THE SUNDAY CITIZEN", ASHEVILLE, N, 0, APEIIi 19, 1914 DIDuBILLil EGSEBT LAXSCXG, lOCXSELO B FOR SX-VTE DEPARTMENT. President of German Army League Would Prepare for Trouble. ; Lansing la ' dyeA-ln-the-wool in ternational lawyer who bangs his hst la Washington but skips about all the way from Peking to The Hague. Hi succeeds John Bassett Moor aa coun selor and la a democrat, strangely enough, for be Uvea In the political twilight sons of the District of Co lumbia. He la fifty yeara old, a mem ber of the bar the part quarter of century md married Mlae Eleanor Taster, daughter of John W. Fos ter, who after being aecretary of atate at Washington, broke all records la a magnificent fee he received lor aa' ". :;V ment Lehaing haa collected fur aeal evidence on the Paclfio coast, haa at- tended the fur tribunal In Parte, haa been oounael for the Chlneae legation twck In the nineties, counsel for the United States . before the Bering aea clalma co mm lesion, and for the Mxl can and Chinese embassies, and ooun ael before the Joint high commission. He haa practised before th Alaskan boundary tribunal and In the Veno- auelaa dispute, the Atlantlo fisheries arbitration and hoata of other causes celefcre. President Wilson haa ar ranged to have Lansing serve as aot- lng secretary of atate during ab vlsory services to the Chinese govern sences of Secretary Bryan. It's the Ford age tie age of de pendable and economical transpor tationMore than four hundred and twenty thousand .' Forda in ' world-wide service have changed distance from a matter of miles to ' "a matter of minutes. .Buy, your Ford today. Five hundred dollars la the price of the Ford runabout; the touring car la Ave fifty; the town car eeven fifty f. o. b. Detroit, complete with equipment Get catalog and particulars from D. C. Shaw Motor Co. Phone 2266 18 E. COLLEGE ST. ASHEVILLE. H. 0, Get Our Prices IT PAYS EILTMORE PLUMBING & HEATING COMPANY PLUMBING, HEATLNQ. OAS IiniKtt B. V. CREABMAX, Prat. i L, A. CREA8MA1. Mgr. riKSllFUIlDi SAYS riEEDED MONET NECESSARY TO INSURE PEACE (Changes) ot noun at sen loss er names of pastor ahould te reported to The Cttle before 1p.m. rriday.) AS deaomlaatloai heies churches at Asheville and each house at worshln sen da a cordial tnTltatloa to strang ers In the city to attend. Pewa are tree at all ot the eh urease. Central Methodlat Dr. J. C. Kowe pastor; aenvtoea at 11 a, m. and M9 p. m. Sunday school at till a, nv Pint Baptist Dr. C 8. Waller. pastor, A. L Raby, assistant pastor; enrtoea at 11 a, m aad T; p. m. Sunday school at t:lt a. m. rtrst Preatotertaar-Dr. Ifa. T. Campbell, pastor ser-rtoee a 11 a. aa. ana T:l p. m. awnaay sonooi at t:S9 a. m. . Sees Annrcachinc Conflict Day Arenuata--Bader o. " I I ! eA RaU-vtsssk as 11 JS eJVKlii VMewat mrwm m ws e With French and Would , be Beady. m. aad .7:10 p, m. each Sabbath (Sat urday.) Sabbath school at II a. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist Services at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 11 l n. Reading room la ohurea BERLIN, April H. Major General edifice at It N. French Broad aveune, Keim, president ot the German Army open from II s. . It nv and league haa started au agitation for from I p. m. to p. m, sally, except another billion marks (2SO,000,000) Sunday. for army purposes, without " which. Its declares, the safety of the coun-I Emmannel Lutheran Rv. W. XX try agalnat the excited French and Peters, pastor. Serrloea at 11 a. m.; German attack cannot be guaran- Sunday school at l;l a. m, srmaa teed. This demand is In addition to I service first SundayO e every month the measure passed ' only last year l et l:0 p. m. meetln an extraordinary war tax of 1260.000.000. the first Installment of I Christian church Rrv. 1, H. which has yet to be collected. Mean, minister. Serrloea at 11 a. Speaking before the branch of the Bible school at a. m, Vrmy league at Essen, incidentally the seat of the Krupp works, Qtn uat Kelm made a Utter attack on Count von Hertllng, premier of Ba varia., who declared recently that the burden of armament taxation had reached Its limit and that further war taxes must yeara to come. Bethel Methodist- rr. J, W. Ingle, castor. Bervicea at n a. m, aas 7:10 p. m. North Aahevflla Baptist Mlsdo! Rev. A. L Ruby, acting pastor. Sua be demanded for day school at I P n, devotional ser- General Kelm, who 1 vices t P. m. referred to the premier as "that man"- declared von Hertllng needed Methodist Protestant Rev. Ck to . study political economy to leam I Bates, pastor Services at 11 that Oermany, whose resources were! nd 7:10 p, m, Sunday school at l:tl greater than those ot Franca, couia i afford to make as liberal sacrifices. He characterised von HertUngs re marks aa .unconstitutional and Im pertinent, and said they would have evoked limned late protest from Ber lin In the dare of Blamark. 