mfc ASircVlLLE CITIZEN; MONDAY; APRIL 20, lii Vt3W'$y?ti and Work 1 ' Tit executive board of the Civic Betterment league met Friday morn lug M the bom of Mr. Whitefoord Smith and adopted the following pro. tram: ' ' V,'' v ' , Th Civic Betterment leafim, of Ashevlll proposes to tiring about: ,' 1. Perfect cleanliness, which means (a) Free collectlcn of garbage. x tb) Clean tret and sidewalk. Clean vacant lot and alley. Covered trash wagon. Abatement cf the amoke no Is. .if (cj . (d) i t. Perfect sanitation, which mean - (a) ftlifld taspeutljtm wf restau : rant, fruit stands, bakeries and groc- rlv as well si dairies' and meat market! ' .'. ' ;-1 .: , . j () . The enforcement of the x perforation ordinance.' . I. ,A beautiful c!ty, whtoh mean (aJ Th painting of house, the planting and adorning of lot and ; yard. ... (oil The removal of billboard, , (cj The prohibition of the dlstri. button, of dodger whloh litter the treet, ,,,, , , , 4 (d) The beautifying of vacant lot and their utilisation a gardens. 4. The children welfare, which mean. r, -.:.; - (a) Free playground and plenty Of thel;,..jV,..y.I.(V:,iai;it (b)More and better park. ' (cThe, trnl;ir,,9f ; cltlin through the organization of Junior '. dvlo league. ; . The member of , the executive boardf ,s$ha& .ormuaM; V adopted thi platform are a follow: . President, ...Mrs, Jeroj; J., Farlnholt: vice president,' air. Robert 6. Carroll; recording ecreta.ry., . Mr H. Taylor , Rovers; corresponding secretary, Mix Annie Oakley; treasure, Mrs. W, B. JCorthup; chairman committee on . 'rArt,,Jley sand vacant Jots,",,. Mr. Wbltefoord, prnltb; airman coramU teaon. sanitation, .vJJ!r.. Jame,s.fiy. Shaw chairman, cnmmltje ,on. .frees ndt Hani fsulturi Mr. ,rA) wanjlsr Cowley, ohftlrmanflmmltt on law M JegMaitotv; Mri. X.A, JSHnclalw PTf,d puVUJ&tt"n.fra.;rnr X?H nouinsofl.cnwrmae omiruit jot therorgalatIon eMhe, Junior elvlo league, (Mj;, ftalpk ,B.; fceo..., , . . ,, , Jhe muibefoAel,bow-a reported many llpe,t,ance, o(JjrMw.,lltUret v In elv;,l(,bttermeivV aa result, of Maud!, Van fiuren'e Kpturc at,,wk. Offer at o,p.operalloikthav beeavr. eeived from number .of,the bu1- newj men, ,,anA member, of, alooal or! gapiiwuonfcA, collection qfi the 4(f 'rept, pnetera, placard, etc,. ..that Jiav been put out b. the,leiuewlll, He, eent put, by. . epeclal .jrQuet. . The lc4itu U working nhtihualaetUally fgt k city federation of iwomet' oluha and organisation., , Thf ,tlve , fadefaN ed dull. of, the city hv exweeaeil , their dHermlnat'Ion tto Jojn a.clty fed-) erwn.,,jnfi ctuoi are, the cuwent UlvrMute ,plub,, president., Mr. EL, P. ClillilHt, th.Wnman4, Club,', president, Blr, TV'liimw J. Cookew, jhe Friday club, pro3ldni.t,',.MJ Oraoe, Uaa Jt Jotifi-.the Traveler Qru.h,.preii!nt, lr.,J'irC. Tlttt'oiv!' the History' citify prudent. t-Wrft J, W... irut,in. ; ,Th! ,Frlond,ly ( tHwen lup, N, Oiroiwn t tVer