CHE STOUAT OTIZES, AbHiSV'll.T.T:, N. C, II ARCH 29, MM THREE DAYS-MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THREE DAYS AT MAMET Three Days of Big Specials Note Prices Large Assortment to Select From in Our Stock Remember -We Can Clothe the Whole Family 0 6 DOMESTIC 3c yd. Nbt mono than 10 yds. to & customer. COTTON BATTING, 5c roll , Kegulax 10o yalxiei. " EATTNE AH oolors 15c yd Kegiflar 25c value. UESSALINE SILK UNDER. SKIRTS S1.39 . ill colors. CHILDREN'S PUMPS. '. and Shoes. 98c Regular $1.75 and $2.00 values NORPpLK SUITS For Men and Boys $7.50 Our Regular $12.50 Suits 500 pair Ladies' Pumps and Ox fords, all styles, value to $3.50, pick 'em out Mon, Tues, and Wed, . : 69c $3.00 and $350 Shoes for Men, all styles, all sizes, good values, one pair of a kind $1.35 $16.50 Blue Serge Wool Suits, Nor folk or Half English styles. Three days only $10.50 SATIN PUMPS. Black, $3.00 regular value $1.49 Two newest styles. SATIN PUMPS Blue and Pink . $3.50 Regular Value $1.60 For three days only. CHILDREN'S PUMPS 100 pair. 65c pr. AUplzes. , MEN'S TROUSERS . Regular $2.50 value V 98c All sizes and colors. . , , OANVAcsnro The yard wide kind. 3asc yd. Special yalue. -,' APRON OI1TOIIAU , Extra, good quality 6c yd. AU colors. , Large assortment , of iladies' and Misses'. White Canvas Pumps fro Easter THE STORE FOR BARGAINS Tine MaielkcBtl Star Brand Shoes Are Better Star Brand Shoes Are Leather Shoes for the whole fam- ily, ; Hundreds of Styles. 4- Where "Old Hickory" Jackson Fought His Famous Duel With Charles Dickinson, Killing Latter ! Little Town of Adalrsville, Ky., Close, to the Tennessee v Line, Where Fight Was StagedJackson, Hard Hit, Had Nerve to Kill His Opponent. Rt dtoSI between Andrew Jaokson a Charles Dtaldnaon vu tough oa . h&nika of Red rtver, small stream , la mow the little town OX ! Art-bminu. Kjt. Among th people of that oeotlon tho detalla of tin duel have bn headed down from gn ra tion tq generation, until (till neigh borhood legend, clothed to ell tho num iwhldh oucfh folklore usually acquire yet remarkably clear d emi. even to the nmall detail.'wm vii one of tho moat e- unrnad duelists as wU aa notable t.niti In many waya In TJnttefl States history. But all agree that he .. a man of oudck temper, firm con vlctfona and aiwaya willing and ready to fight Hia oeverest crKice pay him for bla fldeUty and devotion to We wife, and 1 te a ead fact ht their marriage wee under euoh cir mmtances ae to rive rtee to a ecaa- dal that mm magnifled and uaed at poliUcal capital during nU nri cam ( palcn for president. tt -mm to diefenee of W wlf' toon- of that he fauht hla rooet notable QioL Hla dnenor In this memor la enoounte la true Index to hla iiplaoable enmity . and .. hla absodutt Xaarlessnesft. At the time the quarrel with JDiA bison ar'oM, Jaokson had located at Nashville, Tenn. At the ace of 21 he waa ewvt aa public proaeoutor to Penn sylvania, then a 'Wild oneetitled oouirtry, where Vawleesnese hM away, and whre hla life was In ahnoat oon tant danger, yet he to credited wit havtoS dlsahared hie duties fearlesaly and well, and rapidly made hlmeelf one of the foremost men of the tlmea How Jackson' Met Mrs. Roberts. On reaching Nashville. Jockaon ee- cured board with a Mrs. Donelaoa, SwldoW of John Donelaoin, a pioneer vrtto had been kMiea by inaiane aev. rel yuan before. To thla couple had been born a daughter, Itahel, and. ajcoorddng to the ouatotn of those early daya, ah had married at a very ten der ee, Lewli Kooaraa ontr ner choice for a buaband. twl Robardi la dharged with having a bearish dis position, and continually found fault with hi beaufliful young wlfe, and was Insanely jeakrua of any man who poke (pleasantly to her. At wis time fc sent her back to her mother, where S remained ifpr a rear before a mu- V Id friena enecxea reromnnugn. Bo rt was that when Jackson, then a young lawyer, took up his abode In the Ponelson home it was not long until Hobarde- grew Jealous of hhn. - So KSee-flaa Robaroa' veaalow he4 he again sent his fair wife back to her mother, and, two years later, In 1701. the legislature of Virginia passed a bill authorising the eupreme oourt of Kentucky to try before a fmj the brtutfhti After filing bla petition, Roberts toMc no further action for two years, but In the meantime Jackaxm and Mrs. Rotmrda lhad been married, evl dentdy believing the decree of divorce had been granteA When Robard did really secure his divorce on, Sept, 27, nti, Jaclnon and has wife Were publicly married again. Never