13 THE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVILLE, N. C., MARCH 29, 1914 The Question Is, where can bay the best ICE CREAM FREEZER? . Ob that la simple Jn construction, thoroughly well made, easy to put together, absolutely hygente, ry to clean, requiring leaa labor to operate, quickest freesing and with reasonable care will laat a lifetime. The answer Is BUY AT LAWS Jisk for the celebrated ALASKA FREEZER gala shews the , . wonderwortdng ai stating spoon dasher. THE NORTH POLE la the small all metal freeser. It Is (built with the same care and en the . same lines as the higher priced freesers, but with tub of metal Instead of weed. 1 qt fixe IMS, J qt, $140. J. H. LA IV 99 PATTON ATE, WE ARE NOW located at i 14-16 N. Main St V LANGItEN BLDQ. with a complete Una of house hold outfits. , 'SJHBlBSSSBaaSSMBVBSBMBSSBW ThelXL Dept. Store 1414 N. Main Sh Fbona 107 SOME OAT WE WILL MAKE TOUR GLASSES .Why Not Now? Our i Intelligently applied sr j' vice maanr better glasses i for yon. Oiarles 0. Doness Optometrist and Optician. M ration Ave Opp. Postoffloe, HUSBAND ARRESTED FOR DESERTING WIFE DOCK CAMP IS LOCATED AT CLEVELAND, TETN. Wife Made Complaint to Sherlffe Of Accra, Family Wow In Deplor able Condition, It Is Said. J Dock Camp, charted with deserting hi wife and several small children at Aaheville several weeks age 'has been located at Cleveland, Tenn., ac cording to advtcee received at the sheriff's office yesterday afternoon from the authorities at the Tennessee city. The -arrest was made follow ing the complaint of the slater of the prisoner about a week ago. The tele gram reoervefl yesterday stated , that the prisoner would return without requisition papers. Aocordlng to statements made by the deserted wife and the sister ot Camp when tthe complaint was turned In to the sheriffs department, Camp left his home suddenly one night, without warning, with the wife sick lit bed and practically nothing In the house with which to feed the chil dren. It Is stated that the neigh bors and charitable organisations have been, supporting them since, but that they are practlaally destitute at the present time. 'The boarA of county commissioners was appealed to for transportation for the prisoner and an officer will (be sent to bring him badlg immediately, ; It was stated by the sister of the prisoner that the latter left Aahevllli with another woman. Bhe also elated that he bought two ticket for Knox vllle at the Southern passenger sta tion and this gave the officers a olu as to the direction taken. The report was also circulated that Camp bad gone to Spartanburg but notice was received from the authorities at that place that no one answering the de scription sent could . be located there. The condition in which the Camp fatnlly Is reported at present Is said lo m the worst that Has come before the attention of the authorities In several months. It Is stated that for several weeks the mother and chil dren have been barely subsisting on the food given them by the kindness of the nelghbora None Better ::; And seldom an equal can be found that measures up In fuel quality with our famous : ..M.&W. COAL 'f -PHONE) 4ft. ' Asiteville Coal Co. .'. North Pack Square. ' r. U. WEAVER, Manager. 95 DIXIE MOTOR CO. BUICK 11885 Phone SOS. S3 to 00 N. Main CITIZENS TRANSFER COMPANY 48 Pattern Ave. Phone 25. TV's are prompt, reliable and responsible. Merchants' haul ing, furniture mo'ln. ttoreg e, packing and shipping. Prompt baggagu transfer fcorvi:e. En dorsed by U. C. T. 1T.F.JL Across tho Styx. . 'Here's a, shade won't give Mi name," announced the Imp who has registering guests. "What does , he say " inquired Satan. "Says to put him down as John Doe." ' , ; "All right, and lust put htm tn the oven to bake.' Louisville Courier Journal, ' BINGHAM SCHOOL ojexessNaaasssnasj Excellent Game at Blversldo Park a Yesterday Afternoon Pitcher Keet- . er the- Star. ' ' Bingham baseball team went down In defeat before the Farm ' school boys yesterday afternoon in a base ball game at Riverside park. The final score was 4 to 0. This was the second game ' that the cadets , have participated In this season and HUN practice has been Indulged in on ac count of Injuries to players. Keeter, star pitcher for the Farm school, wm In the box and the Bingham boys oonld do little with his bendera He gave up only seven hits during tho fray and struck Out ten ' batsmen. This kind of pitching backed up by excellent fielding, caused the down fall of the caOeta In the fith Inning Farm school bunched three hits, scoring two ns and in the seventh Keeter helped win his own game by doubling to right with two men on the sack. 