vreHlden Im, $ii,trmii;,!him: 'x prewed r willlngn .t.Ci,' the , city federation,' , tlve woman' idylliory, uim.i u ,oi, ins Hwxua.Ta onarii ee alio. ;P5 I ..1 A - wifiwf, yt joe.aamiiwq, meejinj thU afternoon at! the ftsnr.letia tW teeuw.ib' city feAeraloh nI,chooii It . offloeri , w44' will . represent the different club. This movement nolnt' toward ... woman' olub .Jiou' In Aohevlile in the near future. , , , , Tlo ongr of the Clylce. , ,r You munt wake and call me early, call . me early mother flemr. f !f-. For tomorrow'Jl be the bujieet day of r , a,ll this rlad new year. Get out my mop and.,, bucket, the whitewash brush and.broom-r - Fur they're goln to clean up, Ashe vllle and they're bound to give ui room. , 1 The trash and Piled up timber, the - , pestiferous tin can, . Tomorrow, happily, , will .be boms to blush, unseen of man, In the city's fiery furnace in a less . .obtrusive way ,. ., And we're to be queen's of the 0ay, mnfher , we'r to be queen's of the day? We'll be waiting for the wagon with our boxes and our bas, With .boltlee, trash and ashes, with paper and yvith rugs;, , , , ... There'll -be no spot, no vacant lot, . where rubbish heaps may hid, For we're .out, to, clean, tip Ashevllle, no matter what betide, t ....... So wake and cal me early, call me early, mother dear, For tomorrow'll .lie the busiest day of all the glad new year. The hornosec.ker, f won't . kpow ,hle tJwii who come the first of May. And we're to be guie,n's of the day; mother, we're to be queen's of the day! , The pom,n's, cju.p .is i)0ea ,fpr its study subject for the ,comjln year, "A i Ccntyry ,( of, , .Frors, or Europe and America, since. , KU.",, h Current event will be a part of the dally pro gram, using the past as a back ground for the development of the history making1 in the present,, . the subject is such a large on l is prob able that two year wtjl be jyen to Us study The program commutes Sow at work upon,, the year book for 14-1S is as 'Mow: Mr Mary C. Robinson, chalrman,,,Mra B. Elisa beth Bolton, Mrs. Jchn T. Dunlop. . ,,A : fiilfour, orpbansg society . met tost, week at the, home; of ,lr.s) M,, VUtfT, on,W,n sireet, q , oranJM and.mako plar) fpr helplii n ..the care, and suppprf of the fort child ren gathered in that hunts for homeless. v The , present , need at ., th,e, orphanage !., an. , firniAryh and th,e women of -the societ.are busily tpro, vling whte palntipdnamel for anllaj' r.ute,-for,th , .flapr and, wls Curtain5 for th 'window., ..The. fnl- Jiwlng officers j were chosen.:'.,; Presi dent, Mrs. M. Luti: Jlrst, v(c presj- Y,lpe(,presldent', Irs., ,palph E, tfa;t secretary and , treasurer,' Mujs.j D,el GUlia natyroay i aitrrnoon tne ,,p. sletV- .,lwei.i -..014 , llpray Wilding on' Church, street t 4 o flloc, i)fMp. A PVHh; wilun. RbottTjie orphanage. ilnc.e. Us ovganlxutlon sojue nine or ten year ego with Hut wu on three mqtjintan wairj a inmates, There will ,'b some musical ntmber and ,jtes punch and sandwiches will be served, . has assumed deduit form here i,or e .lehratlor) O .tihe,, fiftieth .,,ft.t!fi,- (ought, ,ln.the ar between the states i, w41iMn' .