waa there the gUgtiiest aus piolon of aonjugat Calthlesaness against either Jaokaon or hla wife, aave (he ajmlUguous oondltfona under VhSch they .were tnarrled, Tet the public never forgot or ceased to gos sip, and It la said that the overbear tnc of acme of the talee that were being tord reaHy caused Mr. Jack son's dwevth. During the first campaign iter hus band made for the preeWwniey, when stories were told and spitted through out the country that form a pitiable commentary on trte poUtleal ethesa of t!h day, (Mra. Jaokeon waa ta her room In an Inn at N&abvtlto, and overheard aome men tn an adjoining room discussing her with easy assur ance and probably recounting la de- tun the slanders that were being cir culated. The Horror of (he reveled Uon or up to that ttmaj - Jackaon had been auooeasful in hs effort to fhleld her from aB knowledge of the acurrlloua stories brought on the heart attack, and ahe dSwd within few days. Jaokson's trends declared that Dickinson, grown jealous of Jok eom't Increaetng popularity, had de termined to drlv, ttem from Temes- eee, and seised upon ' tlve marital cloud as a means to that and. la any event, R la charged that lie circulated the current stories and bad hlooA was engendered, but not to the point . of an open cnaiienge. Tet only an op portunity waa necessary, and this was given in a quarrel arising over a feet made on a horse race. . ' Mcfcineon Good Shot The due waa fought early in the morning of May 10, HOI, wrttee M. E. Bacon in The Terniaaaaan. and any one Hvmg rn or near AdsJrrUle can show you the spot, point out the houses where both duelists and their attendants stopped the preceding night and other items of Inter est con nected with the affair. Why Adair llle jnMaeIected as the meeting place is not clear, unless tt waa be cause It la just ever the Kentucky Tennessee line, and the fighters want ed the encounter to take plae tn an other etate than the on is wfhk they ..lived , ' ,,. shade of aa enormoos elm that atoot in the yard. When night came on ht was moved into tho house, but by that time hit vitality was nearly spent and he died about I o'clock. Ctoklnson'l grave la in small Sell near Nash ville en the Bosley er Whltw'ortli Dickenson waa a famous afcot wttn the pistol, mod between the time of ttie succaptance M the otiallenge and the meethig he did ererything peaat hle to daunt his gtfMpeetrrg aArar. acouracy and aulckneas. In hla home he bad a dummy (prepared of about the same alte and general builnS a ttve tall, spare form of Geo. Jackson, and would amuse Hta friends wfao call ed to aee Mm by aekinert "And where eaall I hit dsn. JacKaoa thla time? No aooner would they replyt - "la the eye," or "In ttve heart." than his pis to) would ring out and the bullet would go true to the spot named on the target. - ---- ,. On the road to the dueling ground! he entertained his companions anA those they would meet by shooting small objects, even cutting small cords ta two as they swung free, or hlttina eoiaa that war nipped into the air. At one tavern where the party stop ped, Dickinson went through hla per formance and left the covered string with the tavern keeper, saying: "If Gn. Jackson comes along thla road, be. kind enough to show him that. But these things did n'ot disconcert OW Hickory. . Jaokaoa and Us party were the flnrt to reaoa the Mlghorhood of the tiuellng ground, and they stopped at the home of a Mr. Miller, where trav elers were wont to he cared for. About an hour later DicOdnson and hla party topped at the same place, but find ing the others already there the went a short distance further to the home of a Mr. Harris, a aon-ta-law of MlHer, where they were taken . for the night. Both of these house are standing today. The Miller house la of brtok and the earthsuake of 1111 se badly cracked the walls that it had be be largely reconstructed. The Harris house, a rambling two-story frame affair, is still extant though plainly showing the ravages of time. The next morning dawned bright and clear, in sharp contrast to the rainy, disagreeable day ' before. Promptly at the appointed time the prinoipale, with their seconds and surgeon each, met near the Harris home. Adalrvllle people will tell you that the place aeleated was a pawpaV thicket, anA that hefors the duel eould proceed the buahss had to be out away with pen kitfvta Jackson's Iron N'erve. Be that as it may. the preliminaries were soon arranged and a coin was tossed for choice of positions. Dick inson won and chose to