'The truth la," continued General North Aahevtlle Methodist Rv. W, E. Poovey, pastor. Servtees at 11 m. aad 7:11 p. ta. Sunday school at :ll a. to. Salvation Army Adjutant aad lira Kelm, "that we are not as strong j0hn Bouterae ofOoers la o barge, our possible opponents. We muat tr,,, u n l-JL South Main street. make ourselves much stronger than I salvation meeting every night at I p. we nra. Only when we are strongly I txce Monday. Sunday school at entrenched, can we rob our enemies :t0 p Hall No. J, III Sprint cf the courage -to attack na from ,treet, salvation meeting Tuesday mad east and weat and crush us aa In syjdav at 1:10 n. m.i T. P. L. meat. vase. Is H not better for us to offer taf Thursday at T p. m. aad Sunday up anotner Duuon ana nur, jwot. at p julUor meeting. 11 a. m. Otherwise, . if we ao nouung w jjojin,,, mUng: I p. m- salvation- atrenthen our mlliury power, in we mwtJnr our Motto "HoJlnesa ante approaenmg war we enau, our Lord." Our. wejrcrm. fSlnaeg there wives and daughters violated by ths Cossacks and Turkos (French Afrl can troops) ; France will take from ui Alsac -Lorralne: 1 Russia, East nd West Prussia: and we shall have to nav an ' eventual war tribute of at least tihirty bHUon." This speech, with the recent article Gen. von Bernhardt of the same fao Is salvation for. you." Haywood Street Methodist Rev, E. M. Hoyle, Pastor. , Services at 11 a. m. and p. m-1 Swnday school at 1:48 a. m. BIHmors Baptist Rev. Wmiam H.l Moore, pastor: servlcea at 11 a m.1 tloit, polnung out slleged grave f-Lnd , p. m. Sunday school each Sun- viriiuAW in .. vwutiM, ...... j forces leaves no doubt that the Army league, which by Its agitation paved the way for lest year's armament measures. Is planning a new cam' Palgn. It offers some evplanaclon for the recent article In the Cologne Gazette .whose St Petersburg corres pondent declares unreservedly tnat Russia was preparing to attack Oer- manv In 117 a declaration which caused considerable embarrassment to German and Russian diplomacy, which haa been busy for weeks with mutual dentals of any provocative In- tent The refusal of Oermany In 10S to enter Into alliance with France and Russia was due to a feeling that irh an alliance would be "a dls- BOBERTO , PESQTJEERA, MEXICA N OOXSITrCTIOSIAIilST'S AGENT AT WASH tSGTOS. fmJ I - ' '. ' " 1'' lljlj "tii Tirt...a ,.,V. .J1,...... ' " Y r ' "-i, hewsaaw Roberto Peequiera, Mexican eonstl , tutlonallsta. agent at Washington, head cf the. Junta, Is a keen, lively, well-groomed young man who believes . that Carransa Is the real patriot ot the revolution -ridden republic below the Rio Granda. Peequiera used to : In close touch with - the ' martyred reatdentmderdr'ovrns"tandir"tn tats cf Sonora anA was In the great alaca of Mexioo City Just before the arrest cf President Mad ere and Pino day at 10 a. m. West Bnd Baptist Revs K P. Hamrlck pastor. Servsoes at 11 a, m. and 7:18 p. m, Sunday sohool at : II a, m. Calvary Baptist church, West Aahe vtlle Dr. . Millard Jenkins, supply. Morning services 11 a. m.1 evening services 7:11 p. m. Trinity Bplscopal ehuroh. Church and Aston streets Rev. Wyatt Brown, I rector. Holy communion. I m, Sunday school, 1:41 a. m.! morning prayer and sermon. 11 a m.i mission Sunday sohool, 4:10 p. m.i evening prayer and address, sucn n - O.cioeki Tuesday morning oelebration, courtesy to England and to our Eng- " v Tr llsh cousins," aooordlng to Count j?. J?" ftnd tm Wttte of Russia, who will be remem- hwl tn the United . States for the prominent part he played Innegotlat- First Methodlat Bplaoopal-SUv. tv. rMt of Portsmouth. ; Charles B. Roach, pastor. Servlcea - - . x h m or tne nroiDosea ai-it it a. m. . w itw of Germany with France and Sunday school at 10 a. in. Prayer Russia he says, according to the meeting weaneaoay evening. at :aw. Ts.MUha Rundschau. Kins Edward vn of England was suing desperate- Oakland Heights ohurch (North Yf for the friendship of Russia, but Presoytertanj ev. a, uosgrove. Rnssia preferrea uermany as a third member of the planned aHlanoe, Count Wttte received at Paris an In vdtatlon from King Edward to call on him. He learned that the Hnre purpose was to aiscuaa aiuance m Great BrlUfh with Russia, ana ae cUned the Invitation. The next day he oroceeded to Roumanta, cumnt Wltte was ac mat xoae arm VI with full authority xo negotiate scnooij :v p. au utwwdi who an alliance between Rueeia, Germany I special muslo: 1:11 p. m. organ re- and France, according to the Tafull-1 citaij aoiy tommumoa every inurs- che Ronnscliau's correspondent wno 1 cay at n ccjocx. nnntM hint as follOWSI " I '"-" "My proposal was not new to em-1 ronca croau wm oapusi naror William IX Rome years earlier Rev. John E. Barnard, pastor, sun- had laid before his' majesty a well I day school at 1:10 a, m. Preaching worked out plan of this nature during at 11 a. m. ana i: p. m, hi visit to St Petersburg, based upon thy atandnolnt that only a firm so-1 West Ashevllle K. canrtfh Dr. llano between Russia, Oermany and D. Atkins pastor. Services at 11 France, not dn-eoted against eAgiana,im, ana 7:0 p. m. at at least only m extreme case, could make certain the peace ot : Biltmora Mrthodiet JRr, 1. W. Europe for a considerable period. I Campbell pastor. Services every eec reaiiEed nerfectly well that the ond and fourth Sunday at Ham. Franco-Bnalish Morooco treaty of and 7:l Pi m. Sunday sohool fX 11 . . . ... Mm- 4m Mh n . V pastor,' Public worship every Bun day morning at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 1:48. The pastor preaches at the Farm sohool each Sunday night at 7:0. 