-?nyfl tH nor of. the thlrty-pne, azalea, .repp?: sensed 1 te bate to att,en4 (together with thjlr ,netalffa,,)fti(,-onWAo,ta pf pDUtla,);rom.,th,e states also will be asked to, attend . ,r f .KiSihteep; state were ,jeaMtd .1, thirteen in the confederacy defend. ing forcet. "ifSeaied in a gottle it cotii(M 1 fee more ifcisl PrboU Dirt f . I tt Proof, Impurity 0??S A Proof! wf Thfe new Concentration, Me of Wool aridJilk Wc tiSvc cbricfintica ii 13fgc 61: icctidfl of mi i hat hive bcefi selling it S2Si $27:3(1, 30, 32.50, nd -35 ifito NE LARGE LT: ffecsc are to be sold at. the popular price of $29.00 Et ciybflc Sf fHee' silits a7e trilS $ci- fflerTRa'fjdise; gbcM fflodels, ii m ' '' ' If VcwwfiSCr. Why Donr ou Wmr a Gomdrdf Hive you iiny idea incy wbuMn't stirt .four figure do, you. consider tia the ar t'6 eTi pensive? Whether you are heavy or win' or ; ', Vjust w6 have a niodet that eittf. Bvit you we will prove this by a trial fitting As to price,- look at this new i - TixT alBl ftoriarjf, wrfci MtalatUJ, taUur., ejjr bai'k effect.' .. t,- r-, . woman can be pucd ,Uluu ipv nUgtit call a ,','ftuidj', ,cor-, , e- made h tft , durehfo ...( Cverlast cloth and jtslced, . eUes ,;' ..$2.''0v) IfA oily . &Psiib of Vj5 ir on a uos-saTdt- the ongirin front laced corset,; and see' how Mtxd yoWr baelt is; without disfiCTr--ing, bones; afii la'efe JAiH reason. front-laced Oossard we n'iyp.tMdd nsurfe.'.6u can $2.00 .50, e 5.i 25.00 an'd Sy fftm JfV1 -Ul: il' up 10 Mfidef 150. LL Y. MOORE Ci GO. ' iiPdUbtiAvS; - keeps dot dairtpness-ateivvra tne air. Eveiy thiiig ttndesirabb itttflf cbttipletair away itoM ih$ ffesli : compieteJ pure beneficial dainty inside; $3 gfve ftsmt mMms pi4 to your leeui.' aigcsuon, orqain aiiu appeuie vim me gum wi th "Seal Of Ptity, m. sa evrr m m a r- V ' : it M ffffi B01 f of 85 cHts at iridst 4eaier: stftii KoV rotSLris feW 5 cent paclca TM&WMMWWk&i; Ghew it mm meal icaKiuWRIGLEY'S. Look (of iiie &af. A Summer FodtWear ,Th!e. verj kln,d yon are (iooWn q for. The.,sze nd. width to fit you in the ver latest New Torlc Styles. "They'll ploase You. . , Boston Shoe Store - ... ., . Clement A Chamber. ? Tango, Hesitation, One Step, Argentine. - ':ftMuii6!ii5iite:.' "wWofiasWrurt!. V ;'fcwe.'- 'i ittWfT! ' V. w"W-etr';; Phone Hit , . , iAteeffiot tiirn$ - 1 Mdntiotf &l i nun- 'ii HI mi 'ii ii i- -"i in - ii iim iit ii m l imtIT tbI si i mi i "i sin aiisnnsi men Mbrt Ptisitiiiisiers Appointed fat tiMtti eafbim fawm nil ; W i H. SfnniiliiC) , ,.... ., ....... i ., rr 1? Bojrtta , xouuuv u w wet tyK. mot . .Mn ri. Mayaan. Lewlaton, Bertie ... oouiitx.. 8a!J(lers;, iKiw .Ge,, .jnTy J.imciiIi . 