THE ASHEYILLE CITIZEN, MONDAY, MAHOH30, 191. Sr Regular$950 f.o.b. factory Vith Electric Starter $1075 f.oJ). factory l' 1VLL RECEIVE A SHIPMENT OF OVERLAND CARS ABOUT APRIL i , . .. . . ; s ..... .. . . : . , This is the 19m Car that has created more favorable comment than any Automobile ever produced since the beginning of the motor czr industry. Impressive in appearance and quiet dignity, in service so reliable that it has no superior among the highest priced cars, the model 79 OVtRlAUD sets a new mark of QUALITY and solid automobile value so for ahead of all competition as to place the car in a class absolutely by itself. ... VJe have two new 1914 Maxwells 25-; also several second-hand cars. YITE HANDLE ACCESSORIES 56 S, JMIH STREET HOLLAR MOTOR COMPANY ASHEVILLE, NX. WE DO GtNtRAl . REPA1RMQ TELEPHONE 672 YOUTHFUL GOLFER SEEKS NEW WORLD TO CONQUER Francis Ouimet Sails to Fit His Skill Against Euro pean Golfers. BOSTON, March 29. Francis Out met, youthful bolder of the National open golf championship sailed today to match lila kill with European golfers on the f anions courses of the British. Islea and Franca. On hi twenty-first birthday ' tha conqueror of the noted- British professionals, Vardon and Hay will be getting In trim for ' the" "British amateur cham plonshlp tournament over the SanA- wlch course, on May 1 and '12. The Brat competition in which Ouimet will angag will he for the historic - Saint ; Georgt'a , champion grand challenge cup at Sandwich, May 14 and IS. Immediately after engaging In the British amateur championship, Oui met will leave for the continent to take part in the French amateur championship at La Boulle, May 25, it ana n. Later mi max a tour of the scotch courses in prep aration for the British open cham plonshlp at Prestwiek, on June 18 to Ouimet la accompanied hy Arthur G. Lockwood, a former Massachus etts amateur champion, who is a na tive of England. While abroad they will meet Jerome - D, Travers, the American amateur champion, and lYederick Herreahoff, who twice has been ' runner up for that title." It will he the first appearance of the American amateur and open golf champions together In British cham pionship play. Ouimet, had little, to say about what he thought of his prospects. ANOTHER STRIKE TREATEJTED. ROME, March 29. Italy faces an other general strike. Eighty thou Band railway employes are clamoring for an amelioration of their condi tions of employment, which would represent an Increase of $10,000,000 1b the- state budget. The employe held several private masting today. It was decided If fV. rafiiMA te 4ir ' satisfactory answer to the 'demand of the men. a general railway strike will lie proclaimed April 15. Seri ous reprisals also were threatened, particularly If the government at tempted enforcing; mil Mary discipline. HIGH PRAISE. ,, WASHINGTON, March 29. High praise for officers and men who par ticipated In the Atlantic fleet's re cent landing operations against the dvanoed has forces at Culebra, Cuba, featured a report by Captain w. 8. 81ms, made puDllo today. i MONTGOMERY WIVS. MONTGOMERY. Ala, March 2. Montgomery Southern leaguers this afternoon wort the last game of the carles from Detroit American league veterans and recruits, to J. Bill KHUJM THfcAiHi UKOJtT Ttiurs. April 2 Matinee and Night . Return of the Celebrated Opers of ' Fun and Faahlon. "The Rose Maid" i. " ' " 'inn -rrn-T 1' CTEXXAIi ORCHESTRA OF 12 go Psseto . ( r"' Beauty vnorua Myono CrltlnUm, e Detlcloua MuaUal Dattoht. systtssr than Ra Slater Opera, The Serine MaJtf. :lMt arte. SBfl ta til nlaht m, SO to J. Tk-U at Allison's Wat SflSM, 1C1PAT FINISH TO HEPEAL DEBATE (GasiUuaed trans Fan One.) HUERTA REMAINS IN IGNORANCE OE FATE (Continued nea Page Oney lesser Importance. The senate Inter, state commerce subcommittee contln. ues at work on anti-trust bills, la Che house the Interstate commerce committee, which, already hat voted for the Covington interstate trade commission tilt and stilt ha to act on the proposition (or federal con trol of railway capitalisation, is en gaged on the repeal bill to the ex clusion of aU other business, so that nothing; U scheduled in the commit- tee for this week. The bouse judiciary committee has had "its calendar aptet hy cases in volving charges against Representa tive McDermott, of Illinois, ' and Judges 6 peer, of Georgia, aifl Wright of the District of Columbia. The committee may act on the Mc Dermott case Tuesday, voting on a leport from the subcommittee, which proposes censure of McDermott and national association of manufacturers officials. The house has a number of appro priation Mils ready to consider, In cluding the naval appropriation, which