landing marines, and that Admiral Bailey rH piled that the squadron was not in Condition to go to sea. Speaking in the house of commons, Prime Minister Asqulth -t-oday. mad it clear That officers end men ref lng to obey orders In connection wli the opposition of Ulster to the Intro ductlon ' of home rule ' for Ireland were (table t'o dismissal. . Details' of the revolt of the army officers against service in Ulster had been awaited with strained expects tions by tfie whole country. " Only brief statements were forthcoming from the secretary of war and the premier, amcV the gist of these was that the whole affair was due to "mis understanding" and that an the offl oers had now returned to thtir duty. itVi PROMOTE A CLEAR SKIN CUTIGURA SOAP And Cuticura Ointment No other emollients are sq. wire to afford complete satis4 faction to all who rely upon them for a clear skin, clean ftfcalgoorhMfrahdTftTT A I t . 1 wnne nands. ?t ; ,

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