TIIE SUNDAY CITIZEN, ASHEVTLLE, N. 0., APRIL 19, IOU ?Gts. WILL C ARRY YOUE MESSAGE TO 10 People By Mail. Figuring 20c Postage; 5c Stationery. 50,000 People By Citizen IVanf Ads. And Citizen Vant Ads Bring Results. ' 1 Person It . By TeJegrapft fo ponfs in this stale only. Read For Profit Use For Results i ,14 . Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants Wants WANTED. LET ua do your eyeglass and spectacle reparing. Satisfaction guaranteed ' and price reasonable, Louis , I. Alexander Opticat Co. 78 fatten Ave.,--;,.-,, V,-; ' y 13-14 WANTED Visitor to phone 889; for French Dry Cleaning .done by ex port in the moat modernly equipped cleaning and dyeing plant in the , South. Ladles apparel a specialty. J. C. Wtlbar. . " .'FARMS WANTED. 1 iwiU buy small farms in good loca tions at the right price. ' WILLIAM COLEMAN , It Patton Ave.. 2nd Floor. Phone 2481 . : l.tf l : : -' WANTED A good second hand range stove With boiler attached. W. H. , Parham ,1U N. Main St. ' , .-....,;;.... P1080 ll-t WANTED All your opera, cloaks, silk dresses, white gloves, etc., tor cleaning by the famous French Dry Methods;, perfect in every detail; prompt service, J. C. Wilbar, Phone m. - WANTED Men tor learn barber trade. Few 'weeks completes.' Earn while learning. Position waiting. Write John Queen's Big College, "jpartan burg, 8. C. PBiO 11-30 IF you have house or rooms tor rent. teal estate for sale, list your prop erty with us. Lorick Realty Co., II 8o. Pack Square. Phone 1841. -tf WANTED Ladies gowns and gentle men's suits to . dry . clean, ltugs, portlers, etc, made to look new. Blue Hldge , Cleaning and; Dyeing Co., 28 N. Lexington Ave. .' Phone 248. - f .. . v. . '.. I WlLlt.seU for yot i just prices only,. flue eld jewelsy, fine old sil ver, ftne old mahogany furniture, etc.,- etc. 'Victor Stern, Antique Jewelry Store, Haywood street, op posits Battery Park, .r 808 1-80 WANTEo-i-To buy V everything in men's clothing, second hand.. Also .leather suit caaes, handbags, watch es,, mrnitura. . Anything second- .hand. Wili call if notified. M. Za geir, 44 bo. Main tit 222-27-tf LIGHT Saw. Lath and Shingle Mills, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers, Pumps, injectors, Pipe, . BqUer, Tanks, Bucks; Lombard Iron Works, Au-gusta.-Ga.-v--' P482 22-81 SHOES colled for, repaired and re turned promptly, Uilmer Bowden, Phone m7.- II East College St. lie 22-20 H. A. BROWN CO., oeneral Con tractors, 22 Tempi Court Building. Phone 841. 4020 5-it WANTED Tour notary work. Apply at Citixen vftice. ' 288 2Hf WANTED I " or t room nicely fur nished house. Call 2491. William Coleman, 68 Patton Ave 2nd Floor. -, ..".:-..-, ' u-tf WANTED To rent "small Cottage or bungalow; must be turnished com plete; accessible to car line.- Ad- drees N. V., Care Cltisen. P1100 11-8 iiUAKDEKsi WANTED. Ws8aMajtJ BOARDERS 4 men boarders and table boarders at Hill Cottage, cor. French, Broad and Patton Ave. - - P102I 14-7 BELMONT 67 Spruce, two blocks from Square. Excellent table and targe airy rooms. Phone 840. 804 1-20 WANTED Boarders at Uleeta, I Flint St.,' next to Auditorium. Itates reasonable. Phone 1010 . 788 28-20 TUB OLD KENTUCKY HOME 48 ttpruoe St. Two blocks from squar. Kates on application. Pnone 169. . -; -. v . - ,- n t-1 THE COLONIAL 68 Haywood St, . near P. O. Attractive, convenient and homelike in atmosphere. Sev eral stngla rooms at very reason able rates, for business people wuj .are tired of stereotyped monotony Mrs. olive U WeviUe, Prop. . 888 8-80 WHJ-ARD 88 - Starae Avenue. Transient and family hotel. Kales reasons b.e. Clean, Ugnt airy rooms. Phone 1887. 186-81-80. THE OZARK, 71 North Main street lixceiieai board, large airy rooms. Terms on Application, tit s-sv BOARDERS WANTED At the Dlx.e, 42 Asiuand avenue, ita.es t't.vt to l.vu per week. No tck peoplu taken. Phoue lilt -t. AKBUTUa SANlTAKIUi!. Tryea. N. C For tubercultr pauenu. Miid climate. Ueasooauie rate. Book let - N. B. CoogaA, uwner uud mn- ager.. .