'Williams was the star for Che Bingham team, handling many hard ohances at .third that out off runs. He made oae error: The scots: Bingham AB. It. H. PO. 11 E. Awtrey, cf 4 0 1110 Williams, lb 10 14 4 1 Webster, sa ......... 8 0 0 S 11 Hlllard, M 4 ,0 10 0 1 Craig, If 0 1 1 0 0 Hoaks, rf ....... 4 0 1 0 0 0 Hineon, lb , . . , 4 0 t 0 0 0 Floyd, o ..... 4 0 1 T I 0 Chambers, p ..v. 10 0 1 I 0 Felll, p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals: ,11 0 T IT It I Farm School AB. It. H. PO. A-E. West, lb ........... 4 10.110 McThemy, 3b .. S 1 1.4 1 .1 Keeter, p ....... 4 0 I 0 4 1 M. West, ef 4 0 0 0 0 0 Wnherts, . ... tV 1 0 11 8 0 Beady, tb ....... 4 0 0 0 1 0 Shape, If ........ I 11 0 0 0 oung, rf '........'4 11 0 0 0 Rudgeman, of ... I 0 S 1 10 Totals: ........ H 4 ST 11 t TOUR LAUNDRY WORK. To bring home the relation of tu berculous (households to all others, the Mississippi state board of health ha sent out a dodger showing laundry Work being done by an afflicted fam ily. It recalls the beginnings of the agitation against the Washington al leys, . When Jacob A. Rlls, nosing around the middle ef a bloc, found the eenate'e towels drying in one of the worst alleys. The Survey. Summer Flowering Bulbs As soon as weather favors hipping we shall be able to supply bulbs of Gladiolus, Tub erose, Tlgrldia or Shell Flower, Trltoma or Red Hot Poker Plant, Tiger Uly, Hyaclnthus Candlcans, Plain and Fancy Leaved Caladlum or Elephant Ear. All bulbs of first quality, direct fremhe grower 7. and sure to bloom this season. Grant's Pharmacy i ; Drugs and Seeds Arthur M. Field Co.. announce A Special Sale of Pearls NCLUDED in this special lot are a few Oriental Pearls of fine sheen and pleasing color that are now priced from $4.50 to $117.00 rHE sweet'water Pearls, which have been sent in from time to time by the pearl fishermen of Tennessee, are mostly of irregular shapesknown as baroque pearls and in clude a large lot at 10c each and 'smaller lots which are priced at 25c, 30c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 each. There are also a few finer Tennessee Pearls that will cost you from $31.50 to $58.50 each Your saving is from 10 per cent to 25 per cent Arthur M Field Co. CHASE AND ARREST OF AN ALLEGED OFFICER WALTER BAtKD TAKEN IX TOW BY THE POLICE. Man From Detroit Claims to be Po lice Officer and Attempts to Make Arrest with "Chicken" Badge. Chased from a garage on Pealand street down Patton and : CUngman avenues to. a point near the, Southern railway passenger station, Walter Balrd, alleged to have been repre senting himself .as an officer from Detroit, was arrested yesterday morn ing and lodged at the police station on a charge of Impersonating an officer. The chase attracted wide attention as the streets were crowded with, early Saturday morning shop pera As the ohase progressed the pursuers Increased lj number until It assumed the appearance of one of the popular comlo moving picture plays so often portrayed on the can vas. According to statements mads by the prisoner and the men responsible for his capture to the police, Balrd came to Ashevtllle a few days ago and calling at the garage asked to see Mrs. Jack Sonscrant It Is stated that he claimed to be a Detroit po lice officer and displayed a bad It Is also stated that he represented himself as having been sent by the father of Mrs. Sorsrorant to get her to return to Ontario, Canada. Mrs. Sonscrant claims that Baird said he had been to the local chief ef polloe and that he had been authorised to make arrests. Fearing that the alleged officer might cause trouble for them and desiring to be as pleasant as possi ble and to avoid publicity, It is stated that Mr. and Mrs. Sonscrant Invited Balrd to attend the performance at a theatre Friday evening, which he seemed delighted to do. After the performance Balrd is alleged to have tolllhem ihatjrhllftlhe dutyjwould be painful, he would call for Mrs. Sonsorant Saturday morning to take her to Ontario. In the meantime the 4 husband called at police headquarters to In quire of Chief Charles N. Jjominao if the alleged officer had been to see him as was claimed. The chief stated that no such man had been to see him and told the husband to call the police as soon as Balrd came to the garage the next morning. This Sonscrant did , but Balrd Is said to have heard the message and taking warning fled down the avenue. . An amusing incident occurred fol lowing the arrest, when the prisoner was searched at police headquarters. When the lapel of his coat was tarned back and the badge revealed it was noticed that Instead of the regulation badge worn by police offi cers, engraved on It were the words: "Chief Chicken Inspector, No. 7-.1J," MusteJUUta. ;. CtsrSfM Hut Lots of lively new weaves this Spring; many from European weavers that have heretofore not beerf used: in ready clothes. Hart Schaffner & Marx have brought over a large variety of new things; you get the benefit. Look at what we can offer at $25 and more, and as low as $18. Don't pay too little to get real value. M. V. MOORE & CO. This store Is the home ot Hart Schaffner ft Marx clothes DUNULP HATS, MANHATTAN SHIRTS. 