has the right of way. If the repeal hill should not be dis posed of by Tuesday night, it might go over until Thursday, as Wednes day la held to be sacred to "bills on the calendar.' The repeal fight has 'broken up plans of various committees for tak ing up important pending bills. The rules committee, particularly Is anx ious to get action to provide for the proposed investigation of speculation on wheat and cotton exchanges in New York, New Orleans, Chicago and the northwest COBB HITS. MEMPHIS, March 29. IV Cobb's hitting', two singles, a double and a triple out of five times at bat, Boehler and Williams pitching and the errors of local team made a five to one vic tory over the Memphis Southern as sociation ib ythe Detroit Americans here today. Score: R.H.B. Detroit . , . ,-. 5 11 O Memphis ... .............. 126 Boehler, Williams and Stanage; Kimball, Harrell, Johnson and Rey nold.. ,.: followed toy recognition of the belli gerency at the rebels. . . , : President Huerta haa given, so in Um&tWb of his Intentions, but there are many In the capital who still pro fees to believe that he will take the field and leave the preilCenoy tem porarily to Be nor PortiHo, and later become candidate for election, By few ft Is suggested that the fat of Torreon would hasten that move ment, a President Huerta'a confi dence in liia own ability aa a mili tary man would force him to measure his training a a soldier, covering his whole Ufa, against the recently de veloped power of Villa" who until four years ago, was confessedly a bandit. That General Huerta, has any Idea of abandoning the right has not been inlioated. Plans for the opening of congress on Wednesday are under Way and there is no apparent reason t believe that the president intends U lose the (0,400,000 pesos for which ha arranged last week with banker a . VEXlOSXn DOWN REDS. NEW OtRTJEUNB, March 2. The local Southern association team out played the Cincinnati National league first team and won today exhlbk tion game, 4 to 2. The Cincinnati team tonight left for Memphis to open a aeries there Monday, Score! R. H. B. Cincinnati New Orleans ............. 4 5 0 Batteries! Johnson, Rowan and Clark Oonaalaa; Dalker and Adams, Hlgglna. KIX)W game. DAIXA3. Teg.. March 29 By out hitting the Pittsbnrgh National Leag. uers here today, Dallas, of the Tex as league,' won a slow game, six ta two. . : floorer "---.-- R, H. a Pittsburgh wF'rs4' 2 -4"- 0 Dallas -. . . ..... 6 6 2 McQuillan, ConseVmaa and Gibsoa; Huenka and Menefes. (SEEK BEER TO 1XRTTKB. KAXEi, Pa., March 29. A fortune of 1265,000 awaits Keith Dalrymple, aged 22, of Port Allegany, who dis appeared from home 7 years hga Relatives have started a country, wide seardH. The fortune was toft htm hy hie father, an oQ operator, who died recently. EARTHQUAKE FELT. ,, WASHINGTON, March 29-iHfcavf earth shocks were recorded tonight by seismograph at Georgetown Uhl varsity, the disturbance beginning at T:4t o'clock and continuing until t:12. The distance' was not esti mated, ' '':" . giants dowv hocstoit. HOUSTON, Texaa, March 9.-tfw York National league "regulars, de feated' the Houeton, Texas, league club here today, 11- . to - '2. Doyle trippled in the first Inning and Merkle stole four bases. 1 ' (Scot: R, H. E. New'Tor'k r.lTZf"i Houston ...,. . .... 2 6 : 2 Marquard. Fromme and Meyers, McLean; Malloy and S, Allen. Notice to Voters I wish to announce to those who do not personally know me that I am the son cf John I Cat hey, who for eight years was the Clerk of the Court During four years of that time I was his assistant deputy. I am familiar with the duties and re quirements 'of the office. I am seeking the nomination in the coming Primary for Clerk of the Court I have no Political Organiza tion bade of me. I have no money to organize one, but I am asking for the vote of the people who wouIA like to see a change. Are you one of them? Yours truly, JOHN H, CAJTHEY. Advt. It IS UNFAVORABLE TO TREJEBEL FORCES (Continued From Page One.) tng co men In authority. Six mUUon peso)4ni flat money arc In circulation in the states of Chihuahua, Durango and parts of Zacatecaa and this money Is steadily decreasing in purchasing power, with no prospective) reserve backing while more money la being issued. The present value of a, peso note is about II cents. Despite Governor Chaoa assurance to the state department that Luis Trrazas, Jr., would not be executed it wad learned definitely here, that TerrazM was threatened with execu tion twice within the last eight daya He waa saved from death within 2 Ihours on one occasion only through the efforts of representatlvea of a foreign government,-th pleaded all one night that the prisoner be given an extension ' of "three day.