--; . - it if tAVANNAH INN 422 Patton avenue. All newly furnished; nice iaxge suu ny rooms, hot and cold water; ex cellent table; everything homelike. Bate II to 17 per week. Mrs. 9. A. Kessler, Proprietress. 8878 81-28 WANTED A few select guests in rv ftned family. Very desirable rooms, furnace beat, excellent labia.- Weil . people only. 71 College street, . 1772 21-28 THE BELVEDERE'- and - Annex, 81 Church street can accommodate , a few select boardera. . Running water In each room. Suite of rooms with private bath. No nick takoa. ' Mr. Nellie W. Hyman, proprietress, phone 488. 8847 27-tf Business Opportunities ITOULD yon start and conduct ab eolutely safe tpfTlce butfnwa paying 20 per icent monthly returns on either large or email capital, where you can handle your own money - and flooded wlthwrdens Immediate ly? Gas Reduction Co., 402 Cheat- nut St. Phils.. Pa. P1104 18-1 FOR SALE LEWELLEN and English Setter thoroughbred, whelped Jan. 20th. By a son of Champ. Prince White stone out of a daughter of Cham 1 pton Mohawlc IL No better breed ing, oo handsomer puppies, and no better shooting dog than the sire and dam. F, W. Finley, Montrent N. C. : Pit It 4 aunt FOB SALE Limited quantity 7 M per 'cent cotton seed meal, loose and . sacked hulls. .Address Kershaw Oil MilL Kershaw, 8. C. lOii ll-t FOR SALE Marble ' Soda Fountain and Back Bar. ' Also- Chair and Ta bles. . All bargains. Have Electric : Carbonator cheap, too, . Address N. JB., care Cltisen, P1088 11-1 ROOMS FOR. KENT. TWO large desirable rooms complete ly furnished for light housekeeping. Mrs. A. E. Colweli, 147 Ashland Ave . ' . - - - ' ;.' 1057 ll-tf NEATL1! rurnUhed single room, 21.50 week; elegant large room, 82. SO. Ail convenleaoes. Melrose, . 807 Hay wood. , 1020 ll-U FOR RENT Two desirable furnished rooms for light housekeeping, close In. 12 Church St; - - P1071 17-1 FOR REN1 Newt furnished rooms in new bungalow. Mrs. Jessie Hatch, Edwin Place. Grove Park. Phone 2122. 2028 18-8 FOR RENT Room r furnished for 1-ght. housekeeping; goa for cook Ins. Apply The Oxark,- 78 North ,.; Main St l-tf FOR RENTFurhtafced- Three room apartment, bath and sleeping porch. Reasonable to right parties. Phone 1100. 751 28-tf FOR RENT To well people, xumlah- ea room witn ueeptnc poron. Housekeeping privilege. Dinner erved if desired.- Phone 881. or address Suburban, car Cltisen. . --.'- :,- 884 l-tf FOR RENT Two ' .sleeping rooms; - ohildren and consumptives not ta ken. Apply morning, 75' Church St ' ':. - ': 880 12-U FURNISHED rooms for light house keeping, close in. Gas for cooking, No. 24 Cherry St P1102 18-5 FOR RENT Two newly furnished bright sunny rooms with sleeping porch in new cottage. Tray service : if desired, -" No eick or children taken. 62 Flint. 110118-7 FOR RENT Two attractive rooms, . well furnished for housekeeping; ' gas range; two doors from Montford car. 24 Sooo. 1114 18-8 ROOMS furnished with or without light housekeeping. 196 So. French Broad. Phone 2210. .till 18-tf WANTED To sublet a six room, well furnished house, good location. Ad dress P. B., care ClUun. P1127 18-8 AGENTS. 18jeieess waei,enw'w VVAAI AGENTS 825.00 a week (or two ... , hours work a day. A brand new ; hosiery proposition that beau them all. Writ for terms and free sam ples if you mean business. Guar anteed Hosiery Co.,. 1758 - Whit Bldg., Dayton, O. P1092 18-1 AG ENT3 Stop cAhvaasing Adver. tine and' distribute or mall circular. We -received 888 orders; 11.00 or dern, 8898 cash Irom on advertise ment; 674 from another, 22 from one circular. . Let us show you bow to get some of these dollars. We furnlah circulars with your name and address, international Bible . ' House. 