11 Ration Ave. Phone 78. There's a Time Limit. "While you' were standing In the doorway, telling the sweet young thinroodtt)lghtrrdid-lt-aver-dawn upon you" . e "Oh, not X never stayed that late." Judge. "FOUNTAir COMPRESSED AIR SPRAY Order ICE CREAM for Sunday Dinner CANDY KITCHEN AND CLUB GATE. NEAR POSTOFFICE. PHONE 110. HAYWOOD STREET TJNFT7RNIKrTKI ROOMS FOR RENT Convivial Obstacles. Tipper I sometimes wonder why I never rwechert .it. in iif Caniid Friend There have be too jnany bars in year. way,, my boy. Don't Hesitate but come In and call for what yon want. Anything and everything In Sportlno Goods, Toys, Fancy Goods, Novelties, Leather Goods Thousands of other articles that yoo might need. THE STORE OP VARIETIES BLOMBERG'S Sporting Goods and Toy Store, 17 PATTON AVE. Corned BEEF TMs is especially nice sliced cold for sajidwlchesxaIso Bast Quality CHIPPED DRIED BEEF " . STAR MARKET FOR VINEmRDS, GARDENS AND SMAUj ORCHARDS WITH TWO-FOOT ORCHARD EX TENSION. With Galvanised Steel Tank'. . 90,00 WH)h Polished Braes Tank.... 90.50 Write for Circular. SPRAT MATERIALS. Information about Spraying cheerfully furnished. T. S. Morrison & Co. 0-84 Patton Ave. The Sooner You Order the Sooner You'll Ride Your 1014 ; INDIAN MOTORCYCLE Those who ordered at this time ' last year recelveA their ma chines promptly had their mounts ready at the opening of the riding season. Those who ordered later were disappointed because they could not get immediate delivery and ' the Indian factory .worked day and night trying to keep up ; with a landslide of orders. Therefore, we , suggest to the man who wants Ills Indian early that he consult with us now that he study the 1914 Indian Catalogue that he arrange for an Indian demonstration at our store. We want to give our .patrons good service, prompt deliveries,, ample attention. Help us to do so by coming to see us now rather than later on. 114 Indians from $200 to 9326. F. O. B. factory. J. M. UEARN & CO. No. 4 Battery Park Place THE MARKET OV QUALITY THE MARKET OF QUALITY RICEFIELD LAMB We Furnish Mint With Each Order Brookfield Butter Country Butter. TURKEYS-DUCKS MILKFED BEOILERS. FRYERS HILL'S THE HOME OF WESTERN MEATS Ask Your Neighbor. THE HOME OF PEERLESS PRODUCTS Try a ton of our Blue Gem or Jellico Lump CoaL There is noiie better. Offloe Phone XII Yard Phone lit We sell Wood and Kindling. ' Ashe ville Dray, Fuel & Construction Co. Phones: 1917, 1918,-1919. e'HuwTsucoeisfurterera" so a variety ot appetites ' Everything ELECTRICAL for the AUTOMOBILE Elgin Electrlo Vfbrator Horn, complete with cord and push . button, brass finish ..... 93.50 Dean Electrlo Vibrator Horns, ' complete with cord and push button, black enameled with nickel trimming ......93.83 The A. B. Trumpet Vibrator Horn, complete with cord and push button, blaok enameled with nickel trim ming.. ...se.oo The A. B. Trumpet Motor Driven Horn complete with oord and push button. Hack enameled with niokel trim ming .... .... ...910.00 If you are looking for an ' electrlo horn you should se our Una PIEDMONT ELECTRIC CO. 4 Patton Ave. Opp. P. O. NEW PERFECTION OIL COOK STOVES. t Burner . .,95.00 3 Ituraers ...... 9T.&Q 9 Burners ........... ...90.80 4 turners .....912.00 Brown Hardware Company 99 NORTH MAIN ST. PHONE 91. . II. Arthur Sheet Metal Works MEADOWS & ARTHUR 4 Market St.' ' Phone 9119 Burpee's Spencer Sweet Peas ' I have Burpee's re-selected Superb Blend which is the very beet 2 So per ounce. I also have Burpee's Qrandiflora Mixed. 15o' per ounce. Mailed at these prices. -If you want a pound or more the prices are cheaper.-- , L.R. STRICKER 99 WEST COLLEGE STREET PHONE 1629, , Wholesale and Retail Seeds and Poultry Supplies. Cob Cigars. The vest pocket size. The best 3 for 5c on the market Try them and he a pleased customer. ROGERS GROCERY CO. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS, ASHEVILLK, N. CU PHONE 98 - - DANIEL WEBSTER FLOUR. Our Delicious Asparagus Tips in Cans .Will take the place of the fresh cut grass and you can be sure it is always fresh and tender. YATES & McGUlRE 97 . Haywood . Phone 1711 and 1714 i City Market Phone tS4 Fresh Columbia River Salmon A Choice Meaty Fish That YoaH like . Astievllle Flsti Company CITY MARKET PHONES 289-290-315 APRIL VICTOR RECORDS ME READY 0 I