1.. Conkcrheni :, , J l!Vk fouckinKtiam' county Joq.ST, ri;e;, UuKin-ftooHinffani ,v,aounty,; J fcemw. .atni-Qiiebwl,. JVI)- '.WHW-rt'. ; bim - ft. Jovnor: Wllkesihwro. Wflkan euunlr.' Norm an 6. Smioak: r-WVoX- liiwn. Ntlwy,th)n.ointJft'1 siL' (jjrlffln; Jfyiwah, liendereon county, Pearl C. Hash. ., ... passed tne examination wlUi a srood Shelton: Oraaey Oeok. Ashe county, Bdwln. n,0xr; vw,lsi'iHo. Jifttthe county, John T. Polndexter; Ulesvllle insotji.,, county, n itobwft Li. .Wndsan; Iwama.WtWo cp.W1!4. MpRaeBoy,T ettei.s AJre.gprB, StokeeonvnU,. VlJUf m tQvlS9Xi Prwtor?ll, toW son, county, .Pearson .p-,8mltJii. samvlUe. Beanf ofti .opnty, , Jwowe , T., oaunty. fllinean craven, oounty. nraa. ville' Oale oou'utt.' Jamaa Wfirown; :'TiinnPfl1pt,M?!llfP. Warren oounty, ArthuT W. Parkinson; WetaUL" SuOT,.couMl.iCirtJea a lij' tnoeyll'.' (3.well runt 'swf.WJferrjf. A-wore,. fieaufort oounty, Ehifene T. Hooker; caroleen, Rutjherford oount?, William C, Mlnch; ColoraiA..JBartl county. A4di0'.-4-SC Perry' Morrlinllle, wake oounty, dwta,W. CJemente; Norynsar tin oountji' . Albert B,. Lavtfhter;', Ore 1U11, Chatham county, O.Aurg-wyn Gorrell; Palhiyra, iral( o'?My. Harrison! Riahlandn, Onslow oount Ianao B. Koouce; . Roartns Rivtf, V?HKa county,' Tiiomaa Mc Neil; ftoiiiwell. Rowan eou'ii'ty,' Ooorite H. ., f eelr;' , Ronl;,, county. Koajv E.P;irlalrj Ktate ,RoaO. Surrr ounty." .Tlioiiova A., Gentry; StomsvlllcC Rcckinihara county. .Thoe. I Smithy Snow CaiaP. . Ala'nianue , county, Wil liam . Fojlemau;" Thelma,' Hallfw oounty, Charle D. House; Vaughn, Warren county, Iary I ,Vuuifhn; Wendell,! , Waae .county. Millard J2. Haleei Wiiigato, Union, county. Robert 1, ...McWhlrter; ... Woodlpaf, , Rowan oounty," Nathan A JFlerolns; . Big UcK. Stanly county. XXw'el EEflrd; Ofp. etelt ,)Wahlnt,nn county.,,, Iwnlel Ji- Woodloi Dapcy,i;ance countx. Let,-, lmus W.. Borreuitl;j6o,ckfy. ,yilkt!8 counts John .P. Cburvb;' .Qerma(ito. Stoke .oovinty,' .-Miss) ...F.-vnnle rOavtai KciJLKsvllle, IlalltfttJt..count,',Mamle,. Kavijle; lobUsvllle, .(Jaitsi oounW, Mllle W. Hobus;, Hookertop GTcene county-. 1 Norvllle H. Palmer; , Jasnes vmeTTirirtlniiuTitJTMexa n ffi'i1 nne5 ! 'Keener, Sr.njyson .ooufUy. . K. D. Mc LCullen: Loray, Iredell oounty. James U., BaweU;,, Mprry Oaks, Chatham K)uuiy. , MhIcus O. .M1u. jiabuma. IJUthm.f9"'Hy,.Adolpnus ,W. TUlcji Bear (S-eok, Cnathan) coun.y, Qrover C. Phillips) Bonier. Chatham county. ! I'Mitsmifj ir. Tr.iriii r"tif,, 0oa ratiui ana! ,-eaSiS, patron of the rOffJowhswe ,-lee era'permaneivtly appointed In Ufa olssuTlcsjf.'onfiic; ,, . ,sj.n" ntfw Conway,' KDrthampton pwuntyi,.T51- Bam T. Brldfer- tinfiiimfrftoriSi' lliuion-WarrD.-oounty..Luia G. Har, iriV . ,ookyx jtoti epdej. .oounity;: eountJ'. drewaeri Jkrfja, Clinuut. Oullforit. county JAWooUiL. I Allref;', ...Co?