16th - and Chestnut, Phila., Pa. P1108 Hand 22 HONEST MAN WANTED In each town to distribute free advertising premiums; 216 a week to start; experience unnecessary; references required. Address McLean, Black & Co., 181 N. Beverly St. Boston, Mass. 1018-12-Suna 8t AGENTS Bell our Guaranteed Pure Spun Aluminum Speolaltles, and : make 126 to 180 a week. Writ ' quick. American Aluminum Mfg. Co., Div. 8070, Lemont III. ; P1090 lt-t AGENTS Tou can have a business of your own which should net you 11,500 to 12.500 a year selling "1892" Aluminum Cooking Utensils. Guar, anteed IS year. Our line oldest and largest In the World. Complete sales course free. Moving Picture Lantern Slides free. Business build ing selling plans which clovato yvj from ranks of ordinary agents. No other opportunity con , equal it. Answer quick to secure protected territory, American Aluminum Mfg. CO., Div. 857, Lemont. III. - P1081 18-1 WOULD 140 a wet Interest you W seek a representative for old "ntab lished brand of guaranteed hosiery; sold direct to consumers; protsotod territory; credit given. Parker Mills 728 Chestnut Bt. Philadelphia. P.. P888 1218 WANTED News agent; must have , security and uniform. Union News Co., 878 Depot St P85i 18-8 OPPORTUNITY ' for Live Agents. Splendid household specialty euit abie for either sex. No experience required. Write for free particulars. Greensboro Specialty Co., Greens boro, N. C P1088 11-28-M t AGENTS SELL AMBREW Beer in concentrated form. Carry right in your pocket. Small, compact, con densed. - A xood rlaas of beer want. -' ed everywhere. Enormous demand, sells fa, coins yon money. Field Untouched, strictly legitimate, can ne sold anywhere. Be quick territory SO'.nn fast 3om a postal todav " wrii "W'w yen tww tT-msfce runner iuicK.The Am brew Co.; Dept. 1818, Cincinnati, O. ,, P1098 18-1 George Broadhurst Is writing a play of American life for Miss Julia Dean. FOR SALE SPRING CLEANING GOODS Scrub Bruehea lOo up Broom ... .,...,.. ..26e up Mop Handle .............. 16a up Cotton Mops 16o up Step Ladder ... ......... .76o up Wash Bollera, copper bot tom ... .81-26 up Laundry 8toves ,,........14.26 up Liquid Veneer ............ .26o up O-Ceoar Polish ........ ...26o up Wash Tub 60o up Wash Board ............ .160 up Ironing Boards loo up BROWN HARDWARE CO.. 21 North Main St Phone It FIRST CLASS, clean goods, the very best of service. Highest quality, lowest prices the ret proof store G. U. AJLLlttON, Phone 1148. . . 17-1 FOR SALE 4 horses, aultabie tor work or driving purposes; 2 lop buggies; 1 runabouts; 2 Moyer sur ries; 1 l-seat buckboard; I double harness, and 20 other vehicles vt every description. Agent for Moyer buggies. Millard, Patton Btlae leatner, 148 Patton Ave. 1052 16-7 FOR SALE Thirty -dive year-old past steers and heifers, hree mile from Ashevllle. Address Box 1026, Ashe viUe. Pihone 101. v 1088 18-8 FOR SALB Perfect white diamond, H arnt, at a bargain, Address "iS," Citizen. P1086 18-8 FOR SALE Q rocary and meat mar ket. Owner leaving city. Will take j cash for stock of merchandise only, ; No charge tor fixtures or good will. Business established twenty years, and doing z,0tto per month. Writ Xor full information,- Box 821, - - 1070 17-1 Grape Fruit, per Ao. I0o 25 lbs. Sugar ...... v. $1.20 2 lbs. Evaporated Peaches . . .260 8 Iba. Evaporated Aprloots,.. 860 (i. D. A1X1SON, The Rat Proof Store. 14-6 FOR SALE -Touring car In good nape, mm exenange tor aesiraoie real estate or equity in same. "Car," care AshevUle Citizen. PI 02 8 14-7 SPANISH MACKEREL TO DAI ACMkl Fiatl COMPANY. , ' . PHONB UL- ": H-it ' ' TOMATO PLANTS Egg, Pepper and Cauliflower plants, potted, trans planted and bed plants. Al the best - varieties at reasonable price. Now is the time to book your order. L. K. btneker, 26 West College, Phone 1826. 