- The three days extension was granted and later, through another influence, the talk of exwjtlott Was dropped tern porariiy, ; f ..- f. . LABORERS ARE WANTED AT HENDERSOtlVILLE That the "prohlam of the unem ployed," which is said to exist In certain sections of tha country, does not affect Hendarsonvllla,, Is shown by the fact that they are crying for laborers at Henderson county's capi tal, he "want ad" columns of The Citizen contain an ugent appeal for 100 laborers who are wanted for work at Laurel .Park, one of Hen Orson vilje's chief attractions, which boasts a swimming pool and recrea tion grounds. As a matter of fact, Hendersonvllle is enjoying quite a boom and her cltizan look forward to the most prosperous tourist season that section has yet enjoyed. WICKEIISHAM HURT. WAHINGTON, March 29.- 1eorg W. Wlokersham, formerly United Rtatea attorney general and hl four-year-old tfauahter, Wtnlfred Aiken, were cut on the face by glass from the windshield when the automobile In which they were riding daahed int a trolley pM today. Neither Mr. Wlokersham nor the child waa badly hurt Pennsylvania has refused to abolish hanglne- as murW penalty. VILLA'S LUTES" (Coatlmed from Paga One). waa received by General Ohao, not a house waa occupied, and all showed signs of previous battles, Delay first waa occasioned while Carransa waited for nla troop train catch up. This done, other hours were consumed while tha soldiers waited for new uniforms. The pilot train which preceded the troop train ran Into town for the sup plies and when It returned there waa a great ncrambie for the outfit The brown mean immediately became a clothing store and box cars and tha abandoned houses were turned Into dressing room. " , It waa dusk when tha cavalcade mounted once again and started for the city. The streets were illuminated and triumphal archea biased with many colored incandescent bulbs. At tha monument General Carransa waa wildly cheered. Ha spoke in ao knowledgement Of the welootne and then repaired to the house set aside for him, General Carranaa said ha ex pected to spend several days In Jua res, probably until the battle of Toi reon is decided, AROlM)(lT0WN KETTRjrS TO ASHEVTJjLB. Dr. and Mrs. H H. Brlgga return ed yesterday from Baltimore where they have been vislOng for tha past few 'days. MOVES HERB. J. R. Rice, of Elisabeth City, has taken charge of the book keeping department . of the Rogers Grocery company. Mr. Hire and his family hsve already moveA to Aahevllle from the Eastern North Carolina town. OFFICERS CHOSEN. The Philethea class of the F1rt Baptist Sunday school yeeterday elect ed the following officers: Mrs, Maria Bryant president;' Miss Lena Pita, vice president; Miss Carrie . Lee P-lsv.k, scretryi Miss Hassle Mit chell, traeurer; Miss Nettie Perkin son. reporter. ; i MIHSJOXARY JCEETCTG The fojrth division of the Woman's Missionary society of the Central Methodise church will meet In a bul. JET AXO IUILVETD.YEfl BALANCE TOACS. AXD WfiTCT TAZZJ, V ;r-- ' t i ! ., A sirlkin use Is made of lt and rhlnestones, In combination with black satin and white lace, in this superb gown, designed for a young concert singer of reputation.' Loops of crystal . bead are - festooned over tha lace bodloe and caught up usder ornaments of rhlnestones and i.i black skirt being held up at front and back with these sparkling orna ment! over an underskirt of white tango crepe. The Jong white gloves are of embroidered si lit and the onto, small hat Is of orange velvet with a paradise aigrette, V :t mm session this afternoon at 4 o'clock at ths hew of Mrs. I, W. Wolf, 137 Woodfln street, A "NIGBTT OT PTjAT , A "Night of Play" win be o?v dunted t the Park1 avenue school to night nndet tfha ausplceg of th Y. W. C. A. this entertainment wilt ta especially for the rasldsnte of tbic section of the etty and all ore urged to attend. The as of the school for tha purpose haa bean secured rrora the superinterrfent ef dty achoola and an extensive r'ograin haa been arranged. Native runners in 8oufh Africa re- MAJEST G THEATRE TODAY, "TOMORROW and WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER MORN GIRLS IN (ON THE GOOD SHIP MARY ArJPJ" IS PEOPLE - A MUSICAL COMEDY OF MERIT 15 PEOPLE Qever Comedians, Good Singing and Dancing, New Song Soceesses, llagntllcest Scenic and Electrical Effects CAST INCLUDES SUCH WELL KNOWN PLAYERS AS- W. 3, BCXGB BILLY HOWARD LORE2 GILLETTE JIM COXWAY JACK McMAJLiX DOLLY BEVJfETT AlIIE McMAHAS1 OLLIE CRI SWELL MAZTE MAIIXB OLIVE YAILE and JOY LA PEARL BABE POWELL . DAISY MOORE ... KARIO.V GOr.OON Mattncc 3:15 Daily, Prices 10c and 20c Nights 7:15 and 9:15, Prices p. v