'All Souls' Church, Blltmore Rev. Bwope, D. D rector. I a. m. Holy Communion! 11 o'clock morning ser vice and sermon; a p. m, Bunaay 4:10 Suarex. the vlce-cresldent He eva ded attempts to arrest . him. Joined General Carranza's forces. took charge of constitutionalists', work along the Mexican border and had several narrow escapes. Once he rep resented Sonora In a conference at Monclova to direct the movements of the confidential agents of the rev oluttonUls of. "the '"TJnlted States and keeps close tab on the devdapmenta In Mexioo, through secret correspond- tion of Germany which Edward Vtt so greartly desired. I was also as well acquainted with the proposals of alliance which the British king had caused to be made to us in 100S, snd with the correspondence in the same matter between Lord Lanadowne and the British amibaasador at St Peters burg, 81r ChsTlea Harding. Vfevortheless I returned to St Petersburg not without hopes for my plan and I cherished these hopes un til the play benina tne scenes si AhToctras in 10 put an end to them." This "play behind the scenes" joined with Germany's unwillingness to offend Great Britain. Is alleged to have driven Russia Into Great Brtt 'alns arms In 107. after lavolakt a German noble, had become Russia's minister of foreign affairs. "' M'rtiiiriflrt r-"Mfiir Mrs. Clara Dikmaa. of Lee, Mass , Is weavtnr ft rag carpet for President CfTOson a, m. St Lawrence Catholic Rev, rather Marlon rector. Masses dally at 7:10; Sunday at I a, nv, and 11 a. m. Presbyteriaa chapel Rev. p. p. Winn in charge. Sabbath sohool every Sunday at I p. m at building at sod of Wat Aahevflle car line. Preaching services on first aad second Sundays at I p. m. ' First Congregational 'Rev.' X BTalnerd Thrall, pastor. Service at 11 a. m. Soeday school at t:4l a.m. Fred Clarke, the Pirates' leader, has invented aa automatic arrange ment by which fielders using m glasses may flrop tbom over their eyes from a metal cap visor by sim ply touching a spring. " ' """ 1 London's latest Motor car show wag the greatest n has ever had, HOME . i m When John Howard Paine wrote "Home, Sweet Home," he endeared himself to the heart of every home lover throughout the civilized world. This song poem will be remem bered long after his multitude of other poems and dramas are forgotten In deed, few people today know that he was a dramatist, author and actor of international fame, or that he was ever a diplomat in the Government's service. Everybody knows him as the author of , "Home, Sweet Home.99. It was this fame that prompted philanthropy to take up his remains from African soil, where he died, and re-inter them at the National Capital, within sight of his country's National Dome, It was this fame that brought together a thousand voices and instruments on that occasion, to swell in majestic chorus the melodies of "Home, Sweet, Home,", in a last arid affectionate tribute to his departed genius. "There's No Place Like Moms." Whenever we touch upon the subject of home, we should strike a responsive chord in every -humn breast The "Old Oaken Bucket,'! "Old Kentuc!:y Home, "Suwariee River," Have been sung into the the hearts of millions of .people because they carr memories of homes that were. Now a man these days is not much of a man who has to be argued into owning a home. So we take neither time nor space to argue that questic the Attractions of Li in and around Asheville are so everywhere apparent, that all who come here for pleasure or for health can, afford to buy a home somewhere in the Asheville district ' What we want is to get the real home lovers to look over Kenilworth. To note its convenient loca tion, immediately between Asheville and Biltmore. To take in its views overlooking the Swannanoa river, the Craggy Mountains, Vanderbilt estate, etc. We wish them to know about the beautiful drives; the public improvements, such as Asheville city water, sewers, electric lights, telephones, city de liveries, etc. In short, we want them ; to learn the, advantages they would have in Kenilworth. for "high living, at low cost" For Terms and Prices Apply At Office on Ground, or phone 2115, orcddres3 wit: .AcIievrNeC',