1067 18-10 Hunt's Fie Peaches and Aprioot peeled. In gallon cans, 47t Fresh honey, per section ....... 20o 26c. six lelly and preserve for ..lie G. D. ALLISON, Phone 1648. POTATO SLIPS FOR SALE Nancy Hail, Improved Golden Beauty and Porto ittco. Will begin ship-ping about April 1st or 16th to July 1st. 11.60 per thousand. Safe delivery guaranteed. Largest plant bed in the eoKth. Million of plant for sale. You will make no mistake in placVi your order In for early shipments. C. M. Mc Kinney, Louise, Florida. - P664 16-80 WHr MOT keep the kitchen cool by using a, DeUoU WlcEles Oil Range, cheaper than coal Sold by Schank' Stove Co II No. Mala street. Phone 1087 802-21-20. FOR SALE Kindling wood bone dry, 11.60 per load delivered. Carolina Veneer Co.. Phone 1161. 2428 16-tf FOR BALE Human hair. Combings made to order. Apply 116 College St - ,181 26-20 RIPE TOMATOES 1 Iba, 16o. Sweet Florida, Orange, 60o peck. Fresh Eggs, 80c. B. M. Shepherd, 41 East College. Phone 1481. 8840-10-80 MOTORCYCLES The great Harley Davidaon for sale by Smith ft Cole man, 18 Patton Ave. Ind Floor. Phone 2496. 16-tf COW FEAS, all varieties, Mixed peaa ' 82.86 per bushel. Mammoth Tel low Soy Beans, 12.00. See me for -anything In garden and field seeds. L. R. Strieker. II West College. .,. 4-10 FOR SALE To yield about 10 per cent 14,000 real etat I per cent bonds secured by farming land in North Dakota. Due February 1st 1917. For sale aa a whole or in multiples of 800. Price, 80 and interest, to yield about 10 per cent J. J. McCloskey Realty Company. . - - 7-tf ADDING MACHINE The Ten Key Dalton 1 the simplest, speediest and most versatile adding, listing and ; computing machine ever construct ed, machine and price to suit your needs. J. A. Jackson, 68 Patton Ave.. AsheviU. N. C. P971 11-20 ASHEVIIXJD PAtNT ft GLASS CO.. members of National Association' of Clean Up and Paint Up" Cam paign. Phone 1778. 6-20 CABBAGE PLANTS Native grown. 12.60 per thousand. L. R. Strieker. 26 West College, phone 1621. , 1067 11-10 FOR SALE Wood and kindling In i 11.00 and 11.60 loads, delivered' brnmntlv. Haviui WnrtHvarrt Phnn. ' 2598. 1014 11-80 i FOR SALTS Two female Pomeranian pedigree Pupplen. Address O. B., care Citizen office. i P1122 18-2 j SELLING OUT Picture Frames, 8x1 worm wo, umy apo; iixif wortn fl.OO. only 85c. Ray tltudio. " 1 -"Tiiir-1-I FOR flALB Porch screen, porch fur niture, rnga. Ice box, matting. Phone 2422. Three Cumberland elrcle. 1124 16-1 HELP WANTED. WANTED I aalesmen, 88 salesladies, 20 cash boy and girls, 11 bundle wrapper. I cashiers. Apply at People Department Store, Monday 8 a. m, P1108 18-8 WANTED Ml eo aheaters; Wages 11.60 to 12.00 oer day. Board eoat 14.00 per week. Transportation re funded one way if stay three month In answering, state ex perience. Do not come unleaa ad vised by in. Only best hand want ed. J. B, Bland. Amelia, C. IX, Vlr glnla, H07 ItAII . MANUFACTURING company want a salesman for this territory. Call Room II Swannanoa-Berkley hotel. - PlOSi 18-6 WANTED A good bouse man. Ap ply between 1 and 18 o'elook morning. Knickerbocker, 77 Col lege St 1087 UJ WANTED White delivery boy. Must v iiiiauH, -wj - recuminenaeo, over It year. Boston Sho Store. .-1671 17-tf WANTED Teachers for desirable po. sltlons high schools, college, com mercial. The National Teachers Agency, til Really Bldg., Char lotte, N. C. P107I 17-1 WANTED Railway mall elerka, Commence 171.00 month, AshevUle . examinations coming. Sample ques tion tut. Franklin institute, Dep't, 286-1 Rochester. N. V. ... P261-1-I-U mayl HONEST MAN WANTED in eaoh town for special advertising work; 816 a week to start; experience un- - necessary; referenoea required. Ad dress at once MoLean, Black Oo., 181 N. Beverly St, Boston. Mem 1018 12-Snna It LOCAL Representative Wanted. Splen did income assursd right man to