stand facing west, which put the sun at his beck. giving him quite an advantage. The distance was measured off and pegs set for each man to place his toe against At the word "Firs!" Dickin son leveled his pistol and pulled the trigger. The bullet aped true and hit Jackson in the breast, breaking two ribs, aa injury which weakeneA and troubled him tor the rest of hla life. He showed so tittle sign of being hit, however, that Die Id neon cried out: "My God, I have missed Mm!" Dickinson, so the tale of the Adair villa people goes, then stepped away from hla peg, but hU seconds forced Mm-baaih and eaada hiss-stand at Hi until Jaokson could fire. The latter calmly raised his pistol, took delib erate aim, and Dicklnapn fell, with a mortal wound. He was taken back to the Harris home and maxfe as corn- lands, unmarked at the present tlms. aavo for a small, (plain slab on whtakj is no latter to indicate whose -tomb it ie. .. Jaokaoa walked front the duelln ground back to the 'Miller home. On! the way he passed a sprtiig , house. iwhers a maid was putting Juga ot mirjc into the water.. He aakeA for a cup of buttermilk, whldh was given him, and it waa While drlnlktng It that J some one noticed blood from his wound and palled attention to it. Jack- ion replied with an oath not to men tlon it, a he wanted Dickinson to die without even the comfort of knowing that he liad been hit, and continued! I would have lived long enough to kill him If he had shot me through the heart- ' ... Diaklnson's friends have always in sisted that Jaokson trickeA h1i "oppo nent in the duel that Jaokson, who waa very UU and slight of flgura. wors purposely aa unusually loose fit ting coat and thereby Dtaklnson was deceived as to the location of his ad versary heart and aimed a trifle to one side. In the river bottom where th me- morabl affair took place there stood until recent years two enormous tres about ten paces apart that were re puted to mark the apote en Whioh th duelists stood. These trees were care fully preserve until weakened by de cay they were blown down by a pass ing etorm. - AnA through all of his stormy ca reer, Oen, Jatikaon'e tndr devotion to his wife never waned. It was after his election te the presidency the fret time, but before the inauguration, that she died. As th sorrowing husband waa tookltig on the dear features for the last time he aald to those In th room: "In th presencs of this dear saint I can and do forgive' all my enemies; but those vile wretohes who have slandered her must look to Ood for tnsrey." She was hurled In th garden at the HermKage, and Oen. Jackson haA monument ereoted aa which 1 In eoribadi "Here lies the remains of Mrs. Rachel Jaokson, wlf of President Jaokson, who died the 22nd of Decem ber, 1821. A being so gentle and yet so virtuous, vile slander might wound but could not dishonor. Svsa death, when he tore her from the arms of her husband, could but transport her to the bosom erf her God." HENDERSON COUNTY WILL HOLD A FAIR Greater Hendarsonvllki Club Decide to Have First Annual E)veat Next Fall as Henderson rills, - . HENIXEHlSOINntXE, N. C. March JS. Th Greater Hemieraonville club last night decided to hold a Hender son county fair next fal' in thl ctty. Th report of th committee on the feasibility of holding a county exhibi tion waa rsad and thoroughly discuss ed and th commits was Instructed to continue its work along general lines outlined by the club. It was a decided te hold th fair at Laurel park and to have live stock exhibits In connection with th agricultural dl- Dleye." Th movement Is so far with out a leader since Noah M.' Hollowsll, chairman of the fair commute, de clined the invitation to serve as sec retary. The club insisted upon bis accepting this position by reason of hs experence with th western North Carolina lair at Ashevlll last ysar, but Mr. Hollowcll declined on th ground that h did not have spar time to devote to th work, The club will endeavor to aelect a secretary at an early date in order to perfect the detailed work incident to organisa tion, the preparation of premium lists, ta. MR. FALK WILL HOVE TO PATTOW AVEtlOE Wtt Known Deafer ta Marital In- - summon ta Will Move Hla" Stock of Oooda Soon, SIIIPIJAII MS f.!.'IE ' 110 AllKGEL'-EtlT Cozamtmlotm of Labor anA Frtntlnf Ebows bo Iatentioa of Enterinr Congressional Primary, Railroads caused nsarly half the forest fires in Colorado and Wyoming last year, and almost ore-sixth were set by lightning. In California light, ning started more than