(eJ'i Hertford .oou'ntT,! annne; (j.jrreiiti.vpsjwvieiep. count's,', pefi.f&uod tree i-,gr,uich,- Seld,' Siv rjf county ,?!hoe, prau-tw; reenwood, .(Jullford county. .Walter, oounty, JoJin,,U,. Man;, :,Lfgerweod, CSala well , county, , Joseph' .AV IMlott; McLeansvllle, QutlfOrd .oounty, peter IV. Boone i.lNoTtbBi4 GTaflY1Ue coun, nWJlilteiiyW eon . oounty,, .Huglx piionroe; Bandy $enhord.. Northampton oounty, B. A. Harris; gnowdar tpyrXtuck oounty, Fleetwood P. 6no,wden WeekavlUe, Poaquotank county, Charlea C Meade; . m,, hm. y.eMU'if W4J4:; 1 tiUphm ee cast y eeM e reifee. , UJ.U ,.L. R -p , Alt vavs m Whether yea tray ono ton oi; 2 ton you wlU AliWATS nnt It nntform fii , 6tfAURfr,' It oinrs wneiner neTi vsei ft frate, ranee or heater. priosras iio. id Patt Maxlie, Arfetitine Tango,' Hes itations, Etc. Hamfftwn, Martin oranty, Sallle E. BwelL .The , foTtowln,,pWnrisXe4e,.,haTe been' ordered, coonUnvted temporarily. Host instance of this' kind are where none of the applicants' passed the ex amination; .. , ttwoowlnky,' Beaufort cminty,' Pat- WUULJ, JUMU AiJiTWltWi;, vjiwjjk, jtuii- Jord oounty, W, . Bowjnan; Merry Ml. Bertie coupU. Sallle. H. Adams; Pine Hall, Stokes oounty, James ,C. flynn; Popk . Bran ph. Currltuok oounty, Daniel W, Woodhouse. J The louarwtnf henre been temporar-1 fly designated to aot aa postmaaterst . Nealsrllle McDoweR county, Iee A. fiaburn;' Campbell, toxeejeonatjr, Wari ,C-WaU;,,Walkerton.JE:orr HaUertUe,' . IVuplia funl,'-4amujel. ,0 Mlddletont .. Pendleton, . ?nrthanxpton coflny.Joewlb, 5L,,.Johnou;,aleint; bujr. jSampeon oounty. Franklin' D. Parker... . ..,r H SKATINQ Olyiripk- This Afternoon and Tonliit,u Corner Penland and Walnut Su. The eeil work of Rajph Com stoilC.tW forjnjer ij4nrij;apols twlrler! atainpe him,. trons,BDoug'h, to hold down, a regular Job with th Detroit Tlfsra -.. ., ,.. ; ' . . i .'n " ... .. . v AJIanatNlid Xo'tSaCc. Induqtrle , ,ff ,.,Nativ,ake,t,;.Han:4wovtn. Cover'!, let, . Rugs, Portiere. . etc., Salesroom open ronv a,tm. to ..- , 12 K Church! SL w AahevUK W. O. ; TiScfiiaijv'Ar. .Tftth,, ,ljf,pfl0to,rinlyest,1Au1.,ldC es tablished njanuact5r1lrn,,puataefas.Jde- elrln'Je increase outpulj. Befereno required. PBor OJI," J Advt lot ; . BawiW jffia$;r . , -.sdJsrent o BUtmnraatat ,n, jranije ..and , termlnu .Aeheirtlle-BUt-. more caf line. . TeleDhone us your ordersj ior, Uveij ,(Iot,h .BlltmoreJEa-, ; ujpieet fwk, at r- or .traln.a Afltc more and.tsle .thU, lemons rlY Eir. tate open to vlcltor Tuecnlai-, Thue el rtnr1i f i'Tihote 114. LMfl GfS S6fea Baisre'claltixtur 6f me'se: one 6f the Mst for lawns. Also full line Gardei Seed and Onion Sets. Phone prders ,will have pn$f alfentioi' Walkftt;spr 'fiofiel 163 i 132 1 , . ' f 1 itim 'iiiiiiiiiiTTtrf f -tf nii VJ, , 7 r WMy Kfg sAeaJ f Ttt?! ,CAj2t(, CpiDJtNT If loath Msln Walk; a Block tend Serf a Dollar. : 57.-5U to S45.0D CvltiaXJJ ye - t irv ft. 3 1 I

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