act aa our representative after learning 1 our business thoroughly by mall Former experience unnecessary, All we require is honesty, ability, am ; bltlon and wllUngnemi to learn a lucrative business. No soliciting or traveling. All or spar time only. This i an exceptional opportunity for a man in your section to get Into a big paying business, without cap. ' ital and become Independent - for life. Write at once tor full partic ulars. National Co-Opsratlve Real ty Company, LI 224, Marden Build ing, Washington, D. C. SW18t 12.60 PER DAT salary paid one man in each town to distribute free cir culars and take orders for ooncen- . trated flavoring In Cubes. J, & Ziegler Co., Chicago. ' P1087 18-1 SALESMAN To call on Physicians. Established trade, Expenses and commission. P. O. Box 121, Phila delphia. P1086 18-21-28 FEMALE. WANTED A girl capable of taking . entire charge of wrapping depart ment; good salary to on that can qualify. Apply McOraw Dry Goods Vo. 17 18-8 WANTED Competent woman, white or colored, cook and general house work. Good place to stay; good wages. Apply 118 Merrimon Ave. : Cor. Coleman and Merrimon, ' P1084 ll-t WANTED A settled Jlrl or woman for light housework, furnished room and good wages, Phone 2011, be tween 10 and XI morning. 1071 17-1 WANTED Toung lady for stenogra pher and offVs work. Address la own handwriting Box 14. 1048 16-7 WANTED Two experienced hotel ' maids; oo others need apply. Must have recommendations from past employers for Ov years. Orov Park Inn. 8666 18-tf WANTED A cook,- good wages. As ply 80 No. Liberty Bt, or phone 451. 1112 18-8 WANTED Competeht oook. Apply 18 Orange St 1126 18-1 " VOSniOSS WANTED. WANTED Position by Registered Pharmacist Eight year dty ex perience Do not dope, drink or amok. Address O. C care Cltisen. P988 18-1 WANTED By bright, energetie . young man, good position In or near AshevUle. Willing to do anything. Clerk or ofSce helper preferre'd. Address Box 84, Greens Creek, N. C. P1074 17-8 AN experienced lady want position as companion, nurs or mother' help er. Z. E., care Cttlxen. P1071 17-8 POSITION WANTED By trained nurse to care for an Invalid or elderfy person. Highest references. Address P. O. Box 686. PI 01 4 14-7 POSITION WANTED By a man of . strong physic and official ex perience, wti" references. Apply through the ballot box Ashe vUle township. I solicit your sup port and need the work. H. a. James. ' : P1066 16-81 PEOFESSIONAL DANCING LESSONS Mm, MKfthalL pupil of Castle and Normal Deixrfng ncnooi stuaenv- muaio Sondley Bldg. Phene 2I81 res. tig. Ft61 lti REAL ESTATE, FOR SAXJ9 400 ACRES: 12,000. ORCHARD development proposition, Caldwell county. In the famous Brushy Mountain section where crops never fall No tear of frost. About five miles from railroad. Good roada and school facilities. Same kind of soil In Alexander and Wilkes counties selling for 121. Enough ' saw timber and tan bark on this land to pay tor It FORBES A CAMPBELL It Patton Ave. 18-1 TRS INSTALMENT PLAN OF buying Iota la a new thing in Aahevtlle which we are going to In troduce. We are agent for the sale of two sightly lota netr Hill aide street The price la 11,060, 1260 down and 120 monthly. Front age of 12 feet Views of Sunset y mountain and Orova Park, .-;.- FORBES & CAMPBELL: PHONE III ONLT ONE LEFT $1,000 will buy a lot In Grove Park this week. It la the solitary lot re-, matnlng in the addition at that price. The next lowest price Is $1,260. Fully restricted. Beautiful V tree and Sn homes aa neighbors. Sixty Coot frontage. Act quickly If you want this bargain, FORBES ft CAMPBELL it SEVEN MINUTES BCHXDTJLS make a lot of difference In time on Charlotte street It's coming. 