half, with railroad a comparatively Insignifi cant eaua. WILL BREED HORSES Ill TRANSYLVANIA L. B. Ciough, of Warrn, Pa., who ha been spending tome time at hi farm in Transylvania county, yester day returned to his home, stopping over in Ashsvllla several hours sn rout to Warrn. Mr, Ciough re cently purchased ons of th most valuable pieces of farm properties in Transylvania, 1,100 acres comprising his farm. Th land Is well adapted to ths. production of the various crop of this section of the tat and th owner of the property it making many Improvements to the farm. Mr. Ciough anticipates th breed ing of Perch eron horses at hla prop erty In thl state, having stated that he feels that such a venture will he a profitable one. These heavy draft animals are In demand and It i x pecetd that Mr. Clcugh will have em of the - horses shipped te Transylvania within the ImmedlaU future. C. Falk, who has beep engaged in tho aale of musical instrument hr for th past thirty year and who ha been in business at II South Main street for the past eighteen years has leased the store room at 71 fatton avenue and announcement i mad to the effect that he will move hi took of goods to the new location the first of th approaching ' month. The budding formerly was th Classic theater hut many change have been made la th arrangement of tbs store room anA tt Ii now an attractive tales room. A nw front has bn Installed and many other changes hive bn made looking to the Improvement of the building and the increasing of th attraotivsnt of ths place. . j Mr; Falk is one of th city's well known tnualo dealer and th new that ha la ta move will b learned with great Interest by a large otrcl of patrons. His sew quarters will en able him to show hla good to bet ter advantage and to carry a larger took of merchandise. Preparation for th transfer of th larie took of good hav been completed. Frophooy FtdAIler. "Look hr. you swlndlerl" roared th owner of th suburban property to tha real estate man "When you old m this house, didn't you say that tn three month I wouldn't part with It for 110,000?" Certainly.- said th real . estat dealer calmly, "and you haven't, hav you?" lAldes Horns Journal HENDERSONVILLE, N. C, Marcti ' ((.With reference to th fight for ' tha congressional nomination of th Tenth district and th probability bf Commissioner of Labor and Printing j M. L. flhlpman entering th already thr-cornrd race, letter received here from Mr. Bhlpman by a close personal friend can in no way bi construed as conveying ths assurance that he will ma any formal an. nouncment, . . Mr, Bhlpman has not -' been in the dlatriot sine the Christ '! mas holiday and saya f he . know i nothing of the political altuatlon, ex ; cept what friends hav written him' and from what he has sained from the newspapera While h baa hB duly Importuned t offer himself at; a candidat for congress, he Is evl-. dently weighing th matter well and , heeitatlng to om dfl nit step. Mr.: Shlpman is expected In Henderson' vllle. his former home, during the coming week, when It ta most likely ; ha will make soma announcement of ' hla Intentions, after being on th , ground and looking ovr th situa tion for th first time during th'1 year. . .'. . , : , - Kot Dead, Only Sleeping, Walter "Wer you ringing tha, bell, sir?" Customer (after long wait) "Ring, tng Itl Great Scott not I waa toll-. Ing It I thought you war dadr Everybody ; 2 Tours to Europe ForsonaUy Conducted -Fartiav Meet Bailing June 4, duration 01 days, $778 Bailing June IT, duration 71 days, f f 71 For particulars and full itinerary. apply to " . eu ATifiwortrn BoUIng the Kettio. Mrs. Campbell had engaged a new maid. "Martha," said tha mistress, eg th first morning, "be careful al ways to boll th teakettle before mak- tng th tea." ttarths..sXjBUIta her wllUnsneaa, and after much absence In the kitch en, returned to ber mistress and aald "Plemaa, mum, there's nothln' big anonrh to bolt the tar-kettl In' leea Hla the- o-eah boiler,- sure." N-t Simplicity Simplicity, th keynote of all Ob aimer Resign, faithfully carried on U tha rTOW cAXP4 "SIXV Simple ta eperatlon and in con otruetlon means th car U easy to care for and maintain. la the Chalmers six tho Ignition system Ideal simplicity. Thr tr only eight wires In tho entire syeUtn. (' - TICS CHiALMBRS "filX" IS BUIM? At TOU WOTJIO LIKE TO KAVB A MOTOR CAR BUIUT. gOCFVB, HXXOTCFVU AND EF FICIENT. THE WXAlrU OF ICANT CARS CENTEtSD IN Asheville Automobile Co.

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