1 Aalt the tramway people. It will also make a bit difference In the price of lota adjacent to Grove pant mery one concedes mat thus NORTH END la the plane (or trow. Ing value. Three onarmlng bunga low; site tar. $1,800. " FORBES ft CAMPBELL, It ; 7 MILE FROM INN. FOUR acres near the greatest resort hotel in the world. Fronting 260 feet on Charlotte, street extended. Six room dwelling and . other im provements, Fine fruits and splen did garden. Sure to double tn val ue. Buy it new for less than 86.000, M you love the-woods and ' wild flowers, don't miss . this chance. Nothing magnificent, but a gentle litue country tiorne that isn't much over ten minute from th street ear. . : ,:---::,-'",:' "- -.; ,-..- FORBES ft CAMPBBLL, It FOR deiHrabl houses and lota call on WILLIAM COLEMAN. II Patton Ave., Ind Floor, Phone 1411 18-tf MISCELLANEOUS. RATS cannot feed lit my atore. I believe I have the only rat-proof store in western North Carolina. G. D, ALLISON. Phone 1141. TOU OWE ft to yourself, your neigh- ora aina vuur uilw ui lining tin ann clean up Phone 1776. AshevUle Paint and Ulaas oo. 6-1 THE "Cleaa up and Paint up" earn paign ia now on. pnone our Con tract Dept. 177. AshevtUe Paint and Glass Co. t-l THE beat Optical service. W can duplicate your broken lenses with out the prescription, Loula I .Alex ander Opticuu Co. 71 Patton Ave. ;- 11-14 GARDEN. Flower, Oraa and Clover Seed of beat quality at Grant merman. CARRIAGB and Automobile eainUng. xiaay roa.,v it wortn jwexangton Ave, Tops, ousbione and backs made and repaired, phone 1441. 8821 ll-tf BEAUTIFUL NEW RUOS Woven from your old worn carpets, any six desired. In very attractive de- . aigna. writ for catalogue, orien tal Rdg Co Baltimore, Md. P8691 11-11 FAIRS ROOK LylngMn Infirmary, a private institution with every home comfort and skilled medical service. Bos 810. Kiohmond, Vs. PII8 28: 48un hip. sitlona guaranteed. 1 60 to 1 76. Fare paid. Piedmont Business College, Lynchburg, v P8857 1, Sun, to Sep i CLAIRVOYANT RELIABLE Lire Reading. Gives ad vice for all affairs of life, love, mar. rlage, divorce, business and adjusts family trouble. Call Sunday. Pri vate parlor, naoame Regime, 84 ft Haywood St - 867 11-80 KNOW THYSELF Consult the Great Marrette, Clairvoyant Palm tart. Card Reader. Acknowledged world's greatest life advisor. Private per- lars, The Adelaide, Haywood St, near post office. Hours 10 to 8 dally and Sunday. PI 120 19-1 POULTRY AND EGGS. 8. C WHITE Leghorn Eggs for hatch ing from thoroughbred, 61 up for 16. C. w. Jrioouy, zz o. rack Square. 1066 16-80 INDIAN RUNNER DUCK ergs for sale; aiso K. I. nm unicaens; mrw 1 nr II OA . (u lavara. 1. R Oarren, Fletcher.'N. a P185 16-7 WHITE LBGirORlOCGO for natoh- Ingt Wrohoff strain. 81.60 per 16. ' Spedal rate for quantity. Phone IfX Addreaa Suburban, care Clt- II l-4f 1EAL ESTATE FOR SALE YOU DON'T HAVE TO BH RICH TO OWN A llOMK. LOOK HEHEt $100.00 CASH 810.00 PER MONTH ON ARLINGTON ST. w have a very dealrabla two story, six room cottage; it is practically new, Raa a sleeping porch and 1 modern in every respect; lot 60x160 and prico 11.150, on above terms. Well built four room house in good renting aeotion. Price 81,450, 8160 cash and til monthly. A chance to own a good piece of property on easy terms. If Interested In purchasing a home don't 111 to see ua. Phone 148. DONNAHOB ft OO. 'REAL ESTATE 18-2 FOR SALE We axe Just completing a beauttful two story shingled, 8 room modem cottace en th corner of Broad and Merrimon avenue. Lot 60x140: sleeping porch: fine base. ment This house ia built with the very beat material and by skilled workmen, This la one among th best and prettiest houses on 'Merri mon avenue.. New house are sell ing daily. Don't put it off, but ae ua at once for price and terms. Donnahoe ft Co., Agents. Phone 649. -- 19-1 SPECIAL BARGAIN OFFERED BT DONNAHOE ft CO, ; 15,000 Modern 7 room house, X Just completed; every convenience, ele gant finish, two bath rooms, and eieeplng poron; select neighborhood; one-halt block from Merrimon ave nue car line, on Broad street, DONNAHOE ft COMPANY "Nothing but Real Estate," 1 1 WB have a very attractive 4 room cottage: lot 60x110. Price 61.600; $200 cash and 115 per month, Donnahoe ft Co,, Real Estate. 18-1 FOR SALE On of th most beauti ful building site In AshevUle; six and one-half acres overlooking French Broad river with fine view of th western mountain. Ideal for summer or winter homes; one and one-half square from Montford car tin In Ashevllle'a most desirable . residence section.- A bargain. Writs Fowler, care Fibre Co, Canton, N, vj ror particulars. riuno REAL ESTATE. FOR RE.VJ, FOR RENT Six room furnished bouse, close in, fine location. WILLIAM COLEMAN 61 Patton Ave, Ind Flour, phone 8491 ll-tf FOR RENT Lin-Haven Jlome ll rooms, close In, large garden, part ly furnished. Phone 1111. PI4I 11-11 EXCELLENT opportunity for right party to rent new atore with living apartment and one acre of land. Beet location on Old Hickory Nut road, two mile from BUtmorei new settlement with - bright prospeotsi for railroad aiding, blacksmith and - machine shops, storage warehouses, eleotrlo lights and power; good wa ter, eta. Address for further par tlculara J. ,W. Coatss, BUtmors, N. a 896 11-1 FOR RENT I room cottage, eleo trlo light and- bath, near oar line, good neighborhood. Apply at No. 16 West St., or see Roy Schreyer, at the poetoirtoe. - P1071 17-1 FOR RENT We have a few desirable turnished house for immediate possession. J. T. Bledsoe ft Co., North Pack Square. 18-8 FOR RENT Four room cottage, 82 Bast street Apply S. M. Redmon'e tore, corner East and Senoy, - - Pill 11-1 FOR RENT 4 room house; good garaen. Apply ui eroaa street, near Charlotte street P1LL8 16-8 FOR RENT Property on Market street now occupied by AsheviU Supply and Foundry Co. possession can be given June L Apply to W. T. Wsaver. PI11I 16-7 SALESMEN WANTED. SALESMEN WANTED Small cap! tal, good legitimate proposition. Splendid opportunity. Call at room 61, Hotel Swannanoa-Berkley, P1028 14-8 SALESMEN to call on grocers, con fectioners, ' general stores, 160 monthly and expenses; yearly con tract Manager 18 8. 2nd St., Bt. Louis, Mo. P1096 18-1 SALESMAN Traveling; salary aad expenses or commission; must be active, ambitious, energetlo. Splen did opportunity. Former experience not essential. Landmark Cigar Co., Denver, Pa. P109 16-1 SALESMAN For general mercantile trade in N. C, to sell new propo sition of merit Vacancy now. At tractive commission contract 115.09 weekly for expenses. Mile F. Blx ler Co., Wholesale Jewelers, 166-1 Carlln Bldg., Cleveland, O. PI 10 16-1 CIGAR SALESMAN WANTED Ex perience not necessary. We pay 126.00 per week salary, and allow 85.00 per day for expenses. Con " ttnental Cigar Company, Wlohlta, Kan. P1084 19-1 DALESMEN WANTED To take or. ders from merchants for a, store fix ture of merit Good profits. Pro tected territory. Address Htitte Sales Manager, AshevUle, N. C. Box 254. , ,..PU10 19-14 WANTED 8 neat salesmen for Mih grade Independent clrarettn. -dress Chae. U Davi I'. f Charlotte, N. O, REAL ESTATE. eeeeeeewwwewMwwwMe ofr FOR SALE. VOn SALE New, sour-room bunge ",n mouwia Dam. mi is a , erv pretty little place and en ' iumu iiini, vniy fl.iDV. FOR SALE New, four-room bunga- wun mouern oatn ana aioeping porch, . Montford section. Prices FOR SALE New, five-room bunga' low nnu.il am.l. i... " .m largs sleeping poroh. This ia on of the prettiest bungalows In town. ,u We will accept small cash pay- ment on any of the above and givtr terms on balanoe. Our auto is .T awaiting your service. , klTUMPHi:i.r. m No, 1 Haywood. Phone 11 1 LT" FOR SALE Vacant residence toti, viaws, itionuora section, sue 800x450. Prtoe 88.500. V. 51. Meiwler, 21 American National Bank" Building. Phone 688. U-l-t FOR SALE New 4 room bungnlow j in auuuros, f z.ooo. one in West, , AshevUle for 880O. New T-room " house In suburbs, lot 80x150, 8,5oo. ": F. M. Messier 26 American Nation"' al Bank Building, Phone 682. - 17-1 ' ' FOUR ROOM HOUSE, one acre ol nu: n nuie rrom oar line, pries ,. ll.OUO. Terma, 8. U. Hall, 14 I'ai- ton Ave. Phone II.'--7-t. FOR BAliK a acres good hard- wooo umoar, original growih, n- t railroad. 110 an aore in fee; ,. i terma, Wu, 11, Pratt, Marion, O. - - P1U48 15-1 FOR SALE IS -room house, larire 1..', aarueq in rear, on pivea stieot, i blocks from PostotfluW. Good Lac. gain, $1,600.00 flHhlMNie a nnrvmnvr Real Estata and Insuxanoe-nl'hon 73 1 1 . ' ' 6i . i FOR EXCHANGE We have r' 1 iiufiuvea ana unimprovea pti-r- . ty In Baltimore, Md., and Wasim ton, D, C, that we will etcliange i -good farm land or Improved property, Western Carolina Rn4tl, Co., J. W. Wolfe, Beo. anl lr 1 N. Pack Suuare.' 2 i ll 2-u FOR SALE Several valuable lot rn South French Broad avenue. 1 terms, phone 2486. William C'ui. man, II patton Ave, Ind iiur. 14 f FOR SALE In Grove Park, r. Country Club, tnot ettrui-tive 1 room house; 8 bathroom, t v , ter heat, large lot 120ivu ft., b . tiful view. Price on am-iii.-a. ., AttraoUve nw houses, tui-ii. - . best locations, to let I' lions 't . . J. 3. MoCloskey Realty Co. i FOR BALE 14 acre of good f'i- land at a bargain. CUuKm Cm, West AshevUle, N. O. P880 8-i FOR SALE Some of the ln"t lc t In Western N. C. Four iuil4 Brevard. R. R. gtatlon en 1 and en main auto road from, 1 dersonvllle to Lake Toxa-way. 'i to high class river bottom lunl l , from overflow. A great barren r a quick sala For further in--..,. Uon address C. C Duckworth, t Ilea, N. O. P688 IS-ii i FOR SALE 11 two-room cottac 18 vacant lota; pay over -15 i t r cent will , aell at low pri. Phon 140.' Room f Reveli l.ui, -. F. P. Ingle. lo-tf FOR SALE I room hone, all mod- -ern, furnace fteat good barn, on oa ', line, close in and on on of the ben resident street ot the elty. prl .- $5,600, iw4th term , - GREENE ft GOODMAN ' '" Real Estate and Insurance, Phone 731 - I room house, Chestnut St, ,..(!, Uo 7 room house, Vance St ..-.lt,2!0 10 room house, Pearson Dr. t,$5,5U0 7 room house, Haywood St ... 14.000 7 room bouse, Charlotte St ...84,760 I room bouse, new, near depot, 81, 160 9 room house, Flint Bt .........14,850 11 room house, W. Haywood St 11.660 6 room house, Butterlok (ft. .,l,0o v I Mom hones, Penland St $2,200 HOWARD REALTY CO. 1 Amertcaa Nat. Bank Building 18-1 HERE la one of the prettiest t room house In th city; hardwood floors downstairs with twain soo&tlng and . doors of lovely quarter sawed oak: -has large basement with heating , plant The lot la 100x200 and thu grounds are beautiful and well kept . If you are looking tor t ' home let us ahow you thia one make price.- '-r hIicy",, ; HOWARD REALTY CO.. II American Nat. Bank Building - ..... 18-1 FOR RENT FURNISHED: 1 room house, Chestnut St. tr.l I room house, Montford Ave. , .14,, 8 room house, Montford Av.,.50 -I room flat, W. Chestnut '.... 880 1 room housa .Montford Ave. ..876 - room house. Vance St ......$46. FOR RENT UNFURNISHED 7 room house, Montford Ave. .14 S 7 room house, Haywood St. ....ao . 7 room bouse, & Fr. Broad ..I30 3 room house, Chestnut St ...115' HOWARD REALTY CO, '-' ' 61 American National Bank BulWIiijr. - - - ,,-.. - 19-1 FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT Large hand - some house suitable for a ' man'e residence er select bowi.. ? house; 11 bed rooms, I bath. 1m r. parlors and dining room, fur: -beat large grounds, stable, tin. t slrable aeiKhborhood. l 111,000. Rental price 615 09 i month. Moale ft Chile. Real y and Insurance. 17 Patton Ave. Ij FOUND. FOUND Saturday morn hi In more, Hvdy's silver m"-i ' f ean hAv e Cltlxen oftice t ' FOT"'" T? T 1 t